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"Oh come on people! Get a life! Just keep sending me money and stop acting like little whiny bitches!!" |
I really thought there was no way I could ever feel sorry for these morons, but seriously this is just beyond pathetic:
Dear Sarah Palin,
We are a group of bloggers who regularly post at “Conservatives4Palin”. We are all in agreement that the most important thing for us to do is to be respectful of your decision announced on Oct 5th that you would not be seeking the Presidency this year.
We all have faith that whatever your new project based on promoting conservative candidates for the Senate, the House, and the Presidency is going to be the focus of your efforts going forward. And we are sure that your efforts will be considerable in returning the country to it’s conservative roots.
However, we’d like to politely point out that the last position, that of replacing Obama as the President, won’t be accomplished by just any candidate.
The candidate will have to have a clear agenda, easily understood, and one that contrasts well with Obama’s visions for America. Their own vision, which is shared by millions across the country, who are willing to do yeoman’s work, if the right leader is there to inspire them to greatness.
Your hero Ronald Reagan had these qualities, and these traits carried him through all the tough times, to his ultimate success as one of our Greatest Presidents.
Mrs. Palin, we humbly suggest that while we have looked high and low for a leader like Reagan since he rode off, we haven’t found that replacement. At least until you came along, and reminded us of what we’d been missing for all those years between Reagan’s farewell speech, and your RNC convention speech. You have the combination of a “Big Vision” and a “Steel Spine”, and that’s a rare combination.
I know that the GOP big $$$ donors aren’t enthusiastically rushing to you to run. But do you know just how deep the passion for you is among your supporters? The reason we want to see you run as the possible replacement for Obama is that it’s not enough to settle for just a GOP Presidential win, when in you, there is the chance for Greatness, In our opinion.
Therefore, we would like to ask you to reconsider your position regarding a Presidential run in 2012. If you wanted to, you could make serious noise as an Independent Conservative candidate, but we have heard your thoughts on 3rd parties, so we don’t pursue that path.
If you reassess the field, and see that there is no one there who can challenge Obama, we give you our promise to be your troops in the field from the first day of your campaign until the last.
Respectfully Yours,
(Fill in Your Name)
You know I predicted this outcome over two years ago, but watching it play out is still embarrassing to watch. Here, perhaps I can help these imbeciles by linking to my post explaining why Palin will NEVER run for anything ever again.
Though it has to be said that there are a couple of folks over at the Sea O'Pee (Where the proposal was originally posted) who have finally purchased a clue:
Time. To. Move. On.
She was clear about her decision.
She was clear about her direction for 2012.
Anyone who trusts her to be president, should trust her to make the right decision regarding whether or not to run.
Others are simply too enmeshed in the Palin mythology to let go yet.
So, if we're supposed to move on, where, pray tell, is THAT? And, pray tell, with WHOM?!? Palin's decision has left us, the GOP and the entire country in quite a quandary! We are only trying to rescue the sinking USS Titanic, for God's sake!! And we feel, in our hearts, that Sarah Palin is THE ONE candidate who has a prayer against the NObama machine! And, I maintain, even if she were NOT to win (can't even bear to speak those words!), her passion and leadership would contribute SO much to the national discussion! We could be honest and up front about EVERYTHING - and fight the good fight. It would NOT be for nothing...
Still there are a few who have allowed the scales to fall from their eyes. Well at least some of them anyway.
A good piece, but one thing we need to keep in mind: Gov. Palin knows things that we don't, and likely has good reasons for not revealing them. Without knowing what she knows, it's difficult to truly determine if reconsideration would be a good idea. I trust her judgment under the current circumstances, but whatever the obstacles are to her running, I pray that they will be removed because she is so desperately needed.
Looks like SOMEBODY might have already read my post.
"The candidate will have to have a clear agenda, easily understood..."
ReplyDeleteWell, that counts Palin out!
It is a sad little letter, and it's poorly written. The author of this letter doesn't know the difference between "it's" and "its." The author doesn't know what a sentence fragment is, and has difficulty with capitalization. In short, I must conclude that a Palin wrote it, as I estimate it's written at about a seventh grade level.
ReplyDeleteisn't she drooling in a straight jacket somewhere???
ReplyDeleteI don't feel sorry for them at all! They are so ignorant about the history of our country - "conservative roots" for instance. Our country was founded by liberals; the conservatives of the 18th century wanted to stay subject to George III. But if they truly believe that conservative principles are what this country is built on, no wonder they think that only Quitter can "save" us and continue to send her money even though she's not running for POTUS and not even communicating with them in any way.
ReplyDeleteTruly they are a pathetic bunch.
Geezez, hate to tell the Pee'ers but Sarah's biggest obstacles to running for President are:
ReplyDelete1) it's a real job meaning real work and Griftitia won't be havin' any of that
2) It doesn't pay millions and you can't fleece while Presidenting dontcha ya know, also, too
3) She's just too fucking stupid
4) I'd like to not see the world in flames when that ditzy wench would push the wrong button by thinkin' the red one was for microwavin' a crunch wrap
Gawd those people are pathetic
It never ceases to amaze me that these GOP-die hards really do want the "End of Days" to become reality. I know many of Gryph's readers also visit Andrew Sullivan's site; here's a quote from something he posted today:
ReplyDelete"In his second week in office, President Bush assigned Cheney to craft a new energy policy. The 2005 energy bill that emerged contained, among other features, a plum for the fracking industry: a unique exemption from the US Safe Drinking Water Act’s prohibition on injecting any substance underground that might endanger potable groundwater."
