Monday, September 26, 2011

Nick Broomfield, director of the documentary "Sarah Palin: You Betcha!", talks about the fear that Sarah Palin inspires in Wasilla.

Courtesy of The Telegraph:

"There was a genuine fear in the community about saying anything against Sarah Palin because people were worried about the power of the Palins and worried about losing their jobs,” he says. “In some cases, the children were friends with the Palin kids and didn’t want their parents to talk. 

She is such a polarising character that, even within a family, the husband or the wife liked her and the other one didn’t. She inspired such strong opinions that people were either passionately for her or against her.

” The 63-year-old Londoner, whose 30 films include Heidi Fleiss: Hollywood Madam, Kurt and Courtney, Biggie and Tupac and the memorable Tracking Down Maggie: The Unofficial Biography of Margaret Thatcher, says, perhaps somewhat disingenuously, that he had no preconceived opinion when he set out to turn his camera and wry style of documentary-making on Palin. 

“I just wanted to understand where she was coming from,” he says. “I didn’t have any strong opinions, and I didn’t know that much about her. I’d seen her on stage with lots of babies and all the rest of it, and I wondered who the hell she was and where she had popped up from and what she believed in. 

“Sometimes when you hear her talking it’s as if she doesn’t quite understand what she’s saying. She comes out with all this stuff and you think, 'Who’s the real person here? You’ve learned the speech, but who are you?’ ” 

“A lot of people would talk off the record but wouldn’t talk on the record, so you pick up an impression, and, even if you can’t quote them, you still get the inside story. One of the things we got from a lot of people there is that she really didn’t spend any time with her kids at all. There seemed to be a big disappointment in the community about her – inevitably, I suppose, when you’re hobnobbing with the McCains and Washington elite – that she had moved on and she had no loyalty to her old friends, who had been left by the wayside.”“T

If you watch Broomfield's documentary you will hear people tell the same exact stories that are in Joe McGinniss's book "The Rogue." Except Joe got more information because he did not ask to put people on camera.

However the fact is that everybody who REALLY investigates Sarah Palin hears the same stories, by a variety of different people. And simply calling them "haters" or "disgruntled ex-staff members" does not negate the truth of what they are willing to share.

By the way, I have a name for these people as well.  I call them "Heroes."


  1. JayKen Knotstirred6:54 AM

    Hi Sarah, Welcome Back!

    Quick question, Where's Trigs birth certificate?

    Signed-A Hater

  2. Anonymous6:56 AM

    Such poor relationships this woman has with her spouse, children and friends and she is delusional enough to think others are jealous of her...because she has what we want.

    She thinks we can't see the hell she lives in when she dresses up, pulls, smooths and injects her skin. Everyone knows Sarah. You are only fooling yourself.

  3. Anonymous7:14 AM

    Sarah Palin is described in the book as a narcissist, disguised as a selfless public servant having serious multigenerational family dysfunction. It is this “multigenerational family dysfunction” that jumped out at me last night as I began my journey through McGinnis’ book.

    Here are just a few of the memorable references from the first pages of the book:

    1. Sarah’s dad, Chuck Heath is reported to have come from a dysfunctional family. McGinnis quotes Going Rogue:

    “ Through the years I heard enough muffled conversations between my mom and dad to know that his parents’ acceptance of pain must have translated beyond the physical.” (pg 17)

    2. Even though Chuck Heath’s parents were alive, Chuck appears to have been adopted by a “Dorothy Mooney”of Sandpoint.

    3. Sarah’s mother was baptized in an Evangelical church. All of her energy went into the church and none of it into raising her children (pg 19). Sarah’s older sister became the mom. She cooked, cleaned, took care of everything in the house. The kids were not tended to and the house was run down.

    4. Todd didn’t want to give up all the other girls, but Sarah wanted to get married. (pg 27)

    5. A school teacher pled guilty to 17 charges of sexually molesting third grade girls. Parents had complained to Ray Carter, the school principal, but he failed to take action. When Ray was fired it was Chuck Heath that came to his rescue and got him re-hired. (pg 28).

    6. Diana Palin, Todd’s sister, used her 4 year old daughter as part of her burglary of multiple homes to get drug money.Diana had been the victim of domestic abuse on more than one occasion and was addicted to methamphetamine (pa 40a).

    7. Todd’s father’s first wife was an alcoholic and a battered wife, before he married her. She married him for financial support. Both Todd’s father and first wife were reported to be alcoholic (pg 41).

