Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Professor Scharlott finally has the opportunity to publish his carefully researched article over at the Business Insider.

Courtesy of the Business Insider:

Three years ago, a sitting state governor and candidate for the vice-presidency of the United States, Sarah Palin, told a story about how she had given birth to her fifth child, Trig. 

Some details of this story quickly struck many observers as strange. As more information came to light, some observers came to suspect that, for unclear reasons, Palin had fabricated her pregnancy and lied about it--initially to her Alaska constituents and later to the country. 

Palin reacted angrily to this theory, and it was quickly dismissed as "nonsense" by much of the mainstream media and ignored during the 2008 Presidential campaign. Since then, attempts to settle the question once and for all have been met with silence or anger by those affiliated with Palin. 

Although Palin's supporters have successfully framed lingering questions about the Trig pregnancy as politically motivated attacks, the fact is that legitimate questions remain. And the one person who could instantly and forever put an end to the questions, Sarah Palin herself, has refused to address them. 

This article looks at some of the questions that remain about Palin's story. In my opinion, given that Sarah Palin was a vice-presidential candidate at the time she told this story--and is still often mentioned as a Presidential candidate--the world deserves a final, definitive answer to this question.

(To read the rest of this article please click the link at the top.)

Professor Scharlott left out a few portions that he considered might be too much for the average reader to absorb, including the different babies presented as Trig, but if you want to read the article in its entirety (Including a preponderance of foot notes) you can visit Scribd by clicking here.

Joe McGinniss really brought the babygate story out into the national spotlight so now is the perfect time to start writing about it and talking about it, to introduce the idea of the hoax to as many people as possible.

Personally THIS is what I have been working for, lo these many years, and I am beyond thrilled to see the story addressed by so many people, at so many different venues.

Wow, is September great or what?


  1. Anonymous8:38 AM

    Personally THIS is what I have been working for, lo these many years, and I am beyond thrilled to see the story addressed by so many people, at so many different venues.

    Wow, is September great or what?


    Yeah, September is great.

    Do you have any actual, ya know, proof?

  2. Anonymous8:55 AM

    Does Sarah have any proof? You think she would have showed it by now if it bothers her so much. All she has to do is get a DNA paternity test done. Why is that so hard? What is she hiding? Hmmmm.

  3. Anchorage Attorney9:01 AM

    A word about the election-eve letter from Dr. CBJ. This has been a stumbling block to some of us. Either it is proof that SP did give birth to Trig, or it is proof that Dr. J is a liar or "paid off". I do not believe either.

    As an attorney I have helped many a witness prepare a statement, affidavit, or answers to interrogatories. While you can't put words in the witness' mouth, you can help them shape the statement to best suit the client's interest. That is exactly what the Dr. J "letter" is: drafted by a lawyer for the McCain campaign, after asking probing questions of Dr. J, then with some back-and-forth editing until Dr. J could hold her nose and sign it. Glaring by it's absence is a statement that it is based on Dr. J's "personal
    knowledge" - an essential ingredient if it were to be formally offered as proof in any court. It says that SP patronized Dr. J's practice group, and that Dr. J was SP's family physician. All the rest, including the sentence about SP giving birth to a Down's baby in 2008, appears to be hearsay, and could well be "this is what I was told by SP", not "I personally know this to be true". And so, Dr. J could repeat the story (lie?) without lying herself.

  4. Anonymous 8:38

    The proof is evident in the article, moron.

  5. Anonymous9:06 AM


    sooo sux to be you todd, doesn't it ?

  6. To anon 8:38: What would you consider proof, short of a participant in a hoax spilling the beans?

    Overwhelming circumstantial evidence may be used as proof in a courtroom. So is there overwhelming circumstantial evidence?

    Why don't you read the article first, and then give us your opinion. (Hi Sarah or Bristol, if either of you posted the above.)

  7. Anonymous9:09 AM

    I so hope this asshole of a woman is brought down.

    Many of us in Alaska already know how horrid she and Todd are and the lies and unethical acts they have been involved in over the past years.

    It is beyond time the rest of the USA is made aware of this couple.

    Thanks for all your hard work - Joe McGinniss, Professor Scharlott, IM, and Todd's sexual partner.

  8. Sally in MI9:10 AM

    If we can get more people aware of this fraud and talking about, Palin will either have to put up or shut up. And to ANON8:38, did the GOP EVER have proof of their lie about the President and his birth? Never one shred. We have pictures, we have conflicting stories, we have a woman looking marathon ready one minute and 8 months pregnant the next, hopping on airplanes while she was reportedly leaking amnio fluid with an at-risk pregnancy, yet two sets of airline personnel noticed nothing. And she was 'desperate' enough for the baby that she calmly read a magazine between flights.

  9. Anonymous9:10 AM

    Every day we are learning about Todd and Sarah's extra marital affairs (Shailey Tripp, Brad Hanson, Curt Menard Jr, Todd’s love of prostitutes and there has to be others.

    With all these sexual cheatings going on between Todd and Sarah, if Bristol is not Trig's birth mother then Trig has to be Todd's son from another cheating affair / prostitute and Sarah could not let this family secret out so she adopted Trig. This would explain why there is no mother / DS son bond or relationship between Trig and Sarah. Sarah is not Trig’s mother and she resents it.

