Sunday, October 23, 2011

Bill Maher's New Rule: "The Republicans have to stop calling the Occupy Wall Street protestors "Hippies."

Did you catch the Bristol Palin joke?


  1. Anonymous5:51 AM

    So did Sarah show up in Tupelo MS for the Extraordinary Women Conference? Because, either she canceled or she is so forgotten that no one cared to report on it.

  2. "These people are not the counter-culture, they are THE culture".

    - Bill Maher

    Thanks, Gryph.

  3. Anonymous6:12 AM

    @5:51..she was there. If you google her, the story comes up. She talked about her faith, her blessing in Trig...all the usual crap. And the ladies ate it up, every crumb. People are so stupid. And yes, she did mention Elvis an d what a great man he was. Wonder if she knows he was a drug addict and slept with hundreds of young women? It's a wonder she didn't call him a faithful Christian because he grew up with an evangelical Mom and did one album of church songs.

  4. Anonymous6:19 AM

    Bill Maher Explains Why Occupy Wall Street Is Going To Win

  5. Anonymous6:19 AM

    Loved this whole thing. The right wingers who try to write off OWS do so at their peril.

    And, yeah, Bristol Palin is only good for the punchline of a joke. And within a year, she won't even be good for that, because everyone will have forgotten who she is.

  6. Anonymous6:21 AM

    Bill Maher, Rachel Maddow And Touré Point And Laugh At Herman Cain Candidacy

  7. Here is the link to the Tupelo event:

    Incidentally, I spent a lot of time with Evangelical relatives in Tupelo as a kid in the '60's. Those REAL Christians would not have been too thrilled with Sarah's grifting hooker boots! I assume these are CINOs (Christians In Name Only) who fawned over her "Christian message" at this event.

  8. Anonymous6:31 AM

    Great clip, Gryphen. Maher nails it every time. Only wish he & Maddow had not knuckled under in having Joe talk about his book. That show of cowardice on their part was disappointing to me.

  9. Anonymous6:44 AM

    This was posted @ C4P. If it weren't so sad, it would be funny...
    Dan and autumn Aleff

    "Need some feedback guys / gals...... My wife and I are actively pursuing the purchase of a 2nd home we like in Wasilla. We've never been there, and it really doesn't concern us either... I know, that is kind of weird and risky.
    We trust Sarah completely. If our country falls, where is the best place to be..? Near the person that can lead the charge back. We know she bought a house in AZ. Even so, the government in Alaska was largely set up by her, and we feel it will be the safest, truest place to be when the "stuff" hits the fan.
    Without Sarah leading us, we probably will fall of the cliff. Sometimes you have to be in the gutter before you can start to heal.
    We are in our 50's, not quite ready to retire, but want a place of refuge...just in case..

    Are we being extreme.......? panicky.....? We've always thought we were pretty evenly tempered....
    Feedback guys..... Is this off the chain, or reasonable..?"

  10. Anonymous7:08 AM

    I'm tired of Andrew Sullivan calling them hippies, though watch, later he'll say he's changed his mind and never meant to call them hippies. He's soooooooo sorry. Uh huh. Right, in that he's always got to be right as well as to the right.

  11. Here ya go:

    So Sarahs Trig mythology is once again the centerpiece of the last remaining money making gigs she has left. Pathetic.

  12. Anonymous7:19 AM

    Where's Sarah?

  13. Anonymous7:25 AM

    This weeks episode of Cheaters features a lady who works at Texans For Palin. Her boyfriend cheats on her while she works long hours,

    During the confrontation he berates her for working for Sarah Palin. Eve is the girlfriend's name. Sooo funny.

  14. WakeUpAmerica7:39 AM

    @6:44 OMG!!! How very sad! I have no doubt that Sarah will burn in hell for taking advantage of these needy people.

  15. Anonymous7:59 AM

    You know, I've never been much of a Maher fan, but lately he sure has been saying some pretty awesome things.

  16. Anonymous8:44 AM

    Thanks Gryphen.

    This clip showcases the best in Bill Maher's Talent. The look on Rachael's face is priceless!

    "These people are not the counter culture, they are THE culture"

    Powerful Statement!

    The honorable former POW war vet, Senator John McCain (R) of Arizona was on "This Week" lambasteing and skewering The Commander In Chief's decision to end the Iraq War and bring home our troops.

    Is there ONE sane Republican politician left in America or is this someone's idea of a sick joke?