    8. Todd’ mother, Blanche, was his father’s second wife. Blanche was known for her appearance in court when someone had the nerve to complain when Blanche served a child a lye-based detergent that she said she thought was “fruit juice,”

    Other memorable revelations included:

    1. Todd paid Twelve Thousand Dollars in cash for a car, when he was very young. ( page 21) The logical question is where did all this “cash” come from? Could it have been that Todd was involved with prostitution that early?

    2. Sarah was always walking around naked, even when she was with the basketball team. ( pg 21) This would certainly be consistent with the mention in Game Change about Palin appearing in her bath robe when greeting professionals working on the campaign.

    3. McGinnis identifies by name 45 Evangelical Churches located in Wasilla. ( pg 5). With a population of 7000-8000 people that would be roughly one church per ever 170 man, woman, and child in Wasilla.

    4. Todd and his friends beat up Black kid because he was Black. ( pg 22). This type of bigotry would be consistent with a violent reaction to the publication of McGinnis’ book which reported a sexual encounter with a Black basketball player.

    Yet the most revealing and most disturbing information is the report of the “dysfunctional” family. What troubles me is that Todd is such a bigot that he beat-up a Black kid and got away with it. What troubles me is that a person who aspires to be the President, exhibits signs of mental illness and/or drug usage and comes from a family with a history of mental illness and drug usage.

  4. Anonymous7:14 AM

    Cheers to the heroes, for sure! You all do such a great job.

    O/T -- I wonder what makes Sarah think that what happened to Ted Stevens and Curt Menard won't happen to her?

  5. Anonymous7:17 AM

    Sarah Palin is bad news. Anything that touches her in any way, shape, or form, is diminished by the experience.

    No wonder people won't willingly talk about her, its like wallowing into a septic tank, you're going to stink even if you make your way out.

  6. hedgewytch7:39 AM

    Too many people in Wasilla think that the Palin's have all this power. But they don't. And they have less every day. While there are still sycophants left in a few important positions in the state (re: SP2 and all those appointed positions she filled), they are loosing their influence quickly in the state and in Wasilla. Too many people are disgusted with the Palin's behavior, the way the Palin's brought Wasilla into the spotlight - and made it a national joke, the way people have been having to watch what they say and who they say it to... Alaskan's in particular don't like being told what to do. And I think we've had more than enough of Palin, Miller and their ilk. Now, if Alaskans can just get their collective together and vote Parnell out of office next year, things will look up for Alaskans.

  7. Anonymous7:51 AM

    Sarah is so over. Even worse, she's now become a problem for her former backers.

    From the Daily Beast:

    "As the Tea Party's popularity fades and the country grows increasingly tired of partisan bickering, Fox News chief Roger Ailes is making what he calls a “course correction.” Glenn Beck and Sarah Palin “became a bit of a branding issue for us,” he tells Howard Kurtz in Newsweek."

  8. Anonymous7:52 AM

    " One of the things we got from a lot of people there is that she really didn’t spend any time with her kids at all."

    Could this be the reasons why #3 child Willow, who was kicked out of school and suppose to be home schooled in Alaska, has left home and school to grift off of Bristol and walk around the streets in LA wearing shorts that are stuck tightly up her crotch?

    Momma Grizzly's #2 underage uneducated exually active child Bristol got pregnant to spite the grizzly and she moved out.

    #1 uneducated child Track who did not graduate from high school wanted out of Sarah's control so he impregnates his girlfriend.

    #3 underage uneducated child who was kicked out of school and suppose to be home schooled by Sarah in Wasilla has now left home to wander the streets of LA.

    #4 underage uneducated child Piper who is famous for skipping school and being rude to everybody should be ready to leave Sarah anytime to move to LA.

    #5 child Trig is with his SarahPac paid nanny 24/7.

    Then there is Sarah's husband Todd who is filing for divorce.

    So somebody explain to me what is Sarah waiting until November to decide?

    Sarah should be deciding if she wants to be a mother and wife to her dysfunctional family instead of Me Me Me Money Money Money Special Needs Sarah wanting the masses to want and love her.

  9. Not What You Want To Hear7:56 AM

    Gryphen, I am reading a book right now called "Snakes in Suits" that focuses on psychopaths in the corporate workplace. However, the book notes they are found in politics, and in fact, in all walks of life. The profile features of a psychopath really match what we know about Sarah Palin. Some of the primary traits:

    - Zero capacity for empathy (remember how Greta repeatedly asked her if twenty years would be too harsh of a sentence for her email hacker...and Sarah Palin refused to directly answer her?)

