Saturday, October 01, 2011

You know for a guy who "pals around with terrorists" Barack Obama certainly has killed an awful lot of them..

Courtesy of ABC News:

The list of senior terrorists killed during the Obama presidency is fairly extensive. 

There’s Osama bin Laden, of course, killed in May. 

Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) leader Anwar al-Awlaki as of today. 

Earlier this month officials confirmed that al Qaeda’s chief of Pakistan operations, Abu Hafs al-Shahri, was killed in Waziristan, Pakistan. 

In August, ‘Atiyah ‘Abd al-Rahman, the deputy leader of al Qaeda was killed. 

In June, one of the group’s most dangerous commanders, Ilyas Kashmiri, was killed in Pakistan. In Yemen that same month, AQAP senior operatives Ammar al-Wa’ili, Abu Ali al-Harithi, and Ali Saleh Farhan were killed. In Somalia, Al-Qa’ida in East Africa (AQEA) senior leader Harun Fazul was killed. 

Administration officials also herald the recent U.S./Pakistani joint arrest of Younis al-Mauritani in Quetta. 

Going back to August 2009, Tehrik e-Taliban Pakistan leader Baitullah Mahsud was killed in Pakistan. 

In September of that month, Jemayah Islamiya operational planner Noordin Muhammad Top was killed in Indonesia, and AQEA planner Saleh Ali Saleh Nabhan was killed in Somalia. 

Then in December 2009 in Pakistan, al Qaeda operational commanders Saleh al-Somali and ‘Abdallah Sa’id were killed. 

In February 2010, in Pakistan, Taliban deputy and military commander Abdul Ghani Beradar was captured; Haqqani network commander Muhammad Haqqani was killed; and Lashkar-e Jhangvi leader Qari Zafar was killed. 

In March 2010, al Qaeda operative Hussein al-Yemeni was killed in Pakistan, while senior Jemayah Islamiya operative Dulmatin - accused of being the mastermind behind the 2002 Bali bombings – was killed during a raid in Indonesia. 

In April 2010, al Qaeda in Iraq leaders Abu Ayyub al-Masri and Abu Omar al-Baghdadi were killed. 

In May, al Qaeda’s number three commander, Sheik Saeed al-Masri was killed. 

In June 2010 in Pakistan, al Qaeda commander Hamza al-Jawfi was killed. 

Remember when Rudy Giuliani warned that electing Barack Obama would mean that the U.S. played defense, not offense, against the terrorists? 

If this is defense, what does offense look like? -Jake Tapper


If you click on the link at the top you can read all of the details of Obama's "palling around," which in Obama-speak means "bust a cap in their ass."

Apparently being his "pal "can be quite dangerous.


  1. Recall Senator Obama launched his presidential bid on account of the foreign policy and war-fighting failures, not the economy.

  2. Anonymous4:31 AM

    I'm more concerned about the victims of Sarah Palin's surveyor's marks on our Congresswomen and a curious civic minded 9-year-old, Christina-Taylor Green, who had more of a Servant's Heart than the mavericky unshackled Rogue.

  3. Sally in MI4:34 AM

    Rachel had the Guiliani clip and also the McCain clip before the election when he called Obama weak and inexperienced and unable to protect the US. What bothers me about this is that he is now killing American citizens (not that Bush didn't, but we're supposed to be following the law now, aren't we?)

  4. Maybe a lot of Americans are asking "Al All-who-kie?" but I'm not one of those; I identified that lad as bin Laden on steroids a long time ago.

    Consider these details: al Awlaki took a civil engineering degree at Colorado State University (you know, out where dams are such a big thing). He proceeded to San Diego State University where he earned a Master's in the field of Education.

    When the events of 9/11 went down, the lad was in the midst of a year studying toward a doctorate in Human Resources Management at George Washington University in D.C.

    Now that to me sounds like a powerful combination of skills in his chosen line of endeavors. Factor in the fact he spoke English like a native-born American and Arabic like any peninsular (that is, true) Arab--recall his folks were Yemeni--and this was someone who either had to... ahem... come in out of the 'cold'... or else die.

    It is a terrible precedent, but this is war and practicalities outweigh all else in this circumstance. Anwar placed himself beyond the reach of the law and he did so quite deliberately. Case closed.

