Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Rachel Maddow and Bill Maher discuss the differences between the Occupy Wall Street protestors and the Teabaggers.

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Just to give you a hint, they are NOTHING alike!


  1. Dinty6:38 AM

    A friend posted this on hos Facebook yesterday, I thought it summed it up nicely:

  2. Anonymous6:38 AM

    is it wrong for me to say i'd go gay for rachel maddow? she's pretty awesome

  3. Anonymous6:59 AM

    Off topic, but my, are those 2 ugly!

  4. Anonymous7:33 AM

    Protest pointers with Cantor (and Scalia, Thomas, Koch brothers et. al.)

  5. Anonymous7:41 AM

    I like his final comment about people like teachers who will probably never get wealthy. This is precisely why we have pension plans for people who have chosen to serve the public interest despite the low salaries those positions provide. Even then, they aren't retiring to live better than they do while working. If things went according to plan they would have their american dream house paid off and not have to make mortgage payments but other than that when public employees retire, they need to cut back on something.

  6. Anonymous7:43 AM

    I'd love to jump in on this but both Maher and Maddow are on my list of possible double agents for the far right who control this country. Both make noises like they are progressive but when faced with the prospect of interviewing Joe they both lost their courage, or were simply told their "progressiveness" has limits imposed by their corporate masters.

  7. Anonymous7:46 AM

    The Difference Between #OccupyWallStreet And The #TeaParty

    As the “Occupy” movement continues to grow and expand across the country, some in the media have been trying to make comparisons between it and the Tea Party. In fairness, there are some similarities. Both are comprised of Americans who are angry about unfairness and corruption in politics and business. But the similarities are mostly on the surface. The differences are far more abundant and disturbing. For instance…

    No critic of the Tea Party ever infiltrated it in order to instigate violence as Patrick Howell, an assistant editor for the conservative American Spectator, has admitted doing. He bragged about posing as a protester to “mock and undermine” the movement.

    No critic of the Tea Party ever accused the Tea Party of plotting mass murder as Glenn Beck has done – twice. Last week he said that this protesting “leads to gas chambers” and to “millions dead.” This week he claimed that the protesters “will come for you and drag you into the streets and kill you.”


  8. It has been revealed that a picture of an OWS protester defecating on a cop car was actually originally taken in Toronto, Ontario several years ago. Would be interesting to know for sure. I can only attest to the fact that the TO police have similar cars to what is in the picture.

  9. Anonymous7:49 AM

    I just had a thought - slightly off topic - maybe Sarah Palin wants to run as a VP candidate again. It is much easier; just one or two debates; only 3 months of campaigning. The GOP would do all the organizing for her. What do you think of my theory? All the glory and perhaps some of the power (If the Pres kicks the bucket) - a huge salary; nice house. Lots of attention. Not much work either during the campaign or later if her ticket wins.

  10. Anonymous7:50 AM

    6:38AM - I don't get the graphic you posted the link to. Since when do "large corporations lobby for the government to have more power"?

    Large corporations lobby the government to get special favors from legislators and in return they fill candidates' campaign coffers. Their lobbying has nothing to do with increasing the government's power. It's all about increasing corporation profits.

    Teabaggers think "the government has too much power" ONLY because a black man is president.

  11. Anonymous7:51 AM

    Almost Twice As Many People Have Heard of Occupy Wall Street As Rick Perry

    Americans are so bored with the assortment of bargain bin feces-flingers running for the GOP nomination that — several thousand blathering news cycles and millions of dollars in campaign spending later – only 28% of people can even identify the existence of best-known Republican candidate-clown Rick Perry, because he is terrible and nobody cares about his plans to invade Mexico and dismantle Social Security. A new poll shows that after less than a month of protests and “not millions of dollars,” 23% more Americans have heard of the Wall Street protests than can remember Rick Perry’s name. Plain old popular recognition is not the be-all-end-all of the protests, but still, HA HA:

    An ORC International Caravan Poll released Monday indicates that 51% of Americans say they’ve heard about the Occupy Wall Street movement, with 49% saying they haven’t heard about the demonstrations, which started in New York City 24 days ago and have spread to cities across the country.

    According to the survey, 27% say they agree with the movement’s overall position on the financial system and social change, with 19% saying disagree with Occupy Wall Street on those issues. Fifty-four percent of those questioned have no firm opinion about Occupy Wall Street – consistent with the 49% who say they have not heard of the movement at all.

  12. Anonymous7:52 AM

    A Complete List of National Politicians Who Have Embraced the Occupy Wall Street Protests

  13. Gasman7:55 AM

    Maher expresses an appropriate amount of outrage at the gospel of prosperity preached by Cain and the rest of the GOP. The GOP is simply the party of the aristocracy that conservatives have always been. What they fail to recognize is that government supported aristocracy is antithetical to democracy.

    The teabaggers have NEVER been motivated by anything other than incipient racism and obdurate ignorance. That's it. They don't understand the first thing about economics or healthcare, what they understand is Obama is "THE OTHER" and that FauxNews has accused him of every crime under the sun.

    The result? Ignoramuses like Hank Williams Jr. foaming at the mouth about President Obama being like Hitler and the being an enemy of this country. Williams is actually a pretty good surrogate for your average teabagger: thicker than shit and loud as hell.

