Wednesday, September 07, 2011

Lawrence O'Donnell responds to e-mail from Republican chairman in Iowa asking if he would apologize for repeatedly saying that Sarah Palin will not run for President after she announces. An announcement that he expected to take place on September 3rd.

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If only the Teabaggers watched Lawrence O'Donnell instead of Fox News, just imagine how much grief and disappointment they could have avoided.


  1. Anonymous5:17 AM

    Didn't the media learn from Donald Trump?

  2. Anonymous5:18 AM

    (Pressed enter too fast) S/B Didn't they (media) learn from Donald?

  3. Anonymous5:21 AM

    This long Labor Day weekend is past. What about the "big announcement" swwnbe was hyping her sad bots about? That Obama is bad, and the T-party/Republicans should pull together? Duh!

    I hope the Iowa "marathon" pics are being posted on Cee of Pee now, with "Sarah Running" - Haha, the jokes on you!

  4. Anonymous5:25 AM

    Sarah Bots... give money till it hurts.

    Sarah and Bristol need more houses, clothes, vacations, nannies, private jet fares and friends on payroll.

    They need YOUR money in the PAC to pay for these.

  5. Anonymous5:26 AM

    OT- Oz at Mudflats is pretty interesting, again. Well worth anyone's time to go over and check out. Anyone have a connection to a media outlet? I think there's a good story someone could break.

  6. jadez5:27 AM

    of course readers who recognize my name will remember i was the first person over a year ago to state palin the mad, would never be running for anything.

    again you must all realize that as bizarre as we know palin the mad to be, the real insiders know much more than us and palin the mad would never be allowed near real power.

  7. Anonymous5:29 AM

    There is a better chance Todd will be on "Taxi Cab Confessions" than Sarah running for POTUS.

    Bristol as host for the Oscars is even more probable than Sarah running.

  8. Anonymous5:45 AM

    @5:17, the media know full well. They're just milking it, same as Palin. Pathetic.

  9. Teutonic135:46 AM

    Fuck the flats-

    You go over there you might as well toss your 1st ammendment rights in the trash. Their moderation is as fucked up as SP FB or Conservatives for Palin.

    Why have a blog if you pick and choose the commentary?

    Shades of Sarah Palin and her "No signs- No cameras- No questions meme.

    Yeah I'm irritated.

    Fuckin' bullshit if you ask me.
    Jean's little posse is as skewed to her as SP's minions are to their own messiah.

  10. Anonymous5:50 AM

    Our Sarah back to the big boobs? How does she decide when and where to super-size?

  11. Anonymous6:13 AM

    O'Donnell is missing a critical point: in order for $arah to be a star or a kingmaker or even stay on Fox, she has to avoid becoming a completely irrelevant joke. (I know, to us she always has been, I mean to whoever those people are who still send her money and boost Greta's ratings whenever she's on)

    At this point, the ONLY way she can even attempt to avoid this is to "run".

    As I've said before, she won't run very long and she won't spend any money, she'll pretend *just* long enough to find or manufacture an excuse that involves her family's "safety."

    Then she'll quit and go back to sniping from the sidelines and grifting money from the white trash.

    If she doesn't do this, she'll lose the last of her followers. She's already taking heat from the right, if it gets much worse she'll lose the PAC and the Fox paycheck and then she'll be in Glenn Beck territory; setting up a pay website and desperately pretending she's relevant.

  12. Anonymous6:15 AM

    Freestyle To Release Sarah Palin Docu ‘You Betcha!’

  13. Anonymous6:20 AM

    That's our Sarah! Media Whore and Grifter of the ungifted. Good job if you can get it.

    The big orange weeper with the gavel should have stepped in years ago, his silence speaks volumes.

    I want Anthony Weiner back ASAP! That man has the balls to speak up, is what he did any worse than what Sarah's done?

  14. Anonymous6:24 AM

    Hi Teutonic,

    Sorry to hear your experience, that's why I don't go there anymore, nothing against the posts they write, just that censorship sucks and unless you're "in the in crowd", any real voice of dissent is not allowed.

    Haven't been there in years, welcome to the club!

  15. Anonymous6:44 AM

    Sarah is such a weird one, she looks totally different in this picture from the picture in the cafe where she kept her mouth shut.

    Does Sarah have doubles just as Bristol did?

  16. Anonymous6:56 AM

    Teutonic, the Flats has turned into Devon's private little girls club. It is exactly like C4P, no unwanted opinions wanted or you will be deleted or banned..use to be a regular there at the beginning but it has changed and not for the better.

  17. Anonymous6:57 AM

    My opinion, Sarah better hurry up and get out of the limelight now. She runs & then quits/loses or strings her bots along for the long haul just might piss them off.

    Her bots are crazy and they love guns so I wouldn't put anything past them. She needs to remember that those that loves her can turn on her in a flash, it happens everywhere every hour of the day and Sarah is not guaranteed a life of no violence. I would be totally put off by the love love from some of her admirers.

