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"Stop reading this review! Stop it I say! The only truth is my truth, everything else is a lie!" |
This review will NOT be one of those.
But I will tell you this. Joe McGinniss does not hold back in this book. And in fact takes a rather stunning, and potentially reputation damaging risk.
And he does it for all of you.
Perhaps its best if I start at the beginning.
When Joe came to Alaska that summer in 2010, he asked to meet me for coffee on only his second day in our fair state. We met at the Starbucks only about five minutes from my house, where we had a rather interesting conversation.
During that talk Joe asked me to explain why I continued to pursue Babygate.
You know that is one of those conversations that I am always hesitant to engage in with people, because I am never sure how they will respond. But Joe asked, so I carefully laid out my case.
Looking back on it now I believe that Joe was just trying to figure out if I was crazy or not. (Later I learned that a number of journalists and authors had been warned to steer clear of me.) Apparently Joe determined that I was not only NOT crazy, but that my questions concerning Palin's birth story with Trig were more than valid.
However he also informed me that if I expected him to pursue that topic I needed to find him people willing to talk about it, preferably with documentation or eyewitness accounts to share.
I want you to know that I did my level best. I made phone calls, I sent e-mails, and I even went out to Wasilla to meet some of these people face to face.
But I failed.
Even after Joe left Alaska he said "Jesse I need something more than what I found up there." So I tried some more, and essentially ran off people who had once claimed repeatedly to be willing to talk to "the right journalist or author." (If freaking Joe McGinniss was not "the right author" who in the hell were they waiting to interview them?)
But as you know I kept digging. Sadly some of my more explosive posts on the topic occurred AFTER Joe had already submitted his manuscript. And still they did not really represent what could be considered concrete proof that she had faked that pregnancy.
So when I received my copy of Joe's book I did not expect much about babygate to be addressed. (I would be proven wrong about that.)
Essentially Joe decided to write a book that is more or less two books in one.
One book is all about Sarah Palin, and her upbringing, politics, and the celebrity status that she enjoys today. The other book is about Joe's experiences as the "most hated neighbor in America."
All through the book Joe weaves back and forth between these two narratives, using the incidents that happened to him in 2010 to illustrate what makes people so afraid to speak out about the Palins, and then revisiting Sarah's life story to better understand why she and Todd react to perceived adversity the way that they do. As well as how a lack of consequences in the past reinforced their vindictive natures today.
In the hands of a less gifted writer this could have been a confusing mishmash of conflicting timelines and seemingly unrelated pieces of information, but Joe knits the two narratives together almost seamlessly.
Essentially we learn, just like we did in Geoffrey Dunn's book, that Sarah Palin uses people up like tissue paper and casts them aside with virtually NO thought to how they might be affected by her callousness. And if anybody dares to challenge her right to treat them like garbage, Todd steps in and essentially intimidates them into accepting their fate without argument.
The level of anger that has built up over the years from taking this abuse, can best be illustrated by the rather unbelievable number of guns offered to Joe while he is staying next door to the Palins. (I cannot help but wonder if at least a few of these friendly Wassilians were not harboring a secret fantasy that Joe WOULD actually feel the need to use one of these firearms and forever remove the Palin plague from their lives forever. I know that seems harsh, but I have spoken to several of their neighbors who feel a great deal of animosity toward that family, and I do not see it as being out of the realm of possibilities.)
Despite the fear that Palin seems to instill in people, Joe manages to conduct a number of "on the record" interviews, with the participants agreeing to allow Joe to use their full names in his book. These include Wasilla resident Catherine Mormile, ex-Wasilla Mayor John Stein, Rev. Howard Bess, and Palin's former Head of Security Gary Wheeler. (More on Gary later.)
As most of us would expect the book also contains a number of interviews with people who would rather NOT be named in the book. However it is a hard case to make that THEIR anonymous information is any more damaging than the information provided by those willing to stick their necks out.
Essentially the information, whether anonymous or with names firmly attached, harmoniously blends together like colors sharing the same palette, to paint a picture of Sarah Palin that is clearly defined and altogether disturbing.
In one of my favorite interviews in the book Joe manages to get one of Palin's so called "friends" to speak to him, though oddly she also demands anonymity.
This person claims to have known Sarah for fifteen years, though it appears that she has really only had minimal contact with Palin mostly consisting of attending the same aerobics class and through a "Christmas ornament exchange" that Palin stopped attending several years ago. This interviewee did not have any real conversations with Sister Sarah, and in fact barely knows the woman, but hey at least ONE person does not hate the Palin family in Wasilla! (Though this poor woman laments the fact that she never received a card from Sarah when her father died, she also insists that Joe write down that Palin always "deals with stress with grace and dignity." Poor little Zombie rat!)
Anyhow you will read more about all of that in the many reviews still to be written about "The Rogue," as well as from Joe himself during his numerous upcoming interviews this week and next. So lets' move on to the reason that you all really wanted to read MY review.
What does Joe address concerning "babygate?" As it turns out, far more than any of us could have expected.
Throughout Chapter Nineteen Joe does not actually SAY that he does not believe Palin's version of events, but through quotes from Andrew Sullivan buoyed up by the suspicions of those that know her that she pulled a fast one, he leaves little doubt that he finds the whole thing virtually impossible to swallow.
At one point Joe addresses the fact that her flight to and from Dallas was the ONLY ONE ON WHICH HER SECURITY STAFF DID NOT ACCOMPANY HER. And in case you are a little slow on the uptake as to the reason why that was the case, her Head of Security Gary Wheeler lays out what would have transpired if he HAD flown with her: "if he'd been there and her water had broken at 4:00 AM on April 17, he would have whisked her to a Dallas hospital as soon as possible, and certainly wouldn't have let her fly to Alaska twelve hours later!" Of course he wouldn't. No reasonable person who cared about the Governor's well being would.
All in all when you see Palin's version of events presented in black and white, in an actual book written by a well known and highly regarded author, it quite literally defies all logic.
I am of the opinion that if anybody who was NOT a dyed in the wool Palin-bot were to read that chapter they would throw the book down in disgust afterward and proclaim, "The bitch lied!"
Which brings me to what I perceive as the heroism of Joe McGinniss.
Joe did not HAVE to address the pregnancy issue in his book, and doing so opens him up to a barrage of attacks from the mainstream media as well as what remains of Palin's ardent supporters. Leaving it out would certainly not have hurt sales, considering the rather salacious tidbits that are contained within its pages, and it is doubtful that including it will result in that many more sales either
In Frank Bailey's book he made excuses for why Palin did not appear pregnant.
Nick Broomfield, though he interviewed me for over an hour on the topic, seems to have avoided it completely.
To his credit Geoffrey Dunn addresses the "Wild Ride" head on but carefully avoids slanting his coverage one way or the other.
So WHY did Joe take the risk, when so many before him had avoided it like the plague?
My opinion? He did it for his friend Andrew Sullivan. I'd like to think he did it for me. I KNOW he did it for you. And he did it because it was the right thing to do and SOMEBODY had to do it!
And because Joe took such a risk with his reputation, with his career, and, let's face it, with the sales of his book, he has very graciously teed up this subject in such a way that it is now positioned perfectly for Fred to come in with his book, focused solely on "babygate" and the media's malpractice in not covering it, and knock it right out of the ball park.
In my opinion heroism like that needs to be rewarded, so if you have not ordered your copy of The Rogue, please do so now. I seriously doubt that you will be disappointed.
As usual, I have to wait longer to get my supersaver shipping.
ReplyDeleteYou rock. I am donating tomorrow, and I did not cancel my Amazon preorder. The Glen Rice story alone deserves the sale, since Glen is on the record. It is irrefutable proof that Sarah is a complete and utter fraud.
ReplyDeleteThe babygate stuff is a bonus. I read the Washington Post review this weekend, and while it basically sucked, it did devote an entire paragraph to the magical mystery pregnancy, which was excellent if only for the fact that it enlightens people who dont pay attention to Sarah of the virtual impossibility of her tale.
The MSM is trashing this book, because Joe did the job they were too scared to do. Joe shows the complete and utter failure of the corporate media, the GOP, and the McCain campaign when it came to vetting a candidate for the second highest position in the most powerful country in the world. The MSM will NEVER admit that. Sarah Palin is and always was a mentally unbalanced, corrupt fraud who faked her own pregnancy hoisted upon this country by John McCain, and a all too complicit media and Republican party. That is why they are trashing Joe McGinnis, because he is the only one with the balls to call them out.
Thank you Joe and Gryphen
I believe the "Todd response" to Joe's book was written many months ago by RAM and pulled from a dusty file.
ReplyDeleteRAM is most likely still under the bus.
Palin and Andrew Brietbart enjoy the same personality defects. They each pathetically believe they can "WIN" a new Civil War between liberals and conservatives, literally because they have more guns and liberals have "only" words. He's a scary piece of shit...in his own mind....just like Sarah. Great piece, Gryphen, by the way!"
Despite the anger at the McCain team for not properly vetting this newbie neo-con from the hinterlands, many members of the MSM turned a critical eye on Sarah's flimsy record that brought her so close to running the country:
When the MSM did started doing what it is supposed to do (investigate and publish intelligence on a subject) the McCain Campaign circled the wagons in embarrassment at the gross miscalculation at Sarah's aptitude and competency.
That is when the MSM, whom John McCain wined, dined and loved, and whom Sarah Palin also too pursued like a dog of hell by having the State hire a PR firm to push her "energy expertise" creds - turned into the LSM.
Many journalists still deserve credit for not going along with the campaigns efforts at controlling the message.
Locking an unknown politician with an utterly fantastical manufactured narrative from the press proved that they knew they made a mistake and the damage control was impossible.
Sarah Palin never deserved any elected role she achieved. Not even sitting on the city council. The woman simply falls backassward into luck, fortune and celebrity.
She is a Little Shop of Horrors.
Gryphen, thanks for your review! Did Joe interview anyone outside of AK for this book? VP Campaign people? Did he talk about how McCain's people were up in AK erasing photos and hard drives as fast as they could? Did he quote the airline personnel and show the email from the guy who saw Palin in the airport when she was presumably "in labor"?
ReplyDeleteAlso, was there anything about what the emails revealed?
A most excellent post, love!
ReplyDeleteBut ah, I think we can now surmise that "Fred" is Andrew? If true I am not sure how I feel about that. Sully is phenomenal, of course, but hasn't he been dubbed a "trig-truther" already? Wondering where that would leave him in the credibility dept on this topic. Just thinking out loud...
It's going to be a good week though, amirite? Lol
Susan in MD
Wasn't the house Joe rented there BEFORE the Palins had their free house built? Why did they build so close to the neighbor's house? Did Palin ever complain about the previous tenants, recently released prisoners, ogling her and her daughters? This Palin family was allowed to run over many people, but did not realise that the rest of the country is MUCH larger than Alaska, so intimidating over 300 million people would not be easy. I still think McCain should be made to explain why she was not vetted, before being nominated to occupy the VP slot. Kristol should be asked what he found so
ReplyDeletequalified" about her also, too!!
I'm looking forward to midnight. My Kindle will be waiting.
ReplyDeleteEnticing review....go Joe...go Mr.G
ReplyDeleteI cracked up laughing as the Christmas ornament exchange lady is one of your trolls!
They are still exchanging notes in Palin troll land. For whom the blogs doest troll.(could not resist)
People are buying this book!
Thank you, Gryphen. I ordered it as soon as I finished your post. I had expected to just survive on reviews and spoilers until I had my hands on the library's copy, but after reading what you wrote, that just seemed wrong...
ReplyDeleteAnd Fred's book is coming out.... ??? When?
ReplyDeleteWill it be available on Amazon? a website? either/or?
C'mon, inquiring minds and all that...
Thanks! And thanks Joe McGinniss and Andrew Sullivan, also, too.
ReplyDeleteI'm with womanwithsardinecan in waiting for my supersaver shipping shipment.
Am waiting to see if I should spend money on Levi's book, too.
You talked me into it. I just ordered "The Rogue". Now I'm gonna have to cover my ears and hum for the next few days.
I pre-ordered for my iPad2 a couple of weeks ago and am waiting like a kid for Xmas to receive it tomorrow morning! (Only wish I had the day off to devote entirely to reading it!)
ReplyDeleteI was thinking about the reviews, and came up with this: I have a brother who writes for a major daily newspaper, a lamestream media elitist, if you will. When he visited me about a month ago and I brought up the topic that all this shit was ready to hit the fan, he totally cut off the conversation with "She's a fucking crazy nobody. She's done. No one cares." To most people, she is such a total joke that they don't entertain even wasting an ounce of their energy, thoughts or attention on her.
ReplyDeleteSo imagine that a fair share of reporters feel this way about the fair Queen Esther. They are handed this book after having written the bitch off two years ago or so, or perhaps just after the blood libel interview totally destroyed her credibility in their opinions. Haven't thought a thing about her since. Never read a book about her since perhaps Game Change, which is two years old. And then they open up The Rogue and discover an entire cacophony of the bile that is her life up there in Moose Country. I can imagine they are reading it thinking "Holy Shit!! Who the hell is this chick? Wow, how nasty! WTF?"
