Tuesday, October 04, 2011

Talking Points Memo wonders: "Whatever happened to Sarah Palin?"

This is a great mash-up of Palin stupidity, but the morphing of Palin into Chris Christie is worth the price of admission all by itself.

(H/T to TPM)


  1. Anonymous2:04 AM

    SOO GOOD :)
    but I still think Palin is going to "throw her hat in the ring" (barf)

  2. Anonymous2:10 AM

    How you like spending that Koch/Iran dirty money, Sarah Palin?

    Hey Sarah, maybe you better retire right now and avoid rolling in the mud with the Koch Bros. and that dirty tainted Iranian money.

    Just remember staying at home means staying at home, Sarah. I doubt you'd really like a new home that stays locked up all the time, would you simple Sarah?

    Sarah, Virginians want to know all about your Koch Bros. contract. We got big questions for you coming up this week-end in Lynchburg. See ya there, silly Sarah.

  3. Many pundits are saying that Chris Christie's problem entering the race this late is lack of money and an organization. Christie has Wall Street money begging him to run which still might not be enough money. The half term governor would have no money from big sources and has no organization. If the skank runs she is more delusional than one can imagine.

  4. AJ Billings3:11 AM

    Missed your OWN deadline Sarah.


    So, Granny, did you know that in my home state of New Hampshire the Sec of State is considering moving the primary up even further than Jan 2nd 2012?

    That means you might have to declare within a week to get on the ballot

    Or, maybe you'll just go roguey/mavericky, and do something less shackling, as a mandation to refudiate the wee=wee'd up primaries with all those shots and bells? Also too?

  5. Anonymous3:19 AM

    Love they way he spelled out the rules of the game the GOP laid out for her, but gosh darn it, she is just so darn maveriky she can't help herself. She is like the ultimate wack-a-mole. Smack her down over here and she pops up over there. She thinks she can still pop up whenever she wants, but it is pretty clear the GOP are cementing over the remaining holes she has not yet managed to collapse herself. Thank you supreme Being of the Universe, the world is going to be a better place.

  6. Good morning, Sar-ruh. You should watch this 90 minute video over and over today. All the lies in the world can't bring a dead fish back to life.

    Watching Sarah's twitter account - only 7 tweets in the last 5 minutes. Two of them were positive and both of those from the same person. Yet her number of followers has been increasing. The increase isn't from people who love you Sarah, it's from people who want to laugh at the spectacle. ROFL

    I think the Palinistas have caught on that when Sarah said "Sept. 30 will be the Drop Dead Date", she meant she was going to tell her Bots to Drop Dead.

    The TPM 90 second video is terrific but it took the work of many such as JoeMcG, Geoffrey Dunn, Gryphen, etc., hammering away to bring us to this point. Thank you!

  7. Anonymous3:38 AM


    Don't tease me :)

  8. OK, maybe we all wanted her to go out in a bang, but it seems like it just a slow fizzle. I can deal with that.

  9. Anonymous4:58 AM

    Blood libel was the turning point for most decent people. She just couldn't keep her mouth shut and all it did is highlight her guilt and responsibility for the loss of lives in Tucson. Sarah will always cater to Sarah to the detriment of anyone in her sphere. Public servant, my ass.

  10. Anonymous5:14 AM

    Yes, the morphing part is priceless and ingenious. Talk about flavor of the week Sarah, look who you've been replaced with!


  11. Anonymous5:17 AM

    That's the only video of her I've been able to get through! Thanks Gryphen - for everything!

  12. Anonymous5:24 AM

    Sarah, I just hope that instead of merely feeling like the biggest laughingstock to ever fall from grace you will soon be tried for your crimes and spend time in jail pondering how lucky Sherry Johnston is to be merely on house arrest and under the care of a loving, selfless daughter.
    Good news for you Bristol, you get to raise all your boys after all. Hope that dermatologist's office still has a spot for you.

  13. Anonymous5:26 AM

    I thought Barbara Walters piece on her as one of the 10 most fascinating people in 2008 (licking her wounds at being defeated at the ballot box, Sarah wouldn't go on the program) was the best summation, and closed the book on Sarah. She still had to make a few dollars more of course, but the swan song sounded like Blood Libel to me.

