Monday, October 03, 2011

Lawrence O'Donnell eviscerates Andrew Breitbart in defense of Janeane Garafalo.

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As I was watching this BEAUTIFUL verbal bitchslap (Prison bitch not the female kind) from O'Donnell I suddenly thought that if somebody were saying such horrible things, and attacking ME without provocation, I would certainly like to have O'Donnell on my team.

And then it suddenly dawned on me that he kind of was.

I don't think Lawrence realizes it of course, but Breitbart has been using that private e-mail he received to trash my name and try and bludgeon Joe McGinniss into submission.  So watching O'Donnell take this racist piece of garbage to the woodshed was especially enjoyable for me.

Like I said I don't think he did it on my behalf, but I am grateful he did it nonetheless.

P.S. Speaking of Joe and the leaked e-mail, I gave an interview addressing that topic just today, so when it goes up I will post a link.


  1. Anonymous6:52 PM

  2. Anonymous7:06 PM

    I live about 30 minutes south of this joke of a convention. The local papers are reporting that less than 700 people were in attendance.

    That's quite a movement the teaturds have going isn't it? It's laughable. I have been to weddings at the same hotel with more guests than the teaturd party. In fact, I just had a bigger movement of my own in my hall bathroom after eating a handful of green grapes.

    I hope Breitfart hitches his star to their wagon. If there is anyone left who doesn't think he's the world's biggest joke, that will change once he's associated with the tea turd movement.

  3. This was wonderful and said it well!

  4. Anonymous7:15 PM

    Sorry for the randomness of this comment, but I truly believe ALL the blame for the selection of Sarah Palin as VP lays on Steve - douchebag, im-a-shitty-manager-, Schmidt's shoulders.

    John McCain is a good man, with a good head on his shoulders. Up until the last minute. his pick was Lieberman, another good man.

    So, FUCK you Steve Schmidt and your inability to take responsibility. You're not even a nice guy either. UGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH

  5. Anonymous7:40 PM

    Lawrence is a national treasure. That was such an intelligent, poignant, soon to go viral, takedown of Breitfart. He hit him right in his manhood and left him gasping for legitimate air. Beautifully executed, calmly delivered. Brutal.

  6. Anonymous7:55 PM

    I love Janeane Garafalo and Andrew Breitbart is a (other work for kitty) and I mean that in the worst way possible.

  7. Go Gryph Go!

    All of your IM posse has your back!

    Well, except for Sarah, (Hi, Welcome Back!) Bristol, and AprilM.

  8. Anonymous8:31 PM

    O/T but... the QUitter has not posted anything on Facebook or Twitter since the news of her bedding Glen Rice, doing cocaine, etc. surfaced weeks ago, before Joe's book came out.

    $he has made her weekly, contractually obligated, appearances on FOX, but that's it.

    Very, very unusual for the cowardly, hide away $arah to be so silent, eh????

  9. Anonymous8:45 PM

    Man does this guy have a way with words. Thanks for the person that posted the link earlier:

    Spankin' Sarah Palin: A clown short of a circus


    Part 1:

    I have already called Sarah Palin a pith-headed bimbo from the back of beyond, in this column. I shall now go one step further. By attacking the democratically elected President of the United States of America at a sensitive time in her country's history, she shows the tact of a boorish drunkard bawling obscenities at a funeral.

    If Sarah Palin is not some kind of a massive political joke in the USA, wheeled out to liven up the political scene from time to time with nonsensical and pastiche (one hopes) displays of sheer and utter ignorance, then it is worrying. It is even more so if anyone other than a manic depressive suffering from a chronic lack of lithium takes this...female...seriously.

    Hockey Mum Sarah ex-Governess of Alaska is famous for her shrill shrieking style, displaying a pitifully shallow persona which one hopes is stage-managed to give the rest of the world a good chuckle at the Americans' ability and unique quality to make fun of themselves, a real-life female version of Homer Simpson-cum-Belching Barney at Mo's, giving us ever-more hilarious soundbites as she sets herself up as the dumbest woman on Earth.

    Just occasionally, one encounters a bar-room idiot whose party piece is belching loudly before falling backwards off his stool, bouncing off the floor on his backside with a background provided by guffaws of laughter, yet who winks knowingly as he is carried out with his feet scraping along the ground and says "Don't worry son, most of it is an act".

