Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Joe McGinniss on Hardball.

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This is a MUCH superior interview to the one Joe did on CNN, and though I usually am not a huge fan of Mathews, he is very respectful and even gives Joe the chance to answer a question without interrupting.


  1. After last night's embarrassing ordeal with Piers Morgan (who I think is smarmy) Chris's interview was much better. Joe got a chance to explain how vicious Sarah can be to her perceived enemies.

    Like a fine wine, I am savoring ever word of The Rogue. So satisfying.

  2. Anonymous3:28 PM

    good interview

  3. Anonymous3:29 PM

    Tweety actually let Joe talk! Joe looked delighted and somewhat surprised that the interviewer wasn't calling him a creepy stalker! BTW, read at Polgates that the Scary One will be on Hannity tonight. I never tune in to Faux News, but can't wait for Gryphen's report. He's a stronger man than I am!

  4. Smirnonn3:33 PM

    Not a huge fan of Matthews but that was a really good interview. Much more respectful than Morgans'.

    "I think she'll matter more than we want her to."

    Bull. She's fast becoming a full-on joke. She's toast. On the floor (butter side down, Todd).

  5. Anonymous3:35 PM

    sorry to o/t on the first comment, but caught the last 10 minutes of Levi on Dr. Phil. mehh. It was mainly about co-parenting. Levi was on for the first 20 minutes then they were going to other couples who put their children in the middle. Phil asks about back child support. Levi gives a lame answer about yeh, he's working on it. Really? Did you not anticipate this question? Mercede had a few words about defending her family. Tank was probably the biggest hit when he said Sarah doesn't own him so he (Tank) can say what he wants. This probably should have been Levi and Mercede theme going in if they had put some thought into it - portraying Sarah as a bully seemed to resonate with audience.

  6. Anonymous3:36 PM

    Thanks for all of your fine blogs, Gryphen. It is not likely that you will run out of subject matter very soon, however, I would like to suggest that if and when you find the time, it would be great if you could add to what Joe McGinniss said about Chuck and Sally Heath. I think that they bear a good deal of credit (or blame) for what Sarah is today.

    Chuck made a strange comment about Sarah being stubborn, and he could not bend her to his will. Chuck is the big talker who needed brag about Sarah returning to Alaska to give birth to Trig. (I know, Chuck was there when Trig popped out). He is the one who embellished the already unbelievable Wild Ride Story. I'd like to know more about him and Sally, and what effect they might have had on their other 3 kids, too.

  7. I don't usually comment but thought I would just post a reminder to everyone that today is the day to send Gryph a little (or a lot) of support i.e. cash, for all of his hard work over the years.
    This site not only provides so much useful information, whether it is via Jesse's posts, the comments or the links; but it is also highly entertaining. I think we all appreciate that, particularly when there are so many serious issues being discussed here.

    Thanks again Jesse for all that you do!

  8. Thank you! I did not have to wait for it to be on here and I can get back to my book. Makes me kind of love Chris Matthews. Joe was GREAT!

  9. Anonymous3:43 PM

    Joe will do fine. They have to try to rattle him because the MSM so missed the ball they have to try to discredit him before he gets into more friendly venues

  10. Anonymous3:48 PM

    Wow no Bots took time to trash Joe's book on Amazon? Greta is on her owm blog. The masses are awakening.

  11. Very good interview.

  12. Anonymous3:55 PM

    Good interview .

  13. Anonymous3:57 PM

    Great interview. Did anyone catch Levi on Dr. Phil just now?

  14. Yes! The emphasis was much better aligned with Joe's actual book: the real story behind who Palin is, how she was propelled in her career, and, by implication, as a case study for the negligence of the MSM.

    I also was pleased to see Matthews' familiarity and ease in discussing the realities of Dominionism. Signs the truth is breaking through!!!!!

    (The earlier segment about Obama's approval among Jewish voting/ donating segments was also encouraging: it was a decent analysis of the political role of the fundies, Israel and end times.)

  15. Great interview. And compared to Piers Morgan, Chris Matthews looked positively 'Murrowesque.' The best part is that he DID NOT open the interview by asking Joe why he moved next door to the Palins.

    I had to laugh as I thought of Sarah watching this . . . curled up in the fetal position as she watches her life of lies displayed for the world to see -- exposed by a highly-respected and talented (no word salad, here!) "rill" author.