  5. Rachel Maddow's take, with clips of both John McCain and Rudy G:

    Her guest pundit from at the end should learn the practical distinction that al Awlaki and Samir Khan were not in Schenectady or Utica, or London or Madrid (or for that matter Sana'a or Abbottabad), they placed themselves in lawless hinterlands beyond the reach of civic administration. Their bad. Too bad.

  6. PurpleAlaska5:34 AM

    Is that "Hail to the Chief" I hear softly playing in the background?

  7. Anonymous5:34 AM

    If this had been Bush, they would have crowned him king.

    It would have been crammed down our throats as the bravest, most important thing EVAH!!!1!11!!!

  8. I wonder if even a President Palin would assassinate a U.S. citizen without due process. Pretty creepy that some people think this is a good thing.

  9. In former times, when the U.S. government wanted to kill an American citizen, there were things like trials. I'm an old guy, and almost everything I know, or think I know, I learned in the twentieth century.

    This guy is dead. Number 2 gets a promotion. Who knows how many people are inspired to enlist in, or give material support to, his organization? It's not obviously clear to me that this is a net win for "our" side.

  10. Anonymous6:07 AM

    O/T Saw a link to this on Twitter.
    @YouTube video

    Might be old news for some of you. I have never seen it before. It is a little rude but quite well done. Actually, it's a lot rude. I would prefer it to be less rude but it is still a catchy video.

  11. Anonymous6:19 AM

    Curious - Any word on Nick's Palin movie opening last night?

  12. Anonymous6:31 AM

    al Awlaki was a terrorist.

    Al-Awlaki's name came up in a dozen terrorism plots in the U.S., UK, and Canada. The cases included:

    suicide bombers in the 2005 London bombings,

    radical Islamic terrorists in the 2006 Toronto terrorism case,

    radical Islamic terrorists in the 2007 Fort Dix attack plot,

    the jihadist killer in the 2009 Little Rock military recruiting office shooting,

    the 2010 Times Square bomber

    Christmas Day "Underwear Bomber"

    Seattle Weekly cartoonist death threat

    The Guardian and The Daily Telegraph reported that U.S. and British counter-terrorism officials believe that al-Awlaki was behind the cargo plane PETN bombs that were sent from Yemen to Chicago in October 2010

    In each case the suspects were devoted to al-Awlaki's message, which they listened to on laptops, audio clips, and CDs.

    Finally, in late April, 2011, Representative Charlie Dent (R-PA) introduced a resolution urging the U.S. State Department to issue a "certificate of loss of nationality" to al-Awlaki. He said al-Awlaki "preaches a culture of hate" and had been a functioning member of al-Qaeda "since before 9/11", and had effectively renounced his citizenship by engaging in treasonous acts.

    He was a terrorist, and deserved to die. I hope he and bin laden are happy with their "72 virgins", and I hope they're all guys, just like them !

  13. Hey Mr. Gryphen, I'm waiting for post #2 and post #3 about Levi's book vs. what you've come to know about the whole Trig deal.

    Plus, I think we're probably all wondering if "Me Again" actually sent you any info in an email as she has said she did.

  14. Balzafiar6:47 AM

    In my view, American citizen or not, when he joined the enemy he may just as well have said "I renounce my citizenship; I am going to fight against you and I will kill you if I can."

    That to me is all it takes.

    He wanted to harm or kill Americans but we killed him first. The killing was entirely justified.

    Think about it this way. Suppose the man walked up to you on the street and shoved a gun in your face, declaring that he was going to kill you because he just didn't like you. Before he could pull the trigger, an alert police officer nearby saw the incident and overheard the remarks, took action, shooting him dead -- while you lived.

    How would you feel about that?

    Quit crying tears for terrorists. They are murderers and scum regardless of their nationality.

    Case closed.

  15. Anonymous7:10 AM

    f course Bush never got Bin Laden or the other AQ terrorists, he was too busy protecting his FRIENDS , the Bin Laden's, and his business interests.

