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Sarah Palin's mom, Sally Heath, poses with possible militia members. |
However let me just assure you that as soon as Palin sees this there is a high probability that she is going to have a very bad day indeed.
Do you know who they are Sarah? And do you know what my having this photo indicates?
Just a reminder of the information still waiting to be divulged in case you ever get the silly idea that you could actually launch a Presidential campaign without having your entire life fall apart around you.
(Oh by they way, other than the blurring of the faces,the picture is not photoshopped.)
lol. Gryph, is this your commercial to remind Sarah that there ain't no earthquake large enough? Sally Heath is a creep in sheep's clothing (demon sheep?).
ReplyDeleteBetween Sarah and "I LOVE the A-14" Bachmann, this country has some wackos running around. I'm assuming that this is a fairly recent photo, and from the sign on the left, looks to be AIP related. Betcha Todd was there too.
ReplyDeleteSounds very promising, Gryphen.
ReplyDeletePoor old Sarah; the bad news just keeps on coming; however, perhaps she can take some solace in how enthralled her worshipers at C4P are about her looks:-
Kalena 2 hours ago in reply to Reckoner_3
Sarah is one of the lucky women who becomes even more stunning as she ages. She might have been cute back in high school but she is just drop dead gorgeous now. And if I was a guy, I would also add smoking hawt.
CharterOakie and 2 more liked this
CharterOakie 1 hour ago in reply to Kalena
Can't argue with you about that.
And her beauty of heart and soul is even more stunning.
Hahaha, delusional sycophants!
Was that picture taken at the Palin residence? Don't tell me that the Palins were hosting this little event!
ReplyDeleteAnd oh my, my, she sure does look all palsy-walsy with 'em, doesn't she? I'd love to know what that heartwarmingly cute, handmade sign to the left says--probably something to the effect of "kill 'em all and then start over"? So typical of these uber patriotic Family Values Xtians, eh? Saddest part is, some of the paint chip eaters who slogged their way out of an algae-filled gene pool would probably be dang proud of this photo and its sentiment.
ReplyDeleteSistah Sarah, please bow down before our Gryphen, who so clearly pwns you, dearie.
The half term governor's life has already fallen apart. She just does not realize it.
ReplyDeleteHey Gryph, the "Bear" commercial is now a private video. I guess the Earthquake people don't want the free advertising that viral videos can provide. Or do you suppose the Earthquake people were contacted by the Reagan people and told to stop robbing Ronnie's grave?
ReplyDeleteBut that is Sally. Not Sarah. Or Is that Sarah and Toad with Sally?? REally????
Are they hanging out in Joe McGinnis' old house and is that the Best Western in the background?
ReplyDeleteTodd and Track???
ReplyDeleteThat's what the pee pond doesn't get. She's not going to jump in late. She CAN'T. All the "reconsider" csmpaigns, donations, and prayer in the world is not going to make it happen.
ReplyDeleteIt's sad, in a way, that people can be taken like they are by such a scammer as she, but when they've been warned and told over and over then they get what they deserve....and what a "prize" she is.
I am reminded of one of my favorite adages: "You want sympathy? It's in the dictionary...between sh*t and syphilis."
Ooohhhhhh yes, this angle to the story.... Almost forgot about this stuff, but it's surely the most pertinent if Sarah Palin ever tries to run.
ReplyDeleteCan you imagine if any other candidate - GOP, Dem or 3rd party - had ties to groups like this?
This will keep her sidelined permanently.
Hey John McCain and Co, can you say "not thoroughly vetted"??????? Unbelievable.
Knew Wasilla had it in them to finally reveal such things.
ReplyDeleteTodd being a member of AIP was curiously ignored by the "Real Americans" of this country - but the GrandMama Grizzly pall'ing around with MilitiaMen that not just threatens the lives of those they disagree with, those responsible for normal citizens civil order and public safety - but plots for their assassinations?
Glad you smiled for the camera Militia Sally. Guess you better slow that Militia down, h'uh, oh Lord!
I don't know what this is, Gryph, but I trust you.
ReplyDeleteAnd while my President doesn't "pal around with terrorists" the way Sarah does (he brings them to justice, actually!), I would like to remind the Quitter Queen that that "whole hopey-changey thing" is workin' out just great for me!!!
big guns == small boy parts
ReplyDeleteOh no! Is Sarah's mother pallin' around with terrorists who are currently in jail for threatening
ReplyDeletecops and judges?
I've always been of the mind that the feds kind of dropped the hint to Sarah that she might not want to run—EVER for POTUS.
I think right now that McCain is being protected because he royally effed it up where Palin and her family's vetting was concerned. So every time Sarah
prick teases the bots she is obviously just taking their money and sticking her tongue out at the people who know all about her--shall we say, "interesting leanings". And as we all know Palin's big thing is projection.
Not a very patriotic mother—huh Sarah?
Golly gee willikers, $arah, dontcha just LOVE how that silver cross on Sally's sweatshirt goes so well with the loaded AR-15 assault weapons?
ReplyDeleteWhat automatic weapon does Jeezuss like? Does he prefer the 30 round mag, or is that too sinful for the AIP /Tparty good ol' boys!
And, you know what $arah?