Hence, the reviews are a bit of disbelief combined with revelation. And hopefully a touch of shame for ignoring what is so obviously a shameful attempt to pass through an utter imposter to one of the highest offices in the world.
Gryphen, I have to hand it to you for keeping up the drumbeat. I didn't even try for more than a minute to convince my brother that this shit matters, as he was adamant that she doesn't deserve any thought or attention at all, and you and the other bloggers have had those "still spines" for all this time. And, kudos to Joe, and to you for recognizing his stepping up.
Oh Sarah, there you go again. The more things change, the more you stay the same. Fresh new energy? New ideas? Free from corporate cronyism? You are old, stale and tired in your entire "20 year" public career.
ReplyDeleteFrom that Seattle Times article in 2008:
"Wasilla residents have been subjected to attempts to unlawfully appoint council members, statements that have been shown to be patently untrue, unrepentant backpedaling, and incessant whining that her only enemies are the press and a few disgruntled supporters of Mayor Stein. ... Palin promised to change the status quo, but at every turn we find hints of cronyism and political maneuvering. We see a woman who has long since surrendered her ideals to a political machine."
The newspaper's readers chimed in.
"Mayor Sarah Palin behaves like a petulant, spoiled teenager," wrote a woman who ran a flower shop.
A tool-and-die maker defended Palin, writing, "We didn't want 'business as usual.' "
How many of you want to bet that Sarah penned the too-and-die maker's letter and had him sign it and send it in? : )
Anything that makes more people aware of Babygate is good.
ReplyDeleteThis may be the only book Joe has written where he received death threats...
Stay classy Palin's and your Bots....
I think we need to start plastering the "wanted" $10,000 reward poster by Prof. Scharlott in public spaces all over the country.
ReplyDeleteI should be sleeping all day today since I will be reading all night.
ReplyDeleteJesse, this could never have happened without you. Never.
I feel so lucky to have found this blog and now perhaps the world will realize how dangerous it is to just "watch the news" on TV, to never research the things that give you pause, and to not speak up. I think Sarah Palin has served a purpose.
This is why I ordered Joe's book and not the others. I reward real journalism. There's so little of it left these days...
ReplyDeleteDamn Wasilla. When this woman became Governor of the state, this people should have stepped forward, and sung like birds.
ReplyDeleteShe was a horrible governor, and many people died/starved because of her crappy decisions. I put that on YOU Wasilla.
I pre-ordered Joe's book a long time ago. It seems like it's taken forever for it to be released, & now I have to be super patient & wait for it to arrive via snail mail. Ah well, good things come to those who wait - & I've put my time in. ;)
ReplyDeleteThanks so much Gryphen.
When I think about Babygate, I see a bunch of random babies (Ruffles, Tripp, Trig, miscellaneous campaign stand-in babies, possibly even realistic dolls). None of whom have confirmable birthdates or hospital records. We are so conditioned to assume a medical environment for birth; but I think at least a couple of these babies were born at home, under the radar, with at best a midwife in attendance. No insurance issues, birth certificate info self-reported. Lots of murkiness.
ReplyDeleteGryphen, OT, but have you read Floyd Orr's book?
ReplyDeleteMark (I think it was you who commented re: their journalist brothers).
ReplyDeleteYour brother is right that she's yesterday's news politically. For the time being. Scabby, skanky GOP political folk seem to rise from the ashes over & over & over -- so the evil witch of Wasilla could do so in the future unless enough water is poured on her for her to completely melt(down).
But the real problem with politics and the political divide between right & left is that the right votes based on reflexive party-only "values," and those values must be shown, over & over if needed, not to truly exist in the people that they are supporting & considering voting for.
The people in power on the right are a bunch of charlatans with some seriously scary skeletons in their closets that need shaking out. And their are some skeletons that put them beyond acceptance or even a rise from the ashes. Basketball players & airport bathroom sort of stuff. And faking the birth of a special-needs child.
I would love to see those sorts of skeletons fall out of Rick Perry's closet. Talk in TX was/is that there are more than a few Larry Craig type scandals down south for him.
In an ideal world the right could have a real platform -- which truly did exist for many years, pre-Bush2, which is why I was a registered Republican for 20 years back in the day -- and give up that fake patriotic & spiritual stance, voting for actual political positions & the politicians who support them. But that day is a long time in the future, and can only be arrived at if GOP politicians can be shown to have NO true xtian credibility over & over & over.
So, as much as we'd all like to have Bible Spice be relegated to the trash heap forever & ever, there's still work to be done to ensure that her political future is a non-starter.
Mainstream journalists carry a lot of responsibility for failure on all of those fronts. The narratives that they drive -- well, that's another long comment, and so I'll save it for another day...
Thanks for the great review. I have my book preordered for my nook and can't wait. Good for Joe!! He will be able to handle the criticism and interviews. He's got the confidence and I believe he checked his sources throughly.
ReplyDeleteI think tonight he's on Piers Morgan and if he is on for a full hour, that would be amazing!
I hope people will remember to write positive reviews at Amazon and B & N if they like the book. I wrote B & N and protested that they were allowing comments before the book was even published. You can spot the bot comments with their use of the word " haters" and their poor spelling and grammar!!
Thanks G for sticking out your neck and stating with Babygate. I have a feeling we will know the entire truth some day!
I suspect Joe used his experience in Wasilla as the basis for his story because he realized that interest in Sarah was waning, plus Dunn's book had already taken the critical biography approach. It was a good idea.
ReplyDeleteBut I see his Trignostic approach to Babygate as essentially dishonest, in that he knows damn well she faked her pregnancy. But because he couldn't get a key witness (and seriously, who is there except CBJ and the baby's father?) to agree to go on the record, he didn't have the guts to expose himself to ridicule. A real act of courage would have been for him to state his conclusions; saying he's "Trignostic" is a copout, if you ask me.
And I hate to tell you, but Joe wrote this book for money, not for you or me. The guy is like Sarah: mean at heart with loads of charm that people fall for. But Joe is always about Joe.
And I'm afraid his behavior last winter over a certain manuscript goes a long way to explaining the nasty reviews he is getting now. People in publishing haven't forgotten. So in a sense, Joe's maneuver helped Sarah.
The book that needs to be written is the one exposing how and why the media gave her a pass.
God hates you Sarah Palin!
ReplyDeleteApparently my reading comprehension is not what it should be.
ReplyDeleteWho the f*ck is Fred?
I hope many more people learn why people doubted that Palin gave birth to Trig. It is easy to dismiss the issue told evil haters lie about Palin.
ReplyDeletePalin habitually lies which bears the consequence of doubting her words.
I understood why people questioned this pregnancy seeing photos, hearing the wild ride for things do not add up. If Palin was pregnant her actions and decision making convince me she is unfit and also her spouse.
Check out today's Doonesbury...
anon 6:03 The strange thing is that my brother does a lot of political corruption stories, albiet in the lower 48. I think it's the fact that Palin is just such a joke that she isn't even taken seriously. With her Fox News contract, they probably see her as another Ann Coulter.
ReplyDeleteUnfortunately, I think the same can be said for the Tea Party itself. People with half a brain think they are ridiculous and a joke, and here they are chipping away at our foundation with a bunch of lunatics in statewide offices. Even in states that you would have thought people knew better (OH, WI, MI).
The media is largely to blame for that as well.
Mr Griffin,
ReplyDeleteO/T, but I encourage you to read this piece by Jay Rosen. He really nails some of the frustrations we have with the state of so-called journalism. He focuses on NPR, but "he said/she said" journalism is rampant in all media outlets. "We get it from all sides, so we must be doing something right" is the common rationale for justifying airhead reporting. "Fair and balanced" anyone?
I've been wondering why I yell at the radio when NPR is doing the news.
I pre-ordered Joe's book in January, cancelled it a few weeks ago, just to re-order it this past weekend, so I could add more products to get the free shipping. Won't get it for another week! boo-hoo. But, this way I can get all my projects done and focus on it with 100% of my attention.
ReplyDeleteThank you Joe for this huge contribution - you may have saved the world. (and to Random Books!)
I want you to know that I did my level best. I made phone calls, I sent e-mails, and I even went out to Wasilla to meet some of these people face to face.
ReplyDeleteBut I failed.
What else is new?
So when it all comes out, and $arah is revealed to have lied about Trig's birthday, parentage, and place of birth, what will happen to her?
ReplyDeleteShame and ignominy, that's obvious.
Possibly even turn into a hermit, never being seen in public again for shame, embarrassment, and utter humiliation. Hopefully $arah you will FINALLY admit you need psychiatric help from qualified MD's.
But you Palin family people who didn't know, will finally understand what this stranger in your midst known as $arah has been up to behind your backs.
And you cretins known as Trig's Crew will have to confess your utter infatuation with falsehoods, lies, and worshiping a lying human being.
@ Who the f*ck is Fred?
ReplyDeleteHe is an author who is a "well-known journalist" who is writing a book about Babygate that was intended to be released sometime in September. We haven't been privy to "who" he is exactly at this point.
AJ Billings said...what will happen to her?
ReplyDeleteTWO WORDS.
Celebrity Rehab.
I was in a gathering of women over the weekend. One of the woman in attendance was 7 months pregnant with her first child. And she LOOKED 7 months pregnant with a lovely round tummy. This lady is a physically fit woman and had "tight abs" when she got pregnant. It boggles the mind to think that people actually believe the horse shit that Palin spews about her "pregnancy" with Trig.
ReplyDeleteSome of my first thoughts:
ReplyDeleteI think FRank B is just a bit slow, sees the positive in things, and was probably a bit clouded from troopergate. He is far from the only person who still believes Sarah is Trigs birth mother.
"but hey at least ONE person does not hate the Palin family in Wasilla!"
You generalize too much, and exaggerate. There are still many people who are either indifferent, have no problems with, or even like the family. Many have never met them.
It confuses me that people remain hurt after a falling out with a "former friend". Are these people really that bored or lifeless? Im serious. Do people not realize that when one's career picks up, it's impossible to still maintain one's old life of regular kids playdates, girls weekends, and endless sporting events? It seems that the longterm friends Sarah still has are people who have actual lives and let their friends grow as people. It appears that the people who hold grudges are the people whose life revolved on Sarah too much. Thats sad to me. I have several friends who are now pretty successful in television. We talk like 3 times a year. My brother, whom I am close to, is a hot shot choreographer who travels frequently. We talk get together twice a year, maybe.
I stand by my theory as to why people hold grudges. It's like theyre selfish and thought they deserved everything Sarah "achieved."
While I wish some of the people who dont have anything to complain about concerning Sarah, people who've known her for decades, Im a little glad they didnt interview. I think they would have received hate mail from Palin haters. Truth be told, things were not as rough as people paint, in the early 00s, in the 90s, now. I will agree that the VP campaign probably created a rough atmosphere because thats the nature of them. BUT- it's not like things were horrible. The family pulled together immediately after the campaign. Like always they rallied around Bristol, they dealt with ridiculous media interventions with grace. This I know. AND they handled Bristol's inevitable falling out with Levi pretty well considering.
I think because many of the leaked interviews are petty, unsubstantiated gossip, the book will die faster than he expected.
Just my two cents, from person who knows many people in the Valley.
G-man: what a well done review! Just the best. You included what I wanted to know, you are supportive of a colleague, you are not exaggerating, and you respected his content so we will be able to read the book without foreknowledge of his details.
ReplyDeleteI esp appreciated the background you gave.
I think the two new (to me) acts of vandalism Phil Munger described a few days ago (his car's oil messed up = $3500 repair; and the chair delivery man's truck window shot through) confirm everything you have said and illustrates why people who know are legitimately afraid.
Thank you, G. I think it would be great if you got an avalanche of donations tomorrow, no matter how small the smallest are: they are all dollar votes for what you are doing. The number of contributions (even more than their dollar total) will make an important point. --Amy1
Thanks Gryphen! I've enjoyed your blog for 3 years now. I guess it's time to pony up a little gratitude in the form of $ to show my support for your hard work. I'm also awaiting Joe's book to appear on my Kindle tomorrow.
ReplyDeleteFor the people still beating the "Joe is just out to make money" drum, SO WHAT? He's a writer. It's what he does for his living. I have no problem with that. If The Bailey Book people have a problem with McGinniss, take him to court and sue his ass. It's the American way :)
Anon 6:33 AM What else is new?
ReplyDeleteYou know what's new? Well, you see there's this new book coming out tomorrow--well, actually two books coming out tomorrow, The Rogue by Joe McGinniss and Deer In The Headlights by Levi Johnston. Both on Sarah Palin's reign of terror. Then, there's this new documentary, You Betcha, by Nick Broomfield, that is hitting theaters. That one's also about Sarah. Plus, there's an expose being written in the National Enquirer. About? You guessed it. Sarah. Oh, then there's a new book about Babygate that is due to come out this fall and is written by a well-respected mainstream journalist. Babygate, by the way, is the term for "Thought I Could Whore Out A Child Born With Down Syndrome To Gain Credibility With the Christian Right So I Could Win An Election."
Are you caught up now? Oh, and since she's divorced, she goes by "Sarah Heath."