This is proof that GOP loyalists blindly follow someone who doesn't care if the "little people" are poisoned by the government if it means greater profits for energy companies.
I live in earthquake country (Southern California) and immediately thought of fracking when I heard about Oklahoma's earthquake swarms. Another quote from Andrew's post:
"Up through 2009, Oklahoma had averaged about fifty earthquakes a year. The total number of quakes reported in 2010? 1,047."
Why can't Dems unify to get this message out to Americans? Who in their right mind wants to enable an industry to put toxins in their drinking water?
Once I got to 'USS Titanic,' I could hardly contain myself.
ReplyDeleteI (almost) feel bad for laughing at stupid people.
Imbeciles is right!
ReplyDeleteHow can they use the word "greatness" in the same sentence with the words "Sarah Palin"?
All they have to do is read Baily's or McGinnis's books to know that Sarah will never be elected anything but mayor of Wasilla again or Governor of Alaska again, or maybe of Arizona (damn all those brown people, probably not).
ReplyDeleteBut not 'till most of the folks she has abused have died of old age.
What has been written about her gives any opponent enough PR ammo to blow her out of the water before her stump speech.
It is mind numbing to think that these people actually walk among us,
ReplyDeletealbeit walking slouched and mouth breathing, heavily. :-)
Well they have moved on in their grieving process to
ReplyDeleteStage 3: Bargaining.
What will happen when they get to Stage 4: Depression?
Will they get to the final stage of acceptance or commit hari kari?
How do these people function in life with their crazy delusions?
Can't say I am able to summon up much pity for them yet, but it is definitely pathetic. A fan comment I read today, though, topped anything I've seen yet. Never mind the post, written a couple of weeks ago, that likens her to George Washington. It was this comment that struck me: http://thespeechatimeforchoosing.wordpress.com/2011/10/26/its-not-that-sarah-palin-should-reconsider-its-that-she-must/#comment-12938
ReplyDeleteIt is always a little hard to tell with these delusionals, but I think the commenter is saying that Obama and his crew planned #OWS, and that part of the planning included doing bodily harm to Palin and her family. Part of the explanation, I suppose, is their lives are Palin-centered, and she must be place in the center of anything vaguely political.
What is the most outlandish words of worship you have heard?
"Respectfully yours,
ReplyDeleteAll 8 of us"
Wonder if this was the letter they were going to use if they coughed up $78,000 for a fullpage ad in the NYT? "Sarah's Army" would have been laughed off the face of the earth if they'd raided enough gumball machines to acomplish that!
ReplyDeleteThey're still planning their "Reconsider" campaign using billboards. The want to place a billboard in Anchorage, as well as 3 other cities. Apparently no one has shared with them that billboards are not allowed in Alaska.
ReplyDeleteIf I was welcome there I would share that info with them, bless their little hearts. Kind of an indicator of how many of the C4P are actually Alaskans-Zero!
Am I to feel sorry for these stunned and stupid pee'ers?
ReplyDeleteGimme a second to think about it --- thought about it --- NAH!! NOPE!! NADA!!!
Not so fast. Even though she has missed the filing deadline in at least 3 states, she still thinks that she can win, if she decides to run.
ReplyDeleteI don't think we have seen the last of her as far as the Presidential race is concerned. She is like Michael Myers, she cannot be stopped and will continue to re-appear.
But if they truly believe that conservative principles are what this country is built on, no wonder they think that only Quitter can "save" us and continue to send her money even though she's not running for POTUS and not even communicating with them in any way.
ReplyDeleteExactly. Also, too, even if this country WAS founded on conservative roots, it was designed as a representative republic, meant to move and grow with the will of the people. Say, for instance, when the majority of people vote for the first Black president, who happens to be a little bit liberal. There is no such thing as "conservative" roots or "liberal" roots.
They're freaks over there. I dared to post a 3-word message (not vulgar) in response to a Cee-4-Peer who interprets Going Rogue line by line like the Bible and writes Latin phrases calling Palin to battle. I told him to get a life. By the next day my message had been removed. About 10 people had left replies of disgust and loathing about me, and one guy had done a search of my Disqus name and posted the number of my messages(hundreds) at places like Palingates, Po'gates, and other "hater" sites. They were thoroughly threated by me. I felt very proud, and I do hope I threw cold water on a few of them. It is a warped little universe with the kind of religious zeal that in pre-electronic times would have led them to gather together and actually, not virtually, drink the kool-aid.
ReplyDelete"Gov. Palin knows things that we don't, and likely has good reasons for not revealing them."
For all those nice people that read over here:
No, there are not things she knows, that you don't.
And no, there's no "good reason" for not revealing stuff that she doesn't actually know.
What you guys are doing is fulfilling your own goal of her "potential" for yourselves, and spinning obvious deficiency as something positive - justifying behavior, intelligence, education - as something intentional on her part. When it isn't.