    - A history of using and discarding people (her town council mentor who she ended up running against; all the people who have worked for her in the past that now speak out against her; her McCain campaign aides)

    - Dysfunctional personal relationships (her neighbor, her almost son-in-law, her ex brother-in-law, her children who barely cracked a smile at her on their reality show, the stories that she farms out her kids)

    - An ability to make "targets" think they're "one of them"

    - Extremes between being charming and flying into rages

    - Grandiosity and sense of entitlement (her shady PAC, legal defense fund, charging the state of Alaska for nights spent in her own home, refusing to pay her fair share of property taxes on her vacation homes)

    And the list goes on and on. She matched almost all of them, if not all of them.

    And this is why I despise the MSM, for their deliberate refusal to rip the mask off this woman and showing the true psychopath behind it.

  10. Anonymous8:00 AM

    When you get consistent evidence from different sources and methods in research, it is called triangulation. From your post, it appears that there is triangulation regarding the Palin information.

    The definition of triangulation from Wikipedia is as follows:
    "In the social sciences, triangulation is often used to indicate that more than two methods are used in a study with a view to double (or triple) checking results.

    The idea is that one can be more confident with a result if different methods lead to the same result. If an investigator uses only one method, the temptation is strong to believe in the findings. If an investigator uses two methods, the results may well clash. By using three methods to get at the answer to one question, the hope is that two of the three will produce similar answers, or if three clashing answers are produced, the investigator knows that the question needs to be reframed, methods reconsidered, or both."

  11. Sally in MI8:02 AM

    I've noticed an odd lack of 'bots recently. I read all over the place and Brooklyn isn't around, nor are the regular anonymous ones. I'm thinking the bloom is off the wilting, faded rose, and will not be returning. Wonder how the SARAHPAC statement looks for September.

  12. Anonymous8:07 AM

    The reoccurring theme, no matter who looks into Granny Lulu's life is that she is a poor excuse for a mother. And I would like to add , a poor excuse for a grandmother. What Grandma with the $$$, time, and means to travel at a seconds notice, would not have gone to greet Track's new daughter (her first granddaughter)?

  13. True Blue Girl8:07 AM

    EXCELLENT new video up over at Andrew Sullivan's Daily Dish, part of his first post of the new "Ask Me Anything" feature. He takes on McGinness' controversy head on, but goes on to speak directly about Sarah Palin

  14. Anonymous8:08 AM

    I wrote a comment on this same topic recently on another blog...I don't think that people who don't want to talk on the record are necessarily afraid of the Palins..I think that this is a small State and many of us have good State jobs that we don't want to jeopardize. People are wary of saying negative things about anyone in power or anything mean because it can always come back to haunt you, esp. if you are relying on a good State job. I know this to be the case with many lawyers I know. They must stay apolitical. It is just not worth losing your job.

  15. Anonymous8:10 AM

    The backlash McGinniss is experiencing has a lot to do with the Palins, but not all. I won't buy his book because of what he did to Mudflats - plain and simple. He put himself smack in the same category as Palin - unethical.

  16. Anonymous8:14 AM

    Anon @ 7:14, thanks for the rundown.


    Such a messed up group of people. Some of it is genetic and thus simply inherited, but poor character is much harder to pin on any organic explanation.

    Right, back in the day $12,000 was nothing to sneeze at, particularly for a decidedly middle class individual. Where'd he get that kind of money????

  17. Anonymous8:27 AM

    Silence from Palin’s “Home Community Hospital” – What Does It Mean? By Brad Scharlott

    Laura, with your permission I would like to share with your readers a letter I sent to Mat-Su Regional Medical Center, the facility where Palin claims she gave birth to Trig. Last month I sent the hospital a copy of my article on Palin and the press, along with a cover letter, seeking comments. (You may recall that on Oct. 3, 2008, Dr. Cathy Baldwin-Johnson – or more likely, some lawyer writing on her behalf – had artfully referred to Palin’s “home community hospital,” a seeming reference to Mat-Su that nonetheless made it possible to avoid naming any hospital as Trig’s place of birth.)

    My letter reached Mat-Su on August 12, per the USPS tracking number. I addressed it to the hospital’s director of marketing (i.e. head of PR), Sterling Grover. Here is the letter:

    Dear Mr. Grover,

    (very long and detailed letter can be found on the blog)

    I wasn’t counting on getting a response, so I wasn’t devastated by the fact that I did not get one. I’m guessing Mr. Sterling passed the letter and article on to the hospital’s legal counsel, who instructed him not to say a word.

