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"Pony up bitchez! Mama needs some new shoes! |
Dear SarahPAC Supporter,
During these tough economic times, struggling families and individuals across America need leadership and solutions. In his address to Congress last week, our President offered only recycled proposals that have been proven to fail.
Increasing spending and expanding government control over the lives of hardworking Americans is not the solution to our broken economy. Mortgaging the future of our children and grandchildren will not ensure a better situation today, but it will ensure greater burdens in the future.
With the Presidential election right around the corner, Governor Palin has to make the important decision of whether or not to run for office. You’ve supported SarahPAC’s past efforts to defeat Obama liberals across the country, and I’m asking for your help again.
Let’s show Governor Palin that she has our support as she faces this crucial decision!
America is facing a tough road back to prosperity, but we can get there with commonsense conservative leadership from Governor Palin and the support of the Tea Party Revolution she led during the 2010 mid-term elections.
Our President has failed to take the initiative required to ease the economic difficulties facing our nation, and we need real change.
Will you support Governor Palin with a generous donation to SarahPAC today?
Thank you for your continuing support of Governor Palin and SarahPAC. You can also help her by sharing our message with your friends and family on Facebook and Twitter!
Tim Crawford Treasurer, SarahPAC
This is beginning to feel like an abusive marriage.
"Honey I promise to NEVER hit you (up for money) again! I love and need you(r financial support) and this relationship is too important for me (to help pay my bills and make me feel relevant) to give up on it. Won't you please give me just one more chance (to get all of your money before I run out of time and everybody KNOWS I am not running)?"
I have a number of theories as to WHY we are seeing yet another plea for money from the Palin panty sniffers at this time. Here let me list them for you:
- Palin KNOWS she has only limited time before Joe's book comes out and wants to scoop up as much cash as possible before she has to go into hiding.
- Family needs new influx of cash because Levi's book is destroying the chances of Sarah's back up grifter Bristol, to continue making money by marketing herself as an innocent teen mom turned abstinence preacher. And she can't turn around and market herself as what she is, an emasculating harpy bitch who manipulates everybody around her, because her mother already has that role locked up.
- Sister Sarah's last wig bit right through her botoxed forehead, and now she requires a serious of very expensive rabies and distemper shots.
- Todd has seen the writing on the walls and is renegotiating his contract before agreeing to continue to pose as her happily married sexually ambivalent husband and hand bag carrier.
- In anticipation of the media onslaught to come after Levi, Joe, and Fred's books hits the stands, family has decided to equip the Palin fortress with a moat and some machine gun turrets.
- Five words, "Shailey got her cellphone back!"
- In light of recent revelations Palin needs to hire a personal trainer and some look-a-likes to help her prepare for a marathon, find somebody to ghostwrite a book that she can put her hoofprint on that will actually sell, and pay some of those darkies to pose as friends of the family to address the charges of racism.
- Need to hire better comment writers to monitor The Immoral Minority and convince visitors that, (1) Sarah doesn't pay attention to blogs, (2) Gryphen is just making stuff up, (3) the Palin family is a close loving family as proven by pictures that nobody ever sees, and (4) Bristol has only been pregnant
threeone time, and that was only because she was date raped by Levi Johnston.
Ha, if Palin's wig did bite her and give her rabies, she'd be shit out of luck gettin' those shots because they give them in the abdomen and as we all know, Sarah Palin has abs of steel that would bend any hypodermic needle before it could pierce her wall of muscle and deliver the anti-rabies vaccine!
ReplyDeleteit's hilarious over in the sea-0-shit er, piss..most all the tea 'tards over there are scrapin' the bottom and sending it to $carahscamPAC...some are worried though that $carah might send some of their money to other "candidates"....HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAHHAHAHAaaaha
ReplyDeleteBravo Mr. G.! Bravo!!!
ReplyDeleteI've read more than one comment over at C4Pee, saying that no further donations will be made until after Sarah "announces".
ReplyDeleteMaybe the dopey Peebots are finally starting to smarten up.
I know, I know, that's a great big maybe!
Grifting and running a fake race is hard work. With the new books being released, Sarah's Racism and vindictiveness will be too hard to hide. She has to collect all the money she can before the GRAVY TRAIN
ReplyDeleteDERAILS. Briscow's UNREALITY show is Tanking, and Shailey Tripp has her cell phone and paperwork back in her possession. LET THE GAMES BEGIN.
I love you, Gryph. Thanks for the great blog.
Yes suckers, send more money and the Sarah Rapture WILL happen.
ReplyDeleteWhy couldn't she just start a Presidential fund if she were running? They're claiming she's using this to set things up for a run. Um, isn't that what exploratory committees/funds are for? Can she even use this?
ReplyDeleteBtw, Gryphen, why do you state with such certainty that she won't run? Aren't you a little fearful that she'll prove you wrong? Do we really want to hear her and her ilk drone on about how she's shoving it in the faces of all those who said she wouldn't run?
Oh, Gryphen, your writing: it burns!!!! "Sister Sarah's last wig bit right through her botoxed forehead, and now she requires a serious of very expensive rabies and distemper shots." You couldnt have a more deserving target for your cheerful venom.
ReplyDeleteGood job, dude.
Also missing from the plea, "And we promise not to cum in your mouths."
ReplyDeleteYou know, it really says something when your anueploidic supports come across as more articulate than the brainless, hemorrhaging tart they are trying to keep alive.
If that isn't the mark of a losing strategy in politics, I don't know what is.
BRAVO, Gryph! So well written. This seems to say that Scarah is not running, and she's trying to scam as much moola as she can before she fades off into obscurity. September is surely turning out to be my most favorite month.
ReplyDeleteOne more thing: thank god I spent the evening at a wine tasting before I read that letter or I might have lost my mind. (I know wine tasting sounds "elite" but it's in the basement of the community center.)
