ABC News.
I like how Wallace simply cannot bring herself to definitively state that the woman that the McCain chose to put on the ticket was mentally ill. As if saying it out loud will suddenly bring into sharp focus just what a tragic thing they almost did to this country.
Well I have no such compunctions. Trust me that woman is out of her fucking mind!
Courtesy of
F Nicole Wallace, Steve Schmidt and most importantly that traitorous John McCain for foisting this cancer upon our country. I would not read Wallace's book if you paid me, much less spend ANY of my hard earned money on her drivel.
ReplyDeleteBitch should have said something three years ago.
typo in first line
ReplyDelete"simply cannot brig"
brig s/b bring
(it's not a biggy, but it brought me to a puzzled halt, so I thought I'd mention it.
Her and Schmidt are acting so noble ratting on how crazy palin is . But they are the ones that did not vet her in the first place.
ReplyDeletein the end someone will tell: What did John McCain know and when did he know it?
ReplyDeleteThis interview screamed to me, "Nicole's lawyer has reminded her to tone it down a bit."
ReplyDeleteWallace and Schmidt are just as guilty as McCain for promoting this totally unqualified, low I.Q. person to run for high office. They did all they could to HELP her!! I think that amounts to TREASON. Had Palin been a democratic contender, Wallace and Schmidt would have been front and center, pointing out that she was totally unfit. That will never happen. Democrats want INTELLIGENT people representing them, not half-assed bimbo losers.
ReplyDeleteI just thought that if Palin herself told all she knew, she could rake in a fortune!! Tell all about how people covered up for her, destroyed photos, intimidated people, told her what to say at rallys to rile up the "good ol' boys" wrote her screeches. That information would be worth a ton of money. She could blow the whistle on the whole corrupt g.o.p. old boys.
ReplyDeleteThese people are covering John McCain's ASS! People (reporters, producers, senators, representatives) in Washington, D.C. are his friends, neighbors, and colleagues. They know exactly how crazy Sarah is, but they don't want you to know how reckless they were for pageant walkin' her onto that stage at the RNC.
ReplyDeleteI have no respect for Wallace - no matter how she tries to spin the story now. All of the McCain staff turned a blind eye to the warning signs.
ReplyDeletePat Padrnos
Nicolle would have continued to cover for Palin if McCain had won..
ReplyDeleteShe is a good little GOP storm trooper.... and will always follow orders.
What I want to ask both Wallace and Steve Schmidt is "when did you learn about Palin's faked pregnancy?"
ReplyDeleteBoth of those assholes put concerns for their country behind transient partisan gain. They are both loathsome miscreants whose only path to salvation lies in coming TOTALLY clean on Sarah Palin, her imbecility, her emotional immaturity, AND her faked pregnancy.
When Wallace gains enough courage to do that, then I'll cut her some slack. Until then, she's just another GOP party hack shithead.
i hope you all realize that it was joes book that brought these people to finally start speaking up.
ReplyDeleteRush Limbaugh Tries His Best To Persuade Heartbroken Palin Supporter That It Just Ain’t Happening
Let's Talk About Fraud
ReplyDeleteSo, Sarah's not running for President. Surprised? You shouldn't be. My only question is when the fraud investigation is going to start. And there should be a fraud investigation, specifically concerning SarahPAC. Oh, sure, the actions of Sarah Palin herself over especially the past year don't necessarily qualify as an outright scam. One doesn't strictly have to be gearing up for a political campaign in order to hop in a bus emblazoned with a picture of one's self superimposed upon the U.S. constitution and stop at every major rally by a confirmed candidate ahead of a presidential primary. No, that behavior can belong to a crazy person just as easily as a campaigning politician. It could also belong to someone who profits financially from the appearance of a presidential campaign, but that's fairly circumstantial, isn't it?
What isn't vague or circumstantial is the way SarahPAC, with the help of documents written, published and acknowledged by Palin herself, solicited donations to the committee by rather unambiguously suggesting that Palin would be using those funds to establish a campaign. Thanks to Little Miss Motormouth, also known as Bristol "No Marketable Skills but Pointless Fame" Palin, we know that Sarah Palin had made her decision about whether or not to run many months ago. This means, for those who are following along, that Sarah Palin and SarahPAC solicited donations from supporters based on an intentionally misleading premise. That, readers, is straight-up fraud.
And here's the funny part: Palin didn't even need the SarahPAC money. It has always been but a drop in the bucket. The woman has been making six figures per speaking engagement since leaving the Governor's mansion of Alaska. Both her contract with Fox News and her many book deals were seven-figure arrangements (not counting royalties), ditto her short-lived reality show. Even without SarahPAC paying for her family vacations and other luxuries, the woman was and is a millionaire several times over. More to the point, all of the money she made through her endeavors outside SarahPAC have been completely legal. Defrauding her supporters through SarahPAC was totally unnecessary.
That's the heart of it, though. Greed is the word we're looking for. The only thing that could drive an already very wealthy person to manipulate her supporters into giving her even more money is greed. That or Sarah Palin has some sort of extraordinarily expensive vice that needs hundreds of thousands of dollars a month to keep rolling. But I don't think Sarah Palin is a cocaine addict or an eater of endangered species. No, that'd be too simple. Instead, she's just a shameless dollar chaser who took her sense of ethics out to the woods and shot it years ago.
Part of me wants to see this woman fall hard, wants to see some class action lawsuit and federal fraud charges rise to consume every last dime she has. There's another part of me, though, that realizes who exactly Sarah Palin has defrauded. She didn't take my money, didn't take money from reasonable people or otherwise worthwhile organizations. Sarah Palin has always only taken money from people who don't know any better. A person who donates to SarahPAC deserves to get taken. It may not be legal, it may be a symptom of a much deeper, systematic rot, but it's hard to feel sorry for the people who wanted Sarah Palin to be President.
Gosh Nicolle, where were you when the country needed you in 2008, to expose a mentally challenged vice-presidential candidate? (Remember: Country First ?)
ReplyDeleteYou're a few years late and quite a few million dollars short.
Shame on Nicolle Wallace, Steve Schmidt and most of all John McCain, for letting this sham go on for so long.
The Global Misperception of Sarah Palin
Gryphen, thankfully, doesn't have to mince words! "Out of her fucking mind" is as direct as it gets.
ReplyDelete"...really troubling lows when she seemed stumped in interviews and then IN PRIVATE it was MORE serious than that." [emphasis added]
Through her fiction, Wallace tells us that if McCain/Palin won, McCain would have been impeached due to his running mate's mental illness. This is serious shit.
Meanwhile, the move to discredit Wallace and Schmidt is on. Charlie Black says they're making it up.
I'm deeply troubled that the most Schmidt and Wallace seem able to do, given our system, is to use carefully worded statements to let us know that Palin showed mentally ill behavior. We need to change the system so it won't happen again.
I do think this is ultimately what will keep her from running for public office again. And, also too, it doesn't take much to imagine that someone who is mentally ill would fake a pregnancy for political gain.
Now that I've read Nicole's book, I'm sorry I bought it. Don't read this post if you don't want to know what happens.
ReplyDeleteThis is what happens: The president is almost impeached because of the "mentally ill" vp's craziness. Then the vp resigns. And goes back to NY without her controlling husband. And all is well. BORING !!!!!