    My book is winging its way to me as I write this. Meantime, thanks for all the great posts from my fellow Truth-seekers. And don't you think John McCain -- who agreed to put this treasonous Harpy in the V.P. spot -- should be "bookboarded" with THE ROGUE? Like Alex in "A Clockwork Orange," eyes clamped open and the whole bit. Karma, Baby!

  16. wow. That was fast getting this up.

    I just got done watching this bit and then got online to get here.

    I liked this interview. I only wish the interview could have been longer.

    I'm really looking forward to the Colbert Report interview, whenever that one happens


  17. Anonymous4:08 PM

    Chris said after the interview that he thought Sarah would not run, but back Perry and to try to run the country through him.

  18. Anonymous4:09 PM

    I read on one of the forums that Sarah will be on Hannity tonight.

  19. Anonymous4:12 PM

    With all of Sarah's bad publicity and baggage and probably more to come, do you think Perry would use her for his campaigning. That would be the bottom of the barrel for him. Do you think he would openly let her campaign for him?

  20. Anonymous4:19 PM

    Chris and Joe did a good interview.

    I don't think Sarah can be a king maker. She has fooled and bullied the media, if she had any clout shr would be running already. We know her support is a little group of crazy bots who bully on the internet. Saying and doing are quite different.

    Dr. Phil was clever to use clips of Bristol to show how petty and a liar she is. I think Levi came over alright, the audience was with Levi.

  21. Anonymous4:20 PM

    Most days I like Chris Matthews. Today, I love Joe McGinniss (and you, Gryph, and Phil, even though he's grumpy about that Sullivan linky thing). Looking for a manic Sarah tonight on her boyfriends show. Maybe she'll tearfully confess that she shoved a pillow up her shirt and ask for some Christian forgiveness. In Matthews word - HA!

  22. Anonymous4:23 PM

    Dr. Phil seems to have totally gave his support to Levi?

    "This young man said some things that changed my opinion of him, and I think they may change yours."

  23. Anonymous4:24 PM

    She who shall not be named is on Hannity tonight.

  24. Anonymous4:25 PM

    Excellent interview by Matthews who asked good questions and let Joe answer fully. Thank you Joe and thank you Uncle Gryphie!

  25. Anonymous4:34 PM

    Go for it guys.


  26. Wow! Not a fan Of Tweetie but was uberly impressed with his questions. Now that is what a journalist is supposed to do, ask pertinent questions, cut to the chase, cover the big red flags.
    Joe , did indeed, looked more than happy to go into detail about who Sarah Palin is and that just reached a few more million people that haven't spent the last 3 years going WTF like most of us on here. It was a quite satisfying interview. Quite the tasty morsel to come home from work from.

  27. Anonymous4:47 PM

    In a lot of ways his book could be one chapter only. Just about how Sarah and Todd reacted to his renting the house next door.
    Because that is Sarah distilled.

    Of course you could pick from dozens of other "reactions" on her part for the same reason.

    Joe got off easy because he has stature, and backing, from his publishers so he was somewhat protected for their real aggression.

  28. Betsy S4:47 PM

    Jesse, I tried to send you a Jackson, but the Paypal link wouldn't accept the @ for my address. Is it a little broken?

  29. Anonymous4:50 PM

    This was much better than yesterday's poor performance. Joe was able to be on offense and was able to make his points rather than being on defense. I said yesterday that Joe seemed a bit off his game when being grilled by that phone hacker crook on CNN. Well, he turned it around tonight and was a winner!
    Drove to Barnes and Noble this afternoon to get Joe's book. There were only two left. Glen Beck must have had 20 books on the shelf - hahaha LOSER!That prolific writer Ann Coulter had probably 15 books on the shelf and that puke Malkin had 5 or 6 books left over from last spring. I guess the baggers just aren't that in to Beck anymore. Either that or they don't read.

  30. Anonymous4:55 PM

    That was a good interview...none of the salacious stuff....just the important stuff. What makes her tick? What is her appeal? What is she really like? What does she want?

  31. Anonymous4:55 PM

    These interviews need to be longer. So that more than 1 or 2 topics can be covered. The ones with respectful interviewers anyway.

    Or maybe Joe is planning to talk about different things during different interviews?