What you see is what you get.
SHE isn't lying to you - you're all lying to yourselves about her. It would be a kindness to her and her family if you all would simply just accept her as she is. You know?
These people are desperate and should really just be given meds and sent back to bed.
ReplyDeleteI don't have an ounce of sympathy for these simple idiots. They are obviously in denial, even after Mrs. Quittypants told them definitively she was NOT GOING TO RUN. This hero worship, which is on the level of a grade-school crush, is absolutely pathetic!! If they hadn't been so hateful and vitriolic in the past, I might feel sorry for them. But they were, so I'm not.
ReplyDeleteDumber than a box of paint chips.
ReplyDeleteWell, the Quitta from Wasilla should understand this letter too, cause it's word salad with a side of 'bagger dressing, and some Kuh-Razy Kroutons tossed on top, and then just a dusting of panty-sniffer Parmesan.
ReplyDeleteHave these people never heard of the concept of grammar? At the least, do they not understand that those little squiggly lines under a word or phrase in MSWord mean "you're not doing English right" and "you might just want to proofread again?" (Yeah, just for snicks and giggles, I copypasta'd it into Word.)
The depth of ignorance and utter blindness amont the Paylin crowd is truly astonishing.
ReplyDeleteI'm constantly surprised that someone can posssibly think that woman is anything but a feckless, narcissistic grifter She's utterly oblivious to the great matters of our time, and see the world through a dark prism of just christian supremacy and xenophobic dogma.
Listening to her speak is like dumping 50 platitueds plus random nouns and verbs into a blender, and
then bloviating whatever floats to the top in her next sentence.
I still don't trust that she isn't going to do something baseless and treacherous, as she's exactly like my ex-sister in law:
Always scheming, constantly in court, epic fights with ex-friends and husbands, a horrible parent, and conniving at every turn to grift money and steal whatever she can.
SOund familiar $arah?
I thought they(c4P) were done so I went over there and posted a few snarky comments about palin.The bastards banned me.They are certainly sensitive about their little quitter queen.Anyhow I consider it a badge of honor.
ReplyDeleteDouble post, but couldn't help it.
ReplyDeleteI've just been reading some of the pathetic letters over at C$P, begging $arah to reconsider.
One of her sycophants actually had the insanity to quote $arah's own words from various speeches, and he then wrote"
"Surely you remember these statements..
Uh, Mr Pbot, I hate to break if to you, but Granny Grifter never has to remember facts, prior statements, or logical argument
$arah creates her own vortex of idiocy fresh-made every day, and is not accountable to you or anyone else. So save the begging and pleading, it only shows how badly
she betrayed you sad sacks.
What?...Who?...Why....would they....All I can say is......
ReplyDeleteBWHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA......WHEEEZZZZ....BWHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA....*falls to knees......HICCUPS.....*reaches for inhaler.......*Smothered giggles.....SNORTS....*wipes tears......Okay.....I'm Okay....don't be alarmed....no need to call 911 everyone......WHEW....thought I saw Jeebus there for a minute!
Wow...I didn't think I could read something so fucking laughable that I damn near saw my life passing before my eyes!
But I must say...I truly underestimated those "crusty-toes-rats-nest-for-hair-Glenn-Rice-fucking-woman-who-looks-like-a-man-word-salad" Fans! At least the reasonable(??) comments have an inkling that the Grifter had a good reason NOT to run....sure it took more than a month for those nutjobs to figure it out and was brave enough to tell the others...but alas...those crazy fools are not quite ready to "go to the light"....maybe they need to take out a big Billboard and post this....Oppps...looks like they're are planning that too! What a bunch of dummies!
SP is no Reagan.
ReplyDeleteThe tea party would not elected Reagon today.
Reagon would tell the Tea Party where to go.
The sun don't shine there.
Sad and pathetic. The Palin Grifters have totally conned these poor folks and they just keep drinking the Kool-Aid. As a retired public school teacher, I realize that we teachers totally failed to teach these people critical thinking skills.
ReplyDeleteIf I recall isn't her MO to write or to have a Ghost Writer author letters to promote herself.
ReplyDeleteIt actually has been too quiet from the SP compound lately ..Caribou Barb must be going through the media withdrawal..and in need of a fix..Can't think of a better way to start a campaign to beg and plead for the Savior to return. Could be a part of the plan..as the repubs make complete asses of themselves and literally eat their own. Palin can make a grand entry . We all remember this is what occurred in Alaska with Murkowski
If Sarah was President, I think Willow would miss her turn on DWTS, although I guess the Palins have never worried about inappropriate behaviors. Any new grandchildren, Sarah?
ReplyDeleteYeah, it is really hard to feel sorry for them. For some reason they think they understand her. How? I have no idea. The educated sure as hell can't make sense of her word salad. The only thing I hear is whine, whine, whine, common sense solutions (what those common sense solutions are I have yet to hear her say), hate Obama, hate Obama, really really really hate Obama and a bunch of gobbledygook in between with a couple of wonky-eyed winks thrown in here and there.
ReplyDeleteWhen you actually listen to the people who like her (this covers a lot of the tea party) the reasons they have are just beyond anything that makes sense.
