Tuesday, November 29, 2011

How will the Palin-bots respond when EVEN the Fox News folks state publicy that they are beating a badly wigged, heavily medicated, and now politically dead horse?

Ouch!  That has to hurt the Bots who seem to believe that the only sources of revealed truth come from the Bible and Fox News, though I am not sure it is in that order.

One of the Winged Monkeys behind this video had slightly more luck on the Neil Cavuto Show. However his penchant for spouting nothing but Palin talking points puts him in the same relative category as those crazed fans who claim to have seen Elvis walking down the dairy aisle of their local Piggly Wiggly just last week.

Their inability to let Palin's decision not to run end their fanatical desire to see otherwise, has laid bare the kind of pathology that we always assumed ran through this particular group of wing nuts, but which we could never prove beyond a reasonable shadow of a doubt.

Until now of course. (Though to be honest just seeing the comments they left on THIS blog over the years may have proved more than sufficient for most.)

Hell even the token black Palin-bot, Adrienne Ross, thinks they are in danger of revealing to the world that they are certifiable:

Conservatives4Palin has been fortunate enough to be considered among the cream of the crop in all things Palin. With that status comes a certain responsibility to act responsibly. As far as I’m concerned, any decision to engage in never-ending Make Palin Reconsider efforts is not acting responsibly, not on the Governor’s behalf and not on behalf of the people who have found us worthy of their time and attention. Therefore, I deem such efforts to be a violation of the trust placed in us. This is why I have chosen to publicly post my perspective on this highly-charged issue.

Not that I am in the habit of giving crazy people advice, but perhaps it is time for the Palin-bots to realize that they have been abandoned. Abandoned first by sane people everywhere, then by Palin herself, now joined by Fox News and a handful of Palin supporters who still have a few functioning brain cells.

Let's face it, a house has dropped from the sky, and your leader is dead. (Well politically anyway.)

Time to move on.


  1. Anonymous10:15 AM

    When are these idiots going to stop calling her 'governor'? That is a title to be used for/by those who COMPLETED a term in office. Not for/by a half-term half-wit.

    The one positive thing she did for the world is to pull these idiots out from under the rocks where they'd been hiding. Now all intelligent people know just how many of them there really are. Time for the intelligent to stand up for what they believe in. Before only idiots rule the world.

  2. Virginia Voter10:17 AM

    Ok, I listened to the Ian Lazaran thing on you tube, and is it just me, or does he sound, um, shall we say "challenged"?

    He sounds like a 4 year old trying to pronounce big words. Weird. I wonder if the image matches the voice.

  3. lilly lily10:18 AM

    Interesting news item over at Huffington by Paul Blumenthal mentioning that the Draft Herman Cain people are switching to a Beat Oboma PAC. They are getting money from suckers in the Tea Party who hate the president as is, but are getting more specific.

    What the suckers don't realize is that their money doesn't go into politics, but into a series of organizations that the two men control. Sounds like a nice easy way to siphon off money in buckets for their own needs, whatever they are.

    Much like all the money Sarah Palins PAC has spendt on Sarah Palin and her expensive whims, with less than 4% going to what the PAC is supposed to do. Her PAC will eventually get investigated just as O" Donnell use of her donations was.

    Palin is going to be in deep waters legally eventually and she knows she has a lot to hide.

    Forget 2012, she is pretty much considered a ignoramous in the country, except with her bots.

    The Sarah BOTS can now send their money to these individuals who have figured out legal ways to sucker people into sending their money.

    Once a sucker, always a sucker.

  4. lilly lily10:18 AM

    Interesting news item over at Huffington by Paul Blumenthal mentioning that the Draft Herman Cain people are switching to a Beat Oboma PAC. They are getting money from suckers in the Tea Party who hate the president as is, but are getting more specific.

    What the suckers don't realize is that their money doesn't go into politics, but into a series of organizations that the two men control. Sounds like a nice easy way to siphon off money in buckets for their own needs, whatever they are.

    Much like all the money Sarah Palins PAC has spendt on Sarah Palin and her expensive whims, with less than 4% going to what the PAC is supposed to do. Her PAC will eventually get investigated just as O" Donnell use of her donations was.

    Palin is going to be in deep waters legally eventually and she knows she has a lot to hide.

    Forget 2012, she is pretty much considered a ignoramous in the country, except with her bots.

    The Sarah BOTS can now send their money to these individuals who have figured out legal ways to sucker people into sending their money.

    Once a sucker, always a sucker.

  5. Anonymous10:18 AM

    I wonder what Palin's cult will do when their commercial doesn't make her declare. I wonder what her cult will do when they see the Republican presidential candidates crash and burn, and she STILL doesn't declare. She is a phoney, grifting, opportunist - and those are her least objectionable qualities. Time to wake up and face reality C4P. She never was what you hoped she was.