    But let’s just examine what Mat-Su’s silence here implies. In my first set of questions, I essentially ask Mr. Sterling if he can state that no one connected to the hospital engaged in fraudulent activity on the day Trig was reportedly born. How depressing it must be for a PR flack to not be able to deny wrongdoing by his employer. But I hear his silence loud and clear.

    Mr. Sterling’s silence concerning the second set of questions, relating to Weigel, is just as dismaying. The head of PR can’t even defend his people from a charge of gross violation of HIPAA rules, which is what happened if that clerk truly said what Weigel alleges.

    So, Laura, I am interested in what your readers make of Mat-Su’s role in all this, and of the hospital’s silence to my letter.

  18. About this book by "Fred": can you GUARANTEE that it is being published, and that the author is somebody KNOWN? Respected? Someone even the Republicans will believe?

    Given the tendency for stuff from books to be leaked, wouldn't someone who had definitive proof of the faked pregnancy do better to just call a press conference and state the findings?

    I'm really starting to believe that this witchy woman will get away with everything.

  19. Anonymous8:43 AM

    The tide has turned in Palin-land. It's all over now but the shoutin'

  20. Anonymous8:48 AM

    You got to be kidding me!


    You telling me Sarah Palin wants to wait until November to decide if she wants to be the leader of the free world while her dysfunctional family disintegrates as we speak?

  21. hedgewytch8:55 AM

    @8:10 - "I won't buy his book because of what he did to Mudflats - plain and simple. He put himself smack in the same category as Palin - unethical."

    I'm throwing my hands up in the air here. There's a saying, paraphrasing here: "Don't make the mistake of judging a book by its author."

    The book Devon co-wrote with Bailey wasn't getting published. Because of the "leak" the book was hastily redone and THEN it was published, to lackluster reviews.

    Now we got a book by an acclaimed author that is well written with lots good new info. Some of the initial reviews were poor, but now we are seeing very good reviews, especially those outside of the U.S.

    I buy books because I want to read what's inside them, not because I identify personally with the author, .... (Think Hemmingway and was a jerk he was, but his writing was sublime.)

    Jeanne has a big learning curve here with the Bailey book writing experience, and I hope it doesn't come back to bite her in the ass even more so than it has already done (re: Bailey's use of emails that weren't released to the public).

    I didn't buy Bailey's book because I don't trust that what he wrote is true, and that the writing was boring. But I am reading McGinniss's book, and it is far from boring.

  22. Anonymous8:59 AM


    Its going to be fun watching everybody diagnose your mothering skills, your failures, your families failures, your husband's failures, your children's failures, your co-mayor failures, your co-governor failures, your college failures, your vp failures and all your failures.

    So please run Sarah.

  23. Anonymous9:01 AM


    Its going to be fun watching everybody diagnose your mothering skills, your failures, your families failures, your husband's failures, your children's failures, your co-mayor failures, your co-governor failures, your college failures, your vp failures and all your failures.

    So please run Sarah.

  24. Anonymous9:08 AM

    I predict that next year Sarah Palin and Glen Rice will be one of the teams on Amazing Grace. Todd will be on DWTS.

  25. Anonymous9:15 AM

    Creepy Chuckie and Sally Heath you raised a fucked up daughter.

  26. Anonymous9:17 AM

    Any comments from John McCain?

    Does he endorse Sarah Palin?

  27. Anonymous9:33 AM

    I've been wondering why McGinniss is being treated so badly. Joy Behar, who regularly makes very mean jokes about the Palins, was hostile to Joe. Other usually liberal or moderate programs have cancelled their interviews with him. Sarah may not have that kind of clout, but it is possible that the people she works for at Fox do. They need to protect their investment and their brand.

    If Sarah is shown publicly to be a fraud, Fox won't be able to use her as a "political pundit" even thought we know that the questions and answers are scripted. We can see the teleprompter reflected in the windows and in Sarah's glasses. Murdoch invested millions in Sarah, between Fox, two books and he is probably behind keeping Bristol on TV, despite Bristol's glaring lack of talent.

    Some of the big moneyed Republicans can easily intimidate MSNBC or even Keith by threatening to withdraw their advertising if Joe appears on their programs. They made interviewers read that pathetic statement with Todd's name on it. It will be interesting to see what happens this Friday. Joe was originally supposed to appear on Bill Maher's HBO show. I wonder if Bill is subject to the same kinds of pressure.