This really disturbs me.
ReplyDeleteSo they knew Sarah Palin was exhibiting erratic behavior at the very least mania. But because they (McCain team) knew they were going to lose they did nothing about it? It is rather dumbfounding actually.
if i didn't know what kind of things she'd done, i'd like this woman, based on a first impression
Several have posted this photo but I've not seen anyone point out this detail- look closely between Piper and Willow. There is what looks like a baby girl's leg on the empty chair there. Sure, it could be another of Piper's dolls, but...
Also, too: everyone was wearing red at the GO RED event. Even Sarah had a red scarf to go with her linebacker shoulders/amazon purchased stinky foam belly.
But the two most obvious candidates for actually having had the baby -Bristol and Willow- are in BLACK hoodies with greasy hair, looking exhausted. I daresay it looks like one could have recently given birth and the other could be losing sleep on account of her sister's new 2am screamer. Either way, I feel like Sarah made them go, purposely had them stand out, and made sure they were photographed...because the rumors of Bristol's pregnancy were already well in effect even before Sarah announced hers. She KNEW people would cry foul and she knew putting them in bulky black sweatshirts would leave the teens looking just ambiguous enough so that nobody could tell whether or not either girl looked post partum.
I really pray these days the hoax is broken soon. The thought of these babies, and even the rotten Palin kids being taken advantage of, is just heartbreaking.
And suddenly I'm understanding why Mercede, Shitfire, MeAgain, et al ultimately don't say more than is already known. That timeline of fires? Holy crap. And if the guy murdered the day after SP's RNC speech IS related to Dar Miller? Holy crap X 1 million.
Glorious troubling lows.....deeply disturbed, withdrawn....gosh that seems like it would have to be bipolar disorder.
ReplyDeleteI can understand why Nicole won't say Griftitia the Wasillan Wench is mentally ill. As litigious as Griftitia is it's probably for the best. I have no doubt Wallace could possibly open herself up to a Palin bullshit lawsuit. And definitely a truckload of criticism. Sort of like when Dr. Bill Frist tried diagnosing Terri Shciavo from the Senate floor.
ReplyDeleteIt's one thing for us, on a blog, to type that Griftitia is unstable or mentally ill but it's quite different when a political spokestoad/author goes on national TV and says it. I think everyone knows that Palin is not fit for anything: motherhood, 1/2 term governing and spewing her utter ignorance in foreign countries.
Bottom line is Wallace and Shmidt have pretty much let everyone know Palin was damaged goods and would have been unfit for office.
What really PISSES me off is that these 2 championed that wench during the 2008 campaign KNOWING this. Far as I'm concerned instead of applauding their now new found honesty they ought to be shunned until they both make a national apology for their part in that grifters run for office.
You won't get any argument from me, Gryph! I'm still seething over SK.
ReplyDeleteSo they were plotting a coup of sorts if McCain had won. They had to. They probably already heard the stories of suspicious deaths around the Palins and were rightly worried that Sarah could end up in the oval office.
ReplyDeleteMcCain and his crappy advisers brought the US *this close* to Armageddon.
I cannot hold this woman up as some kind of hero for stating the obvious three years later.
ReplyDeleteMs. Wallace will always be someone who only wanted to win at all costs and put the mentally ill, uneducated, unfit Palin a heartbeat from the presidency. I'm not impressed that she is going around telling anyone who will listen how 'troubled' Stupid Sarah is -- now.
Seriously, guys, are you willing to lose your jobs, your livelihoods, your homes to bring down Palin?
ReplyDeleteI'm not.
I understand the anger we all have at Schmidt and Wallace, but they couldn't have spoken out and kept any semblance of their careers. They simply couldn't. Before you attack them, could you have done differently?
And yes, yes, I know, we'd never have taken that job in the first place, but c'mon. People are people, and they're not all like us.
Want to get mad at someone? Well, McCain's a good candidate. He has more money than God and is near death, he could have taken her down without losing anything.
As it turns out, he's lost everything anyway -- the respect of the entire nation, and probably most of his family. Deservedly so.
Wasn't Nicolle the one who asked a reporter who inquired about Palin's questionable last pregnancy 'Do you want me to talk about what came out of the governor's vagina?' or some such nonsense?
ReplyDeleteShe can go straight to hell along with McCain, Palin and that entire scummy cabal.
Re: 1:02 PM
ReplyDeleteThat figures. Republicans are still too thick to understand what an impeachable offense is. High crimes, people, high crimes!!! You can't impeach someone just because you don't like them and you can't impeach someone because you disagree with their opinions. At least, you're not supposed to.
Ditto to what Gasman said.
ReplyDeleteWallace and Schmidt knew that Sarah was unstable. They admitted that if McCain was elected, they had a plan to side line Sarah and keep her away from power. That's quite a statement considering that the guy they were promoting for President was 72 years old and had a history of cancer multiple times. They knew how unqualified and unstable Palin was, and putting her that close to the Presidency is an act of treason as far as I'm concerned. It's it's not treason, it is certainly unpatriotic.
ReplyDeleteWallace has said that she knows stuff about Palin, stuff that would prevent her from ever serving in office again. Wallace will only release the information if Palin gets close to the White House.
The problem is that Palin CAN do just as much harm without her title. She had cross hairs, targets and death panels when she was out of office. Wallace should simply put Palin out of commission, once and for all instead of teasing us that she can do it if Palin becomes a serious candidate. Palin is a serious threat along with some of the other Tea Party and Republican crazies. Wallace is looking to cash in on her information-- some patriot!
The sad thing is that she and Schmidt probably think they're heros for their big talk about a "coup" to get rid of Sarah. They probably think they were very brave and professionally daring to even consider such a thing...Yeah, well, every time the president gets a racist threat, it's effing Nicole Wallace's fault and she should effing put THAT in her novel.
ReplyDeletejadez said...
ReplyDeletei hope you all realize that it was joes book that brought these people to finally start speaking up.
12:56 PM
Huh? It was obviously Wallace's book that prompted Wallace to talk. She and Schmidt appeared on Rachel Maddow to promote her book, which was released shortly before Joe's.
Anon 1 @12:33 - That is a great point. She could make tons of cash if she ratted those clowns out. Unfortunately, she still thinks she's a player with the GOP/Teabaggers so she won't do that.
ReplyDeleteGive it a few months until the 'speaking' engagements dry up -- then I'll bet Stupid will be willing to talk.
As long as the price is right.
I think it's the result of growing up in "siberia" in a comparatively small world, and being thrown to the masses and eventually thrown under the bus by McCain aides. Yes she made the decision. But, as Meghan McCain said, on August 29 2008, "the Palins were very calm and collected, unaware of what was inevitably about the come their way." National campaigns are nasty business, seasoned politicians buckle under pressure. Sources say Hillary was batshit by the end (to her defense, I think finding out her own party had no intention of supporting her (instead backing the shiny, inexperienced black dude) did her in as it would anyone I assume)
ReplyDeleteI actually think it's miraculous Sarah maintained her composure because there was SOOOO much hate and so many lies spoken about her and crew that just that part alone would cause anyone else incredible uneasiness. Her opponents showed their true colors and proved America is one big meangirl willing to believe anything to win.