You got me with that wig comment... hilarious... but lemonade in my keyboard... sticky and corrosive!
ReplyDeleteThe paylump is realizing that her free ride is coming to an end. She's just feathering her nest at the expense of the knuckle dragging mouth breathing dolts that lap up her disingenuous word salad vomit.
ReplyDeleteHer irrelevance cannot come a moment too soon.
I stand with Sarah Palin. I am Sarah Palin and she is the weeness of us'ns. This week I shall hold a yard sale and sell my grandmother's blue willow dishes so I can send more money to SarahPackage so my beloved idol Sarah Palin who will be the next and greatest POTUS can buy herself some more f#$kme shoes. Sarah Palin 2012.
ReplyDeleteShailey has a new post up announcing that she is publishing 2 books. The second will detail her encounter with Todd Palin.
ReplyDeleteHope that her possessions are in good order and have not been tampered with.
She looks like she's on stilts in that picture. I accidentally enlarged the picture and the red "highlights" in her hair remind me of the hair paint my kids use for spirit days at school. Ridiculous....
ReplyDeleteAs far as SarahPac donations. Those people will really just send money because someone asks for it? There is no explanation about what the money will support Sarah to do? That's pretty sad.
Anon 6:38
ReplyDeleteAre you kidding? I can't go over to the Sea. So these idiots absolutely know they are paying for Sarah's lifestyle of tacky clothes and seventies porn wigs?
Run Sarah Run!
ReplyDeleteThird Party is the path for you. Perry and Romney both suck. To hell with those Repug good ole boys. Build your up your war chest ($) , get rested, then come out on the campaign trail. The path is calling you. Will you answer it's call?
The people who continue to support her extravagant lifestyle while they scrap by is bordering on criminal. How can they possibly put the onus on Sara running to their sending more money to her?
ReplyDeleteAbusive it far too kind.
Burns and Haberman at Politico " A Palin Gardasil Coda " are linking to PajamasMedia
ReplyDelete( right wing blog ) that discovered that Palin in 2007
took federal funds to vaccinate girls with the dreaded Gardasil.
Uh oh..
Is Palin that stupid that she forgets things like this or was she out of it ?
Bachmann will no doubt flip out further.
" The Alaska Department of Health and Social Services announced today that an increase in federal funding will make it possible for all Alaska girls ages 9 through 18 to receive Gardasil ®,
the vaccine to prevent cervical cancer,
at no cost."
At no direct cost, perhaps. But being federally funded, it had a cost.
Millions of Americans outside Alaska bore that cost, involuntarily. "
I believe she will shake more change out of her die-hard fans. But she won't fund a presidential campaign with spare change. She needs a billion dollars. That's what Obama raised in 2008.
ReplyDeleteI have to feel a little sad for these people. They're so desperate to get rid of Obama and "Get their country back," but they have no faith in the democratic process that will probably keep him in the White House. So they do what a terminally ill person does when he meets a scam artist with potions in a box: hand over their money. Like the sick man, they know they're throwing their money away, but what other choice do they have? Obviously God has forsaken them, after all...
ReplyDeleteAfter she milks them dry what happens? Does she then declare her candidacy?
ReplyDeleteHope the cell phone is all intact, also, too. Regardless, the cell records still have the numbers called. Would be great to see the text messages.
Methinks it may be upcoming legal fees. Can't have the Dithering Diva using her own millions to pay for her personal legal fees. That's what the bots are for to be her personal banker. Shades of Van Flea with his threatening letters and scare tactics to head off the upcoming shit storms.
ReplyDeleteSarah has to pay for her drugs too also. Now she might be able to get her meth cheap but that K she uses to take the edge off is probably really expensive since it's not available locally there in Alaska. Based on her emaciated frame, wig difficulties from hair loss, and noticeably sweaty skin tone, Palin has been on a major spending spree for her drug habit!
ReplyDelete"With the Presidential election right around the corner, Governor Palin has to make the important decision of whether or not to run for office. You’ve supported SarahPAC’s past efforts to defeat Obama liberals across the country, and I’m asking for your help again.
ReplyDeleteLet’s show Governor Palin that she has our support as she faces this crucial decision! "
So, let me get this straight. Sarah is trying to make the decision on whether to run for president and she needs money from the bots while she dithers?
What's the money for and will the bots get it back should she decide not to run?
....even a blind squirrel gets a nut sometime, but Palin's nuts are rotten to the core!
ReplyDeleteGryphen, you are a national treasure. Thank you for the TRUTH. And your patriotism. BLESS YOU to infinity.
ReplyDeleteI, IMO, think the Palins have overspent for years. The new influx of cash over the last 3 yrs has been spent and the Sarahpac money has been dipped into frequently. Poor Saree and prostitute turning Tawd, they can'tr make an honest dollar.
ReplyDeleteThe gravy train has ended and Saree is done.
Is anyone even awake over at the FEC??? I cannot believe how easy it is to grift...tax free...with a PAC!
ReplyDeleteMan, she is one talented con artist. I'll give her that. This is textbook con artistry 101: keep hitting the mark up over and over again, and when the mark is at their most desperate to believe the con artist isn't indeed a con artist, that's when to strike as the mark will almost always fork over the most money.
ReplyDeleteWell, clearly #1 has got to be it, right?
ReplyDeleteCan you imagine how pissed these people are going to be if they contribute to her campaign and then she doesn't run???
(Nevermind their heads exploding when so much bad stuff comes to light.)
Hey Sarah, Prince needs his shoes back.
ReplyDeleteThis an actual comment over at the PeeZoo...I repeat...this is an actual comment over at the PeeZoo..
ReplyDeleteeagle376 [Moderator] Today 05:42 PM
Sent what I had in my checking account, all but one dollar. Get paid next week. Go Sarah!! game on!
OMFG!! The day she announces that she is NOT running...I will not walk...but RUN to my computer and head straight to the PeeZoo...it will surely be as good as the day she quit!
