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To watch the video just click the picture. Warning, it does take you to a Fox News site so take your Maalox first. |
Palin has a favorite new term that she just learned, "Crony Capatalism," which she uses repeatedly during this interview to essentially smear the whole group of GOP candidates at one time or another.
However she really brings out the long knives when Greta mentions Rick Perry, the HPV vaccine, and the suggestion that the reason he went with the program was due to possible payoff from the manufacturer of the drug. Here Palin goes for the jugular and starts throwing charges of, her new favorite term that she just learned about, "Crony Capitalism" all over the place like a Ninja star.
She even compares Perry's decision to make the vaccination semi-mandatory to HER decision, around the same time, to NOT go with the program. Essentially creating as much space between Rick Perry's policies and hers as possible, which is a complete turnaround to how she described "Governor Good Hair" only few short months ago. You know BEFORE he threw his Texas sized hat into the ring and rustled all of her Teabagger support away from her.
At the end of this interview Greta asks the question that she is apparently contractually obligated to ask concerning whether or not Palin is still considering throwing her
This interview was just as bizarre and full of misinformation, attacks on our President, and barbs thrown at her own party as usual, the only REAL news seems to be that she is now blatantly, and aggressively, attacking Rick Perry, which seems to suggest that the sources who have said she is angry with him for very personal reasons are probably dead on.
Oh and of course the OTHER news from this interview is that whatever was on Palin's head from her LAST interview has clearly escaped and is undoubtedly still at large in the greater Wasilla area.
Residents should remain vigilant!
Now Sarah is stealing Michele's look. It doesn't work for her.
ReplyDeleteShe definitely needs some volume on top of her head. That new hairdo just ain't right. Guess we'd best stop complaining about the Muskrat Love nest. Think she's been coming here for hair tips?
ReplyDeleteNo thanks on watching video...
ReplyDeleteSarah is so yesterday.
I think the reason Palin is spewing so much venom at Perry is VERY personal. I think that she tried her winkin', flirtin', and fancy pageant walkin' prick tease schtick on P.Rick, but since P.Rick bats from the other side of the plate - so to speak - he was unaffected by Palin's quickly fading sexual charms. P.Rick's loins didn't burn even a little bit. THAT infuriated Palin.
ReplyDeleteHow dare P.Rick not let little p.rick stand up at attention when Palin entered the room! She's used to GOP men slobbering over her and R.Rick just don't swing that way. He was unmoved with her slutty assault.
THAT'S what pissed off Palin.
She looks like an empty headed version of Gloria Steinem.
ReplyDeleteIf you see a turd on the ground and put a wig, fake prescription glasses and nice clothes on it, it is still a piece of shit.
ReplyDeleteMeh. I don't give a lemming's FART about what Tranny Capitalism has to say. Who the hell in the GOP is going to want THAT broad hangin' on their coat tails after all of her hissin' and spittin'?! It is to LOL.
ReplyDeleteThe hair...wtf...she just looks more and more bizzaro....
"Wasilla was so white that there was only one African American in the entire school system. One day when the boy was in junior high school, Todd, then a senior, and two friends waylaid him by the gravel pit adjacent to Wasilla High and beat him up, simply because he was black. 'Sure, Todd was a racist bully, but that just made him one of the guys. Growing up black in Wasilla was hell.'"
ReplyDelete— from The Rogue, by Joe McGinniss
Wow! She looks really really bad. Like not healthy. All the lies are just eating away at her. You can tell.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the giggles Gryphen {hugs} She has been reduced to sideshow Bob...no offense to Bob. Seriously nothing this moron says makes sense and I can't bring myself to listen to her voice. you r a strong man. Keep up the good work.
So, perhaps she is feeling puffy now that a poll shows her third in the field right behind Perry. Is she playing with the idea of jabbing him then jumping in?
ReplyDeleteWho knows? But I care because I don't want any of those cretins running the show - Romney, Perry or Palin.
Watch out, Michelle! Pretty soon $arah might steal your buggy eyes, husband and life. Just sayin'
ReplyDeleteHeeey her hair looks washed. I'm glad she quit using that long wavy wig last years. Her hair has looked nice since, minus like one time.
ReplyDeleteThis is her look from when she first started working for Fox.
You're right, Mark, the look doesn't work for her. It makes her appear more like the comical church lady than ever before. Perhaps, though, it is simply that her face looks so drawn, so tired. This romping about on the sidelines must be exhausting her or perhaps it is the stress of learning so many new words with so many syllables. Sorry, couldn't resist the snark. Am so fed up with the Tea Party and GOP - and Palin is such an easy target.
ReplyDeleteI sleep well at night knowing that the small percentage of Americans who support Sarah Palin are uneducated, provincial, and close minded.
ReplyDeleteIt's all gravy from here on in. She has neutralized herself to the point that she and her dysfuncitonal family are a national joke.
That's fine with me.
And btw, if she had really run that half marathon, there would be lots and lots of photos... you betcha!
I can't watch this. Did Greta congratulate Palin on the run? Greta posted the pic on her website.
ReplyDeleteI cannot think of anything more indicative of "crony capitalism" than "writing" a book and having a bunch of anueploidic cronies buy it.
ReplyDeleteI find it soooooooooooooo amusing that Little Miss Free Market is using this scolding "Crony Capitalism" phrase.
ReplyDeleteSo she wants Socialism for the US now? She better let her GOP buddies in on that one. They better run for the hills, 'cause she's comin' after them! Hear that, Rupert?
HAHAHAHA She is such a fool.
And painfully uneducated.
Hahaha - you made my day with this synopsis!
ReplyDeleteSarah, can you imagine yourself on Greta's show after next week? How will you possibly live down the humiliation that is to come? Surely you can't be crazy enough to think you will be able to go on Fox and spout meaningless dribble.
Anon @ 7:05, the red-bandana-guy-phantom-ponytail photo closeup (that's quite a mouthful) is all the MSM needs to show to prove Sarah Palin is a fraud.
Sincere thanks to Ozmud!!!
Just think if Al Gore had done the same thing. Tampered with a photo to make himself look athletic. I shudder to think what they would have done to him.
