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"Good job helping with the smoke and mirrors, there Frank!" |
I took a deep breath and took the plunge, where I discovered this:
Within days of my research of Governor Palin, and my consideration of other possible candidates as choices for the McCain ticket, Trig Palin was born on April 18, 2008. Sarah had been in Texas as the keynote speaker at an energy conference. She began to experience labor pains, but continued to finish her important speech. She contacted her current doctor, who had also delivered her daughter Piper. Sarah caught an Alaska Airlines flight from Dallas to Anchorage, with a stop in Seattle, where she was examined by doctors before returning to Alaska to deliver Trig. Sarah would later say, ”I am not a glutton for pain and punishment. I would have never wanted to travel had I been fully engaged in labor.” Either way, Sarah has always taken the unconventional road and, even if she does not admit it herself, she is one tough lady.
"What?" I began thinking. "Is this some new attempt to rewrite history by the Sarah in anticipation that Joe and Fred's book will bring her whole crazy story out to be examined by a new, heretofore unaware, audience?"
And then I got excited, because that would mean they were in a panic, and making a really stupid mistake by changing a very well known story after all of these years. As well as introducing new medical personnel who we could then attempt to contact in order to question their involvement. Of course we would fail to locate this "doctor" because, as we all know, Sarah was not pregnant and had no need to see doctor during that flight.
But then I began to wonder if even Sarah Palin would make a mistake this careless. After all of this time it did not make much sense.
And then I suddenly realized where Aquila had come up with his new version of events.
Actually it was not new at all. It was, in fact, from the earliest known version of the incident which we now refer to as the "Wild Ride."
Journey with me now to the wayback machine, to an ADN story from April 22, 2008.
Palin kept in close contact with Baldwin-Johnson. The contractions slowed to one or two an hour, "which is not active labor," the doctor said.
"Things were already settling down when she talked to me," Baldwin-Johnson said. Palin did not ask for a medical OK to fly, the doctor said.
"I don't think it was unreasonable for her to continue to travel back," Baldwin-Johnson said.
So the Palins flew on Alaska Airlines from Dallas to Anchorage, stopping in Seattle and checking with the doctor along the way.
"I am not a glutton for pain and punishment. I would have never wanted to travel had I been fully engaged in labor," Palin said. After four kids, the governor said, she knew what labor felt like, and she wasn't in labor.
Sound familiar? Except, as anybody with reading skills can discern, the article refers to Palin checking with Baldwin-Johnston, "the doctor" in this scenario, and NOT a Seattle based doctor during her layover.
Clearly THIS is the story that Aquila used as his "research" into Palin's delivery of Trig.
Only his lack of reading comprehension, possibly combined with his difficulty imagining anybody NOT checking in with a Seattle doctor if they were in labor, inspired him to create an entirely new scenario where Palin visited a medical professional before continuing on to Anchorage, and from there all the way to the Mat-Su Regional Hospital, where the "birth" took place.
But just to be clear the ONLY doctor that Sarah Palin was able to manipulate into putting their medical career in jeopardy to help her to fake this birth was Catherine Baldwin-Johnson. A woman who traded away every ounce of her integrity, and now lives the life of a virtual hermit, in service to a woman who abandoned her to her fate without even a glance backward once she had served her purpose.
As one time friend Catherine Mormile describes in "The Rogue: "She recruits those who feel worthless and powerless and uses them as tools. Lyda Green and I call them Zombie rats."
Pretty much sums it up, don't you think.
And this Frank Aquila is just the most recent Zombie rat, in a long line of Zombie rats, to attempt to provide cover for a woman who would not even bother to piss on him if he were being consumed by flames right in front of her.
Hi Sarah, Welcome back!
ReplyDeleteQuick question, Is the doctor who examined you in Seattle eligible for Brad Scharlotts reward?
I think we saw a photo of this guy at that Fri night IA restaurant gathering for Palin. He was speaking to her, had a name tag that was caught in the photo. He was probably going through his own personal rapture telling her of his life's work. She was drugged, mute and sweaty.
ReplyDeleteThat wig, ROTFFLaughing. You cannot buy twenty again Sarah. Bad try also too.
ReplyDeleteWhat's that foul odor?
The thrilla', the g'rilla from Wasilla
and the famous rope-a-dope?
This is just going to get weirder and weirder, isn't it?
Sad. I wonder what's coming next.
Boy, every day it must suck even more to be a Paylin.
ReplyDeleteSo the Palins flew on Alaska Airlines from Dallas to Anchorage, stopping in Seattle and checking with the doctor along the way.
ReplyDeleteRead more: http://www.adn.com/2008/04/22/382864/palins-child-diagnosed-with-down.html#ixzz1YLrhZMjp
CBJ started her practice for pregnant teens in 2005, but I thought there were reports where she denied delivering Piper.
JayKen....good catch!
I think this Frank guy is going to be on Sarah's Sh&T list for bringing this up in his book.
ReplyDeleteGood .. we are again back to the story, the very one that needs more exposure and if you listen to Sarah tell the story in her own words, there is no stop and examination by another doctor in Seattle and it is her own words that we should hold up as the story. After all, how many mothers forget even the most trivial of details about their children's births .... especially if the birth is not routine and nothing abut this birth would have been routine so ... let her own words hang her!
ReplyDeleteI wonder what her real hair looks like.
ReplyDeleteDoes she really think that she's attractive? She's not aging gracefully.
ReplyDeleteFrom the Emmy's
ReplyDeleteTV is where dancing with Bristol Palin in a monkey suit is dancing with a star.
LOL funny!!!
Hey Bots! You can't rewrite Palin history at this point. hahaha
ReplyDeleteIncidentally, I have been unable to find any evidence that Dr. Baldwin-Johnson actually delivered Piper, as claimed by Sarah Palin.
there were reports that Piper was delivered by C-section. CBJ does not normally deliver babies at all. She delivered 3 total in the year prior to TriG's alleged birth and she was not the mother's doctor.
G-man or anyone else: are you saying that CBJ no longer sees patients? Works? Or doesn't give talks anymore? Or that she is not out socially? or what?
ReplyDeleteI have always wondered if CBJ really had that much to do with the BabyHoax. The quotes from CBJ seem almost entirely as-told-to Palin, except possibly the very first ones in the ADN, which might also have been invented by Palin.
The medical letter has so many irregularities that I believe it to be forged entirely or at least altered by Palin. Its timing, at 10 PM on the night before the election, seems pure Palin, not that of a respected MD.
I'd sure like to think CBJ was involved only peripherally, if at all.
If I am right, that begs the question of why hasn't CBJ cleared her name?
3:47 Anon--Brilliant!
ReplyDeleteYes, let the "doctors" who examined Sarah in Seattle collect the Professor's reward.
This just keeps getting weirder and weirder.
Sorry, I mean JayKen Knotstirred--Brilliant idea! (I called you Anon at 3:47)
ReplyDeleteO.M.G. That is too funny. It's got to be a huge embarrassment for Frank but I don't think he suffers from embarrassment or shame. It really is laughable.
ReplyDeleteI am starting to envision Jon Lovitz playing the Pathological Liar. "A doctor examined her on the airplane...in the airport...IN SEATTLE, yeah, that's the ticket, Seattle, that's where she saw the doctor and the Mormon Tabernacle Choir, too.
ReplyDeleteGood find, Gryph! He copied that article almost word-for-word. Isn't that plagiarism?
ReplyDeleteBesides, there is the e-mail proof that she was with Todd in the airport during the layover in Seattle reading a book. Todd talked to a guy, who later e-mailed and apologized for intruding because he had no idea she was in labor.
Also, wasn't it in Waco, TX 9/14/2010 where she said she gave birth to Trig in Anchorage by mistake. Liars tend not to be able to keep their stories straight.
Good .. we are again back to the story, the very one that needs more exposure and if you listen to Sarah tell the story in her own words, there is no stop and examination by another doctor in Seattle and it is her own words that we should hold up as the story. After all, how many mothers forget even the most trivial of details about their children's births .... especially if the birth is not routine and nothing abut this birth would have been routine so ... let her own words hang her!
ReplyDeleteThis really is bizarre, the bots apparently aren't confident in the ability of the queen to manufacture lies and must now embellish them or create new ones. It is very much like creating a religion.Someone sees a face on a piece of toast or in a turd and a cargo cult arises.
ReplyDeleteHi Sarah, Welcome back!
ReplyDeleteQuick question, will CBJ hold a press conference and confirm Trigs birth?
It does not stray from my mind that the Palins make up facts, flat out lie to manipulate false impressions. It may have been their lie(s) about her water breaking they are foolish to not grasp how horrified people will be recognizing dangerous judgment.
ReplyDeleteIt won't surprise me if they deny Palin's recorded words about the wild ride.
According to the Anchorage Daily News:
ReplyDeleteEarly Thursday [April 17] -- she thinks it was around 4 a.m. Texas time -- she consulted with her doctor, family physician Cathy Baldwin-Johnson, who is based in the Valley and has DELIVERED LOTS OF BABIES, including Piper, Palin's 7-year-old. Palin said she felt fine but had leaked amniotic fluid and also felt some contractions that seemed different from the false labor she had been having for months.
this needs a little more attention - CBJ is not an obstetrician and did not deliver LOTS of babies. It was very unusual for her to handle any deliveries.
Too bad she can't claim the $10K reward without violating laws. Surely she knows who actually did deliver TriG. As a specialist in child abuse and rape cases, it makes sense that SP was not the mother IF CBJ delivered the baby.
