Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Teabaggers finally find somebody with a reputation so bad that he is willing to destroy it further by re-opening an investigation into Obama's birth certificate. I present to you Sheriff Arpaio!

Courtesy of TPM:

Hey, remember the birthers? 

Infamous Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio does -- which is why he announced a five-person "Cold Case Posse" that will delve into the issue of President Obama's birth certificate. 

The posse follows a request by the Surprise, Arizona Tea Party, who Arpaio met with on August 17. The Surprise Tea Party believes that the long-form birth certificate released by President Obama in April -- which put the issue to rest for pretty much everyone -- could be a forgery. 

"The Surprise Tea Party is concerned," they wrote, "that no law enforcement agency or other duly constituted government agency has conducted an investigation into the Obama birth certificate to determine if it is in fact an authentic copy of 1961 birth records on file for Barack Obama at the Hawaii Department of Health in Honolulu, or whether it, or they are forgeries."

Arpaio says he has over 3000 people participating within his larger "posse" program in Maricopa County -- including celebrities like Lou Ferrigno of "The Hulk" and Steven Seagal, actor and alleged puppy-killer . But, according to WND, for the birth certificate probe there's a special "posse within the posse" made up of two former law enforcement officers, two retired lawyers and headed by retired detective Michael Zullo from Bergen County, NJ. 

You know I am fairly confident that Sheriff "pink underwear" Arpaio could not find his own ass with a flashlight and a road map.

 Oh! I guess I stand corrected.

Arizona must be SO proud!


  1. Mention of that scumbag always makes bile rise in my throat. I have a few karma fantasies about him, all of which make me smile. I think he suffers from the same personality disorder as Sarah does.

  2. The Arizona Republicans (and their Tea Party beards) continue to try to come up with some reason to leave President Obama off of the 2012 Presidential ballot. They figure, what the hell, even if it doesn't work, it's still good red meat for the base.

  3. Anonymous4:40 AM

    Ok. I am more than convinced Levi hasn't read most what that book's contents. He sounds like an arrogant douche in it.

  4. sharon4:43 AM

    what a moron! And that whole thing with the pink underwear has always made me question the motives of this strange guy - like, is that the way he wants to see his men? Maybe a little fantasy interwoven there? the guy is a smacked ass for sure. ugh. They do come out of the woodwork these days. such strange times we live in. My god.

  5. Anonymous4:46 AM

    "The American Public remains concerned," they wrote, "that no law enforcement agency or other duly constituted government agency has conducted an investigation into the fifth Palin child birth certificate to determine if it is in fact an authentic copy of the dubious COB on file for Trig Van Paxon Palin at the Alaska Department of Health in Juneau, or whether it, or they are forgeries."


  6. Anonymous4:48 AM

    This guy is brag tweeting about all the GOP POTUS candidates calling him, stoking for his endorsement. Tell us Joe, you of the insulting pink handcuffs for Alaskan females jailed in Arizona. . .who do you endorse? So we can write them off as we do you. You horse's ass.

  7. Anonymous4:57 AM

    Does anyone find it odd that people say Sarah is intimidated by huge men, yet she supposedly bedded a giant [black] man.

  8. Anonymous5:13 AM

    Teabaggers are racist domestic terrorists and a threat to the peace and stability in our nation. They should be tried with treason, sedition and put in prison for a long long time. Sheriff Arpaio should be the first to be tried. He is a traitor to our country.

  9. Anonymous5:14 AM

    The tea party is a terrorist hate group similar to Al Qaeda. President Obama should be sending drones to Arizona to take care of these threats.

  10. Oh yes, we Arizonans are so very proud of Sheriff Joe!

    He's just increased our lock on the national supply of teh crazy, we're finally #1 in something. For far too long we've been at number 49 or 50 when it comes to state rankings, in whatever you want measure, that to have a solid number 1 is a joy.

    In spite of him saying that donations will pay for this, he'll probably divert funds from something else anyway, 'cuz he's Sheriff Joe! /snark...

    He's been under Federal investigation for 3 years now, and also diverted $100 million in county funds to spend on his pet issues, like illegal immigrant roundups and lots of shiny new toys for all his boys - which was illegal. Joe may end up wearing his own pink underwear.

