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Notice that he has grabbed hold of Paul's wrist. |
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What do you think he needed to lean in so close to say? I doubt it was reasonable. |
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Jon Huntsman decides to step in between them to protect Ron Paul. |
(Big Hat tip to Market Ticker Forum.)
Update: I have no idea if this means I have slipped into an alternate universe or just eaten a batch of bad mushrooms, but somehow I found myself in agreement with the Sea O'Pee on Rick Perry and his bullying techniques. I will try to make sure that NEVER happens again.
I mean talk about "jumping the shark!"
what a dick. I love the look on Huntsman's face...he's gotta be thinking about running as a moderate dem next time...cannot get any traction with the RWNs
ReplyDeleteSo what did Ron Paul say right before the break that set Perry off?
ReplyDeleteThat body language was despicable. You don;t have to know what was being said because there were many photos showing the same anger and aggression.
ReplyDeleteOne photo could be misinterpreted, but not this many.
I do not want, nor should any American want, a man such as this leading our country. Truth is, he shouldn't be leading a state because his track record show he is leading it down to ruin.
What an arrogant, ignorance S-O-B that pissant is. As the fictional Juanita Jean in a TX blog would say, his is a sumbitch.
Remember when he grabbed Sarah at the Governors conference in Florida,and started speaking for her at the press conference.
ReplyDeleteThe man is a thug. He has no qualms about executing an innocent man. Can you imagine, were he to get all that power as President?
That's why we have to work harder to re elect the President. These people scare the hell outta me.
wow. What an 'asshat'
ReplyDeletePerry looks and acts like an asshole. I personally think that Romney will win the primary, but in the long run - President Obama will be re elected.
ReplyDeleteThanks for putting this post up. This perfectly displays the Rick Perry we know here in Texas. And although your caption on the top photo reads that he grabbed his hand, actually I believe it was Ron Paul's forearm; minor point except that this was NOT a friendly handshake. In another Reuters photo, Ron Paul's bodyguard is shown in the foreground, reportedly moving toward him just in case.
ReplyDeletePerry is simply unaccustomed to being opposed in any way. He's a career politician who's become a millionaire while on the state payroll through dirty dealings. NO ONE stands up to him: they either owe their job to him (he's spent 10 years building out a system of patronage that is outrageous - the real power of the "weak" governor system in Texas) or he's holding some power over them (regulatory, financial, etc.)
What recent photo does this menacing posture recall? Sarah and Todd maybe?
Also, there's a damning video of similar nastiness when Rick Perry's driver was pulled over for speeding, and Perry unloaded on him "why don't you just let us get on down the road" in a really unpleasant way.
If Perry is an alpha dog, as stated on another post, then he's a rabid one.
With apologies to all great apes, Perry has a simian look.
ReplyDeleteI also find Huntsman's expressions and body language interesting.
Does he look warily protective of old man Paul?
Ron Paul is anything but harmless. What Perry appears to be doing to Paul in these photos, i.e. bullying, is nothing compared to what Paul, as a powerful U.S. Senator, does to women's reproductive rights.
ReplyDeleteFuck Ron Paul. Fuck Rick Perry too, of course. But I couldn't care less if they kill each other.
The debates between President "Pass this jobs bill" Obama and Rick "pray-away-the-drought" Perry should be popcorn-worthy. Buttered popcorn. And Perry bettr not get in Obama's face like he did with poor old Paul!
ReplyDeleteanother appearance of the belly
Makes me like Huntsman, just for noticing and moving into position to help Ron Paul.
ReplyDeleteActually, in the grand scheme of things, I think Perry's just as big, if not the bigger nut. Don't know who came up with this slogan, but I love it- NO NEW TEXANS!
ReplyDeletePerry is an asshole. I've been saying this for years. Perhaps NOW people will STFU and watch just how much of an asshole he is! MOFO.
ReplyDeleteThat man is an asshole! (and an idiot).
ReplyDeleteSeriously, here we have Jon Hunstman, who is a Republican without being a stupid asshole, and he has zero chance of becoming the nominee and gets zero media attention. No, let's pay attention to the crazy, imbecilic asshole candidates!
ReplyDeleteBig nasty bullies usually have teeny weeny weenies. Just sayin'.