    History shows that Sarah's image is more important to her than anything in her life. With Sarah thinking she could be vp or president, Sarah needed to portray her family as All American with Christian family values.

    1. Sarah wanted real bad to adopt Tripp from Bristol and Levi to protect Sarah’s image. Sarah could not have her underage pregnant high school daughter be seen with a baby.

    2. It was revealed that Sarah and Todd pressured Track to join the Army and told Track that he owed it to them so that Sarah could tell the world that she raised a combat vet even though it was finally revealed Track was not a combat vet. Soon after that combat vet scam was brought to light, Sarah became very quiet about Track’s time served in the Army. Sarah was not proud that Track’s job in Iraq which was to drive Army officers around in the green safe zone. Track was not a decorated combat vet and Sarah was not the mother of a combat vet.

    Hate to say this, but Sarah would have been prouder to be able to say she is a mother of a combat vet who gave his life for his country. Sarah would of gotten better press from that than the press she received for being the mother of a DS baby.

    So in quest for the office of POTUS, would Sarah want the world to know that her sexiness, Sarah Palin, could not keep her man's interest and that her husband Todd went off and screwed another woman and had a baby? It was better for Sarah to buy and adopt Trig from Todd's lover.

    No questions needs to be asked or answered about their dysfunctional family.

  10. Anonymous9:10 AM

    Proof = March 14th AP photo.
    Andrew Sullivan has had it with the pseudo-journalists dissing a book they haven't read when they fucking actively promoted Sarah Palin as something she is not. In fact, she's the complete opposite.
    It's a beautiful September...

  11. Anonymous9:12 AM

    blow off troll,
    don't you need to go buy diapers for all your 'kids'
    or get busy on your reality show

  12. Anonymous9:17 AM

    8:38 - wow, I didn't realize Trolls were able to move that fast. One imagines them much too large and dense to move quickly and much too slow and dense to think quickly. What a pleasant surprise that Troll must have their own Wellness programs.

    The proof needs to come from Sarah Palin. She is the one who hyped the Mother of the Century persona, the caring pro-life mother who lovingly brought forth into this land, the Down's Syndrome baby and endured a Wild Ride. She is the one who has profited from this Wonder of Wonders. She is the one who has staked her career on the birth of this child.

    That there are photographs that taunt sensible, rational minds showing a flat belly Sarah transformed into a full-fledged preggo in much less than a month should be prove enough to raise valid questions. Come on, if you have eyes, you have to ask questions.

  13. Gasman9:17 AM

    Anon @ top of the queue,
    You are an asshole. As with all Palin brown nosing sycophants you demand that Palin's doubters disprove a negative. Fuck you. It has been CLEARLY demonstrated that there are dozens of discrepancies, highly questionable claims, and outright impossibilities that surround Palin's mythology of Trig's birth. It is Palin's responsibility to prove that it actually happened.

    The teabagger birther buffoons have demanded constant proof and reaffirmation of President Obama's legitimacy as a U.S. citizen even though no credible doubts have EVER been raised. Palin has NEVER produced even a SINGLE PIECE OF VERIFIABLE EVIDENCE which supports her impossible version of events. The entire foundation of her tale comes ONLY from Palin. Not a single confirming witness to the birth - or even Palin's presence in MATSU in the time in question - has ever been produced.

    Palin could settle this matter once and for all if she either produced such a witness or Trig's birth certificate. That she steadfastly refuses to do either is damning proof that she is a fraud.

    She could embarrass - and silence in perpetuity - all of the bloggers, all of her detractors, all of her critics, all of her opponents with but a single piece of paper - Trig's birth certificate. If President Obama is required to produce multiple copies of his birth certificate for no valid reason, Palin should absolutely be required to produce Trig's birth certificate over HUNDREDS of legitimate questions.

    Palin has NEVER been able to walk away from any squabble, no matter how petty. It is inconceivable that she would have such a giant cudgel to wield against her many foes and NOT use it.

    Which means that she cannot, because to produce Trig's birth certificate would prove that she has been lying all along.

    Look at the difference between the way the MSM in this country covers this story and the way the foreign press covers it. It is my opinion that our press will assiduously avoid this story as long as possible because it highlights their own incompetency and sloth. They will only cover it when they cannot help but do so.

    Given the GOP model that has been in play for 30 years, if you repeat a lie often enough, people will come to believe its merits. The same strategy can also be used for the truth. If we collectively repeat the truth regarding Palin's faked pregnancy, eventually, inevitably, the MSM will be unable to keep quiet, no matter how much they would like to do so.

    So, keep shouting it from every mountainside, from every valley: SARAH PALIN FAKED A PREGNANCY!

  14. Anonymous9:21 AM

    The Palins have gotten away with so many lies that they really thought the rest of the country was as intimidated by them as it seems Alaskans are. That a low I.Q. person such as Palin went so far is really a testament to the educational system of the US. That so many are either easily fooiled, or too lazy to question anything. Bristles is following in Momma's footsteps, with her "godson" Where is Gino Paoletti, or Ben Barber? Were they paid off also, too?

  15. Anonymous9:21 AM

    How can we be sure that the media will actually report on this? It is incredible that it has taken this long for the truth to surface and I'm not feeling confident that it will. I don't have cable. The only time I saw the truth about Palin being talked about was a video of the Today Show interview with McGinnis.