Obama had the media and public from the beginning. His people successful shoved his scandals and bad associations under the rug and shamed people into submission to him. He is the cool kid, but he is a kid in the big world of politics. People are hopefully realizing that as the days pass, this country cannot stand to have such an inexperienced leader and adult in a high office.
I await the day when the media and journalists treat republicans and democrats fairly (not just coddle the democrats and attack ANY conservative)
All in all, you have to give Sarah Palin credit, especially when you consider all the backstabbing liars in DC trying to save their careers from a failed election. It has nothing to do with her. She's their scapegoat and meal ticket. Sarah should get royalties for all the money she's indirect thrown people's way, as all celebs/public figures should. It's a wicked place, our little District of Columbia, a place that makes even Wasilla and Alaska look like Pleasantville.
Martha Stewarts daughter just wrote a book blowing herr image and telling secrets. Remember mommie dearest? When one of her daughters runs out of money they will do the same.
ReplyDeleteDoesn't this tell everybody that joes book was right on?
ReplyDeleteSchmidt is an arrogant chauvinist and Nicholle is just another money hungry, attention whore capitalizing on someone else's sudden fame and momentary frailty.
ReplyDeleteThey have NO shame. Steve, there's a reason you weren't liked by many on the trail and on your team. You're an asshole.
^ is true.
The whole McCain entourage that traveled with Palin and her family, know the secrets.
ReplyDeleteThey're doing nothing more than covering McCain's ass.
Truth be known, McCain's finished, tarnished, forever.
But he's sealed off info leaking just like he sealed his military records.
McCain is one nasty piece of shit!
Nicholle better watch out. Wrongly accusing people who problems could backfire. Just because Sarah displayed behavior typical of someone under attack and in a new environment doesn't make is mental. Blondie better continue being careful with any future statements.
ReplyDeleteAnd still Palin jets around the world inflaming leaders and making wild claims as to what US policy is. Can't she be stopped before she manages to start a war without a title.
ReplyDelete"totally unqualified"
ReplyDeleteSo are we all guilty of continuing to support our current President who has no more qualifications as Sarah does/did? BE careful with word choice. Sarah and Barack are one and the same. One is sly and the other is ostentatious. Nevertheless, they are the same.
Alison @1:15 PM said...
Several have posted this photo but I've not seen anyone point out this detail- look closely between Piper and Willow. There is what looks like a baby girl's leg on the empty chair there. Sure, it could be another of Piper's dolls, but...
I think that may be a mitten attached to Piper's shirt or pants. Look closely, there's a hot-pink string going up to underneath her yellow shirt.
McCain and his crappy advisers brought the US *this close* to Armageddon.
Wow, could you exaggerate anymore here?
Personally, I think it's fucking brilliant to paint an entertaining picture of Palin's mental illness with a fictional character in a novel. There isn't a damn thing Sarah can do about it, either. If Nicole Wallace had come out 3 years ago or even last year, and said Sarah Palin was koo koo for coco puffs, do any of you really think that information would have been welcomed and covered by the media? Wallace would have been skewered and BBQ'd. "Game Change" all but came out and said Sarah was nuts, and NO ONE CARED!! I was very surprised that the part about Sarah being catatonic and smearing her make-up never even made a blip on the 24/7 news cycle. But Nicole Wallace can write a little political fiction, and pattern the Tara character after Sarah, and no one can say what an unfair hit piece it was. No one can dismiss it because she used anonymous sources. She can describe much what she witnessed, and no one can say jack shit, because the book is "Fiction". I'll say it again, Fucking Brilliant!
ReplyDeleteNicole Wallace and Steve Schmidt verbally defended Palin frequently and aggressively. They are scum. Republicans have no honor, no love of country. They just want to win at any and all costs.
ReplyDeleteThe ultimate destroyer of this country will have an R after his/her name.
"What really PISSES me off is that these 2 championed that wench during the 2008 campaign KNOWING this."
ReplyDeleteBecause nothing was really wrong. Yes, Sarah may have gone rogue and was working her own campaign, but these reports are GREATLY exaggerated. We knew where she was every moment of the day. We saw pictures of her prepping and studying, we literally watched her DAILY. I don't know about you, but I saw nothing troubling. Emotions run high. People act out, typically sexually and verbally, in a campaign. Steve S is a huge hothead who can't contain his temper. He also seems to have never met a woman he couldn't put in her place, until Sarah.
THAT, and job security, would MAKE him and others throw her to the wolves. They're all selfish. No one's noble.
"if i didn't know what kind of things she'd done, i'd like this woman, based on a first impression"
ReplyDeleteNow you must weed out lies from truth. Start by stepping away from the blogs.
"This really disturbs me.
ReplyDeleteSo they knew Sarah Palin was exhibiting erratic behavior at the very least mania. But because they (McCain team) knew they were going to lose they did nothing about it? It is rather dumbfounding actually."
So, using your logic, you're saying Obama was wrong to appoint Hillary, who suffered in a nearly identical way as Sarah on trail, as SoS?
It is comparable and a good question.
Hi Sarah, Welcome back!
ReplyDeleteQuick question, Where's Trigs Birth Certificate?
Nicole is walking a thin line, legally and professionally. Given what she is saying, I think the scariest thing is what she is obviously NOT saying.
ReplyDeleteNicole Wallace is pregnant. I'd love for someone to ask her what she thinks of Sarah's wild ride once she delivers her own kid.
ReplyDeleteJadez @12:56 pm makes a valid point; that Nicole Wallace and Steve Schmidt decided to attribute "mental illness" to Palin after Joe published his book.
ReplyDeleteJoe's book may have been the catalyst for these GOP operatives to admit how loony tunes (or cuckoo for cocoa puffs, if you prefer) Palin is. Or it might be Wallace's book; probably something we'll never know.
But Wallace and Schmidt are reaping financial benefits from being associated with McCain/Palin (Schmidt's now an MSNBC contributor). The media should instead be highlighting the crazy unqualified candidates unleashed on the American public because McCain selected the crazy unqualified Palin's as his VP candidate.
While I have a lot of contempt for Nicole I gave her the benefit of the doubt and I bought her book because I wanted to see if I could glean any insight into the Palins. Here's what struck me...the mentally ill VP in the book is shielded at every turn by her husband! Are we to infer that Todd behaves similarly? That would hold with Frank's book.
ReplyDeleteAs far as McCain's team goes...I think Schmidt has to accept responsibility for Sarah being on the ticket. He didn't vet her properly.period. To his credit and Nicole's they have come out on more than one occasion and discredited her and her book.I don't know what the law allows them to do. I would imagine there are confidentiality documents with their John Hancock's all over them, so they likely can't divulge much more than they have.
I do find it curious that we haven't heard a peep from Caribou Barbie over all of these mentally ill references.
Communications is Wallace's job. She knows how to pick her words. I don't like the party she worked for, but I always thought, watching her during the 2008 campaign, that she was very good at her job.
ReplyDeleteShe is never going to definitively say that Palin is mentally ill because she knows that that crosses a line and there could be some blowback. She is smart. She knows what she's doing.
McCain, Wallace and Schmidt are like three (fictional) people who KNEW the Hindenburg would catch fire, and let it take-off anyway . . .