Ah, that last line has me giggling. Thank you for an insightful and witty post.
ReplyDeleteGoodness, I hope Palin can dish up some dirt on Perry because if she can't, he seems poised to take the nomination. If she doesn't jump in soon, Perry will have all her contributors drooling over him.
Not that they didn't enjoy drooling over her, but he has a penis and that similar bad taste in hairdos. Plus, he has the phony cowboy schtick down much, much better than baby Georgie. He might even like horses, unlike scaredy-cat Georgie.
Plus, Perry actually does know how to shoot a gun thanks to Uncle Sam. Of course, he is an idiot, but what else is new with the Tea Party (once known as the GOP).
If she really wants to rack up some serious cash, she needs to declare very, very soon or no one will have any left to give her. All their piggy banks will be smashed to bits in their rush to ride with Perry, the wild man from TX.
Sarah - it's now or never, baby. If Perry gets the White House, no one of your ilk will ever have a chance again because he will bring this country so low ... well, let's just say if the country didn't learn its lesson from the Bush-Cheney years, it won't be able to escape the lesson of the Tea Party takeover
We know that SP loves to prove Gryphen wrong, so when he says she won't run... then she will!!
ReplyDeleteIf she runs, can you see all the news reporters camping at her house? And her parents house? And following Bristol?
She won't be able to hide anymore. So let her decide to run. She will lose her Fox job. Sounds good to me!
Okay, so Sarah is toasty now and on the verge of being burnt toast - so what now?
ReplyDeleteI hope Texas bloggers have some goods on Perry because that sumbitch (as JuanitaJean would say) scares me to pieces.
I don't think Romney has what it takes to overtake him now. Things are sticking to Perry yet, he is floating on the surface, getting closer to the goal.
Please, oh please, once Sarah is out, we need to focus on Perry.
She might be able to poke some holes in his boat, though if she declares. She is, after all, still third in those stinky polls. Who knows?
But she is running out of time. If she wants to use that third place advantage, she needs to get in. She could attract the Bachmann,Paul and other crazies' backers. Perry scares a lot of people, even the GOP.
I stand back and think about this blog and what Gryphen has had to do because the media was willing to sacrifice the good of our country in exchange for ratings and I am so ashamed of what has become of a noble and true profession. Our media was supposed to be our protection from something like this ever happening. The entire story is so sordid and so obviously should never have gone this far. Simply having Sarah Palin as a Vice Presidential candidate has forever lowered the bar for candidates at any level. How sad is that? It is despicable. Tea Party people, is this what you want? A country run by uneducated know nothings who do not care about you?
ReplyDeleteI am so grateful for this blog and, of course, Malia and Laura and the others who were here and had to leave for various reasons. You kept those of us going who knew from the very start what Sarah Palin is. I hope that Gryphen has a life ahead that will repay him for the good he has worked so hard to do, and Joe McGinniss........I'm so thrilled with what seems to be in your book. Thanks all of you from someone who wishes she could have done something to help.
To start with "in these tough economic times" as if she actually gave two shits what these people were suffering...
ReplyDeleteGIVE ME, the MILLIONAIRE, MORE of the money I am oh-so-sorry you don't have so that I, the MILLIONAIRE, can decide after Y-E-A-R-S of fit-farting around on YOUR dollars if I, the MILLIONAIRE, want the HARDEST JOB IN THE WORLD that pays waaaaaaay too little.
wow. this bitch is Heart-less.
@Anonymous 6:52
ReplyDeleteShe won't declare or set up an "exploratory committee" until the very last moment, if she runs at all. That is because federal election finance laws are very strict about what money can be spent on and what is reported for declared candidates.
Currently SarahPAC enjoys a very lax set of rules on what can be done with the money raised, that goes bye-bye the second she declares.
That is lamest, most pathetic begathon I have ever read. Fuck you Sarah for grifting all of these poor folks.
ReplyDeleteGryph, thanks.
Crawford is such a tool.
ReplyDeleteThis has never been about Palin actually running for President, as she has no ability or desire to do the job. All along it has been about Beltway Tim paying his mortgage, keeping up his lifestyle. Holding on by the gums of his teeth. Palin is just his ticket to admission.
VP, maybe, based on her ignorant statement that the VP doesn't really do anything and is the "President" of the Senate.Yeah, she would like that that. I can see her buying into that, and hoping that she will, once again, run in 2nd place and not have to do any actual work.
Crawford is an old tool from the 80s 90s Reagan/Bush war chest. His father bilked the system, his mother bilked the system (judge, Federalist Society), their son grew up with no other skill or ability other than to bilk the system, growing up in the shadow of the Beltway. . .hmmmn, a lot like Palin growing up in the hot house environment of Wasilla, and also learning how to bilk the system. Fellow travelers.
Perhaps McLean, Vagina is a lot more like Wasilla, AKA47 than we (or Tim) have given credit for?
It's money machine. A bunch of McLean, VA and Wasilla, AK provincialism, panties in a twist, that has never had anywhere else to go since the 80s and 90s?
But they do know how to milk the cow, before it runs out of milk.
Tim Crawford, and Norm Cummings, and their families have a solid track record doing just that. Tim learned it at his parents' knee.
Going nowhere, but lining their pockets something wicked.
It's not Palin, she has no notion of the machine that is putting her forward. She's too dumb.
But she is a very good cow.
Mic Mac
This is tooo funny Gryph...poor bastards will never learn...
ReplyDeleteThey are being led to assume that more money into sarapac will convince her to run. Some are questioning the reasoning when that pac cannot be used for the candidate palin.
ReplyDeleteHer grifter goons grifters are frantically trying to cover for that.
