Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Doonesbury illustrates exactly where Palin-bots should put their hopes for a Sarah Palin comeback. In the trash.

Sam decides to grow up and stop playing pretend.

Which includes ridding herself of the most manipulative and false fantasy object of all. Her Sarah Palin doll.

You can read more great Doonesbury strips here.
Sometimes Garry Trudeau just sums up a situation in way that is virtually perfect.

I imagine that this is directed at you Palin-bots.  It is clearly time to move on and leave behind your childish fantasies.

And really, could anything else have been MORE childish?

(H/T to Crystal Sage.)


  1. I love the disembodied voice in the box...

    "When is the limo picking me up"?


  2. Anonymous6:17 AM

    Hey Gryphen,

    Sorry to threadjack, but I can't email you, and really think you need to do a post on what this. Like American fundagelicals and the hierarchy of the RCC, these folks are no better and just as misogynist as the Taliban (I bet $carah didn't visit these guys in Israel, did she?)


  3. deebee6:27 AM

    FOR SALE- Used used life-size inflatable Sarah doll, wigs & liplube included. No longer holds air. Cheap!
    Will trade for a rubber Bachmann.

  4. Anonymous6:42 AM

    Shades of Senor Winces!

    london bridges

  5. Anonymous6:47 AM

    I'm pretty sure that Sara's power is fading fast since the strip seems to have not been pulled or censored. She is really pretty much yesterday, even her time in the headlines when she gets there goes stale pretty fast. She's more now like a slow motion train wreck, we watch because we want to see the final impact.

    I wonder why she didn't weigh in on Tbone's interception day? Maybe he called her and told her to bugger off with the compliments?

    And I don't suppose there's been an endless parade of GOP candidates knocking on Sara's door looking for her endorsement? Funny we should have been hearing about it.

  6. Anonymous7:00 AM

    Scarah mocked the President's Christmas card, yet she does not even have one. What kind of Christian is she? Where are all the photos of the Palin's "large, loving, happy, busy family" enjoying their gifts, or meal? Did they even get together over the holidays, or were they scattered all over the country?

  7. Anonymous7:03 AM

    He should do a strip about the Palin family goal of money lust.

    "Palin Money Lust" was clearly described and detailed in Bristol's facebook rant, when she said, "I made more money last night then you will all year"

    Bristol.. the easy money train for you, mom and the rest of your family is ending soon.

  8. Anonymous7:05 AM

    The real ending is suppose to be Sarah going to jail...

    Dumped in a trash can is nice, but going to prison is much better.

  9. Anonymous7:06 AM

    Are you saying that the naive innocent trusting girl who believed in Sarah has just kicked her to the curb?

  10. Randall7:29 AM

    You know? I've said it before...

    Had Sarah just been a decent person when she first appeared on the national stage - she'd be beloved by many, many ppl right now - instead of only a few crazies among the tinfoil-hat crowd.

    But she had (and has) being a tough politician confused with being a hateful bitch.

    I mean really, Sarah...
    you come running out of hiding on Christmas to kick the Obama's dog? Seriously, woman, what's wrong with you?

  11. Anonymous7:30 AM

    What was the name of the " Fairy Tale trolls" blog again.


  12. Anonymous7:31 AM

    sarah is like beanie babies - years later we wonder why anyone ever cared about that cheap trash

  13. Anonymous7:33 AM

    Anon 6:17 that story about the ultra Orthodox was scary.
    There are radicals in every religion. The majority of Israelis are secular or mildly/moderate religious. This is a small minority and they need to be stopped! They do remind me of the Taliban except they aren't running the country.

  14. Anonymous7:36 AM

    Who will Sarah endorse and would anyone want it!

    She is irrelevant thanks to blogs like this.

    I know you can't talk about Freds book but can you tell us if it is definitely dead 100%??? My guess is threats and lawsuits were made!

  15. Anonymous7:39 AM

    Hi Gryphen and everyone!

    I probably spend about an hour here each day and I feel like I am among friends. Honestly, I think my addiction to this site affected my concentration on my graduate studies this past semester... I have resolved to be more disciplined and check in only AFTER my work is done!

    This is OT but I know a lot of people have mentioned Elizabeth Warren and I wanted to let them know that she is reaching out for donations, if anyone can help her out I would appreciate it. As a MA resident there is nothing I want more than to take out Scott Brown.
    Here's the link. And thanks again from a Yankee and a self-employed filmmaker/student.

