Saturday, October 08, 2011

Let's clear the air a little, shall we?

I thought I would take a moment to clear up a couple of things this rainy Saturday afternoon.

Some have been asking what will become of IM with Palin no longer running.  I believe I addressed my feelings about that fairly well here. But for the slower folks, let me remind you that this blog has been in existence since November of 2004, well BEFORE Palin burst onto the national scene. I think I will manage to find things to write about regardless of what Sister Sarah chooses to do in the future.

While we are on the topic of me and this "defunct" blog, many of you have taken to pointing out to me whenever I am under attack on another website, whether it be Right Wing, or more on our side of the ideological fence.

I know that most of you are just trying to be helpful, but I have to admit that I usually don't bother going over to see what they are saying. I don't see how it helps me to do what I do, and it only provides more hits to people so desperate for them that they launch unprovoked attacks against IM.

That kind of seems counter productive, don't you agree?

I also understand that my favorite song has been playing out there on the internets. The "Gryphen is no longer pursuing new information, and has jumped the shark" song. Oh if I had a dime.

That is going to be especially embarrassing to certain people (yet again), after I finish the post I have been working on for the last several days. But hey, if you think I have nothing of interest to offer than I certainly encourage you to look at other blogs and websites. Actually I encourage you to do that REGARDLESS of what I have to offer.

By the way concerning this last post on Levi and Bristol, I am currently waiting for some new information that might completely change the direction of my post.  (Just so you know, I now believe the revelations I am working on to be the key to the truth behind Sarah's fake pregnancy.) If I am unable to get my hands on this new data I may have to publish my post without a clear conclusion. Much like I did with Two Babies.

As you are all aware over time more professionals weighed in and confirmed my findings from that post, and now most of us simply accept that there were in fact at LEAST two babies introduced as Trig Paxson Van Palin.

When I first published it I received a hell of a lot of blowback and I anticipate the same this time out.

And just to wrap up this post, and on the topic of "blowback," I am going to ask a favor of you.

Fred's "babygate" book is nearing completion, and the website is about to be rolled out for all of you to visit. However one of the concerns has been an anticipated attack, designed to derail the project and keep it from being published. This may be similar to the attack that Frank Bailey's first publishers suffered, and it will certainly be much like what Joe McGinniss has recently faced while publicizing The Rogue. (BTW Joe was originally scheduled to be on Real Time last night, but wasn't, so add Bill Maher to your list of cowards afraid of Sarah Palin and the corporations that back her.)

The reason I need your help is that the attacks now being readied against Fred's book are NOT coming from the Right Wing.  They may appear to be Palin supporters and conservatives that are throwing out accusations and attempting to undermine the validity of the findings, but they are NOT!

Just like the leaked e-mail used to derail Joe's book, the attacks on Fred's book will also be coming from those that many of you believe ONLY want the truth about Sarah Palin to reach the widest audience imaginable.

But some have an agenda focused solely on their OWN personal desire for fame and recognition, and will jealously and aggressively attack anybody who they feel is taking the limelight away from them.

Remind you of anybody?

So all that I ask is that you retain a healthy dose of skepticism, and consider the source before buying into what they say. I should not, at this point, have to indicate which blogs might be behind this, but I will suggest that the actual attacks will most likely come from Stacy McCain, Dan Riehl, or even Andrew Breitbart.

Though to be honest, now that Palin has made all of them look like fools, they may not be quite so anxious to provide cover for the Judas's that lurk among us. Which might actually serve to flush them out into the open.

So keep your eyes peeled and your ears perked, nothing about revealing the truth concerning Sarah Palin has EVER been easy and I do not expect the publication of Fred's book to be any different.

Oh well, if this job were easy the mainstream media would have done it.


  1. Anonymous11:26 AM

    Go Jesse Go! You rock!

  2. Anonymous11:30 AM

    Go Gryphen. I may have to donate again.

    Palinistas, I feel for you. I donated to John Edwards. I know what it feels like to be "had." It happens. It's part of the human journey. But I won't be fooled again. Open your eyes, Palinistas, not your pocket books.

  3. Anonymous11:31 AM

    Uh, you say the attacks will not come from the right wing but you named 3 people affiliated with the right wing.

  4. Anonymous11:32 AM

    You know I came to this blog one Saturday morning in 2008. I turned on my TV that morning and heard the name of Sarah Palin for the first time. I started googling and found a few websites based in Alaska and this is the one I come to every day.
    My friends say I have a Palin obsession but I don't. I just don't see how a scam artist has been allowed to keep this hoax going for so long. I want to see her perp walked into prison. Why the media covers for her I don't understand.
    This blog has a great mix of palin news and other things that interest me. I will keep coming for a long time. I support you Gryphen, keep up the good work.

    Faithful follower in CA

  5. Anonymous11:38 AM

    G, you are my hero. Your blog is the one I trust the most. Stay strong and brave.

  6. Anonymous11:39 AM

    Bill Maher is afraid of Palin's followers? Say what? He'd call them "mouth-breathers" and Sarah a "dumb twat" like he has before and he'd get a big laugh out of it. If Joe was scheduled for RT and wasn't on, something else is going on.

  7. With you 100%, Gryphen! If you were Frodo, you'd only be at Rivendell by now. It's still a long way before the Ring gets to Mordor. Citizen's United, anyone? But good on you for sparing us from the Palin Wraith! And just to stretch this Lord of the Rings analogy even further, here's a laugh for all LOTR fans:

  8. Anonymous11:49 AM

    Gryphen, I found your blog like many others in 2008 looking for information on Sister Sarah. Did she think that everyone would take her at face value - she is always telling voters that they have to do their own research and research we did... And, look what we found, thanks to you. (and others)

    The story of Sarah won't be done until Babygate is disclosed. She has many other gates in AK and as long as Parnell is in place, I don't think much will happen on those, but she can't stop Babygate.

    Keep doing what you're doing - we're here. We're not going anywhere.

  9. Anonymous11:52 AM

    Gryph, I found IM because of Sarah Palin, and I return because I enjoy your writing (and your snark) on many topics. Even if new revelations about Sarah shoving a pillow up her shirt fail to see the light I will continue clicking - if it were me who knew the whole story I'd trust you to tell it (hint, hint all you anons out there).
    You are an interesting cat - keep blogging.
    ps Monday has the most traffic, right?

  10. Grey Lensman11:54 AM

    Sooo.. what they're saying about your "defunct" blog is basically there is no life after Palin?

    Projection, or transference or some damn thing.

    Your mission statement on your front page has no mention of Palin.

    They should read it.

  11. Smirnonn11:57 AM

    Keep pursuing the truth, Gryphen. Some day all of your work will make for a fascinating book!!



  12. Olivia12:00 PM

    You are doing a great job and I never for a minute would think that this blog is defunct. Just keep on with your great work and please stay safe.

  13. Anonymous12:02 PM

    I'm sort of guessing Maher might have made a more pragmatic decision (though one with which I profusely disagree): he may well have decided Palin's announcement not to run may have rendered McGinniss and his book "old news." While I view that a very short-sided opinion, he is, first and foremost, in the "entertainment" business.

    Just my thoughts from a devil's advocate POV. I'm curious what he told Joe McGinniss in terms of the reasoning for the cancellation.... Perhaps he'll let us know.

    As to the rest of your posting, good on you, Gryphen. I think you have really tried hard to maintain objectivity and professionalism towards other bloggers/writers. That tells me that you and your blog will continue to be widely read--no matter the subject.

  14. Anonymous12:02 PM

    it's currently sunny over here on the east side of Lake Otis, though it's high noon as I type

  15. You are very good at building suspense G. I anxiously await your next posts and Fred's website and book.

  16. Anonymous12:03 PM

    We've got your back, and we've got Fred's back. And I think it's hilarious when the trolls talk about you being 'defunct' or out of material because Palin isn't running for president. Especially when she's made a point of saying she doesn't need a title to be relevant.

    We still have work to do exposing all of Palin's frauds, and even after that great day, I'll still be checking into IM for my daily dose of humor and progressive news. You rock, Gryph!

  17. Anonymous12:05 PM

    I believe there are certain acceptable "links" between the blog world, cable news and traditional MSM.

    Maher gets to spew his shit and people generally chuckle or blush but for the most part he is allowed because there has to be a certain pretense of "leftness". I'm sure Maher lost his stones in the face of his bosses fears he might actually do an interview and give a platform that transcends to the MSM for Joe. Despite Sara falling down on her sword there's another one out there and they need that same sort of laziness from the MSM to foist the next Sara Palin on us.