  32. Anonymous4:57 PM

    Good interview - C.Matthews actually let Joe talk w/out constantly interrupting him!

    Wow, this must be a record for $arah being silent - not a tweet, fb posting, screed on FOX. $he is really hunkered down! it would be great if she would be gone forever.

  33. Anonymous4:59 PM

    @3:48 - what is an owm blog?

  34. I just reviewed the book on Amazon - gave it five stars. If you want to read and vote on my review - which would be good because I'll probably get a lot of "negs" from Palin-fans, look at the "Five Stars" and "Jill Meyer". That's me!

  35. Anonymous5:12 PM

    o/t- here is a clip from Dr. Phil/Levi

  36. Anonymous5:14 PM

    I was impressed with the way the interview was conducted

  37. Anonymous5:18 PM

    Gryph, give Chris Matthews another look. He has been excellent for the most of 2011 in my opinion and even better in the last few months when it became apparent that the repubs are only interesting in trying to deny Pres. Obama a second term even if it means destroying the country. Chris can paint the stark differences between the 2 parties better than any other pundit working today including Lawrence O'donell who I also like watching. Some of the "let me finish" segments have been very moving. He is passionate in his belief that the president is being treated and attacked unfairly in many cases.

  38. waiting for her end5:21 PM

    Chris let Joe say what he had to say with rarely interrupting. I saw...respect!

  39. Anonymous5:23 PM

    Not that I like Mathews, but I appreciated the fact that he didn't go for what I call the 'fluff' stuff that all the others are hitting on - the cocaine, the sex. But -- that just shows and confirms for us that what is called the 'media' these days, are actually no different than those that are employed by the RagMag Gossip shows -- the MSM that has shit for brains.

    Chris actually interviewed on some of the meat of the book.

  40. Anonymous5:23 PM

    O/T Sarah Palin was on Hannity bashing President Obama. Not one question about Joe's Book. She's in the DENIAL MODE. She was wearing the Muskrat on her Dome again.

  41. Anonymous5:30 PM

    As a reporter, Joe was highly respected and a bit of a hero to many in Philadelphia in the 60s, when he stood up for the civil rights movement and other causes dear to the hearts of champions of fairness, equality and justice.

    I had no doubt Matthews would treat Joe with a great deal of respect.

  42. Anonymous5:35 PM

    Dr. Phil gave Levi a good interview. He used clips showing Bristol saying mean things, trying to explain the "stolen virginity" phrase, and calling her child's dad a gnat. Then he pretty much said Levi takes a higher road and has earned his respect. Yes, he owes a year's worth of child support. But Dr. Phil also showed how Bristol, not Levi, has exploited Tripp (Pause before you play announcements) and he let Mercede and Tank speak from the audience. I cringe with the bad grammar these young adults use, but all in all it was a win for the Johnston team.

  43. Anonymous5:47 PM

    OT: I just had to say...a forty-year-old post-op transexual FAR FAR exceeds little Brusdull as a dancer. Go Chaz!

  44. Anonymous5:51 PM

    OK,much better. Good job.
    But I disagree with Chris, she is not going to matter very much very soon, except as a footnote in history and a bullet we dodged.
    And a trivial pursuit or Jeopardy answer.

  45. Sally in MI5:59 PM

    Sarah was on Hannity in her long hair, high school girl wig, miming the same old talking points about Obama's corporate cronies and how the solar plant got so durned much money, more than 35 whole states for infrastructure! Golly, mom, really? I couldn't watch any more, even though Sean promised to ask her if she is running (from the press?)

  46. Anonymous6:00 PM

    Anon @ 4:34..Oh noes.. Oh noes..

    I went to the Miami Herald site and saw such awful anti-Obama stuff that I had a rush of blood to the head and signed up:

    "Go go go go Sarah Palin for President, Sarah Palin for President.." I wrote..

    "I got cancer up here in Canada and the government paid for my complete treatment..

    "And do you know what I pay for Health Insurance? Nothing, nothing.

    "And I didn't have to mortgage the house.

    "Sarah Palin gets government covered health care for her children because Todd is part Inuit..

    etc,, etc,, finally I said, "I'm a SnowBird and I don't understand you guys at all.."

    Then I signed off... I was just so angry at what I read, those Palin supporters are as vehement as I am against her.. but they are degrees more bullying than we pro Obama people....

