Sunday, September 04, 2011

Some people had to work this Labor Day weekend. Very important work.

The President visited New Jersey today, and spent time with Governor Christie surveying the damage wrought by Irene.

Courtesy of The Obama Diary:

“I know that there’s been some talk about whether there’s going to be a slowdown in getting funding out here, emergency relief. As President of the United States, I want to make it very clear that we are going to meet our federal obligations – because we’re one country, and when one part of the country gets affected, whether it’s a tornado in Joplin, Missouri, or a hurricane that affects the Eastern Seaboard, then we come together as one country and we make sure that everybody gets the help that they need. And the last thing that the residents here of Paterson or the residents of Vermont or the residents of upstate New York need is Washington politics getting in the way of us making sure that we are doing what we can to help communities that have been badly affected.”

This is what a President, a good President, does.

He goes to where people are hurting and comforts them, promises to help them, and then he does exactly that.

Could ANYBODY imagine this man worrying about what is said about him on a blog?

There are just too many more important things for him to do.


  1. icstraights4:32 PM

    I LOVE our President: He is so AWESOME!

  2. Anonymous4:33 PM

    President Obama has the toughest most stressful job in the world and he's handling it with style, grace, intelligence, and dignity. And he's only vaguely aware that Sarah Palin exists. Can't wait til I reach that lofty pinnacle of not knowing nor caring about her.

  3. Anonymous4:49 PM

    The Obama Diary is where I go when I can't listen to the negativity in the press about our wonderful president. I'm always uplifted with photos that I can judge for myself how he is doing, rather than listening to pundits or journalists.

    Barack Obama is an amazing, genuine, compassionate man. It's just too bad that the cowboy mentality in this country has no understanding of a gentle nature. Just look at the expression on this little boy's face, and tell me what you think. I see absolute joy bursting out of him that he gets to meet his president up close and personal:

  4. Anonymous4:51 PM

    That last picture is enough to make ME cry.

    People can say what they will about President Obama, but there's no way they can deny he's a compassionate human being.

  5. The president is a good man. I can't believe people want to primary him.

  6. Pat in MA4:54 PM

    Love our President, hate the crap he has to put up with, but he did take the job.

    O/T (sort of), just catching up reading Joe McG blog where he has disable comments and he writes

    "Blogging is a cop-out: cheap and easy."

    Sure Joe, except when you set one up to promote your book, right? I've been trying to decide how I feel about Mr McG and the various controversies between him and bloggers, commenters, and the authors of Blind Allegiance. Well the results are in now and it's official - he's a pompous ass.

  7. Anonymous5:07 PM

    He's an amazing person and an engaged President. I used to work in that area when Florio was in office, and Wayne, in particular, is always hit hard whenever it floods. Despite what you see on "Jerseylicious" and other shows, there are really great, hard working people.

    Yes, our President did us proud!

    I couldn't help but notice, not many were lining up to meet, shake hands with or photograph Governor Christie, although he DID do his job during this crisis.

  8. Anonymous5:09 PM

    Boy Chris Christie sure is chummy with Barack, I'll bet that won't play well with the kids in the GOP sandbox. I'm mean they're practically holding hands. And now Chris has seen the impact IN PERSON that Barack has on one is paying any attention to him, clearly. In fact, Chris is even taking the photos...LOL. It's just so hard to hate the man when you get up close and see REALLY who he is rather than a whole lot of hateful rhetoric demonizing him.

    Just love him. He MUST have four more years to get the job done.

  9. Anonymous5:09 PM

    OT-G, but I was posting on the previous thread and walked into the living room to see the end of Extreme Makeovers. Guess who will be a guest host working with the team and selected family on next week's show? Michelle Obama. Yea, for millions to see her warmth, grace and spirit. Sarah will probably be seething and spouting soon.

  10. Anonymous5:14 PM

    Palin would be trying to autograph the dog.

  11. JayKen Knotstirred5:16 PM

    This is how a well educated, intelligent, adult, human helps.

    Everytime Sarah speaks, she reminds us of how an ignorant, vindictive, 16 year old failed beauty queen, helps.

    Thank You Mr. President! You have my donation and my vote!

    ABS - Anyone But Sarah!

  12. Anonymous5:25 PM

    What a contrast between President Obama becoming absorbed in the crowd, and 2 ton Christie looking on, too self impressed to waddle over and join the Pres.

