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"See? I still might get in. Send money!" |
Ken Vogel and I both have sources telling us that calls were made on behalf of a mystery candidate to various early states to determine presidential filing deadlines.
The calls were made by representatives of the law firm Baker Hostetler - a firm that employs lawyer Mark Braden, who represents Sarah PAC, her political action committee.
As Ken notes, while he nor representatives of Palin’s campaign would comment on the calls, Palin is the only GOP politician eying the presidential race who is represented by the firm.
The current thinking in GOP election law circles is that the first hard cut-off for entering the race is Oct. 28, when presidential candidates who hope to appear on the ballot in the New Hampshire primary would be required to submit a filing fee from a federally registered presidential campaign committee.
The news cycle has been dominated by Chris Christie today, so of course Palin has to find some way to get her name in the news and possibly squeeze some pennies out of her weary, uninspired supporters.
The funny thing is that I went over to the Sea O'Pee, and though they mention this article, there is VERY little enthusiasm.
I think that despite their protestations to the contrary that the Palin-bots are starting to see Palin the way the rest of the country sees Palin.
I'm curious as to the hand gesture(s)and the look on her face in the photo used by Politico. Is that ASL, or?
ReplyDeleteOf course she would make some noise now that CC is out.
Send money you fools. Send all your money, every last nickel because she will stab you in the back one more time when all is said and done.
She may be reclining on her 'fainting couch' as she tallies up all the State filing fees. Po lil rich girl. sigh
ReplyDeleteMaybe this is her special brand of wasillian-speak for exploratory committee.
Is it true that the SarahPAC money can't be transferred to her campaign war chest? If so, that explains her reluctance. She has 'worked' hard for that money' and is worried that her peepots are running low on funds and she needs serious bus money.
Hi Sarah, Welcome Back!
ReplyDeleteQuick Question, Where's Trigs Birth Certificate?
She looks like a Flying Monkey in both of those pics! Fugly!
ReplyDeleteBut the wicked witch from the north is just as good: Where the Fokk is Dorthy and her little dog when you need her?
This Palin crap is getting so old G! Not that I am going to turn my head away from the super SLOW motion Train Wreck!
Future President Palin's Check List
ReplyDelete1. Keep the money flowing into SarahPac with
no accountability required. Check
2. Keep hinting at a run but not actually commit to running so Fox keeps paying me to pundintcate (winky!) Check
3. Keep away from all debates for as long as possible.
(Or at least until Corn Dog Swallower and Palin wannabee Bachmann has crashed and burned-y).
4. Enter the race by October 28th to appease
(how do you like that big word?) my adoring followers (ie: the crazy brigade) so they will keep
sending me money, of course. (Future Check)
5. Quit run halfway through by blaming the lamestream media, haters, liberal freaks,
pajama clad bloggers and Obama. (Future Check)
6. Get a new crown AND title. Be forever
identified as Former Presidential Candidate Palin.
Thank you Trig's Heavenly Creator, you rock!
Speaking of the Sea O'Pee, yesterday they were being urged to buy as many of the "Undefeated" DVDs as they possibly could. (Many of them have yet to receive copies from SarahPac for which they were charged $100 to purchase.) Some poor bot said he or she/it had bought 44 of those DVDs. Another was going to show the film to poor unsuspecting folks in nursing homes. Others were gonna buy scads of them for Xmas presents.
ReplyDeleteWay to run a campaign for President, Sarah!
She is such a retard!!! Hasn't she figured out YET that the Republicans will absolutely demolish her should she stick her nose out there? Sarah - they have so, so much on you. I cannot believe how stupid you are my dear!!!
ReplyDeletei think she is going to run. i think she has to run to keep the money train rolling. she needs juice. a run for president, even if she loses, will give her something to put in a book, and further her speaking engagement career. and probably get her another reality show or 3. maybe one for piper too. i actually hope she does run just for the entertainment value. also i think she waited for the books and movies to come out and nothing really happened that she couldnt either explain away or kill with silence. there are always a fringe 30% of people on the right who love red meat and right now red meat is anything anti obama, which is palin's forte. the clown car that is the republican party has room for one more clown.
ReplyDeleteOMG, the "pouty Sarah toast" may be the Best Pic Evah.
ReplyDeleteThis is awesome. And you're so right -- OF COURSE she has to insert herself into Christie's news cycle. As she did Mitt's. And so many others.
Pathetically obvious. Bahahahahahahahahahaah!!!
Since Christie isn't running, she probably thinks that she has a chance. Remember, one poll out of a dozen, had her within 5 points of the President.
