Saturday, October 22, 2011

Michele Bachmann's ENTIRE New Hampshire staff up and quits. Is it wrong that this absolutely cracks me up?

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I heard about this through the day, but until I saw this clip I did not realize just how abrupt it had been.

Meet the GOP Presidential field, each one more ridiculous than the one before.


  1. Anonymous7:32 PM

    Maybe they didn't have a chance to tell Michele due to the Rapture. They were taken; Michele (with one 'l' wasn't).

  2. So Michele is going to go to her fall-back position and give oral to some more corn dogs in Iowa and, from there, it's just a hop, skip and a jump to the White House. Is she on the same meds as Sarah?

  3. Anonymous7:49 PM

    Funny is funny. No need to feel ashamed Gryphen. It cracks me up also, too. The GOP clown car is filled with funny goobers.

  4. Olivia7:50 PM

    Not wrong at all. Enjoy over and over again. Marcus and Michele were put on earth to provide amusement to all sane people...and to make Sarah Palin writhe in jealousy.

  5. Sally in MI7:56 PM

    Yes, the GOP is in disarray, and the President's calmness, his dignity, and his correct decisions are making them even crazier. Wonder what they will do when they finally realize that the American people have had more than enough of their "no tax" lies, their "the GOP wants to create jobs" lies and their horrible treatment of the President? They thought 2012 was in the bag, and now they find themselves in the bag, with the rope tightening around their scrawny necks every day. Ah, the irony.

  6. lwtjb8:05 PM

    I recently heard a quote from Michelle Bachman that sounded actually sane. In fact, she sounded more sane than any one of the other GOP candidates. I cannot for the life of me tell you what it was she said. My brain refuses to assimilate any of those crazies.

  7. Anonymous8:45 PM

    I had to snicker at the phrase "...her strong christian faith..."

    This is the evil witch who, along with Calhoun Cain, spoke of murdering women and children crossing the border from Mexico, to the cheers of the dredges of society who attend Republican debates.

    The REAL Jesus Christ may just be smacking this pitiful creature upside the head, with all these setbacks we are hearing about.

    Like Palin's little piggies, I'm sure Bachmann's fanclub and old men who masturbate to her posters, will continue to idolize the Crazy One, despite any of this.

  8. Anonymous8:49 PM


    Found this tidbit quite interesting. Remember Palin's speech in California????

    Apparently, we need haz mat suits to wipe the vile she leaves in her wake... the comments are a hoot!

  9. Olivia9:04 PM

    @lwtjb...was it the flub she made when she said she wanted to return to the tax rates when Reagan was president? She didn't know what the fsck she was talking about and made perfect sense for the first time in her public career.

  10. Anonymous9:21 PM

    Well she does have 28 kids she could put to work.

  11. Gasman9:28 PM

    What's equally funny is that Bachmann and Ed Rollins are sniping at each other.

    “When it comes to personnel issues, I act professionally and respectful of former employees,” she said. “I just assume that’s a two-way street. It’s disappointing when it’s not.”

    When it was pointed out that Mr. Rollins has a history of speaking sharply about candidates who once employed him, Mrs. Bachmann offered a tight smile. “I guess I should have done that Google search,” she said.

    But as you would expect from a former boxer, Rollins quickly counterpunched.

    “Well, if I would have Googled her, I would have found out she had 6 chiefs of staff in 5 years.”

    I am not aware of ANY other politician in our nation's history that has gone through the number of staffers that she has. She changes chiefs of staff seemingly faster than she changes her sensible shoes.

    The ONLY explanation for the revolving door on both her Congressional and campaign offices is that her staffers don't really believe she is a moron until they begin working for her. Once they realize that she really IS as stupid as her reputation suggests, they bail.

    What is so amazing is that Rollins fell for her "I'm not the imbecile I appear to be" schtick. Rollins is certainly a soulless GOP hack who willingly whores himself out to some of the most loathsome miscreant Republican lowlifes, so long as they pay, but I did not think him to be so gullible as to hitch his star to a buffoon such as Bachmann.

    The woman is an idiot.

  12. Anonymous9:35 PM

    Not wrong at all, in fact it's worthy of a Darwin Award!

    I played it twice and still can't stop laughing!

    "A huge blow to the Bachman Campaign........mass exodus...."

