Friday, December 02, 2011

If you want to know for certain which GOP candidates will NEVER get the nomination, that's easy. It's whichever ones make an appearance at "The Donald's Super Amazing Debate-apalooza! "

'Great! I figured out a way to hijack the GOP nomination process again! I'm amazing!"
Courtesy of the LA Times:

Trump confirmed to MSNBC’s Tamron Hall a New York Times report that he'd helm a GOP debate on Dec. 27. 

“I was asked to do it by a number of people, including some of my friends that are Republicans, strong Republicans,” Trump told MSNBC. He has signed on to be a moderator at the debate, which will be held in Iowa and is hosted by Newsmax, a conservative website and magazine. It will be broadcast on Ion Television, a cable network. 

“I thought it would certainly be a little change of pace for Donald Trump, so I'll do something I haven't done before," he added.

Does anybody really picture Trump being able to moderate a debate? Or a conversation?  Or

What kind of questions would he even ask?

" the Texan guy. You know this is my real hair, right?"

"Tell me when was the first time YOU realized that Obama was not born in this country?"

"By a show of hands, who thinks The Apprentice is the best show on television?"

"Be honest, you all know if I was running that none of you would have a fucking chance, am I right?"

Nobody who is seriously seeking this nomination should even CONSIDER showing up to this thing.

Jon Huntsman has ALREADY made it clear he has no intention of embarrassing himself by showing up:

In addition, we have declined to participate in the ‘Presidential Apprentice’ Debate with The Donald. The Republican Party deserves a serious discussion of the issues so voters can choose a leader they trust to defeat President Obama and turn our economy around. We are confident that leader will be Jon Huntsman.”

Hell, depending on whether or not the other candidates listen to their campaign managers or not, THIS might be Huntsman's chance to move WAY up in the pack.

Can you even imagine how large the venue would have to be to accommodate the enormous egos of Donald Trump, Herman Cain, and Newt Gingrich all at the same time? They would have to hold it in a football stadium.

Right now I am imagining the candidates each trying to write an e-mail that will get them out of the debate without pissing off the Donald, because they well know what a vindictive little prick he can be.


  1. Anonymous4:27 PM

    Maybe they could turn it into Republican Jeopardy or Republican Wheel of Fortune and Sarah Palin could turn the letters.

  2. Anonymous4:29 PM

    Reading your lead-in on this, Gryph, I couldn't help but think back to reading the first few pages of "1984" which I started, today.

    I wondered if it would be so over the top, that I'd hear myself thinking, " THAT could ever happen."

    Instead, I keep saying "EXACTLY!" out loud, with each page.

    The main character is about to start writing a diary, and begins with what happened at the movies the night before: they showed a scene of a boatload of children being blown up by a police helicopter, and the audience stood and cheered.

    I suspect Trump's circus will have the usual Republican throng doing similar things, as in previous "debates," but naturally, even more so.

    Maybe shooting off guns into the ceiling.

  3. Olivia4:50 PM

    You ask 'Does anybody really picture Trump being able to moderate a debate?' None of the GOP bozos can articulate an answer to any kind of sane question so why not? I think it is quite appropriate that he drive the clown car. I wonder if Victoria Jackson is available for the next one.

  4. angela5:00 PM

    When does someone take control of the GOP and hose these idiots down and get back to real life?


  5. Nancy In New York5:03 PM

    Of course the teaturds will all be there. In the up is down, black is white and wrong is right world that they now all inhabit, it's essential for them to all scramble around on their knees to get a chance to kiss The Donald's ring (ass).

    Remember when the Shrieking Shrew was pretending to run for president? She diverted her bus tour to nowhere to NYC so she could bask in the glow of Trump's toupee while dining on pizza with him with a fork and knife.

    No one could ever accuse those two of not keeping
    it classy! ;)

  6. Anonymous5:05 PM

    Hopefully that hair won't jump down and choke any of these 'worthy' GOP contenders.

  7. moose pucky5:17 PM

    Trump is a plant. He is going to harp on the "fake" birth certificate of our President.
    He will get all of the lame-brained idiots to agree - then, BOOM - they will lose credibility with 90% of the electorate.
    Thanks Donald. wink wink.

  8. Anonymous5:24 PM

    -@4:27 Maybe they could turn it into Republican Jeopardy or Republican Wheel of Fortune and Sarah Palin could turn the letters. -

    Hoo boy. You give the Half-term quitter Mrs. Todd Palin a lot of credit there....

  9. Anonymous5:36 PM

    Lots of good stuff happening here, don't miss it!

  10. Anonymous5:41 PM

    He think they are his toadies vying for a job in one of his crappy corporations?

    I bet he's itching to throw in, "You're Fired."

  11. Anonymous5:43 PM

    Well then, I guess no one on the current roster will be there, will they? I mean, 'substance'? Just ain't there.