MSM, when are you going to grow a pair???????
New wig = epic fail. Makes her look mannish. The old white boys prefer the Big Hair Look. Guess that Palin saw Michelle Bachmann's toned down hair and business suit and decided to jump on that train.
ReplyDeleteI am very intrigued about the Perry Vendetta. The more I see of Perry, the less I fear him and hope he does get the nomination. He is a buffoon. Romney/Bachmann could be a repeat of McCain/Palin but they will garner more votes as the teabaggers have tapped into the racism and are organized.
It's going to get very ugly...
ReplyDeleteToday's Doonesbury:
That's a man, baby! Yuck, she looks awful. Not gonna click on the link, because I don't really care what she says, although your recap was funny. Of course she hates Perry. She's always been a jealous bitch. And, hey, if she wants to jump in the race, and tear apart the Republican Party, then go to it, mannish girl. But we all know you don't really have the cojones, as you say.
ReplyDeleteI know the woman that did SP's hair in NH. Can't wait to see her this weekend and get the scoop.
ReplyDeleteHey, G! Will you write a post saying Sarah should wear a clown's nose next time she's on Fox?
ReplyDeleteOr maybe a post saying how all real politicians use the word "crinklebutt" in their interviews.
Or that licking one's lips while one speaks makes people believe what you say.
She retired the bump-it because of you. So let's see how far you can take this thing!
Look out, Sarah is now in her manic state. Depending on how long it lasts the next few weeks are going to be interesting. She talks and talks, and talks, but says nothing at all.
ReplyDeleteIf she had looked like this in 2008, no way would she ever have gotten the "MILF" tag.
ReplyDeleteNow she's just another ugly hate-spewing wacko faux-christian conservative.
I can't listen to her nonsense but I did notice her nose is getting bigger and more masculine. Not a good look.
ReplyDelete"...the only REAL news seems to be that she is now blatantly, and aggressively, attacking Rick Perry, which seems to suggest that the sources who have said she is angry with him for very personal reasons are probably dead on."
I mentioned in a comment yesterday that I think she has been pissed at him since the governor's meeting following the 08 election, when he physically moved her away from the podium so he could yammer.
We have seen repeatedly that she does not ever forgive, and she never lets go of or forgets the tiniest perceived slight. I'm sure she has been biding her time ever since. I hope he doesn't have a "little dog too."
I do think his behavior at the time was boorish, sexist, and demeaning (his pot, meet her kettle).
Can someone please come up behind her and 'accidently' get their braclet or watch or some caught and give that 'mop' a snap!!
ReplyDeleteShe's probably bald under there!!
Just wondering, would the grifter's money grubbing ways be consider "crone capitalism"?
ReplyDeleteI am sure that when WGE was in office, their was plenty of crony capitalism in AK. Wish some of those in the know would address Sarah Palin and crony capitalism in AK.
ReplyDeleteHOLY SH*T! That's about the worst I have ever seen Sarah look. She really looks manly and boy oh boy is she MANIC. She's spewing word salad like a champ, stumbling over getting the next word out. Her eyes are all crazy, her expressions are bizarro and extreme. What the hell is wrong with her? I say she's drugged, way too stimulated or truly in a manic stage of manic-depressive. In any case, she has lost any sort of appeal, hasn't she. She's hard, spent, raggedy, nasty and oozing ugliness...a used up old crone.
ReplyDeleteGasman 6:48- your remarks are hysterical. P.Rick it will be for me from now on- PERFECT. I do believe there is a conspiracy in Texas to elect said P.Rick POTUS just to rid themselves of his constant presence in their state. I've gotta say that I just LOVE when P.Rick lifts himself up on his toes when he is preening. He is absolutely vile!
ReplyDelete>>Gasman said...
ReplyDeleteI think the reason Palin is spewing so much venom at Perry is VERY personal. I think that she tried her winkin', flirtin', and fancy pageant walkin' prick tease schtick on P.Rick, but since P.Rick bats from the other side of the plate - so to speak - he was unaffected by Palin's quickly fading sexual charms. P.Rick's loins didn't burn even a little bit. THAT infuriated Palin.
How dare P.Rick not let little p.rick stand up at attention when Palin entered the room! She's used to GOP men slobbering over her and R.Rick just don't swing that way. He was unmoved with her slutty assault.
THAT'S what pissed off Palin.
Mr. Gasman, sir, I believe you win the million dollar prize! I had never thought of that before, but it makes perfect sense! Thank you for opening our eyes to this. It starts to put a lot of pieces of the puzzle together.
She is such a horror. What the hell ever caused the vitriolic hate that she oozes with, it's quite disturbing. She is a psychopath, no question about it.
Thank God, Gryphen et al have neutered her ass permanently. She is old, cruddy newspapers on the bottom of a parrot's cage. Putrid.
Anon 7:05
ReplyDelete"...the look doesn't work for her. It makes her appear more like the comical church lady than ever before. Perhaps, though, it is simply that her face looks so drawn, so tired. This romping about on the sidelines must be exhausting her..."
Just think what she would look like if she actually had to 'stump' daily!!
She's only out working a couple of days every few weeks or months!!
OMG....she looks like she could be up for a part in a new "Golden Girls." I don't care HOW much makeup she trowels on. Is she EVER aging FAST!
ReplyDeleteGranny Lulu's wig is as flat as her brain waves.
ReplyDeleteLittle Rabbit
Residents should remain vigilant!
you make my tormented hours at work sail by, thanks sooo much
bye sarah,
it's been a bitch knowing about ya
How did Sarah make her famous oil deals if it wasn't for crony capitalism? For that matter, how did Sarah Palin get elected to anything without crony capitalism and the money that they donate to political campaigns? Who does she think bought her clothes for the 2008 campaign?
ReplyDeleteI wonder how Sarah really had felt about Rick Perry. I mean, there is the succession connection (btw succession for those states isn't a negative thing. The parties have justifiable reasons)
ReplyDeleteIt's hard to imagine many politicians being great friends outside work. Sure, Boehner and Biden joked at the podium, but there's a reason many VPs and Ps don't get along. ie Clinton/Gore and Obama/Biden
I was going to say Im shocked Sarah and Jan are friends but then again, they didn't associate while she held office did they?
