Monday, September 19, 2011

The repeal of DADT by the numbers.

I know its small but just give it a click to enlarge it.

I have to say that seeing it laid out like this makes me very proud of my country.  Very proud indeed.

Of course not EVERYBODY shares my pride.

Courtesy of Pink News:

A Catholic woman from Massachusetts says she is so disgusted by gay people that she fears leaving her house.

You know the TRULY sad thing is that this woman, Stacy Trasancos, has quite a lot in common with gay Americans. You see it is fear of running into homophobic people like her that makes many of our homosexual brothers and sisters too afraid to leave the closet.


  1. Anonymous3:09 AM

    It doesn's enlarge.

  2. Itz O.K. I.M. Gay3:28 AM

    "I know its small but just give it a click to enlarge it."

    Don't ask, don't tease, Gryph.

  3. Some religious conservatives (the nuttiest) are also advocating not getting marriage licenses. Politicususa has a recent article on the Quiverfull movement where a leader said he was discouraging his own children from engaging in legal marriage, only religious -so they aren't "tainted by the perversion.". Oh, the irony!

  4. Such ignorance. Maybe she should stay in her house. It would be even better if she kept her evil thoughts to herself.

  5. Anonymous3:54 AM

    You know the TRULY sad thing is that this woman, Stacy Trasancos, has quite a lot in common with gay Americans. You see it is fear of running into homophobic people like her that makes many of our homosexual brothers and sisters too afraid to leave the closet.


    This is clearly not right.

    But once again, you like to point fingers without addressing the whole situation.

    You call her out. Well done.

    What about this?

    Ms Trasancos, a former research chemist, says her family has been threatened with kidnap, rape and murder since she wrote the comments.

    Where's your calling out of this?

  6. Anonymous4:14 AM

    Or leave their 'Sexual Accountability Partner' who happens to be running for President.

  7. Anonymous4:26 AM

    o/t but Bristol's back in CA

  8. That woman would find something else to fear if she didn't have the gays to fear. Fear is her jailor and ignorance is her crime.

  9. Anonymous5:02 AM

    This woman won't leave the house for fear of running into teh gays?

    A woman running for congress ran from a bathroom screaming for her life when approached by a nun and a lesbian.

    Who is the worst person in this scenario?

    Hint: the second one is a beard running for President.

  10. At first I thought Stacy was writing for the "Onion". After reading further, I sadly realised she wasn't. She must be looking for gay people when she goes out and interprets the most innocent actions as indicating gay behavior. That this woman is raising seven children is a crime. I hope at least one of her children comes out as gay later on.

  11. Anonymous6:06 AM

    In that woman's statement, if you replace "Gay people" with "Black people" you'll feel like you were in a backwards time warp.

    What pitiful people are out there with no decent sense of humanity.


  12. Anonymous6:40 AM

    What I find particularly despicable about this woman is her carrying on about Catholicism and her 'faith' and then she turns around and judges others. It's the typical hypocrisy that is too often the case with those who telegraph their religious perceptions and then conflate them with hate and intolerance. I'd just love to have Jesus show up and smack them down for their sanctimonious bullshit parading around as 'faith'. Will she disown one of those children she holds so dear when they come out as gay person? Because her hate and ignorance will invite just exactly that when Karma kicks her in her ignorant ass.

  13. yardwork7:56 AM

    Enlarge - depends on your browser.

    In Google chrome - doesn't enlarge *
    Internet Explorer - Yes

    Safari - No

    Firefox - Not automatically, but gives you "magnify" cursor in the new window

    *Your mileage may vary.


  14. Anonymous7:59 AM

    You say, "You see it is fear of running into homophobic people like her that makes many of our homosexual brothers and sisters too afraid to leave the closet."

    I say, "A-fucking-men!"

    Thank you Gryphen for your continued dedication to this and all LGBT issues.

    I was flying home from Longbeach Municipal yesterday. Their airport code is LGB and it is everywhere! The garbage cans have the code, the ashtrays in the outdoor smoking area, etc. Do you know how hard it was to keep my Sharpie in my purse and not run around adding a "T" to everything?

  15. Gasman8:21 AM

    What does this woman from MA think that the GLBT crowd is going to do to her, get "gay" all over her? What a sad lonely life she must lead.

    This country would be a much better place to live if we could make a serious dent in such fear and ignorance.

  16. Gasman8:34 AM

    Anon @ 3:54,
    Let's compile two lists. You do the one with all of the victims of violence FROM gay people to straight people. You know, all those instances when intolerant gangs of young queer toughs roam the streets looking for hapless straights and beat the shit out of them. All of the straight men and women who have been brutally beaten to death by the homos. You compile that list and I'll do the same for all the violence by heteros against the gay community.

    Do you want to bet that you'll be done FAR sooner than I will?

    Sure, any kind of threatened violence is wrong, but save us your bullshit false equivalency argument about how gays are a malevolent violent menace to the straight community. IF you find a single example of such violence I can offset it with THOUSANDS of instances of straight folks brutalizing and even killing gays. I'll further wager that most of that violence comes from people raised in good Christian homes.

    Your insinuation that a few threatening phone calls is equivalent to DECADES of actual violence is insulting. And whose word are we accepting regarding these supposed calls? The word of an avowed paranoid bigot. Is it such a stretch to imagine that she might lie in order to "smear the queers?"

    Get real.

  17. Anonymous10:24 AM

    ahh, the bigotry continues with a certain percentage of people in this country. I hope that with each passing generation this continues to fade.

  18. Anonymous8:10 PM

    The poor Catholic Woman! I feel so sorry for her. I wonder who she prayed for, Matthew Shepperd, or the guys that killed him?

    Speaking of crazy ladies, Michelle Bachman was on Jay Leno, when confronted about her husband's pray away the gay clinic, she said they pray for all people with all kinds of issues, some people misheard, she meant to say "pray away the gray", as in gray hair...

    Later, she put out a statment saying in the pre interview questionaire, none of these social issues were brought up, and she was caught off guard.... blah blah blah.

    She pulled a Palin... gotcha questions made me look stoooopid! Wahhhhhhh.

    I'm so glad this is the law of the land. Thank You, President Obama.


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