    But what is interesting in her 2010 appearance as a top 10 again, was that she said she wouldn't subject her kids to a reality show. . .jesus heath christ, that woman.

  14. Anonymous6:00 AM

    The sexy (to SOME) hoochie mama morphs into "I'll gladly pay you on Tuesday for a hamburger today" Wimpy.

    I love the smell of poetic justice in the morning.

  15. Anonymous6:17 AM

    From one of the idiots at c4p:

    "When I was about 4 or 5 I started having this really silly dream of a pretty lady in a red dress being sworn in as president. I used to think that I was dreaming about myself. So when my family would do holidays and such you always have family members ask little kids what they want to be when they grow up. I kept telling them that I was going to be president because I kept having this dream about me being sworn in as president. My mom used to tell me if I had a dream more than once....it was more likely to come true. It sure worked for the Disney World dream. But as I got older I didn't quite look like the pretty lady in the dream but I still kept having the dream. Then one day I was watching the news and I saw a picture of the pretty lady in my dream....Sarah Palin. I've had the dream 100's of times. I have zero doubt in my mind that Sarah WILL be president one day. Whether that is in 2012....I don't know. But Barack and Michelle Obama are both sitting there in the dream and Michelle is wearing all black and kind of looks like she is in mourning. If Sarah Palin wasn't meant to be president...then why in the world would I have a dream of someone I have never met being sworn in as president 100's of times if she wasn't going to even run? Everyone can laugh all they want to but it's true and my relatives can vouch for me running around in pig tails saying I had a dream I was going to be president one day. But I think that qualifies for being THE longest serving Sarah Palin for president supporter."

    HAHAHAHA what a tard!

  16. Anonymous7:14 AM

    Packed up her stuff? Packed up her stuff? Isn't that what the Fux News guy said?

  17. Anonymous7:46 AM


    Christie is going to announce he's not going to run at a news conference at 1 pm eastern time.

    He's the worst thing that happened to New Jersey, he's unfit to serve, plain and simple, and not just for his weight, but his inexperience and short fused temper.

  18. Martha again8:25 AM

    What does HA HA HA What a tard mean?

  19. Anonymous11:24 AM

    Malia has a very funny post up today regarding Sarah's "strategy" to capture the nomination.

    ...Next you drop out of the “race” and explain to people that it was the result of the “lame stream” media taking things out of context, and a bunch of corrupt bastards who had it in for you. I’ll be stepping down from Fox News shortly and you could take my spot. I’ll put in a good word for you and we could split your salary over the next 11 months. I’ll run as a Tea Party Candidate and pick you as my Vice President running mate. By that time I will have said so many stupid things that nobody will remember anything about any rocks in your past. We’ll get Glen to endorse us and we’ll send him a thank you note with a custom made packet of cocaine with his number on it.

    I have a plan about how to win the election. I’ll get my North Korean friends to attack the United States. You and I will fly over North Korea in a helicopter shooting hollow tipped bullets at anything that moves. They have too many people in North Korea anyway, and not enough food, so we’ll be doing our friends a favor. They will surrender, and we’ll be the heroes …kinda like the Navy Seals.

    Next we will need the endorsements of some famous people. I have sent Nancy Reagan a letter asking for Ron’s endorsement, and I’m sure he’ll do that for me when he has time. I’ll tell everyone that Margaret Thatcher endorsed me too and who would be able to contest it? She is evidently suffering from some type of brain problem so who would expect her to remember?


  20. Anonymous11:34 AM

    Christie looks more pregnant than Palin looked in 2008.

  21. Anonymous11:39 AM

    I read that Sarah's lawyers are starting to inquire about filing deadlines for primary states. Is she serious? Are they just getting around to this now? One of the deadlines is coming up in two weeks. Sarah, can you get all those petitions signed in two weeks? In four weeks?

    What is there about doing things at the last minute to say "This woman is organized and professional, and she has the discipline and focus to run this country."

    Christie was never it it. He did not leave an opening for Sarah. She should have been doing this months ago. Dithering? Even Hillary understood that you had to be ready for the 3 AM phone call. You can't spend months thinking about how to respond to an emergency.

  22. Anonymous4:06 PM

    The turning point for me came way before the "blood libel" moment. It was the first time I heard her speak when John McCain announced his preference for Sarah Palin as vice-presidential candidate!


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