  18. Anonymous12:06 PM

    Cautionary notes. Ok, message understood. Hope that means next week will be exciting.

    I was curious about the failure to even mention why McGinniss was a no show on Real Time. Assumed it was some conflict, illness or a desire that either Nicolle Wallace or McGinniss had not to share the stage with the other.

  19. Anonymous12:08 PM

    Link to live video of Palin speech right now.

    Really large crowd but the video has no sound. It is quite entertaining to watch Palin facial expressions with no

  20. Anonymous12:25 PM

    Or Maher might have just caved to "economic pressures" to go lite on Palin.

  21. Anonymous12:28 PM

    Well, I'm sure Bill Maher works for a corporation. The Empire must be defended. Controlled opposition, Limited-hangout, you need to learn what these things are and how the propaganda machine uses them. Sometimes they like us to eat our own. Look, no one in mainstream media is your true friend. If they told the whole truth they wouldn't have a job. Now, the alternative media also has propaganda-ists. On both the left and the right. How do you know what the truth is? Well, you don't, and you won't. Mostly it's about controlling people to think in a certain direction. They really are about controlling outcomes. Hegellian dialectic, Problem-Reaction-Solution. Learn to watch the memes being propagated in MSM and the internet. Who do they want you to hate, and why? From Michael C. Ruppert I heard that Wall Street=CIA. Far-fetched? Think about the Afgan poppies, the drug cartels, the money-laundering by our banks, fast-and-furious guns to Mexico, government contracts, Blackwater/Xe, endless war, and remember Iran-Contra? When your head starts to spin and you don't know what to believe anymore, that really is their goal.

  22. Gryphen ~ i'll admit i came here for the Palin, but i like it here so much that i'm staying for the 'after party'.

    (i can't wait for the day that you only mention $P for the lulz)

  23. Anonymous12:33 PM

    I appreciate your forthrightness. I also appreciate that you have kept secrets when others have asked you to. Your integrity always shines through here, even if you are a bit vulgar at times :)

  24. Anonymous12:34 PM

    Even if Sarah fell off the planet I'd still come here. There's often a good laugh to be had just when it's needed.

  25. Anonymous12:37 PM

    Is the source you're waiting on the same person who led you down the garden path 2 years ago when they said they were two babies in the Palin home? Suckers will believe anything.

  26. Anonymous12:38 PM

    It's called compassion and human decency, something Riehl, McCain and every other conservative have.

  27. Anonymous12:39 PM

    Open your eyes, Palinistas, not your pocket books.

    There is nothing Sarah says doesnt make logical sense in the long run.

  28. Anonymous12:40 PM

    "Your blog is the one I trust the most."

    This is a sad statement considering the number of lies written on this blog.

  29. Anonymous12:42 PM

    Yours will still be the first blog I click on in the morning. Love your blog and love all the comments.

  30. Anonymous12:43 PM

    Wasn't it Joe who first said IM was defunct?

  31. Anonymous12:46 PM

    I do appreciate that you refuse to cite out-of-context social networking messages, especially when those other blogs do it so maliciously. That to me sets you above the rest.

    However, I wish you would retract things that are obvious lies and also NOT report baseless rumors. I know this is an opinion blog and you rely solely on other people, but I wish you'd use better judgment to weed out bullshit.

  32. Anonymous12:50 PM

    OT, but over on one of the links from IM, I read where ABC, The View are in "talks" with SP? Any truth to this?

  33. Anonymous12:53 PM


    No, I believe it was Andrew Breitbart in disclosing the email between Joe and Jesse.

  34. Valdez mama12:53 PM

    I have to agree with MSM peeps unbooking Joe, as there is much in his book that is baseless and flatout lies. I don't blame Joe, as he, like you, relies on other people. He couldn't know he was talking to some people who have no credibility on certain things.

    That said, I wish you would use better judgment on some of your posts. This blog borders on trashy and has posted outright slanderous material before. You've never retracted and that' hurts your credibility in many people's eyes.

  35. FloridaDem12:54 PM

    Gryph I have no idea what you're talking about, but I'm sure you'll find plenty of material for new revelations and posts. There's no shortage of that. As far as the leaked email, did you ever find out the source of the leak, or ask McGinnis?

  36. Anonymous12:57 PM

    So I'm wondering who exactly it is that "appears" to be from the left but isn't, and might cause problems?

    And how did that email get leaked, anyway?

    Enquiring minds want to know!

    That said, I love your blog, spend way too much time on it, I admire you greatly - especially as a parent, and I'll never stop coming here!

  37. Anonymous1:05 PM

    She said she wasn't going anywhere and would still be a big part of politics. It isn't over yet.

  38. Anonymous1:06 PM

    bringing this from the other thread.

    this is anon 9:26am

    i realize you get more genes than just your parents and i also agree that ruffles is a different baby than trig at the convention and growing up. and i cant explain why she would need a different baby except to reinforce a later birth date than when bristol may have given birth in jan 2008. it could be that ruffles actually is sarahs baby and was born premature with lots of conditions in april as she said and she didnt take very good care of it and it died. ruffles to me looks like a malnourished baby to begin with and if the baby being held by the heaths is the same baby as ruffles (which i dont think it is) then whoever was supposed to be feeding that kid starved it and who knows what else. also if trig went from ruffles in april/may to rnc trig then she must have been shoving moosemeat into that kids feeding tube cause that boy is a bruiser. and his "growth" spurt must have ended because trip over took him in size at least a year ago. there are plenty of hinky things going on here. but i cant deny, that boy trig in the trig/trip pic looks a hell of a lot like both sarah and todd more so than track and piper.

  39. Anonymous1:07 PM

    I don't understand whom you're attacking as fame and money seekers. The people you mention by name, all right wing folks, are merely just compassionate and passionate beings seeking to enlighten the koolaid drinking left.

    I don't think any one blogger is fame of money seeking, other than Jeanne. I think the comparatively few truthers just want their personal questions answered, no matter how nosy.

  40. The ONLY thing that's changed is Palin's not running for POTUS.

    She will continue to insert herself where ever she can. She will continue to spew her vile version of "conservatism" wherever there's a mic or camera or crowd.

    She will give her thoughts on everything from abortion to parenting and everything and anything else without being asked by a media that makes money as long as she's around. She and the media are locked in a parasitic dance - they feed from each other.

    It is NOT the time to back down from anything Palin. The sooner the vampire Palin is staked, the sooner the air in politics can be cleared of her poisonous influence.

    Let's hope "Fred's" book comes out sooner than later. The previous books have positioned the stake: hopefully, his book is the sledgehammer that delivers the final blow to the vampire Palin.

  41. Keep the momentum rolling, G-man! I, for one, will not be tuning out until $arah Payme is wholly revealed for the reptile she really is and she suffers the most embarrassing public humiliation ever seen. Let's all keep pushing those buttons and make her life a penance for her malicious actions and her hateful soul. I'm breathlessly waiting for more revelations I sure are coming down the tubes. Thanks, G, for making this all possible.

  42. Anonymous1:15 PM

    Who is posting these stupid comments about rumors & Lies, could it be the dim slow Chuck Heath, Jr. from the uneducated frontier?

  43. Balzafiar1:19 PM

    Gryphen, I'm glad the chase is still on. I was concerned after Palin's announcement that interest would slack off where it is most needed.

    There's still a lot of the story yet to be told.

  44. Anonymous1:19 PM

    uhhh, anybody seen this yet?

    caption contest - Shift change on a corner in the redlight district?

    Is Palin now adding a rear view enhancer to the headlight "girls?"

  45. Gryphen,

    Listening to Ring of Fire with author of Eric Alterman discussing the stupidity of the media.

    But we need to keep in mind, what they are presenting is stupid, but these people aren't stupid. They know exactly what they are doing.

    They are filling the airwaves with sensational garbage, getting ratings, and ignoring the facts of what is happening in the world to the common man...all at the common man's expense....

  46. MC30311:25 PM

    It's so nice that the paid bot is concerned about your reputation, Gryph. Like all Palinista bots, they care about integrity and truthfulness.

    It's also lovely how they provide such clear examples of the "lies" they think you're spewing, isn't it? Why, they'd beat us all in a debate hands down!


    They are such asshats. Really. Why they spend time here is beyond me.

    Looking forward to more revelations. If we think $P is going away, then WE are the deluded ones. :)

  47. Anonymous1:26 PM

    @12:39 wrote:

    "There is nothing Sarah says doesnt make logical sense in the long run."