  6. Anonymous10:24 AM

    Not being able to get on the ballot would not be an obstacle for the Palinites. They just need to get everyone to write her in and because Sarah (the EX-Governor who quit) has the magic hat with which she can summon her winged monkeys getting people to write her in won't be a problem. Oh wait, in order to write in you have to be able to write...

    This could be a problem.

  7. Anonymous10:27 AM

    Is Adrienne Ross a moderator at C4P? I was over there yesterday after you posted their hilarious video, and she was commenting.

    I may have to check out her little spiel about respecting Palin's choice to not run. I'm sure it will be gag-inducing, but I'm morbidly curious.

  8. Anonymous10:30 AM

    Well, considering how worthless all the GOP candidates are and how inept the current admin is, can you blame them for hanging onto a dream?

    And please, stop the obsession with wigs and medication. It's random and awkward, and you sound mental and just rude.

  9. Anonymous10:31 AM

    "Palin is, "essentially," a decaying turkey carcass." Even the vultures have had their fill.

  10. Anonymous10:32 AM

    Off topic.

    Just plain sick people in this Scottsdale gun club.

    Little Bobby asks gun club Santa

    "And Santa please remember to bring all my brothers and sisters AKs for Christmas. Daddy has some AKs but we need more. Will there be room for lots of ammo in the sleigh? We use a lot practicing for the coming end times."

    Santa laughs and assures him his wishes will come true.


    Fox 5 News in Phoenix reports that the Scottsdale Gun Club is inviting people to enjoy “Santa and Machine Guns” — a “family event” that lets kids take a holiday card picture with St. Nick and an assortment of high-powered fire arms. Families can choose from pistols, modified AR15′s, an $80,000 Garwood minigun and more. More disturbingly, they’re encouraged to test out the machine guns.

  11. Anonymous10:45 AM

    what the palinbots over at c4p fail to recognize, is that palin is just not into them. she would rather they go away, as they are actually making her look stupid (crazy eh?).

    she wants followers and support (and money), she just wants the legitimate kind that make her appear legitimate... and the kind that have real deep pockets. sister sarah, you played your tune to the lowest common denominator of reason in politics, and thats who you have left.

  12. Anonymous10:53 AM

    You're wrong again. Here's a message from suziepuma over at C4P:

    I just keep watching this ad over and over and it helps reafirm my belief that she is running and has been since 2008 and that Governor Sarah Palin from the Great State of Alaska will be the next President of the United States.

    Now who could doubt that message. We Palin supporter have faith in the mama grizzly and we know that she won't let us down. I'm so sure that she won't that i'm going to jump off a bridge and drown myself if she does! I promise! And I know that all the other C4P'ers will follow me!
    So think about that for a while mr. griffin smarty pants.

  13. Anonymous10:53 AM

    Dibs on the shoes!

  14. Anonymous10:58 AM

    Andrew Sullivan doesn't give up, bless him.

    "It is beginning to look likely that Cain will soon bow out of the race. There are only so many lies a man can tell in public, and his previous lies keep requiring him to tell more. Only Palin gets away with that kind of thing."

  15. Anonymous10:59 AM

    I ventured over to the sea4pee for shits and giggles to see how truly wacked out they are. I almost spit out my afternoon cocktail on my keyboard! These morons are so effin delusional to think that their country can only be saved by the one and only Sister Sarah. Pure entertainment I must say!

  16. 1. Palin is not "Governor Palin" anymore. She's former half-term Governor Palin.

    2. Palin's not going to run. Full stop. End of story.

    3. IF Palin did run - she would lose. Badly. And Palin knows this. Which is why...see #2 above.

    4. Adrienne Ross better have a good lawyer and might want to make sure her home address, private cell & home numbers and private email is locked down tight because she just kicked the hornet's nest with that post. Brace yourself girl, the CRAY-CRAY is about to be unleashed your way.

    5. When you've alienated and pissed off Roger Ailes to the degree that Palin has, you ain't getting the GOP nomination. Not unless Hell has frozen over.

  17. Anonymous11:13 AM

    Ok, I read good old Adrienne's article. Basically she says (in WAY more words than are necessary) that the "reconsider" peeps are not respecting that GOD made Sarah not run ("not now", anyway).

    Oh Adrienne, the fact that you teach children for a living is extremely alarming.

  18. lilly lily11:31 AM

    Sorry about the double post.

    Also it is President Obama not President Oboma.

    Do they actually call her Governor Palin in their ad? Her shrill shrieking voice makes whatever she says impossible to listen to. At least Cain had a listenable speaking voice if nothing else. (Not that I listened, after the Libya fiasco).

    Don't the Republicans have anything but clowns on their side?

    Too bad. Palin, Perry, Bachman and Cain. What a bunch of fools.