I think the fact that they claim she is just like them sums up why they are crazy too. They are like her except she now has money and they sure as hell don't. They are brainwashed Faux news, Limbaugh, Beck, Hannity lover's who don't look for the news anywhere else.
Having no sense of shame is whitewashing Barack Obama and pretending like he is God's gift to the country when in reality he and his advisors and "friends" are some of the biggest thugs who've ever existed. PROVEN.
ReplyDeleteGet some facts. Stop slandering people out of fear. The people to fear are the people currently in power.
Tangent: Waterboarding is NOT wrong when enemies hold important life or death information.
ReplyDeletePathetic as it is, this idlol worship of the woman who put the "Con" in "Conservative" leads me to believe it's from the mind of Palin, who needs desperately to stay relevant, if not, these people are idiots.
ReplyDelete"Reagan since he rode off," is about as kind a description of Alzheimer's as possible I guess. And, I guess, Sarah Palin's mental instability might be a reasonable facsimile of Reagan's final days in office.
ReplyDeleteThe letter writer has so many other deficiencies in logic, it's difficult to decipher what exactly they see in Sarah Palin (other than the obvious mindless sex based glow).
However, the person that penned that letter would follow almost any manipulative "leader". Scary.
I live in Alaska, and I hear it every day. People justify Palin's idiocy by attacking her critics as LIBERALS. Intelligent people still wear the blinders where this kook is concerned, just because they think she matches their ideology. To them, her detractors on the right are just trying to promote other Republican candidates. Republicans who don't really like her still defend her. It is a bizarre phenomenon.
ReplyDeleteTangent: Waterboarding is NOT wrong when enemies hold important life or death information.
ReplyDelete5:11 PM
And what exactly is unimportant life or death information?
Nothing will come of this. Sarah is probably suffering withdrawal from the limelight life to being just a mere mortal.
ReplyDeleteImagine her at home with nothing to do, no fights to start, no schemes to concoct, no drama, no controversy, no one to call names, attack, or argue with; no one wants to play with the bully anymore. They've gone on to better playgrounds. She's still the big fish in her little pond, but her pond is empty.
She won't enjoy the thrill of the campaign trail in the coming year, has no more crowds pressing in to see, hear, praise her. It has to be hard for her to accept that 2 years ago she was the Queen who had the nation by the tail, the world was her oyster. She'll be on that "Whatever Happened to...." show, or "One-Time Wonders" list.
They are living in their own private I-dumbfuckistan-ho.
Your hero, Ronald Reagan. . .
I dare Sarah to name three policies President Reagan was responsible for.
I dare Sarah to prove any probative knowledge of ANYTHING beyond her nose.
I for one, am grateful she hasn't been in any news cycles for weeks on end. Let it stay that way.
ReplyDeleteShe must be suffering from HUGE withdrawal.
Anonymous said...
ReplyDeleteHaving no sense of shame is whitewashing Barack Obama and pretending like he is God's gift to the country when in reality he and his advisors and "friends" are some of the biggest thugs who've ever existed. PROVEN.
Get some facts. Stop slandering people out of fear. The people to fear are the people currently in power.
5:09 PM
Ummm...Ivy...Can I call you Ivy? Listen stupid...that's PRESIDENT Barack Obama to you...okay...get it right bot'. What slander are you talking about and who is being slandered? I know you ain't talking bout Mrs."looks like an herpes outbreak on her lip" Palin? Because you are wasting your troll fingers over here...but then you've already know that....please go and tell your boss that it's time for her weekly shower...but be sure you don't give her any BABY OIL because...um...I heard...that she's not comfortable using that product....*SNICKER.
"The candidate will have to have a clear agenda, easily understood. Their own vision, who are willing to do yeoman’s work."
ReplyDeleteUh, people, have you met Sarah? She's does not have a clear agenda is not easily understood and sure as hell doesn't want to do yeoman's work, she quit all her crony capitalist handed jobs.
Not only should our candidates be easily understood, but they should be able to demonstrate that they understand any topic a POTUS should have the most cursory knowledge of.
COURIC: Why isn’t it better, Governor Palin, to spend $700 billion helping middle-class families struggling with health care, housing, gas and groceries? Allow them to spend more and put more money into the economy? Instead of helping these big financial institutions that played a role in creating this mess?
PALIN: That’s why I say, I like ever American I’m speaking with were ill about this position that we have been put in where it is the tax payers looking to bailout.
But ultimately, what the bailout does is help those who are concerned about the health care reform that is needed to help shore up the economy– Helping the — Oh, it’s got to be about job creation too. Shoring up our economy and putting it back on the right track. So health care reform and reducing taxes and reining in spending has got to accompany tax reductions and tax relief for Americas.
And trade we’ve got to see trade as opportunity, not as a competitive scary thing. But 1 in 5 jobs being created in the trade sector today. We’ve got to look at that as more opportunity. All those things under the umbrella of job creation.
This bailout is a part of that.
@2:55 PM
ReplyDeleteThose "liberal" founders owned slaves.
@5:09 - You're the racist thug. Nothing you write is "PROVEN," not here nor on The Palin Place. Give us your link. Quit smearing our President.
