Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Don Young slips through the fingers of justice once again.

Courtesy of ADN:

The House Ethics Committee has cleared Alaska Rep. Don Young on charges he took too much money for his legal expense fund from a donor with interests in offshore Arctic oil drilling. But now the panel is changing the rules because of the case. 

At issue was $60,000 in checks given to Young during a January 2011 fundraiser in Texas. Alaska's lone congressman was handed an envelope by Gary Chouest, host of the fundraiser and president of Edison Chouest Offshore, a Louisiana company whose Alaska interests include an icebreaking ship it's building for Shell's planned drilling program in the Chukchi Sea. 

Edison Chouest is among the top campaign contributors to all three members of Alaska's congressional delegation. 

The Chouest donations to Young's legal fund were divided into a dozen checks of $5,000 apiece. Five thousand dollars is the maximum amount an individual or organization can give in a year to a congressman's legal fund. 

Each of the checks came from a different company but all the companies are owned by the Chouest family. That raised the question of whether it was an attempt to sidestep the $5,000 limit in providing Young with a total of $60,000 in Chouest money. 

The U.S. House Committee on Ethics, which launched an investigation after media coverage of the contributions, reported Tuesday that Young was acting within the rules in which "multiple entities owned by the same individual or individuals were permitted to make contributions up to $5,000 per entity if they were separate legal entities." 

But the ethics panel said that doesn't mean it should be allowed and worried it "challenges the principles of the contribution limits."  

"The Committee votes to dismiss the allegations, but is amending its (rules) to prohibit similar contributions in the future," said the report submitted on Tuesday by Rep. Joe Bonner, R-Alabama, the committee chairman. 

I am beyond the ability to be surprised concerning Young's ability to escape being held accountable for his actions.  Four years ago I would have told you with great confidence that he was going to be investigated, convicted, and sent to jail.  I will now tell you with similar confidence that he will not only NOT go to jail, but that he will undoubtedly remain our sole House member until he damn well decides to retire.

And this is even though he is a selfish asshole who has missed 16 percent of the votes during this last session, and whose corruption is an open secret among Alaskans here at home.

I long for the day when Alaska is free of this political opportunist, and we have the chance to get somebody with real integrity, and who places the needs of the Alaskan people ahead of his own, in that very important office instead.

Alaska deserves better.


  1. Anonymous6:45 AM

    Alaska will be free of that political opportunist when people stop electing him. It's not like he elects himself.

  2. Anonymous7:03 AM

    I long for the day when ALL the fools in DC are held accountable and not ignored by the too nice media.

  3. Anonymous7:25 AM

    I agree Alaska deserves better.

    But can I add something.
    USA deserves better.

    When Alaska Rep. Don Young vote. He can effect all of the USA, not just Alaska.

  4. hedgewytch7:43 AM

    And just what does that say about a state in which most of the voting populace is very much aware of the nefarious and unethical actions of Representative Young yet keeps on electing him? I've lived in this state for 20 years and I've come to the conclusion that the voters here are so "scared of Democrats" that they'll vote the nose off their face to keep a Dem from office, and/or they don't really care how Donny lines his own pockets, as long as he continues to bring home the pork for their pet projects. Makes me sick.

  5. Anonymous8:38 AM

    Until Alaskans wise up and vote Don out, they'll get what they deserves.

    He's the worst of the worst, but he keeps getting elected.

  6. Anonymous9:19 AM

    Don Young, like Ted Stevens, knows where a lot of bodies are buried.

  7. angela9:28 AM

    Young will never be sent anywhere as long as the republicans sit high on the ethics committee. These are the same people who let the imbecile Allen West jog off after calling democrats Nazis. Again.

  8. Anonymous12:27 PM

    What is it about Dems that Alaskans really dislike? Give it a rest! Before the oil workers arrived the state was Democratic. Now Alaska is the northern outpost of Redneck America. Nobody votes against the mana. Says a lot about small town independent values, huh?

  9. Anonymous3:43 PM

    One word keeps coming to mind every time I see this prick's face: "dyspeptic."

    Take a break, Don: You don't have to an asshole ALL of the time!

  10. Anonymous6:02 PM

    Someone keeps voting for this guy. It's certainly not me or you, but why does he keep getting elected?


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