Gee whiz, I betcha that Gryph, Devon, Mcginnis, Dunn, Moore, Schmidt, and Nicole Wallace have lotsa good ol videos and pix of you that are not your most fun stuff.
Icebergs $arah, they is comin' for ya, also, too.
A woman Sally Heath's age - who's been to church and baptized.........obviously hasn't had the bible's words penetrate her heart. Tragic.
ReplyDeleteKinda is starting to make a little sense. Remember during the campain someone heckled her about Tawd's AIP association and she freaked out. so much she wanted Schmitt to release a statement that Toad thought that when he checked AIP as a party affiliation he thought it ment independent rather than a militant party.
ReplyDeleteIsen't she on film addressing an AIP convention? Let's see where this goes.....
Is that Piper, peeking over the shoulder on the right of the photo? Start 'em young, don't they?
ReplyDeleteInteresting that the two men are wearing the same sweatshirt and same pants. Father and son, maybe?
ReplyDeleteAlso noticed that the man on the right (Sally's left) has additional blurring. A patch on his chest, and half of his left hand. Was there something telling there that needed to be hidden?
Hope you have nerves of steel, Sarah. Or a good stock of meds.
"The half term governor's life has already fallen apart. She just does not realize it."
ReplyDeleteok? If you say so
Is that Chuckles in the background???
ReplyDelete"And while my President doesn't "pal around with terrorists" "
ReplyDeleteYou keep telling yourself that. You don't need a gun to be a domestic terrorist. You need a certain mentality.
WOW! This sure beats Obama hanging out with Bill Ayers! That bitch better never say another word about President Obama palling around with terrorists!!!
ReplyDelete@ 4:23 am,
ReplyDeleteStunning in a way that she leaves everyone thinking "WTF was that?". I got one of them in my life, she's what I call a PSYCHOPATH! Just like Sarah Palin! LOL!
I see two reasons in this photo that Alaskans might be afraid to speak out against Sarah or her clan. Creepy, scary shit.
ReplyDeleteWhy wait to divulge?
ReplyDeleteIt is time to get rid of her, just as Herman Cain was removed by a few women who spoke out.
She has caused trouble in this country every day she is considered even by her bots as a possible candidate for POTUS.
The Heaths and Palins and this entire family group are sicko.
Sick, sick, sick people.
And God has nothing in mind for Sarah Palin in the WhiteHouse.
Not a cabinet post, or as a Madame Ambassador, or any public office.
She is toxic.
Since she's not running, I think she's in the clear.
ReplyDeleteScreech, 2011 was a banner year for you right from the self righteous blood libel video you made which was totally inappropriate, and anyone who didn't already hate you, the video made them despise you, to your pathetic bus tour where the world saw how ignorant you are about paul revere, to finally admitting you are not running, the silence from the media about you has been great the past few months, no one gives a rats ass about you anymore!
ReplyDeleteThe flag...is that a Tea Party theme?
ReplyDeleteWhy is the wedding ring blurred out? Is it one we might recognize? And is that Bristol's old face in the background?
ReplyDeleteI am trying to figure out why the guy on Creepy Sally's left has his left hand blurred. Any ideas, folks? Tattoo, ring or what? These Palins/Heaths are truly demented. Sarah didn't become the World's Worst Mother accidentally: she learned from Sally's vile example.
ReplyDeleteThe only terrorist mentality in America is the GOP platform! They've done more to damage America than Al Queda could ever dream of!
That is definitely Track on the left (taller, skinnier) and Todd on the right. It looks like both of their stance/posture.
ReplyDeleteTodd's ring is blurred.
Gryph- can we tweet this far & wide?
5:53...thanks for playing troll, but you fail, per usual . See this thread is about Sally Heath, and her associations with accused domestic terrorists.
ReplyDeleteOnce again, Gryphen has trumped you with photographic evidence, and once again, you spout anonymous nonsense with 0 evidence, links, photos, etc. Come back when Sarah has given you some talking points.
Assault weapons, $1500, camo pants from Walmart $20, fake militia patches ordered on Amazon $4.50. Picture of Sarah Palins mother with domestic terrorists- PRICELESS
ReplyDeleteThis is the flag in the pic
I think the sign says: Vote 'em all out and then start over."
ReplyDeleteGawd, I just love it when Gryph comes up with another zinger! Can we expect Sarah to appear on FOX all full of piss and vinegar, talking about "rill Americuns?" Sarah, a rill Americun pals around with domestic terrorists too - just like her Ma. Looks like that dead lake in the background of the photo.
So rich in irony that I may get the gout from it.
So, Gryphen, are you saying that you will only reveal the particulars of this picture if, and only if, Sarah runs for office? Otherwise, you are keeping the info to yourself? Why is that? And what happened to Fred and his book?
ReplyDeleteTawd, or Track-suit, or Schaefer Cox.
ReplyDeleteNote the lack of Trolls here. Must be huddling at the wasilla house trying to figure out what to say. Surely one of the men is Toad - in his AIP finest. Is that how the independent voter in AK dresses at a picnic? Bear country so you probably do need to be prepared for what might come running through the brush at ya. Like you blurred the wedding ring on the one dude - thinking someone might blow this up and see it's Toads ring? Ah, the endless possibilities - maybe John McCain? HAHA
ReplyDeleteCome on into the POTUS race Sara, we know so little and seek so much more truth.
