Thursday, September 01, 2011

Martin Bashir tries to get to the bottom of the Sarah Palin/Christine O'Donnell kerfuffle in Iowa.

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I tell you every time I see one of these Teabaggers on television it is like they just got snatched away making barely coherent anti-government rants on YouTube, dressed in an ill fitting suit, and plopped down on a chair in the MSNBC studios.

This guy Judson Phillips is clearly ill prepared to defend the Teabaggers against Bashir's rather pointed questioning, and his contention that "The Tea Party lives by the words of Martin Luther King, we judge people by the content of their character not the color of their skin," is laugh out loud ridiculous.

It is also worth noting that he essentially admits that Palin's people refused to have her participate as long as O'Donnell was included in the line up of speakers. And as all of the people who visit this blog are already aware, when they say "Palin's people" that really means the Grizzled Mama herself.

Palin does not trust ANYBODY to make decisions on her behalf.  Even Todd had to ask her what to do about me when I showed up at the book signing event in Anchorage.


  1. Anonymous2:42 PM

    Todd Palin must be pretty busy keeping it together these days. I still do not buy the story that he is the guy who keeps it all together in the family. He is complicit and an enabler. But, if you asked him he would probably say he is just human and only by god's grace is he allowed to serve. Or some bullshit like that.

    I am still pissed off he was really running the state.

  2. $arah Palin, once again,

    turns everything she touches

    to Shit.

  3. Anonymous2:57 PM

    O/T-- President Obama rolls out a jobs plan that doesn't need Congress...

  4. Anonymous3:11 PM

    Mike Shaw shamed himself today on CNN defending the Arizona Republicans’ raffling of the same kind of Glock used to shoot Democratic Congresswoman Gabby Giffords and six others in Arizona just last January. CNN’s Randi Kaye couldn’t seem to get through to Shaw, who is the Pima County GOP Chairman Pro Tem, that raffling of this Glock at this time might be inappropriate. Mike couldn’t get off of his Don’t Tread on Me speech about how he had the right to be an utterly soulless thug. It never seemed to occur to him that as human beings we also have the ability to show empathy and compassion for others.


    Here’s Shaw’s line up of justifications: “It was the actions of Jared Loughners”, it wasn’t this exact Glock, this is a newer version of that Glock, the constitution protects this right, and Gifford believes in this right. None of these address the question of whether this was the right thing to do, morally or ethically. None of these insipid, juvenile defenses address the question of whether or not it is responsible to raffle off the same kind of weapon used just months ago in a horrific tragedy in that very same state.

    Some of his arguments are fallacious; for example, the 2nd Amendment was created before we had a military for the purpose of defending the nation and in no way does it appear that the founders were picturing armed barbarians with assault weapons running wild trying to prove their manhood with very little brain matter to help them think before they pull the trigger- otherwise, why did they bother even making a government? This wasn’t intended to be a lawless country of vigilantism. Nothing in Shaw’s remarks indicates that he understands the reasons for these laws, the intent or the option of choosing country and civility over swagger on delicate matters. No one is asking him for his guns, after all.

    But that’s not the point. The point is that Mike Shaw and the Arizona Republicans are Neanderthals without a conscience. These are the people the rest of us need protection from. They are the people the founders set this government up to protect us from.

    CNN reported that the chairman of the county’s Democratic party said, “This is something that pulls a scab off of a wound.” He added “And while local Democrats generally support gun ownership rights, Rogers said this isn’t about the Second Amendment–it’s about being insensitive.” Gee, you think? It hasn’t even been a year yet.

    No one but the most morally vacuous of thugs could sit on national TV and hee-haw it up over this. It was bad enough when the Republicans wouldn’t denounce the their candidates’ and leaders’ use of “reload” and take “aim” at Giffords and other Democrats before the shooting. It was horrific after the shooting to listen to the Party make the lame, predictable and ethically-empty false equivalency arguments.

    But now this.

  5. Anonymous3:18 PM

    Anon 2:42, the more people like you run your mouth about things you know nothing about, the more you make the blogging world look stupid.

  6. Anonymous3:20 PM

    How does something not need Congress, the governing body that is supposed to have the most power? Sometimes I think presidents these days thinkthey are dictators. Obama thought he could slyly pass stupid legislation that would hurt the country. Americans screamed Oh you you dont ya lying jackass.

  7. Anonymous3:21 PM

    Yes, Permafrost Panties Palin can't handle a prettier "virgin" on the same program.