    The fairy tale troll is out of her box and posting like mad elsewhere.

    I'm sure it will be entertaining.
    I thought Mrs Fairy Tale was going to pray for us all.

    One or Palins prayor warriors no doubt.

  19. Sally in MI11:33 AM

    10:30 troll: The current administration is not inept, and actually make Palin's corrupt attempts at governing look pitiful. But then, you are probably one who thought every word of the mockumentory was true, and that SPA was actually about the scenery and not the scenery chewers.

  20. Anonymous11:34 AM

    Wow, I just came across this article from the New York Times, October 1, 2008 examining her debate style (it pays to have archived the Palin nightmare from 2006 through 2008 and now) and it is so pertinent to Sarah's dithering, blinking and grifting. . .

    Ironically, she thought she could just go right to the "big show" (The White House) on McCain's coattails.

    "It's been a year today that I've been on the campaign trail," Ms. Palin responded, "attending many, many more forums, more debates, than either one of you, Tony and Andrew, because I had a primary opponent. You know, you got to have the balls to take it on in the early part of a campaign, and not just go right to the big show."

    Herb Cain had big balls too, but unfortunately, he shared them too often with women who weren't his wife.

    May they both go down in the annals of political embarrassments and a curious bookmark to America's populist psychosis.

  21. Anonymous11:39 AM

    If you count up the regular posters over at sea o' pee, there are about....50? Max?

    They refer often to her "3 million" Facebook followers...but if you take a look at the winners posting on THAT page it is clear that many of them are not U.S. citizens and those that are...well....challenged is a polite way of putting it.

    I fully believe that Paylin is afraid of her own fans, and if she isn't, she should be. They are creepy.

  22. Anonymous said...

    Well, considering how worthless all the GOP candidates are and how inept the current admin is, can you blame them for hanging onto a dream?

    And please, stop the obsession with wigs and medication. It's random and awkward, and you sound mental and just rude.

    10:30 AM

    And please, stop the obsession with wigs and medication. It's random and awkward, and you sound mental and just rude.

    Okay...instead of talking about her dirty wigs and her many....many....many....medications that Gov Dirty uses to get thru the day troll...how bout we talk about Gov Dirty's crusty toes and herpe infected lips? OR we can talk about...my favorite....her talons that she tries to pass off as hands!

    Thank you for the tip...from this day forward I shall commence to calling Gov Dirty Wig....GOVERNOR TALON!

  23. Anonymous11:48 AM

    Suzipuma might want to read about lemmings and other mammals that follow blindly off a cliff to their own peril.

  24. It's sad that the token Palin bot Adrienne Ross is the voice of reason on that pathetic excuse for a blog...the PeePool needs to be DRAINED! Too much chlorine has infected their brains!

    The bot's are babbling nonsense and praying that Gov Talon will "reconsider" getting her ass kicked in public...Uh...Gov Talon your "fans" are NOT doing you any favors!

    Personally I would LOVE for you to get in the race Gov Talon...but then you don't have the guts or enough clean wigs to get you through the primaries so I understand why you can't run!

  25. Anonymous12:14 PM

    Are the most deranged palinbots finally catching up to reality? We've known for years that Sarah Palin is an utter failure at everything she does. She can only pretend, everything about her is a fraud. Nothing she does is genuine. Everything she touches turns to shit. She's a loser and America doesn't like losers.

  26. Anonymous12:18 PM

    And please, stop the obsession with wigs and medication. It's random and awkward, and you sound mental and just rude.

    10:30 AM
    So Sarah Palin IS on medication and DOES wear wigs? Thanks for the confirmation Sarah. I will continue to mention your wigs and medications in every comment I post on the internet since I know it bugs you so much. Truth hurts I know.

  27. Anonymous12:34 PM

    If Sarah's not running for anything, it's hard to have a fan club for her complete with blog, followers and comments. It is also very hard to keep asking for donations to keep the website going when there is nothing to be going for. The sad fact is that the Pee People will either have to hitch their battered wagon to another star, or, sob, find something else to do.

    Well, at least they can amuse themselves writing troll comments here. Bad new, Pee People, Gryphen writes about other stuff besides Sarah. There are things and people in the world besides The Queen.

    It is also very hard to admit that they fell for a con game. I think that Sarah knew quite some time ago that she was not going to be welcome in this year's pack of Republican candidates. Roger Ailes told her not to respond to criticism of those cross hair comments, but Sarah released her Blood Libel video anyway. Her speeches dropped off. She never had much of a campaign staff. She remained woefully ignorant of just about anything except the nasty talking points printed on her teleprompter. She was lucky to have been in the public eye for two months in 2008 without too much scrutiny. A full year would be too long for the harsh glare of a spot light.

