Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Despite condemnation from the professional Left, President Obama still enjoys broad support from Democrats.

Courtesy of Time Swampland:

With Zuccotti Park occupied, Obama’s approval ratings on the economy reaching new lows, and liberal columnists offering daily critiques of what they saw as a stunted stimulus and toothless Wall Street reforms, one can understand why California Lt. Gov. Gavin Newsom might have thought his recent venting session at a gathering of fellow Democrats in Half Moon Bay would be met with approving clucks or, at very least, silent nods. Not so much. 

“Among the Newsom jabs: Obama should have pushed his agenda harder when the Democrats still controlled both houses of Congress,” recounted the San Francisco Chronicle, “a remark that drew a handful of boos from the audience.” It was just one room of people and there’s nothing wrong with passionate dissent from within a political party–if anything, it’s a healthy sign of democracy. But Newsom ran smack into what seems to be a common misconception about the Obama presidency: Though many of the left’s opinion makers have turned away from Obama, broader liberal flight is a phenomenon that simply doesn’t exist. 

So with the Democratic vote pretty much locked up, and the Republicans willing to commit mass suicide rather than vote for the secret black Muslim, that just leaves the Independents in play.

So who do YOU think they will favor?

The President?

Or this guy?

I am becoming less and less concerned about this election.

No I am not about to take it for granted, but I definitely think we have the wind at our backs.


  1. So, what real good does it do Americans if Obama is re-elected. It will certainly be party time for Wall Street Banksters, the Military-Industrial Complex, and war criminals who can spend another four years free of fear of every being prosectured, but what about the rest of us? What do we get? Extended Bush Tax Cuts, Guantanamo staying open, more government secrecy, more American citizens assassinated without due process. Let's all hope Obama gets re-elected.

  2. Anonymous5:07 AM

    we cant just win it. we have to win it with enough votes that they cant steal it. everywhere you go take voter regs with you if thats still allowed in your state. and make sure people are going to get out there on election day. cant be sitting this one out.

  3. smallaxe5:24 AM

    I don't agree gryph, it's gonna be very close with the Repug dirty tricks like voter suppression to the tune of possibly losing 5million votes when he only won by 9 last time against the Geezer & dingbat. We need to get everyone of our people out to vote because we need to take back the house and senate or we'll be in the same boat we are now with Prez not being able to pass anything. We don't want 2010 turnout by the left again that would be horrible. Stay in the hunt people!

  4. Anonymous5:28 AM

    I think the Republicans shooting down the jobs bill is really turning off the country. This filled me with so much angst yesterday, I felt like moving to another country. Traitors, all of 'em.

    Is there more information on SP and South Korea? Wonder how it went with her American co-presenters? What they thought of her?

  5. Agree. With all the crazies in the GOP pack, Obama remains clearly sane, he bears the dignity of the office with grace, is scandal and gaffe-free, and the most astounding of this era of negativity and insulting rhetoric, he never seems to say an unkind word against his opponents. He may critique their actions, but never give personal insults. I'm very proud of him. And in the scary prospect of others who want to defeat him, I suspect the majority of Americans will chose him. Sanity, intelligence, good will trump anger, hatred, stupidity and bigotry for most Americans.

    At least I hope so.

  6. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn5:30 AM

    They cheat, they lie, they rig elections...

    We can't rest. Obama 2012!!

  7. jadez5:32 AM

    "professional left" is a phrase that ignorant democrats use to describe the real progressive voices.

    real liberals never use it because there is no such thing and its a phrase the right wing democrats use,
    the fake dems who push republican policy.

  8. Anonymous5:46 AM

    I fully support our president and he has my vote in 2012. I think a few on the left that are unhappy, are just that, unhappy and will never be pleased.
    As for any election, even if I didn't support the party canndidate fully, I will always back them since they in turn support the democratic party, I don't need any "help" from the GOP controlling my uterus, I have managed to control it for 50 yrs now all by myself.

    Little Rabbit

    PS Sarah just how much did your ally North Korea pay you to try and start an international incident in South Korea.

  9. Anonymous6:00 AM

    Just listened to a story on NPR about how some very wealthy dude in North Carolina poured tons of money into the elections for state reps. There was a very big effort by republicans to control state legislatures and thus redistricting. Obama won NC by a slim margin in 2008 and needs to win it for a path to victory in 2012. Between the redistricting and the new voter id laws etc. The republicans have made it much harder for him to do so.
    Please don't be smug about Obama's popularity. They use negative campaigning because it works.