ReplyDeleteMajor FAIL in the integrity department. Hope your book buys you lots of bling, Nicolle.
ReplyDeleteDude that comment was brilliant.
I posted it on FB giving you full credit and linking back to IM.
What I want to ask both Wallace and Steve Schmidt is "when did you learn about Palin's faked pregnancy?"
ReplyDeleteBoth of those assholes put concerns for their country behind transient partisan gain. They are both loathsome miscreants whose only path to salvation lies in coming TOTALLY clean on Sarah Palin, her imbecility, her emotional immaturity, AND her faked pregnancy.
When Wallace gains enough courage to do that, then I'll cut her some slack. Until then, she's just another GOP party hack shithead.
Yeah! What Gasman said. Only I would add to this: "When Wallace gains enough courage to do that, then I'll cut her some slack."
Then, and only then, would I even consider buying her book. I wouldn't even read it, unless she and Schmidt come clean on what they knew of the fake pregnancy and everything else.
Hey, I'm glad and all that Wallace is finally spilling the truth about Palin's insanity, but the fact remains that she and Schmidt covered up the fact during the campaign, allowing Sarah Palin to gain traction as some kind of political player. Sorry, Nicole, but you guys should have fired her as soon as you realized how crazy her and her family were.
ReplyDeleteWhat would they have done if there had been some huge scandal or Obama had to drop out for some other reason and McCain actually won?
"Sorry, everyone, but we'd like a last minute substitution. You see, we lied to all of you and now you've voted in this psycho terror. So sorry."
~~"Nicolle would have continued to cover for Palin if McCain had won.."~~
ReplyDeleteWITHOUT a doubt!
Add me to the long list of those who are shocked it took this long for those who 'knew' her to come clean, even thru 'fiction'.
It is clear they were, and are, fully aware of the psychopath they had in their midst.
For all those that are spewing that Wallace and Schmidt should have said something 3 years ago --
ReplyDeleteAll that would have happened was they would have been fired from the campaign, required to sign a contract not to disclose any info and new people would have been plugged in to file the voids. So you would have accomplished what -- absolutely dick all.
I'm sorry -- as much as I agree on many of the Palin 'gates' and hate the bitch -- why the hell do you expect that a Republican campaign worker owes a Democrat an explanation. You're so important -- WHY?? They did nothing illegal. That the Pres candidate gets to pick his VP -- that's one of the problems. We don't get to vote for the VP.
It's been no different in any other flipping campaign for decades -- the Rethugs lie and so do the Dems. The cover-ups -- hell, we know politicians are corrupt. Sure doesn't come as a surprise there.
Do you think if it was a Dem VP candidate that was mentally screwed, the Pres candidate and/or campaign workers would disclose the info. NOT A FUCKING CHANCE. Campaign workers and pundits prop up their candidates whether they're the most stunned and stupid morons on earth.
Get a grip people. You too are out of touch with reality. You're sounding more like bots when you're out for blood from Wallace.
It also reminds me how many are so forgetful as this is not the first time Wallace and Schmidt have talked about Palin. Shit was 'leaking' from the campaign. You honestly think they were going to put themselves out there to be fired and/or sued. Even now, Wallace is speaking volumes but avoiding a lawsuit. You paying for it for your nosiness?? Didn't think so.
Wow -- you people really have no ability to see reality. You thing the world owes you -- well they don't.
Time for me to delete this blog as I'm seeing this more and more like the Pee'er site - out of touch with reality stunned and stupid comments.
I don't know who posted this, but I thought I'd repost this:
ReplyDelete"OK< we've hit the frickin' motherload!!!"
For those of you who were/are on the fence about bristol being preggers on dwts, this should help sway your opinion.
How does Nicole think it sounds when she says that she worked her butt off and to get a psychotic person elected to the SECOND highest office in the United States?
ReplyDeleteBitch, would sound better if you would just tell the truth.
Another thing that bothers me about it, is that they sent those four children home with a mentally ill mother, who was perhaps even resentful toward, and blaming one of the children (Bristol) for the fact of her campaign loss.
Did they do anything to make sure those kids were okay before they sent them home with Sarah? Did they ever call or contact the kids afterward to make sure they were safe? Doubtful.
I also think they KNEW that Bristol had two children, because I think both boys may have BEEN at the convention.
Wow. The whole Republican Campaign was the responsibility on the shoulders of 2 campaign workers according to many of the comments. Add in a few references to McCain, who just happened to be the HEAD of the campaign and said nothing then and continued to 'prop' her up -- never saying a word against her.
ReplyDeleteI guess the balance of the campaign workers, the balance of the Republican Party, RNC, the Republican pundits, the media who travelled with them, major Republican donors -- not their responsibility.
So, when will Nicole Wallace get her letter from the Palin lawyer-bot? The letter saying Wallace should not destroy documents because Palin MIGHT sue.
ReplyDeleteBut in this case, the more documentation Nicole Wallace destroys the better for Palin.
Surely, Nicole has much more to tell. It can't have been just ONCE that Palin greeted staffers clad only in a bath towel.
ReplyDeleteShe was an employee. John McCain picked her, and even he didn't know what he had done till it was too late.
Had McCain won it would have been too late to do anything. It was a done deal from the moment they picked her. Wallace's statement, "we didn't get into the legalities of what to do"! Can you imagine the "legalities" of trying to get rid of someone just voted into office! Especially with the rightwing absolutely in love with Sarah! Geez.
ReplyDeleteI'd never heard of Palin before her RNC speech but it only took me one night of concentrated effort on the internet to know that Sarah Palin had major problems. Articles in the ADN, then Anne Kilkenny's (?) letter. From there, IM and a couple of other blogs. If I could do it, I can't believe that hotshot GOP operatives couldn't do the same. They knew what Sarah was. I don't buy the "she wasn't vetted" excuse. That's just my opinion.
Molly said...
ReplyDelete"Glorious troubling lows.....deeply disturbed, withdrawn....gosh that seems like it would have to be bipolar disorder." 1:16 PM
Alllllmost there.....
Just add histrionic, narcissistic, borderline, and paranoid for the Rill Dill!
(Wasn't it nice of Sarah's sister to drop by and chime in?)
In compliance with my pledge to never, ever, never, ever watch, listen to, talk about, mention or comment on the person of whom we all know I speak I would like to entertain you now with my own accordion, harmonica and Turkish oud rendition of "Big Bottom" by The Spinal Taps. The lead solo I will perform by whistling. Sing along with me, won't you?
ReplyDeleteHit it, Nigel!
Big Bottom, Big Bottom
Talkin' 'bout bum cakes
My girl's got 'em.
My baby fits me like a flesh tuxedo,
Gonna sink her with my pink torpedo.
Big Bottom, Big Bottom
the comments rock, Virgina Voter had me at "F Nicole Wallace,..."
What gasman said at 12:47!
ReplyDeleteBlah, blah, blah. Nicolle Wallace is no better than Sarah Palin in that she is making money off a "fictional" book that is based on a "fictional character". Much like Palin made some fat cash on her Going Rogue and American by Heart books, and on her Sarah Palin's Alaska show.
ReplyDeleteSit down and shut up Nicolle; you didn't step up to the plate when you should have, instead you wrote a book, for money, about your experience on the campaign trail.