    The fear in Wasilla is nothing compared to the behind the scenes stuff that must go on when someone like Murdoch, who can hack phone conversations and email, exerts his pressure. We saw that in England, that kind of influence behind a Prime Minister (or two). I can just smell Murdoch behind this embargo of Joe's book. He needs to preserve Sarah's political influence, her mean girl ghost written face book posts and her snarl of a speech.

    I read Joe's book about the Italian soccer team, a Cinderella team from a small town that rose in the soccer league, beyond their wildest dreams. Joe followed the Dream Team for a year. In the end, he was crushed when he learned that they were going to throw the last game. Their "connected" owner owed a favor to the other team's owner. It wouldn't hurt the team's standing for the following year to lose the last game.

    I know someone who is acquainted with McGinniss. He is the guy who loaned me the soccer book. I raise the question, "If the soccer team owner was so powerful that he could get his team to throw a game, maybe the other teams had been told to throw games to the powerful owner. Maybe Cinderella got some extra help, not from a fairy godmother but a real life Godfather.

    I think that Joe is a good writer, who did the best he could with people who were afraid to talk. There isn't any question that something funny is going on. Grypen, for what it's worth, forward my comment to Joe. I think like some of his other books, this one will be read and appreciated more after Sarah Palin's star has crashed and burned, leaving nothing but a Black Hole, a void. Then, Joe will be applauded. But as long as Sarah has the power to influence elections, they need that tarnished star to twinkle just a little bit more.

  28. "if Alaskans can just get their collective together and vote Parnell out of office next year, things will look up for Alaskans."

    Not necessarily. Voting Parnell out won't do anything if they don't vote in somebody better. Sarah ran on an anti-corruption platform, remember, and despite plenty of evidence from Wasilla, she won.

    "underage uneducated child who was kicked out of school and suppose to be home schooled by Sarah in Wasilla has now left home to wander the streets of LA."

    After a "pregnancy scare" last year. I have my own opinion as to what happened to that "scare."

    "What Grandma with the $$$, time, and means to travel at a seconds notice, would not have gone to greet Track's new daughter (her first granddaughter)?"

    A grandma whose disaffected son tells her to keep away? Track doesn't seem particularly close with his mother. Or any father-figure, either.

  29. Anonymous9:48 AM

    Meanwhile, over at the C$P, the bots are blithely discussing Mrs. Todd Palin's upcoming speeches at rallies in Missouri, the Liberty Univ. in VA (sold out seats at 10,000 they claim) and her speech in S. Korea. They've also pushed back her "drop-dead date to declare" to late October. Who's right here? We keep claiming she's totally over, but at the Pee Pond theyre planning her Presidential administration as if it's a given.

  30. Anonymous9:56 AM

    What's going on with Todd Palin's parents?

    They have nothing to do with Sarah?

    No pictures with Sarah?

    How come they did not go to Sarah's book signings?

    They did not go to the RNC with Sarah?

    How come Todd's parents did not go on the SarahPac sponsored Sarah Palin family vacation?

    Something is very weird about that!

  31. Anonymous9:57 AM

    Sally in MI, I've noticed that too.

    Maybe the rats really are fleeing the sinking ship, finally.

  32. Anonymous10:01 AM

    Levi Johnston Book Paints Cold Palin Marriage, Lies and Manipulation

  33. Anonymous10:03 AM

    No wonder people are scared up there. Just google Anchorage Police Department. Amazing atthe results. Also:

  34. Anonymous10:07 AM

    Did anyone see Sean Parnell's interview on Mike Huckabee yesterday? Huckabee is really good at boot licking.
    Pat Padrnos

  35. Anonymous10:08 AM

    I won't buy the book cause I don't like him..nana nana nana..isn't that a little childish..don't most people buy or read books because of what's in the book not who wrote the book? Isn't the purpose of these books to shine the light on a vindictive, vile women who rose to power? Time to quit whining and get back to the job, the infighting is ridiculousness.

  36. Anonymous10:08 AM

    Nader Suckered by Palin:'Smarter Than People Think

    "This juicy praise follows certain faux anti-corporate, anti-establishment blather from the Palin, which Nader awards more gravitas than ordinary sentient beings. Fetching con artists never quite mean what they say, and most outshine the Palin or she wouldn't be found out so often -- or so comically. Like Michele Bachmann, she's become a parody of herself -- death for politicians or bullying hustlers."

  37. OT

    I just thought of this, I feel this may had already be stated.

    The reason why the insufferable bitch didn't want anyone to know she was running in the marathon is because she was going to cheat.

