Saturday, October 01, 2011

Lawrence O'Donnell delivers an EPIC smackdown of Sarah Palin! We call this "Must see TV!"

Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy

Okay THAT was a thing of beauty!


  1. Anonymous2:12 AM

    Love it! Thanks for sharing a truthful and accurate assessment of Mrs. Palin's recent behavior!

    Great job again Gryph!

  2. Anonymous2:36 AM

    Sarah, how was September for you? My guess, October will be even better. Why don't you just sit down and shut up? If the GOP really wants Sarah Palin, they will call you.

  3. Anonymous2:36 AM

    Gryphen: SP could not have been leaking for a month as Levi said!
    The whole bulletin reveals more but this is my favorite...(ACOG=American College of Obsetricians and Gynecologists)
    ACOG Practice Bulletin: Number 80
    April 2007 Premature Rupture of Membranes.
    "Can preterm PROM be managed with home
    Generally, hospitalization for bed rest and pelvic rest is indicated after preterm PROM once viability is reached.
    Recognizing that latency is frequently brief, that intrauterine and fetal infection may occur suddenly, and that the fetus is at risk for umbilical cord compression, ongoing surveillance of both the woman and her fetus is recommended once the limit of potential viability has
    been reached. For a woman with preterm PROM and a viable fetus, the safety of expectant management at home has not been established. One clinical trial of discharge after preterm PROM suggested that relatively few patients will be eligible for discharge to home care (91). Only 67 of 349 women (18%) were eligible for antepartum home care after 72 hours (negative cervical cultures and no evident
    labor, intrauterine infection, or fetal compromise). There were no identifiable differences in latency or in the incidences of intraamniotic infection, variable decelerations, or cesarean delivery. Infant outcomes were similar, but the power of this study to identify differences in
    these outcomes was low. Although the potential for a reduction in health care costs with antepartum discharge is enticing, it is important to ensure that such management will not be associated with increased risks and costs related to perinatal morbidity and mortality. Any cost savings from antenatal discharge may be rapidly lost with a small increase in the stay in the neonatal intensive care unit."
    There's a lot more.

  4. Anonymous2:44 AM

    Thanks for posting this!!! Epic!! i only see clips of Fox News on "The Daily Show" so i miss all these cringe-worthy appearances by SP. O'Donnell is great in this clip and, i believe, right.

    I've just finished "The Rogue". O'Donnell's piece almost makes up for failure on the media's part to interview Joe. or even read his book and treat it seriously. and yet SP continues to prove how accurate many of the perceptions and commentary in that book are.

  5. Anonymous2:46 AM

    I just submitted the ACOG PROM Bulletin and then I thought-
    Could Bristol have had the leaking membranes for 1 month and been hospitalized in the regional center for the time she was missing with "mono"?

  6. I enjoyed that!

  7. Anonymous2:58 AM

    I love it. All the LSM is finally going after her. Fox will suffer in the end if they don't quit protecting her. She will make them look like fools. People who already haven't caught on will lose respect for Fox.

  8. I LOVE LOD! This was a perfect way to start my Saturday morning. Thanks for posting it, Gryphen!!!

  9. Anonymous3:41 AM


  10. Anonymous3:47 AM

    For three years I have been waiting to hear one thing - the fat lady singing. Can you hear it too? It's getting louder and louder and louder... and though it took such a long time, it was worth the wait.

    B'bye Sarah, b'bye!

  11. Anonymous3:48 AM

    I LOVE Laurence and I LOVED this segment, however, I think this crazy bitch has something up her sleeve, and I think she is going to run. I know, I know, it's a f'ing crazy notion.......but we are talking about this f'ing crazy ass bitch.

  12. Anonymous3:48 AM

    As a happily married father of three,
    I have a serious man crush on LD.

    Not that there's anything wrong with that.

  13. Anonymous3:50 AM

    Gawd...he but thrashed her good!
    And the pictures of her he used...hahahaha!
    She's so stupid she thinks there aren't tapes out there "refudiating" her mis-information??
    It's October...can she make it through the month without a major melt-down?
    Psst..$arah...where's Tri-G?. Can't get a photo-op with him now for fear he'll "smack" 'ya?

  14. Paisley3:51 AM

    Spot on. A thing of beauty!

  15. Now THAT was something to wake up to. LOVE it!

  16. " conderdicting.."
    Definition: what she does to herself every time she opens her mouth. (About the 6:00 mark on the video).

    I hope she's wearing a parachute because she's in a free-fall.

  17. WOW!!!!!!!


    AND I'm off to see YOU BETCHA! later today!


  18. Anonymous4:05 AM

    Amusing to hear $arah quoting all those polls when just a month ago she was telling a crowd that poles were for strippers and skiers.

    $arah, old Herbie Cain may in fact be the flavor of the week but at least he had the balls to put himself on the menu.

  19. JayKen Knotstirred4:13 AM

    Hi Sarah, Welcome Back!

    Quick question, Where's Trigs Birth Certificate?

  20. Holly4:21 AM

    Truly epic. Does her cluelessness know no bounds?! And thanks, Mr. O'Donnell for giving me a new phrase, "he's getting all fair and balanced on her ass!"

    That woman is being hoisted by her own petard. (Bristol, try the Oxford dictionary website for that one. And petard is no typo. Don't confuse it for the horrible slur your mother calls your son/brother.)

    Thank you for sharing.

  21. Anonymous4:21 AM

    What is funny is the only reason people like palin is her sexuality to both men and women, I don't see it, a lot do. What is bringing her down is the same reason, now that it has ce out that she had sex with a black man it is bringing her down fast. The whole teabagger thing started wit a black being put in the white house, and if I may be so crude. Her magical lovers do no want some black mans sloppy seconds, it has turned a lot if them off. I haven't heard her deny the one night stand.

  22. Anonymous4:22 AM

    Sarah is spreading meth-information at her work place.. Faux News.

  23. Randall4:30 AM

    Miss Information couldn't even speak the truth when she was speaking the truth.

    Irony: it's good for the blood.

  24. Anonymous4:41 AM

    OT: What ever happened to Bristol's DWTS baby? How many babies have popped out of her anyway?

    ON TOPIC: That LOD smackdown was a true thing of beauty. Lawrence put it all together. The best was the tape showing Sarah didn't care that Napolitano was telling her she had said something that couldn't be repudiated she just wanted to point out Megan(sp?) Kelly was being mean and spreading disinformation about her, something about Palin being "way down in the polls." Sarah never disappoints in proving what Joe, Gyphen, and Dunn have written about the vindictive personality disorder that is Palin. She is just a has-been at this point.

  25. It was hysterical...seriously, I look forward to the news each night now to see who is going to 'dis' her next. I loved his smirk. I am not one that usually likes total humiliation of fellow human beings but Scarah has brought this all upon herself. She is full denial and in fighting mode and doesn't realize that she is only making it worse. One could almost feel pity for the poor dear but I don't necessarily want her running and screaming into a padded room but to just STFU once and for all. How in the hell does she think she is even qualified to give an opinion on anything let alone national politics? She has been an open sore that she insists upon squeezing more poisonous venom to incite more hatred and discontent the longer she is given a platform.
    Luckily, even Fox is tired of her. Going after the hand that feeds her will be her final undoing, hopefully.