Check out this whopper, and yes, they are falling for it:
"And before you hesitate, remember how much Palin has saved all of you by waiting as long as possible, not so? "
She is so frugal. HAHAHAHA
Bwahahaha! I just went over to Pee World and they are all donating $20.12. One said if each of her million fans on FB would donate $100 they would win. Bwahahaha, again.
ReplyDeleteThese people are so clueless! Do they not realize that the Sarahpac $$ cannot be used for a campaign? What do they think they are sending money for? What a bunch of idiots!!!!!
Wrongly identifying someone as racist is just as bad as being racist. Wrongly identifying someone as pregnant more times than they've been is is just malicious.
ReplyDeleteDo you have a God complex? Do you really think a he said/she said will change things?
Well, technically G, you can't say you don't make stuff up.
ReplyDeleteie your 3 pregnanies claim, charges of racism, your distorting of facts and continual belief of hateful lies.
She's going to milk this for all she can until Joe's book comes out, then she is going to go into her "victim" mode and tell her bots to stay tuned for 2016. She can't run know because her family means so much more to her. (Barf)
ReplyDeleteIn the meantime she will work hard for the cause and keep her bots appeased and "hooked" for continuous grifting and keep her PAC running.
That is how is see it.
Who calls the shots on deciding to send the plea for more money? Is Tim Crawford just a paid secretary who gets the call from Sarah who screams into his ear to make them send more money? He mustn't have a care about his reputation looking like some tv evangelist asking for a love gift.
ReplyDeleteIn Sarah's mind: Send me more money so I can talk about how hard others are having it and blame it on the President; send me more so I can decide if I want to continue grifting, or run for President; send me more so I can call it like I see it and keep americans informed on facebook and twitter on how the crony capitalists are grifters. Send me more so I can live high on the hog while contemplating which reality show I want to be on next. Send me more because Todd and I don't work, we are unemployed and all we want is to serve with our servant's heart by talking, snarking, accusing, pointing the finger. Doing nothing is an expensive business.
Could you be a more devious manipulator. You keep on dreaming bub.
ReplyDeleteDithering, still? What happened to that fire in her belly? Ooooopsie, maybe it was just heartburn. . . .
ReplyDeleteThe dopey is strong with that one. She's still "thinking" about running, she tells her bots. In her mind, she's already the POTUS. She must stand in front of her mirror every night making presidential-looking faces, concern look, subdued look, intellectual look, and talk to her image like she's addressing the nation and/or spending her PAC money to remake her bedroom to look like the Oval Office.
ReplyDeleteYesterday thought she was running, today, not.
Well, Levi's already lied about one thing. Sarah has never accused him of not being there when Tripp was born and Bristol confirms this.
ReplyDeleteMO-ron. Why are her critics the most vicious and annoying?
ReplyDeleteIf you haven't read Laura Novak,s latest guest post you need to read it now.
You also need to read the comment by rubbernecking who found one of Sarah,s emails where it proves that Sarah still didn't have Trig enrolled on her insurance by June 4 2008.
Anonymous said...
ReplyDeleteWrongly identifying someone as racist is just as bad as being racist. Wrongly identifying someone as pregnant more times than they've been is is just malicious.
Do you have a God complex? Do you really think a he said/she said will change things?
8:26 PM
As far as I'm concerned... Gryphen is a god.
It's pretty much extortion at this point... "send money now to prove your loyalty or granny may not run!"
ReplyDeleteI honestly don't know whether to laugh or cry reading the Clubforeplay thread. Mostly laughing, but I am sure at least some of them don't deserve what is happening to them, plus, can some of them really afford to send a multi-millionaire their hard earned welfare checks ? Nobody likes to see that, and that makes me a little sad.
ReplyDeleteI remember when Jerry Falwell did this - and it's an old trick - "the Lord says I have to raise a million or he's agonna call me home! Send me that money and I will HEAL ye!"
When school's out! July 3! When the two years is up! Pella! This Summer! When school starts! Iowa speech! Alaska State Fair! September 16! Sometime in September, probably! End of September! maybe October! I don't wanna say a date! I need some more $encouragement! You don't need a title to make a difference! Donate today! And it is imperative that you see my movie about meeeeeee!
I just LOVE EVERY SINGLE PENNY the c of pee'ers send the Palin family!
ReplyDeleteI can just see some ignorant teabaggin' parents now to their children:
Git Up BOY! Lemme see how much money you got in that thar penny bank. We have to save Amurikkka! Fox news told me so! Besides that, Sarahee is one fine lookin' future president. Get yer BB gun out boy. That "N" in the whitehouse is comin' to take your BB gun away! Here's a hammer. Break that piggy bank. NOW!
I love you Gryphen!
ReplyDeleteKeep goin'!
Woo hoooo!
Tata Ala
I looked at the website to see what the minimum donation level is. It had buttons for $25, $50, $100, $250, $500, $1000, $5000, and OTHER.
ReplyDeleteI am wondering if you clicked on "OTHER" if you could donate say, $0.02 or some other ridiculously small amount? If so, it would cost more to process the donation than the donation itself.
Hell, it'd be worth chipping in a couple of pennies to that greedy bitch if I thought doing so would cost her a dollar or two.
Just puttin' in my two cents.
Gryphen, you are hilarious.
ReplyDeleteshe looks hilarious on stilts.
ReplyDelete"It's not Palin, she has no notion of the machine that is putting her forward. She's too dumb.
But she is a very good cow.
Mic Mac
8:14 PM"
Interesting comment. So Crawford holds the purse strings and did not give Mrs Palin enough pocket money to spend on decent wigs and clothes? Maybe what little she had was spent on shoes!
Anon 8:26
ReplyDeleteUh... But Bristol HAS been pregnant more than once. This is the truth. Perhaps YOU don't know the truth??
And uh... Sarah and Todd ARE both racist and there is proof. It IS the truth.
If you have proof otherwise... Put up or shut up.
I just re-read the Pac letter and the tone of it is so bizarre...