The ONLY one to say CBJ delivered Piper is SP. The only one to claim SP gave birth to TriG is SP. She LIES.
Checking Matsu Hospital records, the only hospital that she is affiliated with, we find that Dr. Baldwin-Johnson delivered only three babies in the previous eighteen months: on Feb. 7 2008[12], Oct 3, 2007[13], March 17,2007. In all three cases, she was not the mother’s physician. There are two cases listed where Baldwin-Johnson was the mother’s doctor, but not the delivering physician: Dec. 18, 2006[14], and Jan 27, 2008[15]. There was not a single time during the prior eighteen months that Doctor Baldwin-Johnson delivered one of her own patient’s babies at Matsu Hospital; three times she delivered other doctors’ patient’s babies, and twice other doctors delivered her patient’s babies. Thus delivering her own patient’s baby was an unusual event, rather than a normal one for Dr. Baldwin-Johnson.
Looks like Trigger was born on February 7, 2008.
The line about Bristol in the monkey costume was hilarious!
ReplyDeleteThe gimmicks continued IMO to distract from the fact Bristol had limited moves.
It would be easy to track the time line from when $arah left TX, stopped in Seattle, and then flew to AK. It also is easy to check all of the Quitter's own comments about the TX/AK trip and 'birth.'
ReplyDeleteWe all know this latest version of the wild ride is untrue. Just as it is clear that 'newborn' pictures of TriG are not that of a premature, sickly, 6 pound baby.
Therein lies what has always been the smoking gun for me:
ReplyDelete"Palin did not ask for a medical OK to fly, the doctor said.
My father, grandfather, two aunts, one uncle, and one of my brothers are all physicians. One thing they have always discussed is how difficult it is to keep one's malpractice insurance rate affordable without being so overly cautious it hinders treatment of patients.
There is absolutely no way...NO. WAY. That any physician would not tell a patient whose water had broken to get to a hospital at once. There is ABSOLUTELY. NO. WAY. A doctor would allow a sitting governor with a premature baby whose cardiac function was compromised and who was known to have Down syndrome, to get on a plane at ALL unless it was life or death emergency, but a doctor would never allow the liability of allowing a ruptured membrane patient to fly. Fifth deliveries are known to go 400-500% faster than first and second ones. The odds that Palin would have delivered in the air were very high. CBJ would never had callously thought "well, if the baby makes it, great. If not, oh well. Too bad she didn't ASK about flying so I could have told her not to".
Think about it- if you accidentally severed a finger while using a knife in the kitchen, you would probably go straight to the hospital. But say you were the mavericky type. You call your doctor, or even just a random doctor on call at your local ER. If you said "doctor, I've just cut off my finger!" do you think the physician would only tell you to go to a hospital IF you *asked* if you should? Ridiculous! Can you imagine if SP had cut off her finger and Dr CBJ later told the press "well, the governor didn't ASK if she should come in to have it reattached".
CBJ is the weak link. She was not listed on the staff manifest for 4/18 and that means 100%, no room for argument, she did not deliver any baby on 4/18/08. Not on the staff manifest or on call list = not there. Period.
Oh shit! Sarah have you heard there is going to be a big black NBA baller on DWTS.
ReplyDeleteYou love being on tv, you love ballers, will you be in the audience this year?
I suspect Saint Sarah won't be happy with this bot for putting such a "fact" in print. (This is not just a story, it's an excerpt from Aquila's book, "Sarah Palin: Out of Nowhere."? It is self-published and currently 9,811 at Amazon, published 8/2/11.)
ReplyDeleteSo, Sarah now has to either acknowledge that she saw a doctor in Seattle, or deny it.
BTW, the latest comment on that thread is "P. S. Perhaps Andrew Sullivan will now get out of The Guv's womb now that Aquila has said she was examined by doctors in Seattle. Somebody, please slap Sullivan and call him Susie." So, because Frank said it, he's right, and everyone else is wrong. They don't question how Frank allegedly knows this. They're going to be mighty surprised when Frank has to admit he misread Sarah's words.
Gryphen, wasn't there an email from one of her friends who saw her in the Seattle lounge quietly reading a book (more likely People magazine)? I remember that and he said in his email he had no idea she was in labor? Huh???
ReplyDeleteDis Gusted said...
ReplyDeleteCBJ started her practice for pregnant teens in 2005, but I thought there were reports where she denied delivering Piper.
3:58 PM
Could it be Dr. CBJ wants nothing to do with crack babies?
Wouldn't flight records or schedules tell if there was enough time for her to be examined?
ReplyDeleteThe only sticking point for me in the Babygate Hoax has always been the dr, CBJ, who confirms that Palin was in labor during the "wild ride", and that Palin delivered a baby (Trig) in 2008. What doctor would jeopardize their livelihood to help perpetuate such a scam? It just seems that if SP really did not deliver a baby at Mat-su Hospital in 2008, Dr Baldwin-Johnson would not have lent her name to this cover-up. But then those photos are so damning, and the story as told by Palin herself keeps changing and evolving with each disclosure. It's so puzzling. How could anyone be that daring?
ReplyDeleteIf the scenario was that Sarah Palin was taking diet pills causing the fetal weight to be low (especially so late in the pregnancy) and she saw a doctor in the Sea-Tac area she probably would have been reported to Child Protective Services, a hearing would have been held and she may have been sent to the infirmary at the women’s prison at Purdy until she delivered the baby. She would then be monitored and fed properly in an environment where she could not get drugs unless they were needed. I monitored the high risk pregnancies for a while there. If she was faking a pregnancy which is the more likely scenario of course she would never let a doctor examine her. The doctors in the Seattle area are among the best in the country, this is why I drove from Tacoma to see Dr. Barbara Levy in Federal Way myself. I think she is probably the best in the country and when you have the best of the best around it influences the practice of all the doctors. If Sarah’s wild ride story was true any OB/GYN would have told her on the phone to keep her butt on the ground and get examined ASAP…Sigh.
ReplyDeleteHi Sarah, Welcome back!
ReplyDeleteQuick question, Isn't CBJ eligible for Brad Scharlotts reward?
Or do you pay her more than 10k per month for her silence?
Oops! That's two quick questions! Sorry.
ReplyDeleteDuring the 2008 presidential election, Scarah was interviewed by either Katie Couric or Charlie Gibson. I think it was more likely Charlie, They are walking down a sidewalk and the interviewer asked about her medical records that hadn't been released yet and when did she plan to release them. The look on her face is priceless, I noticed it right away when I saw the interview in '08. Her look was none other than fear. I have searched for the interview w/him since and cannot find it. If you can find it, watch it and look for the fear in her face when he asks the question.
So lets just think that little scenerio through - the flight stops in Seattle, she gets off the plane, goes where?!?, an exam room at the airport? a hospital? the doctor's office? or does the doctor meet her on the plane and does what time of exam?? No notification to the airlines, pilot, staff on the plane that they would make any comments or reference to it. Pats her on the back and lets her continue on the next flight. Nobody sees her, nobody sees a doctor hanging around, nothing, nothing, nada. Why? Because she wasn't pregnant and it didn't happen. Get a friggin clue - she lied.
ReplyDeleteShe's baaaaacck:
ReplyDeleteAnonymous said...
Hello all. I'm finally home and couldn't be more thrilled. I'm re-acclimating, finishing some things for work, unpacking, and so on. Very much looking forward to collaborating with Gryphen this coming week.
I just wanted to drop a few notes because SO much has been going on. Sarah is in an acutely manic state and I think her mind must be like a pressure cooker these days. Todd did NOT know about the Rice incident and Sarah had no idea it would ever come up again. (hardy har har, I said "come up again" ;)
Anyway, Todd is PISSED. Way more so at Sarah than Joe. Todd also was not at all pleased with the "statement" Sarah's team put out. (penned by Rebecca Mansour) They didn't even run it by Todd before sending it out. He was very angry, saying not only did it not sound like him at all, but that all people were going to get out of it is "I make my wife mow the lawn".
Much more to say on these issues about what is and will be coming out in books and other avenues, but that's for another day.
One thing I just found out over the weekend--I was asking my person from Sarah's circle why the hell I'd heard about Willow tooling around in a seventy thousand dollar SUV. Last I knew, Sarah and Todd were determined not to have another PR fiasco courtesy of Willow and were really trying to toe the line with her...including telling her she needed to get a job if she wanted a car. They said if she saved a certain percentage they would foot the rest. (I guess that's "toeing the line" in the land of Palin)
Well miss Willow decided to play dirty, probably because that's all she sees everyone else in her family doing. She basically demanded the use of her vehicle of choice "or else". Todd called her bluff--"or else what?"
Turns out Willow came up with a pretty grown up threat. "I bet lots of people would be interested to hear whose purse I really found an ultrasound picture in".
I think Bristol's Trig pregnancy might have been "outed" very late, and by Willow who was snooping through Bristol's purse.
Have a great night, everyone. More (oh so much more, thank you Mr. McGinnis) soon.
5:42 PM
So wait: Did they guy who saw her in the airport, clearly not in labor, see her in Seattle? She sure crammed a lot of stuff into a layover. again. :P
ReplyDeleteBesides, IF she were pregnant, and IF she had some leaking of fluid, why would she wait to get to Seattle to check in with anyone ... I know they have state of the art medical facilities there, but so does Dallas and my understanding is that where she spoke that day was only 5-10 min. away from a very specialized medical facility with the latest in medical techniques. All of her story is a lie.
