Friday, September 02, 2011

Let's start the day with a hearty laugh at the Palin-bots expense shall we?

(With a very appreciative Hat Tip to the very clever and creative Love and Knishes.)


  1. melissa3:11 AM

    Sky News just reported that a 7.1 magnitude earthquake has hit southeast of Atka Alaska!

  2. Anonymous3:29 AM

    That's clever!

  3. Anonymous3:44 AM

    Jesse and Love and Knishes, thanks for starting my day with a laugh! If I need an extra smile today, I shall just think of that graphic.

  4. Anonymous4:02 AM

    Is anyone else being blocked to the Mudflats blog when trying to access it? It was going on last night too.

  5. Olivia4:15 AM

    That is hilarious! I can always think of funny ideas for cartoons but I can't draw.

  6. Anonymous4:28 AM

    That's hilarious! "Hell, just send in your paycheck!" ROFL I love it.

  7. Anonymous6:08 AM

    These people are going to feel so stupid when Palin comes out for Mitt Romney.

  8. Beldar J Conehead7:34 AM

    L&K: Awesome job! It almost makes me want to send in MY hard-earned money! No, but seriously, she's simply awful..

  9. Anonymous7:52 AM

    "Always seen on TV"

    "Confused? Frustrated? Catatonic"


    Reminds me of the late, great Lucille Ball in the "Vitameatavegamin" commercial

    Thanks for the laugh!

    Wow Two Earthquakes in Alaska in one week! Wonder what Bachman's God is trying to say????/

    All joking aside, hope there's no loss, pain, injury to the people who live there.

  10. Bwahahahaha!!! I love it--excellent job, Love and Knishes! I like all your pics, you always do a fabulous job. Please keep 'em coming!

  11. Anonymous8:58 AM

    OFF TOPIC--- DWTS is having Cher's kid on and many of us will not be watching, not for the reason most folks will be claiming, but because we already know who the winner will be don't we! We have already been through this with a "celebrity" mom getting her clod hopping daughter votes through her Political website and that's enough for me! Cher appeared last night on the news with her kid stating she would help in every way she could. Also, if I want to get informed about TS operations I sure wouldn't watch DWTS to get the information!

  12. Anonymous12:24 PM

    The package is one of those naughty blow-up dolls made out to look like $arah, right? She's going to make another fortune.

  13. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn5:23 PM

    THANK YOU GUYS! Glad you enjoyed it! and thanks, Gryph, for running it. Hey, Beldar J--you can always send numerous bags of moolah to me, and I'll make sure you get a SarahPack!



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