Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Lawrence O'Donnell reports on the Republican debate that devolved into a circular firing squad, with Rick Perry right in the middle.

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Can I just mention how much good it does my heart to watch the Republicans beating each other up?

I wish I could start EVERY morning with something like this.


  1. Anonymous3:13 AM

    When Michelle Bachman said that she was offended that Perry forced innocent 12 year old girls to have an injection, which was a violation of her liberty (even though there is an OPT out option) -- it made me wonder where is her offense that so many believe that the government should require innocent 12 year old girls to carry a pregnancy to term after having been raped (or to require any females to carry a pregnancy to term despite whatever individual reasons they may have for not wanting to do so).

    Where is the outrage Michelle?

    For those people in the audience who thought the 30 year old without insurance who is in a coma should be allowed to die -- where were you when the husband of Terry Schiavo had to spend years and a lot of money to remove life support from his wife. Those Republicans who now say everyone is responsible for themselves, was insisting back then that every last avenue possible should be used to keep a person "alive"?

  2. Anonymous3:16 AM

    When I heard State's Rights and keeping [Federal] government out of our lives, it reminds me of children who know all about their "rights" but nothing about their "responsibilities".

    They want to be independent to do whatever they want, and expect the parent [Federal government] to bail them out when they get into trouble or need money.

    The ones who yells the most about wanting the freedom to do as they please also hold their hands out the most for monetary assistance from the Feds.

  3. Anonymous3:22 AM

    Do we not "require" children to be vacinated against mumps, rubella, polio, measles, tetanus as well?

  4. Anonymous3:22 AM

    This is called crony cannibalism.

  5. @ GRYPHEN---

    Please feel free to move my comment to another post if you'd like. I don't want to hijack this post, but I did want you to get in on the action on the Insurance aspect of BabyGate that's heating up over at Laura's blog.


    "Who paid the Medical Bills for BabyGate?"

    I thought that I had sifted through all of the State of AK Palin emails, but obviously I totally missed one that could prove to be just as important as the "nail in the coffin" photos. In a June 4, 2008 Palin email to her assistant, she asked for a reminder to add Tri-G to their insurance during open enrollment in June, 2008.

    Why would the Palins wait until open enrollment to add Tri-G? Who would pay for the medical and hospital bills that he had accumulated in NICU and SDU while he gained wait before he weighed enough to be discharged from the hospital?

    Well, insurance sure as hell won't pay for the medical claims for your baby's care if you don't add him to your insurance coverage.

    Stop by and get in the discussion. Read Part 1 from yesterday, and Part 2 will be posted sometime later today. You might have one of those "Aha" moments like I did whenever I read that email again.

    Gryph, this feels like it's as important a revelation as any in a long time, so we need you at the dance, too. No one owns any of the sub-topics of the Palin Scandals, and I think that it's great that you and Laura have worked so well together in cross-referencing all of your collective efforts to bring the truth about Sarah to all of your readers.

  6. AJ Billings3:55 AM

    Yeah, just keep repeating the idiot level talking points, and mindless drivel Repubs!

    Too bad Granny $arah the grifter of the North isn't on that stage.

    $arah, we know you couldn't stand being up there getting your precious self bombarded by arguments and comments on your stupidity.

    Taxing BIG OIL in Alaska, and then turn around and give people some of the profits

    SOCIALISM $ARAH! Hear that?

    We know you are a coward, a chicken, and a pussy cuz you WILL NOT get on that stage and mix it up.

    YOur record of erratic stupid mistakes and religious craziness would be there for everyone to see,
    and you have a THIN SKIN, dontcha, also too, $arah?

    And where's Trig, also too, either one of him?

  7. Anonymous4:14 AM

    Chuck is going to be very proud of his daughter for having a one night stand with Glen Rice a black NBA player.

    National Enquirer is saying McGinniss has confirmation from Rice that he screwed Miss Wasilla.

    Thank you Joe....Let the shit flow..

  8. VERY FUNNY! Sarah Palin VS Lady Gaga - Epic Rap Battles of History 4 - YouTube

  9. Anonymous4:28 AM

    O/T The shit's hitting the fan!

    In revelations which could strike a devastating blow to the controversial politician's hopes of joining the 2012 presidential race, Mrs Palin is said to have taken the class A drug with her husband, while smoking marijuana at college in secret liaisons with one of her professors.

    She allegedly had a tryst with basketball star Glen Rice in her younger sister Molly's University of Alaska dorm room, while she was dating Todd and just nine months before the couple were married.

  10. Anonymous4:51 AM

    Ok, Anon is truly delusional in every way.
    But this was my favorite desperate lie.

    "Sarah has made a big blunder in saying Levi wasn't present for Tripp's birth"

    Dude, in the second book, she says HE WAS THERE. Shes never said he wasn't there.