    As long as they keep hoping that Sarah will run, and they waste their money on ads for that purpose, at least they are not giving to any other Republicans. They might be just mad enough to stay home in 2012. Please, pretty, please!

  28. Anonymous12:38 PM

    Yeah that Bri-anus dude is a trip? Priest or failed priest pedophile is my guess.

  29. Anonymous12:45 PM

    yeah the C4pers are over the edge. that commercial is amateurish and tacky, and running it in Sioux City is going to impact Sarah....how?

    Are they trying to convince Sarah to run, or are they trying to convince the residents of Sioux City to vote for her, even though she is not? if the former, why would she be in Sioux City to see it?

    as for facebook - they have been saying she has 3.2 million friends for at least a year...don[t think the number has gone up since she predictably chose to stay at home.

    Obama as over 24 million, btw.

  30. Anonymous12:46 PM

    Sarah unleashed a horde of harpies when she allowed the crazies to think she is influenced by them. Since they will never learn that they have been used, she thinks she is safe, and can count on their money forever. She herself, being as astute as she is, will fail to see the death angel approaching. When they get angry, and they will, they will finally be angry at Sarah. These people like guns and violence. Todd may want to reinforce that fence.

  31. Brain cells are NOT something these folks actually have access to.... they would NOT know what to do with them if they were actually made available... That said, as soon as Cluster-Fox has Beck come back for a special visiting lecturer performance on Billo-the-Clowns' show screaming into the microphone, foam running down his face, "GIVE UP .... GIVE UP !!! NO MORE BROOMS !!!""

    Then, maybe the final 'thump' can be heard for the final flying monkey carcasses hitting the tundra...

  32. Anonymous1:15 PM

    They... just... can't... let... go... LOL!

  33. Anonymous1:21 PM

    I think the most telling phrase about Palin is the one her chief of security while she was Governor made.

    Something to the effect that she, Sarah Palin, was no Grizzley mom, but a rabid wolf trailing blood on the snow...

  34. Anonymous1:22 PM

    @GinaM, for what it's worth, I like Gov Dirty Wig better than Gov Talon.

    The Gov Talon just doesn't have the same name recognition as dirty wig.

    Just my opinion. And thanks for your posts.

  35. Anonymous1:29 PM

    What's the nonsense about tons of signatures from Gretchen? There is less than 7k total on all the FB sites combined, including the petition. Many of them are signed up for all of them so even that number is overrated. Where are those alleged "millions of supporters" that Sarah had? Nowhere to be found, of course.

  36. Anonymous1:31 PM

    To Bristol? or similar slow hick at 10:30 am-- you really are retarded.
    Many KNOW Sarah wears dirty wigs and that she is mentally ill. It's common knowledge. Even shrinks slip up ya know. And the current administration is not inept. You are just too brainwashed and ignorant to see otherwise. Your lack of education shows in every post you make

  37. Anonymous1:35 PM

    anon @ 11:39

    Palin afraid of her fans? I would be, and so is a poster at the c4p offshoot site palin4America:

    "Something changed in the past few months prior to her decision...in her delivery, in her tone, in her smile. I guess that is why I was really not shocked by her decision. I was just shocked at the way she told the world. Now... I have heard several accounts of the situation in Iowa and from what I gather...it was a cluster "F" in terms of organization and the C4P meet-up was a nightmare. Whether or not this had anything to do with her decision...I have no idea. But put yourselves in her shoes when she walks into a restaurant and it is filled with people climbing over tables and clamouring to get a piece of her. People that are supposed to have her back. People that are supposed to be "organizing" for HER! If I were to step into her shoes at that moment...my thoughts would be...They are treating me like a celeb..instead of a human. They are out of their freaking minds. Is this what I have to look forward too??? Yup...I am on the next plane back to Alaska."

  38. Anonymous1:38 PM

    To Bristol? or similar slow hick at 10:30 am-- you really are retarded.
    Many KNOW Sarah wears dirty wigs and that she is mentally ill. It's common knowledge. Even shrinks slip up ya know. And the current administration is not inept. You are just too brainwashed and ignorant to see otherwise. Your lack of education shows in every post you make

  39. Anonymous1:38 PM

    The C4P'ers remind me of a stalker boyfriend/girlfriend who won't give up. They think their weird "reconsider" commercial will show her how much they love and want her and she'll declare... Much like a stalker will phone or txt the object of their adoration 100 times a day in hopes it will prove how much they love their object. Crazyyy any way you look at it.

  40. ibwilliamsi1:39 PM

    Does Mrs. Palin not own a comb or brush? Perhaps they could donate one to her.

  41. Anonymous1:41 PM

    O/T but Palin related: I would really like to see an in-depth investigation into the alleged affair that Sarah had with Brad Hanson. In one of the interview videos that was posted on IM Sarah mentions to Greta that she has never had an affair. It was kind of a random and out of place comment and almost sounded like a challenge to prove it. I'm sorry that I cannot reference the video. It was maybe 10 days ago or so.
    Is there proof that she had an affair with Brad Hanson? That, if true, should be a deal breaker right there, especially if she has lied about it.