ReplyDeleteI just read earlier that a Ron Paul supporter named Morrow has been running ads in the Austin paper asking "Have You Ever Had Sex With Rick Perry". I hope a bunch of men/strippers answer the ad and say YES I have.
ReplyDeleteI found all this by google -
Rick Perry sex affairs
He was probably pissed because Ron Paul had the audacity to run that anti-Perry ad during the debate.
ReplyDeleteI'd favor Huntsman in this group and I'm not a Repub and will vote for President Obama AGAIN.
ReplyDeleteActions speak louder than words!
ReplyDeleteI'm with you on this one, but must confess, I wouldn't mind if it were Santorum on the receiving end, at least it would be a fair fight.
O.T. I loved the "no more bridges to nowhere" line in Obama's job speech!
ohh that poor fridge!
paul should've jacked perry up via his foot square into perry's balls/scrotum
ReplyDeletejust like todd palin perry's a fukin' waterass
Rick Perry swaggers and smirks and charms and bullies because for YEARS he's been able to do anything he damn well pleases in Texas. Last election cycle he refused to meet with the editorial boards of the state's newspapers because he didn't want to answer questions on the record, and refused to debate his Democratic opponent over some chickenshit "he won't disclose his tax returns from 25 years ago" excuse.
ReplyDeleteHe called the legislature back into emergency session not for the school budget but to pass the vaginal ultrasound abortion requirement. He grows more smug and self-assured, more outrageous with each passing year.
Perry has sold this Texas out to every special interest with an open wallet. Our education system is crippled for a generation. More than 1 in 4 children go to bed hungry every night. We have the highest rate of uninsured citizens in the country. He refused to use the billions sitting in the rainy day fund for this purpose, instead balancing the budget on the backs of the poor, young, sick, disabled, and elderly - oh, and the federal stimulus money he crowed about. And he committed $25 billion for a new Formula 1 race track, in addition to the billions he keeps in his private enterprise fund to hand out to his big donors for so called business development.
Please send money to Obama's campaign if this is who he goes up against, because Perry will pivot for the general election and look you in the eye with every lie imaginable and tell you that you must have misunderstood what he said before. This is EXACTLY the kind of guy who would say, "What are you gonna believe, darlin', me or your lyin' eyes?" And he will have a war chest to hammer those lies home.
My hope is he crashes and burns in a major flameout of epic proportions. He deserves it, and we need to be saved from him doing for the country what he did for Texas: dirty air and water, slave wage jobs, unsafe workplaces, crippled education system, gutted safety net services, guns everywhere, and on and on.
Rant over. But this guy is a special kind of bad.
Huntsman is a real gentleman. I don't agree with some of his positions, but he's a smart man. Too bad smart men get nowhere with the republican party
ReplyDeletePerry strikes me of the sort, if he doesn't know something it's not worth knowing. There's no mistaking his body
ReplyDeletelanguage (or Pauls' or Huntsmans's for that matter.) Guess what Rick, that big ol' karma wheel is gonna turn and kick you in the balls real soon. Looking forward to it.
I HATE BULLIES TOO! Sorry for yelling back at you or with you! That is what I see in Todd; on the one hand I think he is Pu%^y whipped; and on the other he is a bully. And the thing about bullies is when it is turned back on them, they tend to run and cry like babies! (No offense meant to babies.) I already don't like Perry, but wow, these pictures add another dimension to my dislike of him. Now to read the other comments. I may have to post these pics to my Austin friends' FB pages (they hate Perry!).
ReplyDeletegreat, another nut job without impulse control. NEXT!
ReplyDeleteIf Perry can't handle a shot from old Ron Paul in his first debate, what is going to happen when the real scrutiny starts. I can't flippin' wait! thin skinned MF'er.
ReplyDeleteMr G
ReplyDeletePlease update this post with the video of Rick Perry manhandling Mrs Palin at an RGA press conference (after the last general election). It will be a good comparison and really shows his boorishness. Please?
Perry is serious thug. He can't even hide it. It tells in the smarmy sneer on his face right down to the "I'd hit you when you weren't looking if I had the chance" look on his face.
ReplyDeleteNo amount of expensive suits will clean this creep up.
It could be due to the recent Ron Paul ad, calling Perry a Al Gore cheerleader.