ReplyDeleteAnd by the way, your hatred of Pres. Obama, and the way you express it, is racist. You are a racist. Racist, racist, racist. Why are you against people of color? Sarah slept with Glen Rice. Remember?
pure pathos
ReplyDeleteThe stench of desperation is sulfuric!
ReplyDeleteListen up, Pbots . . . Sista Sayrah has taken your money and run.
Time to cut your losses.
Scary Palin should be knee deep in wedding plans for her first-born (maybe) child.
ReplyDeleteThe big bash is supposed to be in a couple of weeks.....according to SP...or was that just another lie?
"But if they truly believe that conservative principles are what this country is built on..."
ReplyDeleteWell, they believe Jesus is a conservative, so I wouldn't put anything past their ability to rationalize.
@4:14 pm:
ReplyDelete"do they not understand that those little squiggly lines under a word or phrase in MSWord mean "you're not doing English right""
ROFL Beautiful.
Little Squiggly Lines FTW!
@5:09 PM
ReplyDelete"Having no sense of shame is whitewashing Barack Obama and pretending like he is God's gift to the country when in reality he and his advisors and "friends" are some of the biggest thugs who've ever existed. PROVEN."
No, it's not "PROVEN." Are you the same dumb troll who keeps repeating that same lie, over, and over, again? Need I point out how many people from the Bush White House went to jail? Where's your proof? Put up, or shut the fuck up.
The Palins are proven thugs, however. $arah Palin is the one who think's she is God's gift to the WORLD, and she has pretty much said so. And, according to Pastor Muthee God "chose" her.
"Get some facts. Stop slandering people out of fear. The people to fear are the people currently in power."
The people to fear are a washed-up, half-term governor, and her weird family, who hopefully will never come anywhere near having any real power. And that part about getting some "facts," and "stop slandering people out of fear:" Take your own advice, asshole.
"Uh, Mr Pbot, I hate to break if to you, but Granny Grifter never has to remember facts, prior statements, or logical argument"
ReplyDeleteI think at the very least she owes them an explanation of what, exactly, put out that "fire in her belly."
While we wait for the official response, anyone want to take a guess? I'll start:
Moose semen? Crunchwrap Supremes?
ReplyDelete"Tangent: Waterboarding is NOT wrong when enemies hold important life or death information."
ReplyDeleteWho gets to decide what counts as "life or death information"?
Don't huff bumperstickers, silly person; reality is three-dimensional.
You've hear of "air guitar?" Now there's "air evangelicalism."
ReplyDeleteAnon @ 5:11 PM
ReplyDeleteTangent: Waterboarding is NOT wrong when enemies hold important life or death information.
So... do you also support our enemies
right to torture American soldiers?
This 6-minute video is a MUST-SEE! This gentleman quietly, decisively, and succinctly sums up why President Barack Obama is the epitome of "Promises Made and Promises Kept" and why some progressives and liberals are misguided in their expectations and criticisms of the POTUS.
ReplyDeletePlease forward this to every Democrat, Progressive, and Liberal person you know.
Late to the party, soulless C4P moron @ 5:09 &PM 5:11 PM?
ReplyDelete"Get some facts. Stop slandering people out of fear. The people to fear are the people currently in power."
ReplyDeleteEven if this were true, the only alternatives the right is offering up are WORSE.
And again with the "fear" bullshit. It's laughable to suggest that we mock The Paylin out of "fear". That's like saying we fear Lindsay Lohan.
I'm gonna risk speaking for everyone and say we "slander" $arah out of INCREDULITY. The idea that someone so shallow, ignorant and transparently FAKE pushing herself as a meaningful figure of leadership DEMANDS MOCKERY.
Anonymous said...
ReplyDeleteTangent: Waterboarding is NOT wrong when enemies hold important life or death information.
5:11 PM
WATERBOARD???? *scrolling back up to the top of the thread to re-read title of post.....*speaking out loud...."The Palin-bots...*okay, that looks correct.....apparently have no idea...*all right...keep going there....sense of shame. *muttering to myself, "have they ever had any"...back to reading...I guess we already knew that didn't we?
Uh...Waterboard troll...I think you stumbled into the wrong post...Stormfront is thata' way-------------------------------------------
"Pathetic as it is, this idlol worship of the woman who put the "Con" in "Conservative" leads me to believe it's from the mind of Palin, who needs desperately to stay relevant..."
ReplyDeleteYeah, I've been thinking this since she "announced" her non-candidacy. I think she expected a massive outpouring of pleas for her to run like Chris Christy got, so she could say her run was a "mandate of the people" and allow her to springboard off all that "servant's heart" bullshit.
But instead all she got was a collective sigh of relief and a handful of shut-ins writing fan fiction to each other on C4P.
I used to feel sorry for them, after I got over laughing at them. But when I followed a few of the links they post, I couldn't believe the racism, hatred and disgust these people have for liberals, non-whites, Muslims and our First Family. You know, AMERICANS.
ReplyDeleteThey have been told they can't post comments like that on c4p because it wouldn't look civil or tasteful to visitors looking for info on SP. But they really let it out on sites like Weasel Zippers with the most disgusting comments to be thought up by humans.
It's who those grannies and old farts and warped middle aged palin worshipers really are.