  10. angela6:04 AM

    I find it all interesting that those who voted for The President have been told by conservative and PL pundits alike that we are no longer "into" the President. Of course they started telling us this about a week into his presidency. I find them all boring and incredibly insipid.

    They tend not to live in the real world. Were any of them actually around when the Blue Dogs were the ones about to take down health care reform?
    I believe we had the house then.

    As a party, Dems tend to support our dysfunctional and mixed bag of Progressive to outright DINOs. They are what a healthy party is about. Unfortunately, sometimes the extremes make you ass tired and you just want them to shut up even though we all know dissenting voices in a party is a must. Only I'm sick and tired of people telling me who they think I am and how I'll vote as they whine about President Obama not giving them everything they wanted.

    Of course, this used to be this was only a problem with Dems. We have a history of shooting ourselves in the foot. That is how we ended up with George W. I suppose the GOP is now getting a taste of this with the astro- turf baggers. They will not be able to shut up about Romney--just like some of our own will continue to wail about President Obama.

    As always, they have the freedom to express as the rest of us keep on keepin' on. . . . .

  11. Anonymous6:15 AM

    Disenfranchisement & hackable electronic voting machines will play a huge part. Corporate media is pounding the low poll numbers meme for the President. Repeat the lie often enough and people think it's a dead heat. Let the cheating do the rest. I expect nothing less than a corporate coup attempt. It's the only way these slimy bastards can win.

  12. Nicely put. If nothing else, the GOP's flight to the right and its attendant war on women, the middle clases, immigrant populations, students, unions, anybody who isn't evangelical, and anybody who things there are too many guns in the hands of too many scary people has made it difficult to see them as an appealing option for those of us who vote independent.

  13. Anonymous6:30 AM

    5:28 AM
    I think the Republicans shooting down the jobs bill is really turning off the country. This filled me with so much angst yesterday, I felt like moving to another country. Traitors, all of 'em.
    It's the Dems who voted against it who infuriate me - quislings.

  14. Marleycat6:33 AM

    True, but with many of the professional and wannabe professional left joining up with the DINOs and fair weather Dems, who constantly bash the President, call him a war mongerer, a war criminal, conspirator with Wall Street, he can't catch a break. They do not acknowledge anything good he has accomplished, zero.

    Add to that the economic crisis and the wars he inherited and the stated GOP/Teabagger plan to deep six anything President Obama tries to help our country recover - and the President's base is being splintered.

    The biggest part of the hyprocrisy of that criticism by the professional left, et al, is they conveniently leave out the part about WHY Obama has been unable to fulfill every single one of their demands, within 2 years of his 1st term - the RIGHTS coalition against the President and the above named Left's failure to do the work necessary to give President the coalition he needs to withstand the onslaught.

    I guess they don't think the consequences of the midterm elections and the loss of the House are bad enough, they are now hand in pocket with the Far Right. I am frequently hearing from previously staunch dems and Progressive voters that Obama has done nothing, or is too weak, etc.

    I know that the professional left is tantrumming their message cleverly enough to turn voters into voting for nobody,for a Republican, or candidates like Ron Paul.

    Losing the House, splintering the message on the state and local levels - equal rights, family planning, voting rights act, immigration, etc, - are all being successfully attacked and undermined.

    Pretty soon we're all going to be meeting up in Sarah Palin's church professing our "family values" and drinking Tea, with our family of 20 babies - while nonwhite friends and families are carted away!

    If the next election goes Teabagging Republicans thank the professional left for destroying SS, Medicare, Wall Street Reform of any kind, civil rights, and Religious Fundamentalism owning our Constitution.

    When I saw a picture of President Obama with the caption underneath it saying "dead on arrival" at the so called Dem/progressive/left Huffington Post, I realized there is a concerted effort to discredit the President from many fronts, not just the Right. Arianna does it for money, and her own secret conservative base - the others because of hatred for a moderate President and a lack of understanding which winner of the next election is going to help them achieve any of their goals.

    The Far Right and the Far Left are two sides of the same Dominionist Coin - my way or the highway and to hell with the country, destruction and despair in their wake.

  15. Marleycat

    Well said. You described the current political environment as well as I have seen.

  16. Anonymous6:52 AM

    too bad we still have DieBold machines that can be controlled.

    Paper ballots don't get counted.

    Absentee ballots never get counted unless an election is close.

  17. Dinty6:55 AM

    It's funny, because I went into the first term of the Obama Administration thinking that he was a one-termer (I'm an Obama supporter, but it felt alot like 1976 at the time), simply by virtue of how screwed up the country was when he took the reigns, and there was no way he could do enough to make a second term.