    Huh? What the....? Finish high school, Palinista. Then we can talk about the definition of "logical sense," eh?

  48. Anonymous1:26 PM

    I think you hit a nerve Gryph; the bots are out in force on this thread already.

    You mustbe VERY close to something BIG !

  49. I meant to add...I hope you continue to expose the crap, where ever you see it. All of the tangents you take from "Palin" are always important (sometimes uplifting) issues of the day and they add to your blog and keep me coming back.

    Thanks for the on-going reality check--where ever it takes you!

  50. Anonymous1:32 PM

    Everyone: be sure to check out John Ziegler's "open e-mail to Sarah Palin" posted today at his website:

    No further comment necessary!

  51. Anonymous1:36 PM

    Rock on, Gryphen.

    Alaska is a fascinating place, the world is a fascinating place, and I love your insightful and humorous take on it all.


  52. Anonymous1:36 PM

    Anonymous 11:31 AM said...

    Uh, you say the attacks will not come from the right wing but you named 3 people affiliated with the right wing.

    I understand Gryph to be saying the actual attacks will/may come from these RW sites, but the ammo. will be handed to them by someone we believe is on *our* side.

  53. Colbert also dropped McGinniss. The big story is the media and manipulation of news. How strange it is that some Palin critics are part of the problem. I say end all censorship. That means naming the names of anyone complicit in attempts to derail Palin coverage. The cloak and daggers is tiring and doesn't serve the bigger purpose in the long-run.

    Your hands on new data or not...conclusive or inconclusive, I'm looking forward to the next babygate chapter.

  54. Anonymous1:40 PM

    It's a little hard to know what you're talking about, but like everyone else here, I know Sarah Palin remains a danger of sorts, and the facts of her fraudulence need to be brought to into full view once and for all to shut down what little power her screechy, venomous voice still has.

    Keep us posted. Keep up the good work. We're grateful. You do realize that you've actually played a real part in the history of this nation. When the idiocy of Sarah Palin's rise is written about, so too will be the factor of the relentless truth-seeking bloggers who outed her lies and narcissism and actually brought her down.

  55. Anonymous1:42 PM

    Coming from thleft out of jealousy? I'm guessing Politicalgates and Joe McGinniss.

  56. Anonymous1:45 PM

    Not one thing has changed Palin-wise as far as I'm concerned.

    She's still out there commentating on Fox, giving $100,000 speeches, attacking Obama and everybody else whom she doesn't consider a rill American, i.e. anyone who doesn't look and believe and vote like she does.

    She still commands a loud following of proud, violent, fearful ignoramuses the MSM can't get enough of publicizing.

    She's not running for president; so what? She's still every bit as dangerous as she was before she confirmed that she wasn't about to put her money where her mouth is.

    As long as she keeps doing what she's been doing ever since she entered politics, and as long as she keeps getting coverage for it, and raking in money for it, she's dangerous!

    She needs to be dogged by courageous citizen writers like you, Gryphen, more than ever. I know you're up to the task, and I know you won't rest until you topple her little house of cards.

  57. Anonymous1:52 PM

    Keep it coming trolls, you are funny and desperate tonight!

    Great post as always, Grypen!

  58. osprey1:53 PM

    "...merely just compassionate and passionate beings seeking to enlighten the koolaid drinking left..."

    Those charming cherubs of conservative compassion -- Stacy McCain, Dan Riehl and Andrew Breitbart -- are actually stone bigots, with McCain being the most vile. Google "McCain" and "bank teller" and see what you find.

    My sincere apologies if you're joking. McCain is just such a troll ...

  59. Anonymous1:55 PM


    Excellent summary of the problems you are handling. I am excited about the prospects of your blog and Fred's book/website.

    The motivations of people trying to continue the babygate coverup are as interesting to me as how Sarah Palin managed to pull it off (so far).

    For me, the eventual question is "what did John McCain know and when did he know it?"

  60. Anonymous1:58 PM

    @12:39 wrote:

    "There is nothing Sarah says doesnt make logical sense in the long run."


    That sentence would be funny if it weren't such a sad example of a human mind with no grasp of logic.

  61. I used to go to Huffington Post..I used to believe Joy Behar and Bill Maher. I now come here first thing in the morning and last thing at night and the corporate whores can go to hell. It is all a paycheck to them and they do not give a damn about this country and what could have happened in 2008.

  62. Anonymous2:14 PM

    Jesse, I've been coming to your blog almost daily for the past three plus years. You do, and have done, an outstanding job and I appreciate your hard work and humor. Be assured that your blog is always the first one I access. I plan to continue doing so.

    I watched Bill Maher last night mainly because I was looking forward to seeing Joe McGinniss be involved. Was very, very sorry to see that he was not included. But, perhaps it had something to do with the fact that every guest on the show (w/the exceptioin of one) had a new book coming out or one that had just been published?

    Personally,I found author Jonathan Franzen - "Freedom" - to be boring and too intense for the show. Joe would have been a better choice in my humble opinion.

    I hope we hear the reasoning for Joe being cancelled from his appearance.

    Bill did mention Palin as to her having announced she would not run and lamented that he'd no longer have her comedic ways for material for his future shows.

  63. Anonymous2:19 PM

    It sounds like you're projecting.

  64. The Trolls are working your blog again today in spite of saying it's no longer relevant. Typical behavior.

    The thing is Palinistas, Sarah's the one who taught us all that she is not to be believed. In the face of Joe's book, Geoffrey's book and Jesse all saying repeatedly that she's a liar, she doesn't hesitate to say something on Fox and then turn around the very next day and deny it. Once again, proving to the world that she's a liar just as all three of them and their sources - both anonymous or named - said.

    Then she and her Trolls cry and whine because people notice that she's a liar. Screwiest thing I've ever seen.

    I'm here for the long haul and after every possible secret of Palin's is exposed, I'll still come here because I like Gryphen's integrity and sense of humor.

    I don't come here because I hate Palin although I despise what she's done. I come here for the kids. It's a terrible thing to grow up knowing that your mother is a liar and you are forced into supporting her. And forced into having to keep secrets to protect her.

    But what's much worse is a little child taking a bullet and dying. Palin is crazy. What's the excuse of the media and Trolls who have protected her in the past and continue to do it? Keep going, Gryphen.

  65. Sharon_Too_Also2:23 PM

    Once a fan ..... always a fan.

    Bill Mahers show last night was a total disappointment. First no Joe McG then Alan Grayson acted liked he was drugged for the first half of the show. Nichole Wallace added nothing of interest. I'm a fan of his show but that one was a huge dud.

  66. Anonymous2:27 PM

    Keep up the great work Gryphen!Palin's trying to still get out and spew her usual garbage. Just attacks the president and the federal govt nonstop. She has no solutions to the country's problems, and only ADDS to them with her viciousness. The more she keeps on trying to stay out there, the phonier she becomes. It will all catch up with her!

  67. @Anonymous 1:19 pm
    re: link to picture


    I usually don't comment about Palin's appearance because she is nearing 50. As George Orwell observed, "At age 50, every man has the face he deserves."

    I think just about everyone who is capable of thinking objectively understands that Palin is obsessed with calling attention to herself. Now that she's a failed politician whose only claim to fame is to have quit the office that less than 500K people voted for, she's even more desperate for attention.

    There's no excuse for the outfit she's wearing. She's going to break her neck with those shoes, especially after drinking and medicating herself. How can any parent or grandparent think of her as a good role model for girls?

    This won't end well for Palin. But she has only herself to blame.

  68. Anonymous said...
    It's called compassion and human decency, something Riehl, McCain and every other conservative have.
    12:38 PM
    You lie or are stupid, or both.

    There was no compassion or human decency in Breitbart's purposeful attempt to destroy a woman's life when he knowingly edited a tape to make her appear to be racist.

    There was nothing compassionate or decent in Breitbart's protege purposefully editing videos to make it appear that ACORN was involved in wrongdoing, because the unedited footage proved exactly the opposite.

    There is no compassion or decency in the voter ID laws being passed solely to make it more difficult for people to vote and have a voice in their own government.

    Any of the hundreds of vile, un-American laws the Republicans are attempting to pass to destroy the American middle-class, all of which are trumpeted by the right wing gasbags.

    I haven't gone this far before, but what the heck, I'll go there now.

    Conservatism is evil.

  69. Anonymous2:36 PM

    I wondered what happened with Bill Mahr. He seems to be the very last person who would cave to corporate BS.
    Are you kidding???? What is going on!!!