ReplyDeleteWow. Somebody is nervous.
ReplyDeleteWas it the Willow thing about the ultrasound picture?
Or is Sarah forcing the good doctor to stand beside her soon to make an announcement that Sarah was indeed pregnant? Hey someone in Anchorage--check on the doc's family. One of them may have been forced to hang out at the Palin compound as a torture device.
How long was her layover in Seattle?
ReplyDeleteWho contacted the doctor to examine her there?
In other words, there was a doctor waiting for her to arrive, he did a quick examination then Sarah flew off to Alaska.
I love it. Zombie rats it is from here one.
ReplyDeleteSarah, I'm so happy to hear that you are going to be announcing your candidacy for President, sometime. When you do, I will be in the front row at every one of your press conferences, waving my hand and asking, "Who was that doctor who saw you in Seattle?"
ReplyDeleteFollowup questions include:
Did you leave the airport or did he come to the airport?
How did you even find a doctor in Seattle, or who found him for you?
So, you left the airport, went to a nearby hospital, passed up the usual line in the Emergency Room, got checked out, returned to the airport, cleared security, all in how much time? An hour or two? That's great.
What about that guy who claimed to see you sitting in the lounge, calmly reading a book?
Maybe you didn't leave the airport, but you were seen by....let's see, we can find out if the SeaTac Airport has a doctor or medical staff on call. That kind of stuff is logged and tracked. They have to keep records.
If it was important enough to wake up your doctor at 3 or 4 in the morning, why didn't you go to the hospital right then and there? There are ways for doctors to examine their patient by skype, but not in your case, unless you had a speculum.
How much amniotic fluid did you lose, and didn't your doctor warn you that you risked infection and problems with the baby that you were supposed to be carrying?
Thank you for your thoughtful responses. These are just the opening questions. We can't wait to hear why you passed up the hospital in Anchorage that had a neonatal facility and chose, instead, to deliver a special needs premature child in a small hospital with no special facilities, using a doctor who had delivered maybe three babies all year. And, since you were the governor, why not call ahead for a police escort if it really was an emergency? Oh, I forgot, you had to be induced. And, the next time that any member of the Tea Party pulls that Birther stuff about Obama, remember that we still haven't seen any proof of Trig's birth, either.
Caught in another lie! Sissy Sarah programmed the zombie rat to make this comment.
ReplyDeleteMaybe she should pick one story, write it on her palm, and stick to it. First MatSu, then Anchorage.
It is just fun to watch you call them out Gryphen. They need to know you know Sarah better than even she does.
ReplyDeleteI love the smell of Palinista desperation in the evening! I'm beginning to wonder of the Faithful are beginning to have a sliver of doubt, and are scrambling to justify their Queen's "heroic" Trig Birth saga using any hallucination they can. Or are the Powers That Be hoping that with enough verbal camoflage thrown out there, no one will look past it to discover the truth? This latest twist is a real pip. Oh, sure, SP stopped and saw a doctor in Seattle--that explains everything. Case closed, people--move on! Yeesh.
ReplyDeleteGreat catch, Gryphen!
Energy conference...? No, it was the annual RGA convention.
ReplyDeleteI'm not understanding this controversy. If she had Trig in April 2008, and Brisket had Trip in December of the same year, that's only 8 months. And Trig was a little early, so about 7 months between the boys. Conception doesn't happen for about 6 weeks after a birth. I am confuzzled.
ReplyDeleteThis is why she didn't bring security with her. If she had, she would have had to, first of all, wear the fake belly, and, second of all, been escorted back to Anchorage...yes, Anchorage, because her security people would have alerted the proper airport authorities in Alaska to be ready for a medical emergency, and the ambulance would have taken her to the hospital with a Level III NICU.
ReplyDeleteAnd those security guys have already told quite the tales--especially the one where she comes out of the airport bathroom wearing tight jeans (at 7 months pregnant) because they were more comfortable than whatever she was wearing previously. THEY KNEW. Those security people KNEW and that's why she couldn't have them on that trip.
Does this idiot not realize that if she HAD been examined in Seattle by a doctor, that none of this would ever have been an issue? Why are all us moms and doctors convinced there's something hinky about the birth story? Because women whose water had broken and are having contractions do NOT get on hours- long flights when there was a perfectly adequate hospital with a NICU III right across the street in Dallas.
Gryphen, could you change the name of the doctor? It's Cathy Baldwin Johnson NOT JOHNSTON. Thank you.
ReplyDeleteSorry sarah this latest revisionist history ain't cutting it. Nothing less than full independently done DNA tests for you, Levi, Trig, Tripp and Bristol will do. Todd's limp and impotent so we won't need his. Nice try though.
ReplyDeleteJanet Maslin's New York Times review of Joe's book was as caustic and petty and bitchy
ReplyDeleteas she claimed the book was.
Although for someone supposedly defending Palin,
she sure did manage to mention
a lot of the " gossip "
she found so distasteful .
But, for Todd's girlish , excuse me,
yapping Chihuahua statement drawing attention to the review , I and I am sure many others would not have read the review.
And would have missed this.
" Mr. McGinniss puts forth a provocative case for doubting Ms. Palin’s account of Trig’s birth,
which involved a round trip between Alaska
and Texas
while she was supposedly in labor. "
Thanks Todd .
This new pathetic silliness about suddenly
visiting a doctor between flights
indicates that the bots know Palin's
story doesn't hold water-
amniotic or otherwise.
I hope Joe is prepared for the skewering
he is to get from his media
roll out this week.
The View was especially bitchy to Bailey
and he was unable to
counter their venom.
The bots are discussing making advance
hotel reservations for January 2013 in DC for
the Rapture aka Palin Inauguration.
Or Lady Palin as they also call her.
You can't make this stuff up.
"Looks like Trigger was born on February 7, 2008."
ReplyDeleteYep. Remember the brave anon whistleblower told us he was a Valentine's baby.
4:05 Anon
ReplyDeleteTo answer your question;
This is making me think of something I heard a couple years ago. I was talking to a friend about my doubts about the Wild Ride story. My friend said she didn't believe the rumors. She said that someone had told her that they were in the Alaska Airlines Boardroom (that's the airline's club for those of you not familiar with Alaska Airlines). Anyway, that person said that they were there when Sarah and Todd were there and that they overheard Sarah's conversation on the phone with her doctor about her condition and flying.
ReplyDeleteMy friend is definitely NOT a Palin supporter, so I am quite sure someone actually did tell her this, but I don't know who that was and whether it was actually true. In any event, I told my friend that I found that hard to believe because Sarah is so secretive and if she actually was pregnant and having such a personal conversation with her doctor, I doubted that she would have had it where anyone else could hear it.
The Alaska Boardroom has several private rooms. While I don't think they'd be suitable for a physical examination with a doctor, they certainly are suitable for private telephone conversations. If, in fact, this person overheard the conversation, I have always thought that it was intentional and that she was hoping to be overheard as part of her cover story.
To all grateful IM readers:
ReplyDeleteI posted originally on the "Checklist" thread. I'm going to put this comment in every post all the way through Tuesday (if Gryphen allows it of course) and feel free to post your own reminders!
It's "Two For Tuesday"!
Please help Gryphen get a little bit of a payoff for his years of hard work educating the public about all things Palin. He has been threatened, demeaned, and lied about- by Sarah herself and her loyal army of idiots.
Joe McGinnis will be receiving a huge payoff. His book will sell well and he will profit greatly. And good for him, but shouldn't Gryphen, THE foremost Palin researcher and blogger, get a tiny slice of the pie?
This Tuesday 9/20/11 please donate $2 (or an amount of your choosing) to Gryphen via PayPal. He would never ask for money despite sometimes incurring large expenses in order to give us access to the best and most current photos and information (such as the $400 it cost to purchase photos of obviously unpregnant Palin from March 08) so it's up to us, his readership, to send a little jingle Gryph's way.
So please send just $2! You can use a credit card at Paypal.com and I believe you do not even have to have an account with them. If all of Gryphen's readers who are financially able send him just $2, it would add up quickly!
And this is how I personally I am going to calculate my donation:
For every comment I see from Bristol "fairy tale troll" Palin which tells us how strong and happy the Palins are and how much they laugh at the "haters", I am going to add $1 to my donation.
@4:45, it was Brian Williams. Search that.
ReplyDeleteAnon 4:45 - It was Brian Williams. He brings up Palin's medical records at 1:21. We really should keep pushing to hold her accountable to what she says about being an open book and the people's right to her records.
Who is this guy Frank Aquila?
It has been said time and time again that in 2008 more Republicans and Conservatives voted Sarah Palin Vice-President than voted John McCain President. Is it a wonder at the animosity between the grassroots and McCain especially considering he recently referred to them as “hobbits”? He also would attack his own supporters when then-Senator Barack Obama’s middle name (Hussein) was referenced.
However, it is begrudgingly acknowledged by Conservatives and Tea Partiers that his one correct decision was picking a little known Alaskan Governor, Palin, as his running mate. While the 2008 Presidential election gave the country President Barack Hussein Obama, it also gave the country Sarah Palin.
FRANK AQUILA, a Conservative worker in California, had researched Palin long before she was picked to be McCain’s choice for the Number Two slot. Aquila had been the chairman of the McCain campaign in San Joaquin County, California and the more he studied up on Palin, the more he liked and thought she could balance out the ticket for McCain.