  26. Anonymous4:49 AM

    Aww, too bad, Sarah. Not going to be able to have a title and not going to even be able to be known as an "also ran". I guess Michele took away that first-woman-to-run- for President on the Repube's ticket. Truly everything that Palin touches turns to shit. God really, really doesn't like Sarah Palin. So glad that so many voted in '08 that the R's couldn't steal the election. Everybody better vote against the R's in the '12 because if it's even close the Diebolds will steal it for them. Just recall Florida/SCOTUS in '00 and Ohio in '04. Get active!

  27. Anonymous4:53 AM

    "Condordictory" is her new mangled word.

  28. Anonymous4:54 AM

    Wow! Sarah is really coming unhinged and Lawrence O'Donnell does a great job of showing it. I love when he shows her lie about calling "Herb" Cain the "flavor of the week" with all due respect of course. I guess she is kind of telling the truth, because she said she didn't call "Herman" Cain the flavor of the week, and she didn't because she called him "Herb". Those are the kind of self-justification she uses for her lies. And, what fun to listen to her going after Ms. Kelly like that. I am sure she is so damned jealous because she is obviously prettier, younger, and very obvious so much smarter than Sarah.

    Also love that he shows her real mean girl attitude toward Juan for taking issue with her use of words. Just like a Jr. High bully, she has his name and he is going down.

    What's that..polls are for strippers and track meets...but now she is saying she is only 5 points behind Obama is one? Again, her jr. high mentality comes out.

    Give it up, Sarah.

  29. Smirnonn4:55 AM

    Hi Sarah!

    The end draws nigh....

    Not a moment too soon!!

  30. Anonymous4:57 AM

    Ahh, the early Sarah, lip liner and the lavish application of a rouge Tammy Faye would be envious of.

    Her teeth are lovely. That is the only nice thing I can actually ever say about our Sarah.

    Were it not for her stunning caps, how far could she have plowed through those doors God keeps forgetting to shut all over the place?

    LOL, she said she was kinda scratching her head at Megan Kelly - more like pulling your hair out you manic freak. Add another hair-piece to your collection Sarah.

  31. Anonymous4:57 AM

    Wow! She is getting it from all sides. I picked up a book from the library on the current economic plight and in the second paragraph the author started to describe Sarah and the acceptance speech she gave at the Republican convention in Sept 2008. He described her speech as "...whipping up the crowd with the promise of a cultural civil war". "It's a transparent attempt to mass market militancy and frustration...and work that crowd up into a lather." He goes on to say "This speech wasn't designed to win a general election, it was designed to introduce a new celebrity, a make-believe servant of the people so phony that later in her new career she will not even bother to hold an elective office."
    Griftopia by Matt Taibbi

  32. Anonymous4:59 AM

    Wow! That was really lovely.


  33. Anonymous5:03 AM

    That made me HAPPY! I'll be glad when that super thin ice breaks and she falls through.

  34. BAustin5:05 AM

    Hahahah....wanna bet palin is let go from her fox contractmsoon? and not because she plans to run for president.

    Talk abou biting the hand that feeds you. It also makest clear that palin can't control her mean girl self. And should never eve r get near the white house!

  35. Anonymous5:16 AM

    Agreed and THANK YOU!!

    I missed the show tonight because I had to work late....

    Didn't really feel the need to catch up, but came on my favorite blog EVER and there you have this AMAZING video.


    he tore her a new asshole.

    Much thanks gryph!!!!!

  36. Anonymous5:16 AM

    Agreed and THANK YOU!!

    I missed the show tonight because I had to work late....

    Didn't really feel the need to catch up, but came on my favorite blog EVER and there you have this AMAZING video.


    he tore her a new asshole.

    Much thanks gryph!!!!!

  37. Anonymous5:18 AM

    Oh, oh, oh! Beautiful. What an self-centered idiot she is. Nothing I love better than seeing that mean girl venom turned on Fox.

    Ailes was pissed at her before, after her blood liable disaster. Why should he keep her on after this? She's gone rogue on him too many times. Loose canons sink ships.

    Hopefully he'll feel the need to deliver a coup de grace so that he doesn't lose her bots when he cuts her loose.

  38. Anonymous5:23 AM

    Time to break out the champagne and chocolate truffles.

    True to form, Granny P. bites the hand that feeds her yet again.

    I hope Glen Beck and Franklin Graham are not reading this blog. I'm reasonably sure Granny has tried charming both of these gentlemen into giving her a platform in their organizations. If so, it will only be a matter of a few months before Granny has a knife in their backs while she steps into their spotlight.

  39. AJ Billings5:30 AM

    I think that's Lyda Green in the film clip, and if anyone knows how shallow, incompetent, and idiotic PAYlin is, she certainly does.

    $o, $arah, you ARE afraid to declare aren't you? YOu are a chicken to get on the stage with the other candidates, and talk real issues, because NOTHING WILL BE SCRIPTED!!

    You are afraid you also might lose it, and start screaming at others like you do to your kids and Tawd.

    We know all about it now $arah.

    And, also too, you CONNER-dict yourself at every interview, like the one about HERB CAIN! :)

    Wait, what's that noise? Why , it's the PBOT express, rushing for the exits, taking your precious donation money with them.

  40. Anonymous5:31 AM

    Ooohhhh, this is getting GOOD!

    The slithering ditherer stikes again.


  41. Anonymous5:43 AM

    Great video - right on Lawrence !

    Regulars here will also enjoy this story:

    First Lady Michelle Obama goes incognito during shopping trip to Target

    (ps; you just know that if this were palin, she would have camera in tow, all the while saying 'Look at me ! Look at me !)

  42. dizipoo5:47 AM

    Lace up your skates Mrs P. You've easily replaced Tanya Harding as the most disrespected 'skater' of them all. All those fancy figure-eights you've skated around the truth won't get you any high scores but they do bring you the only perfect '10' you'll ever see --- Zero as a mayor, zero as a guv, zero as a VP candidate, zero as a historian, zero as a 'feminist', zero as a lover of Nature, zero as a pageant winner, zero as an 'author', zero as a neighbor and finally and most importantly, a zero at being a loyal and respectful American for the non-stop mendacious bashing of a sitting President, both here and abroad. That's my 10, I'm certain there are more........

    Big thanks and hugs to Regina and Gryphen for sharing Lawrence O'Donnell's video. Crrr-rraacckk!!!

  43. Her only hope now is to make a big bucks deal for the Trig story. Book, magazines, Barbara Walters.....her only hope for a last big payday.

  44. Anonymous5:52 AM

    Anonymous said...
    OT: What ever happened to Bristol's DWTS baby? How many babies have popped out of her anyway?

    4:41 AM
    Tristan, isn't it, Bristol ?