    The act. It reminds one of Marilyn Monroe putting on the act of the dumb blonde. But an act it was, a character projected by a shrewd, intelligent and charismatic woman with the ability to invent a persona. Sarah Palin, however, is the real-life thing. And it is becoming patently obvious that it isn't an act.

    Sarah Palin, the one famous for ludicrous statements such as "I want to help clean up the state that is so sorry today of journalism. And I have a communications degree"; she is after all someone who "must have lived such a doggoned sheltered life", Sarah "We're all Arizonans now" Palin, cracking down on immigrants when the US of A is after all a country formed by...whom?

  10. Anonymous8:46 PM


    And now she turns not only against the fibre and backbone of her country, but against its democratically-elected President, accusing him of being incompetent for not stopping Wikileaks. Where was she and where was her GOP before and during the 9/11 attacks? She accuses President Obama of not taking "steps" to assure the leaks were not published. What "steps"?

    Sinister Sarah Palin then goes on to insinuate that she is an advocate of cyber terrorism, questioning "Did we use all the cyber tools at our disposal to dismantle WikiLeaks?" Surely a more sensible question would have been why the material for the leaks was provided in the first place...and this has nothing to do with President Obama, but indeed speaks volumes about the State apparatus itself which goes beyond party politics. Her question also speaks volumes about her own inability to perform logical and strategic thinking.

    President Obama after all knows the difference between North and South Korea, he knows that Hawaii is the largest US island and not Kodiak and he does not use the expression "refudiate".

    If anything is a threat to the national security of the United States of America, it is this screaming, unrefined oaf with as much class as a searing release of flatulence followed by hysterical giggling at a state banquet. Is this what the people of the USA deserve?

    To attack the President of the country at a time when the USA needs to close ranks and stand together to consolidate the enormous strides his intelligent and respectful approach has achieved in building bridges, when her party's period in government bombed them, Spankin' Sarah Palin comes across as a pitifully inadequate anachronism from the times of the Far West.

    The United States of America has evolved. She has not.

  11. Anonymous8:50 PM

    And the crowd was crowing for more? What is WRONG with these hateful people. It's like a feeding frenzy of viciousness and vileness and tearing people to shreds. Cheerleading for character assassinations. Why isn't he called out more often???

  12. Gasman8:55 PM

    Breitbart is a walking piece of human excrement.

    As for the assholes in attendance, it seems to be just about right for a crowd of teabaggers.

    How could anybody watch that vile performance and feel good about supporting that fetid piece of shit?

  13. I saw this earlier. WOW. Lawrence nailed Breitbart's sad pathology. Ms. Garafalo should wear this as a badge of honor.

    And this totally reminds me of Sarah's interview in front of the 'Turkey Abu Ghraib's decapitation department.' American flags? Really?? I'm surprised he didn't have giant posters of Gandhi, MLK, Princess Diana, Shirley Temple and Old Yeller behind him too. Maybe throw in a few sexist jokes about Helen Keller? Gabby Giffords? Why not? He's beyond clueless. And pathetic. Maybe more flags would help.

  14. JayKen Knotstirred said...

    Go Gryph Go!

    All of your IM posse has your back!

    With you on this, JayKen! Oh, and BTW, you rock! Your posts always make me smile. Keep on . . . You're Sarah's "Chinese Water Torture."

  15. Hey Sarah! Thanks for stopping by!

    Quick question..

    What happened to Ruffles?

    H/T to JKK

  16. WalterNeff9:46 PM

    THAT'S a friend.

  17. Anonymous9:59 PM

    Have come to realize people can get rich in this country peddling hate & divisiveness. Sarah Palin is one version.
    It would never, ever fly in Canada.


  18. Anonymous10:02 PM

    Breibart is mentally ill. I find it hilarious that anyone of sound mind would follow him so blindly when it's plain to see he's not well himself.

  19. Anonymous10:03 PM

    Wow. Honesty, integrity and truthful reporting. O'Donnell researches what he talks about and delivers it with conviction and clarity.

  20. "Up until the last minute. his pick was Lieberman, another good man."

    --- you forgot the snark tag. it looks like this: /s

  21. Anonymous10:13 PM

    Most wonderful smackdown!
    What only 16 comments? Jesse what gives?

  22. Anonymous11:24 PM

    I love LOD. I love watching his face when he is giving smackdowns. He always gets his message across with the facts in such a genius way that he can only do.

