Saturday, October 22, 2011

Eric Cantor cancels Unversity speech in fear of protestors.

"Wait, you mean ANYBODY can come to this thing? Forget it then!"
From Politico:

House Majority Leader Eric Cantor canceled a speech on income inequality at the University of Pennsylvania Friday morning, after his office was told that the school opened the speech to the public and it was targeted by protesters — including Occupy Philadelphia. 

The Virginia Republican’s speech was pre-empted by protests from liberal groups and unions, who were set to start demonstrating well before the scheduled 4:30 p.m. start time of Cantor’s address. 

Cantor’s office was told that only the university community would be invited to attend the event, but Capitol Police informed the majority leader’s office Thursday night that the first 300 people in line would be allowed in. The Daily Pennsylvanian, the campus paper, reported that protesters were allowed to move from the street onto Penn’s campus hours before the speech was slated to begin. The college paper reported that protesters were planning to be there as early as 9 a.m. 

“The Office of the Majority Leader was informed last night by Capitol Police that the University of Pennsylvania was unable to ensure that the attendance policy previously agreed to could be met,” Cantor spokesman Brad Dayspring said in a statement. “Wharton is an educational leader in innovation and entrepreneurship, and the majority leader appreciated the invitation to speak with the students, faculty, alumni and other members of the UPENN community.” 

Speaking at the Values Voter summit in D.C. earlier this month, Cantor called the Occupy Wall Street protest a mob. He later said that what he was “attempting to say is that the action and statements of leaders, elected leaders in this town, condoning the pitting of Americans against Americans is not very helpful right now.” 

"Pitting Americans against Americans?" You mean like the Koch brothers did by riling up the Teabaggers and having them hold up misspelled signs, scream racial epithets, and spit on a member of Congress?

Cantor is another big talking GOP coward who only wants to appear in venues where the participants are carefully screened and can be counted on NOT to ask him the hard questions or make him look the fool.

Wasn't Eric Cantor the same GOP cry-baby that falsely accused Dems of "fanning the flames of violence" after a bullet fired into the air (By somebody that was unlikely to be a liberal by the way) inadvertently struck his office window?

Gee I wonder if he also wets himself when he sees his own shadow?


  1. BAustin10:30 AM

    He is such a douche bag...can't stand his whining voice and beady eyes.

  2. Anonymous10:34 AM

    He is a coward. Typical Republican.

  3. The University released a public statement saying that Cantor had been told that the event would be open to the public, which is the norm for these kinds of events. His office released a statement to the contrary. I think the real reason Cantor canceled at the last minute had to do with the fact that the republicans' goal of not doing anything to create jobs has become glaringly clear these past few weeks. He was afraid that someone at the event would have fact-based questions he'd be forced to answer. I read on C&L this week that Chris Wallace had him squirming on Fox News regarding the republicans' jobs plan. The heat is on, and all Cantor and the other republicans and the democrats who voted against creating jobs can do is lie, duck, and dodge any contact with the public, further exposing their real agenda of protecting the richest Americans from paying a few dollars more in taxes to aid economic recovery. Sarah Jones at Politicususa reports that Mitch McConnell's phone line is busy, and she doesn't think its because aides are answering the phone. It's because McConnell doesnt want to be bothered with having to explain his votes against the wishes of the American people.

  4. Anonymous10:43 AM

    Dear Mr. Cantor,
    We're coming for you.

  5. Anonymous10:44 AM

    Can'tor is a skinny little chicken shit. I hope to hell his moronic constituents see this and vote accordingly.

  6. V. Jackson10:45 AM

    I like to print out Cantor's picture on cheap paper, and put the paper in the toilet. In the morning, I poop on his face. It's good for the soul.

  7. Cantor's 'war cry.'

  8. Anonymous11:03 AM

    I wonder which comes first with this crowd: the lying or the cowardice?