You can see the evil in his eyes in the 3rd picture. Not a nice person!
ReplyDeleteRick Perry is a smoker.. it's all over his face. I bet he breath was HORRIBLE.
ReplyDeleteThe last time that someone pointed a finger at me in what appears the same intimidating threatening tone as Perry -- required medical attention. That finger got SNAPPED.
ReplyDeleteRon Paul had the other hand free -- he should have used it.
Sometimes a 'bully' has to learn a lesson the hard way.
Yeah man, back the f&^# off! Maybe he was drank too much coffee, but get out of other people's space, Rick.
ReplyDeleteLooks like the other guys thought he had a problem also.
Oh do I wish we had the audio, the jerk would be history.
ReplyDeleteSorry I meant 4th picture, well all of them show what an ass he is!
ReplyDeleteAnon 4:18
ReplyDeleteWhat recent photo does this menacing posture recall? Sarah and Todd maybe?
Two times I immediately recall
The teacher in Homer who had the banner up of Worst Governor.
Second time was the man taking the video in the airport in Anchorage where Todd kept slithering around coming up behind or getting in the man's face - threatening and intimidating.
I think Toady needs a 'Lorenna Bobbitt' treatment. Make him sing like a little girl.
Romney also has a bad temper - and has been arrested a few times.
ReplyDeleteHuntsman is no prize. He lacks principal.
Perhaps Perry saw Paul's commercial during the break - where Paul claims he stood by Reagan and Perry was supporting Al Gore's ideas?
Anonymous said...
ReplyDeleteMakes me like Huntsman, just for noticing and moving into position to help Ron Paul.
4:30 PM
.............he'll do anything to try to attract some attention to himself.
Perry's an idiot and bully!
ReplyDeleteRon Paul is not a nut. His policy follows what was written in the constitution, period. Like it or not. Listen to what he says then read the part of the constitution pertaining to what he is talking about. See for yourself.
ReplyDeleteRon Paul is anything but harmless. What Perry appears to be doing to Paul in these photos, i.e. bullying, is nothing compared to what Paul, as a powerful U.S. Senator, does to women's reproductive rights.
ReplyDeleteFuck Ron Paul. Fuck Rick Perry too, of course. But I couldn't care less if they kill each other.
4:24 PM
Total agreement here. The whole range of Republican candidates
scare the beezus out of me. I watched the debate last night and thought, really? Is the best you can do? Huntsman came off as the most sensible of the bunch, but I can't even imagine voting for any of them. There's this old fart that is running, Buddy Roemer (sp?)
who is a long time Republican but us not afraid to say that there is something seriously wrong in America, and that is money. He is only taking $100 donations and not from any PACS. I liked him when I have seen him on Rachel's and Colbert.
Actually, Perry reminds me of the vaguely bearded Joe Miller. Thugs, both of them.
ReplyDeletePerry gets his tips from "WWF" like Sarah Palin gets her tips from "Seventeen" magazine.
ReplyDelete@ 4:24, I thought Paul was a libertarian to the core like legalizing weed and pro-choice? I guess I don't really know him enough to judge him...
ReplyDeleteI am SO, SO appreciative of "real" Texans explaining Why Perry is such a dangerous scumbag.
ReplyDeleteHe IS a special kind of evil.
otto katz said...
ReplyDeleteHuntsman is a real gentleman. I don't agree with some of his positions, but he's a smart man...
Then why is he a Republican?
Ron Paul is not a nut.
ReplyDeleteInvestigate what he says. Read the constitution.
We need him. Why do you think the MSM never mentions him? He came in about 127 votes behind MB in the Iowa Straw Poll and they never mentioned him in their "top-tier" candidates. He had more votes than all the rest combined and yet they fail to even mention him.
Perry reminds me of a troll (the under-the-bridge kind, not the Bristol & Sarah on IM type).
ReplyDeleteNice butt-crack hairstyle, too!
I think maybe Perry was still pissed about the Wonkette story yesterday.
ReplyDeleteRon Paul Introduces ‘Al Gore’s Texas Cheerleader,’ Rick Perry (VIDEO)
Or maybe Rick hasn't forgotten this ad yet?
A supporter of Republican presidential candidate Ron Paul has taken out an ad seeking anyone who has had sex with Texas Gov. Rick Perry.