    At least you're consistent with your baby names, if not your birth control methods.

    Also, Gryphen, yesterday was mandatory filing day for the quarterly PAC reports, have you gotten them yet ?

    Hope there's some good stuff in there, I'm sure there will be !

  45. Anonymous5:52 AM

    If $P has not already been released from her Fox Noise contract, she clearly knows by now they will not br renewing it. Soooooo, she "gins up" yet another controversy to provide a faux reason for her dismissal...

    That old grizzly has no new tricks.

    Tickety, tickety, tock.


  46. Anonymous5:54 AM

    It's October !st and it's over. She can't run now. She's lost her credibility. We have IM to thank for keeping her from running. I think we also have whoever had the night (?) of passion that produced Trig to thank since w/o him, she would not have had that shackle. And we have our president to thank since he has such a level of competence that, even if she had run, she never would have had a chance. All of these things, plus Sarah's own stupidity, have kept her in check. But, in some ways, Sarah Palin has served as a cautionary tale and we may have her to thank for waking people up. Let's hope that our nation has learned its' lesson and is better for it.

  47. Anonymous5:58 AM

    Po widdle Sowah....


  48. Anonymous6:01 AM

    This shout-out & appropriate song goes out to Sarah PAYlin.

    by Green Day


  49. Anonymous6:13 AM

    OMG I am so sending this man my first born daughter!

  50. Anonymous6:20 AM

    Dizipoo 5:47 AM:

    You NAILED it!

  51. Anonymous6:22 AM

    To be fair, this is the poll SP is referring to. LOD didn't put up the part she refers to. But even the part she refers to (how she vs. the other candidates do against OBama) doesn't say what she said it did. Poor SP. Can't get anything right.

  52. PalinsHoax6:43 AM

    Gee $arah. It looks like God is opening a door for you after all.

    And you don't even have to plough through it, because the door is being held wide open for you - with a sign above it that says EXIT.

  53. Anonymous6:57 AM

    That was awesome! Nice to see a journalist with the balls to call her out.

  54. Anonymous7:11 AM

    I would of love to see the Sarah and Todd smack down after Todd learned that his wonky eyed over sexed wife loves to ride African Americans.

  55. Anonymous7:12 AM

    There are no timelines for crazy.

  56. Anonymous7:12 AM

    It's so evident here that SP's priority, number 1 priority is her, her feelings. Her secondary priority would be that she's financially comfortable, employed with million-dollar jobs that require only a few minutes of work, per week or month.

    Her least important priority is that of serving in any capacity, running for president, working toward the greater good, choosing a career that creates common positive results.

    Whatever controls her mind is making sure she bites the hands that feed her; makes sure she always has a grievance against her peers, spit and venom against POTUS, total disprespect and total blind disdain for her supporters, makes sure she NEVER apologizes for anything, makes sure she thinks she's pretty close to being perfect.......this should alarm her most of all......because she must know that the Bible says, "Thou shalt have no other Gods before me" and "I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the Most High".

  57. Anonymous7:15 AM

    Anonymous said...

    For three years I have been waiting to hear one thing - the fat lady singing. Can you hear it too? It's getting louder and louder and louder... and though it took such a long time, it was worth the wait.

    B'bye Sarah, b'bye!

    3:47 AM

    That's not very Christian of you to make fun of my size and singing!
    -Bristol Palin

  58. Anonymous7:17 AM

    Scotty, it is time to beam Sarah up.

  59. That was the best take down of The Granny Grifter ever! Lawrence O'Donnell just nailed her cottage cheese butt to the wall! Fox News should cut her loose and John McCain should be hanging his head in shame for the rest of his life.
    Now, somebody just needs to convince Sarah that God has sealed the crack in that open door and thrown away the key. Sarah needs to do some fancy pageant walking and just go away.

  60. Anonymous7:43 AM

    Sounds like the Grifter is trying too parlay a CNN gig with all the praise she's heaping on them lately. Maybe she and Wolfie can team up to deliver misinformation together--about her standing in the "poles".

    Redstate has been hysterical the past 2 days with their Palin announcement countdown--even posted a suicide hotline number for despairing Palinbots.

  61. Anonymous7:45 AM

    Well, well, well. Now THAT was a thing of absolute beauty! Lawrence done did her in...and in a very effective 'connect the dots' kind of way. He just 'calls it like he sees it' to coin a phrase by Griftitia herself.

    She has got to be FUMING if she saw this, and you KNOW she did.

    That snaggly bumpit babe is seething that her star is plummeting in full living HD color on 52 inch screens around the globe and she can't do bupkiss about it.

    She can try, she can attempt to put out some lameass statement in the media, but by now EVERYONE knows that is coming and will take it with a HUGE grain of salt for it's authenticity.

    It is truly coming down to the final wire, now isn't, Mrs. Palin. You sought the limelight and now you will be eviscerated on the world stage, permanently, politically gutted like you have so many innocent animals with the glee and abandon you have in the past. I'm reminded of that turkey that was ground up in the background of your yipping and yapping and feel absolutely NO sympathy for your plight.

    Fast forward to 2:49 for the spectacle of death:

    God is letting you know Sarah that it is time to SIT DOWN and SHUT THE FUCK UP. Whether you do that is your choice, but be warned, it WILL ONLY GET WORSE.

    If you think you can squirm out of this conundrum with winks and flirts, licking lips and come hither thigh stroking, well think again. Even the 'Belmont Girls' won't work this time Missy, no matter how much you pump them up. No roadkill hairpiece, no ridiculous big American Flag pin prop, even the wailing of your children being victimized won't fly, since you put them front and center in 2008, you put them front and center in your reality crap show, you put them front and center on your bus vacation joke.

    No ghostwritten Facebook screed will save your ass this time, chickadee. No cleverly timed Tweet will recover your abysmal failure of existence. Nope, nada.

    All the cards have been played Simple Sarah and you are in a slide to has-been hell faster than those bullet trains that the big, bad black man in the White House is encouraging the country to embrace for the sake of our future. (You know, the one that doesn't give you the time of day that you've been obsessing over since you first laid eyes on his magnificent countenance, the one that has a warm and loving, gracious and humble, gorgeous and mentally fit wife and children, the one that you won't ever get to give the 'Glenn Rice' treatment to which I know BURNS YOUR ASS in a big way. Nope, he's pretty much brushed you off like the piece of slimy, grimy, greasy, sleazy, snake oil, con artist, grifting fluff that you are and it is eating you up inside that your high school girl tricks and feminine wiles are not even causing him to glance your way and it is just killing you.)

    You have squandered each and every opportunity that was put in your path and boy are we glad you did.

  62. Anonymous7:47 AM

    A president is called upon to make the tough decisions after consulting with staff and experts. A president does not "dither" for months, teasing people and playing games. Decisive! Able to make a reasoned decision and explain why. That's not Sarah Palin.

    I think I know what's going on. Sarah would love to be in it, and if she still had the strong backing of Murdoch, Ailes, Koch Brothers and the Republican power brokers, she would have announced. She lost their support when she gave that Blood Libel speech.

