Saturday, October 22, 2011

Well SOMEBODY had to do it! Beware, some things, once seen, cannot be unseen!

Courtesy of Mario Piperni:

It recently dawned on me that the more I hear Herman Cain speak, the more he reminds me of a Sarah Palin babbling slogans whenever challenged to express an opinion on real issues. Both are completely unaware of how ignorant and uninformed they really are. That lack of awareness has them being in no hurry to come up to speed on history, geography, world events, science or just about any other issue confronting them. They just don’t care which proves the maxim that ignorance is indeed bliss.

Mario is right,! Besides the cosmetic and life story differences, Sarah Palin and "Herb" Cain could indeed be the SAME person!

Equally ignorant, equally unqualified, and equally addicted to the spotlight.

P.S. I apologize for any nightmares this image may cause.


  1. Anonymous3:17 PM



  2. angela3:18 PM

    I'm sleeping with the light on tonight . . . . .

  3. Anonymous3:20 PM

    Now give it Michele Bachmann eyes.

  4. I would say you owe me another key board,but i've taken to covering my key board up with my lights are staying on also too !!

  5. Anonymous3:34 PM

    Halloween is early this year?

  6. Smirnonn3:37 PM

    I guess they finally located Palin and Rice's love child.

  7. Anonymous3:43 PM

    Said in my best "Old Man" from Pawn Stars voice:
    Oh MY God!

  8. Anonymous3:44 PM

    I had just finished saying to hubby that Cain was the new Palin! But that image - brrrr.

  9. Anonymous4:06 PM

    No wonder Sarah didn't want to throw her name in the hat with the rest of the idiots, she got the lay of the land and found out they'd all stolen her playbook!

  10. Anonymous4:20 PM

    Oh look! Two for one!

  11. Anonymous4:31 PM

    Well, it is time for Halloween...

  12. Anonymous4:31 PM

    Herb Caen was a wonderful Pulitzer Prize winning humorist in San Francisco. It is unfortunate but not unexpected that in her bumbling idiocy she has connected him with Herman Cain. She was doing her twelve year old mean girl routine to diminish Herman Cain (whatever you may think of him). She did the same thing with Kathleen Gustafson (the teacher who hung the ‘Worst Governor Ever' sign) when she rolled her eyes. She is a hateful ignorant child. She really wants to stick her tongue out but she hasn’t figured out whether it should be suggestive or neener-neener-neener.

  13. Anonymous4:39 PM

    So far, everything little negative thing said about Cain can be applied to Obama. Everything.

    If the media were NOT in Obama's pocket or up his ass, the world would ONLY remember his fumbling, mumbling, and word salad at his campaign stops and "impromptu" moments.

    If you can look at yourself in the mirror and say "Obama is an intelligent man who knows what he's talking about", then I feel sorry you're so blind.

    You can tell a republican candidate is worth something as a leader the more democrats freak out and pick them apart.


  14. Anonymous4:42 PM

    in fairness to Cain--he did actually DO something prior to running for national office. He ran a minor pizza chain. And he graduated from college. This is more than SP did.

    And although his ideas dont stand up to scrutiny, he gets the nouns and verbs into a sentence in a recognizable way.

  15. Anonymous4:51 PM

    Love the teabag earrings!

  16. Anonymous4:59 PM

    Scary! Time for light-hearted humor.

    How do some men define Roe VS. Wade?
    Answer: Two ways to cross a river!!!!

  17. Anonymous5:13 PM

    Anon at 4:39 you ARE sad. Objective studies (do you know what that means?) have shown that the media has been much HARDER on the president than on the republican candidates (see: That's called a reference.) I feel sorry that you are so blinded by hate (or ignorance) that you don't recognize intelligence when you see or hear it.

  18. Yuckity yuck!5:16 PM

    You are going to Hell for posting that picture, Brother Griffen. Iyeeeeeee!

    Can you now get someone to Photoshop them in a hillbilly bed together? You know the old saying, "Once with Black you never go back. . . " hee hee

  19. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn5:27 PM

    There's something oddly haunting about that image...pass the eye bleach!

    Brilliant, though!