ReplyDeleteI still think she runs, waiting until the last possible day to announce, avoids debates and interviews, and shows everyone that doesn't already know what an idiot she is.
I guess THIS is how stupid I've become from newborn-twins-induced sleep deprivation-
ReplyDeleteI saw the figure on a piece of toast and thought "the rest of the world sees Sarah Palin like the virgin Mary...and Alf?"
Seriously. I wish I was joking.
The Dithering Diva is finally doing her homework now? I would have thought this information would have been acquired soon after the Obama win. But then again, we're talking about the lazy, uneducated $aint $arah who is just doing another one of her circle jerks (i.e. pointless endeavor)
ReplyDeleteI still wouldn't count the grifter out for a 2012 run - Sarah Palin and Reality are no longer on speaking terms.
ReplyDeleteShe chose to make a summer long game of promising to make a decision by Sept.
ReplyDeleteThat was her mantra. Now it's Oct. with no explanation of why she didn't decided in Sept.
It is pretty hard to miss the implications of that missed, self imposed, dead line.
TRENTON, N.J. (KABC) -- New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie announced Tuesday that he will not run for president in 2012, saying "now is not my time."
ReplyDelete(my words) He is waiting for somebody else to clean up the GOP mess. We all know, only President Obama can do it.
Hey Granny its your turn. Tell your supporters whether you are running or not.
Come on Granny Sarah, you can do it.
We know you are a Fraud,crazy, shadow self appointed candidate Sarah Palin.But hey, its free for all. By the way Palin Wikipedia is so over crowded with nothing tangible or important. Just too many wording that means nothing.
Back to GOP.
Republicans insiders ( racists) can not swallow the fact that candidate Cain, is in the first tier. They are so scared that another black man, may win the nomination.
ReplyDeleteYes! I The Quitter is dying to see "presidential candidate" added to her resume. Just think of how much more money she can ask for her "speeches".
ReplyDeleteHer Fox gig must be coming to an end; she will jump in at the very last second and use her finely honed "quitting skills" the moment anyone asks her a hard question/wants to see documentation on TriG.
@2:48 Nah- it just means she's one of us- opposable thumbs-
ReplyDeleteit's supposed to denote ascension to intelligence and what separated humans from all other species-
Well there goes that theory...
Crying shame that the fleeced faithful aren't biting. For the cost of a few long distance phone calls, it was a reasonably clever ruse- like sending that form letter threatening McG's publishers with fire, brimstone, and eternal damnation. Oh well.
ReplyDeleteShe is a total retard. It's making her crazy NOT to run, yet she'd be even crazier to give in to the urge. She wants to beat President Obama at something. She is obsessed with him (creepy). Of course, it would be typical Sarah to wait until absolutely everybody has said she won't run, and THEN say she'll run, just to make everybody "wrong," which delights her no end. Sarah lives so much in her own reality that I wouldn't put it past her to throw her hat into the ring on the very very very last possible day that she can legally do it. Of course, she could still drop out after that if people had the audacity to ask her real questions and expect answers. Who knows. She is nuts plus. Given her deep need for attention, I STILL am not convinced that she's not "running," not until the very last deadline passes. In a world without Diebold machines and election fraud I might say "bring it on, bitch," but I really just want her to get lost on a glacier somewhere and hopefully fall down a fucking crevasse.
ReplyDeleteThat is NOT ASL. That is the Iraqi way of saying "Fuck You", which is what she plans to do to the country if she ever gets NEAR a public office with actual power.
ReplyDeleteGo ahead...enter the race. My Birthday is the actual cut off date, so either way, I'm gonna get a present. I'll either get to see you wither in defeat come Oct 28th. OR, and possibly the better scene:
Picture it, you enter, the true GOP or what is left of them, get SO pissed, they release all the dirt they have on you. Thus, not caring enough to steal the election again...OBAMA and OBIDEN get a two term administration.
Go ahead...enter the race you dumb cunning runt.
I keep looking at her hands and comparing them with mine. They match up pretty well.
ReplyDeleteI am 67 and Sarah claims to be 20 years younger than I am.
I've been saying for over two years she won't run, and I'm sticking to it. She's like Lucy with a football in the Peanuts comic strip. She keeps acting sincere, but pulling the ball back at the last second as Charlie Brown flies into the air to land on his backside. This is the Qwitta From Wasilla with her few remaining loyal fans. Some people are just slowwwww learners.
I lost count of how many times Christie referred to his obligation to the state that elected him to serve for four years in his speech today. He made it very clear that he felt he owed it to the state to continue his term because he had asked for the job and felt duty-bound to finish it. Wonder if Palin heard the speech and if she felt diminished by it.