    Sarah is still hoping that the current field of candidates will destroy each other. Then, all will be forgiving and she hopes to be asked to step in and clean up the mess. It isn't going to happen.

    Sarah is trying to figure out if she has the following and the money to run a third party campaign. I'll mention two people who tried: Ross Perot and Ralph Nader. Because of Ross, Bill Clinton was elected. Because of Ralph, George W. Bush was elected. Sarah will steal votes from the Republican candidate; Obama will win.

    Sarah is still trying to figure out how to keep her fans donating to her PAC. Another book? Another movie? Roll out the bus again? Another reality show on TV? It's harder and harder to remain relevant when people have moved on to the newest, tastier, sweeter flavors.

    The decision was made some time ago for Sarah. She is still trying to figure out how to Run Rogue and remain important and influential. It doesn't help to pick fights with the people on Fox who are told to humor her. A couple of speeches, maybe a new wig and bra. Even the most famous pop stars has trouble reinventing themselves.

  63. Anonymous7:48 AM

    Anonymous said...
    I just submitted the ACOG PROM Bulletin and then I thought-
    Could Bristol have had the leaking membranes for 1 month and been hospitalized in the regional center for the time she was missing with "mono"?
    2:46 AM

    WOWZER!! YOU GOT SOMETHING THERE!! I'll bet your right!!

  64. Anonymous7:50 AM

    I hope FOX news realizes that they can cash in on Ms. P's downfall big time. They should fire her ass for lack of loyalty and then start to report on (and actually investigate) these lies and crimes she has been a party to. They could get an entire two weeks out of Housegate alone! Then Dairygate, income tax evasion, receiving illegal gifts (how DID she and Todd afford all that stuff, house, cabin, snowmachines, etc. on their salaries while raising 4 kids?) And finally, how Palin faked a pregnancy of a DS kid to enhance her pro-life creds. They can get 6 solid months (at least) of material reporting on Palin's misdeeds 24/7. Go for it FOX!

  65. Ah, Ellodee. How I love thee.


    Hey Sarah, you better get a fake Trig STAT to wave around as a shiny distraction!

  66. DominionistEscapee7:58 AM

    Loved it. And thought the clip of her INSISTING that Juan Williams had been mean to her was hilarious, especially following so closely the clip about how she reacts to perceived slights like a junior high girl. She just could not drop it long enough to address the actual question! Damn.

  67. Anonymous8:01 AM

    If Sarah is such a big fan of "Herb" Cain as she said was during her interview on FOX, why can't she get his name correct? With her vindictive words towards FOX, you have to wonder if FOX told her before the interviews that she was being cut. FOX, afterall was her main means of support, and without FOX giving her the exposure they've given her in the past, she must know her speaker's fee and her demand will drop significantly. I hope she saved some of her earnings. It might also get Todd thinking that maybe he had better get his 50% percent before it is waited by Sarah.

  68. Anonymous8:07 AM

    I hope there's some blowback for Bible Spice for dissing fox noise. Ailes must have zillions of bits of nasty info on her just waiting for the day that she jumps ship to cnn and begins her anti-fox crusade.

    One thing that has stuck out for me in reading The Rogue is that she picks fights & goes on personal vendettas against people who can't, or are unwilling to, fight back. Ailes and fox noise do not fall into that category. Meggy Kelly does not fall into that category. Or even pathetic litle Juan W.

    I have been so looking forward to the day -- since 2007 -- that she would pick a fight with someone who would fight back & take her down. Looks like she's become unhinged enough to become less careful about the fights she picks.

    Does the stupid beeyatch actually think Ailes gives a rats if he gets a bunch of emails & phone calls from her supporters? He'll be laughing. "Hey look at how this one spelled MORAN! And he won't watch fox again? That's so sad!"

    Bible Spice & her disgusting husband may have people cowering in fear in Wasilla, but the rest of the state? No way. She is a washed-up aging hag with NO POWER outside of the Wasilla bible belt.

    The only thing surprising in The Rogue is just how awful & petty she is. She is like a Koch, but without the money. Good luck to her in stretching out those dollars -- she's going to be in some pretty desperate straits when the fox noise money train kicks her out at the next station.

    Good riddance.

  69. DominionistEscapee8:10 AM

    3:48 AM said: "I think this crazy bitch has something up her sleeve, and I think she is going to run. I know, I know, it's a f'ing crazy notion.......but we are talking about this f'ing crazy ass bitch."

    I kinda got that impression too. I noticed she kept talking about "the other candidates," as if she is one. Might just be the meth talking, but still seemed indicative of what's going on in her insane brain right now.

  70. Poor Sarah, she's such a bad liar. She says something one day, and denies it the next. Who cares if they've got her on video, that video was obviously photoshopped, now wasn't it?

    Sarah said she would decide by the end of September. I believe her exact words were "drop dead" date. Now she denies that was what she meant when she said it. How dare we put words back in her mouth?

    You see, folks, Sarah Palin can tell you what she's thinking right now, but that might well be the exact opposite of the words she was using only yesterday. When she said the sun was shining, she really meant it was cloudy and cold. It's our fault for not taking off our sunglasses in the blinding sunlight and recognizing that.

    Apparently only Sarah has the secret decoding ring for Sarah-speak.

  71. Anonymous8:14 AM

    just want to add that a major theme of all the books on Sarah Palin--The Rogue, Blind Allegiance, Lies of Sarah Palin, is Sarah turning on her allies---and without any self-awareness, here is sarah turning on Fox News, which has provided her a forum and paid her well. Guess those books weren't hit jobs after all.

  72. Kudos to Lawrence O'Donnell.

    Sarah was an untalented grifter from the get-go. Her one talent seemed to be her oral mastery which includes speaking in tongues understood only by the chosen ones who follow her. The rest of us see the sham and the madness.

    Now, my hero, LOD has delivered the coup de grace and I loved every second of it.

    Here is something that has been bothering me though. Joe McGinnis was scheduled for Lawrence's show this week. At the last minute, Ron Susskind, the author of the half-assed hit piece on the Obama administration, was also scheduled, getting top billing. LOD took the night off. So, I wondered if it was because he did not want to interview Susskind or because he did not want to interview McGinnis. I believe it is the former. What I derived from the Susskind piece was the Obama administration going through adjustment pains and some people getting their noses out of joint. Whether it was true or not, Obama came in and rectified the problems, which is what a leader does. In other words, "move along, there's no story here." I believe that LOD, with his vast knowledge of the inner workings of the government, did not want to give any attention to this author or his story. JMHO.