Someone forward this to John McCain - if this was Obama Fox would interrupt its programming to run it.
Anon 5:53
ReplyDeleteActually genius-terrorists domestic and international kind of do have to have weapons, otherwise who'd give a damn?
So now people's THOUGHTS not actions makes them terrorists? Sadly, your puny education has failed you. It seems you cannot reason yourself out of a cheap paper bag.
Did I NOT say Obama and Palin were identical politicians. Except I highly doubt Sally Heath is a dangerous person. She's a mother and grandmother who enjoys hanging with her Valley repub peeps.
ReplyDeleteMilitia members, do they set fires?
ReplyDeleteDo animals and people die in fires set by militia members?
Take a good look at wizened little Mustang Sally, Peebots.
ReplyDeleteThat's exactly what your girl will look like before long.
Seriously though, 5:22 AM... "my president"? Really? Have Peebots taught you nothing?
It is important information to expose AIP participation or radical subversive Militia engagement. The Palins lied and demanded staff of a presidential campaign also lie for them. Then Palin told many more lies including everyone else is a liar while tossing red meat targeting others as anti USA.
ReplyDeleteThe distinction of a pathological person is they ramp up the lies not caring if their victims are murdered due to their lies. The brainwashing or psychological manipulation is eery. Especially the evilness of selling their family is godly.
I hope one day she and her enabler Todd experience consequences they orchestrated for others.
ReplyDeleteAny chance this was a barbacue party and these two men wore stylish hunting wear? Yeah, that's the ticket...a fashion show for those who hunt to eat.
ReplyDeleteWent to the AIP website, and there are NO photos of anything past 2002. I'm gussing they still had lots with her Heiness and spouse, and were asked to remove them. The video from 2008 is still there, where then-Gov Sarah told them how proud she is of the group.
ReplyDeleteThe trolls are here, right on cue.
ReplyDeleteAnon 6:39, did you just insult a person's looks? For one thing, Sally is a pretty lady. For another, you may want to, you know, act like an adult .
ReplyDeleteThis may be a dumb question, but is the general party of AIP a dangerous thing? I thought they just wanted secession to sustain themselves, considering DC won't let them use their state as it was meant to be used.
ReplyDeleteSally has become so famous she just needs bodyguards for protection...
ReplyDeleteCome on, Gryphen! Not before the New Year´s weekend. Even Sarah deserves a little mercy. Did you really have to force her to STFU before another holiday?
ReplyDeleteOn second thought, well played.
(You must be winded from all the victory laps you´ve been running.)
For those of you asking why I can't just spill the beans now. The reason is that they are not my beans to spill.
ReplyDeleteBelieve me the Justice Department and FBI have all of this information as well. But like I said before if Palin remains a private citizen it is unlikely they will do anything with it.
This post was really mostly to remind Palin, and her supporters, that I still have much information at my disposal.
And it is NOT gleaned from public Facebook accounts or conversations between family members on private ones.
Angela, I meant that one can be of anti American mentality by believing things and instituting policies that will kill what America is.
ReplyDeleteAnon 6:15, you may not want to criticize those you don't know. Unrelated to this post and picture, your statements about Sally Heath are incredibly inaccurate.
ReplyDeleteBefore this thread morphs into another pissing match over who's worse politican-wise, let's keep our focus where it needs to be: Queen Esther.
ReplyDeleteSO many skeletons in her closet that WILL come out which is WHY she'll never run. Spin your crap, trolls. When it's there in black and white for all to see, you look even more moronic in your defense of her.
WOW $arah, I think Gryphen is giving you all a warning..better for you to SD and STHU..and enjoy your ill gotten money.
ReplyDelete6:35 am. You think that President Obama and Sarah Palin are "identical politicians"? What planet do you live on?
ReplyDeleteIs this a picture the trolls always talk about..the happy, close family that does everything together? I wonder how many of these close, happy family pictures there are out there..
ReplyDeleteDang, no EXIF tags in the pic to give me hints. Does the original image have EXIF tags?
ReplyDeleteIt looks like it's some sort of Tea Party Rally with the Gadsen Flag and the sign to the left which appears to say "Vote them all out and start over".
If that's Todd and Track blurred out then I don't see serious damage coming from this, her base loves guns.
If it's any of those guys involved with that kidnapping and murder plot, then it might be a bit more damaging (to what degree I don't know, are there other pics of the event?). If that's the case "'Palin' around with terrorists" would be a great headline.
Hi, Sarah! You know what I see in that picture of your mother? Why, I see her surrounded by a whole gaggle of NBA fans! Granted, they´re recent converts to the sport, but I guarantee you every last one of them knows all about Glen Rice.
ReplyDeleteIncluding your mother.
And father.
And husband.
And Britta.
And Track.
And Bristol.
And Willow.
And if Piper doesn´t behave, her peers will throw it in her face.
Have a Happy New Year!
Microphone between the sign and the guys elbow. This was not an informal get together.
ReplyDeleteCars between people and the lake. Some white structure to the left. Shouldn't be hard for a local to date and locate the photo. The other people seem unarmed and plain clothes, so the gun guys were "special".
