Friday, December 02, 2011

A clearly agitated Palin appears on Hannity and again mentions rumors of her affairs, spits venom all over the studio, and even alludes to Shailey Tripp! I know, right? Update!

To watch the interview in its entirety, just click the image.

Palin was clearly EXTREMELY pissed off about something even before the interview started, and when asked about Herman Cain's possible affair did NOT cut him any slack at all! Here was her response:

"If Herman Cain did not engage in this recent thirteen year affair, screwing around on his wife, and giving money to some broad on the side unbeknownst to his wife, well then, if he did not do this, then the false accuser is really despicable and we shouldn't have to put up with that kind of false accusations that results in somebody's character being so besmirched and really ruined. If he did do it though Sean, if he did it, if he engaged in this recent affair and is misleading the public then, like they said 'boys will be boys' but they shouldn't run the country."

But the interesting part for me was when she again referenced the affairs that she and Todd have been accused of having, but then went even further and said that, "I have had people, who have sworn on a Bible, that they have had affairs with Todd or had affairs with me. Or, one specific one was a masseuse said she massaged me when I was seven months pregnant, and..ah..she could tell that I was not pregnant, and hence Trig was not my kid, and that resulted in this whole Trig Truther issue that I still deal with everyday."


I cannot believe she referenced Shailey Trip on television! You could have knocked me over with a feather!

However I have NO idea how she extrapolates what Shailey Tripp said to the beginning of the questions about her fake pregnancy? We started asking THOSE questions as soon as she was nominated by McCain. Shailey's contribution is relatively new.

If you feel so inclined you can revisit my interview with Shailey, from February of this year, and hear for yourself what has apparently been driving the Grizzled Mama crazy all of these many months.

I have been wondering what has been going on with Palin keeping so quiet lately, but it seems pretty clear that she has spent much of her free time stewing about all of the information out there that is keeping her from running for President.

What can I say? We did it for our country, and I don't feel bad about it one little bit. (And by the way, I'm not done yet.)

P.S. I contacted Shailey minutes after I heard the remarks, so she may have something to say about this on her blog as well.

Update:  It looks like Palin was aware that she came off somewhat manic in her Hannity interview. She tweeted this not long after:

Dang - spoke too rapidly on @hannityshow; should have clarified I'm for eliminating "fed corporate income tax." 9 hours ago via web

 I wonder if she is aware what ELSE she may have"spoke to rapidly" about?


  1. Anonymous2:37 AM

    Yes she spends so much time thinking about people who still obsess over her, even though she just had the busiest 2 weeks of her life.

  2. Anonymous2:49 AM

    There was the weird Thanksgiving letter from Palin about Trig. Now, a Trig reference on a Fox TV interview.

    Sounds like the whole "blood libel" episode to me. Someone told Sarah Palin not to go there on a topic. So mentally unstable Sarah Palin just plows right through the door and blurts it out.

    Sarah Palin will try to out crazy the current GOP crop of candidates... Hard to do, but Sarah will give it her all.

  3. Anonymous2:52 AM

    Hmmmm, I don't agree that she spends any time thinking of joining the debates. I don't think, outside these interviews, she thinks about politics at all.

    My comment to your "continued work": This is politically based right? Because the country doesn't need more slander and tripe-filled bs that has no bearing on how the govt works.

    I hate to say this, but she's right. People are harping on the personal SO much that they're losing perspective on what really matters. Oh and they're becoming more and more hypocritical in the process.

  4. Anonymous2:56 AM

    Sarah is right her endorsements does not amount to a hill of beans.
    Her opinions does not amount to a hill of beans and her mothering skills does not amount to a hill of beans.

    Hey Sarah why was Willow kicked out of school?

    Hey Sarah how come Willow is roaming around Los Angeles and on the highways of North America with her high school drop out boyfriend instead of going to school?

    By the way Sarah do you have fire in the belly to get your uneducated high school drop out daughter into some type of school instead of doing shit like her father? Nothing!

    We are assuming Todd is Willow’s father?

  5. Anonymous2:57 AM

    Perhaps she's trying to get back in the news cycle? Whatever works, right?!

  6. Anonymous3:02 AM

    Sarah.. it must be nice to wear a bathrobe to work.

    Folks swearing on bibles that Sarah and Todd are whores... Oh My!

    Sarah please sue one of the Trig truthers... we want to see DNA results read aloud in court.

    Judge Jerry Springer will say, "Sarah, there is 99.999% certainty that you are not Trig's biological mother"

  7. Anonymous3:05 AM

    "... if he engaged in this recent affair and is misleading the public then, like they said 'boys will be boys' but they shouldn't run the country..."


    Did I hear Sarah Palin just say if men cheat on their spouses then she justifies it as BOYS WILL BE BOYS?

    No wonder Bristol has so much low self esteem!

    A mother and a wife does not condone A CHEATING HUSBAND AS BOYS WILL BE BOYS... unless of course Sarah has been sharing her bed with other men and she also feels that justifies her affairs...


    Now it makes sense why Sarah is still with Cheating Tawd... BOYS WILL BE BOYS!

    I guess they have an open marriage?

  8. Randall3:06 AM

    Excuse me... Sarah WHO???


  9. I got through was a long interview. She still has not learned that you do NOT wear LIP GLOSS/LIP SHINE on video! It just looks like spooge. Pair that with the bright red fluffy bathrobe she's wearing...and well, you know.
    (take the time to shower and dress before the live feed missy)

    My favorite line is right at the end. Hannity compliments her small Christmas in the background but then mentions that she should have more decorations....Palin says "I'll tell Piper to get right on that". So Piper is solely responsible for decorating the house for Christmas?

  10. Anonymous3:08 AM

    Okay Glen Rice, it is official, Sarah Palin has called you out as a liar!

    "I have had people, who have sworn on a Bible, that they have had affairs with Todd or had affairs with me."

    Time to hear your side of the story!

  11. Anonymous3:14 AM

    Why does it look like Sarah Palin has been crying?

    She must be on the verge of a break down with her husband cheating and another child dropping out of school.

    Willow's expulsion from school is what we expected from the Palin's parenting skills since all their other children are failures.

    Just letting everybody know that my comments about Sarah's kids are failures does not include Trig since we all know that Sarah is not Trig's real birth mother.

  12. Anonymous3:16 AM

    It must be hard for Sarah to walk around in Wasilla with her head up after another child/daughter failed in school?

    Make room for another Palin Cosmotologist!

  13. Anonymous3:23 AM

    1. What the hell does she have on!? A Mrs. Santa Clause suit? Bwahahahaha.

    2. That lip gloss is so incredibly unprofessional, and so not appropriate for a grown woman, let alone one who purports to be a "political analyst." Not to mention, it has not been the style for a couple of years now. It's fine on Britney Spears, but it makes Sarah look pathetic.

    3. She thinks she's so cute saying it's 20 degrees and it's beautiful, lots to do outside when it's 20 degrees. Oh Sarah, you're such an outdoorswoman, and so macho!

    4. Underneath the makeup, she looks very unhealthy.

    This before I've even got through 1 minute of the video. P.S. Gryphen, the screen grab on your post is hilarious! Thanks for that.

    Ok, now I'll watch the dang thing.

    R in NC

  14. Anonymous3:24 AM

    Why is Palin so worried about Obama when she can't even raise decent kids?

    Track, Bristol and now Willow is in the ranks of the uneducated with Piper following closely behind them.

    It is either the Alaska school system is failing those Palin kids or Sarah is too wrapped up in herself to care about her kids.

    Sarah stop worrying about Michelle Obama trying to make a difference in the lives of children and stop worrying about President Obama fixing the mess that the previous president put us in.

    Sarah, you need to worry about the one child you have left in your home. Piper should be your concern! Try to keep Piper in school and try to keep her from being another Palin-Heath stat of being pregnant before marriage like you, your mother, Todd, Track and Bristol.

  15. Anonymous3:26 AM

    LOL Wonky Eyed Sarah sure has a fucked up life.

    Kids are fucked up.

    Husband is fucked up.

    Sarah is fucked up.

  16. Anonymous3:30 AM

    Does her Christmas tree have one ornament on it?

    Oh, I guess I have missed Sarah.

    Boys will be boys? So it's ok to have affairs as long as you are not running for President? Isn't that against Christian principles?

    She still says "pundent."

  17. The conversation between Hannity, a two college drop out and former bar tender, and the lunatic former half term governor, who attended five colleges, is what FOX portrays as political discourse. William Buckley must be horrified.

  18. Anonymous3:31 AM

    Wow! Her drugs sure did kick in after the first part. She's going crazy!

  19. Gasman3:31 AM

    I'm just basing this on the single still at the top of the thread - I refuse to voluntarily watch even a nanosecond of video of that shrieking harpy buffoon - but DAMN, she looks terrible. No hint of the former sex kitten of the dirty old GOP men set. She's LONG past being their answer to Viagra. I'll bet even William Kristol - seemingly the last of the prominent GOP men to publicly lust after her - can just feel little Billy shriveling up when he sees that face or hears that fingernails-on-the-chalkboard voice of Palin's.

    She seriously is beginning to look like a meth addict. Now we might have a clue as to why she has been laying so low. Could she be a connoisseur of Wassila's well known commodity?

    She really appears to be losing it.

  20. Anonymous3:32 AM

    If she doesn't want to deal with Trig Truthers every day, she can very easily put a stop to it, as our president did with the Birthers, by providing PROOF that she gave birth to him. The question is, why hasn't she done that after three years if it upsets her so much???

  21. Anonymous3:35 AM

    Is that how she is going to feel when she supports Newt? Nobody screwed around on his wife more than he did.

  22. Anonymous3:36 AM

    Sean asks for top 3 strengths and weaknesses of Newt and Mitt and she says, "either one of them" and then goes off on Obama and her standard spiel about crony capitalism and the exact same phrases she always uses.