Nicolle and Sarah are two peas in a pod, except that Nicolle thinks that she is smarter than Sarah. If she was then this book would not have required writing, it would have been played out in the press, during the campaign.
Just another spineless Republican woman to add to the ranks of spineless Republican women that are beholden to their superior male counterparts. Thanks for nothing, Wallace.
While we are on the subject of crazy:
Trygve means "brave victory" or "trustworthy" in old Norse.
Tri-G means trisomy G aka Trisomy 21 aka Down Syndrome.
Sarah, please comment on your appalling naming gaffe of your precious gift from god. Those of us who Really care about these children and their families are STILL WAITING
and still really appalled.
Seriously, it's the LEAST you can do.
Part of me wants to see this woman fall hard, wants to see some class action lawsuit and federal fraud charges rise to consume every last dime she has. There's another part of me, though, that realizes who exactly Sarah Palin has defrauded. She didn't take my money, didn't take money from reasonable people or otherwise worthwhile organizations. Sarah Palin has always only taken money from people who don't know any better. A person who donates to SarahPAC deserves to get taken. It may not be legal, it may be a symptom of a much deeper, systematic rot, but it's hard to feel sorry for the people who wanted Sarah Palin to be President.
ReplyDeleteAnon 12:58 you are off alttle bit. Sarah HAS taken alot of money from DS groups 100K at a time talking about the fake pregnancy and delivery of her TRi-G baby.These poor groups really think she walked the walk but she committed fraud against them too!!
Take a look at this photo:
Seven months pregnant and she's thinner than every woman in the picture with her. That red scarf hangs straight down.
That's what I call "amazing abs".
Also look at the other photos of her in that photostream. Have we ever seen these before?
Anyway, they are new to me. Thanks Alison....
Gryphen, this is just a mildly interesting coincidence I thought you might like to see even though it couldn't be more off topic.
ReplyDeleteI have been following the blog of the McClenahan family for awhile now. They had a gorgeous baby girl who died from neuroblastoma at just one year old. Some months after she died, they announced an impending new addition which they named "Levi", something I thought was interesting since "our" Levi had been in the media a lot at the time of "their" Levi's birth (20ish months ago)
Well they've just had another new addition..and they named him, can you guess? Griffin!
They have no idea of the context which made me laugh of course and I didn't comment on it because I didn't want to poison their nice family blog with palinopoly.
Stop by and see a Levi and a 'Gryphen' who leave absolutely NO questions to be answered, who simply make you go Aawwwwww I need to get me one of those! And of course it's nice to see a pregnant lady who announced her pregnancy, had it last exactly the nine months it was supposed to, and only present ONE baby as her newborn. If it weren't so cute, it would shock our systems from the sheer normalcy of it all!
Plus I'm sure they would love well wishes for their new son, or condolences for their beloved daughter, who is on their minds constantly as they notice her absence in the daily family life where they so badly wish she still was.
Way OT, but I had to share.
ReplyDeleteWhile Palin is making a fool of her bedraggled self in Korea, the president of South Korea is at Blair House (across street from White House) for a State Dinner tomorrow.
@MarkKnoller sent these tweets out this afternoon:
1) In advance of State Visit tomorrow. Pres Obama & Korean Pres Lee Myung-bak go out to dinner at a Korean Restaurant in Vienna, VA.
2) The two leaders are dining at Woo Lae Oak Restaurant at Tysons Corner. Check out the menus at
Can you imagine how excited the restaurant staff must be?!? Two leaders enjoying their hospitality. Means a lot in the Asian culture (I'm Japanese American).
I'm looking forward to news coverage of tomorrow's State Dinner. Palin isn't even a footnote in the U.S.'s relationship with South Korea, who is following in Japan's post-WWII footsteps of being a technological, consumer-electronic-oriented culture.
Icing on the cake for POTUS is that the House passed the free-trade bill with South Korea tonight, and the Senate is expected to follow suit.
So all-in-all, a good day/week for South Koreans and Korean Americans.
Tweet URLs:!/markknoller/status/124260909458792448!/markknoller/status/124261432853413888
I do find it curious that we haven't heard a peep from Caribou Barbie over all of these mentally ill references.
ReplyDelete2:09 PM
you can't fight the truth. There were hints that Sarah has been institutionalized more than once for mental depression.
Neerner-neener petulant I'm never coming back to IM troll alert. Silly children.
ReplyDeleteAlison...also notice in the pic, the fingernails of these girls. No one has time to do their nails with a newborn around. Piper looks pretty tired also.
ReplyDeleteThis is just like one of those Will Smith B movies where America just narrowly avoids the Big Bad Asteroid (Palin/McCain) wiping out all signs of intelligent life. . .until the Magic Negro shows up to save humanity.
ReplyDelete(Or the Magic Negro shows up to help the dysfunctional family untie their knots, or the Magic Negro shows up with insightful, intelligent words and actions that shows just how stoopid the bad guys and the poor mislead White People are.) Same thing.
Vote Obama, 2012. He ain't magic, but he sure is intelligent and capable, and has accomplished more than his shuck 'n' jive bigoted Right Wing GOP compatriots (of any stripe) have in the last three years.
It was mostly McCain's fault that Palin was the V.P. pick.
ReplyDeleteHis vetter had told him that she was, "High Risk, High Reward"
McCain then said he was always a risk taker, and decided on her.
I'm no fan of Wallace or Schmidt, but I am glad they finally spoke out. If it came down to it and McCain had managed a steal, they said they would have tried to stop Palin from being sworn in. I hope they're telling the truth about that!!
After McCain had picked Palin, it just amazed me he could not stop her violent/hate speeches. He should have dumped her then.
I will never forgive him for unleashing that bitch onto all of us!! But maybe, just maybe, other politicians will know better next time and make sure their preferred candidates are well vetted.
But with the GOP in the state they are in, I wouldn't count on it.
Did you know that Joe (Sam) the (non) Plumber has declared he is running for the Senate??
Sounds like the truth is slowly (but finally) trickling out. I knew Wallace could never keep this to herself. Drip...Drip...Drip. An obviously deranged and mentally ill woman is a media star...because why?'s a freak show! Every public appearance has resulted in a story. Seems Paul Revere was working for the British and ....oh too many to mention. I will truly miss her. Now her daughter (or should I say "Pin the babies on the Bristol)seems to be stepping in Mom's shoes. They never fail to entertain.
ReplyDelete@Anonymous 2:40 who I can see where he was coming from for a few paragraphs until s/he added this steaming pile (the rest was complete shit):
ReplyDelete"Do you think if it was a Dem VP candidate that was mentally screwed, the Pres candidate and/or campaign workers would disclose the info. NOT A FUCKING CHANCE. Campaign workers and pundits prop up their candidates whether they're the most stunned and stupid morons on earth."
The year was 1972, the Presidential Candidate was George McGovern, the VP candidate was named Thomas Eagleton. When it was discovered that Eagleton had received shock-therapy and was taking Thorazine for depression, McGovern asked him to resign from the ticket.
Now McGovern didn't ask Eagleton to leave right away, but he did eventually because he knew it was too important to let a mentally ill person that close to the presidency (despite the fact that he knew it would probably doom his candidacy). In this act McGovern showed he had more character and love for this country in his fingernail clippings than John McCain has ever had.