  9. Litbrit seems to be back, and her post today is very good. The photo shows just the sort of people Cantor would like to speak to. Marie Antoinette and her pals.

  10. Cracklin' Charlie11:27 AM

    That is beautiful, Gryphen! Thanks for putting an all-day smile on my face!

  11. Anonymous11:30 AM

    My word have you seen the picture of the male idiots and some of their blondy bimbettes drinking champagne while on a balcony overlooking the 99% in their protes. Talk about jackasses.

  12. Anonymous11:32 AM

    Poor little Eric- afraid of his fellow citizens! Why am I not surprised. Eric is a wimp... and a nasty one at that.

  13. Anonymous11:35 AM

    These people are typical bullies. All talk, and no action when they see they will have to encounter resistance.

    That the US population sees them as representatives of the people is sick. It speaks of a dysfunctional electorate.

  14. According to the college, the regular policy is to have open attendance. Somebody got some wires crossed. Somebody probably made a promise they didn't have the authority to make. What a pussy Cantor is. Afraid of Americans?

  15. Anonymous11:59 AM

    What a coward!

  16. Anonymous12:04 PM

    It will be a pleasure to see this fella lose his seat in our government.
    He is one of the worst ones we have in Washington DC.

  17. Anne In DC12:15 PM

    Cantor is a cowardly, lying
    little weasel who can't face the inevitable and logical consequences of his party's cruel, narrow-minded policies that are impoverishing Americans. Is it any wonder that he referred to the OWS protesters as a "mob?" Of course, he's scared because then he would actually be called to account for throwing millions of Americans under the bus, and there is no answer that could possibly justify the cruel, callous, and clueless policies of the Party of No.

  18. Anonymous12:17 PM

    We can Occupy Lisa's Town Hall here next week:

    WHEN: Monday, October 24, 2011; 6:00-7:30pm AKDT

    WHAT: Economic Town Hall Meeting

    Brief Media Availability following

    WHERE: Lucy Cuddy Center, UAA

    3400 Seawolf Drive Anchorage


    WHEN: Wednesday, October 26, 2011; 6:00-7:30pm AKDT

    WHAT: Economic Town Hall Meeting

    Brief Media Availability following

    WHERE: Palmer Senior Center

    1132 S Chugach St, Palmer


    WHEN: Thursday, October 27, 2011; 6:00-7:30pm AKDT

    WHAT: Economic Town Hall Meeting

    WHERE: Carlson Center

    2010 2nd Avenue Fairbanks

  19. Anonymous12:33 PM

    Wasn't Eric Cantor the same GOP cry-baby that falsely accused Dems of "fanning the flames of violence" after a bullet fired into the air (By somebody that was unlikely to be a liberal by the way) inadvertently struck his office window?

    On its way down, IIRC, Gryph.

    Eric Cantor is a loathsome braying donkey. I can't stand him.

  20. Anonymous1:07 PM

    Too bad he doesn't have Biden's power to lock people in closets. (Remember when Biden and crew locked a reporter in a room to keep him away from fundraiser guests?)

  21. Anonymous1:07 PM


  22. Anonymous1:15 PM

    What a snob and phony - so completely out of touch with the "real" Americans - so evident all he cares about are the very wealthy. Typical Rethuglican and needs to be voted out!

  23. Anonymous1:21 PM

    Any of the cult that donates to SarahPAC right now - the site is NOT secure!!

    The PAC's SSL cert has expired!!

    Great post/catch by Palin's Q&A!

  24. Anonymous1:21 PM

    "My word have you seen the picture of the male idiots and some of their blondy bimbettes drinking champagne while on a balcony overlooking the 99% in their protest. Talk about jackasses."

    They are even worse than jackasses. They are stupid to think they are part of the 1%. I know the 1% (married into it) and these idiots are nothing more than paid HELP.

  25. Anonymous1:22 PM

    Only the hard and fast "Hooray for the Super Duper Rich--let us know if there's some way we can bend over and take it even deeper" crowd, are being fooled by this shyster and his cronies.