Nefer 7:37
ReplyDelete"I mentioned in a comment yesterday that I think she has been pissed at him since the governor's meeting following the 08 election, when he physically moved her away from the podium so he could yammer."
Two things -
Having watched the video you speak of, she wasn't as 'man-handled' as you make it out to be.
If she was pissed at that, she would not have attended events with Perry after that, which she has done so. She has also spent time in Texas, and no doubt time with Perry and running in the same social circles -- again, after that 2008 nothing.
Dear Sarah and Bristol,
ReplyDeleteI know you read these comments obsessively and just wanted to help you out with the big words a bit.
Aneuploidy is an abnormal number of chromosomes, and is a type of chromosome abnormality. An extra or missing chromosome is a common cause of genetic disorders (birth defects).
Crony capitalism is what you set up at MatMaid.
And Sarah? Love the bedazzle work on your pink blazer. Verrry serious presidential type stuff.
Keep up the good work. (all this comedy makes my work day brighter)
Thanks bunches,
7:45..I noticed the "toe lift", scumbag used car salesman, looks you in the eye and lies his ass off.
ReplyDeleteSarah, did you and the big guy have a falling out? After all, the bigger the hair.....the closer to god, right? You seem to be falling from grace a bit. Better get thee back to the bumpit or the big guy might think you don't care.
Not to oversimplify things, but how could we have confidence in $P as POTUS when she can't even decide on a hairstyle?
ReplyDeletePS her face looked fat
Sarah Palin hates black people.
ReplyDeleteSarah has capitalized on her looks and her come hither sex appeal for far too long, and as she fades and ages, and quickly so, she is struggling to remain at all relevant, but what she sold herself with is becoming stale and well, to be perfectly honest, used up and worn out.
ReplyDeleteThere was a time that Sarah had a fresh faced, semi attractive demeanor, but now, not so much. She just looks haggard and middle aged. Even when you look at women who are considerably older than her, they look tons better than Mrs. Palin.
You just can't hide hate and vengeance forever, it WILL seep up through the pores like oil oozing from the ground and nothing, not botox, not surgery will stop the slide. She's in a slide...a really big slide...and I for one am loving EVERY SINGLE minute of it. Karma, yeah, such a bitch. Bitch meets Bitch...and just in time.
Hey Scare ya, what's YOUR big fucking plan for economic recovery, you know, aside from patronizing your hair stylist and pilot?
ReplyDeleteThat's what I figured.
why does fox label this as "breaking news"? palin is paid by fox to be a pundit. she is contractually obligated to do interviews with them. Ugh
ReplyDeleteNot. Running.
ReplyDelete"Oh and of course the OTHER news from this interview is that whatever was on Palin's head from her LAST interview has clearly escaped and is undoubtedly still at large in the greater Wasilla area."
I can't put my finger on it, but something about that photo of her with the "serious" wig makes me think of a turtle.
Oh and Granny? For Pete's sake, you are not 25 and you can't get away with that white/nude lip color anymore. It makes you look like the damned cryptkeeper.
Go to your favorite department store makeup counter and ask them to suggest a nice "your lips but better" shade for when you don't want to wear an obvious lip color.
one question I have for Faux News; When are you going to kick this loon to the curb? It can't be helping the ratings when almost everyone in America knows the Caribou Barbie has left the building mentally. I mean, seriously, who actually gives a rat's ass what she has to say about anything? A half-term governor who has problems with complete sentences and only spews hate speech is given time on air? Oh, right, this is Fox. Must have a dose of hatred a day aimed at the President.
ReplyDeleteI think she´s trying to look like Christine.
ReplyDeleteThe old goat is throwing a slew of different images into the airwaves, hoping one of them is presentable.
Good luck with that.
Angry. What could make her so angry she went out and got pregnant deliberately. The only thing I can think of is losing a baby previously. Maybe my original thought about the Trig pregnancy was that Sarah was deliberately trying to miscarry by not eating, flying, etc and that she forced Bristol to have an abortion. That would finally make sense of the dropping out of school but not long enough to carry a baby to term. She must have gone to live with Aunt Heather when this was done. That would be a BIG secret for a Dominionist female leader to hide. Maybe fear of Bristol's reaction was part of why Sarah didn't want to reveal her pregnancy. She figured her risk taking would end the pregnancy and she wouldn't have to deal with Bristol's anger. wow.
ReplyDeleteHilarious post, Gryphen! And lots of hilarious comments too! It truly shows what a laughingstock Sarah Palin really is, away from the Fox echo chamber and pee pond network.
ReplyDeleteWHO besides those idiots could really take this vain imbecile seriously?!
Answer: Nobody.
The more info Anon238 at IM gives us, the more sure I am becoming that they are truly getting an inside perspective. The way Sarah seems to be coming apart at the seams matches very closely to what Anon238 is saying.
ReplyDeleteI definitely recommend everyone take a look at what she has been saying. I know there's no way we can know for sure she's on the up-and-up, but Sadie thinks she is, and I believe it too.
I think Sarah's team is doing everything they can at this point to keep her even remotely presentable and sane (such as that goes). From the new hair to the "great race", it's all aimed at keeping up appearances.
This can't keep up too much longer, by the look of it...
KevinNYC @6:55
ReplyDelete"Wasilla was so white that there was only one African American in the entire school system. One day when the boy was in junior high school, Todd, then a senior, and two friends waylaid him by the gravel pit adjacent to Wasilla High and beat him up, simply because he was black. 'Sure, Todd was a racist bully, but that just made him one of the guys. Growing up black in Wasilla was hell.'"
— from The Rogue, by Joe McGinniss"
Oh my God! OhMyGod.
She keeps outdoing herself with bad wigs.
ReplyDeleteAnd I love it.
Big mouth. Little woman.
ReplyDeleteSome countries ban imports of bad beef and vegetables due to salmonella. How come the lower 48 doesn't ban Alaska's export of Palins?
ReplyDeleteThey're contaminated with salmonella.
I would imagine she spends more time on her hair then writing her face book diatribes.
ReplyDeleteSo, Sarah does not want any new jobs created???