ReplyDeleteThe whole thing is written as though to infer that $arah and her PAC are only vaguely connected and Crawford doesn't have any special insight or insider knowledge about what she's doing or thinking. (like he can't just pick up the phone and ask, though we all know the impetus for this message came straight from $aranoia anyway)
But he's guessing sending money will help her decide to run, so he thought he'd just pass his thoughts along to YOU, to see what you (and your checkbook)think about it.
Which would also suggest to the suggestible reader that $arah isn't directly involved in whatever the PAC is doing, so it can't possibly be grifting! Right? Right?? "Oh golly, the PAC did that for meeee? That was so sweet of it!" ;)
It reads like a proxy message carefully constructed with plausible deniability so it doesn't seem like she's begging or personally benefiting from it.
I guess to the peebots it feels less like grifting when it's done via proxy email from "the treasurer".
Anon 8:26 you are wrong. Prove it. Come on.
ReplyDeleteLet's see Trigs birth certificate.
And there are many Examples of the racism.
Plus I happen to know it's true. How do you know it isn't it.
Prove it. Come on. We are here.
Sarah and Bristol could have put the rumors to rest
And they chose not to.
As far as DWTS, guess what? There ARE people who know and they won't be kep silent for long.
But hey, you got proof??
Show it.
I normally don't go to C4P, but tonight I did read the comments relative to that heavy fund raising e-mail. She'd better declare or she'll break some sad little hearts. I would think she'd be afraid not to after reading their comments. They won't take it kindly if she dumps them.
ReplyDeleteI am not making this up. This post actually got 18 "likes" on the $4P site. Long but hysterical. Can you picture this poor woman, today, and the day Sarah says "theenks for the money but no theenks on that campaign to nowhere?" And I quote:
ReplyDeleteYesterday, I finally made my first trip out of the house since Iowa......dang these late summer colds and throat infections really tend to hang on....but I look on the bright side.....my body's immune system has really had a work-over in these last 10 days.......it has been mobilized to offer me protection from secondary infections and the bacteria and viruses that tend to start circulating this time of year......it has created natural immune cells......memory cells which will jump into action at the first exposure from the coming season's nasty little bugs.....I am not one who has ever been open to the need of artificial immunity? touted by the various vaccines created for non-life threatening diseases......MMR and polio and diptheria vaccines were great medical advances that saved lives and worked well.......the same cannot be said for the various flu vaccines or for that matter any of the various vaccines to viral agents.....viruses are tricky little bugs and have the ability to change their genetic make-up to survive.....so there is no real data on the effectiveness of viral vaccines.
Anyway yesterday I had to go to Penny's to pick up a package and I had in my hot little hands two coupons....a $10 coupon on any Liz Claiborne item and another $10 coupon on anything in the store.......as an effective manager of my finances I tend to look for clearance items or at least sale items......yesterday I got a $60 Liz Claiborne purse for wait.......$2.10 and a $25 pair of pink rimmless sunglasses for an amazing $.40.......so my trip to the mall yesterday cost me an enormous $2.50 and I walked out with over $85 in merchandise......it was a heck of a lot of fun.
This post actually has a point.......I am sending SarahPac $100 because according to Washington I still have $82.50 of free money available and adding $17.50 won't cost me a dime either because I haven't spent any money over the last 10 days due to my illness. So for my $100.......I got a new purse, some hip sunglasses, and 10 days of down time and caught up on my sleep and supported the efforts of our next President......and as a bonus I have allowed my body to produce natural immunity for the coming flu and cold season.......and I stimulated the economy by $2.50.......Kitty is a little miffed that I used both coupons for personal gain but Penney's just doesn't have a big selection of Cat-sized apparel......I've promised to check PetsMart soon for some cool pink sunglasses and maybe a pink backpack.
new post by "anon, me again" on the Broomfield thread:
Even more pathetic and disgusting than $P, are those paint chip eaters who WILL send more money.
ReplyDeleteI go for Timmy boy sending out the SOS because he found out they are too broke to pay him, what with all the hush money payments they have to make monthly.
This month couldn't happen to a more deserving dysfunctional Klan.
Todd's here trying to defend Sarah "I don't do black people" Palin. Hey toad how did it feel when you learned your daughter was naming her son after your prostitute? Awkward huh? Or as our favorite troll likes to say...weird!
ReplyDelete"Me Again" - back again - see Broomfield post...
ReplyDelete"The reason I wanted to post tonight is that I've heard Sarah is waiting for Joe and Levi books before announcing a run. She has no plans to REALLY run, but she feels a pseudo-run with an eleventh-hour bow out will keep the fires of her base stoked for the interminable political striptease that will be 2012-2016."...
I have two more weeks to decide if I'm running or not and if you endorse your paycheck to me I just might think about running to the wig store and get me a couple of more wigs.
ReplyDeleteNow dig deep into your pockets you scum bags I know you got some change in your pockets. I might be wonky eyed but I can still hear the difference between a one dollar bill and ten dollar bill in your pockets.
I cannot imagine having the balls to ask for money knowing full well she will not run. Her followers are absolutely nuts if they provide anymore funds to her. Friggin' amazing!
ReplyDeleteJust imagine what's going to happen when Palin announces she is not running after conning everybody into thinking she is running.
ReplyDeleteI would hate to be Sarah or her children, no telling what her toothless uneducated retarded followers will do.
I realize that sarah must prove she is not a racist, but isn't this going a bit far?
ReplyDelete"New Biography Claims Sarah Palin Had A One-Night Stand With Glen Rice In 1987"
If the $arahPAC can't be used for her political run, have any of her loyal bots asked just what this latest influx of cash will buy? I think one of them worried whether their donations would go to other candidates and that seems to be the only thing $PAC can do other than fund her personal expenses.