    Take Care and all the best to my internet friends.


  16. Anonymous7:43 AM

    Love this greeting card h/t Malia..hope the trolls are happy now, it really shows them as that HAPPY, CLOSE family the trolls are aways talking about..hehe


  17. Anonymous7:52 AM

    Happy New Year Sara. You probably think 2012 can't be any worse than 2011 don't you? The gloves are off and you are rapidly becoming a complete and utter laughingstock. It ain't gettin any better next year lady. And I use that term lightly. How's that search for Tri-G's BC coming? Going to show it to the world one of these days? Is Mercedes starting to lift the rock a little with her FB comment about Trip and Trip? Hmmm, better get the goons over and muzzle her again. I think the Johnston's are getting some stones and you really need them to keep quiet. Wonder if the tinfoils who supported you because you were such a noble mom to carry and DS child and raise it so selflessly might be looking at class action to recover their donations from your fraud? Hmmm

  18. I am looking forward to seeing if the Republican nominee, probably Willard, invites the half term governor to speak at the convention. Her speaking would embarrass the candidate as he attempts to move to the center for the general election, but yet she will become apoplectic if not invited. It could be amusing.

  19. Anonymous7:57 AM

    And there's the truth, Randall (7:29AM). The hatred, jealousy, and pettiness was put out there for all to see from day ONE. It's still prevalent in trolls here and their lame attempt of projecting it onto us because we did our homework and know the truth behind their game.

    The "loving family" brought this ALL on themselves and have no one to blame BUT themselves. The name PALIN is now an international joke and an endorsement of any kind is a kiss of death.



  20. Virginia Voter8:03 AM

    7:00 am, Bristol posted a picture of Tripp on her public facebook in front of what I assume is the Palin family tree which has a butt load of presents under it. Obviously spewing hateful rhetoric pays well.

    7:30 I think the blog is SarahPalinandCommonDecency.blogspot.com, but I am not sure.

    This cartoon just made my day!

  21. Thanks to the high school teacher who pointed out the grammatical error in my headline.

    I actually do know the difference between their, there, and they're, but occasionally type faster than I think.

    It's all misspelled of course, but I type like the wind.

  22. Anonymous8:20 AM

    Sarah, you didn't have the guts or the credentials necessary to put your licked finger in the wind to test the political winds in your favor for a POTUS run.

    Instead you encouraged yet still passively participated in your fantastical homage to your 30 seconds of "chief executive'ing" of a smally populated State. And pulled off these bizarre publicity stunts touring the country ringin those bells - stepping on non-dithering declared candidates seeking the GOP Primary win.

    You wanted millions to pour more money into you and BEG your 'servants heart' into running.

    It didn't happen. And you blamed your fear of further humiliation in running on God. Family and country.

    No wonder you sharpie'd Country First out, cause it's Sarah First.

    You are defeated. You are a loser. And we normally couldn't care less were you a decent person and not a hateful hag.

  23. Anonymous8:21 AM

    The fairytale Palinbot's creepy blog is "sarah palin and common decency" (I'm choking on laughter right now).

    The fairytale Palinbot suggests that she knows the Palins, but it's pretty clear she does not.

    Oh, maybe she trekked up to Alaska a few times, maybe she even got to shake Sarah Palin's hand, but she doesn't know them. Yet she posts countless photos of the family, ones that I haven't come across before. Where does the fairytale Palinbot get those photos? Does she have an acquaintance who knows the Palins or the Heaths? Has she become friends with them through Facebook.

    If I were the Palins, I'd have the fairytale Palinbot on a watch list for potentially dangerous stalkers. Everyone knows that #1 Fans can be the first to turn on you.

    Of course, it's also possible the Palins are paying this freak to post her bizarre verbal diarrhea along with their personal photos on her blog and to compulsively vomit out twisted (and horribly redundant) support for them here and on other blogs that hold the Palins to the light. I certainly wouldn't put it past them.

    Still, I have to say, they need to be worried about the fairytale Palinbot. She seems nearly unhinged.

  24. Anonymous8:26 AM

    "This is a small minority and they need to be stopped! They do remind me of the Taliban except they aren't running the country."

