Saturday, November 19, 2011

Another Alaska reporter calls Palin out on her hypocrisy.

Just in case you think I am in the minority up here when it comes to being disgusted with Klondike Kardashian's attempt to lie about her accomplishments, this was what Craig Medred wrote at Alaska Dispatch about Palin's sudden distaste for "cronyism."

Palin claims: 

"I've been fighting this type of corruption and cronyism my entire political career. For years Alaskans suspected that our lawmakers and state administrators were in the pockets of the big oil companies to the detriment of ordinary Alaskans. We knew we were being taken for a ride, but it took FBI wiretaps to finally capture lawmakers in the act of selling their votes. In the wake of politicos being carted off to prison, my administration enacted reforms based on transparency and accountability to prevent this from happening again."

These claims are largely and simply a lie. 

Palin didn't spend her political career fighting corruption. And the Palin administration was all about cronyism. The big oil companies in Alaska did, and to some extent still do, carry undue influence with Alaska politicians. But it's nothing compared to the influence of commercial fishing interests in the fishing industry off the coast of the 49th state. The fishing interests have the kind of influence the oil companies can only dream about. 

Did Palin ever try to do anything to fix this? Anything? 

Well, of course, not. Her hubby is in the fishing business. Protecting his interests was more important than protecting the public's interest. 

It's cronyism at the fundamental level.

Once again it is this insight that Alaskans have about who Sarah Palin REALLY is, that probably explains WHY she won't be attending the premiere of her propaganda film.

We KNOW she is a fake and a fraud, and I absolutely hope that somebody attends that premiere and tells Stephen Bannon that his film is full of shit, and that his subject may be one of the most deeply flawed and unqualified politicians we have seen in our lifetime.

And for those of us up here in Alaska, THAT is really saying something!


  1. Anonymous3:24 PM

    Don't feed the trolls!
    It just goes directly to their thighs. Relax, then go and find out what your dotter is up to now.

  2. Anonymous3:31 PM

    Wow. Totally o/t but I just took a good look at this picture and it hit me like a ton of bricks! Look at the mouths...both have droopy right sides. I think Trig is Palin's kid but she had a surrogate carry him. His existence was orchestrated with a total political purpose. Has this theory ever been discussed?

  3. Chenagrrl3:38 PM

    Sarah Palin (tm) is Newt Gingrich(tm) in Naughty Monkeys.

    Howbout the Gingrich-Palin ticket? Fleecing the masses would never work better. He has the high end, she the low.

  4. Did she actually think there would be no blowback from signing her name to Schwiezer's words??? She is so used to flinging her bilious crap at the President and all things liberal that she forgot she was now dumping in her own nest. She may have made someone in the know angry enough to support Shailey's APD case in retaliation.

    Methinks she better send an advance team to AZ to sweep the scorpions and rattlesnakes out of her desert den as she may need to seek refuge there soon.

  5. Anonymous3:49 PM


    maybe they both had the same father??

  6. Good try anon@ 3:31!

    Yes, I see you're trying to figure out how to get around that tubal ligation thingee!

  7. Anonymous4:06 PM

    Anonymous said...
    Don't feed the trolls!
    It just goes directly to their thighs. Relax, then go and find out what your dotter is up to now.

    3:24 PM

    LOL...this troll came on so quickly.

    I am thinking " your dotter" must mean those dot makers people who are into Bingo use to mark their cards. I wasn't aware you played Bingo Gryph, but nice of this person to ask.

    PS...dear dear little very fat thighed troll...please go back to 3rd grade and concentrate on spelling. This one has to come from homeschooled Willow..she must have been out drunk the day they learned about family members.

  8. Anonymous4:10 PM


    I'd agree Newt is Palin minus the Naughty Monkeys, but add Palin is Newt minus the brain.

  9. Anonymous4:19 PM

    As many of us have said - Sarah Palin has a place in hell awaiting her. She's as horrid as Newt and he is currently being exposed for the fraud he is and has always been!

  10. WakeUpAmerica4:23 PM

    Palin received the droopy mouth with her plastic surgery. She doesn't have it in pre-surgery pictures. The lop-sided mouth is a common plastic surgery side-effect. Notice Greta VanSusteren's mouth? Same thing. She didn't have it before surgery. Sucks to be them.