ReplyDeleteAnyone know whether the balance in a personal PAC can be 'transferred' to a political PAC if the grifter, once and for all, decides to make a run for the prize? If not, these folks are not just politically naive, they are just plain demented and desperate.
I would not fall for Crawford's plea to donate so Sarah will decide to run. C4p is taking up the cause though donating.
ReplyDeleteHe'll, Palin has had almost 3 years to decide and for 3 years she has raked in a wad of money as if she would run.
At this point I would not donate to any person who plays such mind games.
There will be angry people if Palin does not run. Palin will blame shift and her supporters will act as someone was all the fault instead of Palin strung them along.
ReplyDeleteThe National Enquirer grabbed some details from the upcoming Joe McGinniss Sarah Palin book, and this chunk is too delightful not to share with you immediately.
Apparently Palin had a fling with former Heat/Hornet/Laker Glen Rice while he was in college and while she was a sports reporter in Alaska, all the way back in 1987. Rice confirms it in the book.
Here's the Enquirer:
In the book, which will be published on September 20th, McGinniss claims Sarah had a steamy interracial hookup with basketball stud Glen Rice less than a year before she eloped with her husband Todd.
Sarah hooked up with the NBA great, then a 6-foot-8 junior at the University of Michigan when he was playing in a college basketball tournament in Alaska in 1987, the book says. At the time, Sarah, just out of college, was working as a sports reporter for the Anchorage TV station KTUU.
A publishing source told The ENQUIRER that McGinniss claims Sarah had a "fetish" for black men at the time and he quotes a friend as saying Sarah had "hauled (Rice's) ass down."
In the book, McGinniss quotes Rice as confirming the one-night stand.
We won't subject her journalistic ethics to any kind of scrutiny at this point, because, well, wow. And, oh, don't worry, we are all just as terribly confused as you are.
It would be laughable if it wasn't so sad. I zoomed in on Sarah Palin's toes and it looks like this fifty something year old grandmother has 4 toes painted red and her big toe nail is black with white dots on them?
ReplyDeleteIf you look at her right foot pinky toe it looks like to me her red toe nail is vertical. It is as if her shoe angle is so great that her toes are digging in and trying to grasp the shoe to prevent her foot from sliding forward.
Has anybody seen a pants cuff as big as Sarah's? With those tall heels and and extensions on the soles of her shoe, the length of her pant legs look like they were made for a clown wearing stilts!
Why does Sarah do stupid shit like that? It is as if she is retarded or something.
Reminds me of the picture of Piper wearing shoes with giant heels on them.
Do the Teabaggers know that when they donate to SarahPac that Sarah buys stupid shit like that?
Once again the troll is back...
ReplyDeleteWillow! getting online and posting comments here is not a real job. Do yourself a favor... go to school, get a HS diploma... move away from Sarah and go to college.
Your life would be so much better.
Whaddaya think the peebots are going to say about Sarah doing the nasty with Glen Rice?
ReplyDeleteAnd snorting cocaine off a 55 gal drum with her snow pals?
Of course, Brad Hanson is old news.
Ha, looks like the old gal has experience stalking black men. Appears she landed the black basketball player, and hoping her stalking of President Obama will end in a romp too.
ReplyDeleteThanks J. McG.
ReplyDelete¸.·´¸.·*´¨) ¸.·*´¨)
(¸.·´ (¸.·´♥ Sarah is beeyoootiful. And smart! Her family is wonderful. They are a wonderful, inspiring, true Amerikun Christian Brady Bunch and Sarah is an athlete, an athlete I tell ya!!! No, really!! Why do you all hate her/them SOOOOO much???? You're just jealous!! Sarah scares the crap out of you nasty Libs!!!!! Sarah 2012!!!!! Woo-hoo!
Hey BITCH! You with the roadkill on your head! Where's my "Highly Defensive, Delusional But Positive Comments 4 Sarah" nickel??? I signed on for this garbage, so pay up!
That's disgusting and frankly, should be against the law - highway robbery. Terrible.
ReplyDeleteWell there seems to be at least on C4P'er who has a few brain cells left. I wonder how long it will be before it is flagged by the rest of the sheep.
bizwhiz [Moderator] 2 hours ago
When a candidate is considering a run for President, their first priority is NOT having seed money on hand to grease palms for the campaign of other candidates for their election runs. And no, funds from a PAC cannot be used for salaries for campaign employees nor for campaign expenses. Otherwise, no one would have campaign funds set up. In fact, many campaigns are started from square one with a loan to their own campaigns, to be paid back once fund-raisers get rolling. SarahPAC having funds on-hand gives Tim Crawford a reason to justify his position with SarahPAC. He is the Director of SarahPAC. If he goes on to work for the campaign, he will be paid directly and only from the campaign. This is all regulated by the FEC, and is obviously not as loosey-goosey as some here have tried to imply.
Won't there be plenty of time to refill the PAC coffers later? The other GOP Presidential candidates are sure as hell not pushing their PACs right now, even the minority candidates that we all know will not be around for the stretch run in the GOP Primary. They are spending what they've accumulated (in the case of Ron Paul and Michele B, anyway), but they are far more concerned about funding their PRESIDENTIAL CAMPAIGNS than they are gaining a little juice from some congressional candidate.Besides, what do you think carries the most political capital... having SarahPAC give a check for $5000 to the campaign of a Congressperson whom she agrees with ideologically? OR Sarah making a joint appearance with that candidate in a campaign fundraiser with his/her supporters, where a candidate might raise $125K- $150K for a couple of hours of work by Sarah, in which case she gets their endorsement and access to the candidate's donor list for her own campaign? It's a no-brainer. They don't even need their campaign funds for several months, but Sarah's campaign will need its money from DAY 1. Think about it.