    Hi Sarah! <\waves>

  8. Anonymous3:25 PM

    OT, but I need to vent or my head will explode. For crying out loud, when will she shut up! This woman needs to be put in the corner and left there. The audacity to tweet that she will be addressing the President's lack of transparency is his administration in her TP speech is mind numbing. Hypocrite much, Sarah? How dare YOU question anyone in the area of transparency, you mindless twit. Did you not bypass the state email system and communicate via private email accounts? Did you release your statement in the Petamunos investigation as you stated you would? In Palin world, hypocrisy and transparency are applicable to anyone but Sarah. Hypocrite. Quitter. Loser. Worn out. Immature. And, Liar, also, too. Go away!

  9. Anonymous3:27 PM

    Hey! Wild skank of the Yukon, whats that?

    ***tick, tick, tick***

    It's getting to you isn't it?

  10. telah3:30 PM

    Did you ever notice how "Palin's people" NEVER have any frickin names? Hundreds and hundreds of articles and no quote is ever attributed to an actual person you could fine in the white pages or on Facebook. What is that? Is that her ego, that she wants everyone in her tiny little shrinking circle to be nameless so as not to upstage her?

  11. TwoBlueJays3:34 PM

    We need a Sarah Palin haiku contest.

  12. Anonymous3:35 PM

    Anonymous @ 3:18: hello Palin!

  13. Anonymous3:41 PM

    OT, but $arah's trip to South Korea is the same time as the October republican primary debate. Coincidence? I think not. Excuse for not attending the debate is more like it!

  14. telah3:47 PM

    OK, one other thought: If she actually declares on Saturday, does she STILL GET TO KEEP THE $100,000? Really, would that be legal?

  15. Anonymous3:47 PM

    Barren, vile grifter
    Wicked witch of Wasilla
    Clean your toes, woman!

  16. Anonymous3:48 PM

    okeedokee todd, whatever you say

    jackass fuktard

  17. Anonymous3:48 PM

    I think that the on-again off-again will-she won't-she attitude coming from Palin is a sign of how unfit she is to run for president. I thought that she campaigned for O'Donnell. Now, Sarah can't share the stage with another woman.

  18. Anonymous3:53 PM

    You want to get to the bottom of Sarah Palin (SAP) and Christine O'Donnell (COD)?

    One is a witch the other is a bitch.

    One is frigid the other has 3 generations of pregnant before marriage family tradition.

    One is a puppy grifter the other is the big dog of scams and grifting.

    One looks like she takes care of her hygiene the other does not care about her greasy hair, fungus toes, stained clothes or her bad breath.

    One has pretty eyes the other has wonky eyes.

    One looks younger than she is the other is not aging well.

    One displays the breasts God gave her the other is still going through her junior high days and is stuffing her bra.

    One has nice skin tone, bone to skin ratio the other has blotchy skin that requires tons of make up, loose neck skin and her bones are protruding through her thin skin.

    One does not mention much about our POTUS the other is infatuated with him.

    One is slightly intelligent the other is a complete retard.

  19. Anonymous3:58 PM

    Hello, Sarah!


    Hello Palin-trolls (Bristol, other assorted family)!


    I think it's hilarious that you are here all the time!

  20. Anonymous4:01 PM

    Sarah says she has a lot to say at the Tea party rally in Iowa this weekend. Wouldn't it be something if she appeared with Trigs birth certificate?

  21. Kerfuffles here, kerfuffles there. Gee, I hope anon-anon will follow through tomorrow.

    I don't think AKMuckraker is trying to hurt the sales of Joe's book. Joe's book will sell no matter what she and truthout do. She is trying to piggyback on Joe's publicity to sell her own book. Hope it works.

    Joe was never afraid the Bailey book would hurt his sales. Just as he's not afraid that Levi's book being released on 9/20 will hurt his sales, even if he teased that he was in a post on his blog.

  22. It never ceases to amaze me the depth of denial that goes on over at the sea of pee. They are DESPERATELY trying to spin this whole debacle as the fault of the organizers.
    They feel that since she endorsed COD, it can't POSSIBLY have ANYTHING to do with their Snow Queen.

    And they've got their panties in a bunch that Sarah is seen as "indecisive" yet again...


    The best thing about all this is she brought it ALL on herself. She KNOWS the expectations are high that she's going to "announce" and she knows when she DOESN'T, there's going to be hell to pay. So the cowardly bitch is scrambling to find ANY excuse not to go.