ReplyDeleteProbably not.
I read a comment a while back on an article about Palin. It said something like, "If she was going to run for President, she would be running for president."
ReplyDeleteC'mon Sarah.
ReplyDeleteStop dithering.
Get some cojones.
Don't retreat, reload.
Get with the common sense solutions.
Doggone it there are death panels out there.
Get off your badly wigged flat ass and run you silly twit and maniacal tweeter. We want to see how much the media loves having their head up your ass after the GOP kicks you in it, then stakes you in the heart like the honeybun sucking vampire you are.
Run Sarah, run!!!!
(I've got money on this and the fact that it will be more fun than a monkey riding a pig in one of Sarah's expensive 2008 grifter outfits.)
If she runs, it'll be to prove Joe McGinnis wrong, because he didn't think she was.
ReplyDeleteBut, that could have been "bait" :-)
What an awful looking wig that grifter is wearing.
ReplyDeletePalin toast. Too funny. hahaha
ReplyDeleteGood run you bitch,I can't wait to see the tire marks on your back from where the bus ran you over.
ReplyDeleteI personally think Faux News is not renewing her contract so she wants to collect as much money as she can. This is a way to do it folks....
ReplyDeleteI think that despite their protestations to the contrary that the Palin-bots are starting to see Palin the way the rest of the country sees Palin.
ReplyDeleteSo you're out of business then.
Many people commenting how Chris Christie didn't "quit" like Sarah Palin. Also when Chris Christie was running for the Governorship he declined Palin's offer to help his campaign...Christie knew she was poison.
ReplyDeleteI lost count of how many times Christie referred to his obligation to the state that elected him to serve for four years in his speech today. He made it very clear that he felt he owed it to the state to continue his term because he had asked for the job and felt duty-bound to finish it. Wonder if Palin heard the speech and if she felt diminished by it.
ReplyDeleteProbably not.
3:58 PM
I heard that too and immediately thought of the quitter. Also he said if he had something to say to someone he would not do it for the cameras...like Palin and FB and twitter remarks.
@PeterHambyCNN Peter Hamby
ReplyDeletethe line out of Palin-world: the race is still "wide open"
just read this over at the delusional C4P. They are elated! These people really need to wake up.
ReplyDeleteTrygve means "brave victory" or "trustworthy" in old Norse.
Tri-G means Down Syndrome
Sarah when are you going to make an apology for your unfortunate naming gaffe?
C4P are the thickest concentration of fools on the planet. They'll delude themselves for eternity if Sarah Palin could drag it out that long.
ReplyDeleteI'm never looking over there again. That kind of delusion freaks me out.
ReplyDeleteI decided to take a look and see that they think a contributor "John Smith" is actually Todd Palin. Ummm...no sweeties, just.....no.
@womanwithsardinecan. "but I really just want her to get lost on a glacier somewhere and hopefully fall down a fucking crevasse."
ReplyDeleteDon't hold back. ;-))
She does bring out the best in us all, doesn't she? And that photo -- WWE. (Worst wig ever). Well maybe except for the little test-run "bob" from a couple weeks ago.
Sarah Palin and Reality are no longer on speaking terms.
To Anon at 4:36---The Pbots have to believe the "race is still wide open" because they are Sarah and she is they and they are the we'uns of her'uns. They "stand with Sarah Palin." She's their raison d'etre, the reason they get up in the morning, and I'd feel sorry for the poor Wal-mart shopping, "Undefeated" buying, SarahPac donating fools except for their total ugliness towards anything that is non-Sarah, especially our President, whom they refer to as "that squatter in the White House" and "Odumba," among other monikers.
ReplyDeleteI think Joe M said she wasn't going to run just to bait her into doing it. Then his book sales will be off the chart and she will be even more of a laughingstock Hehehehehe
ReplyDelete2/3 or 66% of repubs DON'T want Sarah to run! They don't want you Sarah! I guess you're not even good enough for teabaggers. Ooh that's gotta sting! How's that lawsuit coming btw? Hahahaha
ReplyDeleteMany people were encouraging Christie to run, but at least he had the decency to not string them along like Scarah has done to her fans. Haven't heard that anyone was clamoring for Scarah to run though. Think most are pretty fed up with her by now.
ReplyDeleteIf she thinks she can avoid questions by keeping her wig out of the ring until Nov 1 she is wrong.
ReplyDeleteShe'll get press, her crazed bots will turn out the couch for loose change and then the right and the left will come down on her with both feet.