  23. Sally in MI3:38 AM

    Holy crap! That is too funny...and to think that she just gave people who may know NOTHING about the Trig issue (they are out there) plenty to google. The woman just lost whatever new fans she was trying to drum up...oh boy! And she looks even more manic than whatever is normal for her...not to mention she's dressed like she's headed to a big party somewhere..poor Sarah. Her days as a media darling are winding down, and she is turning the key herself.

  24. Anonymous3:38 AM

    Wow. "All politics is personal" for Sarah Palin!

    These people who "swore on the Bible" -- were they in court? Otherwise, bringing the Bible into your accusations is a cheap, sanctimonious shot.

    Curtis Menard is dead, so he didn't swear. Gentleman Glen Rice didn't swear, either, and, since it was a premarital fling, her rolls in the hay with him weren't strictly "an affair." So, how many other affairs has she had that people have been swearing happened? This opens up an interesting line of inquiry.

  25. Anonymous3:42 AM

    Sarah is angry that her Koch-brothers-bought-and-paid-for-guy Herm is losing it and she won't have anyone to endorse! She is also upset that Herm was allowed to run with all this baggage in his closet and that she was not allowed to run. So that is why she is spitting the venom...she is a stupid woman for sure since now the Shailey news is back in the light... THANKS Sarah!!!

    And why is she wearing her red bathrobe for the interview. The pin does dress it up a bit - but it is still her bathrobe... has this woman no shame?

  26. Anonymous3:43 AM

    Sarah Palin is still worried about Obama?

    If it was me I would put energy into helping my kids.

    Bristol was a failure in high school.

    Tried to make a quick buck as a unexperienced uneducated motivational speaker which failed, failed as author, failed as a dancer, failed as a reality tv star and by looking at her grooming and what she has done to Sarah's hair style, Bristol will fail as a cosmotologist.

  27. Anonymous3:43 AM

    Also, "screwing around on his wife," with "some broad," is not the vocabulary used by a national leader. She sounds as charming as Richard Nixon does on his secret tapes -- only she's broadcasting around the world.
    Nice touch with that Christmas tree: 'tis the season to have peace on earth, Sarah. Perhaps she should borrow one of those Bibles she's talking about and read up on what it is she claims she believes in.

  28. Anonymous3:44 AM

    Hah!One of her personalities feels the walls closing in on her, so another one popped out and made a preemptive strike. Listen sarah, many of us not in alaska KNEW you faked the pregnancy the very first day you were announced as VP candidate cause we simply Googled ya!!
    The train has left the station. No one with any intelligence cares a bit about you or your rants. The rest of us just laugh at you and can't wait for the hoax to be revealed...and it surely will be revealed worldwide. Also, too, why did you name Tri-G after his DS and where is his birth certificate?

  29. Anonymous3:48 AM

    Most interesting,,,,things that make you go hmmmmmmm. Fox News does not show the first part of this interview. Wonder why??


  30. My guess is this breakdown is a result of:

    Shailey's Petition on the internet to have her stuff returned

    People like me, and readers of IM, Laura Novak, Sarah's Scandals, Sarah Palin has a Serpant's Heart and The Palin Place beginning to call the Anchorage Police to find out why they are ignoring the court order.

    New blogs (general purpose blogs) picking up on and covering Shailey's story (see Shay's blog post yesterday)

    The letter sent to Eric Holder by Brad Scharlott asking that Babygate be investigated, and the excited response after it was posted on Scharlott's Beacon blogspot.

    Don't retreat! Reload.


    The Palin Place Blogspot

  31. Anonymous3:50 AM

    What's with the Elmo getup,too? Is she back on meth?

    No, you're just stupid, Palin. And you can afford a decorator xmas tree. Stop playing around like you don't have $25+M stashed away.

  32. Anonymous3:51 AM

    Is she wearing her favorite red bathrobe?

  33. Anonymous3:52 AM

    She is truely some cretin tryin to float above the pond scum.

    So why is she a commentator on Fox? Is she supposed to up the level of commentary? Cause she is spewing pond scum.

    In the real world, people make efforts to better themselves. Palin wallows in stenchy stagnant efforts to better herself, often dipping into the bellows of stupor...

    I like folks with brain power.
    Those who are willing to improve themselves and do it. Without showing off...
    Those with depth of thought.

  34. Anonymous3:53 AM

    OMG, is she wearing a bathrobe? She really should think things through before she appears on TV. She is such a joke.
    NancyB in SC

  35. Anonymous4:00 AM

    Big Juicy certainly is eloquent. Those six universities that she attended must certainly be proud of their star alumna.

    Have a CRAZY day Mrs. Toad.

  36. Anonymous4:01 AM

    Not only is she referencing Shailey Tripp but also the fake pregnancy! And what's with the crooked fake Christmas tree in the background?

  37. Anonymous4:06 AM

    McCain, pox on your 11 or so houses.

    Great pic, G. Keep up the pressure.


  38. I just want to know where the Babygate book is.

    Now that she is OVER, the press may be interested.

  39. I just can't bear the sound of her voice. Did she explain why she is wearing that hairy red Elmo bathrobe?

  40. Anonymous4:22 AM

    Good grief. Could she be more vapid? I've never heard anyone talk so much and say so little. And yes, she was loaded for bear from the begining of the interview.

    Something is seriously wrong with the right side of her mouth. She looks like Greta. Also, too, how many Muppets had to die to make that gastly jacket (?) she was wearing?

  41. Anonymous4:32 AM

    Dang - better slow down, Sarah. Just another manic Thursday.

    1) spoke too rapidly?!/SarahPalinUSA

    Dang - spoke too rapidly on @hannityshow; should have clarified I'm for eliminating "fed corporate income tax."

    2) tweeted too rapidly? manufactures??!/SarahPalinUSA/

    Glad Santorum wants to re-industrialize USA w/ eliminating the corp income tax on manufactures.

  42. Anonymous4:33 AM

    Well - this is getting interesting. Sarah seems to be really going off the deep end. I loved the "boys will be boys" comment.
    I read Shailey's blog this morning - the recent interview she posted yesterday. Very well done and good for her. One thing in the interview that I don't remember seeing was her statement about when Todd would refer other men to Thailey he wanted records kept on them and then given to him - or something to that affect. That is strange - maybe blackmail or were they his friends - don't know.
    Anyway, Gryphen keep up the good work.
    Pat Padrnos

  43. I don't even know where to start ... except first to say I just swallowed, took my glasses off, then put them back on to see if your blog said what I thought it said and to look again at that picture of her(?) ... is that really her? She looks horrible - really, now for those who say we talk too much about her looks - in this case, well, I am sorry but she looks mental, unhinged, old, craggy, oh and crabby. And did she really say "screwing around" on national tv? I can't even go on with my comments. I have to re-read this. It is unbelievable and I am on my first cup of coffee. I will be back later. Gryphen, stay on this story please! What is going on with her?

  44. Anonymous4:34 AM

    I guess to the Palin family money is more important than education and family values.

    They may not be in school but they will have many presents this X-mas season.


  45. Anonymous4:39 AM

    Did Sarah fall out of love for Herman Cain?

    Her pet name for him used to be "Herb".

    I guess for "Herby" the Love Bug?

  46. It doesn't sound like she's denying she had the massage, does it? Thanks for verifying Shailey's story of the massage, Sarah. She would have known you were pregnant and you denied it when she asked you. It would have been IMPOSSIBLE to hide at that stage, as women well know. You're adding more credibility to the fact that you're not Trig's birth mother. Good job, Sarah-Thanks! You still need to get rid of that fugly jacket. How could you possibly think that looks good? No taste in decorating or clothes, you need to hire a decorator and a personal shopper. Cough up the money, bitch, you've got it!

  47. telah4:45 AM

    Love the picture! I don't have the stomach to listen to her this early in the morning, but "screwing around on his wife"? How presidential.

    Good morning, Sarah. Now that you bring up Shailey, how do you feel about the internal investigation of the APD regarding her missing belongings and why they Lt. Parker issued a press release at the behest of your attorney. Kinda strange, dont' cha think?

  48. She's got her red fuzzy bathrobe on again. And have you noticed that the reason sarah usually wears bangs is that she has an ugly forehead? Whenever her bangs are to the side that big ugly forehead takes over the show. And yes, I'm saying stuff about her clothes and hair for the same reason I always do. Because nothing that comes out of her mouth is worth commenting on. Same old broken record: media bad, evil lying enemies of mine, obama must go, media bad...

  49. Oh my.

    So now it's Shailey's fault that people thought in March of 2008 that she wasn't really pregnant?

    Sarah, Sarah. Poor pitiful creature; you KNOW that's not what started this whole thing! It's just....everything else, and Ms. Tripp's observation was just some more icing on the cake. See, normally? when someone is seven months pregnant? their belly might stick out a tad? especially if they are partially disrobed for a massage? You know?

    Didn't care to watch the interview. Were her eyes that buggy the whole time?

  50. Perhaps, also,too, Mrs. Palin would like to explain how it was she had lipodissolve done to her 7 month pregnant flat belly, reportedly shocking and horrifying the entirety of the clinic when they heard her announce shortly afterwards that she was seven months pregnant.

    'Splain THAT one, Sarah.

  51. Anonymous4:54 AM

    How fun! Sarah just introduced a whole new audience to Shailey's blog. I wonder just how many Hannity watchers went to immediately google "masseuse palin massage" after the show. This woman is just not very bright, is she? Way to stir it all up again, Sarah!

  52. Anonymous4:57 AM

    What jumps out at me is: she managed to get the "number of months pregnant" she supposedly was out there ("Got it? Seven--all you bots hear that?--seven months!") So all the bots will actually come away with is that, by god, she was really pregnant with Trig. That is the message.