The ad, which ran in this week's edition of the Austin Chronicle, asks: "Are you a stripper, an escort, or just a 'young hottie' impressed by an arrogant, entitled governor of Texas?"
Maybe it was something else. Was he telling Ron something like- 'You assholes put up the Pink Cowboy video and I'm putting up the AquaBuddah video'. And then maybe he got really pissed when Ron said 'Legalize It, Don't Criticize It, Legalize It.'
And Perry lost it and challenged Paul to a duel as soon as Texas secedes. Which was when Huntsman got between them. Possibly Huntsman is saying- 'Wait a minute Rick, the Chinese already think the Republican Party has lost it's shit,now this?? WTF!'
Rick Perry is here at this debate thanks to Turdblossom.
anon @ 4:57
ReplyDeleteYou're right, he IS a very special kind of bad. Possibly more dangerous than palin. The super pacs are pouring money into his campaign, we NEED to get up and fight the progressive fight this election!
We might also start fighting for reform (super pacs??) instead of just feeling overwhelmed by all the corruption, we can do it!!
At least the bully didn't pull out a gun to make his point...this time. What a despicable human being.
ReplyDeleteFirst Bush2, and now this swaggering creep. Third world dictatorship, here we come!
The 'thought' bubble over Huntman's head in the second photo of him standing between them where he is looking at and thinking about Perry:
ReplyDelete'You seriously are f*cking deranged'
you know, rick perry really shows himself in these pics to be a controller. bad impression and bad vibes.
ReplyDeletehis "mojo" will be done in a few months. no threat to obama.
When you guys are finished kicking him in the balls, shove that sonogram wand up his ass!
ReplyDeleteUnreal. My grandparents would be horrified. Politics in their youth was a bit more civil and by the time the Vietnam War came about they were terrified and energized by Dick Nixon. They both marched against the war. Today’s GOP lineup would be an assault on their senses. The repubs are bought and sold and true to form unprincipled beyond all reason.
ReplyDeleteIt's how they do in Tejas.
anon@ 4:18 pm sez:
ReplyDelete"Perry is simply unaccustomed to being opposed in any way. He's a career politician who's become a millionaire while on the state payroll through dirty dealings. NO ONE stands up to him: they either owe their job to him (he's spent 10 years building out a system of patronage that is outrageous - the real power of the "weak" governor system in Texas) or he's holding some power over them (regulatory, financial, etc.)
What recent photo does this menacing posture recall? Sarah and Todd maybe?"
I thought that deserved a repost. I think it sums it up.
Perry is Todd Palin redux
ReplyDeletealso note someone put their hand on Perry (perhaps an aide who saw what he was up to) when Perry put his hand on Paul. This is some good theatre!
ReplyDeleteWas Rick Perry carrying HEAT?
ReplyDeleteRon Paul is a racist.
ReplyDeleteHuge Goth Death Moth: http://www.nationalenquirer.com/mike-walker/sarah-palin-rage-bristol-goth-tatoo
ReplyDeleteRemember when Senator Barack Obama was no danger/threat against Hillary? Huntsman could get ahead of the pack. Not that I would vote for him, but being the lowest on the polls at this point doesn't mean anything.
ReplyDeletePerry has no problem with in-your-face fuck you's: like removing the head of an agency two days before hearing a report from an outside arson forensics expert, effectively shutting down the investigation that would reveal he had refused to even DELAY the execution of an innocent man to review the evidence. And he recently tried to jigger the vote granting the regulatory permit for a new nuclear waste disposal site in west Texas (on the New Mexico border, so he doesn't mind screwing neighboring states as well) - first he dangled a plum university regent appointment, then when it was refused he re-stacked the agency... and now we're going to allow radioactive waste from half the states - and all for one of his big donors.
ReplyDeleteHe's a crook, and NOTHING is too outrageous for him to think he can get away with. Because he has. No one here in Texas has the juice to go up against him, because he plays mean and dirty and he's pretty much been paid off by, or bought off, everyone who could.
I want to see him throw an elbow on Obama - and be buried, humiliated, spanked.
Anyone else have their gaydar going off last night with Perry? Regardless, he gives me the creeps.