    This person is purposefully playing malicious, manipulative games, almost as much as Gryphen plays but this person definitely as no credence for anything. For starters, anyone who describes Bristol as being unhappy or having more than one pregnancy and a pregnancy after Tripp has no idea what they're talking about and are being malicious to be malicious.

    Oh and the Glenn Rice story? What came to mind is that jazz player story, the light skinned black man who met Sarah in a restaurant and as soon as she learned her was black, as are his bandmates, she automatically got awkward.

    Just observations from someone who uses her mind.

  11. Anonymous4:52 AM

    Appears Baby Joe is whining now.

    It amazes me that people on the 'left' don't get it - when it appears to be on 'their side'.

    When we saw big retail outlets donating to the 'right' or say the advertisers on Glen Beck, we got pissed as we expect these stores, advertisers, product manufacturers et al to stay neutral in the political arena and boycott petition sites were born. The same when Target donated to anti-gay.

    Well, it's no different in newspapers. It's one thing to run 'one' comicstrip, but to continue on a daily basis for going on two weeks -- even I on the left don't agree with it. I don't agree with a comicstrip being a promoter for an unreleased book in what is the 'political arena'. I want neutral. Remember - what's good for the goose, is good for the gander.

    So Baby Joe is calling it censorship. Isn't it amazing how on one side, you agree with it but when it's your side, you get pissed.

    It is not censorship so Baby Joe has jumped the shark. Stupid asshole. So far I've convinced 3 stores in my area to cancel his book order. Have 2 appointments today with owners.

    The organization that I belong to has built reading rooms/libraries in places that cannot do it themselves and to which we supply the books from funds raised. We had pre-ordered 200 books. CANCELLED last week. All BABY JOES's books have been removed from ALL locations -- never to be returned to the shelves.

  12. Anonymous4:52 AM

    What is up with Wasilla girls and their fetishes for black men?

  13. Anonymous5:14 AM

    Isn't it funny - the two most protesting the pulling of Doonesbury, are both blog sites that don't allow 'comments'. Baby Joe and Andrew Sullivan - neither who I read now. Sullivan is tanking his cred.

  14. Anonymous5:38 AM


    "Glen Rice and Sarah Palin Reportedly Had One-Night Stand"

    The original source is the National Enquirer who says Rice CONFIRMS the story:

  15. Glen Rice?

    Man, in his day, that guy could absolutely shoot the lights out with the basketball!

    But hey...I didn't know that he liked to camp, also, too.

    Go Glen Go!
    Run Sarah Run!

  16. Anonymous5:49 AM

    4:52 a.m., I can only hope you protested this assiduously when Sarah's and Bristol's "books" came out. Did you? Otherwise, I have to doubt your "I, on the left" cred.

  17. @anon 4:14 am

    I don't know much but I do know this...

    Glen Rice wasn't bragging when he confessed to pokin' that!

  18. Gasman5:54 AM

    I've said all along that when these GOP buffoons start to turn on each other it was going to be like a bunch of wet cats in a bag. They have not disappointed. However, it appears that all the other cats turned on one particular pussy.

    I think P.Rick is Señor Huevos Raton and doesn't have what it takes to withstand this kind of barrage for too long. He's used to being THE big fish in Texas and has never faced real scrutiny or sustained opposition.

    I think Ron Paul is P.Rick's biggest pain in the ass, since as a fellow Texan he can call "bullshit" on the whole Texas Miracle mythology. That and Paul seems to have a deep, abiding, visceral loathing for Perry that is reciprocated by P.Rick.

    Damn, this sure is fun! The only thing that could make it better is if Palin were there spewing her incomprehensible word salad.

  19. Anonymous6:10 AM

    anon 4:51

    LOL You're gonna have to do much better that that. Or better yet, don't waste your time. Just check pre-orders in about, oh, say 5 days, and see how much impact you've had.

    Haha...what a loser. A lying internet troll punk who's about to get pile-driven by a deluge of Sarah stories! I love it!!!

  20. I wonder why the lamestream media hasn't seemed to notice that Rick Perry doesn't wear a flag pin? Well, I guess that's only important for black candidates...

  21. Anonymous6:20 AM

    Notice Sarah has crashed EVERY repub event EXCEPT the debates. Hmmm I wonder why???


  22. Anonymous6:37 AM

    Anon 5:49

    Those 3 books don't exist in our facilities.

  23. Anonymous6:39 AM

    Anon 6:10

    You think you can identify all trolls -- you're sadly mistaken.

    I've been a Dem all my life and kindly know -- I'm of retirement age!!

  24. JulieinDenver6:41 AM

    To Anon@4:51:

    so, your self-righteous defense against Joe McG's claim that Sarah had a tryst with a black man is that she is far too racist to have done so?


    I think I'm seeing Gryphen's point about teabaggers.

  25. Anonymous6:42 AM

    I have to laugh at those that think they can identify people behind an Anon and they too post as Anons.

    Not every person on the left has to 'think like you'.

    What that comes across as is that you are no different that the PeeBots -- like a cult. People have to think like 'you'.