    Maybe she needs to remember Tucson and what happened there recently. Maybe she is fearless but it would really scare me because of her bots love and her hate speeches to others she despises.

    Maybe she just needs to take the big payoff from the Koch Bros. and retire from being in the spotlight 24/7.

    I hope she stays safe and keeps her family safe but she has so far done a piss poor job of protecting them. No one is immune from violence and it seems to be getting worse.

  18. Anonymous6:58 AM

    There are three Republican debates scheduled for the next three weeks. Gee, I wonder why Sarah would wait until the end of September to make her announcement.
    1. She is hoping that her fans believe the silly message that if they donate more money she will run.
    2. She is hoping that some of the Republicans fall out of the race after a bad debate.
    3. Sarah cannot participate in a debate. She runs by celebrity, face book posts, twitter and friendly appearances on Fox.
    4. Hi Sarah, It's getting tired. Even Ann Coulter can see through you now.
    5. Hi Sarah, Are you afraid of what Joe McGinniss might have in that book or what he'll say on TV?
    6. No seriously, Sarah is waiting for those three debates to be over. She can't remember her talking points. She had to read her speech from the paper.

  19. Anonymous7:05 AM

    I had the same experience at Mudflats. My comment was not allowed to go through because I basically was not on "their side" -- there was no reason other than that to not let it go through.

  20. Anonymous7:06 AM

    Gryphen, did you see this?

    After Ann Coulter criticizes Sarah Palin and her fanbase, her fanbase predictably reacts in the exact manner Coulter was criticizing them for:

    Just wait until C4P gets their reactions in. Actually, they'll probably ignore it because it contains that pesky reality that they hate (Palin can't win, and America hates her).

  21. Anonymous7:12 AM

    Hey Bristol. That gnat Ann Coultergeist is copying your Mom by trashing her for attention to sell her own book. Just like your grizzled mommy does to our President. Better speed-dial People Magazine and let them know!

  22. *raises hand*
    Another yes vote for Teutonic and his/her experience at that other place. I don't go there anymore, it's a waste of my time.

  23. [@ Teutonic 13 -- 5:46am]
    I have found there are only two types of posts that're held up in moderation or will be yanked by moderators on the 'flats:

    1) Posts containing more than two links to other sites and/or one(s) driving up traffic to a Palinbot site via a link to it, and

    2) Posts personally attacking other posters.

    There is only one type of post automatically tossed out by the filter and/or moderators over at the 'flats' That would be:

    Any post containing language one would reasonably *not* expect to hear at a presentation to a PTA meeting and/or school assembly (IE - 'four-letter' and/or 'offensive' words.)

    Different blog owners (and their blogs), obviously, have different rules for comments from readers, but I've found if I keep the above in mind, I've no trouble making posts on the 'flats. beth.

    --the full listing of 'flats guidelines for posting comments:

  24. Anonymous7:33 AM

    What Sarah really worries about is what some anonymous will post here.

  25. Sheesh! The LAME-Stream media, indeed!

    There WAS a HUGE announcement!


    **All PALIN 2012 GEAR is currently 99% off!! ***

  26. Randall7:37 AM

    Sarah would have to declare her personal finances to run for President.

    That will never happen.

  27. Loved the segment even though it's all OLD news to us.

    Question to LOD:

    Dude, why didn't you invite the REPUBLICAN chairman in Iowa on the show? Maybe you did but I didn't hear you mention it.

    Did you guys e-mail him BACK to see his response re: Payliar this weekend?

    I'm aggravated seeing these "NEWS" people get away with a LACK of follow through. And I even like LOD a little bit.

    I NEED to see Rachel Maddow HOST a debate though. THAT NEEDS TO HAPPEN!

    I also disagree with two points:

    Bitch is NO Kingmaker. Christine O'Donnell and Sharon Angle. Case closed.

    Billionaire? She's a Grifter of the First Degree, to be sure. But even Bitch sees the writing on the wall and the donations getting smaller and smaller and fewer and fewer.

    That's why she's hanging on to all her SARAHPAC pennies (not hiring a Single person for staff in the Key states is a perfect example. All her "boots on the ground" efforts at this point have been VOLUNTEERS. Pathetic souls.)

  28. Anonymous7:49 AM

    she who is a political prick tease. a liar, an idiot and a fraud. a scammer and a grifter, not good enough for America. how stupid do you have to be to actually believe sarah has a chance at being elected for anything? she is the most hated politician in our country. sarah can't change that fact. its too late. she's been desperately trying to get people to like her for the last 3 years. its pathetic now. NO ONE LIKES YOU SARAH. time to accept it and move on, sit down and shut up and for the first time in your life be a mother to your dysfunctional family.

  29. I would be totally put off by the love love from some of her admirers.


    **It's a thin line, between love and hate, Oh it's a thin line, between love and hate.***

  30. Anonymous8:07 AM

    I don't go to Mudflats anymore either. I don't always agree with Gryphen especially the protection coddling of Mercede but this is the site I always check. The Mudflats, Shanny Moore and the girls club have become a tired act.