In his book Sarah Palin Out of Nowhere, Aquila details his involvement for lobbying for Palin as the nominee.
I've said it before and I'll say it again:
ReplyDeleteNo woman thinks she's going into pre-term labor with a special needs child and doesn't go to the hospital to get checked. That's not even factoring in the "leaking fluid." The only way to tell if one is in active labor is to check the cervix.
Sarah was never in labor. That's all a bunch of hokey made up crap. There was no "settling down" because she was never in labor.
The big question is, why, if she wasn't in labor, did they *induce* labor to deliver pre-maturely? The safest place for a pre-term infant is the womb of a healthy mother. Why on earth are they inducing labor?
Regardless of whether Sarah was really pregnant or not, there's enough lies in that story to go around. It's BS.
Hi Sarah, Welcome back!
ReplyDeleteQuick question, Why is Trigs middle name Paxson?
Wow! It just gets weirder and weirder, and I didn't think that was possible.
ReplyDeleteThanks Gryphen for wading in that cess-pool C4P. Check out this kool-aid drinkers comment below left at C4P.... let's hope their stupidity at attempting to rewrite history backfires on them and further elevates this topic for discussion. We all know Sarah lied!
ReplyDeleteapodoca Today 09:06 AM
Nice to know the back story.
P. S. Perhaps Andrew Sullivan will now get out of The Guv's womb now that Aquila has said she was examined by doctors in Seattle. Somebody, please slap Sullivan and call him Susie.
Unfortunately I have to agree with Sarah on one point. The Main Stream Media really IS the Lame Stream Media. What does it take for journalists to see that she is a fraud?
ReplyDeletealso, too, why would CBJ induce labor on an 8 month pregnant woman. The legend goes that she induced at 11:30PM April 17. How does that timeline work with stopping for doctor's examination in Seattle?
ReplyDeleteJust imagine Chucky (looking like Rodney Dangerfield), in a dingy, white, torn "wife-beater" tee shirt- wearing loosely fitting piss stained cotton briefs, that reveal sparse tufts of white pubic hair jutting out at perverse angles.
ReplyDeleteOne shriveled nut hanging from a turkey- gobbler thread, partially exposed from the gap between his crusty shorts and his hairy thigh.
That nasty image should make you less nervous.
Get the picture? LOL
I used to live in Kent, Washington - and worked in Burien, very, very close to Sea-Tac airport.
ReplyDeleteThe closest hospital would have been Highline in western-most Burien - 10 minutes from the airport. But it is NOT a Level 1 trauma center, nor does it have a NICU. She would have had to go to "Pill Hill" in Seattle - to Harborview, Childrens, or Swedish, or Providence or U of W hospitals - 15 to 30 minutes from Sea-Tac.
Too bad the guy who saw her in the Alaska Airlines lounge at Sea-Tac that night sent her an email (found in the emails dump!) congratulating her on the "birth" of Trig!
Should Sarah decide to run, TPTB will take her down. She is not stable or reliable enough to do their bidding. They are not yet ready to replace Obama. They are using her as an outlet for right-wing anger. There are very many educated and/or well-read people in this country, of all political persuasions, and they wouldn't give her the time of day politically. She's like a booger on the finger of our politics. You keep trying to flick her off and she sticks. Just RUN, SARAH, RUN, let's just get you off our finger forever.
ReplyDeleteI'm not understanding this controversy. If she had Trig in April 2008, and Brisket had Trip in December of the same year, that's only 8 months. And Trig was a little early, so about 7 months between the boys. Conception doesn't happen for about 6 weeks after a birth. I am confuzzled.
ReplyDelete5:30 PM
no need to be con-whatever....
the birthdates of both boys have never been confirmed. TriG was most likely born much earlier than 4/18/8 and Tripp could have been born at anytime. Some say he was born the summer of 2008, others think maybe January 2009.
I personally think Tripp was born around the same time as TriG, if not the exact same time.
Frank Aquila in Iowa with Sarah signing his book. 'these inaccuracies, all of 'em, whichever are spread wherever...'
ReplyDeleteFrank Aquila’s Book Signings at the Machine Shed in Des Moines Iowa, Part One
As noted in my previous posts, Frank and I had an absolute blast hanging out in Iowa! Here’s a photo compilation of his time spent signing copies of his book for enthusiastic supporters. Enjoy!
This is an interesting image:
Author Frank Aquila shows off Sarah Palin's special handwritten message on the first page of his book.
The "stopping in Seattle and checking with the doctor along the way" is very apparent it's still Dr. CBJ. No one can convince a reader otherwise. No professional newspaper reporter would write this in a way to confuse the readers as to who the doctor was. If it meant another doctor, based in Seattle, they would have said, "a Seattle doctor".
ReplyDeleteThis Frank Aquila is stretching this to make it appear she stopped for an examination? If that was the case, again, the reporters would have clearly made the distinction between doctors. And "along the way" would mean she was keeping in contact with her doctor by phone along the way (on her route back to Alaska).
If the Aquila understanding was correct, why didn't Dr. CBJ state to the ADN reporter that she warned and urged Palins to go for an immediate examination upon her arrival in Seattle. A smart reputable doctor would have made sure they gave this important advice to the patient, especially when telling the story to a reporter, for fear it would appear that she was negligent. She didn't.
Here's a link for an Oct. 2008 interview w/ Brian Williams, who was able to get a follow-up question in regarding the elusive medical records. .. betwixt the word salad, of course.
Why didn't Sarah say she stopped and immediately drove to a NICU-equipped hospital? (We know why, wink-wink), but in her 2 or three renditions of the birth story, nary a word was mentioned about an exam in Seattle. Even in her book.
ReplyDeleteWhy would she leave that part out?
We know Sarah is obsessed with making out to be a tough woman. But not to mention she did get scared enough to stop in Seattle and get checked? No. Because Todd made it clear that he didn't want a fish picker born in Texas; so we would qualify that to mean he wouldn't want a fish picker born in Washington State either. They made it clear from the beginning that they were determined to have the baby in Alaska.
C4P can't spin this. It's impossible.
Gryphen, Start thinking like SP thinks. Understand this from her mindset. She is not lying when she says:
ReplyDelete"I am not a glutton for pain and punishment. I would have never wanted to travel had I been fully engaged in labor," Palin said. After four kids, the governor said, she knew what labor felt like, and she wasn't in labor."
If you are NOT pregnant, this is not a LIE. She is Trig’s mother, she made it back to the hospital in time, it was easy, and on and on and on. Visualize how this makes sense in her world and you will solve the mythology of Trig.
What happened to the night before when with her big fat six week old belly she sat straight up in bed because she was experiencing labor pains...well sorta like labor pains, could have been appendicitis (rolling eyes.) toad told her not to wake cbj cause it was 1 am. I guess that part was left out because it makes her story even more unbelievable.
ReplyDeleteWhat happened to her leakage before giving her speech that was more important than her known mentally and physically challenged infant?
OK pisspondphonies, you forgot about people have recordings, the internet and HER OWN WORDS.
Don't lie, just sit tight until she announces her big run HAHAHAHA.
brisdull, pregnant with a known down baby was willing to have the baby adopted and let her mother take care of all the details.
ReplyDeletebut palin the mad double crossed brisdull and announced shewas pregnant and adopted the baby.
thats why brisdull was pissed off when she heard about it for the first time.
and everything brisdull has gotten is payback for keeping quiet.
i am not even sure levi is the father or if he is, whether he knows he is the father.
this was done with the help of the church and of course the doctor who probably was blackmailed into doing all this.
that weird church holds the key to all this.
who is with me on this?
What name is appropriate for a women that may have four different sperm donors (fathers) for her four children?
ReplyDeleteSlut is not enough...
Furthermore even if a woman's contractions are 1 to 2 hours apart and they slow down, it's still very important for the woman to be near a hospital and stay vigilant, in case the contractions start up again. She shouldn't be up 30,000 feet in the air without a way to get to a hospital in a hurry.
ReplyDeleteAnonymous @ 5:46pm . ..
ReplyDelete"The Alaska Boardroom has several private rooms. While I don't think they'd be suitable for a physical examination with a doctor, they certainly are suitable for private telephone conversations. If, in fact, this person overheard the conversation, I have always thought that it was intentional and that she was hoping to be overheard as part of her cover story."
If that passenger actually heard Palin on the phone I'm wondering if Palin was just pretending to be speaking with someone - having a one sided conversation with no one at the other end - as you say, as part of her cover story.
Sure hope Frank Quila explains in his book how a woman who has had a tubal ligation, with cauterization, can later give birth to a child, the same child, in TWO places (MATSU and Anchorage).
Common Frank, explain to us these miraculous details.
Catherine Mormile describes in "The Rogue: "She recruits those who feel worthless and powerless and uses them as tools. Lyda Green and I call them Zombie rats."
"recruits those who feel worthless and powerless and uses them"
Hitler was good at that, also, too.
Ok, when is Sarah going to announce that her family decided she should not run? She will blame the LSM for all the bad press and say she doesn't want to put her family through more.
ReplyDeleteSarah could have been on the phone at the airport talking to a doctor about a pregnancy, but maybe they were talking about Bristols pregnancy. Anyone who overheard her talking might be confused to who she was talking about. She may have been talking to Bristols doctor.
ReplyDelete...drugged, mute and sweaty.
I can see her leaning over and whispering to some waiter, 'I'm Queen Esther, would you like to go on a helicopter ride?'