The Eagleton affair is also probably why the McCain campaign decided to keep Palin despite her failings, they knew that dumping her would kill what little chance they had left to win.
I said it before. Sarah Palin is the GOP's stalking horse.
ReplyDeleteHey, anon 2:40, don't let the virtual door hit you on the ass. You gotta love the "I'm outa here" flounce.
ReplyDelete2:40 pm. Have you forgotten, or maybe you never knew, about Sen. Eagleton who was the Democratic vice-presidential nominee in 1980 (I think) who was forced to pull out of the race when it became known that he had been treated for depression? I suspect that ever since the Democrats have been very careful about the physical and emotional health of their candidates. Hillary Clinton may have had a few wobbly moments during the campaign but the cause was undoubtedly sheer exhaustion. She's a strong woman and has done a great job as Sec'y of State, just as she did a great job as a US Senator.
ReplyDelete"Schmidt is an arrogant chauvinist and Nicholle is just another money hungry, attention whore capitalizing on someone else's sudden fame and momentary frailty.
ReplyDeleteThey have NO shame. Steve, there's a reason you weren't liked by many on the trail and on your team. You're an asshole.
^ is true."
Hey Sarah...*waves....
Dang you still mad about that AIP thing huh? Steve was just doing his job and that whole lying thing was a bit much for gotta understand by now...let it go girl!
And Nicolle tried to help YOU out with that Katie Couric interview but your hard headed ass wouldn't listen...what, you didn't want to miss your "stories"...didn't they have DVR on that CrazyTalk Express bus you was riding on? Or maybe that "momentary frailty" made an appearance? Inquiring minds want to know...Hehe.
Anonymous said...
ReplyDeleteNicholle better watch out. Wrongly accusing people who problems could backfire. Just because Sarah displayed behavior typical of someone under attack and in a new environment doesn't make is mental. Blondie better continue being careful with any future statements.
1:47 PM
Tsk, this a threat uneducated bot'? WOAH..."Blondie" better watch out and not fly in small planes or fall asleep in any cabins("backFIRE"...YIKES)...
otherwise Mr. Troll (TOAD or Chuck) will fix her red wagon....Gee...I hope Gryphen was able to get your IP so he can send this along to the FBI!
Damn crazy bots....let me tell you this one more damn time....THE EMPRESS HAS NO CLOTHES ON!! She is butt ass naked and we are begging her to put her damn clothes back on and you stupid bots keep telling her to take them off!! PLEASE STOP!
Anon @2:09
ReplyDelete"I do find it curious that we haven't heard a peep from Caribou Barbie over all of these mentally ill references."
Maybe we hearing "peeps" about Palin's mental illness from the Trolls on here tonight. "She was under attack...acted like anyone under pressure of the campaign trail..".
Especially Anonymous @1:54 who said "We knew where she was every moment of the day. We saw pictures of her prepping and studying, we literally watched her DAILY. I don't know about you, but I saw nothing troubling. Emotions run high. People act out, typically sexually and verbally in a campaign".
1:54, is the "acting out sexually" a reference to Sarah walking into the room while wearing nothing but a towel to see Schmidt and another male staffer?
Gee, I'm glad Sarah wasn't under pressure or being attacked over in South Korea this week if that is her "typical" behavior.
I call bullshit on Nicole Wallace. How dare she come out trying to smell like a rose - "an 8 months pregnant woman" rose at that after laying low for over 3 years while Sarah Palin tore this country to bits and left us on the shitpile? She can rot.
ReplyDeleteWhat Virgina Voter said +1. Wallace and Schmit put job security before the well-being of the entire country.
ReplyDeleteI'm reasonably sure the word "snake-pit" also refers to the McCain campaign environment after Granny insisted on having everyone's email secretly hacked to find out who leaked that she was a "diva", making a difficult campaign even more hellish.
P.S. I see the bots are responding to this post. Anon 1:54PM it's "typical to act out sexually and verbally during a campaign"??? WTF?
Molly said...
ReplyDelete"Glorious troubling lows.....deeply disturbed, withdrawn....gosh that seems like it would have to be bipolar disorder." 1:16 PM
Alllllmost there.....
Just add histrionic, narcissistic, borderline, and paranoid for the Rill Dill!
(Wasn't it nice of Sarah's sister to drop by and chime in?)
3:05 PM
Ha ha.
Nope, named myself after my dog, before I knew whatshername had a sister Molly.
Here's another Republican that doesn't know any history:
ReplyDeleteRick Perry misses when the Revolutionary War happened by 200 years !
It looks like Rick Perry and Michele Bachmann have the same history teacher.
The Texas governor mixed up the dates of the Revolutionary War after Tuesday night's Republican presidential debate at Dartmouth College.
The goof occurred at the school's Beta Theta Pi frat house during a Q&A when one student asked Perry about states' rights.
The struggling 2012 hopeful said one of the "reasons we fought the revolution in the 16th century was to get away from that kind of onerous crown," MSNBC reported.
The Revolutionary War was fought in the 18th century, beginning in 1775.
ReplyDeleteI don't know who posted this, but I thought I'd repost this:
"OK< we've hit the frickin' motherload!!!"
For those of you who were/are on the fence about bristol being preggers on dwts, this should help sway your opinion.
2:42 PM
Anon@242, That flickr timeline on Bristol is very convincing that she HAS had three. 2007 baby, 2008 baby, and DWTS "godson" baby. Now who is who?
Oh sad, little Pbots defending Granny McQuitter, don't you understand that Nicole Wallace is very carefully holding back an even harsher description of Granny's dysfunctional behavior?
ReplyDeleteWhen she said "troubling lows" and "in private even WORSE" she could have painted a verbal picture of "worse" looks like, but refrained.
Maybe she is saving that for her next book -wink-!
I think Bill Kristol and that whole neo-CON group is the start of this cluster. Those men were so "p" brained that they couldn't see her for her true self.
ReplyDelete"This really disturbs me.
So they knew Sarah Palin was exhibiting erratic behavior at the very least mania. But because they (McCain team) knew they were going to lose they did nothing about it? It is rather dumbfounding actually."
So, using your logic, you're saying Obama was wrong to appoint Hillary, who suffered in a nearly identical way as Sarah on trail, as SoS?
It is comparable and a good question.
Haha actually No nowhere near comparable and rather silly to suggest, that Palin and Clinton having some melt downs is comparable.
Saying that Clinton had behavior that resembled Palins in any way is well, silly.
Clinton has been in the public eye for many years served as First Lady in Arkansas, Served as First Lady for eight years and ran 2 successful senate campaigns. Clinton had been on the campaign trail for over a year, was running for office of president and serving as a Senator. Palin came unhinged after just a few weeks as second spot on the ticket.
I will be the first person to forgive any woman some basic hormonal issues, be it PMS or menopause as possibly in Clintons case. But Palinwas exhibiting behavior that went far beyond either.
Or maybe the Powers That Be were just way way over Schmidt, Wallace and McCain's head, and they all were pressured into a 13th hour decision, desperate, with not much time to vet Palin. But within a very short interval, having spent time with her, realized the quicksand they had gotten themselves, and the nation, into.