I'm guessing there's a photo of Sarah Palin in the same pose. Better than a sex tape.
Now we know why Sarah wears falsies.
ReplyDeleteShit doesn't fall far from the toilet.
How come Sally is not wearing her Belmont brai?
It must be Sarah's day to wear them?
Gryphen said...For those of you asking why I can't just spill the beans now. The reason is that they are not my beans to spill.
ReplyDeleteI don`t like SP.
But this is getting old.
Strange to hear the FBI will not act unless Sarah Palin attempts a presidential run. I'd prefer to think the FBI decides things based on the law. Sarah Palin deserves no free pass. If she's going to avoid criminal prosecution, then her opponents (like me) will have to settle for exposure of her mentally instability.
ReplyDeleteBabygate to the rescue.
I should add that the guy on the left at least appears to have good trigger discipline, the kind that you get with military training.
ReplyDeleteThe guy on the right I'm not sure, my guess is not as trained, he's holding the weapon by the scope.
Those observations lead me to think it's Track and Todd.
that's wasilla lake. this pic is probably no more than 50 yards from the parks hwy.
ReplyDeletenothin' like bein' front and center eh ?
That is a tattoo on the hand that is blurred... So, who does everybody know who has a tattoo on his left hand?
ReplyDeleteDid you see that some Alaskan singer and her family will have a reality show, and not Sarah Palin? Did you know Sarah's fans are donating to the "Earthquake" movement to pay for commercials, instead of donating to SarahPac? Remember when Palin was pretty? These are the things my evangelical Christianist family discussed during the holiday...my brother used to love her but he now refers to her as "that lady with the bus". I hope they find out about whatever the hell is going on in that picture.
ReplyDeleteMaybe you could submit it to Andrew Sullivan's "view from your window" contest. The people who compete in that have an amazing ability to figure out places.
ReplyDeleteJohn McCain's GOP is protecting the Palin's because the truth is too embarrassing for the public to find out since she was never vetted. No wonder the Palin family's medical records are sealed. No wonder she'll never be in jail. And it's no wonder now why she'll never run for any public office again.
ReplyDeleteHa ha Sarah is stuck being a celebrity and she's failing at that also, too.
McCain will be kicking himself to his dying day and Sarah's name will go down in infamy.
Little boys and their big guns.
ReplyDeleteGreat update Griphen!
ReplyDeleteAnd now we have the birth of the "it don't take a gun, but a certain mentality" to make a domestic terrorist troll.
Hanging out with uniformed service men and women, who are trained to protect our country and sacrifice for the honor of doing it is appropriate.
Do we have photos of President Obama's family hanging out with wannabe uniformed fringe militia groups, who want to take the law in their own hands against US Citizens?
THAT'S A FACT. "it takes a certain mentality" troll
Feck Off!
Who is the dude wearing the red baseball cap?
ReplyDeleteThis picture show me that $arah's mother is not to bright having her picture taken with those 2 guys when $arah might have been running for Pres. Or did her mother already know her daughter was not running for anything except the $$$$$. Betcha $arah is screaming at her mother as we speak! "HOW COULD YOU DO THAT TO ME ME ME ME".
ReplyDeleteLicking Creepy Chuckie and all those SarahPac stamps has taken its toll on Sally.
ReplyDeleteOh my Bristol definitely comes from the Heath stock...
ReplyDeleteI can see Grandma Sally's canvas tent in the background. This must be the morning after the wine cooler party/whatever Sally does behind closed tent flaps.
The one guy on Sally's left must be Creepy Chuckie's ex business partner?
ReplyDeleteThe guy on the right must be Sally's next door companion who kept her company on those cold nights when Creepy Chuckie was away?
Man this hill billy shit runs in the family.
How come Sally doesn't have a black lover in the picture....
Sarah must of went rogue on her mother?
Is that Track and Levi? With the hand blurred because of the Bristol tattoo? And that gryphen having this photo means that Levi is finally giving up what proof he has against the palins? Does anyone know what the yellow flag says?
ReplyDeleteAnon 7.36
ReplyDeleteThe same thought occurred to me. Also, look at the shoulders on him - none of the Palin men have those sort of broad shoulders.
The other guy is probably Track.
Anonymous said...
ReplyDeletethat's wasilla lake. this pic is probably no more than 50 yards from the parks hwy.
nothin' like bein' front and center eh ?
7:35 AM
Remember the college kid who guessed Sarah's email password and Bristol said she was scared?
What's this bullshit about Bristol being home alone deep in the woods with no phone?
All Bristol had to do was open her window and hollered out to Granny Sally and her buddies standing next to the Palin family swimming hole and I'm sure one of them redneck meth dealers has a pager.
Where's Sally 55 gallon drum lid with the cocaine on it? Ya just can't have a party without ya trailer park snow.
ReplyDeleteOh SHIT!! Somebody stop Willow.... She's blowing granny's snow!!!!!
Didn't someone way back say that Sarah quit as Governor because she was told to do so by the FBI, and to never run for any office again? Who was that?
ReplyDeleteGino I don't want to put a damper in your sex life, but take a look at Sally... That's what Bristol is going to look like in a few years except Bristol has a longer chin.