OK you convinced me - after some of the stuff Joe pulled on his blog and some other reasons I wasn't sure any more about whether to buy the book so I canceled my pre-order - figuring the best stuff would eventually come out (at least in general terms) online - but after reading your review - I figured what the heck I want to read it sooner rather then later and first hand my preorder is back on - will donate my copy to the library after reading (that same as I did with the previous two books)
ReplyDeleteThis is under the Blowback (comments) section at the Doonesbury strip:
ReplyDelete"THE POINT
Tom French | Washington, D.C. | September 17, 2011
Anyone who thinks this week's strips are about Sarah Palin and not a satirical look at the way conservative players become apologists and spin doctors are completely missing the point. Personally, I'm far more concerned that Jeff won't get his book published."
This commenter is from DC and so I wonder WHO is JEFF? Could this be "Fred?" Anyone know of a well-known author who is DC based by the name of Jeff? I was thinking it might be Sully, but who knows. Virginia Voter, any thoughts?
Susan in MD
@telah: What I don't get is how journalists can reconcile calling Palin an irrelevant joke when damaging information comes out ("Nothing to see here, folks--This is old news that's already been covered..."), but then treating her like a potential and legitimate candidate for elected office when she lashes out at the President or floats out hints that she might run for president. In other words, if she is such a joke, then why do they continue to cover her? They were literally chasing her this summer.
ReplyDeleteMy copy is coming tomorrow! Go Joe! Yay Gryphen!
ReplyDeleteLove this from ABC News:
ReplyDelete"In Bristol Palin's own book,... she says she lost her virginity to Johnston on a camping trip when she got drunk on wine coolers.
Johnston .... says in his book if that's when Bristol first had sex, he "wasn't there." He says they did camp with friends but it was "well after" the two, who began dating in 2006, were sexually active."
Let's hope that Levi holds his own this week and doesn't play games with what he knows.
@Telah - one of my best friends writes for the wsj, and wrote for the nyt 11 years. he's teased me about my interest in Palin for the three years she's been around. In the beginning he said she was silly and would vanish. She didn't. Now he says she's no threat, and there are bigger fish to fry. He's a man. And he's a new yorker.
ReplyDeleteI keep arguing with him. Palin must be fully routed like an infected boil, I tell him. If she's not lanced and healed-- and the cause of her rise revealed, it all happens again and again. I've also argued that ONLY SCANDAL will bring her down and rupture the republican party the way it should. Nobody gives a damn about political corruption except the self-absorbed reporters who cover it.
We were let down by the fearful citizens of Alaska and by reporters in general. All because they assumed that Palin would go away. She hasn't.
Thank god for bloggers and for JMcG. He (and G) may be arrogant and cranky, but at least they keep shining the light on the darkness.
Done and done. I even bought Floyd Orr's book. You can down load it for just $6 so I thought what the hell. If Me Again thinks his book gave SP a heart attack I definitely want to read it.
ReplyDeleteI don't like Joe McG. But damn yeah, I ordered his book. If no one else will do this, I'll vote for the reporter who does. Seeing his book rise on the best seller list is sweet revenge on every lilly-livered, unpublished "reviewer" who hasn't written a book themselves nor had the balls to pursue a topic so volatile.
ReplyDeleteHell, yeah, I ordered THE ROGUE. It's a big fat YES to seeing the end of Sarah Palin, and the least I can do.
Sorry G, gotta love you for thinking the best, but I'm with anon@608. I think Joe chickened out at first, finally clued in too late (the birth announcement written before the birth, etc), realized he had chosen the wrong side, and scrambled to position himself on both sides. Our Joe would have been right at home with the folks who showed up kinda late at the battle of Bosworth Field.
ReplyDeleteMy hopes are with Fred, and my heart remains with Sullivan and the bloggers who took a stand because it was the right thing to do, and d@mn the consequences.
Zombie Rats Alert! Keep it up, "morans!"
ReplyDeleteI don't know how people would react to a fake pregnancy, but I don't see there being an uproar. Not when even more explosive things are happening elsewhere.
ReplyDeleteAnon @ 4:56am--
ReplyDeleteNow Brietbarf, the mamma's boy of the RW Media, is promoting the use of guns against Liberals? Damn, the Koch boys must be desperate to stir up their base. I've heard this little creep interviewed, and believe me, he sounds as if he isn't capable of using a Super Soaker. He acted like a spoiled, whiny 12-year-old having a foot-stompin' tantrum when confronted with the inconsistencies of his Acorn and Shirley Sherrod stories. And that's what the "librul" media is all about--IMO, most of the outlets are either paid or threatened to promote over-the-top idiots, and ignore or ridicule those who calmly tell truth to power. And dumbed-down America is all too willing to fall for this soundbite crap over and over. Make it easy to digest, just like fast food, and feed the angry mob attitude of their partially-evolved, brainwashed sheeple base. But these are the people who will be the easiest to manipulate--and in turn, help to control others through fear. The perfect footsoldier serfs for the Kochs, et al, to use in a very bleak future. Only if we with the "words" and smarts let them.
BTW, going out to get my Rogue copy tomorrow!
When there's no CONCRETE proof of something, you cannot print an absolute answer, even if it's an opinion. you will appear foolish.
ReplyDeleteThat is why babygate is still small potatoes.
Anon 6:03 said, "But the real problem with politics and the political divide between right & left is that the right votes based on reflexive party-only "values," and those values must be shown, over & over if needed, not to truly exist in the people that they are supporting & considering voting for."
ReplyDeleteYes--to your whole post. And THAT is EXACTLY what is wrong with S. Palin. And if those values DON'T exist, then it is TRUE that the Republican party is explicitly involved in propping these people up as if they DO exist!
You guys, think about it. If Palin's fake pregnancy were ever allowed to be revealed, the Big Dogs backing the Republican party would have to jet her completely. They would have to DENY ALL knowledge of it, participation in it and so on. They would make sure that THEIR hands were clean. Palin would fall. Maybe someone else would fall with her, but not the whole evil-empire. No way.
So then ask yourself if right now, the Powers That Be, want to Lose Her or Use Her? See, I think, without being too much of a conspiracy-nut here, that it's the power-money group that makes these things either happen or not happen. Seriously. Rarely-do we piss ants get to direct such important decisions and matters. Oh it happens sometimes. Or used to, when we had REAL journalists like Woodward and Bernstein. We'll see.
But the way I see it is that it depends on what the Republican party and their money-power backers decide to do with her. If they allowed the Hoax to be revealed, putting it all on her, wouldn't it kill their Christian base support? Or would they just SHUN her and run to Perry? Maybe Joe's book is that shot across the bow?
Good grief, will someone please tell me where the off switch is for all this crap? lol
Susan in MD
telah said...
ReplyDeleteAnon 6:33 AM What else is new?
You know what's new? Well, you see there's this new book coming out tomorrow--well, actually two books coming out tomorrow, The Rogue by Joe McGinniss and Deer In The Headlights by Levi Johnston. Both on Sarah Palin's reign of terror. Then, there's this new documentary, You Betcha, by Nick Broomfield, that is hitting theaters. That one's also about Sarah. Plus, there's an expose being written in the National Enquirer. About? You guessed it. Sarah. Oh, then there's a new book about Babygate that is due to come out this fall and is written by a well-respected mainstream journalist. Babygate, by the way, is the term for "Thought I Could Whore Out A Child Born With Down Syndrome To Gain Credibility With the Christian Right So I Could Win An Election."
Are you caught up now? Oh, and since she's divorced, she goes by "Sarah Heath."
I meant what else is new in terms of Gryphen failing on the topic he made the most of pursuing.
Palin is a non event, yet this blog still spends 500% of its time on her.
Palin milks her rubes while the blog author milks you.
I'll be buying Joe's book. I think Joe is a very brave person and so are you for continually trying to expose the fraud.
ReplyDeleteThe book that needs to be written is the one exposing how and why the media gave her a pass.
ReplyDelete6:08 AM
I am currently reading Floyd Orr's book Paradigm Shift: The Palin Matrix. I don't know why this book hasn't gotten more coverage but it's a great start on why the media gave her a pass.
anon 7:08 What I don't get is how journalists can reconcile calling Palin an irrelevant joke when damaging information comes out
ReplyDeleteI think it's the state of journalism. Look at the number of bureaus that have been closed by the major dailies. Look at the hundreds of jobs that have been lost--more than 400 editorial positions last year at the NYT alone. They don't have the staff and are staring at a frightening balance sheet, but also making more revenues off the online version than print. Face it, Sarah sells clicks, not just from those who are disgusted by her but by the thinning ranks of supporters. As Joe says, she's a national phenomenon. Write two paragraphs, slap up a photo with the waterbra on and toss in a quote from "The Palin Camp" (funny how they never have names) and drive a ton of traffic to drive up ad revenues.
Pitiful but true.
Anon 7:13-I don't totally agree with only self-absorbed journalists caring about corruption but I agree with your points.
Anon 7:20--"doubt there would be an uproar". Keep dreaming, honey. It isn't the fake pregnancy of and by itself. If it were simply a matter of confused parentage to protect an "innocent" minor by claiming Grandma Sarah is Mommy Sarah, people would say big deal. It is holding her little Down Syndrome Gift up like the fucking Lion King, claiming she considered abortion and struggled-oh-so-much, and the ongoing story she sold surrounding him that is the outrage. Poor Trig is a bookend to "Combat Vet" Track.
She uses her children to suit her fake persona. She is an imposter.
This is quite a post. I have to digest this one slowly. I love the way you "built" this post to the end - addressing babygate. Now to read the comments and try and let it sink in. Thanks.
ReplyDelete@telah, thanks for your report about your MSM brother.
ReplyDeleteWhat he clearly doesn't understand, because he is *too close* to see it, is that the Palin story is not about Palin, it's ABOUT THE MSM and how they completely fell down on the job (best case) or actively, treasonously lied to cover up Palin (worst and most probable/frequent case).
What's that quote about not understanding something if your job depends on not understanding it??
Um, Susan in MD, the "Jeff" whose manuscript is referenced in the comment section of the Doonesbury website is the (fictional!) character who accidentally gets a hold of the McGinniss book and then is talked into passing it on to Hedley...
ReplyDeleteSo no, Jeff's book has nothing to do with Palin.
I think I know who Fred is.
ReplyDelete>>>>AJ Billings said...what will happen to her?
ReplyDeleteTWO WORDS.
Celebrity Rehab.
My best guess-she'd still be tellin' us how samrt she rilly is even while in an orange jumpsuit. She'll have to 'splain how someone else messed up and had to RAT HER OUT to SAVE THEIR OWN SKIN. She will be on
I (Almost) Got Away With It.
Ok Gryphen. I really didn't like the way Joe ended his Rogue blog, and leaking Frank's draft... made me question his motivations. And, don't agree that excluding Babygate would have made an equally compelling book. I think his approached required something given how much information is out there. To leave it out entirely would have been notable. Anyway, because of your comments, I am placing my order now.
ReplyDeleteI don't know how people would react to a fake pregnancy, but I don't see there being an uproar. Not when even more explosive things are happening elsewhere.
Anon. 7:23 am:
You say this because you know it is coming. You can bury your head in the sand, but if Babygate is convincingly proven, it is the WORST possible thing that could happen to Sarah Palin. And there is so much more. But this will resonate because it is just so fundamentally IMMORAL to lie about this.
You have a nice day now.
"The more they run your name down, the more you're worth"
ReplyDeleteAt the world's end, people remember moments that stand out, hopefully happy ones.
If these people only remember sad moments about their interactions with Sarah at the end of their lives, that's a very sad life they've created for themselves. Her friends, her fans, her family will remembers the laughter, the joking, the out of character beauty pageants perhaps, the random personal phone fans have received from her, the glow people feel from engaging her for mere minutes.
Like I said, if all you harp on and remember is negative, the problem is with you, not what you remember.
Susan in MD,
ReplyDeleteJeff is a Doonesbury character.
@Susan in MD: "Jeff" is a Doonesbury character.
ReplyDeleteCleared my calendar for tomorrow and can't wait to start reading the book on my kindle :)
ReplyDeleteYes, like telah (above), I'd love a review of Floyd Orr's book.
ReplyDeleteHere is the bottom line about babygate: Sarah gave birth to Trig. I am a local and I am a proud Democrat. I am no fan of Sarah Palin. I read all of the blogs closely - yours, Phil Munger's, Mudflats, Politicalgates, etc. I met with Joe McGinnis in the summer of 2010. I know a lot of folks who know Sarah. I also tried to help him find sources for his book. But the reason no one has found a source to verify babygate is because Sarah gave birth to Trig. It is a simple as that. Yes, it is an interesting and exciting story and it would be a huge scoop if it were somehow proven that Sarah faked the pregnancy, but no one can prove that because she did give birth. The real story is simply that she took some risks flying back to AK and maybe she couldn't accept the pregnancy at first and the fact that her child has Downs Syndrome. That's all there is to it. Trig looks just like Piper. He is obviously the biological son of Sarah and Todd.