The "Wild Ride" story always gets me! As a mother of two daughters, I had really short labors. My first was six hours, and my second was two-and-a-half hours from the first labor pain until the birth. The thought of getting on a plane is BEYOND laughable/irresponsible/insane!! And if 2004 V.P. candidate, John Edwards, can be publicly exposed for fathering a "love child," then 2008 V.P. candidate, Sarah, MUST face the music for her uber-lame attempt to fool the entire American populous about Trig's "birth." Thanks to Gryphen, Joe McGinniss, Andrew Sullivan and others who brave all in pursuit of TRUTH! Sarah Palin is Gary Busey with lipstick. And she almost became America's Vice President. SHAME on all "journalists" who fail to expose her many lies.
ReplyDeleteThere is no way Sarah could have been "examined" by an OB/GYN at the Seattle airport. We're not talking about a simple stethoscope and a smile here. "Examination" would include a vaginal exam to check whether the membranes had ruptured and to determine to what degree dilation had occurred. A doctor wouldn't want to do that without an examination table, proper equipment, and some means of monitoring the fetal heartbeat. This can be done with a handheld Doppler, but because of liability concerns, an MD would probably want the mother lying still and hooked up to a baby monitor for at least 30 minutes. Plus any time you do a vaginal exam, you run the risk of accidentally inducing labor, so they would insist that such an examination be done in the hospital.
ReplyDeleteEven with theoretical door-to-door ambulance service from the airport, you're talking a several hour layover to get checked out at a local emergency room in Seattle. And given the way hospitals run, even at their best, there is no way she could have gotten all that done and still caught her flight on time. No way.
And IF she really had been pregnant, and really had been in the beginnings of labor, and really had been checked out in Seattle, do you really think they would have discharged her from a perfectly good hospital and sent her on a plane? No. They would have seen that labor was imminent, and would have kept her for observation or induced the labor, or both. And the "fishpicker" would have been born in Seattle.
Sorry, Mr Aquila, but the Seattle story just doesn't fly.
Not only was the story of the Wild Ride absurd (and downright criminal if it actually happened), but let's take one more step backwards in time.
ReplyDeleteWhat OB-GYN in their right mind would let a 40-something woman in her fifth pregnancy with a DS baby fly that close to her due date? The pregnancy would be high risk for a number of factors and Palin should have been under close supervision from her doctor. We know she never listens to anyone, but this is one more part of the story that strains credibility.
This all makes PERFECT sense now: If scarah got a C-section and a 'Tubal' would happen at the same time.
ReplyDeleteNOT CBJ!
I totally agree with Celia Harrison. Lets face it, either she was faking a pregnancy or she was deliberately starving herself and in either case she was not about to see anybody but her home grown enabling doctor, CBJ.
ReplyDeleteTom Joad @5:44 You mean she is a zombie rat with no hair?! WOW!
ReplyDeleteHas anyone seen or heard from Cathy Baldwin Johnson lately. Does she live in the Wasilla area?
ReplyDeleteIf she does know something-anything about the birth of Trig or is involved in any way shape or form in this cover up no doubt she is shaking in her booties or worse.
I feel sorry for her. Hope she doesn't have dogs.
Personally, I went to Amazon and posted a one-star review. Please join me, as up till now this horrid book has all five stars.
ReplyDeleteGood God that wig is awful. With he money, can't see buy a more real, natural looking rug for head?
ReplyDeleteOh yeah didn't the insufferable bitch say cbj gave her a verbal pelvis examination while in tx, got the OK from her to fly and stop over in Washington then fly to ak, encouraged ms steel vajayjay to traversed pass better equipped hospitals suited for her type of delivery only to ended up at the ill-equipped mat-su?
ReplyDeletepeepeople are only making it worse.
@Anonymous5:30. If Trig was early, there were more than 8 months between Trig and Tripp, not fewer.
ReplyDeleteYes! Run Sarah Run
ReplyDeleteSarah could give us so many entertaining moments as she does every single thing the Sarah way - full of shortcuts, half assed, grab the trophy no matter what, forgetting there are cameras everywhere...
Run Sarah Run
"Anonymous said...
ReplyDeleteDoes she really think that she's attractive? She's not aging gracefully.
4:06 PM"
Playing a perpetual victim to anything she can't tell the truth about then hiding, hating, violence, ignorance, and stealing is not good on the immune system.
Sally is looking better than her grifting ass. lol
Several here are wondering about Sarah's labor being induced. That would be plausible if her waters broke 24 hours prior, leaving the fetus susceptible to infection.
ReplyDeleteIn Sarah's case it was the manufactured explanation of how she could be not noticeably in labor on her return trip from Texas but then deliver a baby 7 hours later.
They're all rejoicing over at the Sea of Pee now because of the much-coveted endorsement-to-be of the great entrepeneur and bankrupt, Donald Trump. I for one wish that Sarah would hurry up and announce she's running, get in there and mix it up in the debates with her Repugnant brethren and sistren, end the misery of suspense at the C$P, and rise or fall on the strength of her ability to make a complete sentence without resorting to winking or reading notes in her hand. And also.
ReplyDeleteO/T - Why Mitch McConnell is pro-Chinese labor and against American labor, and how he got rich being a US Senator: http://www.dailykos.com/story/2010/12/05/925858/-How-Mitch-McConnell-became-very-rich
ReplyDelete"I'd sure like to think CBJ was involved only peripherally, if at all.
ReplyDeleteIf I am right, that begs the question of why hasn't CBJ cleared her name?
4:11 PM"
cbj is a quack who probably finished last in her class whose only position she could obtain was in ak in some small hospital. she should be charged with dereliction of duty at the least.
she'd willingly endangered a fetus and the infant many, many times before he was born, while he was being delivered and after.
she is just as wacky as the palins. she is no different. Why give her the benefit of the doubt when she didn't give trig any chances?
Anonymous said...
ReplyDeletealso, too, why would CBJ induce labor on an 8 month pregnant woman. The legend goes that she induced at 11:30PM April 17. How does that timeline work with stopping for doctor's examination in Seattle?
6:06 PM
No small hospital without a ped's specialist and without a OB/GYN would induce a high risk pregnancy for ANY reason. If there is time to induce, then there is time to transport to a hospital equipped to handle the situation, either by ambulance or copter.
NO HOSPITAL would take on the liability of doing so.
Every time I see a photo of Palin - I just want to knock her broadside! What a fraud she and her family have tried to represent to the USA. There is a place in hell awaiting her.
ReplyDeleteAnonymous said...
ReplyDeleteI'm not understanding this controversy. If she had Trig in April 2008, and Brisket had Trip in December of the same year, that's only 8 months. And Trig was a little early, so about 7 months between the boys. Conception doesn't happen for about 6 weeks after a birth. I am confuzzled.
5:30 PM
Why would you assume Trig's birth date is in April? If you believe Granny Lulu's stroy, you may want to do some research.
As for not being able to concieve for 6 weeks, I have a sister and a few cousins that have living proof it can happen before 6 weeks.
What, there are platoons of doctors - obgyns, no less - that patrol Sea-Tac on the off-chance that a pregnant flyer might be in labor?
ReplyDeleteFairy tales!
What an idiot this guy is.
"with a stop in Seattle, where she was examined by doctors before returning to Alaska to deliver Trig."
ReplyDeleteomg... can you even believe that they'd try to slip this in, 3.5 years later? well this is an indication that the quitter wants to stay around for a while. why bother with this new "detail" if your plan was to fade away?
It is very important to look at the law in the State of Alaska concerning medical advice via telephone, which is not allowed, unless the person is also physcially examined by medical personnel who are also in telephonic contact with the advising doctor.
ReplyDeleteIf this telephonic advice had taken place by Dr CBJ, she would have been sanctioned.
Dr CBJ was not sanctioned, therefore there was no examination by medical personnel, because there was no medical situation requiring attention.
Why are there no hospital records for the real Trig Birth, Feb 7? Wouldn't that birth be a matter of public record in Anchorage, where he was most likely born?
ReplyDeleteI have been impatiently waiting for Part II of the insurance analysis on the Laura Novak blog. Part I was riveting and provided a broader context for the Trig deception.
Palin has relied on Dr. CBJ's professional ethics and the very real threat of a HIPAA violation to keep CBJ silent.
ReplyDeleteHowever, if CBJ did indeed have nothing to do with any pregnancy of Palin's, she would be free to say so without violating any HIPAA regulations, as it would not be revealing any medical information concerning Palin. A statement as simple as "I in no way advised former partial governor Palin in any of her pregnancies" would sink Palin, but as it would reveal no protected information, CBJ would be immune from any HIPAA claim made by Palin.
If she did indeed deliver Trig, TRIG is her patient, not Palin. She could also make a rather bland generic statement along the lines of "Former partial governor Palin's portrayal of events during the second full week of April 2008 are at significant odds with demonstrable fact," and leave it at that. No HIPAA violation, no foul. Even the MSM would be spurred into action over such a statement.
Palin's Achille's heel in this matter is what actually constitutes a HIPAA violation. Merely not endorsing Palin's fiction is NOT a violation. HIPAA regulations cover the release of PROTECTED Patient Health Information, not any lie you choose to tell regarding your health. Fictional bullshit that you make up regarding your health is NOT protected under HIPAA regulations.
Surely Dr. CBJ cannot like being the linchpin to Palin's sordid lie of lies. It is quite possible for her to be free from this fraud without facing legal liability. The HIPAA laws do not require her to be part of fraud.