ReplyDeleteSorry dude not even Viagra will be able to help you.....
Ask Tawd..... That's why Tawd was away from home spending time with tanned Miss Shailey Tripp.
Gryph, I hope you have back up copies with somebody you trust?
ReplyDeleteDidn't someone way back say that Sarah quit as Governor because she was told to do so by the FBI, and to never run for any office again? Who was that?
ReplyDeleteA wedding ring would be an odd thing to blur, unless it was very unique. For instance - I hate even thinking this - a tattoo.
ReplyDeleteIs that Francis "Schaeffer" Cox next to Sally?
Hey Sarah, I betcha you won't find a picture of President Obama's mother in law partying with armed terrorist.
ReplyDeleteI'm happy to say MY mother (who is almost the same age as Mrs Heath) spends her weekends standing for peace and protesting fracking. She even recently traveled to join a local "occupy" protest.
ReplyDeleteOh, I know that the Heaths and the Palin's are deeply involved with AIP and the Cox group of militia crazies, and that they are also wrapped tightly in with the Christian fundies in the valley. God and Guns, you know.
ReplyDeleteRegardless if Sarah ever attempts to get into "power" again or not, these facts need to be released to the public. If only as a cautionary tale to those who would try to follow in her footsteps.
Isn't that a "Don't Tread On Me" flag?
ReplyDeleteOops too late Sally looks like somebody has already treaded on ya!
Didn't Sarah wear her red shitty looking jacket on FOX?
ReplyDeleteWhat's with Sarah and Sally always wearing communist red colors?
Don't they like our country?
Could the two men be Chuck and Chuck Jr.?
ReplyDeleteGranny Gargoyle just choked on her skinny latte.
ReplyDeleteThat's what you get Sarah when you maliciously sic your lawyer, Van Flea to bully and threaten "bloggers" free speech, threaten to serve papers at peoples' work and imply that every man that makes jokes about you or exposes truths about you is a pedophile. All the while living a hypocritical life full of lies, paling around with terrorists, hoaxes and cover-ups.
You really thought you could get away with it all by winking at men during the debate, wearing stripper high heels, mini-skirts and falsies that a political position was all about image & that anyone could be president? That because you were enabled by being the "hottest governor in the coldest state" that the entire world would buy that? You really believed that you knew better than everyone else and that the general public was stupider than you??!!??
You really believed that your failure was due to being a "victim" rather than your own doing? Look where your choices and words got you now - you're an epic fail by your own hand - not to mention what you've done to your own children by pushing them out on the national stage and using them as props and shields.
It's not nice to try and fool REAL AMERICANS! And it's all coming back to you ten fold.
God Bless Gabby Giffords and little 9 yr. old Christina Green.
Shame on YOU Sarah for promoting violence, divisiveness and hatred for fame and money. You deserve EVERYTHING you get.
So anyone with a different opinion is a troll? I would rather stick with labeling the obvious trolls. The others can be ignored, disagreed with, or agreed with. We don't all share the same opinions here. That doesn't automatically make someone a troll.
ReplyDeleteOh Lawwwddd!
ReplyDeletePlease don't tell me this is Track's Wasilla winter wedding and reception Sarah Palin threw him and his baby's mama?
wasilla lake and dead lucile lake are two different places.
ReplyDeletethe little park/gazebo where this pic was shot is a stones throw from Crusey St and the Parks Hwy, $carah's driveway on lucile lake is about 3/4 of a mile through town on the opposite side of the Parks Hwy.
bristool's still full-0-shit though as her "deep woods" are at most a 1/8 mile wide swath of cotton wood and birch separating the railroad crossing/Parks Hwy and their dump on the lake....
Anonymous said...
Anonymous said...
that's wasilla lake. this pic is probably no more than 50 yards from the parks hwy.
nothin' like bein' front and center eh ?
7:35 AM
Remember the college kid who guessed Sarah's email password and Bristol said she was scared?
What's this bullshit about Bristol being home alone deep in the woods with no phone?
All Bristol had to do was open her window and hollered out to Granny Sally and her buddies standing next to the Palin family swimming hole and I'm sure one of them redneck meth dealers has a pager.
8:04 AM
Schaeffer Cox does not have a tattoo on his hand:
The half term governor's life has already fallen apart. She just does not realize it."
ReplyDeleteok? If you say so
@5:49 AM
$arah Palin is fucked up. FACT.
"And while my President doesn't "pal around with terrorists" "
ReplyDeleteYou keep telling yourself that. You don't need a gun to be a domestic terrorist. You need a certain mentality.
@5:53 AM
And, $arah Palin has got that mentality. I haven’t seen any pictures of President Obama and his family palling around with terrorists. $arah Palin is a terrorist bitch!
Since she's not running, I think she's in the clear.
@6:05 AM
If $arah Palin, and her stupid family moved to Siberia, maybe America would be in the clear.
Gryph seems to really be emphasizing WHERE he got this photo. Has one of Sarah's sisters turned on her?!
ReplyDeleteWake up America..I agree, sometimes the commentors on here act like they are on the C4P Urination blog going after each other for having different opinions. You have been here a long time and are not a Palin troll, maybe it's just people trying to cause trouble.