ReplyDeleteSoooo sick and tired of your drivel. You've been here all weekend trying to paint the palins in a different light and you have not convinced a single reader of this blog to believe otherwise. You keep reiterating about how good the palins are and how evil we are for seeing her in a different light. Let me explain this to you: good people don't need to be defended and good Christians sure as hell don't. Ever heard of "let your light shine"? When you are of God, you don't need to be defended just as God doesn't need you to defend him/her. Your deeds and actions go before you thus letting your light shine. Now I ask you, what light does sarah palin? Why would she be so upset about things being said about her if she was such a good God fearing Christian? I guess you people never learned anything from that hippie named Jesus did you? If you did, you wouldn't concern yourself with any of this. With that said, if they are the God fearing, family loving Christian people you claimed them to be, then stop trying to defend them and let their light shine. You can't can you? You know why, they have no light and nor do you. Now, please, and I mean this sincerely and respectfully from my heart, FUCK OFF!
Eternally yours,
The Flying Spaghetti Monster
OMG, I ordered the book so long ago that I tried to re-order it again (Kindle). Thankfully, they tell you you already ordered it. Can't wait!!!!
ReplyDeleteTo the person who has a brother in LSM. I think tons of people think she is a flake & really don't care to read a book about her because of that. Not to mention that they are sick of seeing her screechy whiny face on TV.
I kind of feel that way about Bachmann. If Palin hadn't come along first I would probably read something about her. To me she is just another SP (w/o the screechy voice though) but I don't have the time invested so I don't care to read about her. Now if she would get the nomination I will be all over her too.
Thanks Gryph!
telah said...
ReplyDeleteGryphen, OT, but have you read Floyd Orr's book?
5:58 AM
I got Orr's book from Amazon a few days ago, and found it very disappointing. There is absolutely nothing new about Sarah Palin in it, nothing that we don't already know. He does not write, he rants! He calls himself a leftist progressive but then goes on to an unbelievably racist rant against Mexican immigrants! I couldn't believe my eyes. He's a Southern Redneck, plain and simple, and I refuse to have that kind of garbage in my life. I'm returning the book to Amazon for a refund.
I've pre-ordered McGinniss' and Levi's books and am so looking forward to both. I've read both Dunn's and Bailey's books and found the latter poorly written and very disorganized and felt he (Bailey) was withholding a lot of information about his heartthrob Palin; his dishonesty is dismaying.
Thanks G for all the hard work you are doing here, it is much appreciated.
ReplyDeleteYes, it's the money guys who are making the decisions. Koch, Murdoch et al.
I don't think it took them long at all to figure out that she has zero credibility. She is worthless to them except to corral the zombie no-thinkers every now & again. Even the relatively small base that she had shrinks each & every day. She is not convincing anyone new, she is just desperately trying to hang on to the few idiots left that believe anything that she has to say.
I think they will cut her loose soon. With or without truth about Trig's birth. She has nothing on Koch or Murdoch. They must have reams upon reams of info about her, and could (and would!) completely decimate her without batting an eye.
Look! Bright shiny new tea party object! Rick Perry!!!!!
The question is whether or not they can keep his skeletons stuffed into the closet. If Rick does not come clean with them they cannot pay big bucks to keep mouths shut, and there will be a few that slip under the radar.
Bottom line is that Perry is the new Palin and Fox, Koch et al are now done with her ugly sorry butt.
The nice thing about this book, and some of the others, is that should she attempt to rise from the ashes in the future, the issues in them can be raised again & again & again.
The U.S. has such a long long way to go with its democracy. But then we are really still in its infancy taking into account the big-picture/timeline of humanity. Crossing fingers.
People not from Alaska saying she was a bad governor is not true. I did not vote for because I thought it would be a disaster but it wasn't. She pretty much let the Dems run the show and she didn't even bring up any social issues. The Republicans still don't like the tax she put on the oil companies which brings millions into the state. When McCain picked her for VP is when the problem started. She was actually a pleasnat surprise when she was governor and that is why her popularity was so high. Even the Dems liked her because she didn't really like governing and let the Dems have their way.
ReplyDeleteDear "Two cents": You're a retarded liar. You can give yourself as many fake names as you want, we all know who you are.
ReplyDeleteWow -- Gryphen talking/writing about McGinniss -- could be compared to Bailey talking about Palin when he worked for her.
ReplyDeleteThe writing has now gone overboard as if someone died and made McGinniss god. He's not.
"However he also informed me that if I expected him to pursue that topic I needed to find him people willing to talk about it, preferably with documentation or eyewitness accounts to share."
ReplyDeleteI don't get how this was YOUR responsibility (you NEEDED to find him people willing to talk) instead of his own.
Susan in MD said:
ReplyDeleteThis commenter is from DC and so I wonder WHO is JEFF? Could this be "Fred?"
Jeff Redfern is a character in the Doonesbury strip.
Anon 8:11 -- PLEASE explain how the flat-profile Mar 14 photo (and other such photos) can co-exist with a "birth" 5 weeks later?
ReplyDeleteUnless it was a miracle.
"The family pulled together immediately after the campaign. Like always they rallied around Bristol, they dealt with ridiculous media interventions with grace."
ReplyDeleteHa! Oh thanks, bot, for my first real laugh of the morning. "Grace" is one thing the Palins have NEVER showed.
How could there be "ridiculous media interventions" for a family whose head (Sarah) puts them so ruthlessly and consistently forward in the public eye?
"When there's no CONCRETE proof of something, you cannot print an absolute answer, even if it's an opinion. you will appear foolish. "
The thing is, there IS proof out there. There are people who know that Trig is not Sarah and Todd's biological child. There's DNA proof. There's a birth certificate that contains the wrong date/place of birth (and because I believe that Todd and Sarah have not officially adopted Trig, that birth certificate probably also has different parents' names on it). There are people who know where original Trig/s spent time in NICUs.
Just because those people haven't come forward doesn't mean the proof isn't out there. And believe me, it will be found. That's why it's important to keep hammering at this issue that Sarah used to get herself onto the ticket.
Anon 8:11 - If so, I'll be shocked as shit. If it's true, a mother who cared about her family would have ended the speculation instead of having her children endure three years of this. Honestly, wouldn't you? I hope that poor child is being cared for.
ReplyDeleteI'm done playing "Whack a Mole" with the Zombie Rats for now.
Great review, Jesse, and Virginia Voter at 4:49 - your comments are spot on!
ReplyDelete@Anon 7:11 - THANKS! What a snappy comeback (no pun intended) for Levi. Hahaha. If that's when she lost her virginity, then I wasn't there. Go, Levi! Damn if humor doesn't trump'em all.
ReplyDeleteHey, local democrat, no Sarah Palin fan, Anonymous @8:11am. Congratulations!
ReplyDeleteHow are you going to spend the $10,000?
Orly Taitz, Andrew Breitbart, and Sarah Palin
ReplyDeleteIn poker, we call that three-of-a-kind. Just sayin'.
Anon 7:41am
ReplyDeleteThanks for the heads up on Paradigm Shift: The Palin Matrix.
I went to Amazon, and after reading the description I downloaded the sample. This looks very good and would make a nice addition to Rogue. Again, thanks!
anon @ 8:15. And we have a winner! This person knows Palin gave birth to Trig. I guess you will be collecting the $10,000. Please let us know when this happens. We're all excited for you!!!!!
ReplyDeleteAnon 7:33-
ReplyDeletePalin milks her rubes while the blog author milks you.
We aren't giving our life's savings away and looking to Gryphen to bring about the second coming, so I'd say we're safe from the likes of Gryphen. Course, you could start your own blog about him if you think we are all so threatened.
Hey 8:11 AM, if that's all true why don't you go collect the $10,000?
ReplyDeleteAnd by the way, even if you won't admit it, you are a fan of Sarah.
Anon 8:11am says "Here is the bottom line about babygate: Sarah gave birth to Trig"
Okay then prove it or you're a liar.
8:11AM so you admit Sarah intentionally tried to abort her DS fetus with reckless behavior? That's somehow better than faking a pregnancy?
ReplyDelete>>Here is the bottom line about babygate: Sarah gave birth to Trig. I am a local and I am a proud Democrat. I am no fan of Sarah Palin. I read all of the blogs closely - yours, Phil Munger's, Mudflats, Politicalgates, etc. I met with Joe McGinnis in the summer of 2010. I know a lot of folks who know Sarah. I also tried to help him find sources for his book. But the reason no one has found a source to verify babygate is because Sarah gave birth to Trig. It is a simple as that.
ReplyDeleteI call a HUGE BULLSHIT on this BULLSHIT.
First, if it's as simple as that, then why doesn't Sarah pony up the details?
Second, you are posting anonymously, if you are so much 'in the know' how about you use your real name? Yeah, because it's BULLSHIT.
Third, this 'proud democrat' stuff doesn't fly and the 'I'm not a fan of Sarah Palin' is exactly what the bots start their lines out with as if that somehow will now 'validate' their BULLSHIT. You gave yourself away on that one.
I have a nose for BULLSHIT and Sarah Palin has been stinking up the place for years now. And YOU are stinking up the place with your BULLSHIT post.
So, yeah, I call BULLSHIT. It's as simple as that.
This is very true:
ReplyDeletefrom the Daily beast
If you think the Palins were rough on you, Mr. McGinniss, then I suggest you try pulling that move on Tom Cruise some time. By the time his lawyers are through with you, your great-great-grandchildren will owe him damages
8:11--But the reason no one has found a source to verify babygate is because Sarah gave birth to Trig. It is a simple as that.
OK. But just a couple quick questions. I know Sarah says she's made Trig's b.c. available. She said it on the radio. I happened to miss the b.c. first time around, so could you ask her to show it again. Thanks. Also...who is Ruffles? And just one more, pls pass it on to her: why the flat belly so close to delivery?
Thank you so much, troll at 8:11. I am so glad we can finally put this whole babygate matter to rest. The other trolls try to convince us, but THIS troll at 8:11 seems to have found the right formula to be believable. Can you say "ring of truth"? He/she even namedropped other blogs, so we know he/she is clearly one of us. I am glad we do not have to waste any more time getting to the bottom of the pregnancy hoax since anon 8:11 has cleared it up for us. "Looks like Piper" is all the proof we need. It was there the whole time, I can't believe we did not see it before 8:11 so kindly pointed us in the right direction. Again, eternal thanks to troll at 8:11, you have saved us countless hours, and now I won't even need to read Joe McG's book. I do not know what I will do with all of this new found free time. Maybe I will go to Applebee's. Sadly I will have to go alone because my family isn't super close and happy. I am so jealous of the Palins. They are always so close and happy at Applebee's. *tear*
ReplyDelete@anon at 6:08 & 7:41.
ReplyDeleteAgreed. Floyd Orr's Paradigm Shift: The Palin Matrix is a great background that tells how all of this shit with has been allowed to occur.
Reading it gave me a lot of insight into the viewpoints of the low-info C4P and how they are exploited.
But actually, as far as just pure reading enjoyment and nostalgia, I enjoyed the shit out of his Timeline of America.
I don't know why Floyd's work hasn't received more attention, especially on the Palin front. Maybe it's fair to say that he's a much better writer than marketer, but he's a helluva writer.
I'm glad to see some others are discovering his work, because he's definitely on top of the Dominionist insurrection into politics in the past thirty years to the present.
And it's hard to understand what's happening in front of us without understanding what's happened and is happening behind the scenes.
We should all be thankful for Joe's book.
ReplyDeleteEven the "two cents" Palinbot who posts here should be thankful, since it may be the watershed moment that forces all Palinbots, not to mention, Sarah Palin, into hardcore therapy. If you really care about Sarah Palin, you should want her to get the help she so desperately needs, instead of encouraging her to continue engaging in self-destructive and dangerous behavior for your own selfish interests. This goes for all Palinbots, all hangers-on, and all of her family members.
As for the rest of us, we should be thankful that Sarah Palin might finally be properly vetted.
Sure, Obama completely and utterly trounced McCain in the last presidential election. Sure, a lot of that was, in fact, BECAUSE of Sarah Palin, not in spite of her.
But, the media ALLOWED Sarah Palin to get a hair's breath away from the White House. That is scarier than any mass murderer or serial killer Joe McGinnis could have chosen to write about.
When the truth about Sarah Palin finally comes out (Babygate and all the other nasty business), the media must be taken to task for their shameful non-action.
It doesn't matter one bit that Sarah Palin is "over" and "nobody cares about her" (which is bullshit anyway). Sarah Palin is a lesson in what happens when the media is scared to cover a story for fear of being called out as "sexist" or "unAmerican." Didn't we learn anything from the painful eitht years of Bush-Cheney we had to endure?
So, thank you, Joe McGinnis, for turning your attention and your pen toward Wasilla and Sarah Palin. I will read this book with the same enthusiasm I had when I first picked up Fatal Vision so many years ago.
It's been three decades since that book was published. I guess Joe still has a thing or two to teach us(and the media) about psychopaths.
Referring to yesterdays desperation post about the Palinbots trying to justify the "wild ride".
ReplyDeleteTheir desperation just points out that even the Bots don't believe the story that Granny Lulu has given. Even they know NO ONE drives by and flies by multiple Medical Centers in multiple cities to have a high risk preemie at a small town hospital WITHOUT any specialists for mother or child.