  38. Anonymous10:48 AM

    Unpacking the shiny gems

    1) That Nader wanders into rightwing political weeds at all -- or her charade of politics, as Palin is anything but a real candidate -- is what first strikes me as improbable. Is this some subtle, ironic, weird guilt-by-association put-down -- figuring fringe noodles would rethink their unthinking adoration of the Wasilla Princess because a bigtime leftwinger makes nicey nice? Not likely. Nader is as comically subtle as a badly-dented Corvair getting hauled off to the junk yard.

    2) That Nader would somehow believe what Palin says, taking literally what is blatantly fabricated Palin Pabulum, displays a naivete enough to wound his reputation for straight-shooting. This isn't to say Palin doesn't believe her noxious nonsense, but she's never about policy or solutions or clear syntax. Delivery is all -- "never retreat, just reload" smart-ass snappishness, a triumph of make-believe over meaning. She's mastered the art of vacuous, scornful contempt -- and collecting dollars from suckers. Does Nader truly imagine there's any real, underlying content in play? I don't.

    3) Note the suspect set-up, "a lot smarter," followed for me by deflation, "than most people credit her." Well, "most adults" consider the Palin the stupidest, least professional pol around -- less qualified, less prepared, and more syntactically-challenged than W., that least qualified, worst-educated mess of a president. So, the miraculous discovery that she's not as dumb as "most people think" may well be damning with faint praise. Being smarter than a rock still stands below a one-celled paramecium.

    4) Now we get to the pleasantry of "give credit" to Palin, as if for Nader her mental capacities are up in the air, still in the "credit" and "discredit" phrase. Long gone, buried by utter incredulity senile McCain picked this yahoo for more than office cleaning. Palin's "credit," or credibility, ended in weeks, halfway between nomination and six speeches. Refusing to learn anything real in two years, Palin isn't about credibility one bit but visceral emotional reactions. Fans love her well-funded rightwing feistiness for its sham confrontation with odious powers-that-be, especially in Washington (really, didn't she want to the V.P.?).

    5) Others (like 80% of us) roll our eyes and guffaw in disgust that such a low-level, amateur, beauty-contest contestant ever got out of Wasilla, let alone governed Alaska as a temp before her national jester debut --to ascend to nouveau rich celebrity. I can't but think this classic narcissist, having been refused national office, now looks with contempt at everyone elected, entrenched and established. She's never do that, again -- all because the "people" dared deny her highness royalties due. Sour and mashed grapes.

    Now I hesitate to challenge Nader in one regard -- Palin's smart enough to leverage what little she's got -- a sing-sound viciousness packed in a sexy body with movie-star moves. And this a multi-millionaire no doubt has more hustles up her stylist sleeves and short shirts, all paid with other people's money. More books, more speeches at $100K with first-class backup, a SarahPAC to to parlay predictable rhetoric -- with short sentences to fit her increasingly short attention span. Ah, yes, the classic American success story where random talent and moral rectitude are rewarded, way out of proportion. Lord, save us from hayseeds taken in by such farce.

    (so much more can be found here)

  39. Anonymous10:57 AM

    "Sarah should be deciding if she wants to be a mother and wife to her dysfunctional family instead of Me Me Me Money Money Money Special Needs Sarah wanting the masses to want and love her."

    7:52 AM

    Hey Bristol, that whore of a mother of yours is one sick bitch.

  40. @9:33

    Oh, i think $arah DOES have the power to influence elections...

    ... with her support being a 'kiss of death'.

  41. Anonymous11:00 AM

    " Sally in MI said...
    I've noticed an odd lack of 'bots recently. I read all over the place and Brooklyn isn't around, nor are the regular anonymous ones. I'm thinking the bloom is off the wilting, faded rose, and will not be returning. Wonder how the SARAHPAC statement looks for September.

    8:02 AM"

    Just as the baggers try to convince us there are millions of them so does the troll. It one lonely pathetic dicwad.

  42. Anonymous11:03 AM

    'MeAgain' again:


    If you asked me a question, I didn't see it. Don't you think it's maybe, possibly, in the realm of POSSIBILITY that one post out of nearly five hundred fell through the cracks?

    But honestly, I know who you are and I know you do nothing but stir up trouble on these blogs. Considering Sarah's ties to Giddings,'s no small coincidence that you live there, in my humble opinion. So you can save asking your question as I likely wouldn't address it on principle.

    GRYPHEN...thank you so much, I just wanted to hear specifically "Gryphen's email did not get hacked". With all the Murdoch stuff going on and as desperate as Sarah & Co are getting, I just needed a little assurance about my safety.