ReplyDeleteDid I NOT say Obama and Palin were identical politicians. Except I highly doubt Sally Heath is a dangerous person. She's a mother and grandmother who enjoys hanging with her Valley repub peeps.
@6:35 AM
$arah Palin wishes she and President Obama were identical politicians! And, please. History is full of dangerous mothers, and grandmothers. $arah Palin is one of them. Pull your head out of your ass, and try to stand up straight.
Militia members, do they set fires?
ReplyDeleteDo animals and people die in fires set by militia members?
@6:38 AM
Animals and people can die in the bombs set by militia members, and bombs can cause fires. They can also be killed by the bullets fired from those powerful weapons militia people like to carry around. You do know militia people have killed before, don't you?
What exactly are you trying to say? You aren’t too bright, are you?
Anon 6:39, did you just insult a person's looks? For one thing, Sally is a pretty lady. For another, you may want to, you know, act like an adult
@6:51 AM
She was probably pretty 40 years ago.
This may be a dumb question, but is the general party of AIP a dangerous thing? I thought they just wanted secession to sustain themselves, considering DC won't let them use their state as it was meant to be used.
ReplyDelete-----------------------------------@6:53 AM
Yes, they are dangerous. Militia people don’t carry those kind of weapons for no reason, and they often have shit loads of all kinds of weapons (why would people who aren’t dangerous need so many weapons?) and they have a history of violence. Succession isn’t allowed according the Constitution, you dip-shit, not “DC.” Why would people like $arah Palin who pretend to love the Constitution so much, want to violate it? $arah Palin, and idiots like her, are fucking liars, and a frauds!
Todd and Track are not as close in height as the two men in the photograph. For that matter I don't think either man is as tall as Track: Sally is shorter than Sarah, which makes both of the men somewhat height challenged. Toad and Levi, I'm guessing. One of them if not both.
ReplyDeleteAngela, I meant that one can be of anti American mentality by believing things and instituting policies that will kill what America is.
@6:54 AM
Republicans like $arah Palin would know about “instituting policies that will kill what America is.” They have already caused a recession, and tried to force the government to default on purpose last summer, which would have caused a world-wide economic disaster. I don’t even want to know what $arah Palin think’s America is, or should be according to her demented mind.
Anon 6:15, you may not want to criticize those you don't know. Unrelated to this post and picture, your statements about Sally Heath are incredibly inaccurate.
ReplyDelete-----------------------------------@6:58 AM
I am 100% POSITIVE you criticize "those you don't know," all the time. It's a free country. STFU.
wizened little Mustang Sally, 6:39AM
ReplyDeleteLMAO!!! I am stealing this one 6:39AM..."wizened little Mustang Sally"....like an old dried up apple! HeHe!
Anon at 8.04
ReplyDeleteWould that be Newcomb Park? I see it has a blue gazebo also too.
@8:52 AM
ReplyDeleteDid anyone on this thread attack you? Or, are you just defending the obvious trolls, which is just as bad? And no, these posters do not just have "a difference of opinion," they ARE trolls.
@9:26 AM:
I don't like be compared to a SeaofPee'r anymore than you like being labled a troll.
Kiss my ass!
hedgewytch said...
ReplyDeleteOh, I know that the Heaths and the Palin's are deeply involved with AIP and the Cox group of militia crazies, and that they are also wrapped tightly in with the Christian fundies in the valley. God and Guns, you know.
Regardless if Sarah ever attempts to get into "power" again or not, these facts need to be released to the public. If only as a cautionary tale to those who would try to follow in her footsteps.
8:33 AM
Too late.
Sarah has already tried to influence and infiltrate American politics with her terrorist associations and activities.
Didn't Sarah endorse and fight for her AIP terrorist buddy Joe Miller to be an Alaskan Senator or Congressman?
Didn't Joe Miller have ties with armed terrorist militia who he hired for security when they abused Alaskan citizens / media during a confrontation?
If it wasn't for the good decent people of Alaska not electing AIP members, terrorists or their associates to Congress, the AIP would be knocking on our doors in Washington DC.
We can't trust Sarah Palin and have to be very careful and vet whoever Sarah Palin endorses and that includes her reality show seeking family members.
This woman has no conscious, she hires unqualified high school friends into high paying government jobs and no telling which one of her AIP buddies now works for the state of Alaska.
Maybe that's how Sarah escapes her ethic charges? Maybe some of the ethic board members are Sarah's AIP buddies?
Curiouser and curiouser.
ReplyDeleteThis is why Gov Dirty Wig™ had her ghost writers put out a post on FB about getting rid of the Attorney General Eric Holder. He's coming to getcha' Dirty! You can run but you can't hide! LOL!
ReplyDeletePoor "Mustang Sally" H/T to 6:39AM...I don't think she has a clue what is going on...everything I've seen her on...SPAK especially she looked completely and utterly clueless...I'm sure that's how Creepy Chuck likes his women! Sally isn't even good enough to be a Stepford Wife!
@5:26 AM Anonymous said...
ReplyDeletebig guns == small boy parts
We all know the 4 inch one Tawd has so he fits right in with these guys.
@ Virginia Voter said...
"Assault weapons, $1500, camo pants from Walmart $20, fake militia patches ordered on Amazon $4.50. Picture of Sarah Palins mother with domestic terrorists- PRICELESS"
Too funny and or so true!