Multiple hospitals in the Dallas/Fort Worth area ( some of the best in the nation) one within 5 minutes drive of her speech--in fact, it's within a TWO MINUTE detour on the drive to the airport.
In fact, I bet any person knowing the area well could have gotten them from the Hotel to the hospital in under 3 minutes ( I could have and I only have shopped in the Grapevine area a few times).
There is no "common sense" in the story and no "rill amurikan" with a 3rd grade education level or above can believe any or all of the story. And if it is such a "non-issue" for the Bots--why have they spent over THREE YEARS trying to come up with something , anything that makes it more believable?
Sorry Bots, Palin cannot win a Nat'l Election without full disclosure of her medical records.
But the reason no one has found a source to verify babygate is because Sarah gave birth to Trig.
ReplyDeleteYour logic is so weird. It should be easy to verify his birth on 4/18/8. It isn't because it didn't happen that day.
There is no BC, no hospital records, nothing. SP could have ended this drama years ago by presenting proof that she actually gave birth.
Instead, she claimed she was not pregnant in March 2008. She had lipo-dissolve in the abdomen and body massages laying face down. Women who are really pregnant, can't and don't do these things.
The wild ride never happened. It's all made up BS to make her look like a tough frontierswoman.
Get over it. Sarah LIED as she has always done her entire life.
There is no proof that she had more than 4 children. There is no proof she graduated from ANY college. There is no proof that she gave birth to TriG. There can't be, because she simple DID NOT.
Last week Sarah got good news....
ReplyDeleteMike Tyson said he would bone her.
You gotta love the people who insist that Joe McGinnis is "just like Sarah Palin."
ReplyDeleteGive us a break and get a clue. Anybody who follows Gryphen's blog, not to mention Mudflats and all the other Palin-truth blogs knows exactly who Sarah Palin is and exactly what she is capable of. From what we know of Joe McGinnis, he is not even close to being "like Sarah Palin."
Frankly it makes me wonder about the logic skills of anyone who says otherwise.
ReplyDeleteUpton Sinclair of 'The Jungle' fame wrote,"It is difficult to get a man to understand something when his job depends on not understanding it."
Forgive me, Anon 8:11, if I don't take your word about Sarah Palin giving birth to Trig based on what he looks like.
ReplyDeleteThe McCain team's epic fail in choosing someone so catastrophically unsuitable for any office of trust = the public has had to suffer her insecure, airheaded lousiness for far too long.
ReplyDeleteI will however, refer to that old Macedonian saying once again, now that her career is pretty much over: "Bullshit has short legs"
@anon at 8:11 am
ReplyDeleteGlad to hear from such an informed Wasillian who can help us bring closure on the matter.
Since Sarah gave birth to Trig, as you say, then it will be super simple for her to produce Tri-G's birth certificate so her version can be verified.
After all, Sarah was quoted in an audio interview with the media in Alaska that she had ALREADY produced Tri-G's b/c.
Since she was mistaken, and didn't sound the least bit indignant about being asked about it, Sarah should have absolutely no problem in producing the b/c and, thereby, putting the matter to rest.
You be sure and suggest that to Ms Todd Palin when you see her there in Wasilla, okay? Thanks!
I haven't even read through all of the comments yet, which is my usual custom, such that I had to STOP and reply to YOUR troll comment (and I never respond to trolls) because it was such a disgusting commentary on human behavior and friendship that you, whoever you are, should be ashamed and embarrassed that you wrote it!
ReplyDelete"It confuses me that people remain hurt after a falling out with a "former friend". Are these people really that bored or lifeless? Im serious. Do people not realize that when one's career picks up, it's impossible to still maintain one's old life of regular kids playdates, girls weekends, and endless sporting events?"
Really? A FALLING OUT consists of one or the other friend becoming busier because of success? Oh Now you've done the tell on yourself and your kind! In YOUR book, success is enough reason to hate a friend. Hmmm, I wouldn't like you people either. But other people aren't like you haters, see? That's about as much weight as your argument holds in your fucked up little head, whoever you "are."
"It seems that the longterm friends Sarah still has are people who have actual lives and let their friends grow as people. It appears that the people who hold grudges are the people whose life revolved on Sarah too much. Thats sad to me. I have several friends who are now pretty successful in television. We talk like 3 times a year. My brother, whom I am close to, is a hot shot choreographer who travels frequently. We talk get together twice a year, maybe.
I stand by my theory as to why people hold grudges. It's like theyre selfish and thought they deserved everything Sarah "achieved."
So you are saying that the people who badmouth Sarah are the ones who, mistakenly, depended on her for their daily personal entertainment? Such as for her to accompany them to sporting events and movies and the like? Oh and for their JOBS. Which she DID give to FRIENDS. Guess some didn't makes that list. Well that's crony capitalism for ya. But, YES. That is what you are saying. They were Sarah's sycophant's who got no Payday, correct? Isn't that why they ARE JEALOUS of HER?
Had to put that all in caps just to illustrate what a full out f'n idiot this fairy tale troll is! OMG! No one, even the person who wrote that, could possibly believe it. There is no way, unless maybe you were a ten year old girl and had very selfish, ignorant parents?
Sheesh. I would like to know how marshmallow head explains how Joe McGinniss is jealous of Palin's success seeing as how he's been at it for way longer and is greatly more RESPECTED via accomplishment, intellect, et.al., than Palin.
Go ahead honey, we're waiting...
Susan in MD
When Palin makes her speech about not running for president, we will have the satisfaction of knowing that the dirt uncovered on her is the real reason why. Palin has been destroyed well enough by the left now that she knows she has too many skeletons in her closet to ever let her run for political office. And that's the satisfaction we will get, not something that comes out of a book which just details a part of what we already know.
ReplyDeleteAnd when she makes that announcement that she is not running, that will be our final victory over the dumb bitch.
The ladies of "The View" discussed the scandalous allegations against Sarah Palin in the new, unauthorized biography "The Rogue."
ReplyDeleteThe book claims that Sarah Palin snorted cocaine, had an affair with her husband's business partner and had a one-night stand with basketball player Glen Rice as a sports reporter for the local TV station.
When Whoopi Goldberg asked the cohort what they made of the controversial allegations, Sherri Shepherd said that she had a hard time picturing "the hardcore conservative Republican" with "a baller from Michigan." She said, "It's one thing to picture, you know, like if it was a Meryl Streep with a Denzel -- they have stuff in common."
Elizabeth Hasselbeck said, "You know what they say about Republican women."
"They're a bunch of hos?" Joy Behar joked, referring to the claims about Palin.
Whoopi Goldberg joked, "No, that's what they say about us."
"That's true," Behar jokingly admitted. "But we know that Democratic women are hos."
All in all, the cohort did not defend or attack Palin, noting that she could sue the publisher if she wanted to. But Sherri Shepherd seemed to think at least one of the rumors was true. "I think she got with Glen Rice," she said. "I think she, you know, got down with the swirl."
Thanks, anon@9:00am
ReplyDeleteThe point cannot be lost that: yes, Palin is NOW a sideshow on par with a Kardashian or a Lindsey Lohan… BUT WHO TOOK HER SERIOUSLY last year and the year before that, and the year before that?
Who was behind her rise, who helped cover up the pregnancy hoax, and why?
Don't tell me that the American people would not be interested in knowing that.
You gotta check these out! LOL!
ReplyDeleteYou're being generous. McGinniss covered his fanny. He knows babygate will explode (probably soon) and could not risk having his book be out of date even before it was released.
Looking forward to Fred's book!!!
I have just finished Bailey's book in anticipation of McGinniss' book arriving in the mail. I daresay Frank's book blew me away. It paints such a insider portrait of a truly sick person (not him, Sarah), although he was pretty ill for a long time from drinking all that "koolaid". It goes to show how long some -bots can hang on to the delusion. It certainly reaffirms everything we have seen and heard about the Palins. I am very much looking forward to Joe's book as well as seeing what Levi has to say on the subject.
ReplyDeleteI meant what else is new in terms of Gryphen failing on the topic he made the most of pursuing.
ReplyDeletePalin is a non event, yet this blog still spends 500% of its time on her.
Palin milks her rubes while the blog author milks you.
7:33 AM
HammerandaFeather.blogspot.com started out as a way to bring attention to a seriously flawed law in Tennessee. It's a law that allows vacation rental companies to close their doors and totally fuck over a guest by screwing them out of their deposit (no recourse for the guest and rental property owner; no consequences for the closed company).
The blog was launched in February 2009 (AKM and Gryphen were my inspiration), and by May 2009 it veered slightly off course because a scammer came in to my radar who HAD to be exposed.
I still post about my core topic ~ but i am obsessed with exposing Sterling Webb and his resort/travel club shenanigans. Escrow abuse was only a tiny part of his scheme.
Mr. Webb's house of cards is now falling down around his head as is $arah's. I don't delight in it, but i'm satisfied i did my part to protect America from that son of a bitch.
If i cannot WAIT to NEVER post another word about Mr. Webb, i have to believe that Gryphen feels the same way about $arah. Now i'll not hesitate to digress on my blog, if necessary, so i'm betting Gryphen keeps us up-to-date on the other crazies out there (in addition to his delightful Alaskan reporting).
(Pssst: Thanks, Gryphen! Following you on Twitter is great, too!)
>>Here is the bottom line about babygate: Sarah gave birth to Trig. I am a local and I am a proud Democrat. I am no fan of Sarah Palin. I read all of the blogs closely - yours, Phil Munger's, Mudflats, Politicalgates, etc. I met with Joe McGinnis in the summer of 2010. I know a lot of folks who know Sarah. I also tried to help him find sources for his book. But the reason no one has found a source to verify babygate is because Sarah gave birth to Trig. It is a simple as that.
greetings local Democrat. All those folks that know Sarah Palin, any of them take photos while she was pregnant? Must be a slew of them. The lady's been pregnant 6-7 times (she says so in her book).
WHY aren't there a ton of picture of Palin pregnant? WHY no pictures of previous pregnancies that she didn't try to "hide"? WHY is the whole town of Wasilla eagerly posting photos on the web?
Maybe, just maybe, you are just plain of ....
Does the term Zombie rat have meaning for you?
Anon. 8:11 said, "Trig looks just like Piper. He is obviously the biological son of Sarah and Todd."
ReplyDeleteI'm afraid your logic is faulty. Genetics is a funny thing. I quickly saw 2 logical fallacies.
1. A child is just as likely to look like an aunt or uncle. It is not just siblings who look alike.
2.An unrelated adopted child can easily look like the adoptive parents. I used to babysit a couple of boys. One was adopted, the other was not. The adopted child looked more like his parents than the bio-child.
Two Cents at 6:48 "The family pulled together immediately after the campaign. Like always they rallied around Bristol"
ReplyDeleteDo you mean "Like the other time she was pregnant," like, with Trig? Or the other one, the one After Tripp?
oh, and just re-read the pearl at 7:54, ,"the glow people feel"
Is this the shiny, happy Molly and Sarah who chase away the clouds?
God, you are so ridiculous.
Sorry guys but I have to agree with Anon 8:11. I lived in Alaska for a long time and know many people around the state. There is just too much money involved here for not one of the Wasilla hillbillies to collect. I have also talked to lot of the locals here and they are full of rumors about the Palin's but not one of them knows anything about a faked pregnancy. We would like it to be true but I just don't think so after this amount of time has passed.
ReplyDeleteAnonymous said...
ReplyDeleteHere is the bottom line about babygate: Sarah gave birth to Trig. I am a local and I am a proud Democrat. I am no fan of Sarah Palin. I read all of the blogs closely - yours, Phil Munger's, Mudflats, Politicalgates, etc. I met with Joe McGinnis in the summer of 2010. I know a lot of folks who know Sarah. I also tried to help him find sources for his book. But the reason no one has found a source to verify babygate is because Sarah gave birth to Trig. It is a simple as that. Yes, it is an interesting and exciting story and it would be a huge scoop if it were somehow proven that Sarah faked the pregnancy, but no one can prove that because she did give birth. The real story is simply that she took some risks flying back to AK and maybe she couldn't accept the pregnancy at first and the fact that her child has Downs Syndrome. That's all there is to it. Trig looks just like Piper. He is obviously the biological son of Sarah and Todd.
8:11 AM
Sorry, but NO HOSPITAL in the USA would open themselves to a lawsuit and the liability of inducing a premature high risk pregnancy, if there was time to induce, there was time to transport to a NICU facility and specialists. But try again later Willow, maybe you'll be able to fool someone then. BTW where is your baby Willow?
If I think about it long enough, I get very angry at the media and those that gave Palin a pass on providing medical information. The last minute "letter" from her doctor and that doctor's sudden departure from the scene should have been a major red flag to the media. Instead, Katie Couric gets excoriated for asking soft ball questions when the media should have been hard-hitting on this unknown. Her family issues alone should have tipped off an enterprising reporter. No, a shiny new object completely took the media off its game. How pathetic.
ReplyDeleteWill the MSM give Rick Perry and Michelle Bachmann a pass too? Do the rest of us have to live in fear that one of these nut jobs will have the nucular codes?