    Some people (Nixon comes to mind) just have the LOOK of a political weasel. This dork has it in spades.

  26. Hannah1:31 PM

    Well, you need to be elected in this country, by a majority of the voters. Seems Mr. Cantor is a little afraid of the "majority" now! How will he reconcile his Mob to voting for him next time around? If I were his constituents, I'd be pretty pissed that he considers me beneath him.

  27. Anonymous1:35 PM

    They say his district has been gerrymandered in such a way to create a "safe" seat for any GOP candidate to be guaranteed to win.

    Too bad. I hate that the GOP has the opportunity to just that in most states. People should have paid attention that the 2010 election was a crucial one as regards state representative districts. They will redraw lines based on the 2010 census data and likely voting records.

    I just wish Cantor could be voted out. In a just world, he would lose.

  28. Taking cues from Sarah much???

    I wish his momma had used birth control.

  29. angela1:44 PM

    What a nasty, snarky cowardly little snit Cantor is . . .

    He was bought so long ago by the banks and big business if he actually starts to speak to poor people a destruct button wil be pushed somewhere in a corporate office and Eric will melt like the Wicked Witch of the West.

  30. got that right. Cantor ran UNOPPOSED last year.

    This past summer when Cantor said FEMA funds needed to be offset by spending cuts, he locked out his own constituents from his town hall. His district was ground zero for the earthquake, then hit by the tropical storm. They had to protest outside and little Eric wasn't happy.

    Look up the word'll see his face next to it.

  31. Anonymous2:00 PM

    Well, he certainly is not a man of his convictions, is he? Why not attend and stand up for what he (supposedly) believes in? Maybe because he KNOWS he is wrong. Maybe if McConnell and a few others went with him for protection. Does he avoid his constituents like this, too? What a wimp, how did he get elected anyway.?

  32. Anonymous2:05 PM

    I couldn't agree with you more. He'll say anything that he thinks the people want to hear, particularly the Tea Party. I particularly liked his comments about how we would provide disaster relief for all the damage caused by the earthquake that hit his district, but caused very little damage to his constituents. To please the Tea Baggers he said we would have to find the money by cutting spending in our current budget, which he knew would result in a permanent tax cut in the following budget years. His district then got hit by major flooding affecting much more of his constituents. He then soften his tune to prevent his constituents from voting him out of office in 2012. Hopefully, they still will. In a word he's a FRAUD!

  33. Anonymous2:09 PM

    Just a reminder to people who are discussing the Iraq withdrawal. This was an order from the Iraq leader. It was NOT our idea. Why do you think it hasn't received that much attention.

  34. Anonymous2:32 PM

    "Well, you need to be elected in this country, by a majority of the voters."

    I wish that were true. The Republicans stole the 2000 election (with the help of the Supreme Court) and are doing everything in their power to disenfranchise poor and liberal-leaning voters.

  35. Anonymous2:36 PM

    Cantor's story is only half correct. He was never promised a canned audience.
    Penn U is tax supported, it is also a seat of learning. Most Universities want the public to come to hear guest speakers, since the pubic is paying the speaker and it is part of the "intellectual" personal of the university.

    Cantor is a pussy. Can you imagine what it would have been like if the spineless Dims had stood up to Cantor in 2008 and 2009?

    And the WH kisses lily white also, too.

  36. Beldar J Conehead2:42 PM

    Say what you will about Gadaffi but THERE was a leader who knew how to control an unruly crowd in ways only dictators like Saddam, Mubarak, and Saleh and most of the GOP leadership, like Eric "A REAL American Douchebag" Cantor, can appreciate....

  37. Anonymous2:43 PM

    Of course he does, Gryphen, just look at him. He is the biggest pussy out there. He and Hannity are two guys you just want to punch in the face.