I think this may be at the rental that Mcginniss stayed in. Are they under the deck? Were they using this house for their meetings?! I think this may be right before the election in 2010. Leaves on the ground, it's fall.
G- Can you tell us WHEN this photo was taken?
ReplyDelete@TksABunchJohn Looks like hanging w/ potential domestic terrorists a tradition for Sarah Palin's family. theimmoralminority.blogspot.com/2011/12/it-loo… @SarahPalinUSA #NoEarthquake
Where is RAM these days? Is she into this militia/Tea Party stuff too? What does she do now that palin isn't running?
ReplyDeleteShe's verrrry quiet these days.
Anonymous said...
ReplyDelete"The half term governor's life has already fallen apart. She just does not realize it."
ok? If you say so
5:49 AM
We say so and so does Dirty! Did you see her last couple of "appearances" on FAUX NEWS? If her life hadn't fallen apart by now...I know her hair has "fallen out"!
Those filthy wigs are hiding some serious bald patches, and the flare up of Herpes on her lips....definitely means Dirty is under some serious stress. So yes Troll...Gov Dirty Wig™
life is falling apart and I am so glad! Thanks Gryphen for making my Friday!
ReplyDeleteYou are off topic.
Anonymous said @5:43 AM...
ReplyDeleteIs that Piper, peeking over the shoulder on the right of the photo? Start 'em young, don't they?
I thought it looked more like Glenn Beck.
Was this the Joe Vogler Annual Domestic Terrorist Memorial Picnic? The one in which Schaeffer Cox was the guest of honor, partnered with Todd in the three legged race?
ReplyDeleteRAM is at a reducing camp in upstate Michigan run by sovereign citizens.
Militia members, do they set fires?
ReplyDeleteDo animals and people die in fires set by militia members?
@6:38 AM
Animals and people can die in the bombs set by militia members, and bombs can cause fires. They can also be killed by the bullets fired from those powerful weapons militia people like to carry around. You do know militia people have killed before, don't you?
What exactly are you trying to say? You aren’t too bright, are you?
I believe he/she may have been referring to Dar Miller.
Remember Mr. Goldfinger's mom in the James Bond "Goldfinger" movie? She was the sweet looking little older lady baking pies or something while guarding the outpost. She had on a dress, apron, her hair up in a bun; the picture-perfect Bavarian grandma. The scene where she peppers the car with machine gun-fire kind of gets people to "vet" the grandmas too.
ReplyDeleteAnonymous said...
ReplyDeleteAnon at 8.04
Would that be Newcomb Park? I see it has a blue gazebo also too.
9:52 AM
that'd be correct, that's the spot
Fuck the corporate media for ignoring the Palins' connection to the white nationalist/separatist domestic terror fringe. I guess we should be grateful that Ron Paul is not a telegenic former 3rd place beauty queen.
ReplyDeleteGryphen what's all this big whoop dee doo about nothing?
ReplyDeleteThe feller with the semi is my Jesus lovin' pastor and the other feller is my God fearin' church elder and the little feller in the middle is my mom.
We just all meetin' at the Palin swimmin' hole after church just praisin' our Lord.
-Sister Sarah
Dem guys? Just some of Willow's harmless gang members.
ReplyDelete"Anon 6:39, did you just insult a person's looks? For one thing, Sally is a pretty lady. For another, you may want to, you know, act like an adult .
ReplyDelete6:51 AM"
Damn right I did. Sally exudes ugliness. Pretty she's not. Oh, yeah, it's just so adult to pose with a couple of idiots showing off their beloved automatic weapons. (Don't worry guys; undoubtedly you guys shoot even faster than the guns.)
Anon 6:39
Show the rest of the pictures, it would be like looking at the Anchorage Police Dept yearbook or the Alaska government employees Sarah hired when she was governor.
ReplyDeleteYa didn't think the quitter Alaska Governor Sarah Palin only hired the girls Track fucked or unqualified cow loving high school girlfriends did ya?
Sally Heath is the spitting image of Sally Jessy Rapael in that photo!
ReplyDeleteWell - for those interested - the Gadsden flag displayed in this particular photo (banana yellow, black & white snake on patch of bright green lawn)was designed by a Texas-based company called "Creative Concealment" which manufactures clothing designed to hold concealed weapons.
ReplyDeleteIt's still listed for sale as a 3'x5' flag on this site:
While the Gadsden flag itself is a few hundred years old, this distinctive design and colouring was inspired by the Tea Party movement in 2009 - So it's probably safe to say this photo is around 2 to 2.5 years old.
Wouldn't that be around the time Joe was holding court for the Tea Party in Alaska? Just sayin'...
Newt would consider the Grifter for his "cabinet"!!! Now can ya spill?
This looks like Wasilla Lake, Newcomb Park. I'm really bummed that I missed this little "fete", looks right up my alley, gods, guns and all that! The Wasilla Conservative Patriots group hosts a few Tea Party gatherings there each year and gosh darn it, they look like so much fun but I've always had scheduling conflicts. Now that I see I can pose with an automatic weapon I won't be missing another one ;-)
ReplyDeleteGee, I'm sooo surprized that the esteemed ex Mayor and Former Gov and her "pillars of the community" family are attending such a gathering! These types of lowlife gun toting freaks are completely disgusting; I'd love to see the 2nd repealed one day just to see them weep. I'm sure that the Palin Klan finds much in common with this group.