  20. Anonymous5:39 PM

    4:39..Gee whiz, I've never heard Obama talk about apples and oranges or 999 or if people don't have jobs or are not rich it's there own fault or all the other assbackwards things Cain says. Even his abortion talk was coming out of both sides of his mouth. He should stick with selling pizza's.

  21. Anonymous5:43 PM

    Anonymous at 4:39:

    You can tell a Democratic President is worth something as a leader the more republicans freak out and pick them apart.

  22. Beldar HerbCain2012 Conehead5:46 PM

    Thanks for NUTHIN', Gryphen! You had to pick the ONE day of the week I happen to be out of Draino(tm) Brand Industrial Strength Eye Bleach! (Now with 15% MORE activated sulphuric acid crystals...)

    HERB CAIN 2012!!
    possible slogans:
    "This Time, Why NOT A Douchebag?"
    "Governing AMERICA; It's No Harder Than Making Mediocre Pizza"
    "Vote Cain; He's Black, Too"
    "Vote For Me or Don't, But Either Way, Buy My Book!"

    Yeah, Gryphen, the trolls are right! The BETTER the dimwit GOP candidates are, the MORE you and your libtard minions oppose them. (That's why the best mockery is reserved for Rick "GOOGLE ME NOW!!" Santorum, the most FEARED of all the laughably inadequate GOP presidential wannabes....)

  23. Anonymous5:47 PM

    4:39 PM lacks cranial content... is that you Sarah or one of your spawn?

  24. Anonymous6:02 PM

    Anon @ 4:39, what is your deal? Are you one of Sarah's paid bots who isn't sure what to post anymore, or someone from C4P whose wheels are now just spinning and so you feel like you have to come over here and bash Obama and the Democrats?

    You sound quite a bit like Brooklyn. You probably don't know what to do with yourself now that Regina has receded on all things Palin.

    Keep on trying with your bad self, if it floats your boat, but really nothing you say has any substance to it.

    I shouldn't even be dignifying your comments with a response.

  25. Anonymous6:04 PM


    you couldn't be more wrong. Must suck to be you.

    Obama 2012!!!

    as of right now, there is no competition.

  26. And on another note, Michele Bachman's entire New Hampshire staff quits. Hilarious.

  27. Dis Gusted6:27 PM

    Cain has always been a token. He ONLY got ahead because of the Civil Rights Act and affirmative action. Now he would deny those same benefits to all other black people.

    The man has been unemployed for the past 6 years. He hasn't worked for Godfathers Pizza since 1996. He closed a lot of the shops though and put a lot of people out of work in order to line his pockets.

    Just like SP, he's a LIAR. He claimed he was in high school and that's why he didn't participate in things like the civil rights movement. Too bad he was actually in college from 1963-1967 in Atlanta, GA. Hmmm.....why lie about something like that???

    His defense of the Federal Reserve is absurd. He claims they are audited ALL THE TIME. Another LIE. Not surprising, since he was the Kansas City Federal Reserve Chairman.

    The very first audit of the Federal Reserve was just completed and it discovered some staggering information.

    see here:

    The audit discovered that $16 trillion were lent to Wall St. and other large corporations at near zero interest rates without the knowledge of the government.

    "This is a clear case of socialism for the rich and rugged, you're-on-your-own individualism for everyone else. No agency of the United States government should be allowed to bailout a foreign bank or corporation without the direct approval of Congress and the president," Bernie Sanders said.

  28. Dis Gusted6:36 PM

    And he plagiarized his 999 plan from Sim City 4.

    Herman Cain swears he didn't get the idea for his 999 tax plan from SimCity, BUT

    Electronic Arts lowered the price of SimCity games on its website to $9.99 -- a $10 discount -- for a limited time in honor of Cain's promotion of their 999 plan.

    It has also put out a video about the similarities between Cain's plan and the default tax rates in the game SimCity 4.

    Out of 20 statements he made,
    True - 0
    Mostly True - 3
    Half True - 4
    Mostly False - 3
    False - 8
    Pants on Fire - 2

    So half of his statements are outright falsehoods­, less than a half of what he says is even partially true, and has yet to say anything completely true . . . http://www­.politifac­­onalities/­herman-cai­n/

    smarter than Palin??? probably, but it's mean to pick on special needs people. A monkey is smarter than Palin.