    He hasn't done much of what I would have liked him to do, but it looks like he is going to be re-elected anyway (IMO the die was cast with the death of Osama Bin Laden).

    The fact is that the field of potential Republican candidates is spectacularly weak, in combination with an increasingly intransigent Republican base and you have a recipe for 4 more years of an Obama Administration.

    The 2 facts presented in the last paragraph are the reason that a President who has done alot to frustrate and alienate his base, with an unemployment rate approaching 10% and a floundering economy (though I think we are in for pleasant surprises in the next few months), will be re-elected

  18. Anonymous6:57 AM

    @It's the Dems who voted against it who infuriate me - quislings.-6:30 AM
    That too is infuriating! They live in red states and don't have the guts.

  19. All good responses, but Marleycat@6.33a certainly says it best.

    OBama in 2012 AND a DEMOCRATIC HOUSE and SENATE.

  20. Anonymous7:14 AM

    Obama: 2012 Is Like Basketball, and I Don’t Miss Clutch Shots

    If his campaign for a second term is like a basketball game, President Obama says it’s nearing halftime, he’s down on the scoreboard, and facing a full court press.

    Obama told a crowd of campaign donors, including a mix of past and present NBA stars, in Florida tonight that “this is like the second quarter, maybe the third. And we’ve still got a lot of work to do.”

    “But I want everyone to know I’m a fourth-quarter player,” he said. “I don’t miss my shots in the fourth quarter.”

    Obama spoke at the glitzy Lake Mary, Fla., home of attorney John Morgan, one of his top volunteer fundraisers, or bundlers, where around 100 guests paid at least $1,500 to see the president speak. Proceeds flowed to the Obama Victory Fund, a joint account between the Obama Campaign and the Democratic National Committee.

    NBA all-star Grant Hill, Boston Celtics coach Doc Rivers, Orlando Magic center Dwight Howard and Phoenix Suns guard Vince Carter were among the pro basketball players in attendance, according to press pool reports. The official invitation for the event also listed ex-NBA great Patrick Ewing as a co-host.

    “So as long as we’ve got a strong team and everybody’s engaged and involved, we’re not just going to win this election,” Obama said. “We are going to win this election and then we are going to make sure that we rebuild this country.”

    The event was Obama’s second fundraiser of the day in Florida. Earlier he spoke to a crowd of 400 donors at the Orlando Sheraton where tickets started at $250. The two events raised at least a quarter million dollars combined for Obama and Democrats in 2012.

    Florida was the fourth most generous state to Obama in 2008, behind California, New York and Texas. He raised $53 million there, according to stats compiled by Center for Responsive Politics.

  21. Well President Obama can count on plenty of support from this Democrat BROAD !!!!

  22. Anonymous8:00 AM

    I'm a very liberal Democrat who has been voting for Democrats in every election since 1972, and I think Obama is a disaster who has betrayed Democratic principles over and over again.

    His DOJ's main focus seems to be shutting down the medical marijuana industry. So if you are an obscenely wealthy corrupt banker who has destroyed the financial futures of millions of people, you're safe. But if you are a cancer patient using pot to alleviate your pain and nausea, the Obama administration is coming after you.

    Also, the 3 trade deals Obama is currently desperately pushing will destroy the livelihoods of thousands of Americans as their jobs will be sent overseas.

    Is this the way you think a Democratic president should act?

    Instead of denigrating those of us who have legitimate complaints about President Obama for the harmful actions he keeps making against vulnerable people, perhaps you should stop the hero worship and look at his actual actions.

    I for one am thankful to the "Professional Left" because it is hard to keep track of all of President Obama's betrayals, there have been so many and I want to be kept informed.

  23. Anonymous8:16 AM

    I can't be sanguine about this election at all, even after suffering through the Republican debate last night.

    Did anyone catch that weird dog-whistle M Bachman threw out ... something like the problem with your 9-9-9 plan is when you stand it on its head (pause) the Devil's in the details.

    Didn't make any sense at all to me at first, then I realized it was her prepared 666 allusion.


  24. Anonymous8:58 AM

    As someone on this thread already said. We have to win BIG, because close elections are easier to steal. This is why in 2000 and 2004 the Repubs were able to steal those two elections for Bush.

    So lets get those Democrats registered, and voter ready.

  25. Anonymous9:19 AM

    For those of you stating that President Obama has done nothing, I think you should use GOOGLE and view what he has done.
    Equal pay for women
    he has protected MY uterus from government intrusion
    He has saved my Dad's medicare and socual security
    He has, by the stimulus act, enabled me to keep my employees employed.