    But another thing bothers me: do women who are "seven months pregnant" commonly receive massages? Do they actually lie face-down on the table to receive them? She really shouldn't double-down on this stuff because she always opens herself up to even more questions (from the non-paint chip-eaters who can think for themselves and don't accept as gospel each lie that comes from her lips).

    I've asked this question before and I'll ask it again: WHY does this woman seek to draw more attention to those things that, if further investigated, would do her harm? Why does she seek to actually point out, or underscore, the skeletons in her closet?

    Oh, I know: mental illness.

  53. Anonymous5:07 AM

    The screen grab looks like something from Dr. Seuss. Love her holiday outfit.

  54. Anonymous5:08 AM

    Wouldn't want to be around the Palin house with that very angry woman. She is obviously in a manic phase.

    It looks like she didn't even take time to change since she was still wearing her fluffy bathrobe. And was that an artificial tree in Alaska? Or is she in Arizona in a room made to look like Alaska?

    And re writing history to blame Shelly for the fact that people first began to talk about her non pregnancy is a classic

  55. Anonymous5:09 AM

    Gryphen I would ask you where do you get all those goofy ass pictures of Sarah Palin but I know you would not take credit for them, it's all Sarah Palin.

    It just comes natural to her.

  56. Anonymous5:09 AM

    She is wild. Keep up the good work Gryphen.

  57. Anonymous5:09 AM

    I have been wondering why Sarah decided not to jump into the presidential fray. Was it Joe? Fred? Upcoming indictments? Gryph? Affairs? Todd's affairs? Anon poster? This interview certainly gives some clues! And she's pissed about it! I still vote that fear of her fake pregnancy being exposed was the main reason - I think someone threatened to tell all if she threw her hat into the ring. Regardless, it WILL be common knowledge that she shoved a pillow up her shirt - that is guaranteed.

  58. Anonymous5:09 AM

    She must be moving in for the kill. This is twice in two weeks Sarah has talked about Shailey on national television. I am surprised she did this as she has been the one to keep Shailey out of the national news but yet she is bringing her into the nationale news. Is Sarah trying to move in for the kill? Shailey must be really special.

  59. Anonymous5:11 AM

    All I have to say is: U MAD SARAH??? U MAD??
    You know she's mad!

  60. Anonymous5:12 AM

    Did she also explain why her daughter Bristol named her son Tripp after Todd's prostitute?

  61. Anonymous5:17 AM

    Works for ME, Gryph! Sucks to be her and I, for one, enjoy the hell out of watching her little tantrums. Even the pee pond acknowledges "something happened that made her put the brakes on hard and fast."

    Well, listen up, Queen Esther! You can forget about 2012, 2016, 2020..."any of 'em, all of 'em." You've been warned for years that we're out here and you'll be smacked down if you even attempt to hold office again. A FACT and a PROMISE. So, take Tripp's binky (he's WAY too old for it, you know), crawl into bed, and dream your silly dreams of what could have been. You brought it all on yourself.

  62. Anonymous5:18 AM

    Oh man. She does not look good at all. That wig is terrible and her overmedication is making her look old and used. Is her health okay?

  63. Anonymous5:22 AM

    She continues to be her own worst enemy. Sarah, do you not understand your own words convict you concerning yours & Tawd's affairs, and Trigs birth?

    She appeared to be heavily drugged again tonight - flipping between heavy drooping eyes & overly agitated. And her very vulgar remarks about Cain's mistress? "Boys will be boys?" Really Sarah? Is that why you overlook all Todd's sexual playmates? Because he'll never be a shadow President?

  64. Anonymous5:22 AM

    Love the bathrobe she's wearing and the tilted, rinky-dink pre-lit Christmas tree with one ornament. Way to decorate your set when there's about a million people watching.

    Oh, and let's not forget about how she so skillfully made the issue about her again..."they" came after me and my family...always the victim.

  65. Anonymous5:22 AM

    Gryph you have to quit putting those still shots of grifticia on the morning posts. I almost spit coffee on the pc screen. No way I'd watch the video.

    Horrible, horrible, horrible.

    Hi Sarah - had your vodka this morning - or are you back to Baileys?


  66. Anonymous5:26 AM

    Has mama grifter been so quiet or has Cain stolen all the media attention as reigning reactionary scammer?

  67. Anonymous5:27 AM

    Can't stand to watch the video - just can't do it so early in the morning. However, I do want to comment on the bathrobe that cute little Sarah appears to be wearing --WTF--???? Does she really think that fuzzy whatever makes her look at all professional?? I mean really - that is something Piper Diaper should be wearing. She reminds me of a co-worker who wears totally inappropriate clothing for someone in their mid-50's and obese - dresses like a teenager and it's disgusting.

  68. dominicastar5:29 AM

    Wow, one of Palin minions; or even the palins themselves were waiting for that post; this was posted at 2:30am, 7 minutes later here comes Sarah/Bristol/Willow!

  69. Anonymous5:36 AM

    Compare Huntsman's daughters to the skanks that Sarah has raise.

    This will help folks see that Sarah is not qualified to do anything.

    Sarah is a total failure as a parent... she has knocked up, unwed and uneducated daughters.

  70. Anonymous5:39 AM

    She's come undone
    She didn't know
    what she was headed for
    And when I found
    what she was headed for
    It was too late

    She's come undone
    She found a mountain
    that was far too high
    And when she found out
    she couldn't fly
    It was too late.....


  71. Beldar Footstompin' Conehead5:47 AM

    Oh, Gryphen, you do pick the best images of the performance artist formerly - and still - known as the Screechy Wretch(tm).

    O/T: I'm really excited about Monday's DECISION DAY for Herb Cain's amazing presidential campaign. Will he? Won't he? Won't he? Will he? Oh!!! The suspense!!!

    I want to invite everyone at IM to attend a CAIN TRAIN CRASH BASH to celebrate whatever the decision happens to be and to watch the announcement on big screen hi-def TV. There will be an open bar, a nice buffet, party favors and a goodie bag to take home. There will be live music by "Mark, Don and Moishe" an amazing Grand Funk Railroad tribute/klezmer band, drinking games - drink a shot every time Herb says "nine" - the number of women accusing him of inappropriate or adulterous behavior - or three shots when he trumpets his innovative - and laughably unfeasible - tax plan. EXPECT TO GET REALLY DRUNK and possibly suffer acute alcohol poisoning, if his press conference runs longer than expected, and more!

    I'm mailing out invitations and venue details to everyone today so watch your mailboxes Tuesday or Wednesday.


  72. Anonymous5:51 AM

    ...Is there anything people should know that was not in the National Enquirer?

    Well the National Enquirer stated that I was Todd Palin's mistress/prostitute. What they left out is he prostituted me out to associates. He had me keep records on these associates and I would give them to him. The police said that there was nothing in the evidence they seized to connect him to me. I did tell them about him when they arrested me. However they immediately turned off the microphones and started treating me different. I immediately shut up as a result of that. I did polygraph with the Enquirer multiple times. They were dead sure I was lying or that I was some kind of sociopath. Their polygraphed was really shocked that I passed all the polygraphs they gave me and even personally apologized to me and told me he believed me. I passed all the polygraphs they gave me. I was very surprised the Enquirer did not post these results. Also the Enquirer alerted the Palins about a week or so prior to Christmas of 2010 and told them they were going to run my story. They did not use my name. The Palins immediate threatened law suits. So then the Enquirer decided to run my story as gossip. The last story about me that went to print they printed it as a third party source but I told them verbatim what they printed. They attributed the author of the story as multiple people but again it was Alan Butterfield's direct interview with me that was printed. Also I did give Sarah Palin a massage.

  73. Anonymous5:51 AM

    I was more than giddy when my husband walked in on me watching this last night and observed how much she's aged! Oh how we've missed you Sarah!

  74. Anonymous5:52 AM

    She now made the massage national knowledge all on her own. Thanks, Scarah! We couldn't have done it any better!

  75. Anonymous5:54 AM

    Do you think she was on Hannity rather than Greta because of the Greta/Cain conflict of interest that made the news? Greta's husband has done more for Sarah than Herman ("Herb" ha).
    Is Greta now scared to have her on her show? That limits where she can appear, ha ha ha. No one wants her, even her own kind, ha ha ha.

  76. Anonymous5:55 AM

    Maybe Sarah Palin is trying to switch the discussion to Todd's affair(s) so people will forget her boasting of boarding a transcontinental flight after an amniotic fluid leak which she did not get medically checked even though she was in her 7th pregnancy, the baby was pre-mature and Down Syndrome, and should have been born in a hospital with Neo-natal intensive care unit.

    Sure, Sarah, try to get people to forget your boasting of endangering the life of (supposedly) your unborn son.

    Sarah Palin is mentally unstable. And no one outside her family would care except she was run for VEEP alongside an old, unhealthy John McCain.

    What did John McCain know and when did he know it?

  77. Anonymous5:55 AM

    Wonder if Bachman will start spouting "boys will be boys". She likes to parrot Palinisms.

  78. Anonymous5:58 AM

    She "respects the American voter" except when they elect someone she doesn't like. Reminded me of when she said she "had faith God would pick the right candidate", and then immediately dedicated herself to tearing that candidate down when it turned out it wasn't McCain.

    Is it just me, or did anyone else sense that at the beginning of the interview Palin was consciously attempting to speak in a deeper voice? (but wasn't able to keep it up for long before sliding back up the pitch scale)

    Maybe I'm just hoping my little comment from the other day about female politicians with high pitched voices actually hit a nerve, but I swear it seems real.

    And yeah, she was obviously really angry about something before the interview even started.

    And did anyone notice the gigantic "tell" when she talked about Shailey Tripp? Specifically when she mentioned the "lie" that Trig wasn't hers and her eyes jumped left and right like they were trying to jump out of her skull?