ReplyDeleteReading various reports tonight that the Perry / Paul relationship has been rancid for years. Also read opinions that the dust up was likely more the result of Paul's bringing up the HPV vaccine debacle than anything else.
Is there any video of this encounter? Would a lip reader be able to make out what is said? I'm a ex-pat Southerner and I can tell you this--beware of guys like Perry. He's just a tarted up used car salesman and you can just imagine the lies he must tell in his personal life as well as political. Just like Sarah, he has the "charm" face and behind it is a creepy thug and Sarah's the same. If they are getting what they want they're all honey and charm but if not; look out!
ReplyDeleteI think Ron Paul is probably tough enough to stand up to it. But Perry is still an asshole.
ReplyDeleteIt's important to note that Rick Perry really WAS a cheerleader at all-male Texas A&M. Ron Paul was taking it to him, hah!
ReplyDeletePerry is like Shrub on steroids. He's dumber than Bush, and lacks George Bush's graciousness and manners (what little there was of it.)
ReplyDeleteHi Rick, Welcome back!
ReplyDeleteQuick question, Is the unwanted grabbing of someones wrist legal in Texas?
It's criminal assault here in California.
Thats Perry for you. He can only bully the elderly.
ReplyDeleteRon Paul is not a nut.
ReplyDeleteInvestigate what he says. Read the constitution.
We need him. Why do you think the MSM never mentions him? He came in about 127 votes behind MB in the Iowa Straw Poll and they never mentioned him in their "top-tier" candidates. He had more votes than all the rest combined and yet they fail to even mention him.
5:44 PM
Ron Paul is a misogynistic bigot who lives in the kind of la-la-land only a white, wealthy man is privileged to inhabit in our society.
He's a foul, delusional piece of shit.
He's even too extreme and delusional for the Republican ass-kissing media to bother with taking seriously.
THAT'S delusional.
ManxMamma said...
ReplyDeletewow. What an 'asshat'
4:16 PM
Hehehe thats exactly what I called him in the last Perry post!
Anonymous said...
ReplyDeleteRon Paul is not a nut. His policy follows what was written in the constitution, period. Like it or not. Listen to what he says then read the part of the constitution pertaining to what he is talking about. See for yourself.
5:41 PM
Sorry, as a biracial woman, I would NEVER vote for the racist Ron Paul.
RON Paul is a Congressman from Texas. It's his son, RAND Paul, that is the Senator, from Virginia.
ReplyDeleteThat said, Perry is Dubya without the charm...and he makes Dubya look like a smart guy. And I HATED Dubya and his puppet master, Cheney.
God, I miss Molly Ivins!!!
RE: the gaydar going off - oh hell yeah. Solid rumors that Anita caught him in bed with his boy toy, threatened to leave him, and he promised her the White House to get her to stay. But, once again, he's no longer cocooned in Austin surrounded by all the paid up, paid off hacks who protect him.
ReplyDeleteJon Huntsman's speech bubble to himself on his opinion of Rick Perry--
ReplyDelete"Man this guy is off his freakin' horse. What a jackass!"
I think the idea of Perry as the alpha dog in the movie "Up" is hysterical. Someone should do a graphic of the dog with his face - and the cone of shame... LOL...
ReplyDeleteRick Perry is definitely being a bully here. There is never a need to get physical and grabbing someone's wrist like that. Remember how he practically shoved Palin off the podium that one time they appeared together at some Republican function? He basically was maneuvering her by her elbow. I dislike Palin greatly - but that kind of manhandling is unnecessary.
ReplyDeleteAnd look at how Perry is poking his finger at Ron Paul's face. That's just outright rude. There is no need for this kind of behaviour.
Perry is no gentleman.
"RON Paul is a Congressman from Texas. It's his son, RAND Paul, that is the Senator, from Virginia."
ReplyDeleteRand Paul represents Kentucky, not Virgina. Although they are both about as useless as tits on a bull, both of Virginia's Senators are Democrats.
Ron Paul hasn't had that look on his face since he was interviewed by "Bruno"
ReplyDeleteRon Paul is NOT a harmless nut. Do you consider his son "harmless," too?
ReplyDeleteThis man is in CONGRESS and his goal is to take us back to the 19th century, if not earlier.
@4:15 -- I do remember that...
I think it was Sarah's first post election sighting. she looked good back then. He looks like he did last night - pushy, creepy; a bully.