Does she really think she can avoid or cherry pick reporters questions? Her own competitors will call her out faster than the dems. You really think MB, HC, MR, RP and the rest of the gang are afraid of her?
They are probably waiting patiently for her to come forward and then the fun begins
And endless series of WTF moments for her
Man she looks skanky in that top photo.
ReplyDeleteThe grifter has been "running" since she quit being governor.
ReplyDeleteJust unofficially.
Please, you good people of Alaska... although you like to blame John McCain, you hired her first...so please keep her up there...
We lower 48ers..don't want her effing things up down here.
TLC has been filming EVERY move she makes, EVERY breath she takes. They were filming the bus tour + her screeches. They even filmed her at her parents anniversary party in Wasilla.
ReplyDeleteWAKE UP! They will film her on the campaign trail in her fake POTUS run - she will get (may already have)a multi-million dollar contract for a reality show, and TLC (or whatever channel is doing this) already has lots of film "in the can."
The whole fam damily of grifters will appear on the show, also, too - all will get richer. Everything she is doing (and will do) is for the reality show deal. ALL OF IT.*
*JMO and NOT based on anything I am seeing/hearing in Hollywood. ; )
She won't run because she's addicted to OPM (Other People's Money)...SarahPac is the money she's living off. The bots are going to be bled dry and once that well dries up what will Sarah do? I betcha' she will try and get another reality show. The Grifter is not running ever!
ReplyDeleteSarah wants to run (she wants the glamor without the work) and I think she is also seeing just how far she can push the Repubs. Sure, she's been warned. Dirt has been released. But I think she doesn't believe they'll actually publicize anything seriously career-ending (I know, what career? Maybe I mean "fantasy-killing") about her.
ReplyDeleteIt's like watchin' a drunk, barefoot redneck pokin' at a six-foot rattlesnake with a six-inch stick.
I think one reason the Palins are so hated is their sense of entitlement. None of them have accomplished much of anything other than reproduction.
ReplyDeleteOne thing that has struck me about Sarah is her ability to LIE and everyone just buys it!!!
If Sarah REALLY had that ultrasound and found out she had a
Sarah said she got her hands on everything she could and read everything on
Then why didn't this woman KNOW she was naming her child
TRIG or TRI-G or Trisomy G which is his diagnosis????
Down's syndrome is abbreviated TRI-G.
Now what mother who knew EVERYTHING she could possibly know about downs name her child Trig...
Unless she lied about that too.
I said this months ago, but I still believe it: She thinks she can bypass the entire primary/caucus/debate stuff, waltz into the RNC, the delegates will go wild, and she'll be nominated by acclamation.
ReplyDeleteShe is THAT delusional.
Run Sarah! Chris Chistie just left the door open a crack, now set that wonk eye on the target, call Rev Muthee to "make a way", grab those last few bucks and just do it!
ReplyDelete3:31 pm
I remember those days well! I feel your pain! It gets better, trust me.
No REAL candidate would be making calls. Either they have professionals running things who KNOW or you can go to the internet.
ReplyDeleteNo serious contender is calling states in October.
Please run Sarah please. If you do it will guarantee Obama's re-election and destroy what's left of the Republican party.
ReplyDeleteSorry for the yelling. It's just so frustrating, wanting this grifting fraud to shit or get off the pot.
She's really being cruel to her bots who spend their days looking for signs she's gonna run, she is running, making lists of clues that she's running ad nauseum. Don't they ever get tired of the tease?
Gryphen, as fascinating as the Palin posts are, it will be a great day for America when Sarah Payme is no longer a political threat to our country and we can ignore her.
Way too much Botox in that pic. She looks like a ventriloquist puppet!
ReplyDelete@5:27 who asks:
ReplyDelete"Does she really think she can avoid or cherry pick reporters questions?"
YOU BETCHA! The plan, according to many at pee pond, is to NOT debate or do press conferences. INSTEAD, she will do town hall meetings during same time slots of debates.
She will talk "directly to the voters."
As we well know, the crowd and the questions will be pre-screened, but they will pretend she is very smart. She CAN draw crowds (and if not, they can be bused in and paid for by koch).
If she runs, it will be to get back at the Republican leadership for not supporting solely her for the nomination.
As a Sped teacher with 25 years experience, taught many DS students, I have to say that Tri-G being used as another name for Down Syndrome is a new one for me. I've read the medical reports on numerous students before writing their IEP's, talked to their physicians, therapists, other health care professionals, and never heard Tri-g used for Down Syndrome. If it really is, then that is another one of those coincidences that seem to only happen to the Palin's. Ditto Bristol naming her son after Todd's prostitute. Too damn weird for words.