  11. Anonymous5:19 AM

    no problem as long as equal time is given to Tri-G Palin's official long form birth cert. Right?
    Bright shiny object of distraction. Is that all ya got teabaggers??

  12. Anonymous5:22 AM

    Will tax payer dollars be used to fund this investigation?

  13. Anonymous5:22 AM

    It's interesting that someone in Joe's book insists Sarah doesn't drink Diet Dr Pepper when 1) there are pictures of people holding cans in her home 2) there are pictures of her drinking them

    I buy nothing regarding the kids stories. NOTHING. And I have proof.

  14. Bell-dar Grand Conehead5:26 AM

    There are no good surprises in Surprise, AZ.

  15. Anonymous5:31 AM

    Now That The Birth Certificate Has Been Located, The Queen Of The Birthers Wants To Run For Senate

  16. This Arizonan is NOT proud of this "turdblossom"! We progressives are doing our best to discredit this moron before he runs for sheriff again in 2012!

  17. Anonymous5:41 AM

    And for his next trick, Arpaio will produce the hitherto undiscovered WMDs in Iraq.

  18. Anonymous5:52 AM

    Ugh, it's so embarrassingz There really are nice people here too and they are embarrassed by them.
    But moving to Arizona after spending the majority of my life in two of the most liberal US cities was clearly a culture shock! The Republican party here has a very strong group of racists. One of the most prominent racists has ties to white supremacist groups and we hope he will be recalled.
    They had no trouble getting signatures even from his conservative area.

    Arpaio is an egomaniac and a bully. I despise him and his tactics. Truthfully the politics here are very similar to Alaskas. There are a lot of gun toting racist rednecks in these states and Texas and a few other states. How sick and obvious are they to keep persuing this. They are low life racist pigs.

  19. Anonymous5:57 AM

    I'm moving to Surprise at the end of the year - good to know what I'm getting into. At least I can add to the number of Progressives that live there. Turning Arizona away from the crazy one person at a time!

  20. Anonymous6:01 AM

    Trolls posts:

    "Does anyone find it odd that people say Sarah is intimidated by huge men, yet she supposedly bedded a giant [black] man."

    "Ok. I am more than convinced Levi hasn't read most what that book's contents. He sounds like an arrogant douche in it."

    "It's interesting that someone in Joe's book insists Sarah doesn't drink Diet Dr Pepper when 1) there are pictures of people holding cans in her home 2) there are pictures of her drinking them

    I buy nothing regarding the kids stories. NOTHING. And I have proof."


    I know you get paid by the post but you should at least put your "talking points" on the right thread. No one here has been discussing Levi's book or Sarah's affairs and/or drinking habits. Your boss/mother is sure afraid of Levi's book, given the amount of pushing back you all are trying to do.

    You DO know the wild, over-the-top influx of troll posts lets us know when someone is right on the money, don't you? Saran always attacks what she fears.

  21. Last night Rachel Maddow had a segment that covered both Joe Arpaio and the Benton Harbor Michigan emergency ("state-imposed city manager") financial manager who rescinded a resolution declaring the week of Sept. 17 as "Constitution Week" because it was declared by locally-elected town commissioners.

    Michael Moore commented that he thought he was listening to a "Weekend Update" from SNL.

    Tea Party extreme antics are good for online clicks and TV viewers' eyeballs, and maybe a 3rd-party presidential candidate (fingers crossed), but if the MSM does their job and reports on the TPers inane hypocrisies and unmitigated thirst for power, can't possibly convince sane voters to cast their ballots for TP candidates.


  22. Anonymous6:08 AM

    Anon 5:52 Then provide your " proof" you psycho troll.
    Come on already!!!

    Everyone yawns and groans when they see your posts. You are so easy to spot.

    You really get off on posting here, don't you?
    You are so obsessed with the Palins you must be one.
    If you are not, then you are really messed up.

    This thread isn't even about Sarah!

    Instead of writing your usual nonsense all day, give us the proof. Otherwise, every poster should just ignore your silly stupid psycho rants!!