ReplyDeleteWhat a grandiose display of a genetic disaster...
ReplyDeleteSome countries ban imports of bad beef and vegetables due to salmonella. How come the lower 48 doesn't ban Alaska's export of Palins?
ReplyDeleteThey're contaminated with salmonella.
While I don't believe she came on sexually to Perry, she have been looking for some artificial sweetener for her endorsement, or possibly even a consideration for the VP or Cabinet slot and was turned down cold (it's really early to be doing that, but look who we're talking about). I could see Perry wanting to distance himself from her (along with any candidate who wants to win).
ReplyDeleteSarah, honey....CRONY CAPITALISM? Can you say D.A.I.R.Y.G.A.T.E?? Remember when you allowed your dairy farmer friends to go into Matanuska Maid and let them take whatever they wanted to start their own processing plant? Remember the large loans they were not makeing payments on? Remember appointing your school buddy, Franci Havemeister as Director of Agriculture because "she had a childhood love of cows?"
ReplyDeleteWord in the valley is that within the last two weeks yet another $500,000 loan was handed out to Franci's father in law.
No conflict of interest or crony capitalism here folks....look away. Sean Parnell has fallen lock step behind $arah Heath Palin.
Ol' Crusty Crotch Scary P. is looking more MANLY by the day.
ReplyDeleteMichelle and Christine= Still CRAZY but Pretty.
FIRST LADY=Beauty AND Brains AND class!
Scary P. is just a mean ol'ugly bitter harpy that needs to STFU!
What is surprising to me is that Greta even brings up this supposed drug company kickback story. It's a bit odd that she is setting Sarah up for an easy attack on Perry.
ReplyDeleteI wonder if Fox hasn't hitched their wagon to Palin?? If not, I see no logical reason for this to be brought up at all.
"Palin, who paints herself as a "maverick," added that she's been fighting corruption for the last 20 years at the local and state level, in addition to her time campaigning as the 2008 GOP vice presidential nominee."
Who is Sarah Palin fucking kidding?
Her whole existence as mayor and governor was full of corruption. This retarded wonky eyed bitch hired high school best friends for jobs they were unqualified to do. Hired one friend for a high paying job whose only experience was her love for cows when she was younger! WTF?
Does Palin really want to go there, fighting corruption for the last 20 years at the local and state level?
That corrupted bitch was trying to hide the purchase and installation of a tanning bed in the governor's mansion. Try to avoid paying property taxes. Flew her kids and family throughout the state and lower 48 and lied about how they were invited. Used her state title to personally get even with citizens. There are all kinds of examples of her corruption.
KevinNYC @6:55
ReplyDelete"Wasilla was so white that there was only one African American in the entire school system. One day when the boy was in junior high school, Todd, then a senior, and two friends waylaid him by the gravel pit adjacent to Wasilla High and beat him up, simply because he was black. 'Sure, Todd was a racist bully, but that just made him one of the guys. Growing up black in Wasilla was hell.'"
— from The Rogue, by Joe McGinniss"
Just for a comparison, back in the eighties one African-American teenage boy moved to Homer, Alaska, and the community treated him like a celebrity. His peers thought he was cool and he was a popular kid. Not all small towns in Alaska are racist.
Anonymous said...
ReplyDeleteSarah Palin hates black people.
8:12 AM
Fucking ass hole Sarah has problems with Asians and Native Americans as well.
Anonymous @ 7:05 AM said...
ReplyDelete"it is simply that her face looks so drawn, so tired. This romping about on the sidelines must be exhausting her..."
Or perhaps she is STILL feeling the after effects of running around the block once or twice on September 4th? (smirk)
http://www.stormlakepilottribune.com/story/1760728.html article from the Storm Lake Tribune:
Brenda McVinua was among the Storm Lakers Palin chatted with after the race. McVinua was working as a volunteer in the “chute” near the finish line, and was impressed with the former vice-presidential candidate’s form.
“She wasn’t even breathing hard. You could tell she’s an athlete. If you didn’t know better you would have thought she’d just run around the block once or twice.” She reportedly said, “Boy, that was fun,” as she crossed the line.
angry...Bristol had an abortion, Levi didn't know about it, the father, who knows. Ruffles was Sarah's baby FAS, very premature, dieting and drinking, wanting a miscarriage(she did have 2 miscarriages no big dill, what happened to that baby? Sarah started the fake pregnancy because Trig was the replacement from a fundy adoption and she needed him for the right to life crowd. Bristol was pissed and got pregnant with Tripp, not sure Levi is the father though.
ReplyDeleteI have a feeling Todd didn't know about any of it until after the fact and then just went along since he's a pansy ass.
I was just reading Syrin's blog. Rosanne Cash got an advanced copy of Joe McGinniss' book. Rosanne Cash. Seriously? If you've not gotten your copy I think it might be time to ask yourself how this "Joe is my friend" thing is working out for you. Not trying to be mean, but really Gryphen.....
ReplyDeleteShe thinks its cool that when she uses a term in a speech,other politicians use the same(common) term later.
ReplyDeleteWe think its cool that when Gryphens blog mentions something,anything,everything, she responds to it later.
Perhaps Rick Perry has told her no,he will not let her pretend she will be his VP candidate.
ReplyDeleteI'm so sick & tired of this flippin' "tea party" crap. We NEVER GAVE this much credence to either the Independence Party or the Green Party when they came into existence as LEGIT political parties.
ReplyDeleteThe MSMedia NEVER allowed those 2 parties to be party of any major primary or election debates yet the LAMEstreamMEDIA has now bent over backwards to accommodate these assinine a-holes. They gave Batshiet Crazy Bachmann her own little personal response to Obama's SotU address and now they're giving debate airtime to these morons.
If they want to run as teabaggers, then let them REMOVE themselves from the REPUBLICAN party for good.
New post at Laura Novak.
ReplyDeleteMakes you go hmmm.
She was full of uppers last night on Greta. Next time she will appear to be on a downer. It must be tough for FOX to never know which Sarah will show up.
ReplyDeleteHelmet head is more revolting than EVER... honestly who WON'T she turn on???
ReplyDeleteLaura Novak has a new post.