ReplyDeleteThe Christie situation was a huge contrast to how Palin is behaving.
ReplyDeleteBesides how he reiterated his duty to the people of New Jersey.
Big money people and Republican operatives were begging Christie to run.
No one with any kind of money or juice is begging Palin to run.
Christie did not take years to make a final decision.
He took a couple of weeks.
He consulted with professionals .
His staff and those around him were experienced and knew how
to organize a national campaign.
Palin continues to say she is consulting with her family , which is such a joke.
What could Piper and Todd know about running a campaign ?
The going rate to compete in the primaries is said to be about 50 million.
Now.. does anyone seriously think Palin could raise 50 million in a month or two ?
Candidate's spouses are surrogates and criss cross the country raising money.
Can anyone see Todd schmoozing big donors at fancy dinner parties
all over the country ?
Plus, he is going to be off on his snow machine for months.
PAC money cannot be used in a campaign and the rules on how the money can be spent are much looser for PACs
than strictly regulated presidential campaign funds.
If Palin were to declare,
her finances would suddenly be under a microscope and her PAC would also get a second look.
If MeAgain's charges are true about the
PAC financial abuses , Palin could not
take that risk.
The smartest move for Palin would never have to teased about running in the first place and just set herself up as a " pundint " with a PAC.
The dumbest move for Palin would be
" to throw her name in the hat " ( incorrect term used by Palin on GVS ) , but, she's so deranged she may do just that.
If she thinks Herb is going to sit quietly and let her steal the limelight,
she better think again.
Herb doesn't censor himself , it could get real interesting when he goes after her
and he will.
As will people like Christie.
'MeAgain' has a few words for us:
ReplyDelete'Sarah is licking her wounds because I quoted a redacted portion of one of her emails and now she's scared to death wondering how MANY of them I have and WHICH ones they are.
Sarah, I heard Tiemessen's water cooler gossip is that you had PAC staff leak this "filing deadline inquiry" in order to deflect attention from the fact that your PAC expenses are not going to add up with your PAC expenditures.
And this is just hilarious to me...Sarah mentioned to several people that she was nervous Gryphen or Laura would look at her executive schedule from the last month of her "pregnancy" and look at all the flights she took while she was supposedly "leaking every day". I think she is the one who TOLD Levi to include the details about leaking daily for weeks...to make it seem like traveling after she started leaking in Texas was less risky. But as usual, she didn't think it through and now is stuck having to explain why she flew twenty thousand miles while "leaking" every day.
And also as usual...if she had kept that botoxed trout yapper shut and not called attention to it, nobody would have caught how Levi's revisionist account of Sarah's obstetrical woes were seriously "conderdicted" by Sarah's official schedule.
Anyone else picturing Homer Simpson in a bad wig, naughty monkey heels, and a fake Fargo drawl?'
5:39 PM
mitchethekid - Thanks for the link to this very well-written piece.
ReplyDelete"I'd rather be doing this than in some stuffy old political office. I'd rather be out here being free."
ReplyDeleteSarah Palin's Alaska October 2010
Just sayin'...
Palin is a "polebrity." Not smart enough to be a real politician and not hot enough to be a real celebrity, she pretends to be one while imitating the other.
ReplyDeleteI read the Conservatives4Palin are all a twitter that Sarah WILL run and CAIN will be her VP! hahahahahahahahahahahahahah. I won't say it, but I bet you are thinking it....
ReplyDeleteWhen I heard Governor Christie's speech saying why he would not seek the GOP POTUS nomination, my first thought was of Queen Esther quitting on the people of ALaska not even half way through her term as gov. Palin is really a loser cause she simply cannot do the job - any job - once she "wins" the title.
ReplyDeleteC'mon, Chicken Little Queen Esther. Come on out and run. There's a lot of people more powerful than you in the know just WAITING to slap you down.
ReplyDeletePlay your victim card once again, drop out, your cult will cry and send you even MORE money.
YOUR god may approve. "My" GOD does not.
Yowzers @6:33 -- the jokes practically write themselves...
ReplyDeleteCAIN/UNABLE 2012!
so is her "campaign" being run by a law firm?
ReplyDeleteMeAgain has another post:
ReplyDeleteSarah is licking her wounds because I quoted a redacted portion of one of her emails and now she's scared to death wondering how MANY of them I have and WHICH ones they are.
Sarah, I heard Tiemessen's water cooler gossip is that you had PAC staff leak this "filing deadline inquiry" in order to deflect attention from the fact that your PAC expenses are not going to add up with your PAC expenditures.