    Did you read the article? The ultra orthodox control at least two parties that are essential to forming a "ruling coalition" government. So yes, they are in part running the country.

    And... like the quiverful breeders, they breed like rabbits, so their numbers are growing.

    Yes, they are dangerous - and the extremists here in the US want to support them - like $carah has.

  25. Anonymous8:30 AM

    Hi Annie_fl
    I think we should start a support group of Gryphen's Anons- I had to vow that I wouldn't stop here until papers were graded!
    another New England academic

  26. Great cartoon, thanks for posting it.

    I go round and round between rolling my eyes at the Bots, seething over the slice of America they represent and, occasionally, pitying them. I do sort of pity this one who slaved to put make TV spots and raise money to air them http://nebraskattitude.blogspot.com/2011/12/governor-palin-if-not-you-who.html She says the only slim thread she clings to is the fact that her comments on the Palin Facebook page have NOT been deleted.

  27. Irishgirl8:57 AM

    For anyone on this side of the pond, Nick Broomfield's "You Betcha" is on More 4 (Channel 4) tonight at 10pm.

  28. Anonymous8:57 AM

    "They do remind me of the Taliban except they aren't running the country."

    Um, yes they sort of are. What do you think the Lukid government that runs Israel is connected to? The ultra fundamentalist orthodox Jewish sections. Why do you think they have not bothered to stop this misogynist shit that has been going on for YEARS?

  29. Anonymous8:58 AM

    How is Fred's book going, huh, Gryphen? Come on man, you haven't given us an update in a while! We're dying to know what happens and waiting patiently to read it!

  30. Anne In DC9:26 AM

    @Randall, 7:29 a.m.:

    You are 100% right in saying that Simple Sarah confuses being a tough politician with being a hateful bitch. In so many ways, she has proven that she is anything but a tough politician. She is a thin-skinned whiner who can dish out vitriol but can't take it. She has a permanent reputation as a quitter, which she has justly earned. Most importantly, while she can dish out hatred and division in the form of juvenile snark, she absolutely WILTS when she's asked a question about an issue that requires deep thought and care with words. The fact that she ever thought she could beat Obama is the best illustration of ignorance combined with arrogance. Only someone hopelessly delusional would still be supporting a Palin bid for any political office, least of all the presidency.

  31. Would someone post the link to the Palin and common decency blog? The other one doesn't seem to work.


  32. We have velodarts we shoot at our Sarah doll. Too cold and wet now for us to play but she's still out there, languishing in our back yard.

  33. AJ Billings10:46 AM

    Hi $arah

    As I've been reading Geoffrey Dunn's excellent book called "The Lies of Sarah Palin" I have come to understand even more about you

    You see, my sister is a lot like you:

    Grifting from boyfriends, always involved in drama, a complete and utter narcissist, lying constantly about nearly everything, and surrounding herself with one crisis after another. My sister even has her own "enemies" list, and most of her family is on it for one reason or another.

    Do you remember back in November 2008 when you started to cry, and openly weep so bitterly after you and McCain were DEFEATED in the VP spot?

    Do you remember how awful it felt to be rejected by the voters of America?

    The hard, cold truth is $arah that you are perpetual, constant, and everlasting liar. Most Americans knew that about you, and knew you were no where near ready to be a VP.

    And like most liars, you rarely admit when wrongdoing , or apologize for anything.

    I've been a huge critic of yours, and have changed many people's mind about you by revealing the truth about you to family, friends, and political allies.

    You both need psychological counseling for your behavior, and perhaps some good medication.

    I really hope that some day both you and my sister can somehow find the help you need.

  34. Anonymous11:16 AM

    palin/commondecency thing is wordpress not blogspot...i found it by googling sarahpalinandcommondecency and poof, there it was. lots of f bombs, so the author isn't that decent. someone said they thought the person was a little unhinged and i would have to second that. it's kinda creepy, so be prepared;o)

  35. Anonymous11:24 AM

    I find it funny that Sarah believes she deserves a fuss at whatever she does, wherever she goes at whatever time, but she disdains ceremony for anyone with a 'title' that deserves respect, like, the State's senior Senator? Or the President?

    What a loser.

  36. @Virginia Voter 8:03

    It is quiet, quiet. The city is dreaming. It is forgetting itself, all the struggles and pain. This city that works so hard has fallen into repose. “Enough,” it says. “Enough. Nothing is so important. Where are my loved ones? Let me gather them around me and be soft spoken and loving in my thoughts.” It is about to be Christmas.