  42. Holly1:53 PM

    Cream of the crop in all things Palin? That's a pretty low bar to have set.

    I wonder if those Arizona gun club folks have spoken with the Massachusetts parents who got to see their 6 yo blow his own skull off trying to shoot a machine gun at a gun show?

  43. Sorry,about the test Gryphen.
    I agree with the comment at 12.45.
    What do they hope to gain by showing it in Sioux city.
    Shouldn't it be shown in Alaska if it meant for her.
    O/T I think its funny that Greta husband, has attached himself to Cain champagne. I read at Politico he had to cancel a fund rising dinner in New York because Cain decide he might not run.
    Greta and BillO where on the guest list. Looks like he hooks up with the lowest common denominator before Cain it was Palin.

  44. Anonymous2:04 PM

    No way that bitch is running for anything.

    Sarah Palin is too afraid of the questions that the media would bring up regarding her fucked up uneducated children and Tawd's secret love affair with Shailey Tripp.

    Sarah aint about to cross that bridge to no where.

    Don't forget that wonky eyed retard is also afraid of Babygate which surface pretty soon.

  45. Anonymous2:08 PM

    I disagree slightly Anon 10:15. If Sarahs done one thing, it's bring out the truly blackheartness in people. I just hope none of you ever leave your homes with the words you leave here.

    No one deserves to be trashed. The world needs more rational people. Sadly, the stereotype that libs aren't rational is basically true. A country is not run off of emotion. There is nothing wrong with the US. Anyone can thrive here. Personal responsibility.

  46. Anonymous2:13 PM

    Desperate Conservatives Beg Sarah Palin To Run

    ...Sarah Palin tells us that the real challenge is to find someone who can replace Obama and his 'socialist agenda'. I figure she means someone who “sees this country” as she does. With so much at stake, indeed the very old testament Christian Dominionist foundation of this great country at stake, how can Sarah abandon us all when we need her the most? Does she – gasp! – lack the cojones to face President Obama and challenge him based on her version of her record?

    If it’s big government Christian conservatism you’re after, don’t be a sexist! There’s no substitute for the Original Palin.

    I for one can’t wait to hear Palin give speeches about the Dominionist Christian founding of this country, witch doctors doing good deeds right here in America, our bordering neighbors in Iraq, Paul Revere’s wild ride of ringing bells and firing guns, the sexism in not photo-shopping out her peach fuzz mustache but no problem posing in runner shorts on the flag, how giving oil company money to citizens is not socialism, Palin prayer warriors who pray for the death of the President, how many times Palin has been blood-libeled by the evil media, whom we should be aiming our guns at this week, counting the minutes while Sarah searches her brain for her favorite founding father, our allies in North Korea and the Holy War in the Middle East.

    Save us, Sister Sarah!


  47. Anonymous2:16 PM

    Anon 1058, don't forget Bill clintons lies, hillarys lies, obamas lies, bushs lies, axelrods lies, plouffes lies.....

    Andy Sullyman is nuts is he thinks Sarah is a bigger liar than the average politician. And you're a biased asshole if you think that too.

    Cain and Clinton aren't different. Both have great accomplishments pre-pres bid. Clinton may be more eloquent and articulate but the two are similar.

    Again, think back decades. JFK may have been a good president but what would you say today if anyone were in cahoots with the mafia and was part of an oversexed family?

    Cain didn't play the fanily value card. You're still roping all GOP together. That's like comparing the abilities of Hillary and obama. Apple and carrots those too.

  48. Anonymous2:22 PM


    Sooner or later God will cut her down.

  49. Anonymous2:26 PM

    Anon 1218, hurts to know you talk to imaginary people doesn't it?

  50. Anonymous2:30 PM

    Yeah ok. Adrienne will never be attacked because she doesn't trash or lie about people for shits and giggles. Gryphen does and he received his just desserts. Joe did and he received his karmic retribution. People who choose to write trashy, inaccurate things deserve everything that comes their way.

  51. Anonymous2:39 PM

    Shaily Tripp is writing about her intercourse with Todd. It was based on a cash payment, which he didn't always pay, or refused to pay?

    Though when she was arrested she had given that up and was a masseuse for women only.

    I think Todd is going to be raked over the coals in print.

    The media could jump on that as easily as it jumped on Cain and his bit of the sporting life.

  52. Anonymous2:42 PM

    @10:30 AM

    "Well, considering how worthless all the GOP candidates are and how inept the current admin is, can you blame them for hanging onto a dream?"

    Why don't you ask Osama bin Laden and Ghadaffi about how "inept" the current administration is? There has also been slow but steady job growth. You obviously have no idea what inept means.