    I can just imagine what Christie is thinking, after we've heard some of his snide responses to his constituents' questions at town meetings. For instance, to the woman concerned about the enormous budget cuts to the public school budgets when she questions why Christie sends his kids to a private school, catholic, I think, inferring Christie has little interest in supporting the public schools - Christie says, "It's none of your business..........
    This is the same governor who flies to his son's sports games in the state helicopter - he should walk - for his health!!!!

    As Palingates said, we must work to get out the vote for Obama. Its not enough to want to keep these corporate lemmings out of the White House, we must work!

  13. That post is a wonderful break and now I feel better.

  14. Anonymous5:43 PM

    Lets see if I have the Republi-bagger stance correct here:

    To the heaviest populated portion of the country, they announce that its going to just be "TOUGH LUCK" that a freak hurricane caused death and destruction--and to look to their neighbors and church for help, as the government is too busy with the mouths to feed of banks, oil companies, and other corporations, to look after the needs of fifty million or so voters?

    If I see a heavy Republican voter turnout next year, from the Atlantic coast states, I'm going to simply SHIT.

  15. Anonymous5:48 PM

    He's exactly what this country needs right now. No reactionary, shoot from the hip, hair on fire, fire in the belly freak with no sense whatsoever.

  16. emrysa5:55 PM

    gee gryphen, do you think that tomorrow maybe mudflats will have a post that shits all over your blog? who is next in line?

    I'd take you out for some beers if you were in the same city. in lieu of that, I'll tip my glass to you. yes things can get a little nutty here but your heart rings true.

  17. Anonymous6:02 PM

    I am so thankful that President Obama is our leader. Never in all my 28 years of being able to vote and taking an interest in politics, have I believed in someone so strongly as I have with President Obama. He's not perfect and he frustrates me at times, but he in my opinion honestly cares about us and our great country. Thank God for him.

  18. Sally in MI6:14 PM

    And where is leader Perry in his comforting of his state's suffering farmers? Nowhere to be found. No comfort, no help, no aid from that one. I suppose if he did show up he'd pull a Palin and come with cookies and prayer tracts and Frankie Graham. The GOP is no more for the people than Hitler was for Jews.

  19. Anonymous6:16 PM

    Anon @4:32

    I also love our President. He indeed is a rare human being. Forunately for us, he is a true leader, and despite the level and tenor of the daily attacks on him, he stays focused on what matters, working on behalf of all Americans, haters, included.

    Anon @4:33 he did call her out earlier this week in a public statement, he said, "there will be no more bridges to nowhere." Finally Sarah, he acknowledges YOU!

  20. Anonymous6:28 PM

    I see that Politico shows a national poll that has Perry ahead of Obama. Palin appears to be lining up a run as a third party Tea Party candidate so she can continue to have her bills paid by PAC $ and not have to get involved with debates or primaries. I don't think she will run as a Repubican.

  21. Anonymous7:09 PM

    And the elephant in the last picture is.....which way will he flip this time?

  22. Calli Pygian7:58 PM

    Wow. So much more concerned and engaged than the mayor.

    B.O. seems to be such a compassionate & aware human being- I have acquired this opinion from the many pieces of footage showing his clear ability to relate to many, despite adverse opinions thrust his way daily.

    Go, B.O., go! Get the love out there!

  23. Anonymous8:03 PM

    Thank you for posting this, Gryphen. Thanks so much.

  24. Calli Pygian8:12 PM

    BTW, remember the "presidential candidate many would like to have a beer with"... Ironic that those who labelled 43 as such were (maybe blissfully) unaware that 43 was an
    ALCOHOLIC- more power to him, I still despise his politics.

    Anywho... I am in sync with B.O.'s social skills.

    And, btw, I'd really give him a sincere-Celestine Prophesy-type piece of my time.

    Got your back, B.O. You're a decent human being.

    BTW, Piss off, all SP cronies (or should I call you chonies). hahahahahahhahahahaahahahahahahah

  25. Anonymous8:27 PM

    President Obama is a very kind and compassionate man. He is very sincere and is awesome!

  26. ThanksABunchJohn9:01 PM

    I love my President, and that is one of the reasons I love Gryphen, you never fail to inspire me.

    On Anon238's assertions that Palin is bulemic/anorexic I am 100% in agreeance. Steve Schmidt and Frank Bailey have confirmed this, the Mudflats go even further.. but all you have to do is use your lying eyes, she is emaciated, and she don't live in Somalia. Everything about her obsession to lose weight around election time rings true, and you have the skeleton to prove it. Red Bulls and diet pills, what a great example for our daughters.

  27. Anonymous9:45 PM

    I just absolutely love how you support our are a true Patriot. There is no one else who can possibly at this time fill those shoes.