  23. Anonymous12:05 AM

    Did anyone listen to Todd being interviewed by Bannon? I tried to listen but Todd also has a horribly irritating voice like his wife. It was on the pee site.

  24. Anonymous12:45 AM

    Lawrence FUCKED up when he bailed on the Joe McG interview... and passed it off to Bashir who never read the book!

    Lawrence, Rachel, and Keith are complete ASSHOLES.

    WTF??? It takes Canada to stand up to American crap? I wish that American Reporters had some real values!!!

    MSNBC is just as bad as any other American 'NEWS NETWORK'

    What we need is something like Anderson Coopers "Keeping them honest". Run that 24hrs. a day and call it a "NEWS NETWORK".

    That would be something I would watch.

  25. Anonymous2:06 AM

    Britefart continues to make an ass out of himself.

    Did you know that "TeaCon" had only 700 attendees?

    Buh bye, teabaggers. And take Britefart w/you.

  26. Irishgirl2:49 AM

    Now that too was a thing of beauty.

  27. Anonymous3:15 AM

    I'm anxiously awaiting the day Shirley Sherrod has her day in court and she squeezes every last penny from this Koch head and public drunk. And on top of that,I hope the courts take their hand of justice and wrap it around his last remaining jewels to squeeze even more out from this pansy turnip. With his limited vocabulary of "FU 'fill in the blanks' ", and his soon to be higher pitched voice, his days as a paid agitator will soon be over. He'll just be left with smooching off anyone for some Koch and Johnny Walker until his lands in rehab or jail. Oh the taste of success.

  28. Anonymous3:54 AM

    I love LOD and he did a great job, as usual. I am worried that he sometimes pours it on too thick, not in this video, however, and will not be taken so seriously as time goes forward. He is a national treasure, I just wish he were personally a little more humble. People stop listening to the message when they are offended by an ego. And LOD IS humble but sometimes he is pounding his chest where he does not need to and I wish he would stop. Gosh, which side of my mouth should you listen to? Sorry, just an observation, but LOVED the smack down. I feel so very sorry for Andrew's mommy. Even she has to cringe when he speaks.

  29. LisaB25954:08 AM

    Let me clarify something for you, Gryphen.

    It's ALL the "female" kind. "Bitch" is derogatory because it's female. Anytime you hear "bitch" it's channeling the feminine. I don't care who or what you're referring to, it all comes down to, "we need a epithet that's somehow conveys something even lower and unsavory," and thus "bitch" became a name to call someone who needed to be insulted even more than "asshole" or "jerk" or "mother fucker." Nothing more insulting than making them a woman, and even better---a stupid woman who gets hit for running her mouth. "Bitchslap", yeah, that conveys our disgust quite nicely.

    "Whore" is the same. Nothing lower than a woman. You throw these words around pretending they don't mean what they mean, adding your equivalent of "no homo!" as if women were too stupid to know where these words come from or so desperate to be a part of the "Boy's Club" they'll laugh and smile while their sex becomes the standard for low insult.

    John Lennon was right: woman is the niggar of the world. Everybody gets a woman to dehumanize.

    Five will get me ten you won't post this. It won't be the first time you didn't let one of my posts calling you out for your thoughtless sexism through. Of course, you might just let it through so all female commentors can announce how they aren't offended. Possible. Can't think like a person and be in the Boy's Club, after all. Don't want to make the boys too uncomfortable. They might pull out the feminazi card!

    You know, it just occurred to me women have for decades displayed the same fear the MSM has of Sarah Palin: We don't want to get called names! So we'll put up and shut up and hope it just goes away!

    Sorry, but I reneged on my "Boy's Club" dues long ago. So "bitchslap" all you want. Just don't insult me by pretending it isn't somehow a sexist insult.

  30. Anonymous4:32 AM

    I have said it before and I'll say it again: Andrew Breibart looks disconcertingly like a serial killer. The man seriously gives me the creeps, and I would not want to be alone in a room with him. He and his ilk use an ideology as cover to be in public the lowlifes they are. It is similar to how certain fake Christians wear gaudy crucifixes to prove their faith. What a coincidence they hang out with bottom feeders like Breitbart.

  31. Anonymous4:36 AM

    I watched the Breitbart video. That was a rather weak and shrill "F---U!" He may think he sounds like a tough guy, but I actually found myself cringing for him.