    $arah Palin is a WORTHLESS, lazy bitch, who is so INEPT she can't even talk to reporters, or finish ONE term as governor of Alaksa. WTF has she ever accomplished?

    $arah Palin can always dream that she will ever measure up to the President.

  53. Anonymous3:01 PM

    Well, considering how worthless all the GOP candidates are and how inept the current admin is, can you blame them for hanging onto a dream?

    And please, stop the obsession with wigs and medication. It's random and awkward, and you sound mental and just rude. anon 10:30 AM

    Let's have a little grammar lesson, since that didn't seem to be part of the home schooling program. Or maybe you had a bathroom break when that lesson was playing.

    "You sound mental." The last time that anyone on TV used that word in that context, it was the alter ego, fictional character, Ed Grimley (played by Martin Short in the 1980's). "You sound mental" sounds juvenile.

    Random comments would appear any time, any place with no regard to how Sarah's hair looked. Being awkward would imply a lack of skill or dexterity or a lack of expertise.(Are these words too big for you?) Not everyone remarks about Sarah's hair. I believe those who do can tell if she has washed her hair or not. Frankly, Sarah appears to wear the same bumpit style that went out of fashion years ago. And, there is no question that when we see her on Fox, it looks as if she slapped a wig on her head without checking to see how it looked first. The comments are not awkward nor rude. They are valid criticisms of a woman who has chosen to make a career out of celebrity and looks. When she doesn't look good, people notice.

    As for medication, let's just say that Sarah has a chronic dry mouth problem and she is constantly licking her lips and flicking her tongue. Her eyes blink at a rapid pace. When we see on on TV, unlike the other Fox folks, she cannot sit still. She is constantly in motion. If it's not medication, then Sarah definitely needs medication. This is not rude (and it is certainly not awkward). These are all statements of fact. You may not like to read them, but point to the fact that Sarah might need some kind of help. Anyone who really cares about her would want to see that she gets that help.

    The current administration is not inept. You may not agree with their policies, but they are running the government in spite of the Republicans trying to block everything. As for the field of the GOP candidates being worthless, that is also a misstatement. Mitt Romney is worth hundreds of millions of dollars. Newt is worth a couple of million. Some of them are not good candidates, but you are neglecting John Huntsman, who is smart, well qualified and probably too liberal for you and the rest of the Republicans.

    Oh, honey, grow up. Really, you can't possibly be a good mother to your child(children) unless you grow up yourself. As for hanging on to the dream of Sarah running, that would have been a nightmare.

  54. Anonymous3:05 PM

    The President reads more before breakfast that sarah palin has read her entire life !

    Knowing that that is a requirement of the job, she will NEVER run !

  55. Anonymous3:06 PM

    The FOX and Friends crew is truly the dimmest of the dim bulbs when it comes to brain power. The fact that they seem to take themselves seriously shows just how dim they are. They aren't even smart enough to figure out how badly they are being used as sock puppets, and feel ashamed by it.


  56. @ 1:22pm....

    I bow to your wisdom...from hence forth...she will remain ....GOVERNOR DIRTY WIG... FROM THE GREAT STATE OF ALASKA!

    *deep curtsy bow....accompanied by a badly playing flute*

  57. Anonymous3:29 PM

    @2:16 - You really need some mental health help. You really have no thinking ability. You can't form a coherent thought. I've never read anything quite like it. Do you have a driver's license? I hope not. I truly hope you are a child because the mental aptitude you reveal on all the anti-Palin blogs is woefully underdeveloped. And, we know you're not really in Brooklyn. You never say anything about New York. That's just a proxy spoof. You must be in Wasilla.

  58. Anonymous said...

    I disagree slightly Anon 10:15. If Sarahs done one thing, it's bring out the truly blackheartness in people. I just hope none of you ever leave your homes with the words you leave here.

    No one deserves to be trashed. The world needs more rational people. Sadly, the stereotype that libs aren't rational is basically true. A country is not run off of emotion. There is nothing wrong with the US. Anyone can thrive here. Personal responsibility.

    2:08 PM

    Anonymous said...

    Anon 1058, don't forget Bill clintons lies, hillarys lies, obamas lies, bushs lies, axelrods lies, plouffes lies.....

    Andy Sullyman is nuts is he thinks Sarah is a bigger liar than the average politician. And you're a biased asshole if you think that too.

    Cain and Clinton aren't different. Both have great accomplishments pre-pres bid. Clinton may be more eloquent and articulate but the two are similar.

    Again, think back decades. JFK may have been a good president but what would you say today if anyone were in cahoots with the mafia and was part of an oversexed family?

    Cain didn't play the fanily value card. You're still roping all GOP together. That's like comparing the abilities of Hillary and obama. Apple and carrots those too.

