Sunday, October 23, 2011

Fox News hires disgraced, Appalachian hiking ex-Governor Mark Sanford . Scrape, goes the bottom of the Fox News pundit barrel!

"Oh God I have to work with Sean Hannity! I guess cheaters never DO win."
Courtesy of the Sun Times:

Former South Carolina Gov. Mark Sanford is joining Fox News as a political commentator through the 2012 presidential elections, a Fox Channel spokeswoman confirmed Saturday. 

The network spokeswoman told The Associated Press the two-term Republican governor has been hired as a contributor, though she declined to give any details on his pay or when he would start. 

Sanford was a rising political star before he vanished from the state for five days in 2009, and reporters were told he was hiking the Appalachian Trail. When he reappeared, the father of four admitted to being in Argentina with a woman he later called his soul mate. 

The international affair destroyed his marriage, which ended in divorce, and derailed his once-promising political career, which had included talk of presidential aspirations.

I believe this is just more proof that Fox is about to dump Palin.  After all who better to replace a disgraced ex-Governor, than with another disgraced ex-Governor?

My understanding is that Sanford will host a travelogue series, featuring exotic locations that he traveled to in order to cheat on his wife.

Episode one will feature a visit to the Botanical Gardens at the Bellagio in Las Vegas, nude snorkeling off the Great Barrier Reef in Australia, and because this is aimed at Republicans, a men's room in the Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport, with a strategically placed hole about waist high.

Of course I imagine they only settled for Sanford because their first choice, David Vitter, is inconveniently STILL able to serve as the senator of Louisiana.

Darn the luck!


  1. Anonymous3:08 AM

    The standards at Fox continue on their downward spiral. As long as they have R after their name, they are wonderful people in Ailes' eyes. Any R who falls from grace by their own behavior is A-OK to be hired at Fox. What a joke of a "serious news" channel it has become. No honest, intelligent journalist would lower themselves to seek a job there. Just the dregs that nobody else will hire.

  2. I am no fan of Sanford but he finished two terms of governor, has degress from two recoginized universities, his children attend school, showers daily, his sentences have nouns and verbs , and knows Argentina is a country.

  3. sally in MI3:45 AM

    These guys all give me the creeps. How can any Republican claim to be honest, patriotic, or even know what 'family values' means? And every attack on the honest, patriotic and clearly the epitome of family values, President Barack Obama, makes them out for what they really are: petty, mean, angry, jealous conservatives....with no conscience, no morals, and no clue. One thing Palin is right about: 2012 cannot come fast enough to dump the losers.

  4. Anonymous4:22 AM

    Mark's first assignment at Fox will be an interview with Glen Rice.

    Mark will ask Glen.... is Sarah is a spitter or a swallower?

  5. angela4:25 AM

    FAUX motto----
    Give us your cheaters, liars, prostitute bangers, quitters, know nothings, racists and tea bagging scum craving big money and yearning to spout shit . . . .

    There are no depths Roger Ailes won't plumb.
    Wingnut welfare for the politically finished and morally bankrupt marches on.

  6. sharon4:34 AM

    Ok, your comments almost made me spit my coffee out all over the keyboard as you've caused others to do. haha....

    I cannot stomach sanford and I still remember his tearful "she is my soulmate speech"
    Oh that was revolting...just like him. And the girlfriend was probably watching him and screaming out loud ."WTF?" from somewhere deep in Argentina. She's probably wondering why her "john" is saying she's his soulmate.. And she probably hasn't had her sex change yet....

    Where the hell do they come up with these creepy guys?? How do these losers even get elected?

    I think about the grace and dignity of our prez and then look at some of these rethugs and I'm stunned at the stark difference.

  7. My first thought when I heard about this was that they could have him cover the Appalachian Trail. Like Sarah's "American Stories" only on the spot along the trail. lol.

  8. Anonymous4:54 AM

    Ewwww! Gross! Fox is so nasty with it's fake values and pandering to stupid people. Just gross!

  9. Anonymous4:58 AM

    It makes me sick. I am so tired of hearing about the super super high moral standards the republicans live by. Yes, ban abortion, ban birth control, go back to DADT, gays should never be allowed to marry, tear down public education, don't have affairs, don't be gay, don't get divorced, blah, blah, blah.

    I'd love to go back to the old days when women couldn't vote, when there were back alley abortions, when gays stayed in the closet, when we still had slavery, no one ever got divorced (yeah, right), when the poor couldn't afford college, etc. Sounds like great times! Well, I guess for them.

    What a bunch of freaking hypocrites. I don't know how any normal person could vote for any republican. Why is it that if any democrat is caught NOT performing to their high moral standards they just can't talk about it enough? A republican and it is hush, hush and then they just sweep it under the rug and give you a nice job and a lot more money......

  10. Anonymous5:43 AM

    Just leave him alone he is in love. This repug just happened to fall for a woman. No toe tapping here.

  11. Anonymous6:35 AM

    They are scraping the barrel. But then again, so was CNN when they hired Spitzer and Erickson. The national media is all about ratings, not journalism. Thus the importance of bloggers such as yourself.

    Please keep up the good work, Gryph. We need you.