    Well, I hope they don't come creeping across the St. Lawrence River with their iPads at the ready. :(

    Wonder if they'll target my American passport...and I'll have to thumb a lift next winter to Florida.

  47. Anonymous6:01 PM

    Anon 5:35

    Adding to your comment about Levi's appearance of Dr. Phil today -- Phil also posted on screen and read the clause from the custody documents as to the parties speaking about each other. This aided the video clips showing Brisket not abiding by the terms of the agreement by bashing Levi and making Brisket out to be the trailertrash she is!!

  48. Anonymous6:11 PM

    Jesse, I have sent two donations to you today. Many thanks for your wonderful blog and all the great years of laughter you have given your many readers and all the thoughtful posts.

    Two donations because it took twice for me to figure out to choose the $$ first at the top of the blog using paypal.

    Best of luck today with the $$bomb and thanks to the good reader who suggested the great idea.

  49. Anonymous6:12 PM

    When is Fox news going to interview McGinnis? Oh wait, Fox isn't a real news show, they're cowards that never give an opposing point of view.

    Oh, Hi Sarah - hey, can you tell us what you read - besides People Magazine?

  50. Anonymous6:16 PM

    Smirnonn said
    "She's toast. On the floor (butter side down, Todd)."

    Bwahahaha! Priceless! I love it!

  51. Virginia Voter6:17 PM

    5:23, the video is posted already:


    If this is an example of the Beehive Salon owners work, she needs to have her beauty license yanked. Sarahs mullet reminded me of Mike Myers' in Waynes World.

  52. Anonymous6:20 PM

    NSG @3:57 Thom Hartman was talking about the righties and dominionism today and how dangerous this new crop of Republicans are to our secular republic. Those dominionists are crazy ass bad. It all started with homeschooling crazies - quiverfullls.
    Religion has a place but NOT in politics imho.

  53. Anonymous6:20 PM

    Gryphen, this popped up on Joe's twitter feed at 10:13 from @AndrewBreitbart

    "Joe, We need to talk. Very serious stuff. An email purported to be from you that raises some interesting issues. I'm around. @joemcginniss"


  54. Anonymous6:23 PM

    I'd like to see McGinnis do a sit-down with Charlie Rose. That would be an interview. Or Tavis. Doubt either will happen but Morgan and Matthews
    are both mostly about themselves.

  55. Anonymous6:27 PM

    Joe - glad your book is doing well and you're bringing down the sociopath piece of trash $Palin. Still pissed about you releasing Bailey/Devon/Morris manuscript. Just sayin.

  56. Anonymous6:30 PM

    OT (This is my second OT posting tonight...sorry!!!)

    Did you guys see, from Gawker, the controversy over the new Obama book? So, this reporter wrote a book about the Obama economic team and quoted a woman staffer saying it was a hostile workplace...turns out the REAL QUOTE was "yada yada yada IF NOT FOR THE PRESIDENT yada yada yada hostile workplace..."

    HOLY MANIPULATION...adding those five words makes SUCH a difference in the meaning...fuck the media...fuck 'em..

  57. Anonymous6:30 PM

    Saw Scarah on Hannity. Her phone went off twice...I guess she forgot to turn it to silent..LOL. Also noticed she sat very still. Advice from this blog no doubt. No questions, of course, about Joe's book. She had to make a showing of sorts to keep her little groupies happy. Also, too, her hair was back! Still LMAO....

  58. Anonymous6:34 PM

    Thanks for linking this Gryphen, I've been too busy reading today. Twelve vhapters down and I can't help but wonder how a phoney like Saree got as far as she did.

  59. Two For Tuesday!6:34 PM

    Please send a donation to Gryphen before Tuesday officially ends! $2 or whatever you're comfortable sending!

    This is the last time I'll post about it (unless there's more threads posted tonight) and I want to really thank everyone who has donated so far. I'm sure Gryphen likes seeing tangible proof of our appreciation for him.

    $2! You can do it! Or $5, $20, whatever! The paypal button is on the main IM page in the upper right sidebar.

    Thanks everyone for putting up with my posting on every thread today. I just want to give everyone the chance to show the G Dawg some love.

  60. Anonymous6:37 PM

    Almost forgot about 2 fer $2sday...lol! Jesse, you've done so much. I added a zero. Wish I could do more.