ReplyDeleteI remember all the public reports re Palin at the time of the nomination. Most were all glowey, truncated, not researched in any depth. I can see how anyone could be sucked in by the veneer as the substance at that time had not really been documented (as it has been now.) Except by the Alaskan Democrats (Knowles), but that report was rather limp, given what we now know.
Yeah, the Alaskan Democrats should have more strenuously put in their two cents. And Alaskans in general should have risen up to protest and STOP a presidential campaign totally taking over the state's Troopergate investigation.
But they did not. A lot of blame to be spread around here. I have always wondered why Knowles and his cohorts have not rung in on all these Palin issues as they play out over the years. Utter silence. Interesting, no??
She was their "gal" at one time.
Anonymous said...
ReplyDelete"What really PISSES me off is that these 2 championed that wench during the 2008 campaign KNOWING this."
Because nothing was really wrong. Yes, Sarah may have gone rogue and was working her own campaign, but these reports are GREATLY exaggerated. We knew where she was every moment of the day. We saw pictures of her prepping and studying, we literally watched her DAILY. I don't know about you, but I saw nothing troubling. Emotions run high. People act out, typically sexually and verbally, in a campaign. Steve S is a huge hothead who can't contain his temper. He also seems to have never met a woman he couldn't put in her place, until Sarah.
THAT, and job security, would MAKE him and others throw her to the wolves. They're all selfish. No one's noble.
1:54 PM
"Emotions run high. People act out, typically sexually and verbally, in a campaign."
*in my SHREK voice..."HOLD THE PHONE!"
What exactly was ole Grifty up to on the campaign many politicians do you know "act out, typically sexually and verbally, in a campaign!!!
Now you done jumped, climbed, ran over the shark!! Thank the heavenly stars that this Crazy eyed Grifter and family in toe did not make it to the White House!!
I'm glad Nicolle and Steve are speaking out AGAIN about this Crazy ass woman...this country and McCain truly dodged one hell of a serious bullet! Sarah Palin is not normal! And whoever thinks she is...they aren't normal either!
Dinty @ 3:57 - Well played, Sir! (or Madam!) Then again, there never was a "President McGovern".
ReplyDeleteMaryland 1:44, you're a pig. Go away.
ReplyDeleteThank you.
I prefer sir, please.
You are absolutely right, there never was a President McGovern, just as there never was a President McCain, thank God.
I'm kind of amazed at the bashing of Wallace and Schmidt going on here. They have more to tell and I want to hear it, but more importantly I want the world to hear it. They have a national audience listening, people who haven't followed the blogging but watch the news on TV. People who are just now finding out what we have known for what's going on years now.
ReplyDeleteBashing them will only make them retreat. Yes, it was a travesty that she got picked for VP, but there was talk amongst the McCain people on the side about the possibility and even probability she would need to be pulled from the ticket.
On this blog there have been a few posters who knew things and began to talk but they got run off by posts claiming that they were not the real deal. These McCain people have more to say and Joes book among other things coming to light are encouraging people to come forward. We should not hold them responsible for unleashing SP on the world.
Wallace, Schmidt and McCain.
They were at the helm of what could have been a catastrophic outcome for our nation.
They ALL remained- silent -.
Now, SS is a commentator at MSNBC, this bit*h is writing bookS, and Paylin, well. So, they are ALL raking in the $$$$$$$$$.
Odd the only one we DON'T hear from is fuckwad McCain.
I keep re-reading the October 9, 2007 email from Sean Parnell to Sarah Palin.
What if a minor child was found to be several months pregnant -- or even delivered a baby -- on October 9, 2007, without parental knowledge or supervision and no prenatal care? And what if the minor child's name was Bristol Palin?
THAT WOULD be an urgent "OCS-infant" matter for the governor to address when she was in a "quiet place to think and talk," as Parnell advised in the email. I can almost see Parnell's hope (prayer) expressed in the message that Sarah had already been contacted so he wouldn't have to be the one to break it to her.
Maryland_in_da_house said... 1:44
ReplyDeleteYour delusion is obvious from the fact that you believe that the media is liberal. It is not, has not been for years or Sarah Palin would never have been given a pass for how disgusting she was during the campaign. Thank God for President Obama, who will be president again in 2012.
Also, of course the Palin's were calm and collected. They were uneducated and stupid on top of that. They stood around in terror. Please. Are you even thinking?
I also love the way Sarah or someone who obviously is close to the situation keeps misspelling Nicolle's name. That is an old trick to attempt to make people think you are an outsider. Only dummies fall for it.
Will somebody please on one of these timelines show the photo of Bristol Palin and Sherri Shepard taken right after she was done on DWTS? Gryphen has it posted in this earlier post of his, showing her hugely pregnant belly. The photo was taken directly off of the View's own website and not altered in any way. (Scroll to bottom of post for Bristol pics.)
I'm irritated with Schmidt and Wallace too. BUT it wasn't their role or job to vet her. That isn't the way it works. Neither of them were responsible for that. I would bet both of them told McCain or those right under him. This is politics. Don't blame them. Blame McCain. They were not the ones who chose her. I'm not letting them off the hook completely but some of you are very naive and idealistic about campaigns and politics. I dont like either one because they are Republicans and most people in politics are two faced. But I wouldn't have had the expectation that they were in a position at that point to do anything about Sarah. Once she was picked, they could never have removed her. They didn't have the power for o e thng and they would have lost their jobs.
ReplyDeleteAnonymous @1:54 who said "We knew where she was every moment of the day. We saw pictures of her prepping and studying, we literally watched her DAILY. I don't know about you, but I saw nothing troubling. Emotions run high. People act out, typically sexually and verbally in a campaign"
ReplyDeleteIf a person cannot handle the pressure that a campaign provides there is NO FUCKING WAY that that person can handle the pressure of the Presidency.
To put it into runners terms (because you know who likes those):
The campaign is the stretching before a very long hard uphill run with a 75lb rucksack on your back.
@1:49 pm:
ReplyDelete"totally unqualified"
"So are we all guilty of continuing to support our current President who has no more qualifications as Sarah does/did? BE careful with word choice. Sarah and Barack are one and the same. One is sly and the other is ostentatious. Nevertheless, they are the same."
That's the most retarded thing I've heard all day. I think many of us, or at least msyelf, make the mistake of using the word "qualified" to mean "a reasonably intelligent and stable human being", rather than as a statement of technical job requirement/skills.
Technically you can make the argument that Palin is "qualified" to be the president because she was an "executive" as mayor and half a governor. She is NOT "qualified" in respect to emotional stability, leadership/diplomacy skill or general knowledge of history, current events or much of anything else.
Obama may be naive and inexperienced, but trying to say that this somehow makes Palin a valid, equal alternative, makes you a moron.
I fail to see how an intelligent, sensitive diplomat and a paranoid, ignorant fraud are "one and the same". False equivalency much?
I admit I'm disappointed with Obama, and if Huntsman somehow wins the Repub nomination (lol yeah, right), I'd actually consider voting for him, but if I had it all to do over again I'd STILL vote for Obama because the alternative was simply ludicrous.
It's all troll-ey up in here!
ReplyDeleteNot sure about Wallace, but Schmidt was VERY highly respected during the campaign.