ReplyDeleteHey Sarah one quick question. Where's Trig's birth certificate? You know what I'm talking about.
laprofesora 8:12
ReplyDeleteNot to oversimplify things, but how could we have confidence in $P as POTUS when she can't even decide on a hairstyle?
PS her face looked fat
The fat face -- I too thought that seeing the vid pic.
Steroids now?? Her usual pill cocktail failing her??
Oooohhh...now instead of looking like Barbie, she looks like Barbie's B-list pal, Midge! When does the Skipper hairdo make its appearance??
ReplyDeleteI saw the same podium thing.
ReplyDeleteIt looked to me like she was still wasted from the night before- and in a daze.
The way they interacted- I thought he fucked her the night before.
It was just a gut instinct flash- but it looked like they hooked up.
Could you tell me why they put her in front of the window after the sun has gone down? DUMB! It makes her look so dumpy. No one looks good with a dreary background. Professional film crews use everything possible to make the lighting complimentary on the subject. You wouldn't go outside to take a picture with that dark background. Duh!
ReplyDeleteShe looks like witch in a cave, stirring her cauldron. All that was missing was the bats and the flying monkeys.
Jeebus! She looks like a man! What was she THINKING, that pink would make her look feminine? Not at all. She's flailing for a 'look' to cement her creds? This one is definitely NOT it. Her 'handlers' don't know shit from shinola when it comes to 'packaging' Sarah, they let her go out in public like this???? Pretty much she hit her stride when the RNC was shoveling huge bucks to dress her up, since then...pathetic presentation is being kind to say. Sarah, you really ought to take a time out and get thee to a stylist, stat. You are truly a horror to behold and it is getting worse. Get some help. If it's not too late, which really, most of the country, and the world, just aren't that into you, honey. You'll have to take those bendy straws into the sea of pee and suck on that.
ReplyDeleteSarah, Sarah, Sarah, God has sent you numerous messages to stand down and shut up. Perhaps you should listen.
ReplyDeleteI could not bring myself to watch her chatter. All I know is that she looks so much older in such a short period of time.
ReplyDeleteShe's an idiot! God, but I wish the media would stop putting her name out there. They created this scank!!!
As unflattering as the new wig is, there is something even more disturbing about Sarah. She can't sit still. When I went to school, the teacher called in "ants in the pants." They were probably hyperactive kids, but we didn't know about hyperactivity then.
ReplyDeleteIt is uncomfortable to watch Sarah blink, squirm, bounce around and make unusual expressions. Watch the other people who appear on TV, and you'll see that they sit still without squirming, look into the camera and talk calmly. Sarah still cannot string words together to form a simple sentence. Her mind is racing in all directions.
I would guess that among her many problems, Sarah is ADDH. She can't read and process information. She can't repeat things, even when she has just heard them. A good example would be coming out of the talk about Paul Revere and getting his story all twisted.
The hair in the top picture is not even remotely close to the length, fullness, color, and layering of the wig in the bottom picture. The length of the bangs is completely different too. WTF? I mean the bottom picture is basically a mullet, and the top is just , well, I'm not quite sure.
ReplyDeleteFake hair, fake glasses, fake pregnancy, fake politician.
Since we all know Sarah doesn't have a rational thught in her head, I am guessing that her new marching orders to trash Slick Rick are coming directly from thenpowers that be at Fox. The piling on at the debate last night was incredible. I am thinking that Ailes and Murdoch have decided that Romney is their guy who has the best chance of beating Obama, and they have given the go ahead to obliterate Perry. Nothing Sarah says or does is random, she is a highly paid puppet, nothing more. Watch the rest of the network talking heads fall in line.
can't watch....but from reading about the interview - and why are they "interviewing" her? I forget... - she is rebranding herself as a " pundant" along the lines of Limbaugh/Beck....Faux News, doncha know. She has given herself away by "suggesting" that she is MORE influential as a "pundant" than as a candidate. Wow. Bingo. She remains in the spot light, raking in billions, just where she wants to be. I want to know who is bank rolling her rise to stardom? Who is betting on her influence on politics via the media? This nefarious counter culture infiltrating our media with their propadanga machine is very orwellian.
ReplyDeleteTodd calls in advance to warn them what temper she is in just before she goes "on"...
Gasman -- great post! still lol!
ReplyDeleteIf there's one thing men run from it's a wild-eyed, manic crazy lady. (They have enough trouble with the sane ones.) The entire field of candidates cannot run fast enough.
ReplyDeleteNone of them will answer her phone calls. And that is making her crazier than ever.
You know, like that kid in class the teacher ignores who finally just vomits to get attention?
OMG, I can't believe I am going to say this but she looks better with her bump it. Who would have thought that? She looks like she is 60 yrs old.
ReplyDeleteMaybe she is trying to look older now since her sex appeal is not working?
BTW, I will never watch CNN ever again. They jumped the shark with the tea party debate. I will certainly miss Jack Cafferty though. And they wonder why their rating are going down. They have turned into Faux Lite.
All these years later of unimaginable access to monied interests and powerful image makers with the help of professional stylists - and simple Sarah remains the school-girl in class that smells but everyone is too embarrassed to say anything.
ReplyDeleteThat woman has never learned how to dress or use her money. Dowdy and stingy. That's our Sarah, the bad housewife with a Gubernatorial title who's only interest was in People Magazine.
THAT is why she couldn't answer Katie Couric's question about what she reads. . .LOL.
Sarah, Todd, Bristol, et. al., you have been living in hell all these years and project an image of a tight family. Dysfunctional, illiterate and useless to the community unless it is to cast stones. You are losers and I now feel sorry for you.
@Morgan, Joe is writing a book about Rosanne Cash. He hasn't started the book about Gryphen yet.
ReplyDeleteAnonymous 9:40 AM said..."Sarah, Sarah, Sarah, God has sent you numerous messages to stand down and shut up. Perhaps you should listen."
ReplyDeleteFor real. It makes me laugh how her supporters are convinced she's one of God's favored warriors, sent to win the presidency for them. HELLO, WHO IS IN THE WHITE HOUSE? HINT: IT'S NOT SHRIEKING BIBLE SPICE LADY. And 2008 was the only chance she's ever going to get!