    Got my book and been busy but I am just now sitting down to dig into it...yay! Sleep? Awww, that's for sissies :)

    Susan in MD

    ps - please anyone, if that mistah charley shows up please smack him back down. kthxsbai.

  61. Anonymous6:46 PM

    Does this article from Fox News describing the "fake baby" fad sound like a familiar mindset?

  62. Anonymous6:47 PM

    The Rogue was going very fast at the Diamond Costco today maybe 18 copies left in the afternoon. I demand that Costco give Joe equal time for a book signing event! Save your receipts you know for the wristbands...

  63. emrysa6:50 PM

    I'm not surprised that chris matthews was fair to mcginnis. matthews can be a nut and can go overboard, but I believe that he knows palin is a fraud and is willing to give time to those who can prove it.

    one thing about matthews - he doesn't need to fear for his job. so he doesn't need to suck-up to a political or corporate position to feel safe. he is different than many other talking heads in that regard, which explains his approach to alot of issues. not saying he's always right, but he has freedom that many in his position do not have.

  64. Anonymous6:58 PM

    @Anon 4:08 (about Matthew's comment of sarah running the country through Perry)

    I can't see her doing this unless someone is paying her big bucks and she's spouting their agenda. Sarah is neither a behind-the-scenes kind of girl nor does she have a burning desire to effect political change.

    Sarah is in it for the money and personal attention.

    My opinion...

  65. Anonymous7:11 PM

    Found this old gem:


    "Things got very intense around here in the '90s -- the culture war was very hot here," Bess said. "The evangelicals were trying to take over the valley. They took over the school board, the community hospital board, even the local electric utility. And Sarah Palin was in the direct center of all these culture battles, along with the churches she belonged to."

    In 1996, evangelical churches mounted a vigorous campaign to take over the local hospital's community board and ban abortion from the valley. When they succeeded, Bess and Dr. Susan Lemagie, a Palmer OB-GYN, fought back, filing suit on behalf of a local woman who had been forced to travel to Seattle for an abortion. The case was finally decided by the Alaska Supreme Court, which ruled that the hospital must provide valley women with the abortion option.

    At one point during the hospital battle, passions ran so hot that local antiabortion activists organized a boisterous picket line outside Dr. Lemagie's office, in an unassuming professional building across from Palmer's Little League field. According to Bess and another community activist, among the protesters trying to disrupt the physician's practice that day was Sarah Palin.

  66. Anonymous7:12 PM

    My wife saw Levi on Dr Phil.
    She was very impressed with him .
    He seemed like a " charming young man."
    He was not boastful or mean or vindictive , in fact, he seemed very humble
    and sincere.
    Mercede was passionate about defending her family and was very pretty .
    Dr Phil seemed to be in Levi's corner as was the audience.
    Too bad Levi was behind on child support .
    The clip Dr Phil played of Bristol made her seem phony and nasty and untruthful.
    Tank is unafraid of Palin .
    My wife said he was huge !
    I bet Todd doesn't mess with Tank.
    Tank should start some type of security service in Wasilla for residents frightened
    of Palin retribution.
    Joe was great on Hardball-the segment was way too short, though.

  67. Anonymous7:22 PM

    I watched Dr Phil and he was very impressed with Levi's book.

  68. WalterNeff7:29 PM

    What's with the Breitbart tweet?

  69. Anonymous7:46 PM

    Unfortunately he wasted the first half of the very short 10 min interview on defending himself about living in the house next door, and something else, now forgot. But totally OFF MESSAGE. He barely got anything in about the substance in the book, and all because he didn't deflect the tangential questions properly, he just expanded on them which didn't let him reveal what was interesting in the book. Not as much of a failure as the CNN interview, but didn't do him any favors and didn't make you want to read the book. I have a feeling that this book isn't going to do anything bad for SP. The interviews so far are all about attacking Joe, not the detail that he exposes. And he is doing a terrible job of bringing that stuff up, just busy trying to laugh off that he wasn't stalking her or that his living next door was no big deal. Sure it wasn't but why'd you just waste 50% of your interview time dwelling on it? Dumb dumb dumb. What a damn shame.

  70. Anonymous7:54 PM

    Hah, the Mother of Lies is even wearing thin on that little bigot Hannity.