  11. Anonymous4:30 PM

    That's why the bitoch ain't running for POTUS because she knows she'll come under scrutiny and her lies will be under the microscope.

  12. Oh my, Willow pregnant?

  13. Anonymous4:52 PM

    Sarah knows deep down that there are no politicians who aren't kneedeep in cronyism. It comes with the territory. Chicago thuggery (that Obama's career thrives on), NY elitests, good ol southern boys...everyone has their posse.

    It's hypocritical for you all to only call her out on it and to say she's specifically the most corrupt or most hypocritical, when in actuality, she's very small potatoes.

    Does anyone else wish we could elect Clinton again? Well, if he promises to leave his communistic wife home. Clinton did a lot of good, and a lot of his decisions didn't win liberal friends which is always good for the country.

    Damnit, I just wish more people weren't so freaking blind to Obama's fraudulent past. He damn backers are pros at coverups. I wish I knew how to hack email. I'd happily go to jail for a look at what I am sure is pretty damn interesting emails. We know he's a hothead and blows up at aides. We've all read about that. I hope Americans request an email release like they did Bush.

    Because Bush aint got nuttin on Obama.

  14. Anonymous5:02 PM

    "I've been fighting this type of corruption and cronyism my entire political career.


    Grifting, corruption, nepotism and cronyism is Sarah Palin’s middle name.

    Did Sarah forget about getting Track’s wife a job working for the governor?

    What about hiring her BFF from high school to head the Agriculture Dept and her only qualification was she liked cows as a kid?

    “So when there was a vacancy at the top of the State Division of Agriculture, she appointed a high school classmate, Franci Havemeister, to the $95,000-a-year directorship. A former real estate agent, Ms. Havemeister cited her childhood love of cows as a qualification for running the roughly $2 million agency.
    Ms. Havemeister was one of at least five schoolmates Ms. Palin hired, often at salaries far exceeding their private sector wages. “

    Once Elected, Palin Hired Friends and Lashed Foes

  15. Anonymous5:04 PM

    I can't breathe I'm laughing so hard! The comments on his article are a must read! And Gryphen got an honorable mention in one of the posts! Great Job!

    Here's a sample

    by suzie 123 | November 19, 2011 - 10:50am

    -22 votes


    Vote up!


    Vote down!

    Craig Menard is a worthless writer...he is demeaning, hateful, jealous, & sounds like a spoiled 16 yr old book that would never get the "pretty" girl to go out with him.... his inner frustations are showing when he speaks of harsh of Sarah Palin. I used the word speaks because he is not reporting anything only giving his worthless, meaningless opinion, which is an opinion that very very very few care to read.

    Maybe it is time that Alaska Dispatch tell Craig Menard good bye and don't let the door hit him when he leaves. I for one will not miss reading his small worthless pieces of crap opinions.

    by Dinty | November 19, 2011 - 4:38pm

    0 votes


    Vote up!


    Vote down!

    LOL it's Craig Medred, not Menard. Little Freudian slip considering the Palin Family history with the Menards, no?

    The whole article is worth reading, but some seriously funny and delusional stuff in the comments section.

  16. nswfm5:05 PM

    Well, if that National Enquirer story is true, the Alaska reporters can call out both Sarah and Bristol on their hypocrisy.

    Schadenfreude Saturday AND Sunday.

  17. Anonymous5:09 PM

    If you want to see Sarah she'll be at the NBA charity event. She'll be disguised as the lazy-eyed hooker.

  18. Anonymous5:26 PM

    Anonymous said...
    If you want to see Sarah she'll be at the NBA charity event. She'll be disguised as the lazy-eyed hooker.

    5:09 PM

    Are you sure?

    I thought Sarah Palin was going as the wonky eyed 3 Night Stand Hoe?

  19. Anonymous5:32 PM

    trev said...

    Oh my, Willow pregnant?

    4:45 PM
    That article is a YEAR OLD!

  20. Anonymous said...

    Sarah knows deep down that there are no politicians who aren't kneedeep in cronyism. It comes with the territory. Chicago thuggery (that Obama's career thrives on), NY elitests, good ol southern boys...everyone has their posse.