  16. Anon @ 9:05a:

    If youda spelled it "moran," Anon @ 8:38a probly woulda got your message. -:)

  17. Anonymous9:28 AM

    Yeah, I don't blame him one bit for the multiple babies thing. There is so much other evidence. Having people think he is Orly Taitz from the get go would not be good;)

    NOT saying that we are anything like Orly but for the average person it does sound positively crazy. Just like SP lying about everything.

    Thanks for bringing this to our attention. This is definitely a September to remember.

  18. Anonymous9:31 AM

    O/T, but interesting, including the last sentence. Ted Casablanca (EOnline) on why Palin isn't running for president. Yeah, he's a Hollywood gossip columnist, maybe Bristol's been talking.

    "So what dashed Sarah's Commander-in-Chief dreams?

    Consider it an image problem.

    We hear that Sarah is now trying to distance herself from her longtime unofficial "publicist" Rebecca Mansour (who founded the website Conservative4Palin). For a while now, Sarah would consult Rebecca on anything she did, but they recently broke it off.

    And so now Sarah is without guidance, or so we hear. And at the worst opportune time—like, say, when two damning books come out that accuse the for VP wannabe of cocaine use, affairs, and mama drama.

    Oh, and she's fully aware of what everyone's saying about her, by the way. 'Cause coke allegations aren't the only thing Sarah has in common with Lindsay Lohan. They both also read everything (and we do mean everything) printed about them."


  19. Anonymous9:34 AM

    cant someone just get a diaper from tripp and trig and dna test them. wont mitochondrial dna tell the story here? and these tests have to be cheaper than the $10,000 offered as reward.

  20. Gasman does it again, in his own inimitable way.

    The corporate media will avoid, like the plague, anything to do with the faked pregnancy. They were burned badly with the WMD fraud and the al Queda in Iraq fraud, both produced by the Cheney Administration.

    Now, they're being backed against the wall and tapdancing as fast as they can to avoid being called out for this. Tappity, tap; tappity, tap. (Such a lovely sound!)

  21. The only decent Palin seems to be Track and his wife, Britta. No publicity seeking behavior...if anything, they're staying as far away from the $arah freak show as possible. I hope they have a good life together, and keep their daughter away from $arah!!!

  22. Anonymous9:47 AM

    Someone/anonymous has posted frequently on this blog, that SP got fixed after having Piper, so, if true, SP would be incapable of getting pregnant with Trig.

  23. Anonymous9:48 AM


    todd, did you know you're a white trash,
    waterass punk ?

  24. Anonymous9:51 AM

    Do you have any actual, ya know, proof?

    8:38 AM
    What is proved is that Sarah Palin is mentally unstable. Either Palin faked a pregnancy or she criminally endangered the life of an unborn child (and BOASTS of it). Both of those scenarios indicate mental problems.

    That's proof that Sarah Palin is unfit for political office.

    The McCain staffers discussed the fact that Palin was mentally unstable. They documented that in a book.

    Powerful people were willing to put a mentally unstable person in position to possibly become the President of the United States.

    Pretty darned scary.

    It is very hard for some people to realize that by clinging to the wild ride scenario they are saying Palin is mentally unstable. They think that "can't have a fish picker from Texas" somehow sanctifies Palin's wild ride story. They are hoping no one will notice...

    the woman is NUTS.

  25. Anonymous9:52 AM

    So, Professor, are they queuing up for that $10,000 yet? Hmmmm, I thought not.

  26. Anonymous9:58 AM


    Just to preface my questions: I am every bit anti-SP as you are, and anything credible that will unveil the real SP, I'm all for. I've followed the "babygate" theories on your blog to a degree, and although I find serious doubt in her storyline, I can't get away from one question that I don't think you have really addressed with any clarity... If the baby isn't hers, where did he come from, and if you say Bristol, then where did Tripp come from? Also, if Bristol was pregnant during DWTS, where is that baby? There are too many babies appearing from seemingly nowhere. Wouldn't other people who would necessarily be involved talk? I really want to grab onto the babygate coverup, but without answers to these questions, I'm left puzzled. I obviously haven't read everything you've posted, so perhaps I missed something?? Would you mind filling me in on those two questions, even if it's repetitive?

  27. Anonymous9:58 AM

    On the matter of the trolls...I picture those two or three nice ladies on Sarahpac's payroll, sitting around Wasilla, in their homes, continually refreshing this site and others. They were given talking points eg. "the haters make them stronger", "they are such a happy family", "I know this for a fact". They aren't allowed to deviate much from their script. They seem like respectable ladies making some easy money. If it were Bristol or Willow, the responses would be very vulgar.

  28. Anonymous10:09 AM

    Brad: FABULOUS!

    Gryphen: FABULOUS!

    The $2 for Tuesday organizer: Thank you for proposing such a good idea -- of PayPal-ing $2 to IM today as a dollar-vote indication of support for IM. I just did, and because the NUMBER of people who respond is as important as the $total, I hope if anyone chooses not to contribute, they will send IM an email of support! (I have no stock ownership in this site, but I am hoping you and the other bloggers + Brad will win the Pulitzer for this.) --Amy1

  29. Anonymous10:12 AM

    Anchorage Attorney 9:01 -- I'd suggest a third option. That S Palin forged or altered the letter. There are enough odd features to it to make a reasonable person suspect that. Including the timing of its release.

  30. JayKen Knotstirred10:12 AM

    Hi Sarah, Welcome Back!