We are a group of bloggers who regularly post at “Conservatives4Palin”. We are all in agreement that the most important thing for us to do is to be respectful of your decision announced on Oct 5th that you would not be seeking the Presidency this year. (But we’ve never been able to agree on anything, and if something is important, we just ignore it, and urge our legislators to do the same– see: job creation 2011.)
ReplyDeleteWe all have faith that whatever your new project based on promoting conservative candidates for the Senate, the House, and the Presidency is going to be the focus of your efforts going forward. And we are sure that your efforts will be considerable in returning the country to it’s conservative roots. (which obviously includes being grammar- challenged and nonsensical, just like this paragraph)
However, we’d like to politely point out that the last position(is a position different than s project?) , that of replacing Obama as the President, won’t be accomplished by just any (Republican or fringe third party) candidate.
The candidate will have to have a clear agenda, easily understood, and one that contrasts well with Obama’s visions for America (snarky, divisive, pander to the Kochs, illogical and ill spoken by a low class grafter is definitely a contrast to President Obama’s vision and person). Their own vision, which is shared by millions across the country, who are willing to do yeoman’s work, if the right leader is there to inspire them to greatness.(this vision will do what, lead them to bump into more walls ……?)
Your hero Ronald Reagan had these qualities,(uhhh, what qualities are those, since the letter doesn’t say? But I’m guessing run a country in 4 hours a day by napping a lot would be among those the Sea f Pee admires ) and these traits (unconsciousness and dementia) carried him through all the tough times, to his ultimate success as one of our Greatest (Alzheimers) Presidents.
Mrs. (ooooh they’re gonna be in trouble – “what? Yesterday “governor and today just Missus?”) Palin, we humbly suggest that while we have looked high and low for a leader like Reagan since he rode off, we haven’t found that replacement (They only suggest that they can’t find a better candidate – look again…). At least until you came along, and reminded us of what we’d been missing for all those years between Reagan’s farewell speech, and your RNC convention speech. You have the combination of a “Big Vision” and a “Steel Spine”, (Yeah, those Charley McCarthy 2011 versions all have that – what an improvement over the wooden one Nancy used to manipulate) and that’s a rare combination.
I know that the GOP big $$$ donors aren’t enthusiastically rushing to you to run. (Suckers, once you hit the big time, you don’t need that, they just give you lucrative deals. Donations are for the “little people.) But do you know just how deep the passion for you is among your supporters? The reason we want to see you run as the possible replacement for Obama is that it’s not enough to settle for just a GOP Presidential win, when in you, there is the chance for Greatness, In our opinion.(oh look, even they qualify it as just an opinion of the 10 of them)
Therefore, we would like to ask you to reconsider your position regarding a Presidential run in 2012. If you wanted to, you could make serious noise as an Independent Conservative candidate, but we have heard your thoughts on 3rd parties, so we don’t pursue that path (We know you love Republican - money – too much).
If you reassess the field, and see that there is no one there who can challenge Obama, we give you our promise to be your troops in the field from the first day of your campaign until the last (again, all ten of us . But first, some of us will need help getting up the stairs, some of us will need rides ’cause we don’t have our driver’s licenses, and Old Toothless, he needs new teeth and a new mediscooter.)
Respectfully Yours,
Just corrected and elucidated a few things for them - try it - it's fun!!!!!
A moment of serious pondering:
ReplyDeleteWhen people like the sea-o'-pee bots are asked why they think the paylump would be a good president, or why they "like" her, they often say that "she is like me."
So, are they also vainglorious griftards who see a kindred spirit in her? Or, are they similarly stupid and have some sort of aversion to knowledge, intellect, reason and proper syntax?
I just don't get how they can look at an empty facade of a person like that and say the kinds of things they say. You can say moon pies are gourmet pastries but that doesn't make it so.
You know Queen Esther is probably just lappin' it all up. Her warped ego can never have enough.
ReplyDeleteM from MD
Well, by the looks of things the pack of contenders at the moment are pretty slim pickins, and even these deluded goofs know it. I believe Sarah wouldn't have the guts to run at this point, but clearly unless someone new, or more interesting, comes along - the GOP is screwed.
ReplyDeleteWhat's this about Perry saying no aide for Israel? That's really going off the ranch, coming from a Fundie.
Having no sense of shame is whitewashing Barack Obama and pretending like he is God's gift to the country when in reality he and his advisors and "friends" are some of the biggest thugs who've ever existed. PROVEN.
ReplyDeleteHi Sarah! How's the No.One.Is. Paying.Attention.To.You. thingy workin' our fer ya?
I just went over to Pee Pee place
ReplyDeleteand had to laugh that there were only 22 comments. Also, I didn't recongize
any of the screen names. Do you think it could be only Palin & Co. posting?
Freaks all of them!
Have just started reading Joe McGinniss book. Pretty slow going tho since the way the hair on the back of my neck stands up it causes my eyes to squint. however I will plow forward and do my best. As far as the scary one running. for prez, I would bet dollars to donuts that she tries a write in bid at the last moment, like within two months of the elections. After all, Lisa Murkowski pulled it off and everbody knows sideshow skank is so much purtier, (all that really matters). All I can say is that were sideshow to actually be elected, may whatever god you believe in have mercy on our souls.