    She did a MAJOR shifty eyed thing. Reminded me of Joe Flaherty on SCTV doing his "Vic Arpeggio" character.

    "Yeah, that's right. I got thrown off the force. And all because of one lousy reefer... that... wasn't even... mine."

  79. Anonymous5:59 AM

    She has been wearing that red jacket for several years now. Guess she wants to look thrifty, or else it's the only Christmas-y thing she has. She wore it on her book signing tour.

  80. ...takes one to know one...

    That Broad just trying to get back into the news cycle. Hopefully, the media will dig deeper into her revelations:

    "I have had people, who have sworn on a Bible,
    1. that they have had affairS with Todd or,
    2. had affairS with me.
    3. Or, one specific one was a masseuse said she massaged me when I was seven months pregnant..."

    She just gave us three . Notice the use of 'or' in the last part of her statement. Did she have an affair with the 'ONE SPECIFIC ONE' or did Todd? Both?

    Ms Masseuse Lady, WHERE'S your book?

    SP is once again the victim.... Still deals with everyday...

  81. Anonymous6:02 AM

    2:37 said " even though she just had the busiest 2 weeks of her life"

    What has she been doing the last 2 weeks? Seems the time when she was running for President (shh..don't tell John McCain, he thought HE was the one running for that office, but we all know..wink wink..that he wouldn't have lasted long) was a very busy time. She was all over the place, spilling her hate messages and inciting the village idiots to unite and vote for her. So, what did she do the last 2 weeks that was busier than that time?

    I love that the fairy tale troll is often one of the first to post..they must sit and watch your blog 24/7.

    Laughing at all the Elmo references as that was exactly what I thought too.

  82. Anonymous6:02 AM

    Oops, no, I see now. It's a new red statement, not that rose patterned jacket she had. Yikes.

  83. Anonymous6:04 AM

    @5:39 am

    Love the Guess Who!

    - fellow Canuck

  84. Anonymous6:05 AM

    Hey, Mrs. Toad, Are you askeered? Huh? Are you? Why you shaking Mrs. Toad? Huh? Huh? Why you shaking? Just thought I'd give you a little of the old "Toad at the airport" treatment. How do you like it Mrs. Toad? What's that? Not so much? Tough shit! No mercy!!

    The trolls are very quiet today.

    Oh and o/t, Gasman, Ahem, and GinaM, thanks for the many fits of laughter you've given me. You guys are priceless.

  85. Anonymous6:06 AM

    No one has been talking about any of this in the news ANYWHERE! Obviously, there is stuff going on in her life to make her think this is relevant. Nice job calling attention to something no one was paying attention to, Sarah. The pressure is on from somewhere and it shows.

    That said, November is over and it looks like Bristol's reality show won't see the light of day. Wasn't it originally slated for November?

    I have REALLY enjoyed the virtual disappearance of the Palins from the news cycle. Every now and then, some news site throws the name out hoping to get it going again, but it's apparent that no one's interested in the family of know-nothing's. It was just a matter of time before they were forced to finally "sit down and shut up".

  86. Anonymous6:08 AM

    Sarah Palin's statement finishing up "Boy's will be boys..." is an effort to clear herself of all responsibility in her life.

    To her the crazy is normal permitted behavior See...she just said so.

    And Oh why not list the social transgressions publicly while she is at it.

    Priceless and trashy and "That's OK"


  87. Anonymous6:14 AM

    I do marvel at the fact Sarah is still married. She is the living definition of a shrew. I truly feel sorry for Todd and the children, at least in that respect.

    Sadly for Sarah, her bitchiness is written in the scowl that is now permanently etched into her face.

  88. Anonymous6:19 AM

    Hey, Mrs. Toad, Are you askeered? Huh? Are you? Why you shaking Mrs. Toad? Huh? Huh? Why you shaking? Just thought I'd give you a little of the old "Toad at the airport" treatment. How do you like it Mrs. Toad? What's that? Not so much? Tough shit! No mercy!!

    The trolls are very quiet today.

    Oh and o/t, Gasman, Ahem, and GinaM, thanks for the many fits of laughter you've given me. You guys are priceless.

  89. Anonymous6:20 AM

    By the way anon 256, why do you insist on telling lies about people?

  90. My question: how many plush toys were sacrificed to make Sarah's holiday outfit?

    I watched with the sound off. Only way I can take it. Last interview that I watched and listened to did permanent damage to my ears - and psyche.

    As to Cain: it looks as though that marriage is one of convenience - convenience to Herman Cain. Held together for show only. Poor Mrs. Cain.

  91. Anonymous6:27 AM

    The red bathrobe is so cute..guess she didn't have time to dress before the show!!??

  92. Anonymous6:28 AM

    Is that Peggy Bundy in her bathrobe?

    Noooooo it's Sarah Palin

  93. Anonymous6:32 AM

    I see said the blind man.

    Boys will be boys explains everything.

    Now I understand why Sarah Palin is so calm about Todd's love affair with Shailey Tripp.

    It is okay for Tawd to have sex with other men and women as long as Todd does not run for president.

    Great family values ya got there Sarah!

    Is this what you teach your daughters?

  94. Anonymous said...

    Yes she spends so much time thinking about people who still obsess over her, even though she just had the busiest 2 weeks of her life.

    2:37 AM

    Anonymous said...

    Hmmmm, I don't agree that she spends any time thinking of joining the debates. I don't think, outside these interviews, she thinks about politics at all.

    My comment to your "continued work": This is politically based right? Because the country doesn't need more slander and tripe-filled bs that has no bearing on how the govt works.

    I hate to say this, but she's right. People are harping on the personal SO much that they're losing perspective on what really matters. Oh and they're becoming more and more hypocritical in the process.

    Hey Gov Dirty Wig! I see you have Gryphen on speed dial! I'm speaking directly to ya' Gov Dirty because on Insannity you were a to put this.....BATSHIT CRAZY! WHEW....that screech dial was on HIGH(pun intended)! What kind of cocktail did you have last night!

    I know you cleaned that dirty wig for us....but remember when I mentioned "housecoats"...well that didn't mean for you to go out and get one and wear in on TV! At first I thought you went Scarlet O'Hara on us....didn't have a thing to wear for the interview so you had MAMIE (RAM) pull up the red velvet carpet in YOUR room and run you up that get up you had on last night! RAM dear...I know you tried but time have Brisdull or even Piper pick out Dirty's clothes!

    And who did your eye makeup? It was so heavily applied I thought you were going to fall asleep on camera!! And for all that is holy....get rid of the shiny lip gloss...I know you live in Alaska and you're trying not to dry out your lips like your toes...but the shiny gloss only emphasizes the herpes outbreak on your lip...just saying!

    And finally...that poor Charlie Brown Christmas tree in the background that you threw little Piper under the bus instead of admitting that you decorated that shit...Dirty you are so wrong for doing mean...Piper like that on national TV! BAD DIRTY...BAD DIRTY!

  95. Anonymous6:33 AM

    Is she wearing her bathrobe?
    Screech is pissed off because she is stuck in Wasilla with toad and she has nothing to do but actually look after her kids herself. No one gives a rats ass what she says and the media silence has been heavenly the past 6 weeks

  96. Nancy In New York6:34 AM

    I have one question for the shrieking shrew: Did ya take Elmo out in one or two shots?

  97. Anonymous6:34 AM

    The BROAD can't and WON'T endorse anyone. Instant death knell for said endorsee and she KNOWS it.

    What a PATHETIC loser. That's RIGHT, $arah...LOSER.

  98. Anonymous6:35 AM

    Of course McCain lost all credibility as an American hero when he picked Sarah Palin as his running mate. But, I think he has silently redeemed himself by letting the Palin "machine" know that if Sarah comes anywhere close to running for public office, he and others will make sure that proof of her craziness is made public to the American people.

    She's pissed because the money and power train has come to an abrupt end. All she can do know is go on Fox dressed like a Sesame Street character and sound like a bitter shrew.


  99. Anonymous6:35 AM

    "Yes she spends so much time thinking about people who still obsess over her, even though she just had the busiest 2 weeks of her life."

    @2:37 AM

    Apparently she does, since she spends so much time on this blog. What was she doing during those two busiest weeks of her life? Combing the tangles out of her wig?

  100. Anonymous6:36 AM

    We need an update on the progress of getting the babygate book on the shelf!

  101. Dinty6:37 AM

    She also painted herself nto a corner when talking about Cain with her "Boys will be boys but they shouldn't be President" remark.

    While we know at least some of the Cain allegations are true, he has not acknowledged them, giving a person with cognitive dissonance a little wiggle-room to support him despite the allegations.

    That wiggle-room, however, does not exist with anyone who wishes to support Newt Gingrich but feels that adultery should be a barrier to being President. Gingrich has acknowledged infidelities publicly.

    She will either have to find a way to walk back that statement or she will not be able to openly support Newt Gingrich.

  102. Is it just me, or does she look ridden hard and put away wet? The only thing she had going for her is fading fast.

  103. Anonymous6:39 AM

    okay...not caught up on reading comments yet, but, seriously???

    What adult over the age of 15 actually says "Dang?"


  104. Anonymous6:40 AM

    I have had people who have sworn on a bible.....

    Chip Thoma wants to have Sarah do this very soon.

  105. Anonymous6:40 AM

    If you're surprised she's married (when you don't know her) you'd be incredibly surprised at the support of her and her husbands families.

    And please, anon 2:56, enough with the lies about her kids.

  106. Anonymous6:41 AM

    Yes she spends so much time thinking about people who still obsess over her, even though she just had the busiest 2 weeks of her life.

    2:37 AM
    First post! Good job sarah! We know you were just stalking IM hitting refresh so you could get the first comment. Is that what you mean by busy?