    Williams is hardly worth spending much time discussing, but it was very revealing to see his written "apology" and his response to FauxNews and ESPN that he posted. Honestly, the average three year old could have type a more coherent message than this drug addled moronic loud mouthed sot.

  14. Gasman7:56 AM

    Anon @ 6:59,
    Way to take the moral and intellectual high road you ignorant fuck.

  15. Anonymous8:16 AM

    is it wrong for me to say i'd go gay for rachel maddow? she's pretty awesome

    6:38 AM

    my daughter says the same thing LOL

  16. Anonymous8:23 AM

    69 Percent of Fox News Poll Takers In Favor of Occupy Wall Street

  17. Anonymous8:26 AM


    "Oscar has started a trashcan drum circle"

  18. Anonymous8:49 AM

    Charts: Who Are the 1 Percent?

    Occupy Wall Street has focused national attention on the vast majority of Americans who have been left behind by the economic growth of the past few decades. But if OWS is the voice of the 99 percent, who exactly are the 1 percent?

    A quick look at the numbers reveals that they aren't all bailed-out Wall Street execs or brokers pulling down fat bonuses. That's just some of them:

  19. Anonymous9:03 AM

    There SHOULD have been lots of similarities (in the Tea Party and Occupy movements).

    Sadly, and quite frighteningly, the anger about getting screwed as the middle class, was diverted with tons of money from the Kock Brothers and others, into a push for the advancement of the ruling class!

    Students of history in the future are apt to ask: "Just how stupid WERE Americans, back then?"

  20. Anonymous9:24 AM

    Mainstream Media is working to frame this as a Left movement. This is not a political movement, it is an economic one. 99% of the people are not on the left. The Tea Party was a political movement. They felt that getting constitutional conservatives elected could bring about financial reform. They didn't want TARP, either. They were against the banks being bailed out. Yes, their movement was taken over. The OWS and original Tea Party activists can come together and find common ground. Remember, it's MSM job to Divide and Conquer the people. The people are getting smarter, they are turning off Maddow and Beck, and hitting the street to see for themselves, and finding truth. 99% against 1% is a pretty powerful message, but these two goofballs missed that point. I hear Oathkeepers is getting on board. Power to the people, be they left, right, or not-at-all. @7:43, Yep, they work for a corporation. They are paid actors. Limited hang-out steam-valve for the left. Look at the ridicule tactic. Watch for it. They used it on Grayson with the bongo drum thing, these two were doing it also. It's one of the ways you can spot Propaganda, they use derision. This is not news reporting.

  21. I thought people around these parts were still pissed at Maher and Maddow over their treatment of Joe McGinness?

  22. Anonymous9:54 AM

    This Calvin and Hobbes cartoon sums it all up.

  23. Anonymous10:30 AM

    OT... but interesting

    $arah heads out of the country to speak at the conference and all the sudden a massive blackberry outage begins overseas.

    I always knew the woman was a plague, but apparently she is (or carries) a virus too.

  24. Anjaak10:32 AM

    I'm all for this cause. It is about time.

    A friend was just in NYC & was disgusted by what she saw. Dreaded soap dodgers making a wholly mess in the park, she said it made the movement look like a joke.

    That's too bad because we really need people to get on the cause wagon. This will not help. No wonder the media ignored it for weeks.

    Luckily it looks like some of the protests are a bit more serious than others.

    Leave your hacky sacks at home.

  25. Anonymous10:58 AM

    Former Michigan Governor Jennifer Granholm has been signed to Current TV for a show to start airing in January!!


    The network announced the show on Wednesday. It will be called "The War Room with Jennifer Granholm." Granholm's new show will premiere in January and focus on Election 2012 coverage. It will air at 9 PM, directly following Keith Olbermann's "Countdown."

  26. Anonymous11:00 AM

    Crystol Sage 7:49
    It has been revealed that a picture of an OWS protester defecating on a cop car was actually originally taken in Toronto, Ontario several years ago.

    Do you have a link where you saw the pic?

    There are some Canadians that post here and might be able to identify the pic.

  27. If my scruffy little Knoxville can do it, YOU can, too!

    Occupy Knoxville!

  28. Anonymous11:29 AM

    Let's keep the gloves on folks.
    President Obama is still fighting for us.

  29. OT

    Loved or hated but never ignored.

    Hi guys- I passed the 52 K mark on my perfusion blog and did a survey. The results are in if you want to visit. The name of the post?

    The Good The Bad & The Ugly... lol

  30. Teutonic1311:46 AM

    Drop by and leave a comment on the "Where's The Money Sarah Palin" FB site. Created just for that ONE little question.

  31. Anonymous12:14 PM

    Crystal Sage 7:49

    Found a pic you may have been talking about.!/SaintRPh/status/122651704482217984/photo/1

    It is not a Toronto Police car. Toronto is identified by Divisions i.e. Div 55, Div 21, not precincts. The stripe colors on Toronto cars are blue and red -- not just blue. You can also see the car number placement.

    Sorry - not able to debunk the pic with a Toronto car.

  32. LOL, I have noticed a security guard sitting around in front of my building for the past week, didn't really think much about it because we usually have one at night. I just figured they decided to cover the place 24 hrs.

    I just found out that he's there because there is a Merrill Lynch office on the ground floor of my building in the event that we actually get some protesters.

    Well I guess those banks are creating jobs after all! /snark


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