    2:16 PM

    Anonymous said...

    Yeah ok. Adrienne will never be attacked because she doesn't trash or lie about people for shits and giggles. Gryphen does and he received his just desserts. Joe did and he received his karmic retribution. People who choose to write trashy, inaccurate things deserve everything that comes their way.

    2:30 PM
    HEY....OVER HERE....HEY CRAZY STALKER LADY....YOOOO WHOOOO.....*frantically waving a picture of Gov Dirty Wig!

    I left a message for ya' on Allison's blog since you've been spreading the wealth with your comments (you ole socialist you!) but I will repost for your viewing pleasure what I said...

    Oh good lord....crazy stalker lady has turned into that neighborhood old lady who wears the dirty housecoat with her slip showing...hair in rollers....maybe with a touch of Gladys Kravitz nosiness....bothering all the neighbors. You know the lady I'm talking about...she got a bunch of cats...weaving in and out between her legs...meowing for some food...but she's so damn nosy she neglects them....LADY GET SOME HELP NOW!

  59. Anonymous4:01 PM

    Reminds me of Fox Mulder's poster: "I want to believe"


  60. Anonymous4:15 PM


    "If Sarahs done one thing, it's bring out the truly blackheartness in people" Yup, like letting people yell "kill him" or encouraging lies about "death panels". She certainly has brought about "blackheartedness".

  61. "I just keep watching this ad over and over"

    HAHAHA talk about stalking. This reminds me of Fatal Attraction when the chick kept turning the light on and off.

  62. Randall4:46 PM

    Sarah WHO?

  63. Nancy In New York5:03 PM

    2:16 said:
    Cain and Clinton aren't different. Both have great accomplishments pre-pres bid. Clinton may be more eloquent and articulate but the two are similar.

    Again, think back decades. JFK may have been a good president but what would you say today if anyone were in cahoots with the mafia and was part of an oversexed family?

    Cain didn't play the fanily value card. You're still roping all GOP together. That's like comparing the abilities of Hillary and obama. Apple and carrots those too.


    OOh boy, I want have a swig of what your
    drinking. Wine coolers, perhaps?

    1. Yes, Palin cult member, Palin is a liar.
    A well documented, frequent and pathological one.

    2. Well, JFK may have had a roving eye for
    the ladies, but he had something that Palin
    will never possess: a fully functioning brain.
    And as far as being an 'over sexed' family,
    the Palins have the market cornered on that.
    Just ask Mama Bristol the Abstinence queen
    and Track, the newlywed father. (And while
    your at ask Todd (Have you seen Todd?) the
    'happy ending' connoisseur).

    3. Repeat after me: Cain: Pizza Man.
    Clinton: RHODES SCHOLAR.

    4. It's apples and ORANGES you moron.

  64. Anonymous6:10 PM

    OM dog! The idiot on neil cavuto said "She's the only one who could sythesize the message of the OWS movement with that of the tea party"

    head meet desk

    This is the type of fucktards Sarah attracts. Dumber than roadkill with the IQ of an amoeba.

  65. Anonymous6:36 PM

    Seems like a troll blizzard is hitting IM again, the poor "left behind" crowd from the "sarahcolypse", clawing at the dust eagerly awaiting Sarah's return.

    Newsflash! Your checks all cleared, she's not coming back, she was never into you in the first place. She quit.

    Pick another clown to lose to Obama and send your money their way.

    Oh, nevermind, these people are illiterate buffoons with no sense of shame.

  66. Gina, you are so funny and so true.

    rotf about your comments.

  67. Gasman8:39 PM

    We all knew that these Palin crazed cousin humpin' morons were batshit crazy. What we didn't know was that the only thing that can make them actually dismount their cousins is even the shadow of a rumor of a dimly, remotely, faintly, kind of possibly - if hell freezes over tomorrow - slim to none chance that Sarah Palin will declare her candidacy for president.

    God, I hope they're right. I mean, it's a shame to get off your cousin for no good reason, n'est-ce pas?

  68. Anonymous8:40 PM

    2:08 LOL

    First, there is no such word as " blackheartness."
    Your home schooling is showing yet again.
    Second, no one uses the word " libs" but people like you, who are both clueless and uneducated. Are you really so ignorant to think the conservatives and GOP don't trash Sarah and her low class family.
    Your posts are so obvious. It's amazing that you write these same ignorant posts over and over and have learned nothing. You are so thick headed and such a redneck, living in a little bubble. Pathetic!

  69. Anonymous8:46 PM

    Who uses expressions like " shits and giggles" but ignorant white trash! Think about what it means idiot.
    Joe made a mint off his book. It was 150% truth.
    If it wasn't ALL true, where is Sarahs lawsuit??
    Joe has had a great career! And Sarah is a joke.