    "Where are my loved ones?" Yes, Sarah has to wonder... soft-spoken? Sarah? not gonna happen.

    from the Oxymoron site you posted, actually it is:


  37. Thanks for the link to the website. Boy, was THAT creepy.

  38. Anonymous12:23 PM

    kicked to the curb... finally!

  39. Anonymous12:49 PM

    lol read somewhere that someone thinks Ron PAul will choose Sarah as his VP running mate.
    OMG. Peeps!! Ron Paul is a fucking OB/GYN. If anyone knows Palin didn't birth no DS baby in 08 it's Dr. Paul !!!!
    Imagine the irony though...it's almost too karmic to consider....the questions on the campaign trail, OMG, priceless!!!

  40. Anonymous1:26 PM

    This is called not having a life:

    Governor Palin, If Not You, Who?


    This poor human being is truly delusional beyond measure.

  41. Anonymous1:51 PM

    The ultra orthodox do not control two parties. They control two seats!! Yes I read the article and I'm Israeli.
    They are 10% of the population but YES a problem. But you act like it's the entire country and I've doubt you been there. The VAST majority of the country is appalled. Should the US be considered a certain way based on the fundies? And what % of the country and GOP are they?
    You think all Israelis like Sarah for some reason?
    You sure are defensive when someone promotes a realistic context. I wasn't disagreeing with you.

  42. Anonymous1:54 PM

    I think you guys don't get that the ultra orthodox are going after other orthodox. Read again.

  43. Anonymous2:01 PM

    Why do people go like a hot polker around Israel with hatred?

    Who would read that article and even think of Sarah. Because she visited there once?

    It's really something and you don't even realize it. I read the article and felt terrible for the girl. I never thought about Sarah.

    So you don't like Israel because Sarah and evangelicals support them? That is ridiculous if you mean that and I don't think you do, but that's how it sounds. There are millions of Americans who support Israel who despise Sarah.

    Also the Likud party is not composed solely of these people. That is very far from the truth!

  44. Anonymous2:14 PM

    Oh Sarah's not gonna be happy about this!

    Barack Obama and Hillary Rodham Clinton are the nation's most admired man and woman — again — in the annual USA TODAY/Gallup Poll.

    First lady Michelle Obama garnered third place, dropping former Alaska governor Sarah Palin to fourth this year.


  45. Anonymous2:31 PM

    Ouch. I love the allusion to 1Cornithans 13:11.

  46. PalinsHoax2:39 PM

    Anonymous @ 7:00 am said...
    "Scarah mocked the President's Christmas card, yet she does not even have one."


    I'm not clear as to why a Christmas Card from Ol' $carah is warranted. She's a nobody, a has-been, a vulture.

    Ol' $carah is simply a spastic fish-wife from Wasilly, a person of no import or stature.

    Palin's Christmas card is insignificant.

  47. Anonymous2:45 PM

    Eric Bolling once again asks the 'Sarah Palin' question 12-26-11


  48. Anonymous2:57 PM


  49. Anonymous said...

    This is called not having a life:

    Governor Palin, If Not You, Who?


    This poor human being is truly delusional beyond measure.

    1:26 PM

    That's the loony tunes that posted that crazy video that Gryphen posted a couple of weeks back...you know the crazy bot who was wheezing and smoking and talking to a video of another bot saying why Gov Dirty Wig® should be left alone!

    That crazy bot is up there with the CommonINdecency chick...you know...birds of feather and all that!

  50. Anonymous5:20 PM

    Watching Eric Bolling interviewing Palin is like watching a dog lick it's balls. Once is enough.

  51. Anonymous6:45 PM

    loved the cartoon, but wouldn't it be more appropriate to recycle the doll as a pincushion?

    the two bot blogs referenced in the comments- what a hot steaming pile of dilluion! One's either Sarah herself, or a deranged stalker- the other probably lives under the brooklyn bridge.

    Gee, you'd think ONE troll would chime in on a thread like this.

  52. "Take Care and all the best to my internet friends."


    Hi Annie, I'm from Boston and am volunteering for E. Warren as well.
    Just want to let you know I feel the same way about this blog. Nice to meet you here!
    Jeanabella on twitter



Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.