    Sounds like there are 'LeftBots' in the house.

  26. True Blue Girl6:52 AM

    Gasman, I would add that I think the "deep, abiding, visceral loathing" is what Ron Paul feel towards Perry based on principles, ethics, etc. I think what Perry feels for Paul is irritation combined with fear: Ron Paul is the closest thing Perry has for a nemesis right now, and like it or not he's going to be standing on the same stage with him for awhile.

    Coming from his cocoon of paid off/paid up sycophants, Perry is unprepared in every way to deal with real opposition, especially to his face and in the moment. He's been able to dismiss Ron Paul as a nutcase piss ant playing in another arena, but he's got to know that Paul knows where a lot of the skeletons are.

    If somebody, anybody, leans into Perry enough he'll show his ass because while he's got instincts and practice, Perry's just not that bright. And, not a good combination, he is also smugly arrogant so he has never, ever wasted time on developing any kind of real understanding of the issues, policy positions, etc. He is unprepared, plain and simple, to debate or respond with substance. And under pressure he'll just double down on his stylistic camouflage, which will only ratchet up that overplayed Texas machismo swagger and smirk - further tanking his national appeal.

    Can't wait. And you're right - the only thing that could make this any better would be Sarah Palin with a hot mike!

  27. Anonymous6:59 AM

    Today's troll meme:

    Act all huffy when someone calls you a troll, like you're really an avid IM fan but recent events have soured you.

    Won't work today but I'm sure you'll keep trying.

  28. Anonymous7:09 AM

    @6:42 AM

    Why are you here?

    Fuck off, Right-Bot.

  29. Anonymous7:40 AM

    4:52AM is a liar. Everyone knows it. Nothing more needs to be said.

  30. Anonymous8:10 AM


    4:52 -- as in me -- is a liar.

    Like you friggin know from an 'Anon' you close minded leftBOT.

    Shows how the 'left' that bitch about the 'right' bots are no different. Close-minded, can't think outside the box or accept that not evey Dem thinks like you.

    I wouldn't want to think like you -- ya freak.

  31. Anonymous8:13 AM

    Dems are open-minded - converse about ideas -- wouldn't know it from the what's posting here.

    People can have differing opinions but reading some responses -- WOW. You might as well call yourselves racist too as you are no different than the baggers but of course like the baggers, can't recognize it.

  32. Anonymous said...
    ...It is not censorship so Baby Joe has jumped the shark. Stupid asshole. So far I've convinced 3 stores in my area to cancel his book order. Have 2 appointments today with owners.
    ...The organization that I belong to has built reading rooms/libraries in places that cannot do it themselves and to which we supply the books from funds raised. We had pre-ordered 200 books. CANCELLED last week. All BABY JOES's books have been removed from ALL locations -- never to be returned to the shelves.
    4:52 AM
    How wonderful for the patrons of these reading rooms/"libraries" and local bookstores that there is someone like you to make decisions on what reading material people should and shouldn't have available. Otherwise they might make their own decisions. Can't have that when you know better than they do what they should and shouldn't read.

    I enjoyed reading Joe's blog and comments, but was never personally invested in what he thought of me or any comments I made. If his book is well-researched and factual, and the marketing plan successfully makes people who otherwise have just dismissed Palin aware of who she really is and just how much damage she has done to this country, then I hope it is successful.

    I do feel badly for people who were personally insulted or treated rudely by Joe and if I were one of them, I would probably decide not to buy the book. Why would I give him money at that point? I probably would not have a problem reading a library copy or borrowed copy.

    I don't have a problem with comments being closed during the busiest part of the book tour, and the Doonesbury strip is just one more clever bit of marketing. That is just my opinion and I know others feel differently.

    One of my favorite authors never gave interviews, and was known to have expressed irritation and contempt for her readers, that they would enjoy what she considered her least important or worthwhile work. It has never lessened my enjoyment of her books (I am one of the readers who enjoyed her lighter books much more than her serious ones).

  33. Gasman9:33 AM

    True Blue Girl:

    "... the only thing that could make this any better would be Sarah Palin with a hot mike!"

    Or maybe a hot "Glen."

  34. Anonymous6:54 PM

    The first 4:52 make up your mind. You're against censorship, yet you are having book clubs you have influence over pull Joe's book.

    So that's not censorship, in what way?

    How about providing the book and letting people make up their own minds? Wouldn't that make you a better person than Joe?

  35. Anonymous7:07 PM

    I loved the Michelle comment on tee vee. One lady approached her after the debate, with TEARS in her eyes, saying that after being forced to have the gardasil injection, her daughter suffered from mental retardation. Of course, she never asked if the daughter suffered from mental retardation before the injection, but it plays into her attack on Perry.

    Fact befuddle the teaparty peeps. Perry's trying to walk back his "ponzi scheme" statement, while his connections to Merk and their campaign donations.

    Whoever said "Croney Cannibalism" nailed it!


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.