  70. Anonymous2:36 PM

    Do you know for a fact that Joe McGinniss was canceled by Bill Maher or maybe he just didn't appear for some other reason. I don't think Maher is afraid of the corporations, but his network might be. Probably not really up to Bill Maher so I wouldn't put the blame on him.

  71. Anonymous2:36 PM

    uhhh, anybody seen this yet?

    caption contest - Shift change on a corner in the redlight district?


    Ha ha! Guess I wasn't the only one who thought they ~both~ look like hookers :)


  72. Anonymous2:38 PM

    Similar to another commenter, I used to go to Huffpo for all my news. I slowly started to look at your blog more than Huffpo. Now I hardly even look at Huffpo.

    I've never seen a time when you have tried to mislead. You are always genuine. I trust you. If you mess up, you admit it publicly.

    The only problem is that those of us who aren't involved in the other blogs aren't sure what is happening. I've always heard rumors about the lstest 'gates' blog, but I am not certain I understand the situation. At some time, will the truth be revealed?

  73. Anonymous2:42 PM

    So is Colbert a coward to?

  74. Anonymous2:45 PM

    I don't really understand how you all think there are two babies. Trig wasnt exactly hidden EVER. There's the May 3rd picture, May 4th picture, Frank's pictures that show the same baby. That baby is the same baby in Fairbanks and the picnics, and the fairs. It's the same baby on the straight talk express being fed by Sarah and held by Todd. It's the same baby that we see grow through the 2 mos on trail.

  75. Anonymous2:49 PM

    Riehl and the other McCain have compassion and decency??? LMAO ! Hardly' they are nasty, low life, low class bullies.

    Also as a woman, I find them very unattractive on every level. I feel sorry for their wives. They have zero class or appeal. And don't forget Breitbart. These guys have very frustrating and unsatisfied personal lives and it shows. This is fact.

    I mean they are so fucking decent and compassionate that they defended a fraud who would step on them in two seconds flat. They defend someone who has lied nonstop to her supporters and taken money from them. Are you an idiot!? And to top it off, Sarah hoaxed the entire country using a DS baby, an innocent child!!!?? She did not give birth to him you moron! Compassionate conservatives? What a load of bullshit! Conservatives care only about themselves, not anyone else. There are some good ones yes but most of them are complete hypocrites.
    Here Gryphen is trying to uncover the truth about a truly evil woman who has stolen from many. And you ate on his case?

    This is to the anons giving Gryphen a hard time. It won't work idiots.

  76. Anonymous2:51 PM

    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Coming from thleft out of jealousy? I'm guessing Politicalgates and Joe McGinniss.

    1:42 PM


    Cause my guess was the Mudflats crew. They're closely aligned with an infamous Palin panty-sniffer who clearly knows a lot more damaging info about Palin than he put in his book about her that was co-authored by one of them, and they are just as dedicated to the proposition that Palin rilly birthed Trig her own self, even though there's no way they don't know the truth, given their association with Frank Bailey. But they made their pact with the devil and now they have to all cover each other's asses.

  77. I have not read all the comments, but I really like the first one (though I call you Gryphen) ... so echoing Anonymous at 11:26 AM: Go Gryphen Go! You rock!

  78. Anonymous2:55 PM

    I think we have many people in the media that are STILL going to try and cover up for the Granny Lulu Quitter Queen because it means THEY DID NOT DO THEIR JOB in 2008. But I also think the Palin machine is doing everything in their power to stop exposing more of her dirty and underhanded dealings. How many times on the announcement (or should I say non announcement)thread did we see posts upthat stated or implied...well she's not running anymore, so leave it(the baby story) alone. Keep it up Gryphen, because we need to make sure she NEVER EVER runs for anything and that all of her skeletons are exposed.
    I'm happy to come daily to your "defunct" log and check for new articles. :)

    PS Sarah our "surveyors marks" are on you!

  79. Anonymous2:56 PM

    Didn't someone once write a Heiko about jealous people who try and steal or sabotage the work of others? Or was that Haiku? No, I'm pretty sure it was a Heiko....

  80. Dis Gusted2:57 PM

    not surprised that Maher cancelled Joe's appearance. He blasted Joe for moving in next door to Palin last summer.

  81. Anonymous3:00 PM

    I think Jesse knows who leaked the e-mail to Briebart that was between Gryph and Joe McG. And that is where the attacks are going to be coming from. Lets see.....Shannon? Jeanne? P & K? For some reason, my money is on the first 2.........

  82. Anonymous3:05 PM

    @ 2:45 PM I don't really understand how you all think there are two babies. Trig wasnt exactly hidden EVER.

    show some pictures then from July to the RNC if he was never hidden.

  83. Anonymous3:06 PM

    Anon 12:53: Fuck Off!!

    Joes book is NOT filled with lies and Gryphen does not tell lies either.

    You are so stupid and sick. I can't believe Sarah is still paying to post here. And you think you are so clever saying something kind of nice about them. You really are dumb.
    Dumb as a rock!

  84. Anonymous3:08 PM

    It's easy to ferret out who is supposedly on "our side" but really has their hand in Ailes' back pocket.

    Think about the two "anti Palin" blogs which rarely ever (or never) mention babygate, by far the biggest scandal in Palin history.

    They might do a decent or even splendid job of pretending to hate Palin but the truth is they want her front and center so they can keep bringing in the money.

  85. Anonymous3:08 PM


    Truth is its own best defense.

    Oh, and sarah . . . the clock still ticks.


  86. Anonymous3:09 PM

    of course there was more than one baby used in the TriG presentation hoax. The bruiser held by Chuck & Sally does not resemble poor little Ruffles in any way.

    Ruffles (birth announcement, shower) looks like Cole's baby. It would take some round-the-clock feeding to get the preemie baby to look like the 8 month old seen at the RNC.

  87. Anonymous3:13 PM

    @1:32 PM Thank you!!! Wow!!!

    Editorial by John Ziegler

  88. Anonymous3:17 PM

    Sarah or no Sarah I come here for the lols. Keep up the great commentary Gryph. The fact that it pisses off the bots? That's just the icing on the cake! :)

  89. Anonymous3:18 PM

    What will become of Bristol's show now?

  90. Anonymous3:24 PM

    Are you describing Shannyn Moore Jessie?
    She felt " had" by McGinniss which is a joke and she knows Keith. She's also very into herself and reminds me of Sarah. I don't get the same vibe from Jeanne.
    If they sabotage this book, they are only hurting themselves.
    But egomaniacs typically have no ability to be honest with themselves about their own motives

  91. Anonymous3:27 PM

    I come to this blog because I am an Alaskan and you have been right on regarding politicians in Alaska. I am a political junkie. I appreciate your views.

  92. Anonymous3:30 PM

    Wow is she a mess. Look at today's hooker shoes:

  93. Anonymous3:34 PM

    Uh, you say the attacks will not come from the right wing but you named 3 people affiliated with the right wing.


    Some 'conservative' (take that with a grain of salt) bloggers are a breed unto their own. It's all about pushing the right buttons for $ of course-- which isn't rocket science if you're well-versed in what scares & outrages the average dumbass. Same rule applies to politicians.


  94. Anonymous3:41 PM

    Valdex mama - If there is much in Joe's book that is "baseless and
    flat out lies," I guess we'll be seeing quite an interesting lawsuit
    for defamation of character etc.
    All material in his book was vetted
    minutely by the publisher & sources verified, I think Joe &
    his publishers are ready for any legal games Sarah might play. One thing that "The Rogue" exposed is
    just what a mean little weasel
    Tawd is, besides being a bully.

    Sharon TN

  95. Anonymous3:44 PM

    Just posted this over at C4P...LOL

    Do you really actually think that she has millions of followers? Bedr1, you are truly in need of some help. I still can't wrap my head around the delusion you guys have. Although I've noticed that you don't have as many commenters anymore. Therefore reasoning that the following has decreased- = maybe hundreds of followers

  96. Anonymous3:46 PM

    I clicked on to the speech she gave and she was saying, and I quote, "There are uniquenesses about where I am from." And that was in a written speech that she was reading. OH MY GOD. I'm embarrassed to be an American, living in a country where we accept her and call her a relevant figure. Thank you for doing what you can.

  97. Anonymous3:53 PM

    Quite possibly the biggest bridge $arah has burned to date.

  98. Tata Ala3:55 PM


    As always - I trust you completely. You are thoughtful & thought-provoking, intelligent, amazing and have proved yourself through consistent actions, time and time again. You do what I cannot - and I thank you so much.