  107. Anonymous6:41 AM

    2:52 AM said:

    "This is politically based right? Because the country doesn't need more slander and tripe-filled bs that has no bearing on how the govt works."

    That is exactly why America wants hypocritical assholes like $arah Palin to STFU.

  108. angela6:46 AM

    Wow, Sarah really does have people sitting on this blog waiting for Gryphen to post.

    Pititful but hysterical.

    Now is it Sarah herself, one of her paid staff or her poor children? My, my, my . . . .

    Can't help yourself, can you Sarah? You always tell on yourself. Shailey must really be destroying the facade.

  109. Anonymous6:49 AM

    Police: Mrs Palin, we have Track down here at the police. He has been arrested for cutting school brake lines endangering the lives of Alaska's school children.

    Sarah: oh that's okay "BOYS WILL BE BOYS

  110. Anonymous6:49 AM

    OMG what a sad pathetic creature! Her guilt is eating her up with all the "screwing around" talk and bring up Shailey and Trig..guilt, guilt, guilt! Poor baby, Todd must have to force her from her bedroom to the studio, prop her in the chair and tell her to start talking.
    And to the first comment.."busiest 2 weeks of her life"'re funny, I would have thought that would have been when she was running for VP! Oh I get it, too busy to change out of her bathrobe.

  111. A. J. Billings6:49 AM

    Did you all catch during the last 3 minutes of her screed how breathless and hyper she got?

    She' OBVIOUSlY pent up and insanely raging about all the Gates, and especially fearful of Babygate and Todd's Affairs Gates.

    $arah, we KNOW that's why you didn't run, and you know we know it.

    And it rankles doesn't it?
    You're syllogism is on display for all to see, and it's just pathetic

    (Bristol and Willow, you can look up the big words)

  112. Anonymous6:52 AM

    School office: Mrs Palin, we have Bristol down here at the nurse's office. She appears to be 3 months pregnant!

    Sarah: oh that's okay "SKANKS WILL BE SKANKS"

  113. N'yah6:57 AM

    OMG!!! Yet another reference to "Trig is NOT MY KID" rather than the more obvious "...that I didn't GIVE BIRTH TO Trig"

    How do people (outside of us, I mean) not GET what she is doing, this drives me crazy!!!

    She always says "not my kid" instead of "didn't give birth to" and that tells me she knows this train IS gonna go off the rails someday.

    But oh, Teh Stoopids, haz dem! Now the 99% of people who didn't know about the massage you got while "pregnant" will google it and find the info, medical records and all!

    Gryphen I know some people don't care for Blade but in this case we need to solidify for the greater good and get those records from the massage here (or at least linked here) for greatest visibility.

    One wonders how SP deals with Trig Truthers "every day" and if it so obviously bothers her, why not shut up all of us for good and release medical records/birth certificate?

  114. Anonymous7:00 AM

    Busiest two weeks of her life, eh?

    Well let's see:

    - Has Taco Bell come out with a new, bigger Crunchwrap Supreme?

    - I could swear I saw S'error in that infamous $2 waffle iron scrap at Wal-Mart -- I could be wrong, but it surely looked like her ;)

    - Has she been helpin' Bristol with those college applications? Them thar essays can be a bitch when you don't know English good (pfft!)

    - Has she finally mastered Trig's favorite toy? You know the one where you have to put the correct shapes in their correct holes? With Trig's help, I'll bet she finally realized she couldn't get that square peg in that round hole! Good for you Sarah, good for you!

    Yeah, the last two weeks have been a real bear for Big Red!

  115. Jeanabella7:01 AM

    Go to Google & type masseuse palin pregnant and over 1.3 million results.

  116. Anonymous7:06 AM

    "...busiest 2 weeks of her LIFE" ???

    Really, her WHOLE life? How credible is that? C'mon, just come clean with all Sarah's cover-ups and be done with it.

  117. Anonymous7:09 AM

    "By the way anon 256, why do you insist on telling lies about people?"


    @6:20 AM

    Why does $arah Palin insist on telling lies about people?

  118. Anonymous7:09 AM

    Good god, they are so in a tizzy at the Sea of Pee that Sarah really IS going to run for President! After all. She still DOES have that ol' fire in her belly...LOL!

  119. Only a star on the Christmas tree?

    Why not an angel?

    In fact, since it's Palin, why not a crucifix?

  120. Anonymous7:16 AM

    Most celebrities don't bother to read blogs and negative reviews about themselves but it's obvious Sarah is obsessed with them. Is that why she came on TV wearing a cheap polyester bath towel or bath robe, whatever that thing is?

    Naturally she chose to turn the conversation around about Cain to be all about HER.

    Speaking of providing proof Sarah, let's see proof that you graduated from college. Which was it that you got again? A degree in journalism or a degree in communications? Make up your mind.

    Can't get your wild ride story straight about Trig or even which city he was born in. Let's see PROOF like you said. How is it that minutes after you supposedly gave "birth" that you were emailing, tweeting state business and didn't even mention you were in the hospital breastfeeding a new baby?

    THANK YOU SARAH for doing what the National Enquirer refuses to do. You just brought national attention to Shailey Tripp!

    You just can not help it but to show your vitriol and pettiness can you? That's been your entire self-undoing. You have no control of your spiteful emotions and it shows. Keep on trash talkin' you fishpikers wife!

  121. Anonymous7:25 AM

    Looks like she's wearing a dyed wooly mammoth. And that hair, that hair! Sorry, couldn't get past the opening statement in the vid...too much Screech is bad for the heart.

  122. Anonymous7:26 AM

    Love the little $5.00 fake Walmart tree, maybe your trying to be frugal but Jeebus Crust Sarah spend some of that free money you grifted from your bots and get a BIG tree! Don't they have real trees in Wasilla? Remember in court Bristol said you lived in the woods..go do the Mama Grizzly, frontier women thing and cut one down and take Triggy Bear, he'd probably enjoy being outside in the fresh crisp air with his frosty eyelashes.

  123. Anonymous7:29 AM

    @6:40 AM

    "If you're surprised she's married (when you don't know her) you'd be incredibly surprised at the support of her and her husbands families."

    Too bad her family doesn't care enough about her to get her professional help, then maybe she wouldn't be the fucking mess she is now. All they care about is $$$

    "And please, anon 2:56, enough with the lies about her kids."

    Oh. Shut. Up.

  124. Anonymous7:31 AM

    @"don't know her"

    Sarah Palin has written two books about herself. There are several books about by "friendly" authors. Sarah Palin has given countless speeches during her political career (and after it ended). Sarah Palin tweets and posts to Facebook. Sarah Palin writes op-ed pieces. Sarah Palin plasters herself on the pages of People magazine.

    Given the amount of information this woman has disgorged about herself, what possible basis do you have for saying we "don't know her"?

    We know Sarah Palin too DANG well. And we know enough to want her removed from the political discourse in this country because she mentally unstable, ignorant, stupid and dangerous.

  125. Anonymous7:31 AM

    It seems the trolls are really, really worried about what 2:56 said here:

    "Sarah is right her endorsements does not amount to a hill of beans.
    Her opinions does not amount to a hill of beans and her mothering skills does not amount to a hill of beans.

    Hey Sarah why was Willow kicked out of school?

    Hey Sarah how come Willow is roaming around Los Angeles and on the highways of North America with her high school drop out boyfriend instead of going to school?

    By the way Sarah do you have fire in the belly to get your uneducated high school drop out daughter into some type of school instead of doing shit like her father? Nothing!

    We are assuming Todd is Willow’s father?"

    So after all the negative things said here, this is one of the posts they hated the most?? Note the only troll keeps mentioning this 2:56 post. It must be a winner -- I just had to re-post it again. Thanks 2:56!!

  126. Anonymous7:32 AM

    Listened to the interview. Pretty amazing Sarah did not put in "blood libel" along with all her other victim spiel. Over-medicated, perhaps?

  127. Anonymous7:34 AM

    I also like how, when Hannity keeps pressing her to endorse one candidate over another, and says something like that her endorsement would carry some weight, that she makes a real catty reference to "oh, sure...and I should announce it on YOUR SHOW, of course."

    She is running off the rails on the angry bitter petty crazy former half term governor quitter train !

  128. Anonymous7:38 AM

    Gosh.. 2:56 saying skank Willow is a drop out got multiple replies from the same troll.

    Sarah.. you dumb fuck, face the fact you have dumb uneducated kids.

    Just be happy Willow has not birthed an illegitimate child yet...

  129. Anonymous7:51 AM

    LOL the 2 busiest weeks of her life? Doing what?

    Obsessing over bloggers in their pajamas? Is she still mad she can't shut down the internet and free speech?

    And I thought her leopard print Edith Prickley jacket was awful. It just dawned on me what exactly she is wearing on Hannity as seen in this TV infomercial:

    Check out the names of the colors it comes in also, too. Maybe they'll hire her as a model since she hasn't much else to do with her time except surf the internet for ANY mention of her name lol. Proof positive this blog and others still matter to her. We have the power. What else can we drive her to say and do against her own best interests?

  130. Anonymous7:51 AM

    OMG, that screen shot makes her look like a blow up doll!

  131. Anonymous7:53 AM

    7:29, I couldn't have said it better. Awesome come back!

  132. Anonymous7:57 AM

    "Just be happy Willow has not birthed an illegitimate child yet..."

    That anyone knows about, anyway. I wouldn't be surprised with this family. It's a family tradition. Maybe it's the wonderful abstinence education or their desperate search for love and attention from somewhere.

  133. Anonymous8:02 AM

    Looks like Piper not only is decorating the tree, but is trying to be a cosmetologist, too. She must be forced to do Sarah's hair and make-up it looks like. Poor thing. She tried her best, but Sarah looks horrible. I'm sure she's doing her best, but she only has so much time. She's probably the only one to cook, clean, and to raise Trig now that the other kids escaped. Poor Cinderpiper. We feel for you!