    But go ahead and vote republican, I'm sure your wives, sisters, and daughters want their rights to reproductive freedom and access to birth control taken away. That's what this next election is ALL about...women's rights and Social security.

    Little Rabbit

  26. Anonymous9:19 AM

    Anon: 6:52. I don't know where you are from, but in my state we count absentee ballots, and record them as they come in, all of them. I use to be on the Election Board of my state.

  27. Anonymous9:21 AM

    Anon 6:55. I always knew and expected President Obama to win a second term

  28. "So, what real good does it do Americans if Obama is re-elected."

    Well, it will do FAR less damage to the middle class, or whats left of it by then.

  29. angela9:53 AM

    Anon 8:00


    Feel better now?

  30. Anonymous10:07 AM

    The "boos" didn't happen! I am one the biggest supporters of Lt.Governor Newsom. He's pretty cool guy and he would never done such a thing to our President! We Californians love Newsom!

  31. Anonymous10:23 AM

    Thank you, Mr. President.


  32. Anonymous10:32 AM

    For a party that pretends to idolize Ronnie "never criticize a fellow republican" Reagan, they sure are good at eating their own. One bite at a time. Fun stuff.

  33. Virginia Voter11:02 AM

    I for one am ecstatic that Romney will most likely be the GOP nominee. The most influential factions of their base hates him, teabagger and evangelicals alike. They will be less than enthusiastic to vote for the Mormon architect of Obamacare, much less campaign and donate.

    As for whiny progressive purists like Andrew and 8:00 am they can suck it. I am so tired of these people who think that Obama can pass legislation without the Senate and House. Nobody cares about Guantanamo and whether well known terrorist enemies are assassinated , I certainly don't. You know why? Because I'm not a fucking terrorist. I care about my kids being able to go to fully funded schools and go to college, I care about having and keeping a job, I care about saving out planet for future generations, I care about being safe when I travel to work each day, I care about poor people who can't find a job or an affordable place to live. As far as I'm concerned, Obama is the ONLY candidate who seems to give a shit about the concerns of working people.

    Mitt Romney is a one term governor, failed Senate candidate, and multiple millionaire who built a personal fortune by shutting down businesses and outsourcing jobs who believes UNDERWEAR makes him closer to his God. He hasn't had a job in 6 years. I think the choice will be abundantly clear to most intelligent people.

  34. Anonymous11:10 AM

    @ 5:04 Andrew, I agree with you. I'm sure we will see lots of transparency when AG Eric Holder goes to testify, as he has been supoened in the fast and furious scandal. Seems the DEA was in on this, too. Let's see- guns, drugs, foreign government. Wall Street laundering drug cartel money. Yea, let's hope Obama get's re-elected. That Romney dude might be bought-and-paid for by Goldman-Sachs!

  35. Anonymous @6:00 am
    The New Yorker has an article about the NC multimillionaire Art Pope (like all New Yorker articles, it's long, nearly 10,000 words):

    Redistricting has effectively ruled out NC as an Obama win in 2012. A couple of tweets from July:

    1) GOP gerrymander in NC is a work of art. State voted for Obama, but McCain won between 56-58% of the vote in 10 of 13 new districts.
    2) NC redistricting: Republicans go for FOUR more districts, not just 3. Kissell & Miller brutalized as expected.

    Tweet URLs: (Dave Wasserman, editor of nonpartisan Cook Political Report & expert on 2012 Congressional Redistricting)

  36. Anonymous11:40 AM

    I am sorry that some of the President Obama former supporters? are not pleased with him. I can't believe he has accomplished as much as he has. How the heck is he supposed to get anything done when you have the other side who put their fingers in their ears and just vote the opposite of everything he wants to do.

    As far as medical "weed". Yes, I do feel terrible that the people who really need this can't get it legally. However, tons of youth have been very fortunate because they are now allowed to stay on our (parents) insurance plans.

    My son has Crohn's disease and the medication he needs is over $525.00 a month. He is still in college. It has saved us a fortune. My younger son just had to have an appendectomy. What would he have done if he still wasn't allowed on our plan?

    No, it doesn't help your cause but remember because of him more people are covered at this point. More than the republicans have ever done.

  37. Anonymous2:32 PM

    Thank you for posting this, Gryphen. I agree with you completely. To borrow Nixon's phrase (sorry!), I believe the reasonable middle-ground adults of this country are the "silent majority," those whose opinions in support of the President are not heard (because we don't like to shout down others-not very interesting to the media and its predefined narrative of Obama's presidency) will vote for Obama again, just as they did in 2008.