    Those who throw gossip and spite at you are only showing their true colors.

    I don't know about anyone else, but I found you three years ago and am NOT leaving you.

    Your loyal friend/fan,

    Tata Ala!
    Go Gryphen go, go, GO!!! Wooo hooo!

  99. Anonymous4:17 PM

    This post is about as clear as mud. If there will be detractors that are not from the RW, name them. Time for all the footsie under the blog table to end.

  100. Anonymous4:20 PM

    I checked out the website of Family Arena in St. Charles, MO where the clowns Palin and Beck spoke. That stadium will accommodate 7800 people; 5100 were in attendance, which is just short of 2/3 capacity. If these jokers can't sell out a stadium in Missouri, where there are a LOT of right-wingers within easy driving distance, they are in trouble. And let's be honest: 5100 just ain't a lot of people in a country of 300 million+.

  101. Anonymous4:35 PM

    The thing I keep coming back to is the staggering realization that if McCain hadn't stupidly made a dramatic dash back to Washington to "save" the economy, if this or that little thing had happened differently and by some fluke he'd been elected, an illness, a heart attack, something, it actually could have happened that Sarah Palin, a demented, dangerous, narcissistic, mentally ill religious fanatic, would have been sworn in as President of the United States! That simply boggles the mind, horrifies me...that it could happen in this country.

    McCain has a lot to answer for, to put his country at utter risk for a grab at the Oval Office for himself.

  102. ThanksABunchJohn4:37 PM

    Started reading the Palin blogs about 2 years ago, started commenting in them 6 months after lurking. I love your posts, your Alaskan take on life and politics. I will always come here, hopefully some day not quite as obsessively, but for sure a daily fix. Thanks Jesse!

    Laurie in Wisconsin

  103. Anonymous4:37 PM

    Both Maher and Huffington Post showed their true colors by their reaction to 911 conspiracy theorists. They not only disagree with them, they won't tolerate it being uttered. The truth is not important to them, protecting their own kind is.

    I really like this blog. My only issue with Gryphen is his swallowing the Obama/Democratic BS hook, line and sinker.

    The Democrats, Obama includes, are every bit as bad as the Republicans. They might pretend to like gays more or support a woman's right to choose, but when it comes to issues that really matter in people's lives, Obama, Boehner, Limbaugh, all of them are on the same side -- protect the wealthy, the status quo and their place in it, and screw everyone else.

    As long as liberals keep being lap dogs to the Democrats, their agenda will never be taken seriously. I detest nearly everything about the hard core right wingers except for the fact that they are not afraid to lose. They would rather stay home than support a Republican who only pays lip service to their issues. Liberals should do the same.

  104. ThanksABunchJohn5:16 PM

    Anon @1:32 re: the John Ziegler open email. Wow! Just... WOW! (hopefully THAT is what the witch was reading on her flight with her Vodka)

    Sarah Palin, John Ziegler, one or your most adoring (and articulate) bots, has written you off as dead (politically speaking). RIP.

  105. ThanksABunchJohn5:30 PM

    Anon @1:32 re: John Ziegler's open email to Palin!

    WOW!! I only hope THAT is what Palin was reading on her flight while downing Vodka!

    Hey Palin! One of your most adoring (and articulate) bots has just written you off as DEAD (politically speaking, of course). RIP. You stupid cow.

  106. Anonymous5:37 PM

    i am in for the long haul which includes placing the blame for palin clearly and forever on the shoulders of john mccain, steve schmidt, and nicole wallace.

    i don't care how much they want to confess now -- they put our country at risk.

    same goes for the john edwards crew that new he had an affair and kept up pretense during the primaries.

    they have no respect for the democratic process of elections.

  107. Anonymous5:41 PM

    I keep wondering how the Palin's keep a people in Wasilla afraid to speak of her, how they're able to manipulate police re: Shelley Tripp, etc. I have a growing suspicion that they, when she was mayor and then governor, used her position to gather dirt on people, and now perhaps the one's she controls with blackmail, continue the digging for them, and do their bidding. It's the only explanation I can come up with besides payoff, but that's a lot of people to pay off, and then of course you have to keep paying. No, my bet's on keeping people under their thumbs with private info, i.e. blackmail. Just a suspicion. Not claiming it's so.

  108. Still Waiting5:45 PM

    I would agree that Palin dropping out doesn't affect your relevance. You became irrelevant quite a while ago when other Palin-focused blogs came on the scene.

    Didn't you say you were going to publish a review of Levi's book that would have some new, revealing information. Why haven't we seen that yet? Do you have something or is this just another one of your teases.

  109. Anybody who thinks not voting is a courageous statement is an idiot. As for "not afraid to lose," what have you been smoking?

  110. Anonymous5:48 PM

    Grifter Granny Lu, We are on to you! Stop using your kids, especially TRIG to promote a myth.

    She recounted the day she was saved at a Bible camp in Alaska and her high school romance with longtime husband, Todd Palin. She said becoming a mother was the best day of her life, and provided updates on her five children: Bristol, Piper, Track, Willow and Trig.

    Palin shared intimate details of her life, including the pain of experiencing two miscarriages and the fear she felt upon learning she was pregnant with a son with Down syndrome. Today, her son Trig is a source of joy for Palin’s family with an “obvious appetite for life.”

    An “unapologetic pro-lifer,” Palin recounted the challenge of running for vice president while dealing with the unplanned pregnancy of her 17-year-old daughter, Bristol, who had the baby and later appeared as a contestant on the hit TV show, “Dancing with the Stars.”

  111. Anonymous5:49 PM

    Anonymous 4:17 PM said...

    If there will be detractors that are not from the RW, name them. Time for all the footsie under the blog table to end.
    Yes, now we are starting to guess who the detractors might be. This is not good. Possibly *innocent* people are being fingered here, which doesn't help.

    You are no doubt involved in a delicate balancing act, Jesse. I appreciate that. However, if people are being named who should not be, perhaps you could say....?

  112. Anonymous5:54 PM

    notes on her hand AGAIN

  113. Anonymous5:59 PM

    >>My only issue with Gryphen is his swallowing the Obama/Democratic BS hook, line and sinker.

    The Democrats, Obama includes, are every bit as bad as the Republicans.

    Looks like we've got a FireBagger in the house, one of those 'professional lefters'.

    Seems that YOU have been the one swallowing hook, line and sinker. I can't even begin to take the time it would take to correct your thinking, because it just makes me tired, but for you to suggest something as ludicrous as this, well, it's just boggles the mind.

    Obama is committed to advancing the country with education, with 21st Century solutions, with technological improvements. His legislative accomplishments in a matter of 2 years, were light years ahead of what any republican could even conceive of. He has taken up the cry of so many of the disenfranchised and downtrodden with a solid commitment to making their lives better. Where the hell have you been? The destruction of this country has been at the hands of the GOP, and some of the right leaning democrats. For you to make this parallel argument is really rather pathetic.

    As far a democrats, yes, there are some blue dogs that feed the corporate coffers of their special interest lobbyists, no question, but the hardcore dragging the US back into another millenium is being done by the right wing, conservative GOP players. The infiltration of the domininionist and christianist evangelical radical elements has sealed the deal. It's sure as hell not the Grand Old Party that my father was proud to be a part of so many years ago.

    It is insulting to display the level of ignorance that you are in posting on this blog. But then, that's what is so special about Gryphen, he lets people say how they feel and has the absolute security in himself and his blog that he lets even people like you comment without scrubbing things the way so many of the facebook pages and blogs are these days. He believes in healthy discussions and rigorous analysis.

    Gryphen is well educated and informed, exhaustively does his homework, and speaks his mind about all and every issue he brings to the forefront of his blog. He has been critical of Obama and supportive of Obama, which is the fair and right way to live in a democracy.

    AND to suggest that he would swallow anything 'hook, line and sinker' you are an idiot for saying this. It is indicative of your utter lack of insight into the man, what he stands for and who is he is. He shares his heart, his mind and his soul with all of us that have been lucky enough to find his blog.

    Please be more respectful of where you are and whose cyber home you frequent.

  114. Anonymous6:14 PM

    4:17- I am agreeing with you, how about getting to the point and stop beating around the bush..

  115. Gryphen, after your description of people focused only on their own fame, and "jealously and aggressively attack anybody who they feel is taking the limelight away from them", I expected to see a picture of Joe McGinniss.