    Cain is dangerous because he THINKS he is smart - his first speech showed the world how stupid he is. He ranted about how people don't read or understand the Constitution and then started quoting the Declaration of Independence because he didn't know the difference.

  29. Anonymous6:41 PM

    cue up "tubular bells"

    that's super freaky, Griph!

    Sleeping with lights on, garlic around neck wooden stake and hammer on the night stand.

    Guess I'll substitute a dictionary and vodka. Don't have a Bible and Holy Water- but they'll have the same effect.

    Thanks for sharing Mario's site- very entertaining.

  30. Anonymous6:57 PM

    While they are both opportunists, and seem equally incompetent, they are nothing alike.

    Cain actually answers questions from the media (however stupidly), he doesn't use his family as human shields, and doesn't seem to be taking any criticism personally.

  31. Anonymous6:59 PM

    @4:39 You Righties need to understand that Obama is the chosen one for 2012. Hell, Goldman-Sachs donated one million for his 2008 campaign, and Citigroup and JPMorgan-Chase another 1.5 million combined. Get over it, already! They are not bailing on their investment. A little tweaking on the jobs bill, getting ahead of the OWS crowd (this might be hard-some sacrificial scapegoats are needed-I nominate Geithner, Bernanke, and Holder), some fucking transparency on something might be nice (oh, hell, just sacrifice BofA, Chase will take 'em over); No, it's gotta be transparency with the Solyndra thing, we need some transparency here. Democrats don't know about Solyndra, it's equated with Obama smear job so they pass on this. Okay, so before we get Wall Street Bankers serving up Filet Mignon to the Indignant Tent-Dwelling Masses, some sort of compromise will be reached. Either that or full on Anarchy-Baby. We are not there yet. We are not Greece. But yeah, terrorist heads are not enough, President Obama; We don't care about Empire, stop drilling this fake shit into our heads, GO AFTER THE FINANCIAL TERRORISTS!!! Countrywide, Wachovia, Washington Mutual, Indymac. WHO'S IN JAIL FOR THE TERROR THEY PLACED ON THE AMERICAN PEOPLE!!!You can't just throw us into tent cities where we cry out for justice as we attempt to establish the government we should have. Listen, President Obama, listen. The whole world is watching, fake photo-ops and fundraisers might get you elected, but some of us require TRUST. That's been broken. Now we can handle austerity, but we can't handle CEO corporate salaries and stock options. When our national debt has increased because the bankers want more money, we are pissed. Everyone thinks we owe all this money to China. WE ARE IN DEBT TO THE FEDERAL RESERVE!!! The very people that are supposed to regulate our monetary system are looting us with the consent and approval of our government. So, as people wake up, platitudes and cuddling on plane rides are not enough. IF YOU ARE NOT PISSED YOU HAVE ONLY YOURSELF TO BLAME!!!

  32. Anonymous7:21 PM

    Not fair Gryphen, no way NOT to see it. funny !

  33. @ 6:59pm....paragraphs are your friends...nice rant though :)

    I hope you feel better.

  34. Anonymous8:17 PM

    How endearing this picture is.

  35. Oh, that is just so wrong... Two wrongs create an ugly in this case.

    Anon@4:31: Herb Caen was a great columnist, it's too bad he's gone now. Back in the early 80's in the Bay Area, a "Herb Cain" was a cocaine-laced joint, and he thought it was pretty funny actually.

  36. Anonymous8:40 PM

    I just wanted to correct an inaccuracy, sorry, foreign investors hold 4.5 trillion of our debt (China, Japan , and other countries), and the Federal Reserve holds approx. 1.5 trillion. Who holds the rest? IMF? World Bank? Rothchilds? I'm just sayin' you can't find political solutions in economic problems. We are in Global Economic Meltdown, we haven't been here before, we can't apply History. As we as Americans fight over stupid shit like babies who should be born, other Mothers in the world can't feed the babies they got. Some people are going to starve to death in this world while Wall Street sweats their jobs. But here in Empire America we just Rock On with Death. Osama, Saddam, Quadaffi, Kill'em all. It will come to you, the Global Elite no longer respect an Exceptional America. Go to Skyscaper City, Beautiful cities being built all over the world as America crumbles. We have become a state that exports violence, and we are its prisoners, holding a fleeting
    Hope and Change that never will materialize. The Money has moved on.