    It's hypocritical for you all to only call her out on it and to say she's specifically the most corrupt or most hypocritical, when in actuality, she's very small potatoes.

    Does anyone else wish we could elect Clinton again? Well, if he promises to leave his communistic wife home. Clinton did a lot of good, and a lot of his decisions didn't win liberal friends which is always good for the country.

    Damnit, I just wish more people weren't so freaking blind to Obama's fraudulent past. He damn backers are pros at coverups. I wish I knew how to hack email. I'd happily go to jail for a look at what I am sure is pretty damn interesting emails. We know he's a hothead and blows up at aides. We've all read about that. I hope Americans request an email release like they did Bush.

    Because Bush aint got nuttin on Obama.

    4:52 PM

    Can you get off of President Obama's dick! Listen up Governor Dirty Wig....we know you want him in the worst kind of way...but he's already taken and he is certaintly not interested in a dried up crone such as yourself Gov Dirty...maybe you should give Glen Rice a call ...he might give you a twirl for old times sake! Don't forget the baby oil...good luck and let us know how it turns out Dirty!

  21. Anonymous5:38 PM

    SARAH PALIN has ANOTHER teen pregnancy scandal on her hands - and this time it's BRISTOL''s younger sister WILLOW!

    Well Sarah, it's too late for you to control Willow. That cow has been out on the pasture doing the nasty and you can't get that hefer back into the barn.

    So Track, Bristol and Willow are carrying the family tradition started by Sally Heath.

    I guess that leaves Piper in the barn and maybe you can be a mother to her and close the barn door before she becomes of age (12 years old) and decides to follow the path of her siblings, mother and grandmother.

    What a terrible mother.

    Bristol has her kids and her God child (LOL).

    So what does Willow have, another God child too? LOL

    Sarah you really need to spade and neuter all your kids, they are out of control!

    1. Anonymous11:06 AM

      that article is a wee bit old

  22. Anonymous said...

    Don't feed the trolls!
    It just goes directly to their thighs. Relax, then go and find out what your dotter is up to now.

    3:24 PM

    Hmmm...this sounds like a threat! Hopefully Gryphen will check out your IP mean troll!

  23. Anonymous5:52 PM

    when in actuality, she's very small potatoes.

    And the smaller the stakes, the more vicious- which explains a lot about $carah and the Toad.

  24. Anonymous5:53 PM

    "We know he's a hothead and blows up at aides. We've all read about that."

    Yeah, that must be why the last nickname he earned was "No drama Obama." |eyeroll|

  25. Anonymous5:58 PM


    old news - Willow had a pregnancy scare last year. It was claimed that the test was negative at the time. However, people claim that she delivered a baby this summer and Track and Britta have it.

    Or that could be the infant Bristol had in LA and that's why Willow was with her instead of in school.

    Shawn Christy was told that Willow was huge this past spring because of her anti-psychotic drugs. He believed she was pregnant.

  26. WakeUpAmerica6:03 PM

    "Willow Pregnancy" is a rather old story, folks. Look at the date.

  27. Anonymous6:06 PM

    Not all the Trigs have droopy mouth.

    DS children often have hypotonia, (poor muscle tone) and can not control their facial features.

    notice the picture of the infant in the article ^ - same mouth

    the latest Trig - the tiny one with black hair and native look, featured with Tripp in a buddy photo does not have the turned down mouth.

  28. Anonymous6:12 PM

    There is a scathing Palin piece about this topic on Daily Kos. It is a must read.

  29. Anonymous6:35 PM

    Kathleen Parker's calling it like it is:
    "It takes courage to swim against the tide of know-nothingness that has become de rigueur among the anti-elite, anti-intellectual Republican base. Call it the Palinization of the GOP, in which the least informed earns the loudest applause."

  30. OK, it is a year old, I just saw November 18. Funny thing is that it doesn't matter. Willow could be pregnant again, who is Bristle's godson? Why isn't Willow in school in AK instead of wheeling around babies in LA?
    This whole family is such a joke. Where is Todd? How come Shalley can't get her stuff back? Do people obey judges orders in AK? What happened to MeAgain? Silenced?