    Your blind faith in him confuses me. He admitted he leaked Bailey's book because it would cut into his sales. I couldn't find the e-mail that said as much, but I know it's out there.

    Joe's done everything he could to discredit you. Yet you still lash out at anyone who disses him. Typically, I trust that you have reasons for not telling us things you know for fact, but unless you know why Maher cancelled McGinniss, why burn bridges for Joe? Would he do it for you? Absofuckinglutely not.

    McGinniss is as leaky as Sarah during her entire 6 week pregnancy. He leaked just enough of Shailey's e-mails to discredit her. Does this ring a bell? She may be mentally unstable and prone to fabrication, delusion, or both. He left out the e-mails in between where Shailey basically said she needed the documentation for her own book. How dare she take money out of poor Joe's pocket while he sleeps on an air mattress! Oops, that's Shailey bed.

    My gut feeling is that Joe leaked the e-mail between you and him. Perhaps it was an attempt to show that he would not include idle gossip in his book. I don't see how it discredits Joe at all; only you. I know you gave an interview on the subject. I also know it doesn't take days to broadcast or transcribe an interview. Again, I trust that you have reasons for holding out on sharing this interview with us. But until you tell us otherwise, I'll continue to think Joe leaked the e-mail.

    I hope you don't put me on your "coward list" for dissing Joe. I'm just saying to you what I would say to a friend who is being treated badly by someone they think the world of. And I know if I ever got the chance to meet you, I'd want to be your friend.

  116. Anonymous6:26 PM

    If Ailes hired sarah because she was hot, what excuse does he have now? She's not hot now, and she has never had anything to say. Where is he going to put her if he keeps her on Fox? I don't think the hosts of Fox really like her either and maybe resent her "attitude."

    A commenter said she heard SP was being considered for The View. one would be able to get a word in, and it would all be about Sarah, like that old schtick she pulled tonight on Fox....defending Hank Jr.....She just HAD to bring up her "victimization" by Mike Tyson who has NEVER apologized..... gag. It's ALWAYS about her. It must have been hell growing up in that family.

  117. Anonymous6:26 PM

    12 Reasons Sarah Palin Won't Run for President :

  118. Re: her appearance in Saint Louis....she and Dana went shopping together, they have the same ugly hooker shoes, different color.

  119. Anonymous6:44 PM

    IM is the one good thing Palin brought to my life. I will be visiting long after she's laughingstock of even the right wing.

  120. Anonymous6:56 PM

    Thanks for posting this link. What a hot mess X2!

    caption contest - Shift change on a corner in the redlight district?

    Remember what she said in that Iowa speech in September when the supporters thought she'd announce she was running: "Polls are for strippers and cross country skiers."

    The producers of What Not To Wear are still holding that slot for Sarah. Stacy and Clinton are SO hoping she doesn't actually show up to do the show.

  121. Anonymoose7:03 PM

    So are you going to tell all you know about Patrick and why you don't like him now that Palin isn't running?? Are you confirming that he outed Audrey to Robert Stacy McCain as Morgan has suggested in the comments before?

  122. Anonymous7:16 PM

    Well 4:37 that's so much easier to do.

    See, if a teathuglican doesn't vote - they get 4 more years of a kind, intelligent president who cares about the citizens and doesn't incite mobs that chant things like "let 'em di" and he sure doesnt' wasn't to torture women and starve kids. Times may be bad, but there's a safety net.

    On the other hand, if liberals stay home and chance a teathug president, we're on our way to Dominionism and back to the dark ages, with all their intrigue pestilence and vengeance. Remember for teathug types, teh Crusades were "the good old days."

    The risks are SO much higher for liberals.

  123. Anonymous7:28 PM

    @2:56: A "heiko?" As in the Portuguese movie or etsy crafter?

    Snow falls; a troll types
    Too dumb to google or think
    It poops out heiko.

  124. Anonymous7:41 PM


    Yes, there are ostensible allies who very clearly smell money when it comes to all things Sarah Palin, and they have said as much in recent posts... Kind of shocking how obvious they were about it, too. I am convinced some of the trouble-making on your threads has come from this same direction, as well. Sneaky, sneaky people. (I agree that in this particular case of the interest in Sarah Palin, like seemed to attract like.)

    Interestingly it has never occurred to me that you might ever seek to cash in on this whole Sarah Palin thing - and yet you'd be perfectly within your rights to do so at some point. It's just telling that I have always felt you were coming from a sincerely patriotic, righteous standpoint. Basically, you seem to have simply wanted to stop something bad from happening, namely Sarah Palin accumulating more dangerous power.

    We are with you, Jesse. No worries.

    Those others will face karmic balancing at some point or another, you can be sure of it. The vibrations coming off their activities could not be more negative. I get the heebie-jeebies whenever I come into contact with them.

    I go with my gut, and it usually does not fail me. Something tells me some very bad stuff has gone down re: Sarah Palin, between/by various bloggers. Not talking about the ones you named in your post, but I know you realize that.

    Btw, Bill Maher has never been a favorite of mine so it doesn't surprise me he caved in some way. He is always pragmatic, if nothing else.

  125. Anonymous7:52 PM

    IM won't be irrelevant and the site traffic may even grow. MeAgain arrived just as Palin was beginning her exit from the public stage. Her fiction about Palin's daily life will keep her in your readers minds. Can you comment yet on whether she has sent you any of those transcribed e-mails that were hyped as being all that.

  126. Anonymous7:54 PM

    To Sue at 6:21,
    Uncomfortable re. Joe McG?

    There's a psych principle to persuasion called "innoculation" in which one exposes people to a weak version of an argument so that they can generate their own rebuttals and easily shoot it down. After that, when REAL persuasive info comes out - the audience is less receptive and less logical than they would have been without the initial innoculation. (as in the principle of vaccines - anyway, hope I'm spelling it right).

    Lately, the name Joe McG just makes me think the words "limited hang out."

    We are with you, Gryphen.
    (whatever Joe might say about people who 'actually think they are friends' after connecting on the blogs.)

  127. Anon @ 4:37

    I think there have been some great responses to your comments here.
    I just want to support those comments further by saying that even if there is disagreement, we are trying to have an intelligent respectful discussion. Quite honestly, your comments did not sound thoughtful, instead they sounded like they were coming from an angry person having a tantrum. We can't make political decisions that way-- or else we'd end up thinking like Sarah Palin.

    By the way, I happen to agree with you regarding 9/11-- there are too many contradictions in the Bush-Cheney conspiracy explanation. But that does not lead me to the inaccurate notion that life in the US during an Obama presidency would be the same as life under a McCain administration.

  128. The flying monkey mama and her gaggle of loose ends was, I admit, the reason I started following your blog Gryph .... BUT, not anymore.... Interesting things, way past the monkey slug, have come out here, and additional insight into the insidious slash and burn mentality that runs thru this lunatic gathering of hate, and how far they are willing to go trying to create their own reality.

    There is way too much at stake ..... Like the future and it's impact on us all!!

  129. Anonymous8:00 PM

    Hmmmmm was this post a way to say "I know who you are and I know what you did"? Are you going to out them on your blog? You know this entire Palin saga has been better than a suspense novel. We get to actively participate by finding clues and writing comments, and it's free! Hours of entertainment.

  130. Anonymous8:06 PM

    @Valdez mama:

    "I have to agree with MSM peeps unbooking Joe, as there is much in his book that is baseless and flatout lies. I don't blame Joe, as he, like you, relies on other people. He couldn't know he was talking to some people who have no credibility on certain things."

    Not all of it is baseless lies. Just ask Glen Rice. And, Joe McGinnis' book is about to debut in the top 10 on the NYT best-seller's list, and is an editor's pick. Fuck the media.

    "That said, I wish you would use better judgment on some of your posts. This blog borders on trashy and has posted outright slanderous material before. You've never retracted and that' hurts your credibility in many people's eyes."

    $arah Palin is trashy and has slandered numerous people. $arah Palin has no credibilty in many people's eyes, either. Im sick of the "Leave $arah Palin alooone!" bullshit, while she is free to lie, and slander everyone else. That heartless bitch deserves what she gets.

  131. Anonymous8:08 PM

    Regardless of disclaimers elsewhere, there are some who cannot be trusted, period.

    The GOP'ers will lie through their teeth on a regular basis, and so can other people - just as skillfully.

    Go Gryphen.

  132. Anonymous8:16 PM

    "Is the source you're waiting on the same person who led you down the garden path 2 years ago when they said they were two babies in the Palin home? Suckers will believe anything."