  38. Anonymous2:44 PM

    Doesn't Eric Cantor know that "we the people" pay his salary and provide his very generous benefits? What idiots all of these Republicans in Congress are! How do ordinary people get so film-flamed that they keep putting them back in office?

    Occupy Traverse City had people shouting and waving their signs in front of a very nice bookstore today. When I asked one guy why they weren't down the street in from of Rep. Dave Camp (now Chair of House Ways and Means) he looked completely confused. Then another guy said that they were protesting the bank they were not standing in front of. I suggested they either move in front of the bank or down to Dave Camp's office. I'm not sure how bright these guys are either, although I share their disdain for American banking.

  39. Ellen2:50 PM

    Penn never agreed to a closed-to-the-public event. HE is a liar and a pussy. I am a Philly girl btw, and had looked forward to having him try to look people in the eye and justify his "fuck the poor" politics.

  40. Anonymous2:52 PM

    He's a sniveling rat bastard....and a coward with a capital C.

  41. His mentors have taught him well. Lie loud, lie proud. He's Palin in a sharkskin suit with a better hairstylist. The utter and complete mendacity of this spiteful GOP mouthpiece.

    As he rails against the President, vowing to make him a one-termer, he dares to blame Obama for dividing this Nation. Arrest this man for yelling fire...!

    The leaders of the GOP/TP fail to face the fact that insulting and attacking the President is also a tremendous insult and umbrage to the legions who voted for him. If the GOP/TP are comfortable making the voting majority further distrust and discount them, go for it but it does nothing to put this Nation back together. Too bad they only read their fan mail.

    President Obama gets it. It's obvious the right feels they can't win nor do they truly want to win the 2012, still too much real work to do. They've got money to raise, congressional seats to 'fill'.

    Barack Obama 2012
    Elizabeth Warren 2016

  42. Anonymous2:55 PM

    Cantor wants his mommy. He is a Cry baby.

  43. I love the bloggers' comments today saying: a douche bag; coward; we're coming for you;
    a skinny little chicken shit;
    I like to print out Cantor's picture on cheap paper, and put the paper in the toilet. In the morning, I poop on his face. It's good for the soul.
    I wonder which comes first with this crowd: the lying or the cowardice?
    Poor little Eric- afraid of his fellow citizens! Why am I not surprised. Eric is a wimp... and a nasty one at that.
    These people are typical bullies. All talk, and no action when they see they will have to encounter resistance.
    What a coward!
    He's such a pussy.
    It will be a pleasure to see this fella lose his seat in our government. He is one of the worst ones we have in Washington DC.
    Cantor is a cowardly, lying
    little weasel who can't face the inevitable and logical consequences of his party's cruel, narrow-minded policies that are impoverishing Americans.
    Eric Cantor is a loathsome braying donkey. I can't stand him.
    I know the 1% (married into it) and these idiots are nothing more than paid HELP.
    I just wish Cantor could be voted out. In a just world, he would lose.
    I wish his momma had used birth control.

    Well, Gryphen, the Immoral Minority have summed Eric Cantor quite well, I'd say! How creative you all are! Couldn't have anything better that all of you have said right here today! I love it!

  44. Anonymous3:07 PM

    Cantor is trying to be Sarah...she speaks only to paying, friendly audiences, and takes only questions sent to her in advance. Of course, since this moron is an elected official, he might be expected to actually talk to voters. All of them, nit just the idiots who think he is special.

  45. The truth hurts, doesn't it, Cantor?

  46. Anonymous4:13 PM

    OT - but - why have we not heard anything about the Frank Aquila book released 02 Aug 2011 called Sarah Palin: Out of Nowhere

    Did I miss a post? rofl (I'm going to be late for my own funeral) anyway - the blurbs I've just read are so awful - did you guys know that Sarah can perfectly explain why the US was attacked on 911? Wow she is so smart...

    I would love to find where this book rates on a bestseller list... anybody with links?

    On topic - Eric Cantor is a butthead. Period.