  31. Anonymous6:54 PM

    What people should do is occupy the movie establishment outside. Have signs printed. You know "Who's baby is Trigg"? "How much money did you make from the fishing lobby?" "Palin full of Shit" etc, etc, etc.

  32. Anonymous7:00 PM

    Yes, Anon 3:31, the surrogate-IVF theory has been discussed often, here, and on other blogs.

    And, yes, there was a political purpose behind it all that goes well beyond Palin and her sad surrogates.

  33. Anonymous7:04 PM

    @4:25 Sorry, but you have it wrong about Obama and the Chicago Machine. Obama ran against seven other people in the Democratic primary for the US Senate. Mayor Daley did not endorse him; he backed a party favorite-- not Obama. Obama won, much to the surprise of everyone. He was slated to run against the handsome, charming Jack Ryan who was divorced from the actress, Jeri Ryan.

    I was at a fund raiser for Obama when he was the Democratic party's candidate for Senate. He still did not have Daley's backing. He was on his own. He told the house full of donors that Ryan had hired the same campaign guy who demolished Max Cleland. Then, an amazing thing happened. Jeri Ryan unsealed their divorce papers, exposing her former husband's nasty antics, trying to get her to perform sex acts in public. Soon after, Jack Ryan disappeared. The Republicans found Alan Keyes to run against Obama. Then, when Obama looked like a winner, then Daley endorsed him. If you need to read facts about the story:,_2004#Democratic_primary

    When Obama ran in the presidential primary against Hillary, once again the powerful Mayor Daley withheld his endorsement and backing. Hillary comes from Park Ridge, a suburb of Chicago. Daley wasn't going to choose sides until the primaries were over.

    Please be careful when you claim that Obama was part of the Chicago Machine. On the other hand, I doubt that you can read anything this long. I can tell by your writing style (he damn backers) that you have a limited attention span. But, as a proud citizen of Chicago, I kindly request that you dial back on that claim of thuggery. Alaska's Ted Stevens out-thugs anyone in Chicago. So does Newt, Tom DeLay, Duke Cunningham, for example. If you want the best examples of real thugs, I give you Dick Cheney and Karl Rove.

  34. Anonymous7:12 PM

    i wish you alaskans who go to the movie would mic check it.

    wheres trigs birth certificate

    how much did todd pay for sex

    did you go to jury duty

    does track know he is curtis menards son

    how much debt did you leave wasilla in when you left the office of mayor

    who are the sports centers windows and your house windows the same

    show us your college diploma

    where is ruffles

  35. Anonymous8:14 PM

    Anon 3:31 give me a break. He looks like a DS kid. All of them have that look, sorry. A surrogate? No way. It's really far fetched IMO

  36. Anonymous8:15 PM

    Anonymous 4:52 pm.
    Hi Sarah.
    You started out allright there at first...almost grammatical and all - but "communistic?" come on !

    And you cant still be sour about your emails, considering how they were buried...

    You delusional whackjob, please spew elsewhere!

  37. Anonymous8:20 PM

    Gina M (5:37 pm) -
    Thanks for the lol !!!!!
    but shouldn't it be
    former-half-term-Governor Dirty ?

    SunnyVee :)

  38. Anonymous8:22 PM

    4:52--you really are an idiot and might want to go back to school before posting. "Communistic" is not a word.
    You also obviously don't even have a basic understanding of Communism. Or history or politics for that matter. Did you take history in your home schooling class? Because you are spouting a lot of incorrect information with made up words and bad grammar. Who does that sound like. Who is your daddy moron. You need to repeat high school government and history classes.
    I'm so sick of your stupidity. Anyone here can spot your writing in two seconds. You are an idiot.

  39. Anonymous8:41 PM

    OMFG! Perhaps Dinty is our illiterate troll.
    Who the he'll uses "nuttin" but a complete moron!!

  40. Anonymous9:00 PM

    Anonymous said...
    Sarah knows deep down that there are no politicians who aren't kneedeep in cronyism. It comes with the territory. Chicago thuggery (that Obama's career thrives on), NY elitests, good ol southern boys...everyone has their posse.