This email from Crawford sends a very bad message. Everybody is looking for a silver lining in this dark cloud. I understand that. But passing the bucket among your faithful followers one last time before you decide to announce your decision is just bad form. Blame it on Tim, who has long been a shyster. Check his record and his run-ins with the FEC. That's not to say that he hasn't been a good employee for Sarah and the PAC. But I hope Sarah is the bottom-line decider on what goes out in her name. I think it would be respectful of her to call him on the carpet and tell the Palinistas to hold tight for the moment.
Honestly, at this point in the campaign season, in most cases, every dollar that is given to the PAC is one less dollar that will be given to the BIG CAMPAIGN. Once the campaign gets rolling and some of the whales see that Sarah is serious about taking this all the way, do you think she will have any problem getting a bunch of those $10K donations into her PAC as needed?
BESIDES... what would provide folks backing Sarah more reason to be fired up in anticipation of her announcement---- 1. another fundraising letter for general PAC expenses; OR 2. a letter to her supporters asking them to save their beer money and hold onto their "potential" donations for just a few more days, while she gets a few things organized?
Shoot, folks around here would be "peeing in their britches" to have Sarah tell them to hold onto their checkbooks for just a few more days...
Think about that, Tim.
Hell, even I might contribute to Her Heinous if I think she'd run as an independent: pay-per-view GOP chaos.
ReplyDeleteIt's getting good... This posted at C4P. If true, Sarah can claim that all those accusations of her being a racist are obviously inaccurate.
Political_Insider [Moderator] 1 hour ago
I just read on a thread at Political Forum something aweful put up by a Palin hater. It doesn't look good and I feel the media is fixing to have a field day with this. Remember the stalker that moved next door writing a book about Palin? Well someone has leaked from his book that Sarah had a interracial one night stand with a former Lakers player named Glen Rice when Sarah was a sports reporter and Rice confirms it happened in the book. The National Inquire has picked the story up and is going to press with it. This allegedly happened before her and Todd got married. This is not what Palin needs and that slime ball Joe McGinniss who wrote it needs to be sued for libel. The media will probably say that this is the reason Sarah hasn't jumped in the race to be president yet. Here is the story.
The timing for the Inquire to go to print at around the time Sarah would possibly announce her candidacy for the presidency is highly suspect.
She herself said that she would make a decision sometime this month. She doesn't know what that decision is, mid-month? But President Obama is the ditherer?!
ReplyDeleteGetting more money from poor people will help her decide? Un-flippin-real! These people are a really special kind of stupid if they send her a cent.
Sarah Palin's not running in 2012. Why? She is still on the Fox News payroll.
ReplyDeleteShe knows she can't mess around with Roger Ailes or Rupert Murdoch.
Either one of those men could end Sarah Palin's celebrity/political career in one news cycle, and she knows it.
SarahPAC money can't be used to support a specific candidate, including Sarah Palin. If she decides to run, she would need to form an entirely new campaign fundraising organization and start fundraising all over again. SarahPAC, however, would likely do all it can to support her, while flirting with the edges of campaign finance law.
ReplyDeleteNice shoes, by the way.
O/T: Anonymous wrote "Basically as I understand it, they are going through Levi's short life to mine any even remotely embarrassing crumb on which to dump humiliation on him. They are already crafting a statement about how Levi (and they are throwing in Sadie for grins) is only profiting off the Palin name and how he didn't see fit to pay a dime of child support out of "his book advance". They don't even know if he GOT an advance--they are just throwing anything and everything against the wall and hoping something sticks."
ReplyDeleteJust thought that was interesting. I expect Sarah/Bristol's desperate attempts to discredit Levi to materialize any time now.
Also, too, maybe Bristles is now preggers with a Massey brothers' baby? Everyone knows she is "easy", and her freshness appeal is fading very fast. Can't act, dance, sing or display any talent except makin' babies so Hollywood will soon stop calling. Candies would even have a hard time with ANOTHER baby from their "spokesperson" Why is $carah wearing slacks? Must not have expected many people at that show.
ReplyDeleteMalek just tossed her under the bus by saying the queen is too late.
ReplyDeleteHey Sarah, don't hate me because I actually am 5'9" without ridiculous shoes on. Oh, and if you are going to wear heels around in public so much, you should learn to walk in them. Or better yet, just be happy with what your good lord gave you .
ReplyDeleteBristol said her mother had already made the decision, so another lie from the PAC.
ReplyDeleteDo they really have to literally bribe her with cash to run?
So who leaked this?
ReplyDeleteSarah Palin snorted cocaine off a 55 gallon oil drum while snowmobiling with friends and had elicit affairs with a top NBA star and one of her husband's business partners, a new book sensationally claims.
In revelations which could strike a devastating blow to the controversial politician's hopes of joining the 2012 presidential race, Mrs Palin is said to have taken the class A drug with her husband, while smoking marijuana at college in secret liaisons with one of her professors.
Joe McGinniss's book The Rogue: Searching for the Real Sarah Palin, which is due to be published on September 20, also alleges that the former governor of Alaska is far from the traditional family woman she claims to be.
Some people are just born to be conned.
ReplyDeleteLook at Pat Robertson: he's worth hundreds of millions of dollars, lives in a mansion on a mountaintop that has its own airstrip, he owns diamond mines in Africa - and yet he still begs on TV -- and people send him their Social Security checks...
Benny Hinn still has a program on television. Creflo Dollar, Billy Graham, John Hagee, on and on and on...
"Psychics" like Sylvia Browne, Jonathan Edwards, James Van Praagh...
Quackery like reiki, radionics, chiropractic, dowsing, homeopathy, phrenology...
These are a few of the many ways to con the gullible; the stupid.
All it takes is on the part of the grifter is a lack of conscience, a dearth of sympathy, an absence of empathy - in other words - sociopathy.
If you're mean enough - heartless enough - there are sheep out there that will fall all over themselves to send you their last dollar.
Don't believe me? Go read the comments over at the C4P.
Worst bumpit evah!