    I'll bet money she was hoping to use COD as her excuse, but since they dumped her so fast, she now HAS to show up!

    I wish to God I could be there with my "Where's Trig?" poster ready to wave in her ugly face.
    That kid deserves a medal for smacking the snot out of her!

    I can't wait to read what secrets ANON spills next!!!

    Sorry Sarah, that burning smell isn't a brain tumor...that's your ASS!

  23. angela4:15 PM

    Anon 3:20

    Congress hasn't done a damned thing but say no and pimp for the ultra rich. Who they hell needs them? Also, maybe if you read an old fashioned civics book you'd realize how things can get done without them.

    And, actually, America didn't scream anything— About sixty moron baggers in the house did. We still have a Democratic Senate and a Democratic President.

    Read a book.

  24. Anonymous4:17 PM

    ABC news kept referring to "Palin's Team," as in "Palin's Team was upset to find O'Donnell on the roster at the rally." Why don't they have the balls to just name the source of all the bellyaching and whining---the Quitter herself, not her effing "Team."

  25. Lemme guess... anon 3:18 & 3:20 are the same poster again..

    Don't you Palins have kids to raise?? Begone before someone drops a house on you..

  26. Anonymous4:23 PM

    I realize its taking a long time (due to thick skulls, obviously)...but ONE of these days its going to hit home to these Tea Party numbnuts that they are the victims of a gigantic con job.

    It will be awfully embarrassing to come to the conclusion that you've been duped into performing like a trained monkey, for the benefit of giant corporations--the ones funding all the organization of what is laughingly termed their "grass roots movement."

    It may take having all their money stolen from them, by their puppet masters, to drive this fact home.

    When it finally does, the shits are going to really hit the fan. (Assuming they can still AFFORD a fan.)

  27. JayKen Knotstirred4:23 PM

    Hi Sarah, Welcome back!

    Quick question, Where's Trigs birth certificate?

  28. Anonymous4:24 PM

    So when is all this babygate hoax stuff gonna hit the fan? It's hard to believe the Quitter is scared silly like we all hope when she's speaking in Iowa, then in NH, then in South Korea at some global knowledge conference. Is she just that ballsy? Or are we just wishing and hoping she'll come undone without any real foundation? I think the woman is an idiot but she sure as hell is a cocky one.

  29. Anonymous4:24 PM

    must be track and his wife have refused to let sarah parade their daughter out.

  30. Anonymous4:24 PM

    3:20 pm How can something not need congress

    Now who's the lying jackass? Bristol or Willow Palin, who's your baby's daddy?

  31. Anon @3:18 ~

    It's common knowledge that Todd wore the panties in the Gov's office.

    Why don't you want us to talk about that fact?

    Anon @3:20 ~

    YOU don't know what the fuck you are talking about...

  32. Anonymous4:25 PM

    As for me, I can't wait until September 3rd to see what
    "Anonymous" has to tell us about Sarahnoia.

    How about you, Sarah? You excited about him/her telling the world more of your tricks that must have been "transparent" to somebody? Don'tcha just love transparency? No? Awww...

  33. Anonymous4:34 PM

    3:18 - Haha that is a Palin. Am I sensing some frustration?! Sorry, you are on the King of all Bloggers blog - Gryph tells it like it is!

  34. Anonymous4:44 PM

    Judson Phillips was the organizer of the $549 Teabagger Convention event in Nashville at the Opryland Hotel where CNN was tripping over themselves to cover it. Palin got $100,000 and said she will donate the fee to unspecified conservative causes -- of course who knows as like others, we basically know most goes into her pocket and the ongoing payments that went to VanFlea, Becky, etc., etc.

    I haven't listened yet to the video as I not yet ready to listen to 'stunned & stupid' today!!

    FYI - Tea Party Nation, the group was created by former Shelby County, Tennessee assistant district attorney Judson Phillips in 2009.

    Assistant DA?? WTF has the country come to by appointing morons like that!!!

    One of his past statements:
    "Phillips has said the founders’ principle of restricting voting rights to property owners “makes a lot of sense"

  35. Anonymous4:49 PM

    What Would You Like To Hear Sarah Palin Say ?


  36. Anonymous4:49 PM

    What Would You Like To Hear Sarah Palin Say ?

  37. Anonymous4:54 PM

    Gryphen, the trolls have been all over your site recently. You even had an exceptionally clueless lying jackass show up at 3:20PM today. Something sure has put their knickers in a twist.