    He no longer has than mischievous gleam in his eye while interviewing Crazy Lady By The Lake. The Glen Rice thing killed the racist fire in his pot belly. Interviewing her was clearly a chore.

    When told that she was now putting off her decision until November he was like, yeah, yeah, whatever, I'm not holding my breath any longer.

  71. Anonymous8:06 PM

    Andrew Breitbart is an asshole and huge trouble maker.
    And he's got a huge crush on Sarah. He's probably trying to come up with a way to discredit him all for his girl.
    I don't put anything past that slouch.
    He enjoyed exposing Weiners weiner and since he has no talent or real career ( except in his mind) he likes playing the role of tattle tail. So manly, not.
    I'm so tied of these sick selfish conservatives and liberals for defending Sarah. After what she has done to our country and president. He's a despicable pig.

  72. WakeUpAmerica8:07 PM

    Wow! The Tundra Turd looked like shit warmed over on Hannity. Once again she looked drugged.

  73. Smirnonn8:15 PM


    hannity is a douche bag and the fact that he asks snowdrift snookie for input just reinforces that fact.

    BTW, fellow audiophiles, WTF is with the crappy digital reverb on the paylump's mic????

  74. Anonymous8:18 PM

    My husband laughs at me when I suggest that the MSM goes easy on Sarah Palin and have left her story about Trig alone. Then, he watched Chris Matthews interview Joe McGinniss today. He asked me if Sarah Palin had a "swimming hole," and how Joe could look into Piper's window. I found an old picture in Google images that showed the houses side by side. Joe would have had to stand on a ladder on his roof to see into Piper's window. I explained that the old swimming hole was a polluted lake that fish couldn't swim in.

    My husband asked why the MSM doesn't ever call Sarah out on those obvious lies. I've been wondering the same thing.

  75. Anonymous8:20 PM

    what the heck is this? For real? I'm not a tweeter

    AndrewBreitbart AndrewBreitbart
    Joe, We need to talk. Very serious stuff. An email purported to be from you that raises some interesting issues. I'm around. @joemcginniss
    2 hours ago

  76. Anonymous8:27 PM

    Dumb, dumb, dumb troll at 7:46PM.

  77. Anonymous8:33 PM

    About Breitbart - whatever. Highly doubt that Joe is going to have a Weiner moment.

  78. Anonymous8:37 PM

    WalterNeff @7:29
    What's with the Breitbart tweet?


    I wanted to call it to Gryphen's attention because first of all, it's from Breitbart, a very untrustworthy man; and second, the way it's worded is strange.

    "Joe, We need to talk. Very serious stuff. An email purported to be from you that raises some interesting issues. I'm around. @joemcginniss"

    If Breitbart received an email from Joe, then why didn't he answer it directly rather than tweeting?

    When I saw the tweet, I thought "here it comes". If Breitbart is jumping in to discredit Joe .. etc.


  79. Anonymous8:37 PM

    Withering. Slithering. Ditherer.

    Tic tock.


  80. Anonymous8:38 PM

    Susan in MD, thanks for reminding me of 2ferTuesday. I just made my $20 donation which is not nearly enough. But actually Gryphen you should be paying me since I waste soooo much of my time reading your amazing blog :) Thanks for everything you do, you are my hero.

    Lisa G

  81. Anonymous8:40 PM

    Did Sarah really say on Hannity that she is putting off her decision about running until November???
    What is with this chick!!??

    What do the Palinbots say about this?? I would be pissed if I was sending her money and she was pulling my strings this long !! Unbelievable!!

    Say Palinbots, aren't you mad? Or do you like being fucked over

  82. Anonymous8:47 PM

    Yea, What's with the Breitbart tweet? There are some real creepy things going on behind the scenes. I read a bunch of tweets today, and it seems that Anthony Weiner was framed by some porn ring girls and their handlers. Scary shit. Andrew Breitbart is somehow connected to this shit, and he's reaching out to JoeMcG? All this Sarah shit is creeping me the fuck out. I'm starting to believe they put Joe and his book out there for the last of her vetting. Like, "you've seen it all now, and none of it is true" because Creepy Joe has been discredited. Yea, real creepy shit going on. This woman is toxic, but so many are promoting her? Is this whole Christianity thing they just tell you what to think and you go along with it? As a p-bot you just spend your day attacking any press that doesn't worship Sarah? What is it with these people? Do they not know that Sarah has dangerous handlers? This seems to be the goal. Creepy, Christian War-mongers take over the USA. Yup, I'm scared.