    Quick question, Where's Trigs Birth Certificate?

  31. Anonymous10:12 AM

    Bristol has her own fertile Quiverfull thing going: three babies, all in plain sight. I especially like her "god child" living with her now. PLEASE

  32. Anonymous10:13 AM

    Is this the equivalent of the great birth certificate conspiracy? If not, why not?

  33. Anonymous10:13 AM

    Such classy, nice people the blogs attract.

  34. "you can help them shape the statement"...Does that include cockeyed letter with a header, body and signature at 3 different relative angles? :-)

  35. Anonymous10:16 AM

    Rouge September? It's harvest time...

    Me likes!


  36. Anonymous10:21 AM

    LOL that you very first comment came from one of the Palin family members. I ask you the same question...where is your proof that the stories aren't true? Should be easy enough to come up with.

    Every time I see the picture above, I realize it is not a real baby at all, but one of those newborn baby dolls you can buy on ebay.

    Speaking of happy family pictures....I always wonder why there aren't any pictures of the whole family at the hospital, welcoming their new brother. Every single baby born into our extended family is greeted by many family visitors and we take many pictures. Yet, not a single picture of them all gathered around in celebration? Not just for this fake baby, but for Tripp or Track's baby.

    Same with Graduations etc. There seems to be no record of them ever gathering together in celebration.

    But, never mind this lack of any evidence, our resident troll reminds us constantly that they are such a strong, happy, laughing, family.

    One word...Bullshit. Or because they are so profoundly f'd up...it is two words..BULL SHIT!!!

  37. You know this is not silly Tom Cruise/Katie Holmes stuff. Who cares what they do for celebrity or money? This is someone who wants to rule, yes, I mean rule, our country. She wants her bible to become our constitution. I firmly believe that McCain would not have lived long if they had won. These very extreme right wing religions, all of them, believe anything is alright in the name of God. If they believe it is perfectly fine to kill a Dr who has performed abortions imagine how "filled with grace" they would be if they were able to make every wacko rule they have into a law.It is frightening to think about it and I guarantee you that McCain has heard it but does not believe it.

  38. Anonymous10:25 AM

    Tougher-n-Nails Craig Medred wants to know where Todd Palin's balls are.

    They're in Sarah's purse, Craig!!!

    I LOVE Medred today!

    Here's a couple tidbits from his piece in the Alaska Dispatch:

    "This is a man?"
    Todd now describes guys who piss him off with something as mild as "this is a man?" You've got to be kidding. That's girly talk. It almost makes you wonder if Todd wrote, dictated, mumbled or in any other way authored the statement dispatched around the globe in his name with the click of a couple of computer keys.

    "And as for "creepy," inviting filmmakers into your home to record the boyfriend of your daughter sneaking upstairs into her room with the suggestion there might be some hanky-panky going on there; well, that was "creepy." Especially against the backdrop of your bad luck in having another unmarried teenage daughter get pregnant. There's some "innuendo" in that "Sarah Palin's Alaska" segment, in case you didn't notice, and positive innuendo it isn't."

    Yep. Parents of the Century, those two.

    You might also like:


  39. nogravity10:25 AM

    Anonymous said...
    On the matter of the trolls...I picture those two or three nice ladies on Sarahpac's payroll, sitting around Wasilla, in their homes, continually refreshing this site and others. They were given talking points eg. "the haters make them stronger", "they are such a happy family", "I know this for a fact".

    You better believe they are. If you look on the stats for this site you'll see a couple of ip addresses from Wasilla that have over 2000 page views for September alone. And also for whatever reason an ip from Los Angeles with a couple of thousand hits.

  40. Martha again10:26 AM

    I don't know if my message will get to the BI page, as it had to go through a couple hoops I didn't have. BUT. Could someone go on over and point people to the interesting motive so diligently supported by our friend Laura Novak, that the whole thing could have been driven by an effort to commit insurance fraud?

  41. Anonymous10:26 AM

    O/T - Just saw ad that Levi is on Dr. Phil today (Tues Sep 20)

  42. Anonymous10:27 AM

    Come on, Sarah, ante up.

  43. nogravity10:30 AM

    Forgot to post my original post but that picture above of Sarah - her eyes look like she's either hiding something or she has gas. Things aren't right in Glocca Morra.

  44. Todd DAMMIT!10:31 AM

    I TOLD you to wear that Empathy belly ALL the time! But would you listen to me? NOooooooo.
    Now the press and those Damn Bloggers are getting closer to the truth everyday!
    I hope you're happy Juicy!

  45. Anonymous10:34 AM

    Anon@9:58 -- Yes, that's the first question most people ask upon hearing about the possibility of the great Palin Baby Hoax: who, then, is the bioMom of Trig?

    But it is important to recognize that, while very interesting indeed, this question is irrelevant to the main issue, which is that Palin WAS NOT PREGNANT as stated. She hoaxed us. Proof? a ton of circumstantial and the Mar 14 photo. Which NO ONE who believes Palin innocent of the hoax can satisfactorily explain.

    Explanations offered so far:

    --a "sunrise pregnancy," which shows only above the waist, which is a medical impossibility (or a miracle, if you prefer).

    --SP was starving the fetus in hopes of a fundie abortion: if so she would appear extremely malnourished, would be losing teeth, but would still "show." And She would not have the watermelon-sized belly on April 13 (which is a fake belly).