    Everyone including myself should from now on ignore this obsessive boring Palinbot from now on. We are all just feeding her obsession with defending the Palins.
    She is the one writing the multitude of empty posts every day.

    If Grypben wont ban her, as many ofbus have asked, I say we all ignore her completely from now on. Myself included.
    Her stupidity and constant posting of meaningless phrases like: " this I know," " this is fact?" "the haters blah, blah, blah" " don't judge those you don't know," "Bristol loves babies" " the family is so strong" and so on and so on!

    Fuck off you ignorant, disturbed troll.
    We are all sick of you. You have no proof and no credibility
    No one here cares about what you say. You are wasting your time, yet you persit?
    Sick! I vow to never respond to you again and I hope others do the same.

    YOU SHOULD BE BANNED for spamming this blog, because that is what you are doing!

  23. Anonymous6:08 AM

    I've been convinced for awhile now that the reason the GOP didn't bat down the Birther stuff is that they want to falsely equate that nonsense with the real conspiracy of the Trig hoax.

  24. Anonymous6:09 AM

    Who gives a crap whether Sarah drinks dr pepper or not.

  25. Anonymous6:18 AM

    Oh, good: so when Palin presents a fake birth cert for her DS child, we have the precedent of checking it carefully for forgery.

    I'd rather have him researching Obama than playing with all those pink underpants. Or maybe not.

  26. Anonymous6:21 AM

    And the taxpayers are funding this witch hunt?I've heard of stupid but on the other hand there is just plain retarded.Maybe after they finish with this raid thet can investigate Trig Palin.What a group of ass holes.

  27. Anonymous6:23 AM

    They fail to realize that the Sheriff has no jurisdiction in Hawaii.

  28. Anonymous6:25 AM

    Arizona, do we really need them as a state? Wouldn't they be a better banana republic without the banana's - maybe an asshole republic

  29. Anonymous6:26 AM

    3 chapters into the Rogue. Well written so it is a very easy read and very interesting....well worth the Kindle price already. I doubt I'll get much done today :) time to take my coffee out to the patio ( the concrete slab to you palinbots) and enjoy the morning sun.

    Little Rabbit

  30. Anonymous6:34 AM

    I wonder if the MSM willl get their panties all in a wad over this outrage? Nah, nothing's too harsh to throw at Obama...

  31. Anonymous6:39 AM

    Ok. I am more than convinced Levi hasn't read most what that book's contents. He sounds like an arrogant douche in it.

    4:40 AM
    Hi Bristol! Try to stay focused. This post is about a racist sheriff and teabaggers in Arizona. Absolutely nothing to do with Levi. Your desperate obsession is showing and its quite sad.

    It's interesting that someone in Joe's book insists Sarah doesn't drink Diet Dr Pepper when 1) there are pictures of people holding cans in her home 2) there are pictures of her drinking them

    I buy nothing regarding the kids stories. NOTHING. And I have proof.

    5:22 AM
    No one give a shit if she drinks Diet Dr. Pepper or Drano. Instead of always saying you "have proof" just show your fucking proof ya inbred. LMAO.

  32. Anonymous6:39 AM

    Some one need to investigate this idiot. He has probably done things he could be put in jail for. He needs to be wearing pink.

  33. Anonymous6:42 AM

    Hey baggers - get over it. Our president is black. Grow up or evolve or something.

  34. Anonymous6:52 AM

    Mr. Gryphen,

    Looks like Greta is loosing it over SP's whorish ways. Perhaps she did buy into the myth and is now trying to project attacks on Sarah as attacks on her (her judgment to support Sarah) and women everywhere as if she and Sarah are the reps we need or ordained to represent us?


  35. Randall7:41 AM

    Are you sure that's not a photograph of our ex-President George W. Bush?

  36. London Bridges8:09 AM

    Let's get this birther thing correct. The original birther challenge to Obama was started by the Hillary Clinton camp when she was desperate to stop Obama from getting the nomination.


  37. London Bridges8:14 AM

    Next: I think it is possible that Sarah was born in Canada. Sandpoint, ID had a very small, limited hospital at the time Sarar was born.

