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Surely they all realize that I can't do this alone. |
This is also a reminder about why we need to reverse the power structure in 2011 by electing more and better Democrats to achieve more of what we had started in the first two years of this Administration. I understand some folks will try to undermine the progress we have made but we must highlight them so that the false narrative of some does not feel like the reality.
To remind yourself of just how productive this President was before Democrats were caught flat footed and the Republicans captured the House, just click on this link courtesy of the Daily Kos.
If we continue to allow the Republicans to set the agenda and lose our passion for the fight, there is NO doubt that things in this country will get even worse.
Imagine what it would be like if the GOP captures the Senate AND the Presidency?
Oh I almost forgot you don't HAVE TO imagine that, we just finished living it from 2000 to 2008. Remember?
So stand your Zumba toned ass up, dust off your khakis, put on your Birkenstocks, grab a skinny Latte from Starbucks, climb into your Prius, and get involved! Because our President and our country need you!
Well said, Gryphen, well said.
ReplyDeleteNow is not the time to back and moan or to ignore - now is the time we have to chose, to make a difference, to win the day by getting out to vote and getting out the vote.
I'm not sure if the "progressives" are or were ever members of the Democratic Party. Their whining and ringing of hands is too much like the far right in this country.
ReplyDeleteNothing is easy and President Obama has had to face incredible odds in Congress (even with some members of his own party) and the media. I think he's done a great job - all things considered.
The last thing we Democrats need now is a rift in the Party. So, grow up, progressives, and support your Democratic president. The other option, as we have seen in the House majority since the 2010 election, is NOT an option. It is a disaster.
Amen Gryphen
ReplyDeletehigh fives 5:31 Sick of the constant whining because he didn't do this or he didn't say this, or he didn't do enough with that,.... it's just like the baggers, except Progressives are too smart for their own good, but smart without wise gets us nowhere.
I elected him President, not Jesus.
Vote as if your life depends on it, because it does!
"So stand your Zumba toned ass up, dust off your khakis, put on your Birkenstocks, grab a skinny Latte from Starbucks, climb into your Prius, and get involved!"
ReplyDeleteWith all respect Gryphen, not all progressives are "granola people."
I would really like to know if the whiners would have been happier with a McCain/Palin WH. I would like to know who the far left have in mind when they talk about a primary challenge to President Obama, or is it that they really just want the President to lose so that they can continue their hidden rethuglican agenda. I truly believe our President has limited support when it comes to getting the message out to the country as noted by the constant attacks by the MSM and PL. Not sure why Firebagger lake is still recommended by this website as they are one of the premier whiners about all things Obama and consider us, his supporters, "dumb motherfuckers".
ReplyDeleteYeah all those accomplishments are great value to the unemployed.
ReplyDeleteHey Anon 8:55:
ReplyDelete1) The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (ARRA) has worked. The Economy Has Been Growing - take a look at the graph of GDP growth between 2007 thru 2010.
2) The $787 billion economic stimulus package has created or saved nearly 2 million jobs slowing the bleeding
3) Worker, Homeownership, and Business Assistance Act of 2009 that extended Unemployment benefits up to 20 weeks and more.
4) Provided $14.7 billion in small business loans increasing minority access to capital.
5) The $26 billion aid to states package preventing large-scale layoffs of teachers and public employees.
6) As of March 31, 2011, created 1.8 million Private sector jobs since Jan 2010.
7) US auto industry rescue plan saved at least 1 million jobs
8) Helpedmake the Auto Industry start making huge profits again with Ford sales up 19% over last year. GM up 11%. Chrysler up a whopping 31%.
9) Jobs for Main Street Act (2010)injected $27.5 Billion for Highways, $8.4 Billion for Transit into the country’s transportation system to create jobs and spur economic activity.
10) A $33 Billion Jobs Packagethat will allow Small businesses to get $5,000 tax credit for new hires.
11) A $26 billion State Aid Package Jobs Bill saving 300,000 teachers and public workers jobs from unemployment.
12) As part of the 2010 tax extension, Unemployment Insurance was extended to 7 million Americans who would have been without income.
Those things DO help the unemployed. And if the rethuglican representatives would get off their collective asses and start working for the good of the country instead of trying to be an impediment to the president, we would be further along. I do believe that the rethugs took the house with promises of working on JOBS and the ECONOMY...instead, they's spent more time worrying about abortion and Sesame Street funding. WHERE ARE THE JOBS, REPUBLICANS????
Alright, I own Birkenstocks and go to Zumba class , but I drive a Ford, purchased in 2009 and I got an additional $800 top line tax deduction thanks to President Obama's stimulus bill, thank you very much. If you are truly a progressive, you would not own anything other than an American built car made by union workers.
ReplyDeleteThanks to President Obama, we actually still have an American auto industry. Willard Romney was actually trying to take credit for it, after he blasted it, since it was such a success:
Obama may as well be a Republican. He caves into them every time. He caves into them without putting any fight at all.
ReplyDeleteObama recently ran over his own EPA.
His administration is every bit as secretive and criminal as Bush's, every bit as destructive to our constitutional right to privacy, every bit as deferential to Wall Street and corporations and the wealthy, every bit as potentially destructive to Social Security and Medicare. There is still an office of faith based initiatives in the Obama administration, fundies are still allowed to spread their poison on the public's dime.
For those who who don't want to hear it, YOU are no different from Palinbots who believe SHE can do no wrong. Get out of your pro-Obama echo chamber and do some research. Familiarize yourself with the type of people he's appointed to his administration - warmongers, Wall streeters, bankers, neocons.
Obama is never getting another vote from me. The lesser of two evils is still evil. As far as I'm concerned, he's no better than the lesser (barely) of two evils and I don't vote for evil. It makes no difference to me if he puts a "D" after his name. He is a traitor to Democrats and what I THOUGHT they stood for.
The lack of knowledge about and the blind support for Obama here is as scary as what goes on at C4P. He looks good in pictures with babies but he's just another venal politician who puts business interests ahead of human interests because that's the side his bread is buttered on.
"I would really like to know if the whiners would have been happier with a McCain/Palin WH. I would like to know who the far left have in mind when they talk about a primary challenge to President Obama, or is it that they really just want the President to lose so that they can continue their hidden rethuglican agenda. I truly believe our President has limited support when it comes to getting the message out to the country as noted by the constant attacks by the MSM and PL. Not sure why Firebagger lake is still recommended by this website as they are one of the premier whiners about all things Obama and consider us, his supporters, "dumb motherfuckers".
ReplyDelete7:37 AM"
FDL is exactly right.
But every time Obama caves like with the debt ceiling and comes out with some horribly offensive compormise, the Dims in Congress have to eat shit to protect him by passing bills that that oppose.
ReplyDeleteSo he sets them up as easy targets for challenges when they come up for reelection because their voters are dissatisfiedand feel, rightly, that they have been betrayed.
If Obama wants a majority in both houses he has got to come up with legislation that sets the Dims up for reelection, not defeat.
When the Super Carrion Eaters Committee comes out with more taxes on the poor and more cuts to SS and Medicare withholdings, and more tax cuts for the rich, Obama has a choice.
If he wants back in (and I don't think he really does.) then he has to stand up for liberal Congressmen and fight for average Americans. If he doesn't it won't matter if he is reelected, because the Republicans will hold just about everything else from dog catcher up.
I'm ready to vote for the Green Party! Germany and other Euro Communities have seen the light! Tired of a paltry 2 party do-nothing-but-same-ole-tired-shit-yet-again-for Billionaires and their GoldenParachute Flunkies and Lobbyiest-ex Bosses. Tired
ReplyDeleteGimme Green! America is ready!