    I totally agree with Marleycat's comment as well. I think that without someone to bash, the "professional left," so-called progressives, or whatever you call them would not have a reason to exist. Like the far-right/tea partiers, they define themselves by what they are against.

    I got disgusted with the "left" about 3/4 of the way into 2009, as I realized that nothing our president would ever do would please them. I think they have done as much as, if not more than the far right, to sabotage Obama's efforts. Just my 2 cents.
    Anne in CO

  38. Anonymous2:45 PM

    One more thing: I also believe that the media totally underestimates Pres. Obama, how he connects personally with people, and as someone mentioned, his ability to pull off that 11th hour clutch shot (as he demonstrated during the 2008 campaign and in getting the healthcare bill passed, for ex). His campaign organization, Democracy for America, has been quietly and with brilliant organization sending emails, raising money, and keeping contact with the "base" of Obama supporters for months. I am counting on at least the 51% of this country (in electoral votes, anyway) who are educated, rational, mature, and sane and have a grasp of recent history to re-elect Obama to a second term.
    Anne in CO

  39. Beldar Obama2012 Conehead3:33 PM

    From your lips to Zeus' ear, Gryphen. I hope you're right.Im afraid the mantra among the angry right and disenchanted independents is gonna be "ABO". And enough progressives will have fallen out of love that the electoral college map just looks vicious. But, I still hope you're right.

    let's make it interesting with a little wager: if Obama is re-elected - which I deeply, deeply believe is in the best interests of this nation - I will buy you the thickest, juiciest steak on the menu at the vegetarian restaurant of my choice.

    But seriously, he ain't perfect and if he were, he'd be the first perfect president in history. But when you look at the pathetic band of losers tripping over their feet to gain the GOP nom, our president rises in stature to rather impressive dimensions. And when you factor in the growing likelihood that Republicans will likely expand their margin in the House and take control of the Senate, our current is all that will stand in the way of an irreversibly tragic era in American history.

    Look at that motley crew at the GOP debates. I wouldnt trust a one of 'em to wash the presidential limo much less ride in the back as Commander In Chief.

    (Huntsman looks like a decent guy who's tirelessly getting his message of bipartisanship, evolution and climate change out to the Twitchy Right. After an impressive initial surge he's now simultaneously peaked and plateaued at approximately 0.021% popularity. President Huntsman? Yes, without question! On this planet in the 21st Century? Frankly, no....)

  40. Anonymous3:45 PM

    "I am becoming less and less concerned about this election."

    Don't forget who garnered the most votes in 2000 and who ended up in the WH for 8 years.

    All you have to do is look at the number of elections the Republicans have cheated in and practiced voter suppression in since Nixon was first elected to know the answer to that question.

    Worry, and worry a lot.

    The R's have billions at their disposal and no moral code. And like they said in 2000 America isn't a Democracy it is a Federation.

    Most importantly don't ever ever forget who has 5 votes in the Supreme Court.

  41. Anonymous4:41 PM

    Angela -

    I see you can't answer any of my points, so you belittle me.

    No, I don't feel "better" that my only choices to vote for in 2012 will be pro-bank, pro-big pharma, pro-sending American jobs to third world countries President Obama, or Mitt Romney.


  42. Anonymous6:25 PM

    My entire family are active in getting out the vote. Nine out of ten phone calls I make are people who already plan on voting for him, and I live in a traditionally Republican voting district in Pennsylvania.
    People seem to be myopic and cynical, but this is one election that's too important.
    I'm sick of all the whining about our President "not accomplishing" anything.
    Look at all the obstuction, disprespect, and real harm to working families that the Republicans have created, it's astounding he's done all that he has.
    It's the one issue voters who are most dangerous. If their "pet" issue doesn't get addressed, then nothing will convince them to vote.

    Do you think the Republicans will vote your issue in, unless it's pro-life? Pro wealth?

    Vote as if your life depends on it, because it does.

    Your last line says it all!

  43. Anonymous4:22 PM

    Just curious. Who or what is the professional left

    Your using a Republican PR phrase is a little like Obama referring to the government's Trusts, Social Security and Medicare as "entitlement," a Republican PR lie.

  44. Anonymous @4:22 pm


    Back when Robert Gibbs was Obama's Press Secretary, he lashed out at
    "the professional left." I don't remember exactly when or what topic he was referring to, but since then FireDogLakers and d-Kossacks have used that term to ridicule the DC "village" aka beltway pundits.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.