I am angry that bloggers and writers had to unmask Sarah because the MSM did not do its job.
(But I'm sure glad they did!)
The real story is simply that she took some risks flying back to AK and maybe she couldn't accept the pregnancy at first and the fact that her child has Downs Syndrome...
ReplyDelete8:11 AM
So you believe that Sarah Palin deliberately and with mailice endangered the life of an unborn infant. You believe that in the circumstance of a premature, amniotic fluid leak, Down Syndrome, probably infant health problems, over 40yr mother, 6 previous pregnancies, Sarah Palin took an INSANE risk boarding a transcontinental flight without getting a physical exam. And later boasted of her crime in a recorded interview.
I do agree with you. Sarah Palin did/did not birth the baby called Trig. Either way she is mentally unstable and can not be allowed to affect the political discourse in this country.
You probably agree with me that John McCain is a traitor.
Now, on the other hand, if you somehow think Sarah Palin is "ok", well then you'll have to come with logic than you've displayed so far.
@8:11 AM --
ReplyDeleteWere you in the delivery room?
ReplyDelete"My brother, whom I am close to, is a hot shot choreographer who travels frequently. We talk get together twice a year, maybe."
What kind of dance is your brother involved with? Does he admire Sarah Palin?
Sorry to be OT here. It's just in my over 50 years in the world of professional dance, I have never met a conservative/right wing choreographer.
Maybe there are other reasons you guys only talk twice a year.......?
Anonymous said...
ReplyDeleteThis is very true:
from the Daily beast
If you think the Palins were rough on you, Mr. McGinniss, then I suggest you try pulling that move on Tom Cruise some time. By the time his lawyers are through with you, your great-great-grandchildren will owe him damages
8:50 AM
I didn't knwo Tom Cruise faked a pregnancy. But since your Quitter Queen Granny Lulu has a legal defense fund, why hasn't she sued anyone? She has threatened to sue many people, including Gryphen, but she has never followed through. Why is that? It wouldn't cost her anything at all. Seems Lulu is scared of the truth. You see, you cannot sue someone for talking or even printing the truth or discussing why someone would lie.
Anonymous said at 8:11 AM that he/she is a democrat and knows that sarah gave birth to Trig.....are you f...ing deaf? all she has to do is show the birth certificate and medical records showing the birth and no one will question further....sue Gryphen and be done......why hasn't she done that? Seriously? look troll.....Sarah has the means, the money to sue and win if she gave birth to trig....or all you palin cult members can send more money to her pac and pay for the legal expenses.....she doesn't need all of you to come on here trying to "prove" she gave birth.....go send more money to her pac and tell her you will all support her and she won't have to pay one red cent....if she doesn't sue....it's because she can't prove that she gave birth to Trig and she can't win in court....so she just lets you crazy people keep repeating it for her....and that makes it real????????? I don't know who is crazier? you trolls or Sarah. But I do know that sarah is a liar....and if she gave birth....why does she keep forgetting where and when she had him????? And until I see a legitimate birth certificate and medical records....she didn't give birth to Trig.....
ReplyDeleteTodd Palin called out by Alaska Dispatch.
ReplyDeleteReal men don't quote the New York Times
...Iron Doggers don't engage in silliness about a guy with a "creepy obsession with my wife." Hello, Todd? Sarah suckered you into doing the goofy reality show "Sarah Palin's Alaska." You're not really one to be talking about an "obsession with my wife" after that.The whole idea of that show was to market the American obsession with your wife. Why do you think the show was called "Sarah Palin's Alaska" instead of "Todd Palin's Alaska"?
And as for "creepy," inviting filmmakers into your home to record the boyfriend of your daughter sneaking upstairs into her room with the suggestion there might be some hanky-panky going on there; well, that was "creepy." Especially against the backdrop of your bad luck in having another unmarried teenage daughter get pregnant. There's some "innuendo" in that "Sarah Palin's Alaska" segment, in case you didn't notice, and positive innuendo it isn't.
All of which really makes one wonder if Todd is still a voice in the Palin household -- or if perhaps SarahPAC has taken over
Like Joe apparently says in his book:
“Clearly, being reduced to the role of chihuahua carried around in a rich lady’s purse is proving stressful for Todd.”
I'm waiting for the rest of the cocaine snorting details before I dismiss it as impossible. I'm thinking there are a lot of mancaves in Alaska where there are 55 gallon drums and some heat.
Anonymous said...
ReplyDeleteLove this from ABC News:
"In Bristol Palin's own book,... she says she lost her virginity to Johnston on a camping trip when she got drunk on wine coolers.
Johnston .... says in his book if that's when Bristol first had sex, he "wasn't there." He says they did camp with friends but it was "well after" the two, who began dating in 2006, were sexually active."
Let's hope that Levi holds his own this week and doesn't play games with what he knows.
7:11 AM
Hehehe love it!
Levi wasn't "there" when Brisket lost her virginity!!!!! LMAO!!! Come on Bots think up a "new" excuse for a Jr high school girl being sexually active and NOT, apparently having any parental supervision.......We'll be waiting....
Little Rabbit
Bristol'd next book Titile
ReplyDelete"Why I lied About who has banged Me"
"Who Stole my Virginity, I Can't Find It or Remember Your Name"
OK... WHO IS THAT RED-HAIRED woman that appears today in the Doonsberry cartoon?
ReplyDeleteI wasn't going to buy Levi's book, but now I am debating. It may be a good read afterall.
ReplyDeleteLooong time lurker, first time poster here. First off, PROPS for a riveting blog that's kept me coming back and coming back and coming back. I bought FB and GD's books and have preordered JM's book. I'm totally in agreement that SP pulled a fast one on the public and maybe even some members of her family. What I'm not sure about is exactly what it is that she pulled.
ReplyDeleteI've thought for a long time that something transpired in TX that day besides a speech. What has always bothered me is, why even pretend to have started labor there and flown back to Alaska? If she faked her pregnancy, why not just say that she started labor as she arrived back home? Or her first night back home? Or on the ride home from the airport? I didn't understand the importance of why the labor had to start in TX, and I still don't.
I knew there was a reason why she didn't take her normal security on that trip. Could it be that SP had a procedure done on that trip? What if, she really was pregnant, but the fetus was so badly deformed, malnourished, whatever, that it wouldn't survive? Could she have had an abortion in TX? http://www.abortionadvantage.com/ Then flown back home and adopted a downs infant; one who it's easy to believe was birthed by a woman in her mid forties? How long was she in TX? That clinic does abortions up to 6 months.
This theory really began to formulate with the information released over at mudflats that she took diet pills while pregnant. What if she so totally destroyed her fetus that it wouldn't survive and she didn't want that information to get out to the AK public that she had done so?
Some of the pics do show her looking like she may have been 3 months along or so (not 7 like she claimed), those with her coat open as she's walking out a door.
I appreciate any honest criticism to this theory. I've always enjoyed armchair "sleuthing" and this one, while potentially tragic to some involved, is a doozy.
Keep up the good work, Gryphen!
Gryph, considering your relationship with Levi, I am surprised that I have not seen any excerpt or review of his book which will also be released tomorrow. Did the publisher send you an advance copy of the book?
ReplyDeleteI've been looking all over for a link that shows Joe's TV appearances so I hope he will be announcing them on his website and that you too Gryph will let us know so we don't miss any of his TV/radio interviews. I presume there will be a schedule somewhere of his travel itinerary for book signings (I hope).
ReplyDeleteGryphen I hope you will be one of the first to put up a review on amazon.com because people in the general public who don't read blogs WILL be reading the amazon reviews. (Of course the peebots will be putting up fake reviews without even reading the book but we'll be reporting them to Amazon). People please all put your reviews up there - it will reach many!
Thanks for all you do!
8:11 am: You KNOW that there is a $10,000 reward out there for anyone who can give irrefutable PROOF of Palin having given birth to Trig in 2008, don't you?
ReplyDeletePlease let us know when you collect!
This is anon 8:11 a.m. - Trig does look just like Piper. Many of the "before" pictures of Sarah show someone who does look pregnant to me. I have given birth to three children. Very often, depending on how you are standing or the photograph, you look either more or less pregnant in a photo. Perhaps she had IUGR or low amniotic fluid. Sarah Palin has not released the birth certficate IMO because she is tired of this stupid story and she does not owe anyone an explanation. Yes, it is an interesting story, but IMO, she did look pregnant and Trig looks just like Piper. If this was a faked pregnancy, Levi or his sister or his mother or someone at the hospital would have spilled the secret by now. Joe McGinnis is a world class journalist and he couldn't find a source to prove babygate. None of the bloggers have found a source. Frank Bailey and all the emails don't prove babygate. It didn't happen people. I did meet with Joe McGinnis. I know one of Sarah's good friends. I have lived here for a long time. I am a democrat. I'm just a reasonable, pragmatic person. Joe McGinnis threw a "hail Mary" back in the Spring in his blog where he was basically begging anyone with any info to come forward and no one did. He could not get "babygate" past his publishers' lawyers because he did not have any credible sources. That's the bottom line. I think really all that happened was that Sarah Palin was probaby thrown for a loop by the pregnancy and the DS diagnosis. It took her a while to accept it. She was a newly elected Governor and she did not want the pregnancy to distract from the legislative session. Also, she needed time to accept it all. Finally, maybe she is vain and didn't eat enough or wasn't careful enough during the flight back. That just goes to her character, etc. It doesn't mean that she did not give birth to Trig. I have seen all the "evidence" and really, there is none that is completely convincing. I am a lawyer by the way. I am a former journalist. It would be fun and exiciting if Joe McGinnis did have this "scoop" but he didn't get it and it's not there.
ReplyDeleteThe reason no one in the medical community can verify Trig's birth is HIPPA! And Sarah Palin doesn't feel she owes an explanation to anyone. That's her M.O. She can't stand the lamestream media and the negative blogs. So, she is not going to pander to them and even discuss the non-story that is "babygate." Why doesn't everyone just leave this woman alone and debate her ideas rather than tearing apart her personal life.
ReplyDeleteO/T but so important to broadcast everywhere.
Anon @ 8:53 !!!
ReplyDeleteApplebee's !!! OMG, great snark. I teared up also, too.... from laughing my tushie off!
8:11, first off, in my view, Trig looks like Levi, if anybody. Then again, if Trig came from among the Palins (another Dillingham secret, like Todd's love child) there might be a family resemblance. Him looking like Piper doesn't mean he came from Sarah.
ReplyDeleteSecond, the reason there is no proof is because there will never be a doctor or a nurse who will come forward and claim to have delivered a baby that was never birthed by Sarah Palin. Not even Dr. CBJ has said this. How can anyone prove what didn't happen? Also, if Trig was adopted, it is possible his birth mother never knew where he went, so she wouldn't speak up. Or, like the DWTS crew, she signed a nondisclosure and has been intimidated against speaking.
The "proof" is in what Sarah cannot provide: a valid birth certificate or pictures of her during or immediately post-delivery, with a few medical personnel in the background, delivering meals or fluffing up her pillow. The pictures of a clearly not pregnant Palin, and the fact that 4 flight crews did not identify her as a woman in her eighth month, should be enough for even you to question it. I wonder if the reason you don't believe it is because you simply cannot imagine someone doing this.
Third, how would you know she delivered Trig? Her word? Please! Or were you there, standing next to Chuck, watching the baby pop out?
@7:08 AM: LOVED this comment, and completely agree with you. I actually got angry reading the journalist brother's comment saying she's old news. So thank you for your comment.
ReplyDelete@telah: What I don't get is how journalists can reconcile calling Palin an irrelevant joke when damaging information comes out ("Nothing to see here, folks--This is old news that's already been covered..."), but then treating her like a potential and legitimate candidate for elected office when she lashes out at the President or floats out hints that she might run for president. In other words, if she is such a joke, then why do they continue to cover her? They were literally chasing her this summer.
7:08 AM
Joe and Sully and Gyphen and Geoffrey Dunn and
ReplyDelete" Fred " and Frank Orr and Dr Scharlott and numerous
investigative bloggers are living proof of the
old adage-
" The pioneers take the arrows."
The most credible testifier to Palin's hoax
is Palin herself.
If there was a single questionable area in her narrative , she might get a pass.
The exact opposite is true.
There isn't a single area in her narrative that can be considered credible.
From the two month pregnancy
to her amazing shape shifting within 10 days to her preposterous labor and delivery fable
to her bizarre
postpartum behavior.
To the ever changing physical
appearance of the infant
presented as Trig.
There is not one scintilla of her alleged pregnancy
that can be defended or explained.
If the story was true-
her physician's behavior could very easily be deemed negligent and malpractice.
If the story was true-her physician violated every tenet of the accepted standard of care
for an older , high risk patient ,
in active and premature labor ,
carrying a fetus with known anomalies -
Down Syndrome
and suspected cardiac problems.
If the story was true-her physician compounded her disgraceful level of care during labor
by supposedly " delivering " this high risk patient of her premature ,
high risk infant with known fetal anomalies in a small hospital
without proper neonatal facilities.
While permitting the patient to bypass a large medical facility with an accredited neonatology intensive care unit.