ReplyDeleteAnd worst color - good grief, what's worse? The orange patches or the gray streaks? Together, she looks like the trash she is.
Especially when pulled up into that pathetic little bump poking up like a dinner roll hidden in her hair at the Golden Corral for later.
Gryphen, loved, loved, loved your closing sentence.
ReplyDeleteWe all know that Palin's "Coat-Closet-Elevator" goes in only one direction:
Down, Down, Down to the bowels of the earth.
To Annie @ 7:56pm Thank you for your beautifully written comment. You stated exactly what I feel but was never able to find the appropriate words.
You found the right words. Thank you for sharing them with us.
Wow. Miss "I'm not for sale" is now playing the "give me money or I won't run" card with her bots? Someone induct this woman in the Con Artists Hall of Fame, stat!
ReplyDeleteOn the shoes: Sarah is wearing 5" thin strap stiletto sandals the next day after "SAYING" she ran 13.1 miles in 1:46. Wow...just WOW. After reading the comments I may buy the JM book. The C4P people are just so sad, but I grew up with some of these people, I'm sure. Glad I got out of the cult in time and moved away for college.
ReplyDeleteHer recent comments are pure projection: "She is kind of playing (her bots) for fools."
ReplyDeleteI she actually asking her bots to bribe her to run? Yes, I believe she is. What happened to "god" directing her actions, or the "fire in her belly"? I guess her "servants heart" runs on cash.
I notice that picture of her features a high heeled strappy sandal, with her bare toes sticking out. Presidential much??
I think her bots are about bled dry. I would be surprised if SarahPAC saw a significant bump, unless Granny P sweet-talks the Koch Brothers into donating to her slush fund.
A little off topic, but still related to her grifting....I noticed something very odd about Organize 4Palin. At the bottom of their website, they state: "Organize4Palin is a project of American Grizzlies United, a grassroots organization dedicated to organizing, educating, and training volunteers for American political elections. Contributions or gifts to American Grizzlies United are not tax deductible, and gifts from foreign nationals cannot be accepted. Paid for by American Grizzlies United and not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee."
ReplyDeleteNow who the hell is American Grizzlies United? When did O4P go from being a supposedly spontaneous grassroots group to being under the umbrella of yet another group? Unsurprisingly, this other group gives absolutely NO information about who they hell they are or what they do: http://www.americangrizzliesunited.com/
Once again, something doesn't pass the smell test here. I remember reading a commenter on c4p noting with surprise that when he sent a donation to O4P, he got a thank you note back from SarahPAC.
Looks to me like Palin's getting rich off a sketchy network of "grassroots non-profits."
I'm laughing SOOOOOOO hard! Todd and Sarah's skeletons have gone VIRAL. I LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!
Probably gonna piss off some ole white teabaggin' men once they get over the shock of that picture in their minds!
I'm gonna be late 4 work. I can't stop reading world-wide reactions. Must make up excuse.
Thanks Joe - you done good!
Re: Grizzlies United questions - just more grifters grifting. Who can blame them? Kind of like how cyclists ride in the windstream draft of cyclists just ahead. Maybe they tithe 10% to Scarah.
ReplyDeleteSarah Palin snorted cocaine off a 55 gallon oil drum while snowmobiling with friends and had elicit affairs with a top NBA star and one of her husband's business partners.
You can't BUY class like that! Comes from upbringing. Give yourselves a hearty pack on the backs, Sally & Chuck! Well. done.
"9:36 PM"
What a flaming idiot. That is complete nonsense and nine likes is even weirder.
Thank for the laugh into palinland.
Ha! So it turns out that "prayerful consideration" wasn't giving her the insight she needed after all to make her decision? Well, it helps if you actually pray!
ReplyDeleteSo onto Plan B...bots, open yer wallets!
Some people are just born to be conned.
Word. I picked up a book on Jim Jones/Jamestown ("Seductive Poison". Terrible title, great book).
Jim Jones took everyone's medicine and medication for himself. He took people's CANCER medicine. He took their PAIN MEDICATION to DEAL with their deadly illnesses.
He'd get high on whatever he could in his REALLY NICE apartment (everyone else was in a tent).
ALL THE TIME telling these same people that if they REALLY BELIEVED that Jim was GOD, THEN they would be healed.
Their sickness and pain was evidence of their LACK of BELIEF in Jim.
Frighteningly, I think Jones may have actually convinced himself of this as well. He showed NO MERCY for any of followers.
Those Palins are blood sucking leeches except they will suck your bank account dry.
ReplyDeleteIt takes two to tangle, the Palins con them and suck them dry while those idiots let the Palins suck em dry.
McGinniss claims Sarah had a "fetish" for black men at the time and he quotes a friend as saying Sarah had "hauled (Rice's) ass down."
In the book, McGinniss quotes Rice as confirming the one-night stand.
Mother like daughter?
We can safely say this guy is not Track's daddy.
Hey doubters -
ReplyDeletethere is a very good chance that The Rogue could arrive as #1 on the NYT's book list - then the MSM won't be able to ignore it. It will only take one and the rest will have to follow like lemmings.
This is about as pathetic as it gets. She's reading "The lay of the land" and considering "the impact it will have on her family" and the unwashed masses STILL hold out hope she'll run. STILL give their money and STILL trawl the comments here to say the same lame things they've been told to.
ReplyDeleteI don't feel sorry in the least for any of them. Throwing your money at this pathetic loser isn't going to make her win anything.
This september will be THE best month for us "non believeing non palin panty sniffers" who've seen her for what she was from jump street. She's a self centered, egotistical, racist disfunctional idiot, a poor excuse for a human being and a woefully pathetic role model for "family values" and "Motherhood"
If she had a shred of conscience, she'd step up and confess everything before the avalance of books, documentaries, and bad press do the work for her.
And the lemmings will follow her over the bridge to nowhere.
Gryphen, your wig remark was absolutely hillarious!