  38. Anonymous5:00 PM

    Shailey has a couple of new posts up, and the bots are making their ususal drive-by. Follow the links on the BULLY post comment from Shailey and it will make more sense. The ADN article has comments, read those too.

    She could use some support.

  39. Anonymous5:01 PM

    Fox News poll: 74% think Palin shouldn’t run. AMEN!

  40. Anonymous5:03 PM

    So Christine O'Donnell was good enough for Sarah Palin to recommend as one of our chief lawmakers, but not good enough to share the stage with her? The takeaway message: Sarah Palin's endorsements were never given with any great weight or consideration. But what should we expect from a secessionist sympathizer?

  41. Anonymous5:04 PM

    .....Buh BYE, Sarah.

    You know there MUST be a LOT going on in the Palinsphere when even Yours Truly feels the need to open up the windows and dust the cobwebs off the old blog to have a say. One of the MANY reasons that I stopped regularly posting here was the defeating feeling that Palin and other morally bereft shysters of her ilk could be elevated into positions of power and/or Hollywood super stardom based on complete pretense and submerged in scandal. Even MORE crushing is that the people of this country LET IT HAPPEN. In the past years, every time compelling info has come forth to shed light on the scandals of Palin and friends, the thinking people quickened with the hope that the end of Palin's career was near. And every time, despite the hard work of a few, these revelations were swept under the carpet. It has defied reason.... and further emboldened an arguably mentally disturbed Sarah. The Babygate photos, the Shailey Tripp prostitution scandal, and much more.
    As of late though, I feel compelled to add my voice and aid in pointing everyone towards some of the new revelations that have come to light. I have long been on the fence about Babygate....crazy-info overload and my own naive inability to believe that something this OUTRAGEOUS could actually happen...that this "woman" could actually get away with this bizarre charade and go on to gain the power, influence, and opportunity that she has. My main concern regarding sweet Trig was the immediately in the hell was it OK with America that Mama Griz flew all over the country, bypassing hospitals equipped to care for high risk labors and special needs pre-mies -while she was in premature labor- just so that she could mosie on up to Wasilly to give birth?!?! However, all those compelling photos have kept me intrigued and in a waiting mode. Waiting for something a little more concrete.
    Well, lookie here! The cement truck just pulled into the driveway!!!


  42. Anonymous5:05 PM

    Don't walk, RUN over to the IMMORAL MINORITY. In the comment section on Gryphen's Nick Broomfield post you will find a DELUGE of DAMNING information from someone who seems to be a very observant fly on the wall in the Land-o-Palin. This is a MUST read! According to this Anon. Insider, the Palins are well aware of the fact that she/he has opened the flood gates and are going apoplectic. Learn about Granny hissing , "you little SHIT" at Trig after he whacked her in the face, Bristol's new "God son" (DWTS baby)emerges, Ketamine ointment and MORE...

    Copies of the possibly authentic medical forms and S.O.A.P. notes have surfaced regarding Ms. Palin having received LIPODISSOLVE injections and prone massage during her pregnancy. You'll find on these forms that Granny Palin states she was NOT pregnant when she would have been if she gave birth to Trig. You'll find the scanned copies received and information over on Blade's blog : SARAH'S SCANDALS
    Are these the very forms that were filled out by the All About You Spa staff where Shailey Tripp was employed and providing Palin with massage? Shailey has an explanation of these types of medical forms and will have more to say on this in the future. Check it out: SHAILEY TRIPP

    Next up is the Mudflats. AKM is posting a series of articles regarding much of the information that was left out their book "Blind Allegiance". Lots of close Palin associates coming forward with some very unsettling...downright SAD, actually, first hand experience.

    Go back and revisit the "Nail in the Coffin" photos of LuLu Palin's astounding belly growth in just one month......REALLY let it all sink in.

    I truly believe Palin's outre reign is coming to a quick end. It's all coming to the surface now. One voice....joined by another....gaining strength, finding courage.....joined by more. Come on out people. Break through the fear and oppression of these un-American parasites. This is truly for your country. SET THE PRECEDENT. AMERICANS WILL NOT STAND FOR THE LIES, THE DECEIT, THE CHARADES, THE SHAME OF PALIN AND SLIME LIKE HER. Please show us WE'RE NOT THAT STUPID!!!

  43. telah5:10 PM

    Nice try, Anon4:24. Don't you worry. Very, very soon.

  44. Anonymous5:13 PM

    Have YOU donated to the cause?

  45. Anonymous5:18 PM

    Hah 3:20! That is some goofy ass shit.