    You continue to defend someone with no ethics or morals. I feel sorry for you because you are either blind or simply stupid. Karma is what is coming to Sarah and Todd soon.
    You shall see, you foolish uneducated redneck hick child.

  70. Anonymous9:02 PM

    Anonymous said...

    The President reads more before breakfast that sarah palin has read her entire life !

    Knowing that that is a requirement of the job, she will NEVER run !

    3:05 PM

    The Palins and the Obamas are two different families with different values.

    One of the latest Obama outings that made the news is when Pres Obama took his kids to a book store to buy books.

    What about the Palins? Todd took his daughter who was kicked out of high school on a cross country trip with her high school dropout boyfriend to Minnesota to pick up some snow machines instead of Willow staying home and being home schooled by Sarah. We see underage Bristol riding a bull in a bar. We see videos and pictures of Willow walking aimlessly around Los Angeles without adult supervision instead of going to school.

    We have memories of the Wasilla Hill Billies over running a gift room taking everything they could get their hands on and we watched the Palins and Heath clans rob the GOP of clothes because they were unable to dress themselves.

    Then Sarah went crazy and went shopping on the GOP dollars and her shoes ended up on the internet for sale by one of Palin's relatives.

    What a disgusting family those Palins are.

  71. Anonymous10:05 PM

    I saw a comment in another blog that said there was a Cafe Press website that has tshirts and mugs and jewelry for the Sea of Pee people who want her to reconsider (http://www.cafepress.com/TrueRedWhiteAndBlue). So, I went and made a store for those of us who do not want to see her influence continue. I only had time to make two pictures/sayings, but I hope you like them.

  72. Anonymous11:58 PM

    When will these nut jobs figure out that the wonky eyed retard of the most uneducated family on this planet is not running for anything!

    Sarah Palin is done as far as holding public office.

    That ignorant trailer park queen quit on Alaska in her first term and ran for the money.

    No way is she going to run and expose her retarded family to more embarassment.

  73. Anonymous12:09 AM

    Anybody knows what's going on with SarahPac?

    Where's their report?

    How much money was brought in?

    How much money went to other candidates?

    How much money went to consultants and bullshit Palin relatives for licking stamps?

    How much went to Palin's heating bills at home?

  74. Anonymous12:19 AM

    Virginia Voter said...
    Ok, I listened to the Ian Lazaran thing on you tube, and is it just me, or does he sound, um, shall we say "challenged"?

    He sounds like a 4 year old trying to pronounce big words. Weird. I wonder if the image matches the voice.

    That challenged sound in Ian's voice is actually an Asian American accent. He does kinda of look like a 4 year old though. This is Ian with Nicole Coulter of C4P.


  75. Anonymous10:28 AM

    Is Willow attending high school in Alaska for normal well mannered students?

    What's her story?

  76. moose pucky11:02 AM

    Here is some scary shit:
    Kent Kroeger
    #Breaking #Palin operatives Andrew Davis and Rebecca Mansour among those visiting #DesMoines today: Campaign could re-start by next week
    1 hour ago

    Kent Kroeger
    #BREAKING Palin operatives are in Des Moines, Iowa today to discuss #Palin 2012 restart. More at thepolitome.blogspot.com

    "Palin Operatives in Des Moines Iowa Today"

    "Operatives from the Sarah Palin camp are in Des Moines, Iowa today
    (Wednesday, November 30) to discuss with Iowa Republican leaders the
    likely re-start of Sarah Palin's 2012 presidential aspirations,
    according to an Iowa Republican Party insider. Palin, herself, will
    visit the Hawkeye State within the next two weeks, according to this
    source. More information to follow....."

  77. jcinco12:38 PM

    I've done my part in commenting on every blog that has the story that c4p is like an on-line mental institution.

  78. Anonymous4:35 PM

    Did Track make an honest women out of Britta yet or are they still planning Track's SarahPac sponsored wedding?

    I wonder if McCain is going (I doubt it).

    I'm still waiting for my invite. Are you going Gryph?

  79. Anonymous4:52 PM


    "Operatives from the Sarah Palin camp are in Des Moines, Iowa today
    (Wednesday, November 30) to discuss with Iowa Republican leaders the
    likely re-start of Sarah Palin's 2012 presidential aspirations,


    Bristol and Willow are virgins.

    Todd and Sarah Palin are faithful to each other.

    Track did not impregnate Britta before marriage.

    Todd did not impregnate Sarah before marriage.

    Creepy Chuckie Heath did not impregnate Sally before marriage.

    Piper has been voted valedictorian of her First Grade class.

    Tripp does not suck on a pacifier anymore.

    Bristol has apologized to the Johnstons for being a lying bitch.

    Bristol did have mono.

    Sarah did give birth to Trig.

    Sarah Palin has returned all SarahPac money to her donors.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.