  12. All good comments, and all very true.

    The only thing positive that I will say - will EVER say - about Mark Sanford is that I think he was truly in love with his Argentinian girlfriend. (I have no idea if they're still together). I saw a man in the deep throes of love when I saw him give his "soulmate" speech. He was honest about his passion and I hope he was able to settle down with her. His marriage to his wife was over - too bad he didn't bother telling her that! - and they did the right thing by getting divorced.

    Again, that's the ONLY positive thing I will ever say about Mark Sanford.

  13. Anonymous7:09 AM

    Fox is replacing one doofus with another. They both have murky personal lives and are tainted politically.

    Ailes is swearing off hoochy mamas for a while. (Hi Sarah - had your vodka today?)


  14. Anonymous7:34 AM

    I hope this news made Mustang Sally nervous.

  15. Anonymous7:43 AM

    I can't imagine the pain his wife and sons have so publicly gone through. He willingly sacrificed them for his own selfish pleasure.

    The only thing about it to me is that it was for a woman, not a man, as I always thought he leaned that way.

    I recently talked to a minister's wife who told me that in their house, they do not allow any news show but Fox to be watched. Wondering how she will accept this man's dishonesty and commandment breaking ways. But then she loves Sarah Palin too, so she obviously is beyond help in the reasoning department.

  16. Anonymous7:47 AM

    Scrape? I LOVE it! And how appropriate of Ailes to hire "Skid" Mark Sanford to the long list of turds he rewards for attracting the flies.

    To quote the late, distinguished and accomplished actor, Sir John Gielgud, from his role in "Arthur"

    "I'd have to go to a bowling alley to find a woman of your stature"

    It fits "Vinegar Tatas" to a "T".

    And welcome all new folks to community! I'm always amazed at the quality of the content and Gryphen's integrity, and the commenter's freedom of expression is the best! They supply some of the best links to issues important to all politics is local here.

    Gee, where does the grifter go from here but down?

  17. Anonymous7:47 AM

    I never understood why people in his Administration said he was off hiking the Appalachian Trail. It was obvious they misunderstood him when he said he was going after some Argentinian Tail.

  18. Anonymous7:49 AM

    I take my last post back. I just did a google search on Jenny Sandford and find that she is blaming gay marriage for the breakup of her marriage. She said she believes, like Rush Limbaugh, that once we started letting gay people marry, all marriages were jeopardized.

    What a blooming idiot and totally unworthy of my sympathies and concern.

    Being raised by those two, guess those four boys don't stand a chance.

  19. Anonymous8:21 AM

    Black WalNUT Herb C. is pisssssed!

  20. Anonymous8:43 AM

    "My understanding is that Sanford will host a travelogue series, featuring exotic locations that he traveled to in order to cheat on his wife."


    Just when I didn't think Faux News could sink any lower, they did. Again.

    For Bill at 3:42, you have a point, but just being better than Palin isn't good enough.

    For Anon at 4:58, please don't generalize about all Republicans. They aren't all alike any more than Democrats are all alike. We need to look at the character and beliefs of each candidate, regardless of party, at all levels of government.

  21. Anonymous9:07 AM

    I can't wait for Billo the clown to to tell Stanford his loofa jokes.

  22. Anonymous9:11 AM

    Billo the Clown should ask Appalachian Trail Sanford if he has gotten any 'family counseling' from Marcus Bachmann. Cause that blaming teh gay is so Bachmann.

  23. @7:49 AM: The site where Jenny Sanford blamed gay marriage for her divorce is a parody. But it fooled me. Conservatives say some pretty weird things and generally dodge responsibility when they mess up.

    And I think Mark Sanford really is an idiot. He got busted because when he went to Argentina his staff had no idea where he was. If he had told them he wanted to get away for a few days and put the Lt Gov in charge, then none of this would have come out.

  24. "For Anon at 4:58, please don't generalize about all Republicans. They aren't all alike any more than Democrats are all alike. We need to look at the character and beliefs of each candidate, regardless of party, at all levels of government.

    8:43 AM"

    You can judge me by the whole of dem party. Damn near all the elected official have high moral standings. See our best President Obama.

    Now look at the repugbaggers and their elected officials...cantor, mconnell, ryan, tangerine man and the rest...ALL FUCKING DICWADS. Your best is chimpy. You lie down with dogs you get fleas, mange, rabies and worms, your party in other words.

    If you don't want to be associated with dicwads, don't vote them in.

  25. Anonymous10:30 AM

    I hope Daddy Ailes follows through with his statement that Sarah WAS hot and got ratings and gets rid of her. But Mark Sanford?

    What will Sarah do without her Faux news platform? Will she join her bff Beck? She will have a lot of nasty things to say about Faux if they let her go. That's 100% predictable Sarah.

  26. Anonymous11:53 AM

    Oh c'mon 3:45 "FAMILY VALUES" has no meaning beyond "preferred habits of my family" and that's why we're better than you - nyanny nyanny boo boo.

    It's a convenient, ever-shifting label.

  27. Anonymous3:35 PM

    Another lie from the family values folks.

    Put up or shut up hypocrites.

  28. Anonymous3:53 PM

    Say what you will about Governor Sanford (who did not quit when the going got tough), at least he served two terms and I don't have to get a headache figuring out what he just said.

    Certainly, I would not vote for the former Governor for anything, but I do hope he is Sarah's replacement. Sarah is not generating the interest like she used to, so perhaps FOX will move on to Mark Sanford.


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