Um, that hair piece of hers is just sad! I would assume with all the money she grifts she could afford a better one!
ReplyDeleteAnon: "Does Palin really want to go there, fighting corruption for the last 20 years at the local and state level?"
ReplyDeleteNot at an actual debate, she doesn't. All her opponents would have to do is starting reading off a list of contractors for that sports complex she had built, who just happened to donate to her campaign, as well. Oh, and read off a list of high school cronies she appointed to important positions.
Please, this whole reform thing is a joke. The only person she ever managed to run out of office because of ethics problems was HERSELF!
A personal vendetta against Perry? Was she wearing her "empathy belly" on stage? If Perry was jostling her would he have noticed that the bulge was not toasty-warm? Is that what all the joshing about her imminent delivery while leaving the stage really meant?
Wild Tortoise
I do not buy the adopted Trig story. That child is a Heath and/or a Palin.
ReplyDeleteSarah's not even very entertaining anymore.
ReplyDeleteSame old same old... except for her new phrase "crony capitalism."
Sarah still has being snotty and being a bitch confused with being informed and being relevant.
Hey! That's a Michelle Bachmann wig! I think she is taking fashion tips from your blog, Gryphen. I bet she is even starting to wash her feet and change her underwear regularly.
ReplyDeleteMany on right wing sites were commenting on how weird she looked on GVS.
ReplyDeleteMany on the right are also growing increasingly
sick of her antics.
Palin stupidly allied herself with crazy Michelle on the Gardasil attack on Perry.
Bachmann has now gone completely
off the rails claiming that the
vaccine causes brain damage.
Which is prompting a push back from the right who researched it at the FDA.
I imagine Merck might also have something to say.
Greta has become the go to show when the two nut cases want to vent.
Palin said that Perry wanted " our daughters " to be forcibly vaccinated.
Like Perry had forced his way into her daughter's bedroom,
along with Joe McG.
Beyotch-your daughters were never involved ,
your sexual innuendos are very telling ,
oh and most importantly-
the program was never implemented.
Palin is unwisely and vindictively burning many bridges.
Could Perry or his wife know more truths about the Wild Ride ?
"Johnston says he and Sarah Palin were present for the birth but she said he wasn't there in a later interview, calling it "shameful." He also says she was adamant about not being called grandma, instead wanting to be called Mommy Sarah."
ReplyDeleteMommy Sarah?? Is that the creepiest thing you've ever heard? I know two young grandmothers that weren't thrilled about being called grandma or nana, but that's just weird. And yucky. Hmm, just like Sarah.
>>there is something even more disturbing about Sarah. She can't sit still. When I went to school, the teacher called in "ants in the pants." They were probably hyperactive kids, but we didn't know about hyperactivity then.
ReplyDeleteIt is uncomfortable to watch Sarah blink, squirm, bounce around and make unusual expressions. Watch the other people who appear on TV, and you'll see that they sit still without squirming, look into the camera and talk calmly. Sarah still cannot string words together to form a simple sentence. Her mind is racing in all directions.
What you are seeing is the result of any number of possible stimulant drugs, legal or illegal...massive caffeine can do it, cocaine cut with uppers can do it, speed can do it, meth can do it...whatever it is, she is blasted with it.
This is a woman who is up one day and down the next...doped up and bleary eyed or hopped up and non-stop lick licking, eyes bulging, mouth pursing harridan. Yeah, Sarah, look it up, it ain't pretty, I can tell ya.
People at FOX HAVE to be seeing this. It's just so damn clear that she is losing it, she's out of control and she's sinking deeper and deeper into her muddy muck she's been wallowing in for years.
It really does show, Sarah, it really does. You're a has-been who never really was. You were just a media creation, nothing more. The house of cards is falling now, no matter how much you heap hate on our wonderful president, shoot jabs at your fellow GOPers, make cameos appearances on reality shows upcoming or cry victim when all the bricks really start falling, you're OVER. And pretty much you have only your lying, grifting, mean girl teen self to thank for it.
We're all on the lookout for that 'shiny object' you'll desperately be interjecting into the media, you might even get desperate enough to spill the beans on how Trig isn't your birth baby, how you faked the Iowa run, that Bristol has been preggo MORE than once, that you and Todd had everything to do with silencing the voices that could talk about the 'adoption'...yeah, there's plenty that could get the media 'wee wee-d up', but you are STILL over. Finished, caput, finis, the end of the line, baby, it's just a few more 'bergs' coming your way that will finish the job.
Buster Brown hair now. Is it real or a new wig? I thought she was a political pund"ent".
ReplyDeleteGasman 6:48am - I think you are right! - the wiles that worked so well on John McCain have found Perry completely unresponsive. (I think half the reason she is so bitter towards Obama is her efforts to "charm" him during the Alfalfa Dinner in 2009 failed.)
ReplyDeleteDinty8:50am - Privately asking Perry for a VP slot, and hitching a ride on his campaign organization and funds? Well, maybe. Perry does not look as old and weak as McCain, so she might have a lot of trouble bumping him off if he wins the nomination/presidency.
"I would guess that among her many problems, Sarah is ADDH. She can't read and process information. She can't repeat things, even when she has just heard them. A good example would be coming out of the talk about Paul Revere and getting his story all twisted."
ReplyDelete9:45 AM
That's our Special Needs Sarah... LOL
Gardasil? When Palin was Governor, the state of Alaska increased the availability of Gardasil (paid for by the feds, you betcha): http://www.hss.state.ak.us/press/2007/pdf/pr040907hpv-vax-facts.pdf
ReplyDeleteOMG! She is at the fuck up! Go away crazy lady!
ReplyDeleteHave you by now counted how much wigs this Looney owns?
She freaks me out!
I see now why the old saying 'money doesn't buy you class' was created
ReplyDeleteWhat a fucking narcissist!!! The sad thing is that she really believes that she controls the political dialog that is taking place. She is really full of herself. Priceless.