    --other explanations? There are none. SP's "tight abs" explanation, and "low-amniotic-fluid day" (facetiously suggested on Audrey's site) do not work. Unless it was a miracle.

    Where did the baby/babies come from? We don't know for sure. Let Sarah explain that.

    But it is clear that Palin was not pregnant with Trig as stated. This is not about Trig, not about other members of her family. It is about a political candidate deliberately hoaxing a nation via an innocent disabled child in an attempt to influence a presidential election. It is about those who enabled her (McCain and staff), who funded her (Murdoch for the $7M book advance plus jet rides, Franklin graham, Kochs, Ailes for the Fox contract, etc.), probably the Dominionists (Paxton as a middle name??), and the MSM who failed to cover it.

    A national scandal and hoax of unprecedented proportion which perfectly symbolizes the bankrupt "family values" it was intended to sell us.


  46. The fact that E Online is reporting on her is the point I was going to make. Since she isn't in office any longer and hasn't declared as a candidate, she isn't on the media's national news beat or politics beat. She's now a Fox News commentator (a la Karl Rove) and reality tv celebrity, sometimes fake author and very expensive word-salad tosser (speechmaker).

    She rants in tweets and on Facebook and goes on Fox as their pit bull when they need someone to attack the President, "crony capitalism," healthy living, the Republican Party, socialism, health care, progress or whatever.

    If she ran for office in Alaska, Arizona or for president, she would be put on the national politics or state politics beat. Right now she treads between the lines and it saves her from truth-seekers.

    This is also why people are saying this issue shouldn't matter and she isn't important. Despite her PAC, she's not a politician; despite her influence, she isn't "in power." The fact that she is worshiped by the evangelicals and Tea Party who look to her to bring about the second coming, the political media and news media don't think she is a legitimate story.

    God, I hope she runs.

  47. Anonymous10:43 AM

    9:58 - you said yourself you haven't read every post. Why not utilize the search function on the right hand side of the main page of this blog.

    There are also "cloud-like" links and a list of major, recent topics you can access.

    Gryphen may well address your questions, but why not do the basic background homework yourself?

    Just saying. He's made it easy for you.

  48. This is such an important article. The media complicity in Sarah's rise to prominence is the real story. I'm disappointed that the article isn't being published in a more widely circulated magazine but I guess that would require the publisher to answer the questions.

    I have so much respect for the tenacity of those who keep this story alive.

  49. Anonymous10:48 AM

    Yeah, he was smart not to get into the ruffle-ear/multiple babies thing. It's not necessary. All you need to start with is Palin's own constantly shifting story and the photos.

    @ 8:55 am: Even if Palin had proof, why would she show it? She's made an entire career out of "being victimized by evil librul haters." She's not just going to throw that away.

    The "response" from "Todd" over Joe's book is clear proof of how she operates. Gotta trigger the macho protective instincts of her white, over 50 male followers! That's where the cash is flowing from.

    She's a moron, but she's shrewd when it comes to manipulating people with sex.

    Doesn't sound much like Queen Esther, but she does seem a lot like another female biblical figure...

  50. Grey Lensman10:49 AM

    I've downloaded his research paper to a flashdrive.

    Making sure people see it, but this is great, and about time, also, too.

  51. Anonymous11:01 AM

    I love you!!! Well, really your way of thinking and expressing the obvious!!

  52. Anonymous11:02 AM

    I obviously haven't read everything you've posted, so perhaps I missed something?? Would you mind filling me in on those two questions, even if it's repetitive?

    You missed a hell of a lot. Much too much to repeat. Go back and do your homework, silly "I'm just asking" troll. Or, just read Brad's article. Lucky for you, you can just click the link in Gryphen's article, the one at the top. Go ahead. We'll wait.

  53. Anon 9:58 - No need for you to grab on to babygate. Keep asking your questions. But direct them to the person who can answer them. Ask Sarah or ask the media to hold her accountable which is what Brad Scharlott is doing.

  54. Anonymous11:11 AM

    Well, at least we now know that books do not go through strenuous legal tests. (talking about Levi)

    And we know even Joe can make mini errors. I wish Joe would have taken a bit longer to refine some things. He definitely writes bluntly, but it's a little to arbitray.

  55. Anonymous11:14 AM

    I have been told off-the-record of individuals highly placed in the mainstream media who concede Palin likely perpetrated a hoax, yet they have made no move to cover the story. Why? Fear of being pilloried? A desire to not look foolish for having been fooled in 2008? Resistance from media owners, some of whom may wish to protect the Republican Party from looking inept – or treacherous – for having picked a VP candidate capable of such a hoax?

    Hi again lovely progressives, it's me 8.38 again.

    I needed tissue after all your insults...I'm sure your normal progressive selves were not able to shine through and actually have a debate.

    #1 I'm no Palin supporter, you're just beating a dead horse. Do you not think there are more important issues facing the country than whether loser Palin faked her pregnancy? She's toast, move on.

    #2 Look at the above that I copied form the article...implies people in the media know but won't pursue it because they may be afraid. Really? We've had journalists die on battlefields for stories far more important than this and NOBODY of any consequence will pursue it.

    Kind of tells me something.

    Next time you accuse the GOP or anyone else of just hurling insults, have a look at the comments thrown my way.

    Physician, heal thyself.