ReplyDeleteIf he had the balls to make a REAL case against Palin, I think McCain may have listened.
But who really knows? McCain is a complete, and total scumbag only concerned with himself.
Anon@242, That flickr timeline on Bristol is very convincing that she HAS had three. 2007 baby, 2008 baby, and DWTS "godson" baby. Now who is who?
ReplyDelete4:31 PM
I also think Willow's Oct 07 pics look preggo. Is that possible???
Thank you Nicole. I don't care how late this is coming out, at least it's coming out! She has credibility being so closely associated with her during the campaign. She saw it first hand and others back it up with the same. Palin's cuckoo for cocoa puffs as Nicole said on Maddow.
ReplyDeleteSorry, she's hawking a book that I'm not buying. She got paid to polish the turd, that's what she does best, but her hands aren't clean, and no amount of soap and water will do it.
ReplyDeleteShould have divulged this stuff, oh hummmmmmm about three years ago, when little Johnny o'd'ed on Viagra and has been humping her leg ever since.
Sarah's crazy is so big it has it's own frickin zip code!
ReplyDeleteThis one shows her pushed up against the lecturn. Hmm, baby bump not there and this is what date again? Pre-TriG's birth?
wow, for a second there i thought i clicked the wrong link and was in the sea of pee. what a strange group of comments tonight.
ReplyDeletei highly doubt steve or nicole could do anything to prevent a vice president from being sworn in.
what a bunch of nonsense.
they are just 'throwing that out there' so some of us might have a moment of respite. i am not calmed by their admission to a little pow-wow about 'what to do with our sarah problem if we win'
and another thing -- there is no way in hell that a valid argument can be made that steve and nicole are not to blame because they were EMPLOYEES. are you crazy?
steve and nicole were the salesmen of the idea of mccain as president and palin as vice president. period. they took a salary to promote what they now want to hint at was a mistake - that maybe sarah was a person with mental illness.
let 'em keep talking. talking soothes the soul. but it don't change history and it don't change the fact that they had reckless disregard for the safety and future of this country.
employee my ass.
quit your damn job, say NO to your employer, or if you keep doing what the boss says to do then by god take responsibility for your actions.
When is "meagain" going to have another comment? Haven't heard anything since Sarah announced her "I'm not running".
ReplyDeleteNow that she is out of politics, how about we all pray that she at least starts taking some fluffing medication.
ReplyDeleteYeah, the Alaskan Democrats should have more strenuously put in their two cents. And Alaskans in general should have risen up to protest and STOP a presidential campaign totally taking over the state's Troopergate investigation.
ReplyDeleteBut they did not. A lot of blame to be spread around here. I have always wondered why Knowles and his cohorts have not rung in on all these Palin issues as they play out over the years. Utter silence. Interesting, no??
She was their "gal" at one time.
4:42 PM
Hey, MicMac, where do you think most of the ethics charges came from? Yep, we Alaskan Democrats were asleep at the wheel.....
I too am offended McCain et al haven’t been honest enough about the cavalier way Palin was foisted on to his ticket. And Big Fuck You to Mrs. Palin and her family for going along with the ruse. It only points to how poorly they view people who work hard and devote their lives to making this country and world a better place to live.
ReplyDeleteOh, I forgot.
Mrs. Palin doesn’t believe it is important to make this world a better place. She thinks this is just the halfway house. Again, fuck you Sarah Palin. And if I ever happen to meet you in Anchorage, be assured I will tell you to you face to just STFU.
I remember steve schmitt talking about palin shortly after the campaign--well before wallace began talking about her book. He said they were discussing the idea of confronting mccain about not allowing palin to take the oath of office. They were going to extract some promise from mccain that he would not allow palin to become vp. he/they might have just said this to save their own butts because they shared in the responsibility for palin being on the ticket.
ReplyDeleteWow, Sarah has sent in the grownup trolls today! None of the teenage "immature, jealous" types this time. No kid stuff. Nope, today we have some serious pushback against Wallace. Now, many of us progressives don't think much of Wallace and Schmidt for their compliance with the McCain party line, and I agree with that. However, some folks who are here to bash them seem to serve Sarah most of all. The way I distinguish them is the level of language and literacy some of today's trolls exhibit. These are the big guns, for certain. Which must mean... that the whole mental illness thing hits way too close to home. As it should. As another commenter said, "What did John McCain know and when did he know it?"
ReplyDeleteThe most offensive thing Repub Nicole Wallace did in her book was - pitch the fictional VP character in the novel as a Democrat when the REAL nonfictionally insane/disturbed candidate for VP was Sarh Palin -chosen by John McCain and the Teabagging Republicans - in essence trying to affix the obscenity AND insanity of what they in fact inflicted on this country to the Dems! They have no shame, no self-conscious, no ethics, or integrity. I hope this is used against the Republicans in the upcoming election - how little they care for their country they were perfectly willing to let Palin get that close to the Presidency. They should be forced to OWN that dishonest betrayal!
ReplyDeleteAnother thing about Nicole Wallace and Steve Schmidt - if they didn't have the courage of true patriots for what is good for their country BEFORE the election - to have Palin removed from the ticket despite their own witnessing of mental illness, what makes anyone hearing them now make excuses for their culpability in this hoax - believe they would have done anything more than continue the cover up and prevent the truth from coming out AFTER the election had they won.
ReplyDeleteIf they had won, their main duties would currently focus on preventing Palin from assassinating McCain, keeping her fingers away from the "red button", and arranging for a surgical procedure for VP Palin so when she does manage to speak no sound will come out!
They are disingenuous cowards who are as dangerous as Sarah Palin herself. They created that nightmare and now want us to believe they would have stepped in to prevent harm to the country. BULLSHIT!!!
Perhaps it should have the opposite effect, but each time Wallace and Schmidt reveal even more about Sarah Palin...I despise THEM and John McCain even more. And I will continue feeling that way until they give a public apology for what they knowingly tried to foist on this country, simply because they wanted to WIN.
ReplyDeleteI don't think they will ever be sorry, though. Notice how Wallace made Sarah Palin a DEMOCRAT in her book??? The coward.
Great Post & comments! MicMac loved yours.
ReplyDeleteThe Palins are paying for trolls tonight. One sounds like sarah but the sentences were too well put together, so it couldn't be her. But it had her flavor.
Wow, Nicole touched a nerve as did Gryphen for posting this.
So much fun to read here and I want to thank everyone who leaves links for us all.
You're all on top of the trolls tonight too and you're all so good, anything I add would be redundant!
Back tomorrow,
Just wanted to make sure that folks know that I am one of the Nicole and Steve Bashers, but, God Forbid you might think I am a troll. I fully believe what they have said about Palin in books and interviews.
ReplyDeleteWHAT they have to say is NOT what people are bashing - it is with their efforts to now somehow make what they did in not coming out immediately with the truth - excusable, that is what is unforgivable!!!
In fact, they are still holding back the whole truth about Sarah and continue to cover up for the monstrous fuck-up they and the Republicans perpetrated on America.
For the most part the comments by Steve/Nicole bashers are speaking to that, not Palinbots disagreeing with what truth they do disclose. They are trying to disown their responsibility for their disregard for the well-being of the country, and in the case of Nicole Wallace - slyly try to blame the Democrats for their crime.