And this is just hilarious to me...Sarah mentioned to several people that she was nervous Gryphen or Laura would look at her executive schedule from the last month of her "pregnancy" and look at all the flights she took while she was supposedly "leaking every day". I think she is the one who TOLD Levi to include the details about leaking daily for weeks...to make it seem like traveling after she started leaking in Texas was less risky. But as usual, she didn't think it through and now is stuck having to explain why she flew twenty thousand miles while "leaking" every day.
And also as usual...if she had kept that botoxed trout yapper shut and not called attention to it, nobody would have caught how Levi's revisionist of Sarah's obstetrical woes were seriously "conderdicted" by Sarah's official schedule.
Any one else picturing Homer Simpson in a bad wig, naughty monkey heels, and a fake Fargo drawl?
"I don’t feel you owe your followers anything. They’re the ones who took the sucker’s bait.
ReplyDeleteYou’ve been a talented entertainer these past few years.
Even I have found you amusing, on occasion.
But the show is over.
Arrivederci, Sarah"
You all are too funny--CAIN/UNABLE 2012. Let's just imagine for a moment that she does run and wins---now hold on.......can you imagine what the headlines of the newspapers from around the world would say? That might be a fun post. I, of course, don't have a funny bone in my body and can't think of anything but you all go ahead.
ReplyDeletePalin won't announce that she is not running till after her speeches, especially the Asian speech.
ReplyDeleteThe reason she is delaying her announcement is because Palin wants to be welcomed over there as a potential presidential candidate.
So Sarah is stringing her American followers along for self serving selfish reasons!
Like Bristol said, "Mom already made up her mind".
diz said...
ReplyDeleteShe may be reclining on her 'fainting couch' as she tallies up all the State filing fees. Po lil rich girl. sigh
Maybe this is her special brand of wasillian-speak for exploratory committee.
Is it true that the SarahPAC money can't be transferred to her campaign war chest? If so, that explains her reluctance. She has 'worked' hard for that money' and is worried that her peepots are running low on funds and she needs serious bus money.
2:59 PM
SarahPac needs more money to come in so they can make payroll (payoff Sarah's relatives for licking envelopes and stamps). I think we would be surprised at how many Heath and Palin family members created phony LLCs and are getting paid as consultants. You see, we will never find out who these hidden accounts belong to until some SarahPac employee becomes another disgruntled employee and writes a book.
I would not be surprised if every Palin kid has their own LLC and receives money from SarahPac (money laundering).
Who in their right mind believes this crap?Anyone can find out the filing dates and fees for free on the internet.No need to pay an attorney to make phone calls.If someone(??) actually paid an attorney to make those calls,it was done intentionally to provide rumor fodder for the Palinites to snag more cash.
ReplyDeleteMore from 'MeAgain':
ReplyDelete'I wish I knew what part of Levi's book was revisionist.
Here's what I know to be factual about Levi:
He lived at the Palin home well before Sarah said to People magazine it would be "over her dead body" that a boyfriend of her daughter's spent the night in the home.
He and Bristol had a serious and committed relationship at one time despite Bristol commenting here frequently trying to play the relationship off as a teenage fling. At one time Levi seemed to forsake his family simply because Bristol "said so".
He was extremely, extremely tender and gentle toward Trig per my source. In the months before the VP pick, he seemed genuinely delighted when he got to see Trig, and the one time my source has seen Levi in person he was holding Trig and talking in a sweet baby talk voice to him. Interesting sidenote: my source finds it odd that we hear so much about Todd and Levi being at odds because she notes Todd was "amazingly" sweet with Trig--even though she feels he is a bully and possibly much worse in all other aspects. In the single time I myself saw Todd in person, he was holding his hand up over Trig's eyes and then pulling it away and saying "booo bear! booo bear! who's my booo bear!" in a soft, sweet voice. The reason I mention it is because my source feels strongly that Todd and Levi must have bonded over their obvious shared love of whatever baby was in the home at that time. (the one I have come to think of as Convention Trig/Trig 2)
Prior to the whole national media explosion, Levi spoke often of his mother and sister--always in absolutely glowing terms. But did not mention his dad much, even when Keith and Sherry were still together.
And that's about it.
I don't know why he hasn't pursued his rights as a father...of course I have to consider that the child we know as Tripp is not Levi's child.
The whole mess is so convoluted...I don't know if Trig is Levi's real child and he just played the rent-a-babydaddy for the Tripp pregnancy...I don't know if he has sought DNA tests or has questioned paternity of...whatever baby(ies) he has been told he is the father of.