  56. Anonymous11:14 AM

    Probably just what I want to see...maybe.

    In the photo at the top, Todd looks happy, Sarah does not.

  57. Anonymous11:16 AM

    Haven't read all the comments in all the recent threads yet, so apologies if this is a repeat:

    Here is Andrew Sullivan on why Joe's book is relevant, despite protests to the contrary by the MSM:

    "But it remains, in my view, deeply relevant to this country's institutions that we fully investigate and understand how a delusional, unstable, ignorant, vicious unknown came to be selected by a tiny group of people with no serious vetting to be potentially one heart beat away from the presidency of the US. The magnitude of that error should make anyone who cares about this democracy worry. Palin is different - less qualified than anyone in history, shielded from press scrutiny, able to get away with constant lies and absurd stories because of a cowed press, terrified of being called 'liberal.'"

  58. Anonymous11:25 AM

    KNOCKDOWN, DRAGOUT, Palin's BFF goes for the jugular.


  59. Anonymous11:31 AM

    to anon @ 9:34

    DNA testing will not help here except to show if Trig's mother is not from the Palin clan.

    mtDNA is passed from mother to child virtually unchanged. Mutations do occur, but are rare and on average happen about every 20,000 years.

    An mtDNA test would not be able to tell if Sarah, Bristol, Willow, or Sally, for that matter, were Trig's mother.

  60. Anonymous11:32 AM

    Palin could very easily put all of this to rest if she is Trig's real mom. Yet the drama continues - the mystery, and it is all such a joke already! What she needs to do is have a DNA test of her AND Todd, and the results of that should show who Trig's REAL parents are. So why doesn't she just go out and do this already?

    This woman is so surrounded by drama and "mystery" that it is sickening already! America faces serious problems, and doesn't need someone like her and her dysfunctional family in the White House. She is just a complete waste of time already.

  61. Anonymous11:38 AM

    "The more they run your name down, the more your value goes up."

  62. Anonymous11:38 AM

    Did anyone who watched her speech in Texas ever come out and say she looked "pregnant" or not? Why haven't we ever heard from the people who were there in Texas who actually saw her?

  63. Anonymous11:39 AM

    I was so pleased to offer up a donation to you today in honor of three years of fun and brillant blogging you have done. Please keep it up as we near the finish line on Paylin, the Great Faker!

  64. Anonymous @ 10:12 AM said...
    Bristol has her own fertile Quiverfull thing going: three babies, all in plain sight. I especially like her "god child" living with her now. PLEASE

    That is a very interesting bit of information.
    Do you have any additional details? Pictures?

  65. Anchorage Attorney12:25 PM

    A word about the election-eve letter from Dr. CBJ. This has been a stumbling block to some of us. Either it is proof that SP did give birth to Trig, or it is proof that Dr. J is a liar or "paid off". I do not believe either.

    As an attorney I have helped many a witness prepare a statement, affidavit, or answers to interrogatories. While you can't put words in the witness' mouth, you can help them shape the statement to best suit the client's interest. That is exactly what the Dr. J "letter" is: drafted by a lawyer for the McCain campaign, after asking probing questions of Dr. J, then with some back-and-forth editing until Dr. J could hold her nose and sign it. Glaring by it's absence is a statement that it is based on Dr. J's "personal
    knowledge" - an essential ingredient if it were to be formally offered as proof in any court. It says that SP patronized Dr. J's practice group, and that Dr. J was SP's family physician. All the rest, including the sentence about SP giving birth to a Down's baby in 2008, appears to be hearsay, and could well be "this is what I was told by SP", not "I personally know this to be true". And so, Dr. J could repeat the story (lie?) without lying herself.

  66. Anonymous12:25 PM

    9:01am - attorney my ass.

  67. Anonymous12:33 PM

    @9:58 "If the baby isn't hers, where did he come from, and if you say Bristol, then where did Tripp come from? Also, if Bristol was pregnant during DWTS, where is that baby?"

    1. TriG came from rent-a-baby - Gina Loudon's factory

    2. Tripp is the product of a Johnston.

    3. DWTS baby could be the new 'godson' OR if she was humungous in the first trimester - Track's new one.

    plenty of babies to go around - add Willow's and there's another one.

  68. Anonymous12:33 PM

    Anon@11:32: Palin already HAD a DNA test done, or so she said. The too-early amnio (at 12 weeks instead of the usual 16weeks). As you may know, amniotic fluid can be where DNA is harvested from, for those exceedingly few people who MUST have a paternity test before the birth of a baby. As a no-choice advocate, she surely did not do the amnio so she could use the results to decide whether to abort.

    Why would it be so important for SP to identify paternity for sure, rather than just asking the fetus's mother? Hmmm?

    Or maybe there was no amnio at all: Palin herself is the only source of the amnio story, and we do know her well-documented record about lying.

  69. Levi pays $1600/month in child support, say his ghostwriters:

    And Sully is on the MSM's case:

  70. Dis Gusted12:35 PM


    as if an attorney is going to waste time posting on a blog - how ridiculous can a zombierat be?

  71. Anonymous12:35 PM

    O/T - Great News!!

    Cenk Uygur - The Young Turks signed by Current TV!!!!

    Current said that it would be launching an "original television version" of "The Young Turks." The network did not give a start date for the program, saying only that it would air in the fourth quarter of 2011. The show will air at 7 PM, just before Countdown.