    It's hypocritical for you all to only call her out on it and to say she's specifically the most corrupt or most hypocritical, when in actuality, she's very small potatoes.

    Does anyone else wish we could elect Clinton again? Well, if he promises to leave his communistic wife home. Clinton did a lot of good, and a lot of his decisions didn't win liberal friends which is always good for the country.

    Damnit, I just wish more people weren't so freaking blind to Obama's fraudulent past. He damn backers are pros at coverups. I wish I knew how to hack email. I'd happily go to jail for a look at what I am sure is pretty damn interesting emails. We know he's a hothead and blows up at aides. We've all read about that. I hope Americans request an email release like they did Bush.

    Because Bush aint got nuttin on Obama.

    4:52 PM


    "He damn backers are pros at coverups. I wish I knew how to hack email. I'd happily go to jail for a look at what I am sure is pretty damn interesting emails."

    Not too smart to publicly post your wish to hack emails of a sitting president, What the hell do "comunistic" and "He dam backers are pros at coverups?" mean?

    Let me take a damn guess, In your damn lineage, the damn word "pumpkin" was always considered a damned verb?

  41. Anonymous9:09 PM

    Sarah Palin wonders how politicians get so rich

    ...Oh, but making tons of money while pretending to run for public office over the last two years doesn't count. No, transparency warrior Sarah Palin has her fuming pen set on those darn politicians who use their offices for political gain. Kind of like this:

    [A] Los Angeles Times examination of state records shows, her approach to government was business as usual. Take, for example, the tradition of patronage. Some of Palin's most controversial appointments involved donors, records show. Among The Times' findings:
    More than 100 appointments to state posts -- nearly 1 in 4 -- went to campaign contributors or their relatives, sometimes without apparent regard to qualifications.

    Palin filled 16 state offices with appointees from families that donated $2,000 to $5,600 and were among her top political patrons.

    Several of Palin's leading campaign donors received state-subsidized industrial development loans of up to $3.6 million for business ventures of questionable public value.

    But her history of using her own office and political experience for personal gain doesn't stop Palin from continuing her righteous indignation:

  42. Anonymous9:40 PM

    Does "homeschooling" result in the use of "words" like "communistic" and "dotter"?

    Anyone ever find out what the hell a "dotter" is supposed to be?

    Is that some kind of hooked on phonics thing or something?

  43. Anonymous9:42 PM

    @ 4:52

    Hey Sarah,

    As a former Gov...err..public official, you should know anyone can file a freedom of information request. I know that would required readin and writin skills that neither you nor your kids have. Perhaps you should ring up RAM. Whoops....what?....she's too busy writing a book? Oh shit...
    Maybe if you'd quit being so bitter about losing to a black man life would be just a little more easy to deal with. But we understand the confusion. Those late night carnal thoughts overcomming that hatred. I've heard running helps to clear the mind.

  44. media and government hypocrisy and more:

  45. Anonymous10:02 PM

    Anonymous 5:38 PM wrote: Sarah you really need to spade and neuter all your kids, they are out of control!

    Mmm… The verb is "to spay" as in Sarah, you really need to spay and neuter all your kids. Then you can say, they have been spayed. The operation has nothing to do with shovels. Really. Don't be fooled by the similar sound of the past tense. You don't need to trust me; look it up.

  46. Anonymous10:16 PM

    Trig looks a lot like Levi in that picture.

  47. Anonymous10:45 PM

    Has IM ever had a rhyming troll or pbot??

    Ak Disp @ 6:55 "Craig, Craig, go away...your stupidity can't stay .. Readers are sick and tired of your one sided opinions - & the hate just drips in your trying to write...are you even a journalist??? " and so on and so forth.

  48. Hi Sarah, Welcome back!

    This picture reminds me of something...what was it again...

    Oh yeah, I Remember now!

    Quick question, Where's Trigs Birth Certificate?

  49. Anonymous12:58 AM

    Holy feck, waaaay too early to laugh this hard!!!

    GinaM said...

    "...he might give you a twirl for old times sake! Don't forget the baby oil..."


  50. Anonymous1:05 AM

    Here's transparent for you: JPMorganChase makes a donation to the cops and here's your tax dollars at work.