    Republican Candidates Of Substance Should Sit Out Trump Moderated GOP Debate

    ...Trump’s selection makes a complete mockery of an institutional process that is already short on credibility and gravitas, and any serious GOP candidate should do the right thing, and politely decline participation.

    The common critique of the GOP debates thus far has been that they’ve been too similar to the sorts of competitive reality shows that get great ratings, but are panned by critics. Like a Jersey Shore marathon, the debates thus far have been long on style and production polish, and short on substance.

  12. Anonymous6:11 PM

    The final piece of evidence that the GOP intends to throw the race in 2012.

    This proves that although they say they want to prevent a second Obama term, they really know that it will take more than a year to fix the mess they made, and they wnt no part in that.

  13. Anonymous6:15 PM

    Doesn't the word 'Moderator' imply moderation??
    Hahahaha...this is gonna be the funnest one yet to read about after the fact. 'Cause no way will I ever watch a GOP 'debate'.

  14. Anonymous6:18 PM

    Martin Bashir Calls Upon Herman Cain To Resign From Church Over Alleged Ginger White Affair

    As speculation about scandal-besieged Republican candidate Herman Cain‘s political future continues to abound, MSNBC host Martin Bashir called upon the former Godfather Pizza CEO to resign from his church over his alleged 13-year affair with Ginger White. “If Mr. Cain is to drop out of the Republican race, isn’t it time he also considered resigning his position as an associate minister at Antioch Baptist Church in Atlanta?” Bashir asked. “If Mr. Cain withdraws from politics, then he must surely resign his position in the church, because one thing is for certain– hypocrites can lie in the pew, but they should never lead from the pulpit.”

  15. Anonymous6:19 PM

    Poor Herman.
    Fox won't even give him a contract 'cause he's, you know, 'other'(black)
    Plus, Fox learned their lesson by being stuck in a contract with Palin.
    Palin who????

  16. Anonymous6:22 PM


    Tamron Hall To Trump: Could Your Debate Look ‘Like An Episode Of The Apprentice?’

  17. Anonymous6:25 PM

    But...but...I thought he was real busy out in Hawaii finding out all sorts of amazing truths about the chikdhood of President Barack Obama! When did he get back?

    And Doanld, as they say in country music, "How Can We Miss You if You Won't Go Away?"

    >>> Tom

  18. Now this should be down right knee slapping HILARIOUS! I'm sure Jon Stewart, Colbert, SNL writers, David Letterman should have front row RESERVED seats for this WWF spectacle!

    Now as far as The Chump as the moderator....BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

  19. Anonymous8:26 PM

    Watching the Republican party members currently on national news are a farce and embarrassment to the USA. It began w/watching Palin for these past recent years and continues to get worse and worse. Donald Trump!!!! Yikes!!!

    President Obama will be elected again, I have no doubt.

  20. I'm usually not comfortable making attacks or judgments based on a person's looks because multiple birthdays have taken a toll on my looks as well but it's obvious that the internal ugly of Trump has seeped thru his skin in a big way.

    How much could a little botox or jowl reduction along with the services of a competent hairstylist cost anyway?

  21. Anonymous9:47 PM


    [Please God, just this one time, answer my prayers and show Sarah the direction to Donald Trump's show. Thank you. Amen.]

  22. Anonymous10:12 PM

    Personally I am just devastated to hear this news. I was SO hoping the teabagGOP would pick Simon Colwell and Paula Abdul.

    What ye say Sarah? Think you could get fatty no-talent Brisket a job in there somewhere? Nobody wants YOU except for the laugh factor.

  23. Anonymous12:12 AM

    Oh how I hope most of the candidates show up for this. Don't you all think Sarah should be invited to do some of her moderatin' also, too?! Come on Sarah, give Donald a call. You guys would look so good together 'Dirty Wig' with the 'Over Do'. You guys are a perfect team! The clown car isn't full unless Sarah's in! You Betcha!


  24. Anonymous3:17 AM

    This just in: It's not going to be a debate. They are strapping on skates and it will be Roller Derby.

  25. Anonymous4:12 AM

    Hysterical post, Gryphen. Trump is such a tool- so conceited, so entitled... so dumb. Even he doesn't believe a word he's regurgitating so why should anyone else? Props to Jon Huntsman who promptly declined the invitation to be part of the joke, I mean "debate" (sic). Any of these clowns who decide to participate will demean him/herself even beyond what any of we normal people imagined to be possible. DONALD TRUMP... seriously? Much as I despise the Newt, I cannot imagine him allowing The Donald to upstage him. Yuck!

  26. Anonymous6:24 AM

    Maybe like his beauty pageant these contestants should parade around in bikini's.

    Donald Trump is a joke. Palin is a Joke and so are the rest of these clowns.

    Whatever happened to dignity, or intelligence in any candidate for the Republicans?

    Grifters and hypocrits.


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It just goes directly to their thighs.