  83. Anonymous8:53 PM

    Paypal would not allow me to make the $2.00 donation. I will try again. Been reading here for well over two years.

  84. Dinty8:58 PM

    Looks like they're trying to discredit Joe McGinnis, claiming he's done a couple of hit and runs while he was in Wasilla.

    Is that the best they can do? Attack a guy thy claim is peddling petty attacks on Palin by providing an even more petty attack?


  85. Anonymous9:05 PM

    Breitbart's got nothing. The damage has been done. Palin's name is mud. The fact no one is defending her should tell you something. Not even pulling a Shirley Sherrod on McGinniss can salvage that wreck. Besides, I doubt Andy can afford another lawsuit. When Sherrod gets through with him, he's going be back sleeping on Drudge's couch.

  86. scarlet/oregon9:11 PM

    Feels good to give a little something back to you Gryphen for all the big things you achieve on this Blog. Thank you.

    And to Hannity I sent a little something also too:

    "So if on just one interview with Ms. Palin could you feed her a question & answer relating to something other than our President or her announcement to run?

    There must be something interesting for the two of you to expand on other than the same old lamestream dialogue.

    Here's a thought....ask why her grandson Tripp is named after Shailey Tripp.

    At least you've curbed your puppy dog expressions of love for her."

  87. Anonymous9:16 PM

    Did someone say? that the shit for brains wont say if she is running till November? Blah ha ha..

  88. Anonymous9:17 PM

    Matthews usually talks over his guests, never letting them finish a sentence. But not with Joe. That was a refreshing change.

  89. Sawbuck coming your way, G.

    You're freaking awesome!

    Thank you, Thank you So much!!

  90. ibwilliamsi9:37 PM

    Again, I don't get why people find the snorting lines off an oil drum story so hard to take. It sounds about right for most people her age at that time in Alaska. I don't hold it against anyone. Everyone I knew - I'm just a couple of years older than her - was into at least a couple of "somthing"s back in the day. We were all young once.

    People of a certain age - lived through the 70's - who act surprised are either terribly sheltered or just bad liars. We all know Sarah isn't naive. I'm certain the 'bots who aren't evil are.

  91. Anonymous10:15 PM

    ask why her grandson Tripp is named after Shailey Tripp.


    How could this be when Tripps parents dont know who Shailey is?

  92. Erlene10:22 PM

    Just watched a couple of minutes of Frequently Defeated Granny's appearance on FOX.

    Granny should change her ringtone to Muskrat Love in honor of that hair-don't.

  93. Anonymous10:50 PM


    Lake Lucille isn't polluted, it's anoxic because of too much vegetative growth; there simply isn't enough dissolved oxygen to support much aquatic life. There are a few fish, but not many. Not toxic though, the water quality is fine. My dogs swim there and I certainly wouldn't let them if I didn't know that the water quality was okay.

  94. Anonymous11:22 PM

    Our fairy tale troll is back ! It was so nice with you gone!

    Trying to blow off the findings in Joes book HERE really accomplishes nothing. You are speaking to people who don't care what you have to say. And you are hardly talking to the millions of people who would find that offensive.
    Like older evangelical voters.

    Second, Bristol knows exactly who Shailey is.

    Don't you Bristol.

  95. It's a shame the more saucy elements emerged as the talking points and may keep some people from reading a book they perceive as gossipy. Joe McG's book, much like Dunns, illuminates the far more worrisome issues regarding the phony Palin persona.

    James Carville remains convinced that she is going to run but on her own 'neo' terms. I am beginning to think she will again be able to turn any backlash to her favor, pulling out yet another huge victim card. Thankfully she would most likely Nader the GOP/TP but she won't go away. We swatted a huge hornets nest with this woman and she will do whatever it takes to sting everyone. If she doesn't run, I bet she'd even settle for a Perry VP slot to set herself up for a future run. They are cut from the same sleazy bolt of cloth. Carnival barkers. Charlatans. Political porn stars.

  96. Anon 7:46 "I have a feeling that this book isn't going to do anything bad for SP."

    Silly little trollie. Nice try. Truly, you can't really believe that.