    Making sure to save the life of the ATMs. Students, 84 YO little ladies and journalists, be damned. Gotta have our donor priorities straight.

    Constitutional rights like speech, assembly, free press, and 4th amendment, too bad. What do they teach at Harvard or Chicago about Constitutional law? It only works for big donors? Maybe AG Holder would know....


  51. Where are Trig's glasses and hearing aids?

  52. Anonymous1:11 AM

    it looks like palin haters are just as bad as palin lovers
    get a live
    palin is history, nobody cares
    no wonder joe stopped allowing comments

  53. Anonymous2:04 AM

    fuck you mccain

  54. Anonymous4:09 AM

    I guess Momma grifter was too busy being super mom that she didn't even bother to match the baby's socks...

    Great way to pay attention Sarah.

  55. Anonymous4:15 AM

    i think the poster was asking about Gryphen's daughter? dotter? Homeskool version.

  56. Anonymous said...
    it looks like palin haters are just as bad as palin lovers
    get a live
    palin is history, nobody cares
    no wonder joe stopped allowing comments
    1:11 AM
    Nice try, you illiterate dolt. Joe announced well ahead of time that he was going to stop comments as of a particular date as he would be too busy with the publicity for his book to keep up with them.

    I am surprised you got a writing job with your lack of punctuation and spelling skills (get a "live"?), but then I remembered who your idiot boss is.

  57. Kimosabe5:24 AM

    I remember Craig Medred as the huntin' and fishin' columnist for the ADN. Assume it's the same guy. He's come a long way baby!

  58. Anonymous6:31 AM

    and when someone posts a comment you dont like complain about the grammar and punctuation add a personal attack or two then for good measure throw in some name-calling its what all the smart people do

  59. Beldar J Conehead7:14 AM

    Scientists report that the unamplified sound of the Screechy Wretch's(tm) voice disrupts normal human synaptic activity and severs the wings of butterflies within a 1/2 mile radius.

  60. Anonymous7:15 AM

    Hey, Idiot at 4:52. "Damnit, I just wish more people weren't so freaking blind to Obama's fraudulent past. He damn backers are pros at coverups. I wish I knew how to hack email. I'd happily go to jail for a look at what I am sure is pretty damn interesting emails."

    No need to hack. Just request. Are you really that unbelievably ignorant that you do not know this?

  61. Anonymous7:18 AM

    I hope the Alaskans attending the showing (at $50 a pop) of "The Unmitigated Gall" throw rotton tomatoes at the screen.

  62. Anonymous8:48 AM

    "and when someone posts a comment you dont like complain about the grammar and punctuation add a personal attack or two then for good measure throw in some name-calling its what all the smart people do"

    @6:31 AM

    And, whenever somebody posts something a troll doesn't like, the trolls who monitor this blog24/7, return to complain about bias, lie about the sitting president, add a personal attack, then for some good measure throws in some name-calling of their own, hypocrisy, and whining, because that's what smart people do.

  63. Amy in Juneau9:14 AM

    @ anon 7:12 pm

    I totally agree with you

  64. @ SunnyVee....

    *tongue planted firmly in cheek.....Awww...but SunnyVee...she doesn't need no "stinkin" titles...even though she MUST be referred to as Governor....therefore I MUST refer to her as Governor Dirty Wig...that is what Gov Dirty insist on...I wish I could change it but I'm afraid that I may be banned from IM if I don't follow the rules! *SNICKER

  65. Anonymous11:09 AM

    O/T That photo of Trig shows a droop on the right side of his mouth, just like the baby the Heaths had in that hospital photo.

    But I didn't see any droop in the birth announcement photo. I didn't see any droop in the photos of the baby known as ruffles. And there are several photos of Trig that do not have a droop.

    Gryphen, did anyone investigate that rumor that was going around on the internet back in 2008 that a boy from Juneau named Dylan fathered a child with Brestol? I googled and found his photo and saw what looked like a droop on the right side of his mouth. So, I do wonder.

    Thanks, Gryphen.

  66. lwtjb6:18 PM

    The Norwegian word for daughter is dotter. May or may not have anything to do with the post at 3:24.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.