IF they don't nominate her, i hope they nominate him...let a nut get stomped, bring them back to reality.
Perry is Ghadafi in a suit. Perry was described by one wag as "a little boy dressed in his father's suit. Oh Snap!
ReplyDeleteThought JOBama gave an excellent speech tonight.
perry has girlie hands and fingers.
ReplyDeleteAnnie Oakley said...
ReplyDeleteRon Paul is anything but harmless. What Perry appears to be doing to Paul in these photos, i.e. bullying, is nothing compared to what Paul, as a powerful U.S. Senator, does to women's reproductive rights.
Fuck Ron Paul. Fuck Rick Perry too, of course. But I couldn't care less if they kill each other.
4:24 PM
Ron Paul is a nasty piece of work, but I think what Gryphen meant was at least Ron is civil, peaceful, and carries himself well in public unlike Governor P-Rick. Ron's son Rand, on the other hand...
This email is supposedly by the guy who ran the ad for dirt on Perry. It might be a hoax, but was found on a long established RWNJ site. It shows as posted 4 days ago. This same email is reposted in some other places.
Here is what we are learning about
Rick Perry
Please forward this to your email list
Ask leads/sources to call Robert Morrow at 512-306-1510. They can also email me at FamilyValuesHypocrite@gmail.com
1) Rick Perry has been mining strip clubs and escort services all over Texas for a very long time. Rampant adultery. Basically, Rick has his entourage literally go in the clubs and get the girls; they rent the hotel rooms; they call the escort services. Rick has been living in the gutter as much as Bill Clinton. I just talked with someone familiar with the San Antonio strip club scene and he confirmed what I know from Austin. A new source will be revealing that Perry on 2 seperate occasions in approx 2006 had age 18-19 year old women delivered to his hotel room. That is just the tip of Perry’s rampant whore bisexual mongering.
2) The gay rumors are very likely true, too. We have 2 gay men working on getting their friends, who they say have had gay sex with Rick Perry, to go public. There are also 2 other credible gay men who probably had sex with Rick Perry who we are working. 4 total. I have not met these 4 primary sources yet; the going is slow, but I think over a period of months something will happen. When Bill Clinton ran for president in 1992, he by then had hundreds of women, but only 3 went public in 1992 – Gennifer Flower, Sally Perdue, Bobbie Ann Williams. Then they were greeted with Hillary’s terror campaign of private detectives.
3) I think Rick Perry uses cocaine a lot. Remember the stripper in 2009 told me he was “too coked up” to get it up or perform sexually. Someone close to Rick’s supposed cocaine dealer called me recently.
4) Anita Perry has 4-5 male friends herself according to friends of her friends. So Anita is a little whore, too. I think Rick and Anita have a pure Hillary/Bill Clinton arrangement where they have sex with whoever they want. Anita almost never lets lecher Rick kiss her on the lips; always closing her eyes, puckering her lips, then looking away from him. I think I know why!
Rick Perry is a highly compromised man and his over the top dysfunctional *personal life* is an absolute gold mine for media, GOP opponents & Demo opponents. Really, it is stunning that this stuff has not come out already.
I think it is just a matter of time before a credible primary source on Rick’s debauchery comes forward. Ask your sources on Rick Perry to call me at 512-306-1510 or email me at FamilyValuesHypocrite@gmail.com.
Robert Morrow
ReplyDeleteAnonymous said...
Ron Paul is not a nut. His policy follows what was written in the constitution, period. Like it or not. Listen to what he says then read the part of the constitution pertaining to what he is talking about. See for yourself.
5:41 PM
You're kidding, right? You want people to read his policy, then find something in the constitution that defends it?
Please show us, where, in the constitution it says "I can get gas to ten cents a gallon, if you use a silver dime", his assinine energy policy statement in the speech, in an attempt to make Michele Bachmann's brilliant statement "Under a Bachmann Presidency, we'll see gas for less than two dollars a gallon" sound ludicrous. She did fine without his help.
Not there? Maybe it's in the Statute of Liberty? It's gotta be SOMEWHERE, right?
Is Ron Paul nuts? Not just yes, but hell yes!
Not surprised at all to see P-Rick behaving like this. The guy is as slimy as they come.
ReplyDelete"No new Texans!" lol!