ReplyDeleteI hope they keep begging and beseeching her to run. After days, weeks and finally, months of their pleas and her still ignoring them, they might get a clue. I'm sure she would like to send them some secret little messages but she knows that everything gets out and any further lies she spews to save face will be reported and debunked much as everything else that has ever come out of her phony mouth. She is a troublemaker and obviously her fans love chaos and trouble. They just don't have the right to inflict such a proven charlatan on the rest of the Nation. That seems to be their gripe against the President so they must know by now we are serious about outing her crimes and misdemeanors and we are not going away any time soon.
ReplyDeleteShe is now but a gnat as we have bigger charlatans to watch namely her buddy Perry, king grifter of the crony society and his court jester crazy Cain.
Do the Sea'o-Pee'ers even know what their li'l hunny-kunt is up to these days?
ReplyDeleteWe haven't heard from the $Pew lately.
I'm thinkin' it's time for one of her attention-seeking eruptions pretty soon.
Or did Roger Ailes fire her and I missed it?
Haven't seen her in awhile. Getting her face and bod re-done?
ReplyDeleteOff the topic but it must suck to be Bill O'Reilly. Salon reports the new Bill O'Reilly book has some errors in it.
ReplyDeleteA reviewer for the official National Park Service bookstore at Ford’s Theatre has recommended that Bill O’Reilly’s bestselling new book about the Lincoln assassination not be sold at the historic site “because of the lack of documentation and the factual errors within the publication.”
Rae Emerson, deputy superintendent at Ford’s Theatre, which is a national historic site under the jurisdiction of the National Park Service, has penned a scathing appraisal of O’Reilly’s “Killing Lincoln: The Shocking Assassination that Changed America Forever.” In Emerson’s official review, which I’ve pasted below, she spends four pages correcting passages from O’Reilly’s book before recommending that it not be offered for sale at Ford’s Theatre because it is not up to quality standards.
There is much much more at the link. The entire review for one thing.
She probably wrote that letter herself.
ReplyDeleteThe more posts I read from her delusional fans the more I see them talking about how "if only Sarah had run against Obama, we would win". This gives them the perfect out when the GOP candidates loses in 2012, they'll all be preaching that if Sarah had been the nominee, she would have beat Obama. They'll be screaming that for another four years but they will NEVER address the fact that the posters on the Facebook Earthquake movements, all 3 of them, add up to approximately 6k voters! Where are those MILLIONS of alleged Palin fans that are supposed to be desperate for her to run? They are nowhere to be seen because they don't exist. If anything was a sign to her potential donors, especially the ones with big money, it was the speech in Iowa when a whopping 3k Palinbots came from "all over the country" to hear her give what was supposed to be her announcing her candidacy for the Presidency. When you are allegedly bringing people in from all around the country, bussing them in from neighboring states, and you have such a poor showing, it speaks volumes and yet her stupid fans don't realize just how bad it looked for Sarah that day. They are the most delusional group of RWNJ's there is! At the rate they are gathering signatures for Palin to enter the race, they may hit a million signatures by 2032.
ReplyDeleteOne question for all the delusional Palinbots who love to come here and pretend she's actually a viable candidate, where are all her supporters??
They must mean "like Reagan, when he had Alzheimers"?? He wore makeup also, too. Great president - hardly.
ReplyDeleteDear c4pers, If Palin really cared about you, she would have responded to you at the Grizzly Fest. I realize the phone connection wasn't working and she had all that wood to chop, but she could have responded with an email later to thank you for your kind words and support.
ReplyDeleteIf she cared about you, she would not let you waste your hard earned money on a billboard.
Face it, she's just not into you.
If you continue to analyze every statement she has made, and conclude that she still likes you, but is playing hard to get, then you need to get help.
I know the truth hurts, but in time, you'll find someone else who loves you back.
LOL it's pathetic. It reminds me of the "well thought out, passionate" letters I would write to my parents when I really really really wanted something they were balking about letting me have/do. Trying to be all nicey nice and flattering and supportive. Barf. I never did get braces, a trip to Europe after high school, to go on a coed camping trip,expensive pinstriped jeans when they were popular.... I could go on and on. Face it C4Peers, she is gonna look at this and think you are all so cute for trying, crumple it up in a ball and toss it in the trash while chuckling at your spunkiness.
ReplyDeleteOh yes, Sarah. Please do! Please throw your wig into the ring! SNL needs new material!
ReplyDeleteAnon @ 6:02
ReplyDelete"those 'liberal' founding fathers owned slaves"
Yep. And the tea baggers want to.
I find it laughable that her only supporters forgot to call her by her undeserved, fake title, "Governor." Notice the "Mrs. Palin" and "Dear Sarah Palin." LOL! Even THEY don't think she deserves the "title."
ReplyDeleteThey really think she can beat Obama. That's sad.
All the intelligent people who supported her have left her. Now she has only the truly lost souls that will never understand that she only wants money from them.
Anon 3:58: "They're freaks over there. I dared to post a 3-word message (not vulgar) in response to a Cee-4-Peer who interprets Going Rogue line by line like the Bible and writes Latin phrases calling Palin to battle."