  47. Anonymous4:42 PM

    Ca-all for Super Chicken!

    And come out of the closet while you're at it, Eric. Lies beget lies, and cowardice begets cowardice.

  48. Chenagrrl4:50 PM

    This weasel needs to go back to Richmond and his place at Daddy's real estate business.

    He was a real bully when the Tparty was feeling its oats. Most of his tweets were anti-Obama -- not Obama policy, but Obama. Now he wants ro chat up UPenn students on income inequality? Uh-huhhh! Mark of the weasel. Never mind he wanted to pick the crowd.

    His weasel behavior has extended to investments funds that stood to profit if the U.S. had been allowed to default on its debt -- money spent on Eric's watch. The name of the fund is ProShares Trust Ultrashort 20+ Year Treasury EFT.

    Not a lot is known about Eric. Maybe it's time for folks tostart telling tales out of school.

  49. Chenagrrl5:01 PM

    I say occupy Lisa M's town hall. and every other meeting. She needs to be reminded of who put her into office.

    Even now, she is a little too cozy with Sen. Mitch "Tremble Chins" McConnell, who has one goal, defeating President Obama. When you watch him talk about defeating Obama, you can't help but think that McConnell's issue is racial. His blather about jobs sounds like paste in his mouth.

  50. Anonymous5:02 PM

    'Nuff sed.


  52. Absolute scum.

    I think Boehner is the Devil in a bad mask; Cantor is some sort of Junior demon...

  53. Anonymous5:27 PM

    He is not physically appealing AND he is one of those horrid Republicans that we need to get out of office next election cycle.

    Chicken shit might be another name for Cantor.

  54. Anonymous5:32 PM

    Chenagrrl, you are right about McConnell.

  55. Chenagrrl said...
    I say occupy Lisa M's town hall. and every other meeting. She needs to be reminded of who put her into office.

    Even now, she is a little too cozy with Sen. Mitch "Tremble Chins" McConnell, who has one goal, defeating President Obama. When you watch him talk about defeating Obama, you can't help but think that McConnell's issue is racial. His blather about jobs sounds like paste in his mouth.

    5:01 PM

    More importantly, Lisa needs to be reminded that MANY of us would never have dreamed of writing her name on the ticket. She conned a bunch of Alaskans into writing her name in; it was apparently a spelling lesson for many of those that did.

    I'd never consider voting for her under any circumstance, now we're stuck with her again. I hope that those of you that wrote her in have learned your lesson.

  56. Anonymous6:16 PM

    I'm from Philly, and l-o-v-e everything about the U of Penn. There is no way in hell Cantor was told this was a closed event, because this school doesn't roll that way. They even allow many of their classes to invite the public to sit in, take notes, listen to speeches, use their library resources, lectures etc. Their school of medicine does pro bono (supervised) medical and dental work for the poor, homeless, under and uninsured.

    Yes, it's got it's share of snotty rich kids and spoiled brats as well.

    My niece graduated from there and shared a class with The Donald's daughter, Ivanka (not an unkind word, very classy, intelligent and unlike her father and television persona, btw). Yeah, was shocked to hear that one too!

    I've read every comment and totally agree. Cantor crows like a rooster, walks like a capon, and runs like a chicken at the mere thought of being among the common people.

    Thanks for taking the time to cover this story on your blog. I hope this act of cowardice bites him in the butt.

    Yesterday, after reporting on Lybia and the end of the war, they dedicated a song to President Obama then played "It's a wonderful world" by Louis Armstrong. Made me smile.

  57. He joins Sarah in the voices I realy really don't care to ever hear again.

  58. To anonymous at 1:07 pm. You really must stop watching fox "news". You keep quoting them and end up the fool.
    Here's the real story from Time.

  59. Anonymous2:48 AM

    Eric, you are acting like a putz. I didn't raise you to be like this.

    Your Mother

  60. Anonymous12:23 PM



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