I think this series of photo's should be made into a Doonesbury comic. I would love to see what the "thought bubbles" would be.
ReplyDeleteBut where are the clowns?
ReplyDeleteQuick, send in the clowns.
Don't bother, they're here.
Apologies to S. Sondheim
What do you mean Ron Paul may be a nut? Are YOU crazy G? He's the smartest man out there.
ReplyDeleteI want to see this by the Taiwan animators.
ReplyDeleteA good comment I read on another blog:
ReplyDelete"Perry, a dude with a temper in charge of our nukes. If old man Paul can push his buttons, he is not presidential material."
I like Huntsman and don't understand why he isn't the one up against Romney vs this bully Rick Perry. He is not liked in TX from what I hear from family living there.
ReplyDeleteI read something that perry got into paul's face right after paul said (paraphrase) You (perry) weren't against so-so when you "fancy" yourself over and signed the bill."
ReplyDeleteI think perry got his panties in a twist because it made reference to him being gay.
perry knows anything sexual is a sore spot for him.
" Anonymous said...
ReplyDeleteThe debates between President "Pass this jobs bill" Obama and Rick "pray-away-the-drought" Perry should be popcorn-worthy. Buttered popcorn. And Perry bettr not get in Obama's face like he did with poor old Paul!
4:25 PM"
I don't understand the entertainment value when repugbaggers stall, waste time and money or people loosing their livelihoods because they want to control the government OR repugbagger Cutting Breaks For The RICH (lobbyist) too funny.
Rick Perry is a bully, but Ron Paul is a virulent racist. Please read The New Republic's article from May 2011 titled aptly enough "Ron Paul's Racism." He isn't harmless just because he's 76. He has been a huge contributor to the racist tone in the Republican Party for decades. He's not some cute, doddering old man. A lot of college students love him, but know nothing about his virulent racist side.
ReplyDeleteOh, Gryphen, more of your typical liberal whining... Maybe in your nancy-boy state what Perry did was 'bullying' but in Texas it aint bullying less'n he pulled a gun. And fired it. Into something living.
ReplyDeleteYeah, he got all up in Ron Paul's grill. And I can't imagine his breath is too pleasing to smell. But so what? Did he pull a gun? Did he fire a gun? Did he fire a gun into something? Into something living? No. No. No. and... no. Objective (Texas-style) conclusion: no bullying. And if Ron Paul really felt threatened, he could have pulled his own hand gun to protect himself the way a REAL Texas man would do. In fact, any of them, all of them could have pulled their hand guns and ducked behind their respective podia and resolved the problem the good old-fashioned Founding Fathers t-bagger way with a political shoot-out.
Did it EVER occur to you that, perhaps, just perhaps, what our political system needs is MORE guns and violence, not less? No, I suppose not. That's the problem with you liberals. A fundamental inability to shoot outside of the box...
Remember, this man could easily become the next president. And once inaugurated it's likely he won't be exercising the restraint he did on Ron Paul. That dick Perry isnt a peacemaker. He CARRIES a Peacemaker. A Colt .45 Cal. Single Action Peacemaker. And that ain't the worst: He just ain't smart enough not to use it.
Oops... I mistyped something that I didnt notice until I after I hit PUBLISH. In the last paragraph it reads "dick Perry" and of course, it should read "RICK Perry". I apologize to Governor Perry for the error. (asshole...)
Anonymous said...
ReplyDeleteMr G
Please update this post with the video of Rick Perry manhandling Mrs Palin at an RGA press conference (after the last general election). It will be a good comparison and really shows his boorishness. Please?
5:09 PM
I agree with Anonymous. I disliked Palin from the moment she opened her mouth at the RNC and started spewing her ignorant hate.
But I also remember Perry's actions at that Governor's meeting and how he physically pushed her out of the way. It was rude, vulgar, and demeaning.
I loathe Palin but that would not give me the right to behave as Perry did. Nor would it occur to me to behave in a boorish manner to someone because they were not a person I liked. You are a civilized person who behaves appropriately toward other people or you are not. Perry is not.
Anonymous said...
perry knows anything sexual is a sore spot for him.
12:54 AM
"perry knows anything sexual is a sore spot for him."
Snort. Chuckle.