  16. Anonymous7:11 AM

    Old White 'Historians' — Still Scared of First Black President

    In case you were wondering how easy it was to be the first black president of the United States, bear in mind that, among the pressures of the office, and the heavy demands of being The First Anything in this regard, you also have to put with carping from the people who live their lives in desperate fear that President Superfly is coming to town — people who, to borrow Bette Midler's line about Princess Margaret, make me look Third World.

    The other night, the president gave a speech to the Congressional Black Caucus:


    The way he spoke has caused some trembling in the knees of people who, in the year of our Lord 2011, feel compelled to put "jive talk" in quotations. (Whoa, Daddy. Jeepers creepers.) And, of course, the president's cadences and rhythms are adjudged to be inauthentic by An Actual Historian, because the president learned them from Reverend Scary Guy, and they pale next to those of that true Voice of Blackness, Herman Cain, to whom black folk will inevitably flock, according to An Actual Historian. There are people in this land who believe that this is intellectual discourse. There are also people in this land who believe paste is lunch.

    The downside, alas, is...

  17. Anonymous7:13 AM

    While there will always be another person to step up in the terrorists ranks, President Obama has accomplished 2 things..

    -He cut off the Bin Laden BILLIONS from AQ

    -and he has disrupted the continuity in the terrorist organization

    Great job President Obama!!!!!!!!!

  18. JayKen Knotstirred9:22 AM

    Meanwhile, Sarah "pals around" with her two bit, small town Wasilla, thug gang, who are experts at terrorizing the local population into submission.

    And the Pee Bots want to elect her President?

    Man, it's hard to comprehend that kind of stupid....

    Obama 2012!

  19. Anonymous9:37 AM

    I think the President is doing a great job. many like to point out that the latest terrorist that has been taken care of had dual citizenship for both Yemen and the United States. Yemen does not recognize dual citizenship. He was in Yemen and basically committing treasonous acts against the United States. Yemen would not extradite him to the US and said he would have to be tried in Yemen. Have people forgotten the USS Cole.

  20. Anonymous9:45 AM

    And not a word from $arah on this accomplishment.

  21. Anonymous10:18 AM

    Post-Awlaki, Rachel Maddow Revisits The History Of Obama’s War On Terror

    Candidate Sen. Barack Obama faced plenty of criticism for being wet behind the ears on national security issues, particularly in contrast to his war hero opponent. And yet the highlight of his tenure so far has been the near eradication of Al Qaeda. On last night’s program, Rachel Maddow looked back on the Obama administration’s terror victories.

  22. You people really don't get it, do you? The purpose of the "rule of law", and of concern for human rights in general, is not to coddle those potentially deserving of punishment - it is to make sure the government doesn't trample on the rights of the guilty AND THE INNOCENT.

  23. I agree with mistah charlie, ph.d on this. It was an extra-judicial assassination of two American citizens, and was a violation of the rule of law, as the so-called "founding fathers" envisioned it.

    People need to realize that once any American president sets a precedent like this, the next one takes it for granted.

  24. Anonymous2:16 PM

    But yet neither Phil Munger nor Mista Charley have spoken up on the assassination of senator Paul Wellstone and you both have had yrs to do so.

  25. Anonymous2:47 PM

    I have a duel citizenship, Canadian and for the USA. I have lived in both countries during my lifetime and am currently living in the USA. It is a unique and much envied position in some ways, but it also takes on another role, with greater responsiblities. When living in the US , I follow ALL US, state, county laws, as I do when I am in Canada. And I do love both of my countries. But, I also have the duty to uphold laws and personal ethics (IMO) towards BOTH of my homelands. If when in the US I turn into a Canadian terrorist or living in Canada and turn into a US terrorist, I respect BOTH my countries rights to take me out to protect the greater good for my nations. The man lost his life BECAUSE HE WAS A TERRORIST! US citizen or not. Nuff said closet republicans can go and start protecting whats left of the Bin Ladens with their buddies the Bushs's.

  26. From a Christian and philosophical standpoint, I appreciate the viewpoints of those who decry the non-combat deaths of terrorists like Bin Laden and Al-Awlaki. In the best of all possible worlds, it wouldn't have to happen.

    But the blame lies on the terrorist leaders themselves. Both these two were very bright and highly educated. Whether they read Jesus's warnings about what happens to those who use the sword, it was clear they were willing to risk violent death to further their cause.