    It is quite possible she was born in the Creston, BC - Canada hospital.

    While she is still a U.S. citizen if her parents were citizens, she would not be "natural" born, and thus, ineligible to be president.

    Maybe that is why she ain't running!

    Have we seen Sarah's birth certificate?

  38. Anonymous8:20 AM

    ferrigno and segal ?!!? gary busey's gonna be crushed he hasn't been included, WTF ?!

  39. Anonymous8:48 AM

    Thank God he is only sheriff up in Maricopa County (rethug country). We here in Pima County have Sheriff Dupnik, a very upstanding guy with morals. He doesn't go around wasting the county taxes on frivolous crap like sheriff nutbag up in Phoenix.

  40. Anonymous8:51 AM

    This must be the shiny object that Sarah's gang wants us to be distracted by. The Obama birth certificate meme again. She and the rest of her posse had better be careful, folks might just get tired of her shit and start an investigationin to the TRIG birth certificate mystery.

    By the way, Sarah, where is Trig's birth certificate? Where is Trig?

  41. Anonymous9:18 AM

    "AK Militia Suspects Want Trial Moved From Anchorage Because It's Too Much Like Seattle"


    Lawyers for Schaeffer Cox and another member of the Fairbanks-based Alaska Peacemakers Militia have asked the court to move their trial from Anchorage because it's "a suburb of Seattle" and is "an environment alien to the accused."

  42. Anonymous9:24 AM

    Thanks for that pic, my new wallpaper :D Arpaio, huh? I'm not surprised it's him doing this. Ridiculous.

  43. Sheriff Joe is all about Sheriff Joe. Anything to keep his name in the press. He is also mean and vindictive. He has cost Maricopa County millions in lost court cases. He wastes more millions on pet causes and going after people he dislikes (like judges). When we lived in Maricopa county I was afraid of him because he acts viciously against anyone he decides is a threat. Why he continues to be re-elected is a mystery to me.

  44. barney9:54 AM

    Sheriff Joe is so slimy, stupid and possibly on the Koch Bros. payroll.

    How in the world did this country end up with so many stupid assholes, and the idiots have good paying jobs also too.

  45. Anonymous9:56 AM

    4:40 am says Ok. I am convinced Levi

    Hey idiot Bristol, this is not about Levi; it is about dumb ass Sheriff Joe from Arizona. Bristol, get a job at Walmart or shut the hell up.

  46. Anonymous11:36 AM

    There is no need for an investigation. All he has to do is call Donald Trump and ask him to release the "evidence" his private investigator found during his investigation. Remember the Donald saying he had information that was shocking. The Trumpster is enjoying his time in the limelight while all the candidates travel to NY to kiss the ass - ooops meant to say the ring of the King. Wouldn't this be a great time to release that information? Geez these pukes make me want to spit.

  47. Anonymous7:28 PM

    Oh this is so sweet! With the lanslide of muck heading Sarah's way, Sheriff Joe decides to investigate President Obama's Birth Certificate.
    How original!

    I see he has the same obsession Todd has with pink undies, now that's an investigation I'd like to see! Along with Trig's birth certificate.

    And to the Troll, you're right, Sarah Palin drinks out of Diet Dr Pepper Cans. There's photographic proof of it, I saw it with my own two eyes.

    But what if they have colt 45 malt liquor mixed with vodka and 5hour energy drink in them, so what's your point?

  48. I am so fucking sick of Arpaio - why didn't Tawd call him a peeping pervert for giving his pink and dirty shorts to his wife Sarah?

  49. Montana5:05 PM

    We won the election and now these sore losers will continue to spew your hate with lies (They hate and can’t debate). The way our court system works is that you get a competent lawyer (Strike One), verifiable facts (Strike Two) and present them to a judge, if the facts are real and not half baked internet lies, then, and only then, you proceed to trial (Strike three). The Birthers seem to be having a problem with their so call facts (internet lies) that they present. Let’s face it no reasonable man or woman will go along with you until you guys win a case, but until then, you will continue to appear dumb, crazy or racist, or maybe all three. You guys are a bunch of sore losers and feeding on your own is still foolish.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.