  134. Anonymous8:06 AM

    Sarah remember that tale you told in your book about a gang of boys wanting to rape Bristol? You know, the one YOU DIDN'T report to the police much less to your security staff?

    And to you Bristol the Sex Pistol writing about how you got drunk and raped by Levi?

    Well, boys will be boys......won't they?

  135. Anonymous8:11 AM

    Why was Willow kicked out of school? That makes her the 3rd palin kid dropout. 3 for 3. Piper is next. Pretty sad if you think about it. She's probably pregnant.

  136. "Just be happy Willow has not birthed an illegitimate child yet..."

    7:38 AM


    Actually, since we don't really "know" the Palins, as the trolls keep insisting, perhaps Willow has blessed this planet with offspring already. Ya never know.

    I would like it if the person who posted that Willow was expelled had some proof, though. Not that it doesn't sound entirely plausible, given her mother's insistence to all her children on the importance of actually earning a high school diploma. (If I'm not mistaken, Track didn't graduate, and Bristol got a pretend diploma for the ceremony, but maybe I'm mixing them up with some other family.)

  137. Anonymous8:17 AM

    She sure is defensive. Mentioning a masseuse on Fox News, now that is kind of stupid. Actually, the masseuse we know to blog and claim she knew Todd and Sarah should get lawyered up (although it costs much money) and demand a retraction from Miss Sarah. Simply because Sarah suggests they are untrue. So she basically started a legal war right there on television with Shailey.

    Sarah uses her Fox gig, complete with equipped studio in her home, to misalign people who have revealed character flaws about her and Todd. She claims whatever is said is not true. Therefore, it's assumed the person who is revealing some injustice,is considered to be a liar. And this, by Sarah's own hand on Fox news. She is using Fox time, Fox money, to misalign Shailey, even though Sarah didn't mention her name, can be identified as soon as people google "Todd Palin masseuse".

    Little Miss Sarah can character assassinate anyone she feels to, from her expensive compound studio. The fact that she mentioned this at all, means it's eating at her. Keep talking, Sarah, and you'll put that foot in your mouth at the wrong time.

  138. Anonymous said...

    Good god, they are so in a tizzy at the Sea of Pee that Sarah really IS going to run for President! After all. She still DOES have that ol' fire in her belly...LOL!

    7:09 AM

    OMG! Those paint chip eaters are losing their collective minds over at the Zoo! Two of those genius' said Gov Dirty looked "HOT"! Yeah...from a "HOT" flash!

    It's like Oct 5th never happened! The denial is so thick that unless Dirty reads directly from the teleprompter...."I WILL NOT RUN FOR PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES....EVER" those fools will keep this shit up!

  139. Anonymous8:21 AM

    Bristol or Willow commenting first.... You still can get to them, G!!!!

  140. So what did SP mean by "sudden and relentless reform?" She used this new nonsensical expression at least three times.

    Well now, let's see-- to create reform, we need to pass new laws. That takes time, so it CANNOT possibly be "sudden." There are so sudden laws
    (except martial law)!

    Once a law is passed, it is enforced. Citizens adjust their behaviors accordingly. What is relentless about that? Moreover, relentless is a term usually associated with punishment or sexuality.

    So, these are descriptors that are completely inappropriate to describe "reform." But they are SP's pathetic attempt to reach her dwindling admirers with a tantalizing dog whistle.
    "Sudden and relentless reform" is like "intense and passionate tables." I don't know who is writing her material these days, but her handlers are just as twisted as ever!

    Now, why did she feel it was necessary to mention her affairs, Todd's affairs and babygate? CYA, CYA,...CYA. Is something coming down the pike??

    Granny-- you are transparent. Even your greatest admirer at Fox, Sean Hannity, told you that your "tree was bare."

  141. telah8:30 AM

    Jeanabella, that's THIRTEEN.FIVE Million results by Googling "masseuse palin pregnant":

    See, Sarah? And you thought you were being ignored. But people still care about you. They do, they really do.

    Feel better now?

  142. Anonymous8:35 AM

    "Boys will be Boys" is a lazy parent's poor excuse and teaches boys at a very young age that they don’t have to be accountable for bad behavior. Is that what Sarah told Track for his involvement in cutting the break lines on 20 school buses? Does she say “Kids will be kids” when she and Todd are too lazy to insist their children stay in school and get an education?

    Sarah since you are so busy doing nothing, google the Urban dictionary instead of being obsessed with Gryphen:

    Boys will be boys

    1 - What soccer moms say when their son has just done something AWFUL. This statement implies that any negative behavior should be excused on the grounds that boys are always doing things that are wrong, and need to be treated with a degree of leniency that borders on insanity.
    Bystander: Oh my God, that kid is raping a nun!!
    Soccer Mom: Oh, well, you know. Boys will be boys. I'm sure he just had a hard day at school

    2 - An out-dated catch phrase that was used to excuse adolecent mischief, such as stealing a cooling pie from a kitchen window, or not eating your vegetables. Outdated because adolecent mischief now includes rape, murder, car theft, drug abuse, and arson. Such things therefore require severe legal punishments in a criminal court instead of simply writing these heinous acts off as "boys will be boys."
    "Oh no! Two armed students have massacred a bunch of fellow students!!!"

    "Well, boys will be boys..."

    3 - An excuse that people make for a young guy doing something stupid.
    High-school principal: "Your son cut class to smoke a joint and tag the women's locker room. We caught him in there, in a compromising position with two girls."

    Mother of 18-year-old: "Well, he shouldn't be doing that...but boys will be boys, I suppose."

    4 - The biggest, pithiest, bullshittest excuse for male behavior that is otherwise legally/morally unacceptable from birth to the grave. Covers socially perverse actions that no girl could ever get away with without the label to the effect of "weird/evil" or "whore", i.e. like fighting, having promiscuous sex, cruelty to people and animals, or any behavior combining selfishness and aggression.
    Teacher 1: Last week, one of my students mooned the class. When I called his father, he apologized, laughed and said "Boys will be boys."
    Teacher 2: True enough.
    Teacher 1: A few days later, his daughter did the same thing. He came down, mortified, and spanked her right in the principal's office.
    Teacher 2: Sounds fair.

    5 - A term used to describe male teen behavior. Applies to fights, poor grades, porn, smoking, drugs, booze.
    principal: Mrs.Jones, you son was caught drunk smoking a joint in the bathroom while beating up a student and reading a penthouse magazine, all while failing algebra 2.

    Mrs. Jones: Boys will be boys

    6 - 1] Common phrases used to essentially forgive and forget something that a boy has done, by saying since he is a boy it was just inevitable that he did it.

    2] An amazing band :D
    1] (mother): Johnny was hiding porn and cigarettes under his bed!
    (father): Well boys will be boys. Hey Johnny, how about me and you go get some beer and go to a strip club!

    2] A: Hey baby let's shout shout crazy, we're young and in love and you're my best best buddy!
    B: That's a catchy song, who sings it?
    A: Boys Will Be Boys, they're my obsession :D

  143. Anonymous8:37 AM

    It's going down to 19 degrees in Mass. tonight, and the Anchorage Daily News says it will be a tad warmer in Sarah-land.
    What's with this hearty Alaska pioneer meme? Sure, Nome and other places get mighty cold (until global warming melts the glaciers and polar bears are seen in downtown Seattle), but surely the Palins have hats, gloves, coats, etc. to ward off the threat of 20 degree weather?
    gtg cut down our family Christmas tree....will be happy to give Sarah pointers on how to do this, rather than having her feel ashamed by the sad-looking, crooked
    $39.95 plastic tree somebody stuck on the back of her set to signal "Christmas."
    Bill O'Reilly should get incensed that Sarah may have joined the War on Christmas by showing such a complete disregard for sacred Xmas customs.

  144. Anonymous8:38 AM

    Did she really call Herman Cain a boy?!?!

  145. Anonymous8:46 AM

    Wow - her background set looks like something out of the Grinch who Stole Christmas! That green mood lighting casts a sickly grinchy gloom around the room... And that red tickle me Elmo bathrobe cannot disguise the dull lifeless expression in her eyes. She's got her entire brood at home for the holidays and this is the best they can do for Sarah's Show?

  146. Anonymous8:53 AM

    What adult over the age of 15 actually says "Dang?"


    6:39 AM
    Actually, no one UNDER 15 (or 51) says "DANG".

  147. GinaM
    The first thing I thought when I saw Granny last night was...OMG she's been reading Gina's comments and actually washed her hair!!

  148. Gryph:

    IF I may... I think the Monkey Queen was irritated because Sargent Bachmann had just told some lame-stream reporter that Ricky Sanatorium would be her AG choice and Donald Trumpster would be her choice of VP.. IF the Sarg. were to ever get elected - which will never happen in the history (past or future - static or modified) of mankind - ever. BUT, Mama was clearly upset because Sargent Bachmann didn't consider her, Mama Chief Flying Monkey, as an integral part of her campaign machine...

    OOooohhhh... to be left in the wildness on her own with Toad, a fake child and the rest of her screaming Swag Klan having no where to go in the howling winds of Alaskan winter.... Har... Har... Har...

  149. Anonymous9:04 AM

    Wow where in the world is the babygate book? Why doesn't anyone talk about it anymore? Also, I will say that as a daughter of a narcissistic mother, it is pretty hellish to grow up under one. I do have some sympathy for her kids because they grew up with the universe revolving around Sarah. It is little wonder her children will all be screwed up. She can't not having continual praise and adulation, must be driving her crazy about now because she is basically being ignored. Narcissists don't get better, they just try to control everything and appearances matter more than anything else. Must be tough for the old hack.

  150. Anonymous9:13 AM

    Sarah is no pundant (sic)and everybody but her knows it.