    "She's toast. On the floor (butter side down, Todd)." @Smirnonn

  97. Chris and Joe both attended the College of the Holy Cross.

  98. Chris Mathews is never respectful of his 'guests'. However, I found his interview with McGuinnis pedantic and totally out of character for Chris.

  99. Anonymous3:19 AM

    To reiterate what several people posted. Levi did extremely well with Dr. Phil. Levi is arrears in his child support payments, but with the book sales he will be caught up very shortly. Sadie looked gorgeous in a very natural, nonHollywood, way. And Levi came across as being sincere and mature. Even Tank was charming.

  100. Anonymous3:32 AM

    Bierbart and Bannon (Undefeated) share office space and Bannon has funded Bierbart.

    No one is defending Sarah so she goes to Stacy McCain and Bierbart,the nastiest and dirtiest of the lot.

    Biertbart has funded James O'keef the pimp that went after Acorn the group that helped the poor, claiming they stole votes for Pres. Obama and caused congress to defund them.

    Perhaps they are trying to get people to recant, like Sarah got Levi to do. That is their MO.

  101. Anonymous4:05 AM

    "Did Sarah really say on Hannity that she is putting off her decision about running until November???"

    Not only that, she said LEGALLY she's got 'till Nov, "or something" (how can someone considering to enter this close to Nov be at the "or something" stage still?) but THEN she said this election cycle will be unconventional. Does that mean bending the rules and stringing this out past November? Maybe it means running a campaign like she does a race, photoshop herrself entering the race at a rally and send the pic to Greta announcing "she's running", then hole herself up until next November, dump a little confetti on her head and take some pictures looking at campaign results at her home studio.

  102. Anonymous4:13 AM

    Now that they know she has been with a black man, the conservatives have probably lost a lot of lust.

  103. Anonymous5:23 AM

    The paper in Atlanta didn't publish any of the Doonesbury cartoons relating to the book until today, when it ran them all. The explanation: the cartoons referred to a-yet unpublished book about SP and thus she hadn't had a chance to respond. ???
    Then it ran the response from Todd and a very negative review of the author. What the .....?????

  104. Anonymous5:50 AM

    This story in today's NYT's about the GOP's influence with Netanyahu is disturbing; I fear that Palin's move to woo Netanyahu on her recent fake trip to Israel will be her agenda for the upcoming election, regardless of whether or not she runs. This whole relationship with the GOP and Israel is disturbing in itself because when push comes to shove they don't give a rats ass about the welfare of the jews - it's all about economics.


  105. Anonymous said...
    ...Maybe it means running a campaign like she does a race, photoshop herself entering the race at a rally and send the pic to Greta announcing "she's running", then hole herself up until next November, dump a little confetti on her head and take some pictures looking at campaign results at her home studio.
    4:05 AM
    "...dump a little confetti on her head..."

    Bwahahah! Beautiful!

  106. Re Breitbart seeking a convo with Joe McGinniss.

    Head's up (no pun intended): Breitbart's calling every male that he hasn't already ambushed at the urinal in the bar. BB just upgraded to the 16G iPhone, so he has lots more memory to store photos of other men's dicks.

    You know, I wonder if that cokehead ever loans his phone to one of his kids.

    I understand that he's got a formal timeshare arrangement with RAM to alternate having each of their faces planted firmly against Sarah's anus. He's such a sick fuck.

    G-man, I don't think I'd return his call if I were you.

    Just sayin'.

  107. Anonymous7:46 AM

    How could this be when Tripps parents dont know who Shailey is?

    10:15 PM

    FU Troll. Todd ran the ring and Shailey was his #1.

    Where are his 'love' children????

  108. Anonymous9:03 AM

    4:13 AM - Don't let them fool you they are probably even more "hard" for her with that revelation. They are a weird group.

  109. Anonymous9:59 AM

    I haven't read the book yet, but I'm surprised I'm not hearing much about any of the "-gates" - except babygate. What about housegate, dairygate, troopergate, - I think there are a couple dozen gates. Does he cover any of that?

  110. Anonymous9:59 AM

    He was on The View this morning, too. I don't think Barbara was pleased with him at all, by the way she tossed the booka cross the tabe to Whoopie at the end of the segment. At least he got to answer soem questions there, too. They talked about babygate a bit.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.