    Am in Anchorage for a meeting but I will check in later and Gryphen I will include what I posted here that ended up being deleted when emailing the rest of the stuff.

    Today Sarah was railing against Laura Novak (again) insisting she doesn't even go to "that woman's blog"...and then she ended her email with "like she would be getting 4 and 500 comments if she wasn't talking about Trig!"

    I thought I would bust a gut laughing. "I've NEVER been to that blog nor have I read any of the 400 comments!"

    Nobody cared enough to write back "if you don't go there how do you know how many comments there are?"

    But in about three days, Sarah will suddenly sit up and go "Oh, SHIT!"


    9:01 AM

  43. Anonymous11:06 AM

    Sally, I'm thinking the Fairy Tale troll got her sorry butt fired for gross incompetence, now that she's been outed. But, hey, no problem, I'm sure with her bang-up job skills and work ethic she'll have another cushy gig lined up in no time flat. Right.
    I do think there have been more clever trolls afoot, kicking up dust and spreading misinformation, in particular if people start to get too close to the truth. If the SarahPAC well isn't running dry I fear we could see more along these lines, as the walls start to cave in on the I Love Sarah Show.

  44. Anonymous11:09 AM

    Here is part of a job description I read for the POTUS. Obviously, this job would not be SP's cup of tea.

    "... and cannot commit treason, bribery, “or other high crimes and misdemeanors’’ – unless he or she wants to face impeachment.

  45. Anonymous11:17 AM

    Don't know if this has been shared but, saw this from a comment on Alaska WTF

    Looks like a great book. I hope he mentions the other guys she went down on behind the old Wasilla bowling alley back in the day. No that’s a story. Yes I remember that birthmark on your hip Sarah!"


  46. I think the lack of Trolls lately has to do with them being re-directed to flood book sites like Amazon with crappy reviews for Joe McGinnis' and Levi Johnston's books.

    Don't worry everybody, they'll be back when the book controversy dies down.

  47. anon @ 8:10 wrote:

    "The backlash McGinniss is experiencing has a lot to do with the Palins, but not all. I won't buy his book because of what he did to Mudflats - plain and simple.

    --- Interesting. Would you mind elaborating on what "but not all" might mean?

  48. Anonymous12:56 PM

    I agree with Kat @ 11:06, "more clever trolls...spreading misinformation". Watch this closely people, this is how truth movements get dis-credited on the internet. Just watch, don't get caught up in the back-and-forth, just watch and take notes. You will learn something.

  49. Anonymous12:57 PM

    Appears Ailes is not, as many of us have suspected, not too thrilled with Palin, particularly since she disregarded his advice after the Gifford's shooting. Personally, I hope he corrects his course, takes away her private studio and no longer allows her mouth to run on any of his programming. Would LOVE to see him take down Hannity, also, too.

  50. Anonymous1:04 PM

    I think the fairy tales troll (those nice ladies in Wasilla)took a well deserved day off. As far as jobs go this one is pretty boring,i.e. having to stick to the same old talking points, the Palins are a happy family, all the hate makes them stronger, etc. Really, saying the same thing over and over is very easy, but so boring. So enjoy your vacation. We'll manage to get along without you.

  51. Anonymous1:04 PM

    I just got Joe's book. Holy smokes Batman...that woman is an idiot!

    She's a vindictive, know nothing, lazy ass sociopath. Thank God she is out there and exposed now for all to see.

    For those bots who think that Joe's book is all anonymous to be you! Many people close to her go on the record about their interactions with the DB.

  52. Anonymous1:09 PM

    Question to "Me Again", Is Piper in school or is she being home schooled? With all the money Sarah has you would think she'd hire a tutor for Piper to get caught up in her lessons.

  53. Palmer gal1:14 PM

    Hi Sarah,

    You are a coward. Period.

    If you really did give birth to Trig on April 18, 2008, prove it - or file a lawsuit.

    You are all talk and no action.

    A 'pitbull with lipstick' and a 'mama grizzly' my ass. More like a spineless geoduck.

  54. Anonymous1:20 PM

    And simply calling them "haters" or "disgruntled ex-staff members" does not negate the truth of what they are willing to share."

    But why are there so many disgruntled ex staffer? If you are a boss and you cannot keep employees,and the employes leave angry at you over and over and over, maybe there is some reason they leave and that hey are disgruntled. And it is not because their boss is a good Christian.
    When we look at the preponderance of the evidence it indicates that the commonsense conclusion is that something is wrong with the boss.