    Oh, and fyi...I also appreciate his "smoking gun" efforts on that email from Joe...I think it gave just the PR push Joe needed to get The Rogue in the NY Times top ten!

  32. Anonymous4:38 AM

    Gasman: "How could anybody watch that vile performance and feel good about supporting that fetid piece of shit?"

    Basically, fellow pieces of shit who might have some lingering doubts about being pieces of shit.

  33. Lawrence O'Donnell is one of my favorite journalists, right after Rachel Maddow.

    And Breitbart is a vile excuse for a human being. I work in psych, but I don't understand the pathology of how someone can become as twisted as this guy.

  34. Most excellent. I like it when Lawrence gets fired up.

  35. Anonymous5:16 AM

    A big giant SMACK, don't let it hit you on the way OUT you Swag hag, and baby momma (maybe once, probably twice, possibly thrice) and the 1/3 foot of a toad.

    Please move along NOW!

  36. bill in belize5:17 AM

    i doubt she would ever stoop down to his level, but what kind of idiot picks a fight with a very VERY smart and talented comedian? she would tear him a new one.

  37. Anonymous5:34 AM

    Wow...I agree that Lawrence O'Donnell is a national treasure!

    Thank you, Gryphen for posting this for us to see.

    Sorry to disagree with the poster who thinks John McCain was a honorable man prior to Steve Schmidt's advice. John McCain is a decrepit old lecher who thinks with his dick. period. He got exactly what he deserved.

  38. Nancy In New York5:53 AM

    I love Lawrence! Also love the very ironic and apt name for the conference: TeaCON. How appropriate.

    And one more thing. Has there ever, in the history of the universe, been a conservative who was ever funny?

    I'd google it, but it would be too exhausting a search.

  39. Anonymous6:51 AM

    @4:08 AM...nice try. Actually, not. The fact is, your idol Sarah Palin closely associates with a lowlife scumbag who refers to women as "bitches" and "sympathy fucks," so your outrage with Gryphen saying the word "bitchslap" is a pitiful attempt at trying to unassociate your queen with someone who is worse than a sexist. Andrew Breitbart is a raving sociopath.

    Also, women can be sexist, too, as your queen regularly proves with her hisses that certain men are "limp and impotent."

  40. Anonymous6:53 AM

    @4:08 am...I just posted a response to you under the impression you were sticking up for Sarah Palin. Having re-read your post, I can see I was wrong. I do apologize for that, as it was the motivating premise behind my post, and apparently an incorrect premise.

  41. Anonymous7:10 AM

    I love that. I have been a Janeane Garafalo fan for years. She is articulate, intelligent and sincere.

    Kudos to Lawrence O'Donnell.

    It's about time JOURNALISM does its' job and eviscerates the lies and half truths told in the name of NEWS or COMMENTARY.

    I really hate it when someone goes onto a show like Hardball or something and just spews absolute lies. I think the host should shred the cue cards, forget the time and the advertisers and go after those lies with no reins.

  42. Anonymous7:42 AM

    4:08 : It works both ways. I'm a woman and know exactly what Gryphen is conveying with the differentiation between "Bitch Slap", the prison kind, and real violence against women.

    We have Sarah Palin talking about other men's sexuality, cajones, attacking their manhood etc. and for what purpose? She does it because she's female (but no lady by any stretch of the definition) and has a strange sexual hangup.
    Nice Try, but I don't buy what you're saying.

    Larry O Donnel, in this piece, eviserates and puts Breitbart rightfully in his place, among the excrement scum of the earth. What he did to Anthony Weiner is unforgiveable, yeah, what Weiner did was wrong, but how many times does a man have to apologize, with Breitbart orchestrating his personal destruction? If it's a Republican, it's "a private family matter" and dismissed. A democrat, especially a vocal one, they crucify with six nails and two spears.

    Thanks Gryphen, for including this clip, it was great when I watched it live, and even better the second time.

    Can't wait for his smack down of Hank Williams Jr.

    And regarding McCain being an honroable man, what brand of cool aide did that come from? He vetted Sarah Palin based on a desperate 45 minute interview, and hired her because she winked and licked her lips suggestively. Schmidt had nothing to do with that decision, and did exactly what he gets paid to do, repackage and polish potential candidates, it's not his fault he had moose patties to work with.

    McCain made the descion, and never once admitted it was his biggest mistake.

    Rant Over.


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