  73. Anonymous8:28 AM

    Hey Granny Grifterella -

    Nah Nah Nah Nah
    Nah Nah Nah Nah
    Hey Hey Hey

  74. Anonymous8:29 AM

    Ouch. Ouch. OUCH! They are ripping her to shreds on RedState:

    Scope Saturday, October 1st at 11:35AM EDT (link)

    Oh my- Palin has endured more than anyone can ever imagine. The pity Palin argument. One of the things Palin herself has done for the last two years is to keep herself out there, asking for more and more. If Palin ever did have the notion of running for the presidency, as she herself has indicated, she would have used some class in doing so. She constantly put herself out there, and almost asked for what she got. How many movies has Palin stared in, with no other cast than herself, talking about herself, and about how mean and cruel the media world is? Even after leaving her Gov. role, Palin has had plenty of time to get together a great team of the brightest, and come up with some concrete plans as to what her policies would be to lead the country out of the disaster we are currently in. Palin preferred to keep herself in the public’s eye with her bumper sticker comments, and tweets about this or that. Palin has shown no seriousness in developing any plans or policies. You can fit “death panels” onto a bumper sticker, but it says nothing of what you would do to insure that it doesn’t happen.

    I’m so tired of the poor Palin syndrome that has pervaded her supporters. Sure she was treated badly, first by the liberals, and then by many in her own party. Palin didn’t do anything to help herself, she only seemed to keep taunting everyone. It makes me sick to see her now abusing her supporters who should have expected much more from someone who has had more time than any candidate in the race to prepare for what she seemed to be promising. Nope. Her PAC sends out a fundraising letter a week ago, asking for the biggest donation one can give, which can’t be used for a presidential run. And her team did this while the announced candidates are all trying to scramble to get every dollar to run their already announced valid campaigns.

    Sorry, I have no sympathy for Palin.

  75. Anonymous8:32 AM

    Wow, talk about arrested development, $arah really is a fifteen year old in a 47 year old's body. To see her there, with Napolitano the ape man trying to get her to talk about something more meaningful, but she just... can't... let... it... go... that Juan said something about her.

    And to think this is the person that the 'Rill 'Murkinz think should be the most powerful leader on the planet... Three years ago, I would've been offended if anyone suggested there should be an IQ test before voting...

    I hate McCain more every single day. To think that he unleashed this grifter bimbo tramp on us and that she could have been VP is just unbelievable. "Country First"? Obviously not.

    Oh looky, here it is "the end of September" and she hasn't announced yet! Remember when she promised she'd have to let her fans know by then, so she wouldn't be stringing them along? Guess it just meant that she hadn't actually checked when the deadline was, and now she's got 27 more days of grifting left before Christmas.

    Remember MONTHS AGO when the Peebotz were actually lambasting Bachmann because she "hadn't declared yet" but "was still raising money" and they called her a crook for doing that?

    I hope someone is filming a documentary on the Peebots/cognitive dissonance so they can capture what it looks like to realize all the "haters" were right all along (or the spine-wrenching gymnastics required to twist logic enough to continue to NOT realize it).

  76. Anonymous8:40 AM

    LOL Over in the Sea o' Pee they're actually calling Erik Erikson a "RHINO"! (That's right up there with that idiot on Faux Business calling Warren Buffet a "socialist")

    And, unsurprisingly, they are now pretending $arah never said the thing about giving her followers an answer "by the end of September" so she wouldn't be "perceived as stringing them along".

    Nope, nope, didn't say it,didn't say it, I can't hear you, lalalalalalalalalalala!

    Reality is the natural enemy of the Peebot.

  77. Anonymous8:44 AM

    The crazy Alaskan housewife going on about 'pundints' reminds me of Emily Litella. Type that name into YouTube and see what I mean.

  78. Anonymous8:45 AM

    I have a suggestion for Mr. Ailes at Fox Entertainment. Take Sarah off politically punditry - she ain't cutting it and the sound bites are old and haggared, as is much of her appearance.

    If you must keep her on air for 3 million/year (your decision, your loss), then give Mrs. Palin her very own Holywood Gossip Show!

    She's very good at dishing out dirt on people; she loves gossip; and especially loves that she can make or break someone with just her words.

    So bring her on Mr. Ailes! Sarah meets the "real queens of mean," Hollywood style! She's already got her roving instigator, er uh, investigator right there in LA!

  79. Anonymous8:46 AM

    I will never, ever, EVER forgive John McCain for releasing this hateful being on the world.

  80. Anonymous8:48 AM

    Wouldn't it be the most delicious irony if she decided not to run because it would mean giving up her cushy, over-paid job with Fox...only to be fired after the deadline for filing has passed?

  81. Anonymous8:50 AM

    She never learns! Bitting those that feed you, sista Sarah isn't smart!! How much longer is FOX going to keep her on? When does her contract expire? No one seems to have her on their show on FOX anymore except creepy Greta. I don't see how anyone can watch her show...she has to be at the bottom of the ratings for FOX! Having Sarah as her buddy helped her in the beginning, but no longer.

  82. Anonymous9:01 AM

    Annie Oakley said:

    "I am not one that usually likes total humiliation of fellow human beings but Scarah has brought this all upon herself."

    I'm 100% with you there! I also don't usually revel in seeing people humiliated and destroyed. EVen when the people are complete a-holes and even ones who hated me personally, I just felt sick inside watching them get taken apart.

    But Palin is so arrogant and hate filled, and so undeserving of any attention whatsoever, which she just uses as a platform to snark at others who have actually accomplished something, or actually know something, that I can't even stand knowing she owns a house in my state.

    Watching her play act being "presidential" in the Blood Libel video was simply astonishing. Sorry, I meant embarrassing.

    But even for all that, there was a point when she crashed the correspondents after party with the too big shoes, orange legs, mismatched outfit and stains, that I, for a brief moment, became a concern troll and actually worried about "this poor woman" having some sort of mental collapse and maybe we should back off. Yeah, that was me.

    But I got over it.

    $arah isn't just "bringing it on herself", she's DEMANDING it! And it just can't come down on her soon enough. C'mon 28 days, hurry up and end this farce!

    (dear lord, do you think she may actually continue stringing her last three followers along under the pretense that she'll compete as a mavericky write-in candidate like Murkowski? I actually wouldn't put it past her, now that I think about it.)

  83. Anonymous9:08 AM

    Dear Bristol and Willow,

    I hope you two are putting your pretty little heads together and coming up with a Plan B, C, D or F if all the above fail, as they probably will.

    You are forever tied to your mother's string of lies, and secrecy about them will always haunt you, even when the gig us up.

    I hear there is an opening for a manicurist at the Beehive in Wasilla.....

  84. Anonymous9:10 AM

    looks like $carah's shoving big brother creepy chuck jr out into the open.
    Just posted on the sea of piss ;

    "chuckjr 23 minutes ago
    Thanks for writing the article Steve, and thanks for bringing it to our attention Doug. Of course our local Anchorage paper ran the, "Flavor of the Week" article and took it completely out of context. Another maddening attempt to bring Sarah down but it won't work. All garbage like that does is further deepen the commitment that Informed, rational people out there, like you guys, have for her. What the media doesn't get is that Sarah is like steel, and the more fire she gets, the tougher she becomes.
    Hefmier and 1 more liked this Like......"

    going to his disquis profile shows that was his 2nd post ever.

    yes indeed, I do believe the skank bitch is done

  85. Anonymous9:11 AM

    Jeez, she knows very well she's not running yet she still makes an issue of how she's polling, having already dismissed the importance of polls (skiers, strippers). This could hardly get any better. Looking forward to Greta breaking up with her too.