And I definitely don't know why he sticks with "representation" who seems hell bent on making him look as dumb, inept, and deadbeat-y as possible.
What's that saying about an enigma wrapped in a riddle or something? That's Levi. I just don't get it. My gut says Levi is a major patsy. Why does he play along? I feel it must be because he "has to".'
8:08 PM
Joe McGinniss' taunting and mocking of her on his blog has to be pissing her off. My initial reaction was that Joe is overdoing it, but then I though about the death threats to his grandchildren made by Palin supporters, about the threats and epithets hurled at Obama at her rallies, AND HOW SHE NEVER SAID A PEEP ABOUT ANY OF IT.
ReplyDeleteThe Lady of the Flies deserves everything she gets.
'MeAgain' again:
ReplyDeleteThe email I quoted was the post where I asked Sarah how she thought people would react if they knew she had callously said "she couldn't find her butt with a map and two hands" about a cancer survivor.
I guess that's covered by "executive privilege" in Sarah's world.
I only have a tiny fraction of the redacted emails, so I wonder what stayed hidden. And some of the stuff that got redacted is pretty bad- like Sarah calling a minor "bitch". So that makes me INCREDIBLY curious as to what was held back altogether.
Truly, I can't imagine. If they redacted her cursing, belittling people, demeaning Todd, showing EXTREME lack of general political knowledge...what did they hold back? Seems like they would have just redacted everything rather than admitting several thousand pages were held back.
Even thought I only have a small amount of the redacted emails...in no less than four of them she demands to know who said something "right now". I think it's interesting that they redacted her petulance. I swear I keep expecting to find a redacted email which reads "you better redact all these emails RIGHT NOW!"
8:24 PM
Joe puts the smackdown on Saint Sarah!
Extraordinary Women–and even ordinary women and men–want to know: yes or no, Sarah?
This weekend, Sarah will speak at the Extraordinary Women Conference of Christian zealot right-wing women in Lynchburg, Virginia.
The conference motto is from Isaiah 40:31.
Those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength.
They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary,
they will walk and not be faint.
Hey, Sarah, if you can scam 100K from this gullible herd of sheep for doing no more than regurgitating “Christian”/Tea Party talking points, more power to you.
But with Chris Christie’s statement that he will not enter the race for the Republican nomination in 2012, and with the collapse of Tea Party alternatives such as Michelle Bachmann and Rick Perry, it is as if Moses really has parted the Red Sea as an invitation to you.
You’ve always said that your God tells you what to do, and opens doors for you.
Sarah, the door will never be open wider, nor the sea more parted, than it is right now.
Will you have the courage to walk through it, and enter the race?
I don’t think so.
And it’s not because The Big Guy in The Sky is telling you not to.
It’s because you can’t face the scrutiny.
As vice presidential nominee, you got a free pass in 2008 from mainstream media.
And MSM has allowed you to become a multi-millionaire celebrity ever since.
They are complicit, tacitly agreeing not to show you up as a fraud as long as you give them
ratings, web hits, and newspaper circulation.
But too many eyes are now watching, and MSM won’t be able to do it again.
Sarah, the road show is over. I know you’ll quit while you’re ahead.
To enter the race for the Republican nomination would not merely invite, but demand scrutiny
that you could not withstand: about Trig, about your extremist religious beliefs, about your phony
image as a “hockey Mom,” about your vindictiveness, about the disparity between how you tell others to conduct their lives and the way you’ve conducted your own, about the lies you’ve told as a public figure, about your ignorance, your shallowness, and your hysteria whenever you don’t get your own way immediately.
I don’t feel you owe your followers anything. They’re the ones who took the sucker’s bait.
You’ve been a talented entertainer these past few years.
Even I have found you amusing, on occasion.
But the show is over.
Arrivederci, Sarah.
“Now is not my time” Christie said at a press conference in Trenton, New Jersey this afternoon. “I have a commitment to New Jersey that I simply will not abandon.”
I guess that means Gov Christie will not quit his job as governor for the good of New Jersey then buy a bus and take his parents and family on a summer vacation paid for by ChristiePac while his daughter gyrates on the floor on DWTS while preaching abstinence while her belly button is popping out of her big gut.
I guess this is what a governor who loves their state sounds like.
ReplyDeleteMaybe next time we Alaskans shouldn't pick a looser Miss Alaska as our governor and instead pick someone with morals and convictions (not criminal convictons).
-An Alaskan Citizen
Gov Christie: “I hear exactly what you’re saying and I feel the passion with which you say it, and it touches me,” Christie replied. “I’m just a kid from Jersey who feels like he’s the luckiest guy in the world to have the opportunity that I have to be the governor of my state.”