    The terrorist kingpins could have improved their chances of dying peacefully in their beds, had they used their gifts for good or even neutral purposes. So although I may say a prayer for their souls, I don't grieve for them, and I don't fault the President and his advisers for the choices they have made. So be it.

  27. "But yet neither Phil Munger nor Mista Charley have spoken up on the assassination of senator Paul Wellstone and you both have had yrs to do so."

    --- WTF? He died long before I started blogging? Who the fuck are you, to make an off-the-wall comment like that?

    And how would you know whether or not I've written somewhere about his death, or of Sen. Carnahan's? Maybe I have.

  28. Anonymous3:13 PM

    Sally, I agree. We can't be assassinating US citizens. It bothers me too.

  29. Anonymous3:23 PM

    2:16 Paul Wellstone was not assassinated, you dimwit, his plane crashed. Oh, what? You have some conspiracy fantasy you'd like to share?

    I also agree with mistah charley ph.d. Phil Munger is right. This sets a precedent.

  30. Anonymous4:32 PM

    Anonymous said...

    2:16 Paul Wellstone was not assassinated, you dimwit, his plane crashed. Oh, what? You have some conspiracy fantasy you'd like to share?

    I also agree with mistah charley ph.d. Phil Munger is right. This sets a precedent.

    3:23 PM

    I'm a dimwit??! Maybe you better investigate the FACTS of the crash. A plane that is iced over cannot manuvour to try and get to the closest road ( 180 degree turn), nor has there ever been any explaination for the covert agent( identified himself as FBI, but no one ever confirmed that and the closest FBI office was approx 250 miles away) onsite along a narrow deserted country road stopping first responders from entering and then from putting the fire in the main cabin out, allowing the bodies to burn and most likely the evidence of what really happened..
    Only a dimwit like you responds without knowing any FACTS. I have researched the FACTS and so have a few professors. Cheney's black ops took out one of the most
    progressive, activist anti-war senators we have ever had.
    Minnesota lost a great Senator and I lost 2 dear friends in the crash.

    Research the book called "The assassination of Paul Wellstone" you may get your eyes opened slightly to wjhat the Bush/Cheney regime really did on our own soil.

  31. Anonymous4:54 PM

    Should al-Awlaki have succeeded in carrying out his terrorist attacks, those 'yipping, we would then hear their 'yipping' that Obama had a chance and fucked up by not taking him out. Those that play both sides of the fence, many of us recognize that in them, which is why what they say - has no credibility.

    It's a no win for Obama with them - dammed if he does - dammed if he doesn't.

  32. Anonymous5:50 PM

    al-Awlaki effectively renounced his citizenship by declaring a war of terror on the USA.

    He got what was coming to him.

    The mode and circumstances of his death were his own choice.

    al-Awlaki effectively renounced his citizenship by declaring a war of terror on the USA.

    He got what was coming to him.

    The mode and circumstances of his death were his own choice.

    There's no difference between his death and an armed robber or other criminal who's shot dead by police after refusing to surrender and lay down his weapon. Both had choices.

    The Obama administration did the right thing. A loaded gun was aimed at our collective heads in this country by al-Awlaki, and he refused to surrender and lay down his weapon. He chose his own path of justice...and he clearly wasn't interested in the path that leads to a trial.

  33. Yeah, "Mistah Charley," "phd." I don't get it.

    Thanks for calling me out. I stand corrected.

  34. DetroitSam6:44 PM

    What Anonymous @6:31 AM said.

    Anyone belly aching about a guy who renounced his American values to engage in actions to kill innocent American citizens and other in the world being killed NEEDs to put a lid on it.

    Me? I'll cry tomorrow.

  35. Anonymous7:41 PM

    Congratulations, Mr President. You're doing a fine job protecting our country against all terrorists, foreign and domestic. I my opinion, you join or lead a radical group, encite violence and death to your fellow citizens, and your citizenship is automatically deemed null and void.

    We're all doing monday morning quarterbacking, but can you imagine if Bush, Giuliani, Cain and (godforbid) his sidekick Palin had accomplished half of this? There'd be parades up and down the streets.

  36. How can you put any faith in the quality of ABC reporting when they say things like: "In September of that month,"


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