  46. Anonymous5:23 PM

    Palin Haiku:

    "Chugging her Red Bulls,
    throwing cans at the icebox,
    Same as usual!"

    Tom in FL

  47. Anonymous5:24 PM

    3:20 is Sarah herself!

    Here's how a President does something without Congress - He spends the $120B that remains unallocated of the that $800B was appropriated by Congress in the Recovery and Reinvestment Act.

    And have you heard? There are three, count them, three branches of government, none more powerful than the others. That's what those checks and balances thingies are about. Remember them from 7th grade civics? This is why you are unfit to hold any elected position, Sarah. Your knowledge of government is below what's expected of 7th graders.

  48. Anonymous5:27 PM

    Palin Haiku:

    "Good thing the Media
    didn't think to ask to see
    me dressing a moose"

    Tom, in FL

  49. Anonymous5:36 PM

    I love how Martin Bashir lets judson or jethro or Todd or whatever his name is, talk himself into a corner, then hangs him with It's been swell talking to you, but, sadly, we're out of time, which, loosly transltes to, "Feck off! You uneducated oaf!"

    Thanks for the links 2:57 Well worth the read, and the first few comments are a hoot! One suggests to a bot a "schoolhouse Rock" you tube link on how government works. Laugh out loud funny.

    Off Topic. Watching Rachel's documentary, a real eye opener!

    And last, and least, The poor, desperate bot comments,

    HA HA HA HA HA HA (deep breath) HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!

  50. Chenagrrl5:39 PM

    There are political events and then there are events -- like rock concerts and ...paloozahs. Political events are usually open to anyone who wishes to speak or has the $$ to get there. Judson Phillips seems to be saying this is some sort of stage-managed palooza. Yeah, paloozah about covers it.

  51. Anonymous6:07 PM

    Palin Haiku -

    Todd the wad wades in
    The crowd wearing a plaid shirt
    Sweating like a pig

  52. I haven't read but the first comment, but I have to say, now, that I too am pissed off that Todd was running the state, receiving emails, attending meetings, putting his own little table and chair or whatever he did in the Governor's office, and basically being a bully, oh yeah, and having her calls, emails, go thru him first and I am not even an Alaskan! I want to see him behind bars! And I don't mean where you can buy alcohol, though I am sure he has experience in that.

  53. Anonymous6:45 PM

    Hey, asshole @ 3:20 - checks and balances - no branch is supposed to have "the most" power. Better get off your blackberry and back into 5th grade social studies.

  54. Anonymous6:47 PM

    personally i think 3:20's either drunk or retarded, could be both too i suppose....

  55. Anonymous6:49 PM

    You know, one thing we never heard from Shailey, but I bet I can guess---it's real, real tiny, isn't it? Yep, Tawd is such a little bitty prick.

  56. Anon,

    What are you going to do when Sarah Palin is just a distant memory?

    Will that please you or will feel a real sense of loss?

  57. Anonymous6:54 PM

    I think the woman is an idiot but she sure as hell is a cocky one.

    4:24 PM

    Who do you think you're kidding? Appearing only when you can either script an entire event, pre-vet the questions, or make sure nothing is on tape isn't ballsy, it's chicken shit (goes with her turkey neck).

  58. Anonymous7:36 PM

    OT- is anyone else getting a big red Malware Detected notice when you go to Mudflats???

  59. Anonymous7:41 PM

    Interesting "SP before and after" at She used to look well kept. Now, not so much. More like scrawny and "self-medicated".

  60. Gasman9:07 PM

    Palin seems to think that petulant pissy fits are "presidential." Just another bit of proof positive that this mental pygmy has no business anywhere near the White House.

    I'd be curious to hear her explain what her endgame is in this little display of shit flinging. Does she think that by pelting EVERYBODY with her own shit is going to endear her to ANYBODY?

    Just how fucking stupid is she?

  61. Gasman9:40 PM

    I like your "Palin haiku contest" idea.

    Let me contribute the initial offering:

    the ignorant cow
    presidential lust e’re grows
    fetid shit fills skull

    I feel inspired. How about a Palin limerick as well:

    There once was a woman named Palin.
    Whose celebrity was definitely failin’.
    She bitched and she moaned,
    At lost fame she once owned.
    ‘Til on Todd’s ass she began wailin’.

  62. Anonymous9:41 PM

    Palin haiku:

    Quitter quitter quit

    Quitter quitter quitter quit

    Quitter quitter quit

  63. Anonymous10:43 PM

    7:36 Yes, got it twice tonight when I went to the blogsite. Weird!