  72. eva marie12:36 PM

    I have seen that picture you have on this post before but it is still striking to me how UN-postpartum she looks in that picture. That woman did not give birth to that baby in her arms three days prior to the photograph!

  73. Anonymous12:48 PM

    #1 I'm no Palin supporter, you're just beating a dead horse. Do you not think there are more important issues facing the country than whether loser Palin faked her pregnancy? She's toast, move on.


    8:38, I still can't figure out why you're here trying to stop a tidal wave. Especially if you think it's a dead horse. How come you're not the one moving on?

  74. eva marie12:58 PM

    Speaking of pregnancies: a 43 year old 5' 235lb woman gave birth not knowing she was pregnant.


  75. Anonymous1:04 PM

    I read a short report on Levi's book. He added the information that Sarah claimed to have been leaking a few drops (of amniotic fluid) a day for a month (during that last soc-called pregnancy with Trig). That alone should have been a major warning sign to run to the doctor at the first couple of drops. Waiting a month, a few drops a day, to give a speech in Texas, not to mention flying back and forth for more time than Sarah spent in Texas. What a way to handle a pregnancy, especially since Sarah claimed to know that she was expecting a DS child.

    Doctors should have warned Sarah that risks occurred after 35 years old and she needed to be seen more often than in previous pregnancies. (It would be nice to see a record of Sarah's prenatal checkups). Expecting a DS child carried additional risks of premature birth and distress of the baby at birth, complications with heart and/or breathing. That should have been reason enough to seek the care of an OB who specialized in high risk deliveries instead of using a family doctor with a specialty in teen abuse. Sarah's doctor should have arranged for her to deliver at a hospital with neonatal care facilities (which were not present at MatSu).

    Either way, Sarah's story does not put her in a good light. If that was a real pregnancy Sarah's choices were life-threatening to a potential life and to her own. Flying while leaking (back and forth now, thanks Levi) put all of the passengers on the plane at risk too. Who wants to have their flight diverted for an emergency landing while they rush the pregnant passenger off to the nearest hospital.

    It would be better for Sarah to admit that she covered for Bristol out of a mother's love for her young daughter and the DS grandchild who needed good care. That would be an easier story to sell than all of the bad choices that Sarah made, now that we know that she was leaking for a month before Texas.

  76. Smirnonn1:05 PM

    @Gasman 9:17

    Excellent post! You had me from the first sentence!



  77. Anonymous1:17 PM

    Here's what just dawned on me...Joe's book is FLAWLESS opposition research for the GOP Presidential Candidates, right there at their fingertips. They can use any of the 'innuendos and lies' in whatever they see fit in ads and such, but never have to source their source since now it's all over the news, the blogs the talk shows, all they have to do is 'plug in' to the current information hitting the airwaves for the next while as the books and the movie make their way into the fabric of the media and therefore people's consciousness, it's all their for the cherrypicking.

    Make no mistake about it, the 'elite' media can push back all they want, but this is RIGHT NOW being discussed in beauty salons and barbershops, coffee clutches and backyard over the fences, school hallways and college dorms. It's being whispered in churches and marveled at over Bingo games. It's being chatted up in book clubs and community gatherings and blasted around the internet in every language. It's being surrepticiously passed around, Joe's book, among Sarah's 'Ril Amerikans', those small town, heartland folks that Sarah's always singing to, yeah, they're getting a real new picture of their Saint Sarah. And it ain't a pretty one.

    I suspect THIS is what Joe had in mind, but the National Enquirer focusing on the more 'juicy bits' set the blaze a burnin' before the slow sizzle that's about to happen...

  78. Anonymous1:37 PM

    Doesn't sound much like Queen Esther, but she does seem a lot like another female biblical figure...

    10:48 AM


    Can you help us people with no biblical knowledge with who the other "female biblical figure" is? I ask this only as a person that was not raised christian and know absolutely nothing of the bible.

  79. Two For Tuesday!1:58 PM

    Everyone, please don't forget to send Gryphen $2 today via Paypal if you're able- and more if you can!

    Thanks so much to all who have already donated! It should be noted for the record that I did this on my own and did not even ask Gryphen if it was okay. Frankly I was worried he'd shut me down because his blog isn't and never has been about money.

    Over the last three years when I have felt such despair over feeling alone in being absolutely certain Sarah Palin faked a pregnancy, I could always come here and Gryphen made me feel like I at least was in good company on the battlefield.

    Please send $2 (the paypal button is on the main IM page in the upper right sidebar) or $5 or whatever you can spare or feel comfortable sending. I'd love for Gryph to get inbox notifications ALL day, letting him know we appreciate him and want to demonstrate that by sending $2 until drop by drop, it adds up to something Gryph can really use.

    Thanks again to all who have donated! If you can't send $2 (some people simply have no disposable income; I understand) then please leave Gryphen a note in the comments letting him know how much he is appreciated. Gryphen has been lied to, lied ABOUT, bullied mercilessly, threatened, and God knows what else by the Palinbots and even the Cocaine Queen herself.

    Today is our chance to make it just a little more "worth it"!

  80. Anonymous2:06 PM

    @8:38 & 11:14

    Try not to be too offended. People come here to vent their frustrations and suspicions, and it gets pretty rough. It's not a liberal or conservative issue; it's a rudeness issue.