ReplyDeleteI know who you're talking about, it's that guy who begins every post "Dear Friends In Sarah." If I was Sarah Palin, I would have private investigators find out his real identity and then put the proper anti-stalking measures in place STAT.
She probably wrote it herself....
ReplyDeleteThey wrote "steel spine" but we all know it's reaaaly "still spine".
ReplyDeleteWow, zombies really do exist. Though if I were looking for brains, I wouldn't settle for Sarah Palin.
ReplyDeleteYeah, C4P is truly off the deep end... check these comments out:
ReplyDelete"I think Sarah has seen our money, blood, sweat and tears already. If she cannot hear our voice now, then I am deeply saddened. Please read this and give us an answer Sarah."
What part of "I am not running" was not an answer??
Here's the reply:
"I don't think Gov Palin will be signalling overtly what she is going to do until much nearer the time she intends to move ......
and so we should prepare for an extended period of waiting ..... "
Yes, yes, an extended period of waiting. You go prepare for that, we'll wait right here in the real world.
Seriously, they've gone back to denial? Now her announcement of not running is another one of her "brilliant political strategies"?
No means yes?
I keep hoping these are just satire trolls, keeping the crazy stirred up, because if not... an army of grief councillors will be needed to stem the wave of suicides...
So sad...Sarah is sending love notes to herself again...
ReplyDeleteAsk Alaskans - you DO NOT want the idiot - she could NEVER beat President Obama!
ReplyDeleteKnowing how Palin and members of her Administration in Alaska wrote 'glowing' reports about Sarah (which she instructed them to do)for the Anchorage Daily News - I would not be one bit surprised that she orchestrated this particular letter.
ReplyDeleteShe's sly as a fox (appropriate that they've had her on FOX these past three years +!) folks - watch her!
Kimosabe said...
ReplyDeleteAnon @ 6:02
"those 'liberal' founding fathers owned slaves"
Yep. And the tea baggers want to.
the more lucid ones realize that they won't win the lottery and be able to afford it But they "sho' nuf do wanna be" first in lien to apply for the overseers' jobs that will be created.
Someone with a big heart should tell the C4Pers the ONLY way to get her to throw her wig into the running is to practice TOUGH LOVE - stop sending her $$$. Everyone outside of your tiny delusional C4P world knows the only thing that will motivate Sarah Palin to run, even if only as a ruse, is if the donations of $$$ completely stops!
ReplyDeleteC4Pers - Your Queen of Mean will come out of hiding from the ICEBERGS coming long enough to fake a campaign to refill her coffers, and stroke your underdeveloped pitiful egos again! Go to it, you idolaters, you! Take a stand, she owes it to you, doesn't she? Didn't God tell her to run and isn't he still holding that door open for her? She's defying GOD!
"USS Titanic" LOL I wonder if that person even realizes the main reference to that ship is from the Jamie Brockett song, Legend of The USS Titanic?
ReplyDeleteRMS Titanic if anyone is wondering.
Not What You Want To Hear said...
ReplyDelete"I know who you're talking about, it's that guy who begins every post 'Dear Friends In Sarah.'"
YES -- that opening CREEPS me out each time I see it.
And, of course, he has to put some Latin into every post just to remind everyone that he knows a subject that many people are intimidated by. Sorry, it doesn't make me bow and scrape to him. It's just another foreign language, and we all took one in high school.
Reagan = one of the worst presidents ever. Do people who keep holding him up as an icon ever read history? Just google Reagan myth or peruse the list of books credible writers have written about him. He was stupid, not just ignorant, but probably also in early Alzheimer's as he slept through meetings, including one with the pope!
ReplyDeleteWorld leaders' statements are recorded during Reagans' political years, saying how there was nothing between Reagan's ears.
For the sake of our country can't we all just forget Reagan ever was? When Palin and her followers and the Republican candidates for president keep stating what a hero Reagan was, it makes me know how utterly stupid and lacking in factual knowedge they are.
Reagan gave us the biggest deficit ever until Bushie Jr. came along.
Reagan began ending the unions, & our airports are still endangered over his tinkering with the controllers. Reagan was divorced and married Nancy because she was pregnant.Reagan was part of the Nicoraguan-Contra debacle.
He invaded Grenada in what was termed by the United Nations general assembly, Canada and the United Kingdom as a flagrant violation of international law.
Palin followers, every time you quote Reagan as a great president you show all of us that you are not knowledgeable and should be enrolled somewhere in school for remedial classes.
@10:17 - I don't know about you but I took Latin in Junior HIgh. So, no, it's not at all impressive when some old white man writes in Latin on Seaofpee.
ReplyDeleteHaving no sense of shame is whitewashing Barack Obama and pretending like he is God's gift to the country when in reality he and his advisors and "friends" are some of the biggest thugs who've ever existed. PROVEN.
ReplyDeleteGet some facts. Stop slandering people out of fear. The people to fear are the people currently in power.
5:09 PM
You should take your own advice. Stop slandering.
Just once I'd like to hear exactly what crimes Obama and his administration supposedly commit. Proven? PROVEN? Give us a break.
Tangent: Waterboarding is NOT wrong when enemies hold important life or death information.
ReplyDelete5:11 PM
Not only is waterboarding evil, it is illegal. AND it does NOT work.