  31. Anonymous8:10 AM

    Really, that many anti-Mudflats people all decide to come out all at once?

  32. Anonymous8:40 AM


    "Lie down with dogs, you will get up with fleas."

    That is right. IMHO Frank Bailey is a metaphorical dog. What he did to Trooper Wooten proves that without a shadow of a doubt. Then he was not enough of a man to come out from under Sarah's skirts and man up for what he did. That is, until he thought he could sell a book. Then there are all the other things that he did and enabled others to do using the power of the state and his position of power. I don't remember hearing much about Bailey's positive accomplishments, either while Palin was still in office, or after she quit.

    The part which made it clear what Bailey and his co-authors really were was when the cooperation (some might prefer co-option) with the Parnell Administration was announced.

    ...Bailey’s lawyer, Kevin G. Clarkson, said in an email on Tuesday that Bailey has taken “great care” to ensure his writings have been consistent with legal requirements.

    “In this respect, Mr. Bailey provided his manuscript to the Attorney General’s office, along with copies of the e-mails referenced in the manuscript, for review and approval prior to submitting the final manuscript to his publisher,” he wrote in the email. “After the Attorney General’s review, Mr. Bailey removed from his book references to a few emails that the State indicated it believed were covered by applicable privileges or confidentiality requirements.”

    Bailey also is making his personal email accounts that might contain state records available to the state....

    Which amendment of the constitution does this review and approval of the manuscript fall under?

    It must have been quite a task for Parnell et al to coordinate the review of the Bailey manuscript and emails with all the Palin administration emails that were still undergoing redaction and review prior to their release on June 10, 2011.

    Frank and friends could have released the emails by posting them in some public place, but then wouldn't have made any money doing it that way. These are either public records, or records made in an attempt (sucessful so far) to avoid making public records public. Thanks mr. seekrit email administrator.

  33. Anonymous9:45 AM

    For those complaining about the Flats and free speech. Re-read the 1st Amendment. The 1st Amendment prohibits only the government from passing a law that abridges your speech rights. A private business can abridge your free speech rights. Your employer, a theater, the place where you buy your coffee can tell you to STFU or GTFO if they don't want you saying what you're saying in their establishment. Same with private blogs. It's the property of the blog owner and she can censor you to her heart's content.

  34. Did anyone notice the link at the Storm Lake Running Club pointing to their venue at the King's Pointe Lodge & Waterpark Resort at 1520 East Lakeshore Dr., Storm Lake, Iowa?

    There's a drawing of the site here:

    I figure that first picture was taken right outside the resort entrance looking toward the line of trees (facing east, which would make the lighting and what shadows there are consistent) with the golf course clubhouse in the background.

    Any Iowa IMers want to do a little scouting, just for curiosity's sake?

  35. Anonymous10:07 AM

    I quit going to Mudflats a while back mostly because it evolved into a different type of blog,including the look and feel of it.Its just not
    as open as it started out,the lack of posted links that I can click on to further check out stories from posters,etc,just made me dislike its format and content.

  36. LisaB259511:02 AM

    Why should Lawrence O'Donnell "apologize?" Admit he was wrong, OK sure, but "apologize?"

    The man did nothing to apologize for. He made a prediction based on the facts at hand. That's his job.

    Is this emailer going to "apologize" when Sarah comes out and announces, after THREE LONG YEARS OF CONSTANT DISCUSSION with her family, that ", we JUST NOW decided I shouldn't run for president, too bad so sad thanks for all your $$$$?"

    I didn't think so. And the one person who should apologize, Sarah, will pretend that stringing people along for three years and taking their money isn't wrong at all.

  37. Anonymous11:14 AM

    Um, Gawker has video of Ann Coulter basically calling the Palinbots too crazy and threatening. Seriously. She's too crazy for Ann Coulter. It doesn't get any lower.


  38. Anonymous11:16 AM

    Gryphen ,
    did you read this? There are too many reasons holding the quitter back jumpin in the presidential race.She can't do it.
    Too many skeletons to cover up. She is scared all thisngs like this would come out.

    Check this.

  39. LOL at anon 8:10...

    my name was on my post. I note that yours wasn't.

  40. Anonymous12:18 PM

    9:45..Cool off. no one said she can't censor..she absolutely can censor to her hearts content and that's not the only reason I don't go there, the blog and commenting has totally changed it's attitude from how it was at the beginning..the clique took over. If you look back to the 2008-2009 threads, it seems the Mudflats has lost a lot of the original regulars.

  41. Comments may be closed here, but Teutonic13, your First Amendment rights aren't threatened when someone just doesn't like what you say. The First Amendment is to prevent the GOVERNMENT from silencing you, not your neighbor or some blogger. Anyone else has the right to cut you off anytime.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.