"Palin said she...also felt some contractions that seemed different from the false labor she had been having for months."
ReplyDeleteMy first baby was born after only six hours of labor (he was a preemie to boot). With my second baby, I had false labor (Braxton-Hicks contractions) for about four weeks. Then one morning, I had a very intense low-back pain, and I KNEW that this was it. And it was.
So the Sarah story is that a mom with four previous deliveries had contractions that "seemed different" from Braxton-Hicks? But she was only mildly curious? Oh, puh-leeze. This sort of gibberish is why moms of all ages out there call bullshit.
CBJ has delivered lots of babies in the Valley but I doubt she okayed this dumb bitch to get on a plane and jeopardize her high risk newborn. Sorry not buying it, Sarah. Didn't have you get checked for dilation and a prolapsed cord when in Texas. Yeah right...
ReplyDeleteI'll never believe Sarah Palin's story. Never, ever.
ReplyDeleteMy water broke. I called the doctor and he told me to go to the hospital immediately. I had my baby within a couple of hours when his heartbeat started diving. He was born with the cord wrapped around his neck three times. He was strangling. If I had flown as Palin did, my child would be dead. (He spent a night in ICU but pulled out fine and is 25 now.)
The wild ride story is a dangerous, disgusting story of total and complete disregard for life and an insult to think people wouldn't question it.
Let's hope that nobody decides to endanger their baby by flying after their water breaks because Sarah did.
Some states would have questioned her decision. She should have gone to jail for child endangerment.
"Aquila" means Eagle in Latin, so dear Frank was just being patriotic in his attempt to clear the name of the next leader of the free world.
ReplyDeleteFrank might just be a little ahead of the curve, intelligence-wise, compared to the rest of the bots, by choosing that patriotic "nom de plume".
Now whenever I read his name I will see the Colbert Eagle, swooping in on a tide of red, white, and blue, carrying a swaddled Trig in his beak.
What's the deal with LeadDog Alaska blog in the sidebar? Why advertise for the dark side?
ReplyDeleteDoes anyone remember the story where Sarah begged off of providing cookies for some event for one of the kids because she had just had her tubes tied? I wonder if Joe followed up on that tidbit. I also wonder if Anon Anon Its me again knows anything about that.
ReplyDeleteAt 8:05 PM Anonymous said...
ReplyDeleteUnfortunately I have to agree with Sarah on one point. The Main Stream Media really IS the Lame Stream Media.
Lets just all remind ourselves that (unfortunately) Fox News does win most of the time in viewer ratings and financial profit. This makes them the Main Stream Media. The (un)fair and balanced presentation gets the Lame Stream award.
Confuzzled at 5:20..Preemie born in Feb. and another born baby in Dec or a little later is more than enough time for 2 pregnancy's. Maybe neither one birthed Trig and the stork brought him..are you still confuzzled?
ReplyDeletenext story may be that Sarah found him in her little garden under a cabbage leaf while she was mowing the lawn in her shorts.
ReplyDeleteDo we have any direct knowledge of what CBJ is doing currently? Is she practicing medicine openly?
ReplyDeleteIMO, she is the weak link in this story. She could lose her license if she told the truth. Otherwise, she has lost her soul. Not a pretty choice, but one she has to make.
I would think Dr. Catherine Baldwin Johnson has some 'splainin to do. The legal liability and professional scrutiny would have been very high had something happened to the governor or her baby, and Dr. Baldwin Johnson would have probably received severe reprimand, at the least! So why would she risk that?
ReplyDeleteShe didn't. No pregnancy, no risk. I don't think they anticipated that some people were putting together facts and came up with some pertinent questions.. ones artfully dodged so far.
Anonymous said...
ReplyDeleteEnergy conference...? No, it was the annual RGA convention.
5:26 PM
Nope, Energy Conference. Here's the link, plus, a bonus included, the ADN's initial telling of the best birth tale since Jesus'.
Anonymous said...
ReplyDeleteI'm not understanding this controversy. If she had Trig in April 2008, and Brisket had Trip in December of the same year, that's only 8 months. And Trig was a little early, so about 7 months between the boys. Conception doesn't happen for about 6 weeks after a birth. I am confuzzled.
5:30 PM
The entire birth "timeline" was created to create "confuzzlement", as you call it. All of the information surrounding both births was carefully parsed to make it clear that Bristol just didn't have enough time to have two babies.
That's why Palin trotted out her unwed teen daughter on stage and announced to the world that she was pregnant, to prove that Palin herself was the mother of Trig.
Taking anything a Palin says at face value can create a "confuzzled" state of mind. Further research tends to clear up that "confuzzledness" and bring one to the realization that one or all of the Palins is lying.
Wouldn't she had had to walk through a xray machine? What excuse did she use not to get frisked? Was she allowed to bypass all security precautions because she was pregnant?
ReplyDeleteCouldn't a terrorist use the excuse of being pregnant therefore devoid of all security precautions even a pat down...
Anonymous said...
ReplyDeleteThis is making me think of something I heard a couple years ago. I was talking to a friend about my doubts about the Wild Ride story. My friend said she didn't believe the rumors. She said that someone had told her that they were in the Alaska Airlines Boardroom (that's the airline's club for those of you not familiar with Alaska Airlines). Anyway, that person said that they were there when Sarah and Todd were there and that they overheard Sarah's conversation on the phone with her doctor about her condition and flying.
My friend is definitely NOT a Palin supporter, so I am quite sure someone actually did tell her this, but I don't know who that was and whether it was actually true. In any event, I told my friend that I found that hard to believe because Sarah is so secretive and if she actually was pregnant and having such a personal conversation with her doctor, I doubted that she would have had it where anyone else could hear it.
The Alaska Boardroom has several private rooms. While I don't think they'd be suitable for a physical examination with a doctor, they certainly are suitable for private telephone conversations. If, in fact, this person overheard the conversation, I have always thought that it was intentional and that she was hoping to be overheard as part of her cover story.
5:46 PM
Very interesting indeed, and the most interesting part is we are just hearing about this now, in connection with Frank Aquila's most similar story. Very, very interesting that you would just "remember" this conversation that your friend overheard, right now, and on this very day, but have never mentioned it before. I guess you're new to babygate ;-)
Nice try, but you don't win a medal. You get an E for Effort, and hopefully a monetary stipend from your quitter queen.
"Anonymous said...
ReplyDeleteCaught in another lie! Sissy Sarah programmed the zombie rat to make this comment.
Maybe she should pick one story, write it on her palm, and stick to it. First MatSu, then Anchorage.
5:13 PM"
While traveling I got very ill and called my personal DR.to discuss symtoms. My Dr. demanded I go to the ER that very moment. He would not discuss even possible senarios to risk my health or more importantly HIS risk of malpractice. There is NO WAY a DR. would tell Palin to fly, BUT WE ALL KNOW PALIN WAS NEVER PREGNANT, so the ENTIRE onversation NEVER TOOK PLACE.
ReplyDeleteFrank Aquila: Piss Poor Palin Presidential Predictor
Aquila predicts Palin announcing her candidacy on Constitution Day
"Once Palin’s staffers caught wind of the book and screened a copy, they invited Aquila out to Iowa to meet her on her coast-to-coast tour that just happens to be stopping in the key primary states where the Republican Presidential hopefuls are campaigning."
Loyal bot credentials confirmed.
Services rendered to the queen of quit.
But Fail Fail Fail
Based on the knowledge he’s accumulated and what he’s learned about the news cycle, Aquila even thinks he knows when Palin will declare her candidacy – September 17 - which just happens to be Constitution Day. It’ll be far enough after September 11 to not get drowned out and not early enough in the year to compete with parents that are getting their kids ready to go back to school.
According to this guy Palin carefully plots her presidential run to not interfere with back to school. Like that's an issue for the well edjumacted Palin family. It's Constitution Day, also, too!
“It’s Constitution Day, so it would be very fitting for her to announce that she’s going to run for President on that day – I’d be really surprised if she didn’t announce then,” said Aquila – a self-taught political activist that champions causes that he believes in. “She’s the only one with any backbone that can go stand up to the corrupt forces in Washington D.C. and not back down.”
Or quit, or cancel,or not run or whatever.
5:46 PM
ReplyDeleteGawd you assholes are pathetic.
Let us remember: Palin was not pregnant. We know that because of the photos, esp the Mar 14 and Mar 26 photos showing a flat profile, and then the impossible watermelon-sized pregnancy in the Gusty photo on Apr 13.
ReplyDeleteThere was:
--Not one prenatal MD appt on SP's calendar
--No ob/gyn or perinatologist
--No maternity clothes except scarves
--No conversations by phone with CBJ
--No changing to earlier flights
--No exam in SeaTac
--No thoughts about MD liability
--No leaking of anmiotic fluid
--No induction of labor
--No genuine medical history records released (the MD letter is a fake)
--No newborn preemie born at 7.5 mo or 35 weeks (depending on which of Palin's stories you buy) on Apr 18 at MatSu or Anchorage (depending on which of Palin's stories you buy)per this photo of a fat older Trig supposedly taken right after "birth."
--No post-partum look
If we believe our eyes and anon238, Trig was born before Feb 14. We don't know the birthday of Tripp for sure. Or Ruffles, the baby with the deformed ear who was in the Palin kitchen photos and at the baby shower soon after birth.