    You expressed the opinion that the babygate issue is irrelevant so why focus on it. Lots of people disagree with you, but so what? A couple years ago I would have agreed with you, but looking at the evidence convinced me otherwise -- the reason being that IF it's true SP did not give birth to Trig, then she has perpetrated a monumental, sympathy-gaining fraud on the public, and deserves to be called out on it. And if she's capable of such fraud, why would any thinking American want her anywhere near the White House?

    It's the fraud aspect of the issue that is important. The fact that it has to do with a child is secondary in importance, IMHO.

  81. For anyone who, like me, missed the Book TV interview, it will be aired several times this coming weekend.


  82. PalinsHoax2:43 PM

    Oh look. There's the proud Palins showing off "My Puppy".

    They even had a little blue tag saying "My Puppy" stitched to the baby's cap in the photo, so that the intended receiver of this photo could see that the Palins had indeed picked up and received "My Puppy".

    The photo was a finishing touch to their "Puppy" e-mail correspondence. (Gryphen, can you display a copy of the Palin e-mails referencing "Puppy"?)

    By the way $carah, did someone give you "My Puppy" or did you buy "My Puppy"?

    Rumour has it that you are barren since your tubes were tied up and cauterized after Piper, so that would mean that you yourself could not produce "My Puppy."

    Yes, thanks photo sure does tell a story, doesn't it?

  83. DominionistEscapee3:08 PM

    Unfortunately, today I'm in the "can't afford $2" category, although I did want to contribute. Maybe in a few days when I get paid, I'll be able to chip in. But I do want to join everyone else who's thanking Gryphen for his integrity, perseverance, sense of humor, and relentless determination to expose the truth.

  84. Anonymous3:11 PM

    Last line of the article:

    "If American journalists do not finally, belatedly, look into how Palin perhaps perpetrated one of the greatest political hoaxes in our country’s history, it will stand forever as a testament to how timid and easily manipulated the press can be."

  85. I think Anchorage Attorney is exactly right. In fact, I make the same argument in my paper. The good doctor has been victimized by Palin, I think.

  86. With all these sexual cheatings going on between Todd and Sarah, if Bristol is not Trig's birth mother then Trig has to be Todd's son from another cheating ...


    What. the hell. are you talking about??

    How does Sarah n Todd cheating lead to Bristol not being Trig's mother?

    And even if Bristol DID cheat on Levi, she'd still be Trig's mom (as far as the Babygate "evidence" is concerned).

    "Trig has to be Todd's son from another cheating"

    HAS to be?

    ugh. It seems you're only trying to "muddy up the waters" or make this Babygate thing sound EVEN more ridiculous (sorry, there's no room to spare).

  87. Anonymous4:11 PM

    ---Anonymous said...
    "The more they run your name down, the more your value goes up."
    11:38 AM---

    doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results is Insanity.

  88. Anonymous5:28 PM

    "The more they run your name down, the more your value goes up."

    11:38 AM

    Where in the heck did that quote come from? It is totally asinine! What "value" does a liar and a cheater achieve by being caught? I think this wins the stupidest comment of the year award!

  89. Looking at this picture and Todd's face makes me think that if he had never gotten mixed up with Sarah and married someone else, then maybe, he could have had a better, happier life as a simple family man. But I also need new glasses so take that into consideration too.

  90. Anonymous6:18 PM

    Anonymous said...

    Such classy, nice people the blogs attract.

    10:13 AM

    ...and yet, here you are, reading.

    Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!

  91. Anonymous6:29 PM

    I too leaked amniotic fluid, however I was at 39 weeks plus 3 days. I was hospitalized given 12 hours to go in to labor or be induced. I was induced, not fun.

    Please,please checkout this web site. The site makes it very clear that Sarah wild ride story is BS or she really was trying to harm trig.

    Also goole "fern test" and just read if you have reservations you won't after a little research.

  92. I think Anchorage Attorney made some great points. I'm a but surprised by the sniping at him/her.

  93. Anonymous6:57 PM

    1:37.... Jezebel ring a bell?

  94. 8:38, we may be Progressives, but that doesn't mean we have to accept a sarcastic snip as substantive dialoge. You come on here with a pissy comment and you're surprised to earn the wrath of Gasman, et al? Please.

  95. Anonymous9:39 PM

    Come on Sarah! President Obama showed you his, the least you could do is provide Trig's and put this to rest once and for all!

    Oh, that poor fridge!

    And yes, Gryphen, this is the best September ever, for everyone but the Palins.


    The reality show about hairdressers in Alaska debuted tonight on TLC. Paraphasing from memory... " The famous "up do" for Sarah Palin was done to show off her earrings, and to stop them from getting tangled in her hair when people went up to hug her and stuff!" The owner of the Beehive hair salon/bait shop/meth dealer squealllllllled!

    Don't know what channel the commercial was on, but it looks like a giant suck up fest.

    Is she trig's mom or isn't she, only her hairdresser knows for sure, and also too, God, of course.

    Yep, great september.

  96. Anonymous6:48 PM

    It would be better for Sarah to admit that she covered for Bristol out of a mother's love for her young daughter and the DS grandchild who needed good care.

    except that's not what she did. She gave away Bristol's FAS child and substituted a DS child in her place.

    Where is said DS child now? Not with Sarah.

    Where is the FAS baby that Bristol cries for? Not with Sarah.

    How many babies does Bristol have living with her currently? More than one.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.