  37. Anonymous9:24 PM

    @8:40, time to get some therapy or anti-depressants!

    Bleak world view, unbelievable really.

    While some of your points are based in reality, your conclusions are about as black hole pessimistic as it gets. I can't even tell if you're to the right or the left, but honestly I can't tell the difference many times, I have to say. Same extreme black and white thinking, no tempered realism, no faith in human beings whatsoever.

    I see you're probably on the left. I am all for the OWS movement, but I will only support positive ideas for progress - not just childish negativity that sees no way out, or utter hopelessness. Thus far I am not seeing that from these protests, thank goodness. I think this grassroots movement will produce profound steps in the right direction, though I trust they are mature enough to understand that steps are all we can hope for, one at a time.

    I have no use for the rage unless it's put to good use.

  38. Anonymous10:59 PM

    @9:24 I could sob in your arms as you tell me it's going to be okay. Thank you for your compassion.

  39. Anonymous1:34 AM

    C4P is just as petty and hypocritcal as their Queen. They have an article up taking a shot at Obama's book, claiming it was written by Jon Favreau.

    They love to just ignore that Bailey admitted that "Going Rogue" was a collective answer written by her staffers & ghostwriter.

    It's sad that her following takes on all of the horrid, intolerable, traits that Palin has.

  40. Anonymous1:36 AM

    And lol @ this:
    "Audacity of Hope also got a lot of media hype and promotion."

    Um, yeah, and Going Rogue didn't?

    They literally don't live in reality.

  41. Anonymous2:31 AM

    @8:40, Who allowed the unibomber internet access?

  42. Anonymous2:40 AM

    Regarding our trolls...
    The nice ladies from Wasilla had to be let go. No more SarahPac money for them.
    A relative saw Brooklyn's walls covered with Palin photos and clippings, and hearts done with bright red sharpee. Brooklyn is now getting the help she needs.
    So that leaves Sarah and Bristol.

    Acting with the maturity of a seventh grader, does not make you the "cool mom". It makes you pathetic. Sorry Sarah.

  43. Anonymous4:16 AM

    anon 439pm: "You can tell a republican candidate is worth something as a leader the more democrats freak out and pick them apart."

    Ha ha ha ha ha, ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha (gasp) ha ha ha ha ha ha ha (wipe off keyboard)ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!

    Whatever you're smoking, it must be some good shit!!

  44. Anonymous3:49 PM

    You are absolutely right on Gryphen, he frequently sounds like Palin.

    He trys to talk about things he doesn't know much about and hasn't even thought about and spouts word salad. Then he gets angry and mean thinking that will stop the next question and make him look powerful.

    Notice how often when he can't answer a question he turns it into an insult against the questioner?

    He is very proficient at that.

    It is mean and certainly not a quality of a leader of the people or of a national level statesman.

  45. Anonymous5:14 PM

    6:57 Pm Cain is starting to take the criticism personally.
    He said that the other GOP candidates were " starting to get on his last nerve."
    The Tea Party sure knows how to pick them.
    The first requirement for their support is
    that you are an idiot.
    Cain and Palin-check.
    Your background is whitewashed and pure fantasy.
    Palin and Cain-check.
    Then you have to be corrupt.
    Palin had her many scandals, including the Matanuska Maid Dairy.
    Herman is the black Ken Lay.
    His very recent Aquila Energy debacle
    is just like what Ken Lay
    did to the shareholders of Enron.
    Cain was on the Board of Directors of Aquila Energy for 10 years.
    The Board and specifically Cain made the employees of Aquila
    buy Aquila stock when the board knew it was close to worthless.
    The Board got huge bonuses in the millions each
    and the 7000 employees had their retirement and pension funds dry up.
    I guarantee that the average Tea Party goober has no idea that Cain is a crook.
    The case file is here-

    " Defendant Herman Cain (“Cain”) was at all relevant times a director of Aquila
    and served as the chair of the Compensation Committee at all relevant times until 2003."


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.