After the mother had been in active labor for 20 hours, with absolutely
no medical attention and
after two long airplane trips.
If the story was true-it is bizarre at best ,
that a family practice physician with scant OB experience would have even
considered treating
an older , high risk patient carrying a fetus
with multiple anomalies.
The standard of care would be to refer the patient to an experienced obstetrician .
If the story was true-the high risk premature infant with known anomalies
should have been in some sort of neonatology unit for a couple of days,
not out in public ,
in Palin's office just 72 hours after birth.
Palin's physical appearance as documented in the photos,
the Palin's odd behavior vis a vis
the security detail,
the testimony of Alaska Airlines and the eyewitness in the airline lounge are further evidence
to this being one of the biggest scams
perpetrated on the American
public by a politician.
If the media wants to continue to ignore this, they should just get out of the way
and stop impugning the real journalists .
Let Gyphen and Joe
and Andrew Sullivan and Geoffrey Dunn and Fred and Frank Orr
and Dr Scharlott and others continue to do
the work the media refuses to do.
Two cents at 6:48.. LOL I've read this exact thing from you time and time and time again. You must cut and paste, or waste an awful amount of time re-iterating and repeating over and over and over again.
ReplyDeleteGood luck fairy tale troll.
My jaw drops when I see your fairy tale repeated and think "Oh my god, here we go again".
8:53, you are hilarious!
ReplyDelete8:11, come on, if Sarah indeed gave birth to Trig, there would be MOUNTAINS of proof. Hell, I'd bet we'd even have pics of a pregnant Palin running a marathon! No way would the media whore we've come to know been discreet about a triumphant, iconic "I choose life!" pregnancy. With all the cute pregnancy clothes designed to highlight the adorable baby bump of one so lovely as our very own fit and petite Guv, why would she have resorted to scarves AFTER the pregnancy was announced?
My guess is that "Fred" is actually Fred Graham of Court TV.
ReplyDeleteAnon pussy @ 6:36 a.m.
ReplyDeleteBut I failed.
What else is new?
6:33 AM
At least Gryphen admits his failures. And he's a nobody (no offense Gryph) compared to a woman who had chief executive access to offices, staff and free PR to control and finance her NPD.
Look at what Gryphen's achieved without similar resources.
Sarah Palin had the nerve to condone a movie titled "Undefeated" about her.
She has never admitted failure at anything, despite her record inebriated with lies and loss.
How's that abstinence parenting working out for her? How's that fidelity working out for her and Todd's most excellent common-law and married life? How's that $40 billion dollar natural gas pipeline to nowhere working for ya? How's that reality television series working out for her? How's that comic career working out? How's that Fox Features hosting gig working out for her? How's Mat-Maid's and free-market sustainability working out for the State of Alaska?
We could go on and on but you'd have your eye's shut and fingers in your ears the whole time.
Why is it that I can't lie about my almost-degree on my resume because they can check.
ReplyDeletewhy can't anyone check on quitler/
I find it funny that 8:11 said that Trig must be theirs because Trig looks like Piper. Thank you. I can play that game, too.
ReplyDeleteGuess what? Piper doesn't look like Todd or Sarah nor any of the other kids. I still think Piper looks like Bailey, although I think the timeline is off.
Did anyone get an advanced copy of Levi's book, other than the Associated Press?
ReplyDeleteEverything I've read about the book so far told me Joe wrote courageously and Gryphen just upped the courage to another level.
ReplyDeleteWhy does anyone think that a "source" would just hand over crucial evidence to a book author? In that scenario, the book author would get all the benefits (both monetary and less tangible) of that information.
ReplyDeleteEspecially in this day and age of huge payouts by various media entities for stunning information/evidence, it only makes sense that "sources" would negotiate their own terms with media outlets for their own benefit.
I suspect that the truth about Palin's "pregnancy" will eventually surface when reliable sources finally get fed up with protecting Palin, and decide to sell their information for a huge profit for themselves, not for some miscellaneous author.
Kudos, though, to Mr. McGinniss for actually bringing the pregnancy hoax subject up for discussion in his book.
f you think the Palins were rough on you, Mr. McGinniss, then I suggest you try pulling that move on Tom Cruise some time. By the time his lawyers are through with you, your great-great-grandchildren will owe him damages
ReplyDelete8:50 AM
So where's THEIR lawyers? Oh, that right. They can't sue because it's TRUE.
The fake pregnancy is tricky because of people's natural reflex to disbelieve that a sane person would possibly do what is being alleged by Sarah. My first instinct was exactly that. I had no reason whatsoever to doubt my Governor's account of the birth of Trig. I thought is was awful to throw around such lies in the media. There were innocents involved.
ReplyDeleteBut, I was only looking very superficially at the matter.
Over the months, Sarah proceeded to get weirder in everything she did. That made me come to doubt her more and more. Also, I heard credible Alaskan reporters alluding to the possibility of a fake pregnancy. Made me wonder. Could the stories actually be true? Was she capable of really doing that?
Then I acted. I looked deeper, researched the facts, and analyzed many photos. I'm now sure Sarah faked Trig's pregnancy and Bristol is his birth mother. I think then Lt-Governor Sean Parnell helped every step of the way. One of the likely reasons is that Sarah wanted to hide the pregnancy to save Bristol and, most importantly, herself bad publicity. Lemons out of lemonade.
The fact that Trig had DS was used to bolster Sarah's credibility among the pro-life crowd. Sarah was in ecstasy as she embellished her wild ride story to anyone who would listen. And they ate it up. Used Trig as a political prop. Innocence lost.
This issue is tricky because sensible people must get past their natural skepticism to look at the cold hard facts of the event. They must be confronted with proof of Sarah's powerful inclination to lie about matters both big and small. Thanks to Joe McGinniss, Gryphen, and others, more people will understand the depths to which Sarah Palin will descend in order to deceive people.
She is pathological.
Book TV
"The Rogue: Searching for the Real Sarah Palin"
Anonymous at 8:11
ReplyDeleteOk. I'll go there. She did give birth. Can you offer any explanation for all the crazy behaviors surrounding the pregnancy and birth?
-why the big belly suit?
-while in TX why no mention by Todd of Sarah's condition?
-what explains letter signed by God written pre-delivery?
-what caused her to appear so very unpregnant?
etc. etc.
I will entertain any suggestion, but you need to provide some facts to back it up.
When is Palin supposed to go to South Korea, to "educate" them? Will she stop by to visit her close friends in N. Korea while she is there?
ReplyDeleteWhether the babygate hoax is allowed to be revealed in mainstream media may depend on whether SP holds evidence of the knowledge and complicity of McCain and others who the powers-that-be don't want to toss under the bus.
ReplyDeleteIf SP acted alone in perpetrating this hoax (that just happened to benefit McCain?), or if the Palins don't hold any written or recorded proof that certain powerful people were in on it, then the hoax can probably be exposed because it can be pinned on her alone.
But if the Palins were smart enough to squirrel away some solid proof of the involvement of certain others who are not slated for political takedown, then the hoax might never be exposed in mainstream media to the point of becoming common knowledge.
Does the mainstream media virtually ignore babygate despite the evidence in order to protect powerful people who were in on the hoax?
I don't really have the courage
ReplyDeleteto stand where I must stand.
Don't really have the temperament
to lend a helping hand.
Don't really know who sent me
to raise my voice and say:
May the lights in the land of plenty
shine on the truth someday.
I don't know why I come here,
knowing as I do,
what you really think of me;
what I really think of you.
For the millions in a prison
that wealth has set apart-
For the Christ who has not risen
from the caverns of the heart.
For the innermost decision
that we cannot but obey-
For what's left of our religion-
I lift my voice and pray:
May the lights in the land of plenty
shine on the truth someday.
Thank you Leonard Cohen.
8:11AM, so you're saying that Piper is Downs as well?
ReplyDeleteDowns resemble other Downs, period. They do not resemble other family members except for maybe hair/eye color. Open a BOOK.
Sarah, Think maybe it's about time to fire up the Bullshit Bus?
ReplyDeleteJoe did a radio interview. I'm listening to the audio now and it's excellent so far.
Why isn't he publicizing his appearances?
Alaskan 10:56, you speak for me. Melly
ReplyDeleteDon't have the money right now to buy Joe or Levi's books right now, but I have requested them from the library in both hard copy and emedia, so I can get whichever comes available first (though if someone is willing to share their electronic copy after they're done reading, I wouldn't argue!), so I'll be relying on updates from here and other media outlets.
ReplyDeleteAll I can say is, for those of us who have been saying for the past three years that this woman isnt who she appears to be, I think the next couple of months will prove us right- in a larger venue. I, for one, can't wait!
actually, anon @ 9:49, I have had similar thoughts. I, too, have thought that she (may) have been pregnant earlier, but through her own stupidity, starvation, diet pill use, caused either a miscarriage or very premature birth. Once she was in the running for vp, she knew she had to come up with a baby to cover for her reckless behavior, presto, she had dear Trig who happens to have Down Syndrome. That could also have squelched any rumors that she caused her infants death. She "chose" life" by having Trig. I guess regardless what the truth is, the story Sarah tells just doesn't ring true.
ReplyDeleteI know who "Fred" is!! It's Greta! She's decided to write a tell all book with all the proceeds going to Scientology!
ReplyDelete8:25 AM "She was actually a pleasnat surprise when she was governor and that is why her popularity was so high."
ReplyDeleteYes, I am sure the families of the 250 some people who died because she fucked up Medicare would agree with this. Or how about asking the starving native Alaskans to whom she offered "homemade" cookies how much love they felt for her.
The bots are really getting desperate and, frankly, kind of amusing to see how they are trying to spin the evilest woman in Alaska into a something that she is not.
Bristol, Willow, Tawd, Chuckie, GET HER HELP NOW instead of wasting your time reading the blogs and vomiting out these ridiculous posts!
anon at 10:00:
ReplyDeleteand exactly what ideas is it that Sarah has? I still have no idea what she means when she spouts off about common sense ideas. She never has specifics.
The reason no one in the medical community can verify Trig's birth is HIPPA! And Sarah Palin doesn't feel she owes an explanation to anyone. That's her M.O. She can't stand the lamestream media and the negative blogs. So, she is not going to pander to them and even discuss the non-story that is "babygate." Why doesn't everyone just leave this woman alone and debate her ideas rather than tearing apart her personal life.
10:00 AM
Anonymous said...
ReplyDelete...Why doesn't everyone just leave this woman alone and debate her ideas rather than tearing apart her personal life.
10:00 AM
How dare you? You have got one hell of a lot of nerve, after what that evil harpy has done to try to tear apart other people's personal lives with her completely unfounded and obscene repeated claims of perversion and deviant behavior against anyone, especially men, that annoy her in any way.
And her evil bots are more than willing to spread the falsehoods, and do their best to help her destroy reputations and livelihoods.
Get your evil bitch queen to stop savaging other people to sate her own rage, and maybe people would leave her alone.
Anon 10:10 a.m.
ReplyDeleteI responded to 7:08 a.m., see below. I think he just thinks she is like the Beverly Hillbillies and a complete joke. She works for Fox now, so I think people put her in the category of Ann Coulter, or like someone else mentioned, Michelle Bachmann--an utter joke. I can honestly tell you I don't really know much more about how he sees this because he dismissed it completely out of hand. There was no discussion. At all. (Oh, and try being related to him. I was pissed off, too.) In his defense, he doesn't cover national politics, but statewide politics and in-depth news. My earlier response below.
7:41 AM
Anonymous telah said...
anon 7:08 What I don't get is how journalists can reconcile calling Palin an irrelevant joke when damaging information comes out
I think it's the state of journalism. Look at the number of bureaus that have been closed by the major dailies. Look at the hundreds of jobs that have been lost--more than 400 editorial positions last year at the NYT alone. They don't have the staff and are staring at a frightening balance sheet, but also making more revenues off the online version than print. Face it, Sarah sells clicks, not just from those who are disgusted by her but by the thinning ranks of supporters. As Joe says, she's a national phenomenon. Write two paragraphs, slap up a photo with the waterbra on and toss in a quote from "The Palin Camp" (funny how they never have names) and drive a ton of traffic to drive up ad revenues.
Pitiful but true.
Anon 7:13-I don't totally agree with only self-absorbed journalists caring about corruption but I agree with your points.
Anon 7:20--"doubt there would be an uproar". Keep dreaming, honey. It isn't the fake pregnancy of and by itself. If it were simply a matter of confused parentage to protect an "innocent" minor by claiming Grandma Sarah is Mommy Sarah, people would say big deal. It is holding her little Down Syndrome Gift up like the fucking Lion King, claiming she considered abortion and struggled-oh-so-much, and the ongoing story she sold surrounding him that is the outrage. Poor Trig is a bookend to "Combat Vet" Track.
She uses her children to suit her fake persona. She is an imposter.
7:43 AM
So who gets priority with the trolls tomorrow, Sarah or Bristol? They better be getting their rest tonight because tomorrow is a busy day.
ReplyDeleteDear Trolls:
ReplyDeleteI have the feeling that you are more highly paid than the previous shower of trolls.