Lots of comments over on Huffpo, many with links to this site for complete photos.
ReplyDeleteMy favorite comment:
"Ron Paul knows that there's a lot more stink on this monkey, Perry"
Don't you know that Perry gets that - Ron Paul is the perfect opponent for him right now: fearless, a little nutty, a congressman so not intimidated or indebted, with a very long history of hearing all about Perry's drug use, bisexual escapades, dirty money, and sellout politics - and at 20 years older and 30 pounds lighter, when he provokes Perry like this it sets up a scene like this.
This is not the first time Perry has lost sight of the fact that he does NOT control everybody and everything (unlike back in Texas). A few years back he assumed the cameras had stopped rolling when he ended a TV interview, so he said (on camera, clearly and with some disdain) "Adios, mofo"
So this time he assumed that commercial break meant he could do whatever he wanted and there'd be no record, he'd just say (as his handlers now have) I was just discussing policy with Ron Paul.
Maybe now the camera guys will keep a closer and constant focus on him to catch him in more of this stuff.
Personally, I think he needs to back off the testosterone replacement regimen and/or cut down on the coke.
ron isnt a nut! All you neo cons and socialists are nuts!
ReplyDeleteRon Paul is not racist. He has been accused of being kooky, racist, fringe and a whole lot more. Those who benefit from the state frequently use simple minded ad hominem attacks against Dr. Paul, calling him names and making up slurrs, but if you take the time to read some of his books (especially 'Liberty Defined') will see clearly that Dr. Paul is in no way racist.
ReplyDeleteI think this photo of Perry may even be legit - but either way it's hilarious!
What I'm enjoying is that Perry can kiss goodbye any hope he ever had of picking up Ron Paul's supporters, hah!
ReplyDeleteHonestly, it's too bad Huntsman isn't more popular because he is clearly a conservative whereas most of these yahoos are about bringing America back to the dark ages.
ReplyDeleteIf the GOP base weren't insane - they'd nominate Huntsman cuz he would definitely give President Obama a run for his money. Huntsman at this point is the only Republican I have a shred of respect for.
The British papers have picked up the story, with an excellent series of photos, link here:
I may not agree with Ron Paul on many counts, but to speak to someone, especially someone in their late 70's that way, is just downright disgusting, I certainly know if someone spoke to someone in their mid 70's like that where I come from there'd be plenty of people willing to teach him a lesson or two
ReplyDeleteAnon 2:30 am, thanks for the link to the New Republic article on Ron Paul's racism...I had no idea, and I'm old enough to know better!
ReplyDeleteAnon @ 6:02,
ReplyDeleteRon Paul most certainly IS a racist. His newsletters were chock full of racist bullshit with plenty of homophobia and anti-Semitism thrown in as a bonus.
Paul has NOT effectively explained those newsletters in a fashion which either exonerates or absolves him of responsibility.
If he wrote them, he is a racist. If he didn't write them, he was STILL a racist because all of the bigotry was published in a news letter emblazoned with his name AND he kept all of the money from the sales of these newsletters. He made more than $1 million from subscriptions to this racist rag.
The best that Paul can argue is that he is so incompetent that he allowed his newsletters to be used by bigots and that he was unaware for 20 years.
He's so fucking incompetent that he can't manage a monthly eight page mimeographed newsletter but he can be president? Please.
Probably he was trying to keep Paul from exposing his deeds in Texas as they are both from Tex. and Paul probably knows some of the dirt about him down there.
ReplyDeleteRon Paul says there was nothing to it, course he's probably scared shitless he says otherwise the big bully will kick his ass.
Who you gonna believe, Ron Paul or your lying eyes?
Well as they don't say in Texas. Whorehouse Perry is all Bull and not Balls.
ReplyDeleteA man to steer clear of though.
Hell he didn't even cow Paul.
Hats off to Huntsman for being the gent though. He was the man in that crowd of three.
Ron Paul's a 'harmless nut'? For upholding the Constitution? Well, then call me scrotum, because I support him. Better a harmless nut than a murdering psychopath like Rick Perry.
ReplyDeleteWe'll never know for sure just what was said, but those pictures speak volumes. Perry appears to have a very short fuse. With any luck, he's going to explode into a full-blown public temper tantrum/fist fight/smackdown and show the world his true colors.