  17. Anonymous9:49 AM

    @6:44 Total dismay! Those people are disconnected from reality.

    When the "'stuff' hits the fan," as he so eloquently puts it, he thinks the safest place to be is a tiny inbred village* up north, where he will have to live in darkness half the year and subsist on moose meat and polar bears? 'Cause remember, in the apocalypse that the failed democrat policies of Kenyan-born soft-on-terror (oops Khaddafi!) Obama is SURELY going to bring about, SOMEDAY, all the grocery stores are going to close and survivors will have to eat potatoes they planted themselves after all their canned goods run out. Remind him to take a jacket, 'cause I hear it gets kinda cold up there.

    By all means, 6:44, DO YOUR CHRISTIAN DUTY and respond to that man's post! Tell him he needs to get up there to Wasilla immediately NOW if not sooner, so he can be "close to the one who can lead the charge back," because in times of apocalypse you just can't depend on trains, planes, or fuel supplies for personal vehicles. Tell him, Go forth, O "pretty evenly tempered" man, to the "safest, truest place," there to hunker awaiting your Messarah. I mean, she's been spending so much time up there, right? Doing good works among the natives and so forth. I'm sure she'll be happy to share her family's hoard of macaroni and bibles stashed away for the End Times. Hope he falls into the gutter soon so he can start to heal, as his twisted logic requires.

    *apologies to all the normal people up there.

  18. OverMountainMan10:12 AM

    I watch this about once a month to keep my fire stoked !! Enjoy !!

  19. Anonymous said...
    This was posted @ C4P. If it weren't so sad, it would be funny...
    Dan and autumn Aleff

    "Need some feedback guys / gals...... My wife and I are actively pursuing the purchase of a 2nd home we like in Wasilla. We've never been there, and it really doesn't concern us either... I know, that is kind of weird and risky.
    We trust Sarah completely. If our country falls, where is the best place to be..? Near the person that can lead the charge back. We know she bought a house in AZ. Even so, the government in Alaska was largely set up by her, and we feel it will be the safest, truest place to be when the "stuff" hits the fan.
    Without Sarah leading us, we probably will fall of the cliff. Sometimes you have to be in the gutter before you can start to heal.
    We are in our 50's, not quite ready to retire, but want a place of refuge...just in case..

    Are we being extreme.......? panicky.....? We've always thought we were pretty evenly tempered....
    Feedback guys..... Is this off the chain, or reasonable..?"

    6:44 AM


    NOOOOOOO, we don't need any more of you here in Wasilla; hey it's snowing right now, yep, right now on October 23rd! You can't possibly think that's a good thing!?!?!

    There are liberals here, lots of them, you'll hate it, trust me, stay where you are, you'll be happier.

    Did I mention that it's snowing?

    Did I mention that soon the sun will rise at 10:30am and set at 3:30pm? Don't worry though, that only lasts for 3 months or's quite inviting when darkness is combined with temperatures below zero.

    I bet you'll just LOVE IT!

    I'm sure that you'd feel much safer being in the bosom of Sarah in ARIZONA, yes, you should most definitely join her there. Housing is cheaper and there are more Red People there. You won't get cold and depressed.

    Jesus loves Arizona, it says so in the bible; he loved all those desert places; he wasn't much for the sub-Arctic. I don't believe that he ever traveled above latitude 30; snow and sandals just don't mix. Trust me.

  20. Anonymous2:05 PM

    I love Bill Maher and try to never miss his show. He usually hits things straight on with his outstanding humor.

  21. Anonymous2:53 PM

    @ 9:49 AM
    I really wish I could do my Christian duty over at C4P and respond to Mr. Dan Aleff. Unfortunately, I have been banned from posting there.

  22. Anonymous5:21 PM

    Bill Maher, TourĂ© and Rachel Maddow were all in agreement that Herman Cain was in over his head intellectually in his run for the Republican nomination. “I think people have been reluctant to call Herman Cain dumb and an idiot like Sarah Palin, because they’re afraid that people will say ‘it’s because you’re racist,’” Maher surmised. “I’m not racist, I think he’s dumb; I think he’s really dumb!”

  23. Anonymous8:15 PM

    Jesus loves Arizona, it says so in the bible; he loved all those desert places; he wasn't much for the sub-Arctic. I don't believe that he ever traveled above latitude 30; snow and sandals just don't mix. Trust me.

    11:09 AM


    Oh it's good to laugh!



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