    Sean was doing his gushy best ... to make small talk - how's the weather? your tree looks skimpy..... to assure her that her opinion on political matters really are important... to try to get her to say something - anything - of recent political importance ...

    BUT She sounds and looks like a petulant teenager, not about to go with Sean's talking points.

    Look, this woman gets 1 million dollars a year to go on Faux News, and she doesn't even have to leave home to do her part, and this is the best she can do?

    Sean was trying to be nice to her and she responds like a pouting brat. When will Ailes finally get rid of her? Daddy's pet does not play nice with others.

  151. Anonymous9:21 AM

    Really Sarah? You deal with Trig birtherism every single day?? In what respect, Sarah?

    Sarah: "Why, I spend every day reading all those blogs and supermarket tabloids. All of those that have been put forth in front of me all these years. All of 'em!"

  152. Anonymous9:33 AM

    She looks like a Christmas hooker in that ridiculous jacket. And I think it's hilarious that the camera had a 'malfunction' after her rant over Shailey Tripp, zooming in and out quickly. It's like the operator (Todd?) was saying OMG, I can't believe she just said that!

    And that poor, pathetic tree, and Piper under the bus. Good times. Now that she's become completely irrelevant I can appreciate a few minutes of her performance-art worthy word-salad.

  153. Anonymous9:34 AM

    "If you're surprised she's married (when you don't know her) you'd be incredibly surprised at the support of her and her husbands families."

    Speaking of her husband's family, I'll just betcha that Todd's meth-addicted sister who was arrested TWICE for breaking, entering and stealing money with a 4 yr. old in tow is Governor Quittypant's BIGGEST family supporter seeing as how she got a tiny slap on the wrist for her crimes. In the meantime Governor Quittypants makes sure that the other grandmother of Tripp get's the worst possible punishment for selling her medication. Too bad she wasn't Governor of Tennessee. She would have that boy who guessed her illegal yahoo mail account password. He would be on death row if she had her way.

    Sarah must be pissed at Roger Ailes for saying what he really thinks about her. Her "I will NOT sit down & shut up" and "I can do anything I want until the court says I can't" along with her hateful bitter attitude has caused her own undoing. How does it feel now Sarah that the nation ignores you and forced you to sit down and shut up by your own stupid words. hahahahahahahahahahahaha you are reaping what you've sown. Don't go away. Please run. The "American Idol" factor of the silly GOP debates is getting old and we need some new material to laugh at.

  154. Anonymous9:42 AM

    Here' a way you can get that spotlight there back Sarah. Strap Trig on your back and go chop down a real Christmas tree all by yourself and drag it home. Make sure you're wearing your eff-me stripper high heels and a naughty Mrs. Clause outfit. Call the tabloids to witness with cameras first since Joe isn't living next door anymore.

  155. Anonymous9:48 AM

    What's eating Sarah? She was definitely in a negative mood, even being rude to Sean Hannity!

    Was she just in one of her manic-depressive lows?

    Is Todd's pimping about to be investigated?

    Is all that family togetherness over the holidays getting to her?

    Did Ailes fail to renew her contract?

    Todd filed for divorce?

    Whatever it is, a professional would be able to put it aside for a ten-minute interview. How much effort would it take to laugh at Sean's feeble attempts at levity, answer his questions with a thoughtful response, and liven up the set with some real Christmas cheer, not that horrid green mood light.

    That whole interview was simply depressing.

  156. Anonymous9:51 AM

    I guess if we eliminate the federal corporate tax on oil and gas manufacturers in Alaska, Parnell can just up the state tax...gotta keep those votes (er, checks) flowing to keep the approval ratings up there. It is amazing that this woman was governor of the state that needs and receives more federal aid than anyone else, and she is all for cutting off her nose to spite her face. I swear she would say anything.

  157. Anonymous9:54 AM

    Wow, Grifter was WAY manic tonight, spilling the beans about her massage with Shay!

    Hannity, well when I look at his face...I just see a dogs Ass!
    No the "special dog's ass either" A dogs ass!
    Get of the TV both of you!

  158. carrie said...

    The first thing I thought when I saw Granny last night was...OMG she's been reading Gina's comments and actually washed her hair!!

    9:00 AM

    Yeah Carrie...I knew she washed that stanky thing cause it was all shiny and such! But then she messed the whole thing up with the fucked up bangs and the mean old lady stare! I was really startled by how MANNISH (was going to say TRANNY LIKE, but apparently not allowed to use that word anymore on IM's!) her face has gotten...if she's getting botox and other things injected into her face...she should hook up with Kristan Coles surgeon...cause Gov Dirty is getting RIPPED OFF!

    PS...and I KNOW she reads my comments and hates that I call her GOV DIRTY WIG...but if the dirty wig fits...*SHRUG* know the rest!

  159. Anonymous10:06 AM

    That very personal rant of hers was certainly weird and not at all appropriate on national tv.

    What she said during this rant is more appropriate for the National Enquirer. So.... Is the National Enquirer reconsidering publishing Shailey Tripp's story? Now would be a good time.

    Shailey has a considerable amount of public support and there is increasing pressure on the APD to end their coverup of Todd Palin's complicity in the prostitution ring.

    Yes, NE... now would be a good time to publish that story.

  160. GRYPH!!!!! HOLY MOLY!!!

    I might just have the real answer!!

    It was just announced (I'm not sure if it was announced on Cluster-Fox but it should be the 'ALART" story of the week(end)... "Donald Trumpster" will moderate a Presidential Debate in Iowa right before the pumpkin-tossing contest that will determine who Iowan's should cast their flag-football rag in with... AND the Monkey Queen wasn't asked !!!

    This should be a headline over at Cluster like someone just blew up Chicago.!!!!

  161. Anonymous10:14 AM

    Remember her interview with Hannity right after her announcement that she wouldn't run? She said Todd was manning the phones for all of the calls from the candidates begging for her endorsement.

    Ha! Bet Todd ran up some hefty 977 bills while sitting there waiting for those candidates to call!

  162. Anonymous10:17 AM

    Sarah's come undone.

  163. Anonymous10:20 AM

    One word: Ketamine.

  164. Anonymous10:21 AM

    Actually...since this was on Fox, what she also has done is to now "sick" her remaining flying monkeys after Shailey. I can only imagine the trolling starting over at her blog after this...

  165. Anonymous10:21 AM

    Why does she always wear stuff that looks like a bathrobe

  166. Anonymous10:34 AM

    The Quitter is for eliminating "fed corporate income tax." This salient point was inked on her hand but she neglected to read it as she was distracted by her self obsession. It's all about her, all the time.

  167. melissa10:35 AM

    Is she wearing a bathrobe? No seriously is she wearing a bathroom or a bed jacket because honestly it looks like she is.

  168. Anonymous10:43 AM

    No idea that Willow was expelled! Wow~

  169. Anonymous10:52 AM

    Uh oh, looks like the old hag in her red plush bathrobe is gaining weight in her face. Does that mean she's pregnant once again?

    Sounds like a trussed turkey protesting too much.

    So, when can we expect Fred's book to be available?

  170. Anonymous10:54 AM

    It's funny how in the first part of the interview Hannity states that it should be easy for Herman Cain to prove or disprove the claims of the latest "broad". Surely (he says) that in the 13 years of the affair there are enough records to be produced.

    Hear that, Sarah?

    There's really no need to deal with Trig-truthers every day. Just show your records!

  171. sharon285311:02 AM

    what a skank she is. Refers to the other woman as a "broad". Nice touch skank.

  172. Anonymous11:03 AM

    OMG. She looks nutty. The robe is hysterical. It is obvious she reads the blogs. How funny. So presidential.

    And, indeed she outs herself with the massage therapist. WHat a dip.

  173. ThanksABunchJohn11:04 AM

    Ha! That last minute tweet saying she would eliminate the Federal corporate income tax made me think.... I'll bet someone is very unhappy she forgot her paid-for talking point.

    Think about this. During her hey day, Palin was very useful to the 1% Koch Machine (including Ailes) with her ginning up the fear of government, the hatred of the President, the "ground zero mosque" and her MOST important contribution - the "Death Panel" screed, which had the seniors flocking to the Tea Party, and killed the public option.

    After "blood libel" her effectiveness fizzled. She DID make herself useful one more time, though. In her fake campaign speech in Iowa, she was the very first GOPer to say that she would eliminate the corp. income tax. I'm sure Palin was ordered (paid) to make this wild proclamation. Lower the bar so far (throw the bar off the cliff), and perhaps the Ryan plan starts to look sane. Within a few weeks Bachmann and Paul were taking similar stands, so Palin had had an effect.

    I'll bet ANYTHING that she was ordered by Ailes, or someone still dangling some funding carrot, to repeat this insanity again last night - and she was so caught up in her narcissistic rants she completely forgot! She tried to tweet it out as an afterthought, but I'll bet someone is NOT happy with Palin today.

  174. Anonymous11:08 AM

    To 6:40 am (the "you don't know her" troll):

    The folks over at C4P don't know her either. Do you object to their worship of Sarah?

  175. Anonymous11:11 AM

    She is becoming a shell of a human being. Fear, paranoia and anger are eating away at her soul. She thinks everyone is out to get her. Look at the way she answered Hannity's small talk about the weather. The crazy was barely concealed. She suspects Hannity. He is part of the plot. Roger Ailes, his old friend McGinniss, Karl Rove,Obama -they are all out to ruin her. Fox might have a reason to cut her loose if she continues to deteriorate.

  176. Anonymous said...

    Actually...since this was on Fox, what she also has done is to now "sick" her remaining flying monkeys after Shailey. I can only imagine the trolling starting over at her blog after this...

    10:21 AM

    You are right...I just left Shailey's blog and as I was closing the door I looked behind me and saw our resident Fairy (I first wrote "Farty"...HAH!)Tale Troll or I should say Gov Dirty Wig posting some crazy shit on there. I left quickly and scooted over here to let folks know at IM's!