  86. Anonymous9:16 AM

    (CNN) – Sarah Palin called Herman Cain the “flavor of the week” when he won a closely-watched straw poll in Florida, but the former Godfather's Pizza executive said Friday his particular flavor has substance.

    “I happen to believe there’s iced milk, and then there’s Haagan-Daas Black Walnut,” Cain said on "The Tonight Show with Jay Leno". “Substance, that’s the difference. I got the substance. I’m the Black Walnut. It lasts longer than a week.”


    Hey Tawd, that must of gotten Sarah all wet and tingly inside since Sarah is into "Black Nuts".

  87. jcinco9:22 AM

    It really makes you wonder if Ailes didn't choose representatives of the two groups she is most fearful and resentful of to make these comments. Younger, better looking women and black men.

  88. Anonymous9:23 AM

    What's the big deal about Sarah Palin making up her mind to run for POTUS by the end of September and not keeping her word?

    Sarah said she will make up her mind by the end of September, but she never said which year she would decide by.

    Sarah Palin for President 2024...

  89. Anonymous9:26 AM

    FOX News has made themselves the laughingstock
    of all media for
    making Palin the single
    name associated
    with the network.
    NBC has the peacock, CBS the eye and
    FOX has a box of Cocoa Puffs
    with bad wigs and glasses
    mumbling paranoid gibberish.
    O'Reilly long ago tired of being her pimpbot and she disappeared off his show.
    Greta flushed any journalistic integrity
    she ever had by
    becoming Palin's tool.
    Hannity only reinforced his incredible
    lightness of being by his constant pandering and
    drooling over Palin.
    The person responsible for destroying FOX News
    by turning it into the Palin News Network
    should have been fired long ago.
    Palin has become an enormous liability to FOX
    and they must have
    realized it long , long ago.
    Their impotence as she looks
    and acts crazier
    and crazier with each appearance is puzzling.
    She's just one Greta appearance away from a full on air breakdown.
    Palin would have been fired long ago had
    she worked in the corporate world.
    Let me rephrase that- a talentless mental case
    never would
    have been hired in the first place

  90. AND, now there is a post up at by Tina Dupuy that tells the rest of the story about the Monkey queen, feuding with her 'pals' at Cluster-Fox... It's hilarious...

    It's like a 7th grade, small-town, 'my new tits are bigger than your new tits', squabble every kid on earth has been thru at least once in their lifetimes..... Seems like Mama monkey just hit a brick wall when she got in her 1st 7th grade spat and has never gotten past it..... WWWWHHHHHAAAAAAaaaaaaaaa... someone better call a whambulance, because if the Ailes-inator gets out his cutting instrument, she's toast..... har.....har....har...

    Can't you just hear the squeaks now.... "But why are you bringing that huge truck up my drive way"?? I didn't call you?? What do you mean you're taking back the fake Alaska background used in my Cluster-fox 'live' reports?? What do you mean you're taking back all this great TV equipment to the home web?? Let me call Roger, I'll be right back!! OK?? Hey, put that down, I said I was calling Roger!!!! HEY - PUT THAT BACK!! HEY!!

    And TAWD??? He's just hanging in the yard watching the flying monkey kingdom crumble to dust before his very eyes... Snookie palin is there with him.... smiling, cause her frozen face won't let her do anything else.... sob..sob..sob..

    HEY TAWD!!! Comes the screech - STOP THAT MAN FROM TAKING OUR STUFF !!! TAWD!!!

  91. Anonymous9:50 AM

    holy cow. that was something to wake up to! mahalo G for posting!

    sp must be shitting bricks....

  92. Anonymous9:50 AM

    Bravo LOD!!!!

    But, my gut says she will announce that she is running.

  93. Anonymous9:56 AM

    Loved it! He looks so happy!

  94. Anonymous10:03 AM


    well done, indeed, well done !!

  95. Anonymous10:07 AM

    Gees, just when I thought it couldn't be worse here comes Red State comments from people strategizing that Sara is going to run and win the US Senate seat for AK and position herself for POTUS run in 2020 or 2024. Are they kidding? Do they have any idea what she'll look like by then? The physical deterioration of the woman in the last three years is alarming. Nine more years of insanity and outrageous actions are not going to improve her looks. And does anyone really believe she could run for Senate in AK and win? I think the majority of AK folks think she is poison and her opponent would have a field day with all the stuff she pulled up there not to mention she QUIT on the people of AK. Who would vote for her for Senate when she has shown no capacity or interest in actually working as an elected official? Seeofpee people really have sipped the coolaid to believe she is ever going to be a viable candidate for anything other than mayor of Wasilla and I'm guessing even those people would publicly support her and pull the other lever in the voting booth. They're still underwater from her tenure as mayor.

  96. Anonymous10:19 AM

    Dominionistescapee said:

    "3:48 AM said: "I think this crazy bitch has something up her sleeve, and I think she is going to run. I know, I know, it's a f'ing crazy notion.......but we are talking about this f'ing crazy ass bitch."

    I kinda got that impression too. I noticed she kept talking about "the other candidates," as if she is one. Might just be the meth talking, but still seemed indicative of what's going on in her insane brain right now."

    yeah, I think so too. Even Lawrence nailed it: the second she announces she's not running, it's all over. She loses everything. The only way she can maintain her brand and what few followers she has left, is to at least pretend to run.

    Hell, I'd bet good money that at this point she would announce for no other reason than just to rub it in LOD, EE's and *our* faces!

    Isn't that just what a vindictive jr. high girl would do?

  97. Anonymous10:19 AM

    the pee pond'ers are more'n pathetic.
    Responses to creepy chuck jr's appearance at the one and only SEA OF PISS ;

    "chuckjr 1 hour ago
    Thanks for writing the article Steve, and thanks for bringing it to our attention Doug. Of course our local Anchorage paper ran the, "Flavor of the Week" article and took it completely out of context. Another maddening attempt to bring Sarah down but it won't work. All garbage like that does is further deepen the commitment that Informed, rational people out there, like you guys, have for her. What the media doesn't get is that Sarah is like steel, and the more fire she gets, the tougher she becomes.
    Bill589 and 12 more liked this Like

    S.H. 11 minutes ago in reply to chuckjr
    We support you, Chuck Jr. (Sarah Palin's brother) and the Palin family for what you have to deal with. God Bless.

    Dan C 28 minutes ago in reply to chuckjr
    If it is you, then God Bless your whole family. Give everyone our best.

    chuckjr 19 minutes ago in reply to Dan C
    Will do Dan. Keep the faith everyone! Our family is touched by your support. Have a great weekend.
    Dan C and 2 more liked this Like

    Dan C 15 minutes ago in reply to chuckjr
    No sweat. It is easy to keep the faith when someone has a proven track record that warrants it.

    palinsupporter1 38 minutes ago in reply to chuckjr
    you wouldn't happen to be the chuck jr. would you?