Politico - obviously to get clicks - is tossing out a Cain/Palin tease.
ReplyDeleteHermain Cain appears far too intelligent to associate himself with $arah in any way.
John "Country First" McCain lays claim to that $hame.
ALso too: it's been three weeks or more since the Quitter has twittered or face booked. She must be too busy "writing her speeches" for the Lynchburg mob and Korea.
ReplyDeleteJust watched an odd, amazing film from New Zealand called The Insatiable Moon.
It's about a Maori guy living in a group home for the mentally ill who thinks he's God's second son.
The film is more full of the spirit of the gospels than any Perry, Palin or Beck vanity fest.
"St. Joan of the Tundra" -- stolen from another site. But apropos.
ReplyDeleteIf she who must not be named thinks this is her time in the sun, then bring it on, I say. All that baggage is pretty goddam heavy.
ReplyDeleteThere's a character in the boarding house named Pete that's a dead ringer for Andrew Sullivan.
She's not running for anything. Her weird finger twitches, tongue protrusions and leg rubbing are symptoms of tardive dyskinesia. "Tardive dyskinesia is characterized by repetitive, involuntary, purposeless movements, such as grimacing, tongue protrusion, lip smacking, puckering and pursing of the lips, and rapid eye blinking. Rapid movements of the extremities may also occur. Impaired movements of the fingers may also appear."
ReplyDeleteThumbs up, anyone? She's got big problems, and not just legal and financial.
"It frequently appears after long-term or high-dose use of antipsychotic drugs". http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tardive_dyskinesia
anon @6:09
ReplyDeleteRe Tri-G as a name for DS. you are correct, it is a term that was in vogue in the 1950-70s in the US but still seems to be used quite often still in European literature. As a pediatric nurse, I had not been familiar with the term either. However, I did a medical literature search and it is quite evident in the literature. I also spoke with a world famoud pedaitric geneticist with whom I work and she confirmed the term. Finally, I asked an older nurse who is retired and she said these kids were affectionately called Trig babies back in her day.
So, OK, lets say it really was a monumental coincidence. Now that she knows that many are upset with the unfortuate naming, she really is obligated to acknowledge her gaffe and apologize those who are appalled with her gaffe.
It is the right thing to do.
Yes, expect this little "crumb" as Gryphen aptly calls it to soon be followed by yet another beg-a-thon for SarahPAC. As I've said before, I don't think she's ever going to announce one way or another. She has correctly sized up her marks and knows they will keep believing until the bitter end (or beyond) that that some how, some way, some day, she'll run.
ReplyDeleteI'm sorry---she's had THREE YEARS to mull this over, and her people don't even know the filing deadlines?
People actually believe this woman is competent, decisive, prepared?
It appears she may not even know the filing deadlines. How are we supposed to believe the woman has any competence whatsoever? I want my president to decide less on whim and more on . . . thought, planning, information---you know, those things that make GOOD decisions.
Palin's plans appear to revolve around how she feels when she wakes up in the morning and how her ego would fare in the competition.
She won't be a GOP CONtender because she doesn't want to compete. But she will CONtinue to tease as a third party candidate right through next summer, esp after the write-in campaign worked for Lisa in AK. Her version of unCONventional basically means as long as she can string people along she'll continue to CONvince them to do so. The unconventional bit is just a cover-up. Don't look for any of what she does to make sense unless you look at it for what it is. It's all a big CON job.
ReplyDeleteYep, she's no pitbull. She's a cockroach. We have a whole 'nother 11months of her making people dance. Unless some upcoming books change that.
The assumption that B/H placed these calls for Palin has no specific basis. B/H does work for a number of candidates (right now, none declaring national candidacy, mostly Congressional) however, they also are listed by the FEC as representing a number of PACs, any of which could be scrambling behind the scenes to find GOP alternatives to back - OTHER THAN Sarah Palin. Such as Allen West, etc.
ReplyDeleteOr, it could be for Sarah Palin. But there is no specific reason to identify this as such, this is just a red herring to create news filler.
Irresponsible journalism at its best.
Re: Anon 10:25 Let's just hope at the end of all this, Palin finds herself out in the desert, "tooting" her Coke bottle, thinking to herself "The Gods Must Be Crazy."
OT, but I'm still laughing about that advertising for the Palin/Beck thingy. The part about “once in a lifetime opportunity to witness the fusion of two intellectual conservatives.” If Sarah and Mr Coocoo are the intellect of the conservative movement, boy is it in trouble.