ReplyDeleteLOL!Picture of the Day: Rick Perry with Bachmann's Hair = Steven Tyler
LOL!Picture of the Day: Rick Perry with Bachmann's Hair = Steven Tyler
How on earth can you guys listen to her? I could not run a blog like this because I stop the video after 20 seconds. The voice and the stupidity just undo me.
ReplyDeleteOkay, and yeah, bad hair. Really bad hair.
What is missing today? All the trolls from last night. Well I guess we need to fill in:
ReplyDeleteQuit makin' things up. Sarah has never looked or felt bettter. She is the happiest and fittest she's ever been. All these posts and comments at IM fire her up even though she doesn't read them. So quit makin' stuff up, or else.
Whatever that thing is on her head, it's eating her neck as we speak...
ReplyDeleteOf course, Sarah is angry with Rick. He upstaged her at the Governor's conference. Sarah would NEVER forget, or forgive that one.
ReplyDeleteThat is her new "serious" look?
ReplyDeleteShe looks dumber then usual. Just not a good look for her in general. She has a rather horsey face anyway.
HEY!! Why is everybody being so harsh on Granny Grifter's ever changing looks/locks?
ReplyDeleteIt's not her fault that she is a prisoner in her own home(s). No more shopping at Nordstrom or Payless Shoe Store (Payless...really!)She can't show her face(s) in Wasilla because she's afraid of the NON STOP LAUGHTER.
The woman is a JOKE! She's politically finished and I think she's been warned...read this from Fred "ate a dog" Malek...
"Beyond whether it’s possible for her to compete, Malek said it would be a bad move for Palin to try and run.
“I think it would be really, personally, not a good move for her. She’s doing a very, very good job on the circuit. She’s making money for her family, she’s having influence on people nationwide, she’s having influence on the race. I think anybody who gets the nomination is going to want to have her support because she energizes a lot of people.”
“I don’t think she should get in, and I don’t think she will,” he added.
Here's the link to the rest....http://abcnews.go.com/blogs/politics/2011/09/fred-malek-too-late-for-palin-to-run-gop-nominee-will-be-perry-or-romney/
Uh oh Granny...time for you to STFU...the big dog has spoken. HeHe.
WTF? Did she get her chin worked on too? Seriously? What is up with her face?! Something very strange going on with her and it's not just her hair.
ReplyDeleteWhere's your drug test results Grandma Sarah?
ReplyDeleteWhere's the video of you running the marathon?
Where's Trig's DNA test results?
Where's Ruffles?
Where's the empathy belly?
Where's Trig?
SARAH--Astalavista Baby!!!
ReplyDeleteA couple of weeks Sarah found a dead horse cut off its tail and has been wearing it flopped across head.
ReplyDeleteSo I guess trimming the dead horses' tail some kind of progress?
This time she has that crazed manic gleam in her eye. She is so clearly unbalanced. I'd seriously be afraid to sleep in the same house with this person.
ReplyDeleteMy goodness! Quittypants is a-blinkin' & a-bobbin' & a-squirmin' like she's got a rat's nest up her a**! Oh wait, that's the muskrat that escaped from her head the other night.
ReplyDeleteTime to get busy a-trappin' & a-killin' & a-stuffin' that darn critter, Quittypants!
Why would Sarah the "Feminist" disapprove of a required vaccine, kind of like small pox is required,and polio, that would save tens of thousands of women's lives.
ReplyDeleteIt is just that tens of thousands should die to ensure her place in the pantheon of Republican America haters.
Please don't let her know that Strep B is a required prenatal test or she'll play it up and the Republicans will be against it also, too.
Strap B has a number of unfortunate effects on a baby that is thoroughly covered with it at birth if the mother's vagina has been colonized.
It is most famous for causing blindness in third world countries.
It is highly treatable when tested for and detected.
No lookie. No findee. Baby blindie. Though.
And yes men are carriers and should also be tested and treated.
7:42, LMFAO at "crone capitalism."
ReplyDeleteErlene at 8:21, I think she looks like a turtle because with this straight, flat hairstyle and a more-modest-than-usual collar, she appears to have no neck!
@10:59 AM
ReplyDeleteLMAO...Buster Brown!
See she had some more excavation work done.
ReplyDeleteLength shortened
Width widened
a.k.a. She gone fat faced!!
That sure is some Village Idiot hairdo.
ReplyDeleteOh Noes Sarah Palin Got Assaulted By Sam Donaldson’s Wig Maker!
Her outside appearance is assimilating her inside ugliness. Resistance is futile, $error.
ReplyDeleteOkay look guys, about the new wig on Sarah in the first picture; haven't you heard yet about it?
ReplyDeleteWasn't it Gryphen who found the wig in someone's trash sitting outside at the curb? Didn't Gryphen take the wig home, throw it in the washer/dryer and then do a comb out of it?
Then didn't Gryphen then mail the newly washed wig to Sarah with a note that read "Run Baby Run"? G didn't sign the note to Sarah and she thought she had a new admirer and so she donned the wig for Fox.
Ain't she so purty now, thanks all to our lovely Mr. G?
I'm really just picking at you guys here but it really wouldn't surprise me. Gryphen has been playing ole Sarah for quite some time and she keeps falling for it hook, line and sinker.
When Granny Grifter finally goes down and she will, Gryphen will finally know that all his work has been a great thing for this country.
Respectfully submitted,
"Crony capitalism":
ReplyDelete> Frank Murkowski appointment for senate position
> Frank Murkowski appointment to Alaska Oil & Gas Commission
> Ted Stevens 527 group directorship
> BP, VECO campaign contributions
> Matanuska Maid Dairy
> John P. Coale
> Joe Schmidt appointment as Corrections commissioner
> Chuck Kopp appointment as Public Safety commissioner
> Northern Dynasty/Pebble Mine promotion
I'm tired. That's enough.
She did bring up the issue of all the mail that was released.She stated they will prove she knew Perry was "up to something" with the vaccinations. Which mail was that again? Doesn't that open all of the redacted mail to discussion also?
ReplyDeleteThe door has been opened and no one enters? Why not?
she has to keep that hair-thingy short for the next few months or, we'll know its a rat-nest, then again it is $arah.
ReplyDeleteThe only thing missing on that helmet is the strap. Toad is probably playing with it.