  177. Anonymous11:13 AM

    9:42 am That was effing hilarious! I could so see her doing that....

  178. Jeanabella11:13 AM

    9:54 you had me laughing out loud with the Hannity remark!!! He does look like a dogs ass and he is a horses' ass!

    Granny is a plannin the wedding party for Track maybe? 2:37AM came here to announce how busy sarry is! Ha!
    Nobody cares what she's doing as long as it's not affecting our country.
    Just read S. Tripps blog and comments. Trolls over there too. Really, are the trolls trying to sound dumb? Todd practiced sex trafficking according to what S. Tripp says. He may be in a lot of trouble if someone decides to take a peak. Computers and cell phone records are not as easy to erase as some may think.
    Thanks Gryphen!

  179. Anonymous11:15 AM

    Okay, one more time - she's not the governor.

    "Boys will be boys?"
    Sarah has said that before. Why does she feel so casual about extramarital affairs? Hhmmm.
    And 'girls will be girls', as well?

    As far as that approach from the president, no. I expect more than that from the leader of the country. Sorry.
    That's okay to accept husbands' affairs as a private matter to preserve a marriage, in Wasilla or in all the little 'small town U.S.A.' places. Sure. I get it.

    She IS pissed, isn't she? I bet you it's because Ailes is punishing her and will only allow her on the air now to talk about Cain and his affairs.

  180. Anonymous11:17 AM

    Does "Sudden Relentless reform" mean a revolution like in Egypt?? Is Sarah calling for something treasonish?

  181. Anonymous11:21 AM

    1. Clearly the topic of men's long-term affairs hits a MAJOR nerve with her. "Boys will be boys"? Care to lay odds this phrase was heard in the Heath household over the years?
    2. I think her Life on Planet Palin delusions are getting harder by the second to hang onto, mostly the Big Delusion that she is some day going to ride into the White House in a blaze of glory; that her white trash family will ever be held in the same high regard as the Obama's. An NPD Queen can't ever actually admit to their delusions. If the delusions are challenged they will weasel and dodge and dance up a storm. Reinventing oneself within a different environment is a common ploy. You can bamboozle a new crowd with the charisma, and maybe your looks; a new crowd won't be hung up on the deep personality cracks that your old crowd finally clued into. If an aging NPD Queen finally runs out of rope, it ain't pretty.
    3) Specifically I agree with the suggestion that others have made, that she and her nutcase followers have clung to the fantasy that the Republican field will collapse and the party will turn to her as their Savior -- and probably a 2nd fantasy that she'll again be tapped as VP to "balance the ticket." As the field does now collapse, one ignorant nutcase at a time, it can't have escaped her peabrain attention that nobody is turning to her except maybe a handful of C4P kooks.
    Poor sad Sarah. Is it any wonder she's taken to her favorite bathrobe for comfort.

  182. jcinco11:34 AM

    a small portion of the interview is now up at huffington. Pat and I are trying to post to come here for full interview or to google tawd's masseuse. So far our comments haven't posted. I encourage others to go to the thread on huff and also try. It's the sarah palin: rick santorum has been consistent thread.

  183. Here' a way you can get that spotlight there back Sarah. Strap Trig on your back and go chop down a real Christmas tree all by yourself and drag it home. Make sure you're wearing your eff-me stripper high heels and a naughty Mrs. Clause outfit. Call the tabloids to witness with cameras first since Joe isn't living next door anymore.

    9:42 AM

    I can't stop laughing at these comments today! Has anyone every noticed the mantle? It's always the same...a dinky picture frame with some junk thrown up there to the left of it.

    Gina-Here's my fav "mannish" video of her walking in LA with Bristol in her 1990's nike shorts and a trucker hat. This shows her REAL walk, not that fancy pageant walkin' she does on stage. The best is around the 1:00 min. mark.

  184. ThanksABunchJohn11:42 AM

    Two of the most offensive terms EVER for the women's rights movement:

    "boys will be boys" and

    Way to go, Palin. Stay classy.

  185. Anonymous12:04 PM

    What kind of stupid is this on Scarah's part?

    Doesn't she remember she SIGNED papers stating she was NOT preggers before the massage?

  186. Anonymous12:19 PM

    I thought it was just a little too quiet on the Palin front lately. I was beginning to think and hope that she was finally fading away, to stew away in obscurity, but no, like those slasher movie killers, she popped right back up again.
    M from MD

  187. Anonymous12:29 PM

    The fairy tale troll is over at Shailey Trips question and answer Friday.

    Seems Toad and his toadess bonded on an RV trip alone in June.

    Fairy Tale mentions a job that Toad had procuring women??????????

    A fairy tale troll implying that Toad behaved like a pimp or a procurer?

  188. Anonymous12:30 PM

    that's gotta be a record amount of lip gloss i've seen so far on the $kank..
    herpes must be comin' into full bloom...or...sumthin...

  189. Anonymous12:41 PM

    was she wearing a jacket made of screeching roses??????? Her hair was in a mess, she looked like she has been crying.
    what i saw was one angry pissed woman !!!

  190. Anonymous12:43 PM

    What the h* is she wearing?! LOL. Paniesniffer didn't comment her on her outfit. LOL. She looked like a puppet when talking aboutShailey. That was funny. Then Paniesnif asked her ? three times about strengths and weaknesses about Newt and ...but she never did answer. LOL. Same word salad. "revill".

  191. PalinsHoax12:54 PM

    Anonymous said...
    To 6:40 am (the "you don't know her" troll):

    The folks over at C4P don't know her either. Do you object to their worship of Sarah?

    11:08 AM

    Touché. Brilliant retort. Thanks.

  192. Anonymous1:34 PM

    Just visited the page to read their comments and boy, are they fighting amongst themselves about what she said and that she dissed Perry and so forth, calling each other sympathy trolls and whatnot. Funny.
    M from MD

  193. Anonymous1:56 PM

    Our troll is either delusional or doesn't even know the Palins. She said re their "marriage"(which is a sham), that the families are supportive. ROFL!! This cracked me up. She has no clue what they say in private, but I do!!

    Second , lies about the Palins children?? Dearie, you are the one telling lies. The kids are a mess. If you know them, you are blind as a bat or in denial. And if you don't know them, you are just another stalker.

    This troll here is so predictable and dumb as a rock!

  194. Anonymous2:16 PM

    Sarah is pissed at one person.
    She is thinking right now she should be in the race.

    Sarah won't endorse anyone for one reason...
    She is going to run.

    Mark my words, this is going to be a truly epic election. She doesn't need caucuses, or anything. She just needs the RNC nomination next year....
    And she thinks she is going to get it.

  195. Anonymous2:26 PM

    I think @ThanksaBunchJohn is absolutely right about her tweet - she messed up big time and forgot her most important talking point - the one for which she's getting paid. Way to go Gov. Quittypants.

  196. Sarah's a joke.Hannity,an even bigger joke interviewing her as if she has anything of substance to say.
    Where is the birth certificate Sarah?

  197. Well got damn sarah. What's so hard about dressing properly from the neck up? Like a normal person. Insufferable hateful, old goat.

    If you can't make an effort to walk the few yards to your studio and buy the best walmart fake tree there is, then keep your nasty ass hidden behind your ghostwritten tweets and fb babbles.

    Geez sarah this is just more unedited youtube laugh material.

  198. Anonymous2:47 PM

    Notice the "we.." reference during the affairs stuff. Telling isn't she.

  199. HOLY MOLY BOOBOLLY!! Check out what Shailey posted in her update...


    First thank you all for your support, It means more than anything to me. Second I want to talk about the comments by guestpost. They were actually emails to me by a person and I chose to post them on my blog as comments. The person who emailed me those comments has continued to blow up my email once they realized I posted their comments on my blog. The emails are highly inappropriate to post. They have subsequently been forwarded to where they need to go and will deal with them in the right way. If any of you feel decieved by this that was not my intention and I do apologize. I did not edit the emails or change them in anyway what so ever except I did not include the sender info. The sender obviously reads this blog. In my opinion I beleive the sender is Sarah Palin or someone within her inner circle. Maybe it is just a creazy person as the emails get more irrate. Also due to the explosion of this all over the Internet perhaps Hannity will cal me to make a statement or the news will finally look into this. I could care less who gave birth to Trig. I do care about what happened with the APD and Todd Palin and John Tiemessen. With that said Sarah Palin has referred to me twice now once on Greta and now on Hannity. That being the case, again Sarah Palin if you would like to have a sit down private talk with me with both of our lawyers present I am willing.

    Also the offer still stands I am willing to polygraph with anyone who wants to pay for it. I don't mean pay me I mean pay for the testing and the arrangements and the publication of the results.

    Some very interesting people have reached out to me today, thank you! Feel free to post any relevant links or email me anything I should know about.

    Soooooooo.....Gov Dirty Wig what say you to this?


  200. There was a segment on MorningJoke this morning about how difficult it was for those who choose to run for office because of the potential personal attacks they may face. Joe then made some very brutal attacks about Joe McGinniss and his decision to move next door to the Palin compound. Mika chimed in and agreed with him. It was beyond obvious that they didn't bother to read the first chapter in his book which would have explained his being there and dismissed Joe McG out of hand. Not once did they acknowledge or recognize that he was a long time well known author. They just wrote him off as a despicable stalker. They failed to recognize the irony of doing the EXACT same thing to someone for doing what they were so loudly yowling about in their pathetic defense of Palin. One of the panel guests, Thomas Friedman, who should have know better just nodded in some sort of vague agreement.

    They failed big time in not acknowledging that their own show is usually about slinging arrows at someone in politics. The hypocrisy and entitlement of the right wing jumped the shark long ago but it's sad to see it endorsed by a fairly liberal network.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.