    Bob 1 hour ago in reply to chuckjr
    A diamond is just coal 'under great pressure'. Sarah is THE PEOPLES DIAMOND and is being molded into a jewel of great price!
    Bill589 and 2 more liked this Like

    Hefmier 1 hour ago in reply to chuckjr
    Thanks for commenting here!!! Great interview with Stephen Bannon. Had my pic. taken with you at the Richland, WA booksigning for "Going Rogue". We are eagerly but patiently (well, most of us) for Sarah to make an announcement.
    Bill589 and 1 more liked this Like

    chuckjr 40 minutes ago in reply to Hefmier
    Thanks Hefmier. Were you one of those people that camped out over night outside the bookstore in Richland? I'll never forget that amazing show of support! Chuck
    Bill589 and 2 more liked this Like

    palinsupporter1 35 minutes ago in reply to chuckjr
    Wow, Chuck! Great to have you on here!!! You came across as so intelligent and knowledgable in Sarah Palin's Alaska!!! I really hope your sister runs. We need her! God Bless.
    Dan C and 1 more liked this Like

    cathmom 56 minutes ago in reply to Hefmier
    Is that Chuck Jr Sarah's brother?? "

    'tard to tard's

  98. Anonymous10:47 AM

    She is a psychopath who might attempt to run, just to keep her "fame" rolling. She knows that she can't win and has no respect for the office. But either way... I think that she is possibly waiting until October9th to spill the beans when that stupid Oft-defeated nonsense movie hits the shelves at Walmart. If she says she is not running before that date, it will kill sales.

    Man I really can't stand this woman.

  99. PalinsHoax10:58 AM

    Anonymous @ 8:32 AM ...
    "To see her there, with Napolitano the ape man trying to get her to talk about something more meaningful, but she just... can't... let... it... go... that Juan said something about her."


    Oh you wrote that perfectly, Anon @ 8:32.

    Palin sounded like a two year old when she wouldn't let go about Juan.

  100. I had to rewind the LOD piece twice when I saw it live yesterday. BRILLIANT, Mr. O'Donnell!!

    So, just like she brought down Wasilla, her family and the McCain Campaign, Sarah has brought down (in a HUGE way) the entire Tea Party she purports to love . . . Ah, KARMA! And FOX "News" has looked even 'hackier,' if that's possible, since they hired Granny's talking head. Roger Ailes may be a certified dick-wad, but I'm sure he's not stupid enough to keep paying the disloyal harpy to trash FAUX.

    And, OT, but I just received my "OBAMA 2012" bumper sticker, which I will proudly display as I drive around my tiny island (preaching to the choir here on Maui, where our dear President is the hometown hero!). Go Obama!!

  101. Anonymous11:35 AM

    Ailes makes a pretty scarey sized iceberg to crash into when you are an aging petite female who, like Winnie the Pooh is "... a bear (read grizzly bear) of very little brain."

    Sarah has a motif of bridges.
    The bridge to nowhere of course. The bridges that she throws bodies off.
    The social and political bridges she burns behind her. Say, like the entire population of Alaska.

    And eventually, and probably very soon, the bridge too far.
    Messing with Ailes, unless she somehow has gotten the Koch Bros stuffed into ther bra will be the bridge too far as well as the last bridge available for her to set aflame.

  102. Anonymous11:43 AM

    God, she is so FUCKING STUPID!!! Jesus H. Chris on crutches lady, just fucking go back to Anueploidia already!

  103. Anonymous11:45 AM

    "Conderdictory?!?" Talk about a Freudian slip, eh "Jizzly Momma?"

  104. Anonymous12:02 PM

    Picture of her with her lips and eye tatoo, since removed.

    A palinbot twitter I glance at now and again hasn't twittered for 17 hours. Gee I wonder if she is sick.

  105. I loved it when Lawrence said that her monetary value will go down if she doesn't run for president. She is such an idiot and its time for her to fade out of the celebrity status and just go away--preferably to Arizona. There is a lot of pressure coming from books and documentaries about her because what goes around comes around. You can't be such a woos and threaten and destroy other people so publicly and not have it come back on you too. Its time for this idiot to shut up! She doesn't deserve to be paid for her lies. She will have to go out and find a real job, but that will be hard for her to do. Bristol needs to fade out too. I'm sick of both of them. She is her mother's daughter. Both of them are evil whiners and blame others for everything. They don't take any responsibility about anything.

  106. Anonymous12:13 PM

    I laughed at the end. Yup, buh bye.

    She's several years past her 15 minutes. As is Bristol.

  107. Anonymous12:13 PM

    Love the O'Donnell smackdown! This line is a classic too:

    "If the GOP primary is like a reality show, then Palin is like a nineties Real World housemate who made an entire career out of filling "the troublemaker" role on season after season of The Challenge."

  108. Anonymous12:18 PM

    Fox will ride the contract out with her and let his talking heads continue to call her out. It makes sense for him to use her as the collective punching bag now since she has pissed him off. Unless, of course, she declares. I'm of the belief she will announce and then find a way not to engage in any of the debates because shes 'mavericky' and 'unconventional'. Declaring satisfies her shrinking base and bring her the needed attention she craves. She'll drop out at some point where it makes sense (because shes a maverick), give a plausible (to the bots) excuse and will declare herself more value for this race as the one true voice to keep the focus on 'common sense solutions' thus rendering herself (in her mind and that of the bots) a matriarch of
    conservatism. she gets to soak them until 2016 for more money through her PAC and even though she will have lost her position with Fox she'll find ways to keep her name out there for paid speaking engagements. She might even become an employee of the Franklin Graham enterprises after 2012....good money in religious grifting!

  109. Anonymous12:19 PM

    I bet Sarah is trying to land a new job with CNN. As if that isn't a recipe for disaster. Little does she know the PERFECT show is waiting for her & Brisket over on the CW...

    H8R - Celebrities go head-to-head with civilians who hate them to win their "haters" over.

  110. Anonymous12:36 PM

    I had heard nothing about her harping on Juan and Megyn and yah I thought polls were for strippers

  111. Dave Weigel picked up on the Herb goof. His tweet was included in conservative Daily Caller's 'best of' list:

    Today on Fox: Palin will assess the campaigns of Mitch Romney, Josh Huntsman, Rip Perry, and Rod Paul.
    28 Sep

    I loved the LO segment when I watched it last night. I woke up grumpy today and I'm no longer satisfied with the smackdown. A seriously mentally ill, vindictive, ignorant, incompetent woman came dangerously close to being our Vice President. The VP selection process is flawed. Taking swipes at Palin isn't enough. Do we need a Congressional inquiry to figure out what went wrong and how to keep it from happening again?

  112. Anonymous2:25 PM

    to 4:49

    Actually quite a few women have run for president as Republicans.

    I remembered Elizabeth Dole, but there were many others.

    Helps to know a lot of women have made the effort.

    Here is the wiki link, scroll down to the part where it says who didn't make it on the party ticket.