  64. Anonymous10:48 PM

    Remember back when Ms. Palin didn't even know the history of North and South Korea? And, now she is going to be doing a speaking gig over there? Wouldn't it be a kick if they kept her there?

  65. Anonymous3:16 AM

    telah said...

    "Did you ever notice how 'Palin's people' NEVER have any frickin names?"

    Oh "they" do: Todd.

    (everyone else is either under the bus, or has gotten the fuck away from CrazyEye, like B&W have.)

  66. indy_girl3:27 AM

    Anon401pm: "Sarah says she has a lot to say at the Tea party rally in Iowa this weekend."

    Here is a preview of Sarah's speech for ya:

    "Bla bla bla patriots bla bla bla
    Commonsense Conservative!
    (Looks at hand)
    whine whine, lamestream media
    (Looks at hand)
    bla bla ME ME ME bla bla guns, God bla bla big bad guv'mint
    (Looks at hand)
    bla bla ME ME ME bla bla family 'values', bla bla bla bla
    I'M the victim here!"

  67. indy_girl3:32 AM

    Lamestream media
    Me me me me me me *sniff*
    Whine whine whine whine whine

  68. indy_girl3:38 AM

    Blam Blam! Blam Blam! *click*
    "Dad, reload this gun for me."
    Blam Blam! Blam Blam Blam!

  69. Hugh Dunnit3:41 AM

    Of course SP can't share the stage with COD. She couldn't stand being runner-up in another pageant. It stll rankles.

  70. AKinPA4:15 AM

    Did you notice the video clips that appeared to the left of the Tea Baggot as he was speaking? If you didn't, it's worth a second look. As the idiot was explaining the importance of protecting The Brand (Palin's), the video clips alternated between COD looking well-coiffed in a gray business suit at a book signing and SP with her dirty, uncombed hair in that ratty tee shirt at the Iowa fair. When the Tea Baggot was quoting MLK (his minions probably made him wash his mouth out with soap when he got off the air for that one) and explaining the rich racial and cultural diversity of the tea party, the clips went from one group to another of older white people with tea bags hanging from their hats. Priceless! I think I'm in love with Martin Bashir.

    My favorite comment over at C4P last week was that if COD spoke at Palin's event, the LSM would characterize it as a Freak Show. Clearly, the writer had no clue that they didn't need COD to turn it into a Freak Show.

  71. Anonymous said...
    How does something not need Congress, the governing body that is supposed to have the most power? Sometimes I think presidents these days thinkthey are dictators. Obama thought he could slyly pass stupid legislation that would hurt the country. Americans screamed Oh you you dont ya lying jackass.
    3:20 PM
    You are a complete and utter moron, completely ignorant of everything concerning the constitution and the government of this country.

    a) How does "something" not "need Congress"?
    a) When it is within the purview of the Executive branch (i.e., the President can act), or of the Judicial branch (i.e., the Courts can act).

    "the governing body that is supposed to have the most power..." In what country? The US federal government has three branches with a system of checks and balances. Calling Congress (legislative branch) the one that has the "most power" is mind-numbingly stupid when you consider that a law passed by Congress (legislative branch) can be ruled unconstitutional by the Supreme Court (judicial branch).

    As for the rest of your brainless tirade the President didn't "slyly" try to pass legislation. Unlike you, he knows he can't (executive branch). Also he isn't sly. Also the only people who screamed and called him a liar (like low-life trash Joe Wilson on the floor of the House) were mouth-breathing ignorant un-American teabaggers like you.

  72. Ooh, humbly submit my limerick!
    Sarah Palin was so very vain,

    She thought politics all a game,

    She offered her best,

    So she propped up her chest,

    But sadly all of the men went "lame"...

    (be kind, it was like 2 minutes in the making)

  73. I watched the video. I am totally clueless as to just how these media folks like Bashir can somehow manage to keep a straight face after a teabagger answer.

    And I still think Katie deserves an Oscar for her acting performance whilst interviewing SP back in 08. Anyone else would've laughed at SP's answers.

  74. LisaB259511:33 AM

    Dude, the movie to which you were trying to refer was AirPLANE, not Airport. Airport was the serious one. Airplane had Lloyd Bridges sniffing glue.

  75. Anonymous6:41 PM

    Hey 3:20, Obama didn't pass any legislation. Congress did. Stop embarrassing yourself.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.