ReplyDeleteHow predictable is she? Gryphen mentions the rats nest hair and she goes straight and flat. She DOES read this blog, it's so very clear as you look at the DIRECT results that happen in her world. GO Gryphen, man, you are the one to bring her down!
ReplyDeleteMaybe she planned to support Perry at her recent screechfest in Iowa and he said no thanks to distance himself from Her Loserness! Now she's been dismissed and is pissssed off like a snake in a trap. Her venomous ways are revealing her inner ugliness and erasing any attractiveness she had.
ReplyDeleteCan we expect her to walk out of the Beehive during it's reality show with a 'blond' wig on??
ReplyDeleteThink that hair might be nearly the rill dill. It looks a lot like the hair she had when photographed at SeaTac in 08. Maybe there's a hairpiece on top.
ReplyDeleteMakes her look younger, and not like a tired, dried out cheerleader. Heck, we all get to that point. Very few women approaching 50 can do the big hair thing.
The hair is like a modified mullet, it is streaming down her back, just short in front. She has had it washed and ironed. Enlarge the video and you will see, its a clean, flat same old same old.
ReplyDeleteAnd I am sure it is in response to the nasty rat's nest she was sporting last appearance.
Um, did someone EDIT this together, because I can't believe these words EVER came out of HER mouth, in that order.
ReplyDelete(*It's dated Jan. 2009; it's only 46 seconds...I know, too many...I know...)
I watched it three times to make sure I wasn't having a separation from reality...
What the FUCK happened? She seemed ALMOST SANE!!!
is she trying to follow how bachmann appeared at the debatey thingy with a shorter do...
ReplyDelete(can see sp sitting in her dark bdrm filled with food wrappers pulling out wigs and matching them...)
Cronyism extended into the next generation and next administration.
ReplyDeleteThe Alaska Agriculture Board of Agriculture awarded $500,000 to local dairy farmers Bob & Jean Havemeisters to start their own dairy. Their daughter, Franci Havemeister, is the Director of Agriculture.
The Valley Creamery has received a number of extensions and loan restructuring over the years and it was just a matter of time before old fashion economics caught up with them. However, while it appears the end is near for the Valley Creamery, the state has simply exchanged one financial black hole for another.
-Andrew Halcro
OMG, what dreadful hair----was the Shirley Temple wig at the car wash?
ReplyDeleteGeez, out of 146 comments only ONE person picked up on the fact that Palin was PROMOTING Gardasil in 2007 before she got the VP nod???
ReplyDeleteI saw the story this afternoon in an airport lobby and remembered the whole fiasco without reGoogling it - yep, just like the Bridge to NoWhere she was fer it before she was agin it.
Even Pajamas Media is calling her out on this one (and I think you should, too, Gryph.)
Two words for granny hairpiece palin,
ReplyDeleteKrazy Glue
"...the only REAL news seems to be that she is now blatantly, and aggressively, attacking Rick Perry, which seems to suggest that the sources who have said she is angry with him for very personal reasons are probably dead on."
ReplyDeleteThe thing about Palin is, she's so freaking stupid she probably thinks she CAN get away with attacking Perry (or more likely sending Todd the goon to harass Perry or to set fire to something, just like back home).
What Princess Alaskan Sparkle Pony obviously doesn't get is, Texans do everything REALLY BIG, including fight. Perry won't just kick her ass in a dust up. He'll kick her ass three ways from next Tuesday, bring up her hypocritical fake "christianity" to poison the evangelicals against her, use his many positive Tea Party connections to cut off her sorry-ass fakey political "career" once and for all, and hand her back her weasel wiglets on a platter when he's done.
Oh, and he might just decide to kick Todd's ass too, just to put Half-Guv Junior in his place!
What's the matter Sarah, did you trot out your sexy flirty winky teenagery routine for Governor Perry and get your feelings hurt? I bet it sucks when people you are trying soooo hard to impress write you off as an insignificant, undereducated, backward-ass bimbo.
LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn said...
ReplyDelete"Oooohhh...now instead of looking like Barbie, she looks like Barbie's B-list pal, Midge! When does the Skipper hairdo make its appearance??"
Well, heck, she already has the Growin' Up Skipper changeable boobies!
Teutonic13 said...
ReplyDelete"I saw the same podium thing.
It looked to me like she was still wasted from the night before- and in a daze.The way they interacted- I thought he fucked her the night before."
You might be onto something there....& if in the past couple months Sarah tried the come-on again and got turned down, that would be plenty to account for a vendetta.
Here's another thing I thought of. What if Sarah has ALREADY hinted to Perry that she wanted to be his VP, and he told her, "No way in hell."
Wow, she is really losing her ONLY asset - her looks. She is starting to resemble a Grand Ole Opry singer in the Greta video. Love the lame, flat hair and the white country style jacket.
ReplyDeleteNo disrespect intended to real Opry stars and not wannabe politicians.
If only she had a new serious political pundit brain.
ReplyDeleteApril 9, 2007 Governor Palin approved a mandate that GARDASIL be approved for vaccination of little girls in ALASKA paid for by FEDERAL FUNDS. So how can she attack Rick Perry for doing the same thing? She is so stupid that she does not research her own past before making statements on FAUX NEWS.She had nothing to say about Michele Bachmann's statement about Gardasil causing "MENTAL RETARDATION, even though the AMERICAN MEDICAL ASSOCIATION says that Gardasil does not cause Mental Retardation. Source: Politicususa.
ReplyDeleteWay back, right after the election, Sarah appeared at the Republican Gov's convention and expected to be the STAR. She had all the attention, had her speech all prepared & Rick Perry physically pulled her back & forth on the podium & cut her time in the spotlight back to almost nothing. It was glorious. I remember thinking at the time that she was beyond furious & would go after him in a big way if she ever had the chance. And now she is. The phoney she is set him up with her "Oh so friendly support" during his campaign, making her attacks now doubly effective. Plus she gets to use her new favorite term "crony capitalism" with every breath she draws. Evil personified.
ReplyDeleteThat said, anyone who attacks Perry on any level is to be applauded, but she's doing it out of her personal vindictiveness, spite and pay back, not for the good of the country.