    Can't wait for the comedic geniuses to chime in.

  13. Our Lad10:09 PM

    I wish she would stay and stay and never, ever leave, along with her "younger than springtime" husband. These characters could not be more entertaining if they tried. You cannot buy laughs like these from any comic or writer,these kinda yuks can only be provided by a
    Republican. The irony challenged, the hoodwinked,the true innocents, the last in the lifeboats. Shazam, a decoy,Andy. Shazam.

  14. Sweet anny10:45 PM

    Okeeee...I am going O/T, for just a sec here.

    I have noticed so many new people here, and all since your blog has been deemed "defunct".

    It's really nice to see our little community and endeavour grow.

    This is still my favourite place and I think it's really neat to see all the new people.

    Are you sure you didn't plant the "defunct" rumour yourself?

    Sheer brilliance, whoever did it.

    Stick around everybody, we're not done yet, and some of the other blogs are dragging up.

    Onward and upward, Gryphen. Happy daze.

  15. You know, there is just no good way to spin "Oh no--no one's quit....But....uh....We can't seem to reach anybody on the phone....What's that? Campaign in disarray? Whatever would give you that idea?"

    Still, after seeing this clip, some woman I'd never seen before came up to me, and she told me that SHE once ran for president. But then, all of this woman's staff in N.H. quit, and the woman's daughter became mentally retarded!

  16. Anonymous3:09 AM

    The implication they know something we don't sends chills up my spine....even on the face of it she's a nutcase,yet they were willing accomplices....

  17. It IS funny. Couldn't happen to a more deserving nutcake.

  18. Anonymous5:57 AM

    I'm surprised it took them this long. I wouldn't be surprised if those who jumped ship have boarded the S.S. Romney or the S.S. Huntsman.

  19. Anonymous6:32 AM

    Is it wrong that I'm enjoying the pain this all must be bringing to the Palinites? They see Bachmann's campaign in disarray, Perry flailing and failing in the debates, Cain flubbing the all-important abortion questions, the growing likelihood that the despised Romney will be the candidate, and yet their beloved queen wouldn't run! Why, oh why, did god lead her so astray! This has got to be killing them.

    Oh, and Palin said she wouldn't run as a third party candidate. Will she really suck it up and campaign for Romney? What would the Palinites think of her then?

  20. Anonymous6:43 AM

    I know where her staff are...they're working on the immigration wall she so proudly declared she would build, that explains it!!!

    If I have to listen to her loud, nasally voice at another debate, as she over-emphasizes B-a-r-a-c-k O-b-a-m-a, blah blah,I may need some earplugs! When she loses the GOP nomination maybe she and Marcus can open a political/religious shop at the Mall of America!

  21. Anonymous10:06 AM

    This is a little extra butter and salt on my schadenfreude popcorn. The entire New Hampshire staff quit, and DID NOT tell her!! Wow, I guess that whole "two weeks notice" idea was out of the question.

    I also notice the very first conclusion she or her staff jumped to was a fellow Republican candidate trying to start a negative rumor about her campaign. Bhaha! So much for "mutual respect" - these weasels are out for each others blood.

    As someone else noted above, the Palin-ites must be crying in their beer every night as the GOP clown car lurches down the road without SP clinging to the hood ornament.

  22. Anonymous11:01 AM

    Sheez - did someone remember to turn the lights off?

  23. Anonymous11:05 AM

    Hmmmm.... any news on why? usually, staffers won't quit no matter what happens to the $ situation if they are true believers in the candidate.

    Or, they are told their state doesn't matter, suck it up we're doing Iowa and we don't care what you think - n that case, even if they are getting paid, they will quit.

    And if it's both, no money and no respect - this is the result.

    Actually gives me hope that there are some thinking individuals on the Repub side.

  24. Anonymous3:39 PM

    Rich people just don't get it that working stiffs have bills to pay, food to by, gas to pump and so they actually need a steady income.

    The arrogance, ignorance, stupidity of not knowing that should disqualify anyone from holding any position of responsibility.

  25. Anonymous11:44 AM

    I find it hilarious that it happened to Bachmann. What I don't understand is why anyone who has seen her speak in public wouldn't believe that she's a 14-karat moron. All I can say is that anyone who chooses to be on her staff must like the idea of pain. It's got to be painful to be subjected to her non-stop imbecility.


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