Sunday, November 20, 2011

In case you missed it, here is the Chris Hayes story about lobbyists planning to target OWS protesters and the Democratic politicians who support them.

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Courtesy of MSNBC:

CLGC’s memo proposes that the ABA pay CLGC $850,000 to conduct “opposition research” on Occupy Wall Street in order to construct “negative narratives” about the protests and allied politicians. The memo also asserts that Democratic victories in 2012 would be detrimental for Wall Street and targets specific races in which it says Wall Street would benefit by electing Republicans instead. 

According to the memo, if Democrats embrace OWS, “This would mean more than just short-term political discomfort for Wall Street. … It has the potential to have very long-lasting political, policy and financial impacts on the companies in the center of the bullseye.” 

The memo also suggests that Democratic victories in 2012 should not be the ABA’s biggest concern. “… (T)he bigger concern,” the memo says, “should be that Republicans will no longer defend Wall Street companies.” 

Two of the memo’s authors, partners Sam Geduldig and Jay Cranford, previously worked for House Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio. Geduldig joined CLGC before Boehner became speaker; Cranford joined CLGC this year after serving as the speaker’s assistant for policy. A third partner, Steve Clark, is reportedly “tight” with Boehner, according to a story by Roll Call that CLGC features on its website. 

For all of those who said that this protest was not focused, and that it would have no effect, I think these lobbyists disagree with you. You don't spend just under a million dollars to discredit a movement, unless they are scaring the bejeezus out of you.


  1. Anonymous2:15 AM

    OWS is but a symptom of our completely dysfunctional financial system. Those who are benefitting from the current unbalanced policies are trying to find any way possible to maintain the status quo. I truly fear that nothing short of an actual class warfare revolution will correct the imbalance.

    Hey 1%:

    FUCK YOU. Game over.

  2. johnie2xs4:49 AM

    I've come to believe that Chris's show has now placed itself as the preeminent Sunday morning political fare. NBC, CBS, and ABC only look more stunted and corporate by comparison.

  3. Randall5:24 AM

    We ARE the 99%

    ...but if we don't VOTE

    then it doesn't matter.

    You want to send a message to Washington D.C.?

    Then vote out your congresscritters.
    ALL of them.
    THEY ARE the 1%.
    Vote them out.

    ALL of them.

    Vote them out...

    Or shut up and go home.
    (If you have a home...)

  4. Anonymous5:52 AM

    Thanks for posting this. I wanted to watch it but missed it. Love this kid, he is so good. He is like a mini Rachael. I never thought I could hate to the degree that I hate the repugs.

  5. I heart Chris Hayes. I saw him the other day on MSNBC with that awful S.E. Cupp chick and he completely demolished her in a conversation about GOP nominees, to theoint where she was just shouting talking points by the time he got done with her.

  6. Anonymous8:49 AM

    Fox All Propaganda Network has already done quite a hatchet job on OWS...I read stuff on the internet by otherwise "normal" sounding people, spewing absolute HATRED against the protestors.

    Just watching REGULAR news about what has been going on, a mature, thinking individual would conclude ONLY that the police are really looking like paid thugs, and are way out of control.

    Only on Fox do you find talking heads spinning everything so the take-away is that its a bunch of young, irresponsible lazy kids, with no jobs, and no desire to HAVE one, pissing and shitting everywhere, as they blame the poor banks for the misery they cause themselves.

    A lot of the dittohead types who haven't figured out that Fox is a complete crapfest, then post stuff on the internet, as if they were paid stooges for the 1%.

    So, that leaves us to wonder just what tack this lobbying group will take, to further discredit all who are speaking up against the evil being done to our nation.

    Are we headed for another "communist under every bed" smear, like Joe McCarthy got away with, for a long time before going down in flames?

  7. Anonymous9:23 AM

    Chris is one sharp young man. Rachel indicated on her show that he/Chris would be having a big announcement on his show. And, he did!!!

    I think we are going to end up seeing rioting in the streets. The cops/1% will do everything they can to stop these demonstrations and they are so against the law. The cops make me absolutely sick and I'm quickly losing respect for them in some of these bigger cities (i.e. New York and CA).

    Prices for everything are going up - incomes are staying the same (except for the 1%) if, in fact, people actually have jobs, homes have been lost, more and more are needing food - the U.S. is becoming a third world country folks! Pay attention, stand up, vote for President Obama and get the Republicans out of office on the local, state and national levels.

  8. Anonymous7:40 PM

    Chris Hayes and Alex Wagner both have a bright future on msnbc. I also saw Chis Hayes's smack down of S.E.Cupp, and it was poetry in motion! We need shows on weekends to go up against the vanilla pablum the major networks and Fox has on. How can they be taken seriously as a news network, when weekends are "Lock up" a thons? I never understood why that was and what's taken them so long?

    We need to get out the vote in huge numbers. My biggest fear, when OWS first started, was the Republicans and 1 percenters would do exactly what Chris exposes. They'd take it and spin the political angle in their favor.

    OWS is just a few months old, and it's already had a HUGE impact on the banks, they don't want to admit it, but they're scrambling to find ways to attract customers, and they're losing more and more of them each week.

    I want OWS to remain politically neutral and somewhat ambiguous as to their next move/plans for the future of the movement. It's the only way they can remain relevant to the middle class, and the longer they get exposure, the more effective they'll be.

  9. The 99% may vote, but the 1% count the votes.


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It just goes directly to their thighs.