If CBJ did not participate in this (and the lack of attn to the medical liability issues suggests she was not), why should she involve herself by denying anything? Ugh! She would avoid it like the plague, stay as far from it as possible. Like many of us, she sees that powerful people are condoning this hoax, which no one wants to be associated with in any way.
But it doesn't matter. All that matters is SP was not pregnant. She hoaxed us, hoping to influence a presidential election. She was enabled by those who knew at some point (like McCain and staff, CBJ, Bailey), supported by the Ruperts of this world (the $7M advance for her book), probably aided by Dominonists (Paxon), given a free ride by the MSM.
We dont need to know all the details to know SHE WAS NOT PREGNANT as stated. She hoaxed us. --Amy1
". . . cbj is a quack who probably finished last in her class . . ."
ReplyDeleteNo, that was McCain, last in his class.
5:30, you are confuzzled because you accept 4/18 as Trig's birth date. There is no proof of that beyond Sarah's word. Oh, and Creepy Chuck who claims to have watched him pop out.
ReplyDeleteHow Palin Haters Help Palin
ReplyDeleteJoe McGinniss’s new book is a masterpiece of meanness. Matt Latimer on how the author is only helping keep the former Alaska governor relevant—and rich.
@Anonymous9:06 PM
ReplyDelete"Very interesting indeed, and the most interesting part is we are just hearing about this now, in connection with Frank Aquila's most similar story. Very, very interesting that you would just "remember" this conversation that your friend overheard, right now, and on this very day, but have never mentioned it before. I guess you're new to babygate ;-)"
"Nice try, but you don't win a medal. You get an E for Effort, and hopefully a monetary stipend from your quitter queen."
Nope, not new to babygate at all and I'm as far from being a fan of the "quitter queen" as you can get. You can believe it or not. I have never believed the Wild Ride story, but I live in Alaska and I have a pretty public job, so while I follow IM, I don't post much and find it best to no even discuss it openly with too many people here, but the discussion on this thread reminded me of that conversation, which is why I mentioned it. I know there are a lot of trolls here. I'm not one of them.
Like I said, all I know for sure is that my friend told me the story and I believe her that she heard it from someone else. Beyond that, I don't know if the other person was being truthful, but if they were, I think it was probably a set up to get witnesses to her medical condition.
So, I was just trying to add another piece of the puzzle. Stop being rude!
Did Sarah ever say CBJ delivered Trig or induced her labor, or did she just say her doctor and we are assuming it was her. Sarah could have gone to CBJ for a hundred things and it would all be confidential. Did CBJ ever say anything about being at the hospital when Trig was born? How do we even know Sarah called anyone from Texas?
ReplyDeleteI am surprised no one is coming forward about Sarah even being in the hospital I know it is confidential, but where were the birth announcements. Sarah's parents holding a baby in the hospital could be a baby from 5 years ago, old picture. How come no pictures of Todd or the kids holding the baby. No pictures of Sarah either. That is too strange. Of course, we have the whole family and Levi holding Trig after they arrive home with Sarah looking great in her shorts and sweatshirt. So, I say, they brought Bristols baby home. Levi was left in the dark about it all. Maybe not Levis baby. Wasn't Bristol out of town with mono up to the date they brought the baby home. They probably didn't tell anything to Levi because they knew he was not the father.
I had a long discussion with my attorney re this case. He told me that if any part of the birth was a fraud, that hIPPAA laws would not cover for protection for anyone involded. If a fraud is committed in an insurance claim or filing then the law no longer pertains.HIPPAA is only for the protection of legitimate services. So if Sarah Palin was trying to cover for Brisdull first TRIG baby,so that Sarah could claim it was hers to avoid a HUGE non covered services for a FAS or Down child. So Laura Novaks new post is very important in possibly getting around those pesky facts. Also someone delivered Baby #1. That must know it was for the Palin family. There are so many possibilities to get the Palins under a fraud charge here.Follow the insurance and where was Brisdull's first baby born.
ReplyDeleteSeriously, where ARE they going to go with this?
ReplyDeleteThere aren't many dark corners left that are dark enough for Ms.Palin™© to skitter into.
Anon @ 10:38
ReplyDeleteYou work a public job so you don't post? WHY? I have never seen Gryphen make someone elses email address, or IP address public. Doesn't matter if the are anti-palin or pro-palin.
Do you know what? A friend of a friend of a friend of my cousins once told him that Sarah has only had ONE child in which Todd is the sperm donor.
In fact, I can claim for a fact that aliens sing me love songs outside my bedroom window every night.
Can you PROVE me wrong?
That new blog on your blog roll is sure kissing Sarah and screwing up your work. Why did you do that, Jesse?
ReplyDelete@Anon 4:35 Do we know for sure that CBJ didn't have privileges at another hospital?
ReplyDeleteIf the two anon informants are accurate, I think the info was that SP was not present for the birth, but CBJ was, and that the birth did not occur at MatSu. Also, SP slipped that time and said Trig was born in Anchorage. So is it possible CBJ delivered Trig (or Ruffles) in Anchorage (is Providence the hospital?) ?
Yeah. I think it is important to keep heat on the good Dr CBJ. I have always believed she is the weakest link that can unravel this hoax. As a family practice physician, in order for a FP MD to deliver high risk babies, she would need to have continuing education and perform actual c-sections at regular intervals to keep up her credentials. Palin's supposed pregnancy was high risk and CBJ would need to be qualified to perform an emergency c-section should mother or baby become distressed. Did she have the requisite credentials at that time? Has anyone checked? I professionally doubt it otherwise she would not have been attempting this at MatSu, which does not have the requisite NICU or pediatric/neonatal intensivist MD.
ReplyDeleteYes the whole tale is bullshit from beginning to end. We know it, CBJ knows it. Again the million dollar (ok 10,000$ question lol) is Why doesn't CBJ clear her formerly good name????? @CBJ: Palin doesn't give a crap about you. Do the right thing as a human, an American, and most importantly a PHYSICIAN and come clean on the hoax!! Have you accepted some sort of plea bargain already with the medical authorities? Well, the American public and all sane rational people who have been questioning this from the beginning DESERVE the truth. Hell, we'll even forgive you if you just come clean.
What strikes me as the most relevant part of the wild Ride story is the lack of concern for Trig. All the statements Sarah makes are about herself. She knows her body, she knows how labor feels, etc. blah, blah, blah. A mother would not jeopardize the life of her "wanted" baby. (of course, there had to have been a baby to begin with).
ReplyDeleteI delivered both my babies in Seattle WA. One at Northwest and one at Swedish Ballard. My membranes ruptured before I went into labor with the first. I was told to come to the hospital immediately and I got there 80 minutes later, went into labor about 6 hours later, delivered another 6 hours later. Of course, being advised to go to the hospital immediately is typical for any any ANY woman's tale of PROM (premature rupture of membranes).
ReplyDeleteFantastic Doonesbury today (and read the Palin quotes on the left side of the page. Priceless.
cbj is a quack who probably finished last in her class whose only position she could obtain was in ak in some small hospital. she should be charged with dereliction of duty at the least.
ReplyDeleteThat's just it though, she went to the University of WA or at least did her residency there. It is a premiere US medical school. If she is a quack, I think it is dominionist related...The UW angle is what makes this so hard for me to get a grasp on her actions, well besides all the rest of it I guess lol!!
9:28 shared this: "Once Palin’s staffers caught wind of the book and screened a copy..."
ReplyDelete-> Now how, exactly, did they get a copy? (I'm assuming that they're talking about "Going Rogue")
and this:"... her coast-to-coast tour..."
-> My idea of coast-to-coast is going from the shore of the Atlantic all the way to the shore of the Pacific. Did I miss something?
Delusional comes to mind.
This cracks me up!
ReplyDelete"DOCTORS" Plural!!
I can't even manage to find a MAILBOX at the airport. How and where are these "doctors" going to have examined Sarah Palin??
Did they take her to the ladies' room, or just go behind the curtain in the TSA zone?
I'm sure it was a thorough exam, though, being four-handed and all!
""Anonymous said...
ReplyDeleteI'm not understanding this controversy. If she had Trig in April 2008, and Brisket had Trip in December of the same year, that's only 8 months. And Trig was a little early, so about 7 months between the boys. Conception doesn't happen for about 6 weeks after a birth. I am confuzzled.
5:30 PM"""
Yes you are confuzzled. How on earth does Trig coming a little make it 1 less month between the babies birthdates? 8 months is 8 months.
Amy1-you had a great list of circumstantial evidence going there and then you blew it up by adding this: "If we believe our eyes and anon238, Trig was born before Feb 14."
ReplyDeleteEverything after "eyes" falls into the realm of pure speculation and quite frankly, nothing Anon238 has claimed has been backed up with any proof. None. There are some here who don't believe that he/she is a real "insider." I don't. I kinda saw a bit of a red flag even in the last post, so I'm just saying...
Otherwise, I always enjoy your thoughtful posts.
Susan in MD
I had a thought - does this guy Aquila give sources for his material? I'm assuming you all are saying his book is published (he had a book signing?) So perhaps there is an index or maybe even footnotes if this is quoted material? Did Palin cooperate with the author in the writing of THIS book?
ReplyDeleteI simply can't go over to the see-o-pee. Tried a few times and it makes me ill. If I get a chance today I will check Amazon for the book, where u can often preview those parts.
Susan in MD
felt some contractions that seemed different from the false labor she had been having for months.