    @12:37 PM

    Its you Palin bots that are the suckers. You fools gave that fraud all your fucking money, because she made you believe that she was going to run for president.

    Anonymous sources aren't always liars. 'Deep Throat' was an anonymous source. Asshole.

  133. Anonymous8:20 PM

    "It's called compassion and human decency, something Riehl, McCain and every other conservative have."

    @12:38 PM

    Adolph Hitler was a conservative. You shitheads don't know what compassion and human decency are.

  134. Anonymous8:24 PM

    "There is nothing Sarah says doesnt make logical sense in the long run."

    @12:39 PM

    Logical? I can't even understand half the word salad that comes out of her mouth. She is crazy and dumb.

  135. Anonymous8:32 PM

    So glad you did this post. Nowhere in your mission statement does it ever mention Sarah Palin. IM was and never will be a Sarah Palin specific blog.
    You speak to the truth on many issues, equal rights, racism, DOMA, OWS, feminism, the right to choose, Theism, Religion, Athesim, The rights of the disabled, children, LGBT rights.
    You've called out bad polititians who are democrats, independents, and Republicans.
    This was, is, and always will be the most relevant "defunct" blog on the net.

    I hate to say this, but I only have Sarah Palin to thank for finding my oasis of truth, it was shortly before she got picked that I visited religiously (and it pains me to say that, because I'm an athesist- am I a hypocrite as well?)

    At any rate, keep doing what you do best.

    Thanks for the update on "Fred"'s book and what it's up against. I totally understand, and it's better to plan well an win, than fail to plan an lose. I can wait and hope others can as well.

  136. Anonymous8:33 PM

    "This is a sad statement considering the number of lies written on this blog."

    @12:40 PM

    Sad coming from a Palin-bot, considering the number of lies that come from $arah Palin, who strung her idiot supporters along (while robbing them blind), and was named 2009's "Liar of the Year."

    Did you ask the grifter for a refund, yet?

  137. Anonymous8:34 PM

    "However, I wish you would retract things that are obvious lies and also NOT report baseless rumors. I know this is an opinion blog and you rely solely on other people, but I wish you'd use better judgment to weed out bullshit."

    @12:46 PM

    Is that you, $arah? If so, you go first.

  138. Anonymous8:45 PM

    @1:07 PM

    "I don't understand whom you're attacking as fame and money seekers. The people you mention by name, all right wing folks, are merely just compassionate and passionate beings seeking to enlighten the koolaid drinking left."

    Kool-aid drinking conservatives dont know what the fuck compassion means! Hilter was a conservative, Timothy McVeigh was a conservative. Both bad guys that I'm sure you think you think were "compassinate." You jerks are the ones who need to be enlighted.

    Unlike Gryphen, Andrew Breitbart IS being sued for slander.

    Just shut-up. You're annoying.

  139. Anonymous8:48 PM

    @4:37 We can't forget that 9-11 was an inside job.It really fucking burns my ass that the left wingers give Obama a high-five on taking out Osama. What a crock of shit, fuck MSM, fuck Obama, that Tim Osman CIA stooge has been dead for years. Oh, yeah, DNA from a half-sister. Not. Mitochondrial DNA is female to female. Y DNA is through male bloodline. Fuck Obama, Msm, that fake shit of taken out Osama never happened. And in case you have any doubts, the Seal team was shot down in Afganistan. Dead men tell no tales. You people want to believe that Obama got Osama, I can sell you a fake pregnancy, too. Now wake the Hell up.

  140. Anonymous8:51 PM

    "It sounds like you're projecting."

    @2:19 PM

    No, that would be you trolls.

  141. @3:09 I've been thinking the same thing for months that the baby might belong to the Coles. Do you know if one of them had a baby around that time?

    carrie b

  142. Anonymous9:18 PM

    @4:37 PM

    What an asinine comment.

  143. Anonymous9:23 PM


    "You became irrelevant quite a while ago when other Palin-focused blogs came on the scene."

    $arah Palin and her bots sure don't think this blog is irrelevent, since they are always trolling here.

  144. Anonymous9:31 PM

    Anon @7:54:

    Everything you said went right over my head. I can't even tell if you're talking about me, Joe or Gryphen. Rest assured I have Gryphen's back.

    Joe's been implying that anyone that has information they can't or won't share with him is not a credible source. I will not be surprised if the attacks on Fred's book come from the best-selling author himself. I just hope Gryphen is prepared too.

    Anon @6:44, I concur!

  145. Anonymous9:40 PM

    To the Koch-paid troll @ 4:37; You are very welcome to keep away from the political scene, but please don't encourage others not to vote. Civil rights protection for gays (and everyone else-) and womens' reproductive rights ARE life-and-death issues, you maroon.

    Wild Tortoise.

  146. Anonymous10:23 PM

    I think Fred may be up against guys like David Korn and some of the HP writers.

    Last week we learned that the Koch boys have been doing business with Iran. The "left" press has shuffled this story to the bottom of the pile. There are Dems calling for some investigations but the press is pretty silent.

  147. Anonymous1:30 AM

    From Ziegler's column:

    Your PAC’s fundraising numbers have never been spectacular and just before your decision they put out a fundraising letter all but asking supporters to show how much they want you in the race (now that you have decided not to run, are you going to return the money?). Evidently, the response was not nearly what you had hoped or expected.


    Yes - will she give the money back ?

    And, where the hell is her 3rd quarter PAC report ?

    Where is the FEC ?

    The IRS ?

  148. To Anon's 5:48, 5:59, 7:16 and 9:16...

    I worked for Obama's election, but I lost all faith in him before he ever took office -- with the selection of his cabinet. When he put the same corporate Democrat Rubinite assholes in charge of treasury, the very ones who created the 2008 financial mess, I knew he was a total fraud.

    One-by-one talented, decent people who worked for him -- Paul Volcker, Elizabeth Warren, Van Jones, Zoe Baird --- have been thrown under the bus. Obama won't stand and fight for anything. He bargained away a public option in secret before the health care debate even began, despite over 70 percent public support for it in 2009.

    But most of all, my problem with Obama has to do with his justice department and how he and it has not only not investigated, but actively blocked investigations into torture and the Wall Street crash.

    Failure to prosecute a war crime is a war crime, according to the Geneva Coventions. I didn't make the rules. Just stating a fact.

    And what about Bradley Manning? Held in solitary confinement for nearly a year being accused (not tried or convicted mind you) of embarrassing our government by exposing its crimes?

    If that's the America you want to live in, then you should reconsider your definition of ignorance.

    Oh, yeah, he has taken the concepts of government secrecy and executive privilege to levels Bush, Cheney and Yoo could only dream of -- assassinating U.S. citizens without due process? Jesus, I don't even think a President Palin would do that.

    Obama and the Democrats know that all they have to do is say the words "Bachman" or "Palin" and that all the good liberals will shit their pants and run to vote for them.

    That's why things will never change and liberals and progressives will continue to be not only ignored, but insulted. People on here constantly bitch about the Koch Brothers, but the same people are funding both parties.

    Obama may be the candidate who is "committed to advancing the country with education, with 21st Century solutions, with technological improvements," and whatever other Kool Aid 5:59 was spouting, but what in the hell good is that going to do us when we are all living under debt peonage in the freakin' oligarchy your man working overtime to impose on us?

    The last three years have been no better, if not worse, than W's 3rd term would have been. We're still in Iraq, we've doubled down on Afghanistan, and have expanded the wars into three or four other countries where we're drone bombing women and children.

    It makes me embarrassed to be an American and it's worse than Bush/Cheney or any other Republican. We know they are assholes. We expect and deserve more from people who claim to be Democrats.

  149. Anonymous4:20 AM

    Wasn't there supposed to be an HBO tv-movie version of one the the books about Sarah Palin? I cannot remember the title but there was lots of talk about the star who was to play Sarah.

  150. Anonymous4:29 AM

    Anon @ 12:37

    Is the source you're waiting on the same person who led you down the garden path 2 years ago when they said they were two babies in the Palin home? Suckers will believe anything.

    12:37 PM


    I have to agree with the last part of your post. If you send more money she might run for president.


  151. Anonymous4:40 AM

    Anonymous said...
    @4:37 We can't forget that 9-11 was an inside job.It really fucking burns my ass that the left wingers give Obama a high-five on taking out Osama. What a crock of shit, fuck MSM, fuck Obama, that Tim Osman CIA stooge has been dead for years. Oh, yeah, DNA from a half-sister. Not. Mitochondrial DNA is female to female. Y DNA is through male bloodline. Fuck Obama, Msm, that fake shit of taken out Osama never happened. And in case you have any doubts, the Seal team was shot down in Afganistan. Dead men tell no tales. You people want to believe that Obama got Osama, I can sell you a fake pregnancy, too. Now wake the Hell up.