    Thank you Gryphen for always reminding us!

    The other thing I have been wanting to express but have not yet found the right words to GRYPH have always stuck to your word. YOU have come out on top of the heap. You LISTEN to your commenters and because you listen we are getting golden nuggets.

    You don't put us down. YOU have not sold out for some "book". You are not engaged in the anti-Palin vs. anti-Palin bloggers who publicly blogging their nasty petty fight over money.

    So we have a LOT of respect for you being true to yourself. The other blogs whom Palin is absolutely delighted that are fighting...well that's what you get when you make "dills" with the devil. We respect you because you haven't!

  28. I don't believe the polls about Perry. Whenever President Obama goes out among people he is enthusiastically received and kids, who are the best judges, hug and cling to him. Don't see that response with any of the GOP candidates. Also don't see crowds that look like America around them. With Obama there are young, old, diverse people: the face of America in the 21st century. Thanks Gryphen for all your support. Saw that 92% of Californian Republicans know SP and unfavorables 48%, only 10% would support her.

  29. Anonymous10:33 PM

    I got a call from the RNC this afternoon, and some jackass had the audacity to say "Given that President Obama has failed to restore our economy..." I hung up, but now wish I hadn't. Should have ripped this douchebag a new one.

  30. Anonymous10:58 PM

    That last picture of President Obama brings tears to my eyes. He is such an intelligent, courageous and passionate man. WE NEED to get him re-elected. God Bless him.

  31. Anonymous11:44 PM

    My heart goes out to those effected by the extreme weather throughout the US. We are so fortunate to live in this country though.

  32. Anonymous2:14 AM

    Have anyone else notice how the repubagger candidate and the insufferable bitch pats, rubs and play with the child's hair instead of genuinely soothing the child (as President Obama does.)

    They make it look like it hurts them and the baby.


  33. Anonymous2:24 AM

    If that insufferable bitch doesn't read blogs, where does she pick up all her 5th grade lingo?

    Please President Obama doesn't pay one iota of attention to that childish, immature, silly dingbat.


  34. Anonymous2:32 AM

    I can't tell if it's a little girl or a small woman President Obama is hugging, but she didn't go to round boy christie for compassion now did she?


    Obama/Biden 12

  35. Thanks to all here for supporting the President. If he has a failing, it was in believing that our elected representatives were adults who cared about the country. They Don't.

    And those polls? Pres.Obama on stage next to that innocent-man killer Perry? No choice.

  36. I am impressed that Chris Christie appeared with the President, as he should. CC is still full of himself and wrong on many issues, but he is emerging with Huntsman as a non-idiot Republican.

    I also enjoyed his defense of appointing a judge who is Muslim:
    "This Shariah law business is crap. It's just crazy, and I'm tired of dealing with the crazies."

    Me, too, Chris, but I'm not a leader in their political party.

  37. Anonymous7:01 AM

    President Obama cut his vacation short to deal with the emergency.

    Rick Perry (current frontrunner of the GOP) has abandoned his state during it's worst drought and current fires to campaign for a new job. Why doesn't he just attend to the job he was elected to do?

  38. Anonymous8:02 AM

    The President did NOT cut his vacation short to deal with anything! He was forced off the links because his handlers couldn't allow the POTUS to be trapped on a vacation spot in the Atlantic.


  39. Anonymous9:07 AM

    Anonymous said...
    The President did NOT cut his vacation short to deal with anything! He was forced off the links because his handlers couldn't allow the POTUS to be trapped on a vacation spot in the Atlantic.


    ...............Even Fox news disagrees with your opinion, and stated matter of factly that he did cut his vacation to deal with the hurricane - he was encouraging others to listen to their local leaders as to evaculate if necessary, and he was monitoring the damage to provide aid swiftly

  40. Anonymous9:56 AM

    Seeing these photos and the video of our WONDERFUL president makes me so proud of having campaigned hard for him in 2007 & 2008 & helping to get him elected!! The things that he said in his speeches throughout the nation back then, were so inspiring & I actually BELIEVED (for the first time in my 59 year [at that time] of life he would do everything in his power to do!! And here is is doing EXACTLY THAT!! Thank you President Obama for the genuine concern & love you have for our country and ALL of its inhabitants!! GOD BLESS YOU!!

  41. Anonymous2:40 PM

    The man has soul.

  42. Anonymous3:18 PM


    First Lady Michelle Obama will be on the Sept. 25 episode of Extreme Makeover... and I can't wait...!


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