Do I care if Sarah Palin gave birth to Trig or not? No. Except for revealing her to be quite the accomplished liar.
Do I care that Trig was dragged around with no shoes, no socks, sometimes with no warm clothes while Sarah showed him off during bus tours? Yes.
Sarah Palin delivered the lines "death panels" and "palling around with terrorists" and Republican's had a collective orgasm.
That lets me know why she could still be valuable to your party even now.
So, do I care what becomes of Sarah Palin in the future?
A woman who puts targets online over Dem candidates? Yes.
Does it bother me that her tease/threat mojo still works with low information voters? Yes.
Sarah Palin cheerleads against Obamacare, while getting government paid health care for her husband and children.
That says everything I need to know about her as an ethical person.
Would I want a person who is both mentally fragile and intellectually incapable to be within a stones throw of the WH? No.
I've seen everything I need to know about her online & it matters not not a whit to me whether she's a fantastic friend, family member or Church attender.
And I don't have to take the opinion of theoretical Wasillian or Alaskan trolls to tell me what my own eyes and ears perceive.
But I do hope, by tomorrow, that the embarrassment felt by this pretender to Christian goodness... is shown up as Elmer Gantryish.. even though that is judgmental and rather mean..
Just can't help it.
"My opinion? He did it for his friend Andrew Sullivan. I'd like to think he did it for me. I KNOW he did it for you. And he did it because it was the right thing to do and SOMEBODY had to do it!"
ReplyDelete--- my take too. I didn't address Ch 19 in my review of the book because I knew IM and Political gates (perhaps others too) would cover it better than I ever could. Politicalgates has already. Your observation of the way McGinniss keeps on being confronted by peoples' fears of the Palin-Heaths, particularly in Wasilla, is an important aspect of the book too. I'm going back through it, with a hiliter pen, marking each passage indicating fears. They add up pretty deep.
"Why isn't he publicizing his appearances?"
ReplyDelete--- probably way friggin' too busy.
"I didn't knwo Tom Cruise faked a pregnancy."
ReplyDeleteActually he did. It's a fact that he invited several young actresses to be interviewed at a Scientology office. Katie Holmes was the one who fell for the hype. She was pregnant within days (personally I feel that she was artificially inseminated with Tom's sperm). There are wildly differing pregnancy pictures of her and then she disappeared, only to reappear later with a fluctuating belly (after Suri was actually born, I think-- I think Tom and Katie and the Scientologists didn't want people to know that she was pregnant before she actually had any kind of relationship with Tom).
Like Sarah's powerwalking video through Wasilla, there are pictures of Katie in extremely high heels teetering on soccer grandstands with a belly that waxes and wanes.
I am looking forward to Levi's book because I bet he says stuff he doesn't realize will be puzzle pieces to those of us detectives here!
ReplyDeleteHey Anonymous at 9:36am...You don't seem to understand that the money is offered for someone to prove that Sarah Palin did, in fact, give birth to Trig, not that she didn't. If all these local folks are so convinced that there is no baby scandal, it should be a piece of cake to furnish proof, right? A birth certificate, perhaps?
ReplyDelete"It is holding her little Down Syndrome Gift up like the fucking Lion King..." - omg - IM has the BEST commenters!! LOL
ReplyDeleteScarah didn't make those cookies, are you kidding me.
Those were Pillbury's finest Poppin' Fresh cookie dough outta a can that $carah forced Piper to make.
$carah's a fukin' fraud
Anonymous said...
ReplyDeleteThis is anon 8:11 a.m. - Trig does look just like Piper. Many of the "before" pictures of Sarah show someone who does look pregnant to me. I have given birth to three children. Very often, depending on how you are standing or the photograph, you look either more or less pregnant in a photo. Perhaps she had IUGR or low amniotic fluid. Sarah Palin has not released the birth certficate IMO because she is tired of this stupid story and she does not owe anyone an explanation. Yes, it is an interesting story, but IMO, she did look pregnant and Trig looks just like Piper. If this was a faked pregnancy, Levi or his sister or his mother or someone at the hospital would have spilled the secret by now. Joe McGinnis is a world class journalist and he couldn't find a source to prove babygate. None of the bloggers have found a source. Frank Bailey and all the emails don't prove babygate. It didn't happen people. I did meet with Joe McGinnis. I know one of Sarah's good friends. I have lived here for a long time. I am a democrat. I'm just a reasonable, pragmatic person. Joe McGinnis threw a "hail Mary" back in the Spring in his blog where he was basically begging anyone with any info to come forward and no one did. He could not get "babygate" past his publishers' lawyers because he did not have any credible sources. That's the bottom line. I think really all that happened was that Sarah Palin was probaby thrown for a loop by the pregnancy and the DS diagnosis. It took her a while to accept it. She was a newly elected Governor and she did not want the pregnancy to distract from the legislative session. Also, she needed time to accept it all. Finally, maybe she is vain and didn't eat enough or wasn't careful enough during the flight back. That just goes to her character, etc. It doesn't mean that she did not give birth to Trig. I have seen all the "evidence" and really, there is none that is completely convincing. I am a lawyer by the way. I am a former journalist. It would be fun and exiciting if Joe McGinnis did have this "scoop" but he didn't get it and it's not there.
9:58 AM
I'd believe the scenario that Palin was pregnant but not taking care of herself if she didn't go from "slightly bloated" to hugely pregnant in 18 days. The mere fact that she went from looking beer bloated to fully engorged in a mere 18 DAYS, from the March 26 open coat museum photos to the April 13th BAM hugely pregnant photos, is enough for any person with two (or even one functioning eye) to cry FOUL on this pregnancy.
If she would have tried a little harder to look a little more pregnant each consecutive week after announcing her blessed event on March 6th, no one might have questioned her gestational accuracy. But no, she went full on Rogue and went from barely there to fully engaged within a timeline that the human body cannot withstand. Going Rogue gets her every time :-)
Anonymous, democrat, no friend of Palin @8:11 and 10:03, it is people and journalists like you who made it possible for wackos like Sarah Palin to get as far as they have in politics. Never question anything, if she says it, it must be true. So was she lying to the carpoolers about her tubal or is she lying about being pregnant with Trig? Either way she is a liar.
ReplyDeleteIn your second post you forgot the part where you say, "She really is a very nice person, she's so pretty, she was a great governor and all her kids are really happy and they have picnics every day."
I would really love to hear your take on Batshit Bachmann.
@5:57am - I keep harking back to the RN -former NICU nurse before coming to Wasilla, whom $P had something to do with (awarded RN or??) prior to Trig birth.
ReplyDeleteThen when things heated up, the RN mysteriously, along with her 2 dogs in her bedroom, during the absence of her partner in the house, succumbs to a raging fire that melted the picture frames on the wall.
The Mat Su Fire Dept. promised follow up in 2 wks (newspaper article) and there has been nothing since, ever, that I can track. Even calling the newspaper gets no response.
The RN was alive but unconscious and flown to Harbor View burn center in Seattle, but never regained consciousness. Dogs died.
WTF? Why was RN unconscious? Why did dogs succumb? What was origin of fire? No investigative information available unless someone on this blog can supply something.
Fire hot enough to melt picture frames hanging on the wall?
All this close to the same time the church fire (while people were inside) was set. No news there, either.
Silence=safety from being snuffed out also?
Anon @8:50 AM
ReplyDeleteRe. Tom Cruise.
IN FACT, there were odd discrepancies in Katie Holmes' pregnancy with Suri. These were remarked upon independently of the SP situation.
HOWEVER, how coincidental is it that:
1.) Katie Holmes was accused of faking a marathon run
2.) Sarah Palin obviously did not run the half-marathon as was claimed
3.) Sarah's BFFs have been John Coale and Greta v. Susternen; extreme higher-ups in the Scientology power structure.
8:11 must be a man.
ReplyDeleteBesides, if Sarah has already shown the bc before like she claims, then there shouldn't be a problem showing it again. Just send in a photocopy with the "white-out" over Tri-G's original birthdate & parents, and fill in your own information.
Oh, that's right. Might need to find a typewriter with the same font. Not many of those around these days. Nevermind, just make a bunch of copies & practice. One is bound to come out looking halfway decent, just like the doctor's letter from the night before the election.
Just read the Alaska Dispatch article asking what happened to the Toad.
ReplyDeleteOh, snap! You know the other Irondoggers are going to read that one.
Anonymous 9:58
ReplyDeleteYou need to read the book.
If you are so honest, why are you anonymous?
Anon#9:48 AM
ReplyDeleteYou mean you don't recognize Rebecca Brooks, Rupert Murdoch's high-toned protege??
@CrystalSage, yes the whole world has gone to the whores (si e' sputtanato).
Thanks, "Alaskan" @10:56.
@telah, very good catch on the "LIKE ALWAYS" for Bristol. Thanks for staying on the case. Of course this is not about the "Beverly Hillbillies"…(@11:49) IF your brother recalls that show, it was about MR. DRYSDALE at the heart of it, was it not??
@12:13 PM Phil, you're already out there. Can you marshall other victims and come out in your community against the Palinbots??
Seeing the various Palinbots here still hoeing Sarah's row, and seeing even the large remaining number of fence-sitters makes me question the future of humanity.
ReplyDelete"My brother, whom I am close to, is a hot shot choreographer who travels frequently. We talk get together twice a year, maybe."
HMmmmmmmm... You are VERY CLOSE to your brother, yet you only "talk get together twice a year, maybe".
YUP! Sounds VERY close alright! (FWIW: I have a brother clear across the globe, and we are NOT very close, yet we talk at least TEN TIMES/year!)
>>>>actually, anon @ 9:49, I have had similar thoughts. I, too, have thought that she (may) have been pregnant earlier, but through her own stupidity, starvation, diet pill use, caused either a miscarriage or very premature birth. Once she was in the running for vp, she knew she had to come up with a baby to cover for her reckless behavior, presto, she had dear Trig who happens to have Down Syndrome. That could also have squelched any rumors that she caused her infants death. She "chose" life" by having Trig. I guess regardless what the truth is, the story Sarah tells just doesn't ring true.
ReplyDelete11:39 AM<<<<<<<<<<
I've wondered how many other people may have been thinking the same thing. Especially with her admission that she had considered abortion while out of town. That was supposedly in her second trimester. What if, by then, she had already done so much damage (essentially starving the child in utero) it would have been obvious through testing on the fetus either after a still birth/miscarriage that she was guilty. Grossly so. I would think her OBGYN would have noticed that she wasn't gaining weight as she should have been.
Anyway, as I posted earlier, that clinic does abortions up to 6 months. She could have made her decision, padded, er uh "helped hurry" the pregnancy along, canceled security on the trip and had the abortion, then went home to a prearranged adoption of a downs child.
I dunno. I'm still hung up on TX. With that goofy bitch, it's anyone's guess...
Anonymous said...
ReplyDelete...Why doesn't everyone just leave this woman alone and debate her ideas rather than tearing apart her personal life.
10:00 AM
Whether or not she gave birth to Trig isn't just her personal life. She faked the pregnancy because that's what gave her the pro-life cred to appeal to the Republican base. Without Trig, someone else would have gotten the VP nomination. I care about the pregnancy hoax because every American citizen should care about a fraud of this scale being perpetrated on the American electorate.
Yes, the Lion King hoisting set off my alarm bells:
Lidia17, great job! The music is eery in a funhouse kind of way. Perfect!
ReplyDeleteThe next video up is "Well if we were really terrorists, he'd be wantin' to pal around with us." Regarding our President. And paid to say it with no repercussions. Treasonous bitch.
Just ordered the book. Due to ship 9/20/2011 with free shipping. Due to arrive within 3-5 business days.
ReplyDeleteI hope Amazon's right. lol
Did she have her eyebrows tattoed, or is it just the show polish wearing off in that picture?
ReplyDelete@Lidia17 - Your comment about Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes made me curious. I Googled the birth of Suri and found that she was born on April 18th .
ReplyDeleteI found this " TMZ has obtained a copy of Suri Cruise's birth certificate which wasn't filed with the Los Angeles County Clerk until May 8th even though Suri was born on April 18 - interesting date. They also point out some interesting notes about the certificate, like that the "Attendant or Certifier" wasn't in the room during the delivery and never saw the baby, although she was authorized to sign because the doctor wasn't available. Additionally, St. John's Hospital filed the certificate 20 days after the birth as opposed to their usual policy of doing it within 10 days because they needed a signature from the parents or their representative and nobody came in until May 4th.
The person who eventually signed was labeled "friend" and the reason they finally came in was because Suri needed a passport and a birth certificate is a prerequisite for one."
"...he has very graciously teed up this subject in such a way that it is now positioned perfectly for Fred to come in with his book, ... and knock it right out of the ball park."
ReplyDeleteAw, come on, man. All of a sudden you became a gent?
We all know teeing a ball is a golf term and golfers don't drive their balls to put them out of the park.
I agree with this:
ReplyDelete"The book that needs to be written is the one exposing how and why the media gave her a pass."
That is the real issue of our failing democracy and is why we are not safe just because one dispensable sociopath is exposed.
As for buying the book, I can't quite get past his leaking of the other guy's manuscript.