And she stoically kept it to herself since NO ONE suspected she was pregnant.
False labor for months.
Another obvious lie. You think FALSE labor is called that because it feels "um, okay"? NO! It FEELS like labor.
You're not SMILING your way out of FALSE LABOR pains (and NOT just ONCE, because this is Sarah Paylin. NO, NO, she'd been suffering false labor FOR MONTHS!)
-in the middle of a meeting
-in the middle of a conference
-in the middle of a (whatever the HELL YOU DID as Governor, you lazy bitch!)
She is ADDICTED to creating a narrative in which she is a SUPER-WOMAN. And that will be her un-doing.
she is just ridiculous!
The only time I was ever given a medical exam at an airport was in Paris in 1993 for a severe earache.
ReplyDeletehow the author is only helping keep the former Alaska governor relevant—and rich.
ReplyDeleteI don't care if she stays rich. I care if she is a viable political candidate, and as of the Arizona shooting, she has NOT been that. Joe's book is just one more thing turning her into a cartoon character like Donald Trump, and I'm fine with that.
No one is going to nominate her. No one.
You can't compare her to Ronald Reagan. Ronald Reagan was an actor, but then he became a governor and a respected politician.
She - along with the help of authors like Joe - has turned herself into a perennial tabloid celebrity.
Will she still fascinate the media? Will she still make money? Probably. But who cares? She won't be in the White House.
You work a public job so you don't post? WHY?
ReplyDeleteI am not the OP, but I can tell you why. If you work in a public job, your work computer is usually monitored and any commenting you might make on a political topic could be construed as conducting political activity from your workplace. That's why public employees anywhere are reluctant to comment.
Alison@ 4:36-
ReplyDeleteUm, you're AWESOME!!!!!
Again, Payliar has created SO MANY ridiculous lies that it should be enough to call her out on ANY ONE of them.
And yet, this ridiculous charade continues.
But for how long now?
(also, too, 24 hours to JMCG's Book!! WOO-to-the-HOO!!!)
If you're diagnosed with a baby with a hole in the heart AND Down's Syndrome, doesn't that REQUIRE at least ONE specialist (like a cardiologist, etc.) to monitor the mother throughout her pregnancy, possibly in addition to one or more specialists, as well as the mother's regular OB?
ReplyDeleteTo claim CBJ delivered the baby is one lie, but to say that she was ALSO reckless enough to suggest that her very selective medical training ALONE was ABOVE and BEYOND the necessities of her patient, the 46 yr. old Governor of Alaska?
And if CBJ is NOT saying that, then who are these other doctors that can corroborate that yes, they did monitor a pregnant Sarah Paylin in 2008.
(Pssst! I hear there's like, $10,000 in it for you!!)
"I wanna stand on a mountain top and say "Yeah, John McCain is the next Commander in Chief that we need. He will get us through these NEXT FOUR YEARS THAT MAY BE PRETTY TUMULTUOUS". (Emphasis MINE!!)
But, apparently since it was Barack Obama that inherited this shit storm with the Rethugs Fucking UP every. opportunity. for U.S. advancement, well...
HE is to be blamed at every turn.
Oh, Rebecca?
FUCK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! u ugly sack of shit.
"recruits those who feel worthless and powerless and uses them"
ReplyDeleteHitler was good at that, also, too.
6:39 PM
All cult leaders are good at this.
Was Ruffles Trig's twin who unfortunately passed? (born to Bristle)
ReplyDeleteThen of course Tripp was born afterwards, Tripp----Trig, Is Tripp the second baby to be names Tripp, 'Tripp I' being 'Ruffles'? I think there is some sort of meaning behind the likeness of the names.
Anonymous said...
ReplyDeleteWas Ruffles Trig's twin who unfortunately passed? (born to Bristle)
Then of course Tripp was born afterwards, Tripp----Trig, Is Tripp the second baby to be names Tripp, 'Tripp I' being 'Ruffles'? I think there is some sort of meaning behind the likeness of the names.
8:48 AM
"Tripp" is often a nickname given to a "third" or John Smith, III (John Smith, the third)
I think Bristol named him Tripp because he was her "third" child.
Real men don't quote the New York Times:
ReplyDeleteForget former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin for a moment, and ask yourself this: What has the life of politics and celebrity done to former Iron Dog snowmachine race champion Todd Palin?
Anon @ 8:41,
ReplyDeleteYou wrote:
"Lets just all remind ourselves that (unfortunately) Fox News does win most of the time in viewer ratings and financial profit."
The fuck they do. They lead in CABLE NEWS ratings, but get hammered by the broadcast network news shows, the so called LSM/MSM.
Squarebob Spongepants has higher ratings than FauxNews.
Let's keep things in perspective.
To anon 8:11 a.m. - you wrote:
ReplyDeleteTrig does look just like Piper. Many of the "before" pictures of Sarah show someone who does look pregnant to me. I have given birth to three children. Very often, depending on how you are standing or the photograph, you look either more or less pregnant in a photo. Perhaps she had IUGR or low amniotic fluid. Sarah Palin has not released the birth certficate IMO because she is tired of this stupid story and she does not owe anyone an explanation. Yes, it is an interesting story, but IMO, she did look pregnant and Trig looks just like Piper. If this was a faked pregnancy, Levi or his sister or his mother or someone at the hospital would have spilled the secret by now. Joe McGinnis is a world class journalist and he couldn't find a source to prove babygate. None of the bloggers have found a source. Frank Bailey and all the emails don't prove babygate. It didn't happen people. I did meet with Joe McGinnis. I know one of Sarah's good friends. I have lived here for a long time. I am a democrat. I'm just a reasonable, pragmatic person. Joe McGinnis threw a "hail Mary" back in the Spring in his blog where he was basically begging anyone with any info to come forward and no one did. He could not get "babygate" past his publishers' lawyers because he did not have any credible sources. That's the bottom line. I think really all that happened was that Sarah Palin was probaby thrown for a loop by the pregnancy and the DS diagnosis. It took her a while to accept it. She was a newly elected Governor and she did not want the pregnancy to distract from the legislative session. Also, she needed time to accept it all. Finally, maybe she is vain and didn't eat enough or wasn't careful enough during the flight back. That just goes to her character, etc. It doesn't mean that she did not give birth to Trig. I have seen all the "evidence" and really, there is none that is completely convincing. I am a lawyer by the way. I am a former journalist. It would be fun and exiciting if Joe McGinnis did have this "scoop" but he didn't get it and it's not there.
9:58 AM
You offer no proofs in your rather lengthy opinion. (And one wonders what would motivate a Democrat to pen such an expostion of a rival failed politico.) But to the point: This an ipse dixit, a "this I know." As a "lawyer" and a "journalist" surely you know that your responses to the volumes of cirumstancial evidence that SP lied about giving birth to Trig are de rigueur.
Anon @1:34 AM:
ReplyDelete"You work a public job so you don't post? WHY? I have never seen Gryphen make someone elses email address, or IP address public. Doesn't matter if the are anti-palin or pro-palin.
"Do you know what? A friend of a friend of a friend of my cousins once told him that Sarah has only had ONE child in which Todd is the sperm donor.
"In fact, I can claim for a fact that aliens sing me love songs outside my bedroom window every night.
"Can you PROVE me wrong?"
Whatever. Your responses are just demonstrating why a lot of people lurk and read but never post. I frankly don't care whether you believe me or not. I know what I am saying is true. Maybe you should go back and read what I said and consider that if it's true, it's another little interesting piece of the puzzle. Also consider that responding in the way you have to me probably just makes other people who might have little pieces of the puzzle not real anxious to say anything.
And thank you Anon @6:03. I never post from work for the very reasons you state, although I work for a private entity, not the government.
There's a Level III NICU at Valley Medical in Renton. It's only a bit more than 5 miles away, in a virtual straight shot across the Kent Valley from SeaTac Airport.
ReplyDeleteIf Mrs. Palin had been really fussy, Seattle Children's Hospital is rated one of the best in the United States.
Children's is the only hospital in Washington, Alaska, Montana and Idaho that provides neonatal ECMO.
Bretta @7:44 What a great find on Alaskan law regarding medical advice via telephone. Do you have a link for that, please? I try to save anything pertinent that casts doubt on Sarah's story and this is a big one.
ReplyDeleteAs a Pediatric Nurse Practitioner who has worked in the same office as a group of OB/GYN's, I KNOW there is not a doctor alive who would risk their license and all their years of practice to give negligent medical advice as Palin proclaims CBJ did. She's so ignorant as to believe that everyone would fall for her nonsense because she has gotten away with so many lies over the years.
"What name is appropriate for a women that may have four different sperm donors (fathers) for her four children?
ReplyDeleteSlut is not enough..."
OK troll, liberals don't think like that. I don't care what you do in the bedroom or whom you do it with. I don't care if you get pregnant w/multiple men, its not my business. I DO care if those children are being cared for properly, and whether they are being emotionally or physically abused. (Withholding a child's father from him is a form of abuse, given that the father is himself not a danger to the child.) When a child is not being fed, clothed, or allowed to see his other parent then the government MUST step in and should.
Otherwise, its not my or your business if Bristol has TEN babies with TEN partners. It is only relevant because of who her mother is and b/c **Sarah Palin faked a prgnancy for political gain and stole her daughter's child!**
As a survivor of emotional abuse I say pity Bristol, hope that she does right by all her children and Levi, and don't throw slurs at her that demean all women. It should not be used even against someone you do not like.