  55. Anonymous2:18 PM

    She's pretty much finished. Way too much sleaze and baggage, and a very dysfunctional marriage and family. She plays too many games with people, including her adoring fans who have fiercely been trying to stand by her and make excuses for her, while she continues to solicit donations from them for her PAC, while living well off it.

    Time for her to fade off into the sunset once and for all. Bye bye Scarah - you've made your bed, now go lie in it and stay there!

  56. Anonymous2:18 PM

    Git On In The Water Sarah!

    We are just a waiting for you.

    You fooled some Americans by trying to wrap yourself in a American flag claiming to be the mother who raised a combat vet. You lying piece of shit! You had to talk your son into joining the Army because you told him he owed it to you!

    You wanted to be able to stand in front of a Washington DC monument to show America YOUR patriotism, not Track's. Let's put it out there, Track did not join because of patriotism, he joined because of you and Todd felt it was better for your, image you retard!

    If it sounds like I'm pissed off it is because hundreds of thousands of men and women are serving in our Armed Forces so that you can lie your fucking self serving ass off.

  57. Anonymous2:37 PM

    Anonymous said...

    Question to "Me Again", Is Piper in school or is she being home schooled? With all the money Sarah has you would think she'd hire a tutor for Piper to get caught up in her lessons.

    1:09 PM

    "...... hire a tutor for Piper to get caught up in her lessons."

    Get caught up? Piper is a Palin!
    What do you mean Get Caught up?

    Piper's oldest brother did not graduate high school.

    Piper's oldest underage pregnant sister may have gotten her high school diploma only because her mother the governor called in some favors.

    Piper's second oldest sister got kicked out of school and was told she needs to be home schooled because she is interfering with the educating of kids in Alaska. Sarah has no control of Willow. Willow told Sarah to fuck off and has reverted to walking the streets of Los Angeles. Willow looks like she will be another Palin high school drop out.


  58. Anonymous2:38 PM

    @8:10-I don't guess you saw the interview where Jeanne and Shannon were sniggering about the tin-foil trig-truthers? Joe, no matter what he is or what he did, has risked his reputation to get the truth out. Those two, not so much.

  59. hedgewytch3:14 PM

    @ Palmer Gal - Hey, don't disparage geoducks, they have nothing in common (except for maybe the slimy party) with Palin! Geoducks are quite tasty, filter toxins out of the environment, and they are deep digging tenacious SOB's - which are traits that we all know Sarah doesn't understand or emulate.

    @ Anony 2:18. Track Palin entered the armed forces for one reason. It was that or jail time because of his little vandalism problem. Palin then got the bonus by being able to use him for her political fairy tale.

  60. Anonymous3:26 PM

    Palin attorney attacks. Sues McGuiness and Random House. ABC News.

  61. Anonymous3:39 PM

    Sarah still has friends in high places in Alaska, for example, Governor Parnell. They're all pro-life and many are willing to cover for fellow pro-lifers and make "haters" suffer. We're infected with Sarah's friends.

  62. Martha again6:35 PM

    If Sarah sues over a story or two, that means that she's admitting that the rest of them are true!

  63. Anonymous7:10 PM

    The irony in this ship is just rich!

    The 63-year-old Londoner, whose 30 films include Heidi Fleiss: Hollywood Madam, Kurt and Courtney, Biggie and Tupac and the memorable Tracking Down Maggie: The Unofficial Biography of Margaret Thatcher"

    A whore, two coke snorters, Two black icons, and the Prime Minister Sarah had SUCH a target on getting a photo op with,

    There are no coincidnenes!

  64. Anonymous7:43 PM

    When people live in an oppressed environment too long, their only survival mechanism is to clam up. I've lived in small towns in the lower 48 that remind me a little of Wasilla = Corrupt Government, useless corrupt police department, and Fanatics with lots of money to get their agendas tended to.

    I guess the difference is, at least where I lived it was pretty easy to move away and start over. Some people don't have that luxury, and I'm not surprised so many remain anonymous.
    People who don't understand, never will. So Joe using "Anonymous" sources makes it seem nefarious, but if he vetted what these people had to say before including them, and I believe he was diligent in that respect, then I have no issue with it.
    I think that's the false narrative the media equates with anonymous sources, but many truths have been exposed by "Deep Throats" and whistleblowers.

    They're brave enough to trust Joe and that says a lot about their veracity.

    Thanks, Anonymous ME AGAIN!

  65. Any comments from John McCain? Does he endorse Sarah Palin?
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