    8:48 PM

    While I agree with you that the 9/11 tale we were told is bullshit, and that Tim Osman was a CIa operative, and that Osama died of kidney failure in late 2001 0r early 2002, I need to correct your mitochondrial DNA statement:
    It comes from the mother and goes to both sons and daughters, not just female to female. One of the mysteries of biology. There is a disease called MERRF syndrome which is caused by mitochondrial DNA problem from the mom and boys get it too. This is how I know mitochondrial DNA comes from mamas.

    The MERRF syndrome is caused by a maternally-inherited mutation at position 8344 in the mitochondrial genome in over 80% of cases. This point mutation disrupts the mitochondrial gene for tRNA-Lys and so disrupts synthesis of proteins essential for oxidative phosphorylation.

    In sexual reproduction, mitochondria are normally inherited exclusively from the mother. The mitochondria in mammalian sperm are usually destroyed by the egg cell after fertilization. Also, most mitochondria are present at the base of the sperm's tail, which is used for propelling the sperm cells. Sometimes the tail is lost during fertilization. In 1999 it was reported that paternal sperm mitochondria (containing mtDNA) are marked with ubiquitin to select them for later destruction inside the embryo.[4] Some in vitro fertilization techniques, particularly injecting a sperm into an oocyte, may interfere with this.

    The fact that mitochondrial DNA is maternally inherited enables researchers to trace maternal lineage far back in time.

    Hope thwt helps. The US probabably had DNA back from when he died earlier and pulled it out when needed.

  152. Dis Gusted said...
    not surprised that Maher cancelled Joe's appearance. He blasted Joe for moving in next door to Palin last summer.
    2:57 PM
    Yes, but then why would he have scheduled McGinniss to begin with?

    With Palin out of the race, were the last jokes to be had by the show host in the opening monologue?

    Was this a case of typical media; she's officially old news, so a book about her is ho-hum (less money), so quick, schedule some other author?

  153. Anonymous4:46 AM

    I didn't even get half way through the comments and I see the trolls are out in full force!
    You hit a nerve somewhere, Gryphen.
    Keep up the great work!!

    mary b

  154. Anonymous4:51 AM


    Has anon238 (me again) commented lately?
    I love reading her/his comments!!
    If anyone has a link to the most recent, I sure would appreciate it!!

    mary b

  155. Good grief, people! I see nothing in 4:37's comment to justify such a vitriolic reaction among a few. Not everybody who appreciates Gryphen will also fall lockstep with all your other views. We CAN come from different places and still agree on some things.

    I've been reading and commenting here almost daily for over three years and, like some others, don't bother with Huffpo much any more. Mudflats only occasionally. I guess I kinda like it around here. With or without Palin. I also agree that the truth about Trig must be exposed. The details of that story are just too weird.

  156. Anonymous5:34 AM

    The photo of Palin leading into this thread, shows the essence of her mental illness. Batchit crazy is written all over her face, in that photo. Her family needs to intervene and get her the need mental health therapy she so greatly needs.

  157. Anonymous6:02 AM

    And in case you have any doubts, the Seal team was shot down in Afganistan.


    while members of the Seal team were shot down, none of them were of the same crew that killed OBL.

  158. Anonymous6:31 AM

    @ 3:33, I don't have words.

    Talk about spinning every single bad thing that has happened on Obama's watch, or every thing that is still undone, and then having the audacity to cap it off with saying that not only has Obama disappointed you but that he is WORSE than Bush and Cheney... Well, you completely lost me there and you lost all reasonable credibility.

    Be bitter and disappointed, be so idealistic you appear to live on another planet and not in this imperfect democracy of ours; go right ahead.

    Stay away from the polling booth in 2012, or campaign for and vote for a more "worthy" Democrat or Independent (who can't possibly get elected).

    But don't start whining if by some horrible chance the GOP gets back into the White House. This time, there will be no passing the buck. It will be your fault. Live with what happens then. If you think the Bush Cheney days are preferable to living through this era (that they helped usher in, no question about it), have at it. Enjoy yourself. And don't bother with your huhmmana huhmmanas then because people won't hear it.

    At some point you have to stop living in a world of "no", "not good enough", "conspiracy!", and just f'ing get something good done. Maybe you do that on a daily basis. Keep it up, if so.

    If not, please be quiet and let the rest of us handle this.

  159. Anonymous6:53 AM

    @Andrew, no offense but you sound naive. Do you really think one president was going to take on the entire military industrial complex by himself? No one, especially not a family man, is that stupid. Did you not read that his advisors feared a military coup when he took office in 2009? Grow up. This country was decimated--left in shambles by Bush-Cheney who grew the military industrial complex deliberately; he cannot clean it up by himself. He cannot clean up the justice dept. by himself. If we had a Democratic congress and a Democratic senate...oh wait, we did. They did nothing. Then they lost.

  160. Anonymous7:05 AM

    3:33AM -- Applauding you!

    Watching Obama bend over for Republicans while belittling his own followers, the progressives and liberals who worked so hard to get Obama elected, sickens me. For the first 2/3's of his presidency that's what Obama's done. NOW he remembers that he has to run for reelection so he's trying to turn the clock back to 2008 when his hope and change message worked.

    But he has a LOT of damage to undo before he can get it to work again.

    And I love you, 3:33, for cutting through the sentimentality and accurately detailing so many reasons why a vote for Obama is just like a vote for a Republican, and why so many people now have good reason for considering it a wasted vote.

  161. emrysa8:59 AM

    boy there sure are alot of people on this post shitting on obama.

    sorry to say, that if you really are pissed off that he hasn't made this country into what you want, then you really have no idea how this country works. the billionaires run this place, and they always will. once you understand that, everything this government does makes sense. the billionaires own the media, and therefore control the message. 12:28 pm gets it. "Mostly it's about controlling people to think in a certain direction. They really are about controlling outcomes."

    obama is a good man who wants to live to see another day. who can blame him.

  162. Anonymous2:48 PM

    Been thinking about this for a v.e.r.y long time and well, here it is.

    I don't think Levi had a clue as to what was going on in Baby Gate and I also don't think Bristol did. I think they were blindsided by the announcement like everyone else.

    I think Sarah planted those test strips for Willow to find to support here story.

    Don't think it was Track's as Britta was in Europe and in her pics clearly not pregnant. And I don't think Bristol had Trig.

    Now here's the WAY OUT part. I think Sarah actually told us where Trig came from on her reality show. Yep, crazy huh? but it may make sense.

    Sarah and crew fly to Dillingham and who do they meet? Why that would be Trig's cousin "See Trig, he has down syndrome too" He's a bit older but my overactive imagination says Hmmm is this kid really Trig's brother? Or is Trig Todd's illigitimate son from Dillingham. With the remote location and the family ties I think the fold there would certainly protect him. It would also be easier to borrow different "Trigs" And also have a place for him to be from time to time.

    I don't believe Sarah felt she had ANY choice when finding out about this baby except to punt through it to save her career and in doing so made Tawd pay dearly and daily and becoming her virtual slave and whipping post.

    Bottom line, there doesn't seem to be a lot of love for Trig from Sarah and I think this may be the reason.

    There.. Wild Imagination Run Amuck!

  163. Anonymous4:57 PM

    andrew at 3:33

    someone who tells the truth is called a "firebagger"

    i commend you

    the biggest terrorist organization in the world - the one that has killed far more civilians with bombs in the last half century than all the others put together - is THE UNITED STATES AIR FORCE

    this ugly reality will have to be confronted before our country gets its humanity back

    rave on, mad democratic dogs - your president is a war criminal - your country - our country - continues to commit crimes against humanity every day

  164. Anonymous6:10 PM

    Crimes against humanity is right. Did you see what Sarah was wearing at that speech?

  165. UK Reader7:13 AM

    Until Sarah Palin retires completely and permanently into private life, I for one will continue reading here, grateful to see this dangerously ignorant woman (foisted on us by the Christian Right and the MSM) exposed as the fraud she is.

    (I appreciate the non-Palin-related posts too.)

    Thanks for all you do. Gryphen. You, Laura Novak, and Malia Litman are true heroes. (A tip of the hat to Joe McGuinniss and Geoffrey Dunn too.)


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.