Friday, December 02, 2011

You knew it was coming, "Men for Cain" website is now up. Well this makes more sense actually.

From the Men for Cain parody site:

Men For Cain" is a national online high-five of men dedicated to giving props to the ultimate ladies' man Herman Cain, our next President of the United States. Mr. Cain, beyond any other candidate with exception of maybe Newt, has done more to get into women's pants throughout his lifetime, defending and promoting the negative issues associated with quality PDA, T&A and serious office groping. Forget the 9-9-9 plan, let’s talk about the 6-9 plan. When the liberal lame-stream media calls his skill with the ladies "exploits," Mr. Cain calls them conquests. As the nation is struggling to find work, Mr. Cain has found countless jobs for women, right there in his pants. And the best part, his wife has no idea. His erection will win this election for GOP. Join us and voice your support to Herman Cain, our next Philander in Chief.

According to Rachel Maddow there are strong indications that Herman Cain will end his campaign tomorrow. That me the only intelligent decision this man has made in quite some time.

God I love the internet sometimes!


  1. Anonymous6:08 PM

    UNBELIVEABLE! And Sarah was sure Herb was crackin that door open for her to head the Department of Law in the White House and whatnot, cause she'd be awesome.

    - Bristol

    God Bless America

  2. Anonymous6:09 PM

    He's been angling for a VP invite or political appointment anyway.

    With all the baggage though, he's not even going to get an appointment to improve our friendship status with China.

  3. Olivia6:21 PM

    Well it certainly is more real.

  4. Well, like they always say in politics - erections have consequences.

  5. Anonymous6:41 PM

    I said, "lick my erection" Not "wreck my election"!!!

  6. Anonymous7:30 PM

    In this 1986 sexual harassment training video for Godfather's Pizza, Herman Cain explains the dos and don'ts of sex in the workplace.

  7. Anonymous7:40 PM

    The idea that the entire Cain campaign has been a giant PUNK of the Republicans, either has to be the case, OR:

    This guy, knowing all this crap was in his closet, pushing its way out any second, has to be the DUMBEST bastard in the history of Presidential politics.

  8. Anonymous10:11 PM

    Oh LOOK! Sarah from Wasilla left Herman a love note a bit down the page of love notes to Herman.

    Wasilla AK

    'Herb I know how you fill. People are always makin' stuff up about me too, also. Maybe I can get you a job at FOX! It's easy, they just put the teleprompter jokes right there on the TV thingy and you read them and people send you money! Oh and Herb, if you get busted and decide to come clean, leave me out of it or I will blow you away like that chained down drugged Caribou I shot five times (well, four missed) on TV.'

  9. Anonymous10:20 PM

    @Hoken...Good one!

    The comments on that site are hilarious! Sarah left a comment along with many others...Arnold, Bill Clinton and Anthony Weiner to name a few. I love the internet too Gryphen.


  10. melissa1:34 AM

    I nearly spit out my coffee when I heard Sarah Palin refer to cheating on one's wife as 'boys will be boys!'. Seriously why does she hate women so much??

  11. Anonymous5:22 AM

    Anon @ 7:40 p.m. - I think both scenario's work.

  12. Anonymous5:31 AM

    Ha! Did you read the comments on that thing? The one from Wayne Bobbett is hilarious! And there is a special bonus comment from Tawd AND $arah further down the comments. Priceless!


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It just goes directly to their thighs.