  113. Anonymous2:39 PM

    10:19 Doesn't Chuck Heath, Jr. own a gasoline station here in Anchorage? I'll wager his business has dropped. He'd better keep his mouth shut if he wants his business to succeed. People in Anchorage do not like his sister at all. Remember, a poll showed that President Obama had more support than does Palin.

    I wouldn't be wearing the name Heath or Palin very proudly in the State of Alaska.

  114. Anonymous3:24 PM

    $arah also referred to "pundints" a couple of times. Jeesh...

    The reason the Quitter might remain on FOx is because she is still "ratings gold" -- but for all the wrong reasons. People watch in anticipation of seeing and hearing the gaffes that she can be counted on spewing and the outlandish "analysis" (aka same old sound bites) she makes.

    Ailes must realize $arah is making his 'news' hosts look "shackled" as they sit quietly by and never 'refudiate' her spew, or ask a follow up question. That might be enough for FOX to cut her loose, despite the perverse draw of TV's biggest train wreck.

  115. quills3:29 PM

    yes! it seems like sister sarah is hittin' out, goin' rougue one last time!

    R - rude
    O - ornery
    G - gargoyle-esk
    U - uneducated
    E - egregious

  116. Anonymous3:53 PM

    I watched a recent interview of Palin and her mouth was running a mile a minute then it dawned on me, was Sarah on cocaine?

    I've never seen her so hyped up like that before. I wish I could tell you what she was talking about but I can't, she was talking too fast and with her word salad language it just overwhelmed me.

  117. Anonymous3:56 PM

    I'll betcha with ALL the recent developments, sista sayrah feels like running another 1/2 marathon, with some added faux sweat this time around!


  118. Anonymous4:11 PM

    I watched a recent interview of Palin and her mouth was running a mile a minute then it dawned on me, was Sarah on cocaine?

    I've never seen her so hyped up like that before. I wish I could tell you what she was talking about but I can't, she was talking too fast and with her word salad language it just overwhelmed me.

  119. Poll-Dancin' Palin4:13 PM

    Anon 9:01 AM: (dear lord, do you think she may actually continue stringing her last three followers along under the pretense that she'll compete as a mavericky write-in candidate like Murkowski? I actually wouldn't put it past her, now that I think about it.)


    Welll, that depends. Can she make any money doing her Quittertease routine for a couple weeks longer?

    Then, yes, I can imagine her doing that---but ONLY if she could still make a buck off it. I mean, a prostitute's got to get paid, y'all.

  120. Anonymous4:20 PM

    anon 1219pm said "the PERFECT show is waiting for her & Brisket over on the CW..."

    H8R - Celebrities go head-to-head with civilians who hate them to win their "haters" over.

    Except that if Palin was on there, she wouldn't bother to win anyone over. Instead there would be harassment, stalkin', rumor mongerin', whinin', pallin' around with firebugs, people havin' their home computers searched and cleaned off, stolen babies, payin' off law enforcement, and of course, the old standby:


  121. Anonymous4:29 PM

    Do we need a Congressional inquiry to figure out what went wrong and how to keep it from happening again?

    12:59 P

    There should be a hearing and they should call in all McCain staffers who had contact with Palin and have them testify in front of Congress about Palin lack of qualifications and her mental disabilities. This should never happen again.

  122. Anonymous5:21 PM

    Heather Bruce and husband own a gas station on Muldoon.

  123. Anonymous5:27 PM

    Never has there been a situation in broadcasting like this.
    One employee causing so much commotion by fighting- on air-
    with her fellow employees.
    Only FOX would tolerate this level of drama , friction and disrespect
    by a single on air employee.
    Obviously , we cannot call Palin " talent."
    An employee who brings nothing to
    the station , but , ridicule and snickers.
    I'm sure both Juan Williams and Megyn Kelly have been overwhelmed with bot hate mail.
    This week.
    Charles Krauthammer has also been on the receiving end of bot hate.
    It's entirely plausible that at least some of the FOX employees have gone to Ailes and
    said " Either she goes or I go."
    Palin is the tail that wags FOX.
    It is mind boggling that they have let this disruptive circus go on for so long.
    BTW- Palin went after Barack Obama, Juan Williams and Herman Cain this week.
    Could she be sending a message to her bots
    that , not to worry ,
    she really doesn't like black men , despite bedding Glen Rice ?

  124. Anonymous5:45 PM

    while i'm looking forward to what we're all wishing for here, i'm hesitant about l's prognostications. towards the end of the debt ceiling debacle, he would smugly incant, "nothing is agree to, until everything is agree to", citing what he thought o's strategy would be. all the other anchors were similarly jubilant, when at the eleventh hour boner was trying desperately to gather votes. the next day boner was singing 'oh, what a wonderful morning' and everyone had egg on their faces. OH GOD! let's hope he's reading this one right...

  125. Oh boy....with all of this taunting from her "enemies" - I bet Palin announces a run....maybe next week??....purely out of pique! You KNOW how she is. PSYCHO!

    Then she'll freak out half way thru - and QUIT.

    Which will be perfect cuz that's really the essence of Sarah Palin - A QUITTER.

    The media didn't treat her bad - they treated her with kid gloves. They should have demanded open press conferences but they didn't. When they, rightly, slammed her vapid comments all she did was whine whine whine and whined some more. She never ever provided any real policy specifics or any actual factual statements.

    Liberals didn't treat her bad - we just have low tolerance for utter idiocy and rampant racism. Both of which Palin has in SPADES. We want public servants with substance - not morons.

    And her own party? Are you serious??! They PAID for her career! All her clothes, all her limelight, all the gushing columns in conservative media outlets. Seriously?? The only reason the GOP is jettisoning her now is that Palin has shown them that she is absolutely unreliable and can not and WILL NOT work as part of a team. She's a diva - always have been, always will be. Even the GOP soon tire of her. Good riddance.

    See ya Sarah, I hope this is the last we see of you.

  126. Calli Pygian7:16 PM

    Oh, dear me. I think I have just developed an EVEN BIGGER crush on LOD.

  127. AJ Billings7:24 PM

    Very interesting list of people on $arah's ever expanding hate roster.

    Todd: "Good morning Sarah, what's on tap for today"

    $arah "So little time, so much to hate"

  128. Anonymous7:49 PM

    Poetry in Motion!

    Larry does a perfect, in your face takedown of the Flavor of the past three years.

    Love it!

    Karma at it's best, her Fox News pals are now the pitbulls tearing her apart for the fake skank she always was.

  129. Anonymous7:45 AM

    Deja vu: watching LOD explain what's going on reminded me of when Miss Info Sarah returned from her undefeated second place showing in 2008 to a legislature no longer enamored of her and a sanction against having a Shadow Governor.

    I predict "Flavor of the Weak" Sarah Palin will quit FoxNews in less than three weeks. Just as soon as she can stir up some more SarahPAC money.

  130. Anonymous1:59 PM

    She should have a sash across her ever changing chest that reads: "Miss Information"


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.