It is true that women are in short supply in Alaska!
ReplyDeleteLook at the woman in red that Tawd is pimpin' to his buddies.... and she is the good looking one.
Sally Heath seems happy.
ReplyDeleteThe fairy tale troll always talks about how happy they all are.
Happy indeed, though dim witted and peculiar.
The father always seems very full of himself, pleased with his standing as Sarah Palins father.
Another peculiar member of her family..
His and his sons book on how they formed his daughters character and outlook on life, should be very enlightening.
In fact Sally seems like a blithering idiot.
Authors of the caliber of Joe McGinniss do not add extraneous material to their writings just for the fun of it.
ReplyDeleteCheck pages 299 -300 of his book _The Rogue_ for a reference to Joel's Army, a militia end-times fundamentalist group based in North Carolina.
I strongly suspect he was suggesting that Sarah's"end-of-days/" fundie-militia ties are what will really bring her down.
Babygate is not unrelated to these other activities, by any means, but I doubt that the FBI is investigating her and her companions/family over a faked pregnancy.
The real charges may involve terrorism and possibly treason. Others in the GOP will be highly involved in these activities, as well.
Was Joe dropping us some major hints in his last chapter?
I agree with the commenters who speculated that the two people are probably not Track and Todd. Taking a rifle EVERYWHERE is a bit strange to most people, but seeing a woman with her son-in-law and grandson is not that big of a deal.
ReplyDeleteI think one of them might be Schaeffer Cox. That would be interesting. If one is Joe Miller, that would also be interesting. If it is Cox AND Miller, then that would be a bombshell.
9:33 - I believe 6:38 was referring to the fires that destroyed adoption records and killed Dar Miller and her dog. There's no need for insults just because s/he wasn't specific enough for you.
ReplyDeleteWhy are so many people lashing out at each other? Are you all synched up?
From the trees it is fall. Sally's glasses may give a clue on the year. I agree that the man on the left is not tall enough to be Track.
ReplyDeleteAs a woman of age, I resent the remarks about older women not being pretty or worse. Sally is a nice looking woman.
Just read through the Nov. 10 post comments that Gryphen linked to and thought I would re-post his response to commenters asking him to spill the beans:
ReplyDeleteGryphen said...
Just to put this in perspective, remember that after the Ted Stevens debacle, that Alaska's FBI was essentially gutted. We lost like 40 agents, and the guys at the top felt really burned by what happened, even though it really was NOT their fault. (There are many who felt that the prosecutors who were called in purposefully sabotaged the case.)
But anyhow since then the Feds are extremely hesitant to go after cases in Alaska right now.
In my opinion they have one of the strongest cases possible against Ben Stevens yet refuse to pull the trigger, and don't even get me started on Don Young, who may be one of the dirtiest politicians in Alaska history.
If they will not continue to build the cases against THOSE two then why would we expect them to go after an ex-half term Governor, and full term joke, like Sarah Palin?
And besides the legal aspect of this, there were also people who essentially assured me that if Palin declared for President they would feel obligated to spill their guts publicly about babygate. But since she dropped out, I cannot even get a returned e-mail from these people.
So yes I know it is frustrating, but take solace in the fact that she will NEVER be a political threat in this country again. Which was essentially the point of this post.
And one more, hoping this provides some clues (that are eluding me thus far): in this country again. Which was essentially the point of this post.
ReplyDeleteGryphen said...
Okay everybody let's cool the hyperbole and talk reality shall we?
First all of you must know that if I could actually get Palin sent to jail by telling what I know on this blog, I would do it in a heartbeat, regardless of what it might do to me. But that is not the case.
What I know in many cases is only a portion of the entire story. I don't know all of the dates, or participants, and blogging about it would do no more than put my sources at risk of losing their jobs or worse.
On the criminal side much of what I know is already known by people who have the power to actually do something about it, but I have no way to compel them to do so. By revealing any information I might have stumbled onto I would do nothing more than put any future investigation at risk, and signal to the Palins exactly where they needed to focus on hiding the evidence.
Like I said, if she were to declare that would change everything, but right now she is a private citizen. So on the more personal side of the information how do I tell somebody with a family to support, to sacrifice their job and their future in their community because there are a bunch of strangers on blog who demand to hear their story?
The only way I was able to convince them to talk in the first place was out of a sense of patriotism and concern for the future of their children. Palin no longer poses that kind of threat, so these people have returned to living their lives.
Believe me there are things that I want to know more about as well, but I am making peace with the notion that I will probably never hear the entire story.
The babygate book IS still coming, so don't think that we have heard everything about the Palin secrets just yet. But beyond that I don't know how much more we will be made available for public consumption.
2:40 PM
9:33, I think when the previous poster said this, "Militia members, do they set fires?
ReplyDeleteDo animals and people die in fires set by militia members?"
he/she was talking about Dar Miller, her dogs, and the church fire.
The Time Is Now as a Run by Sarah Palin Seems Imminent
Oh the DELUSION is strong here:
ReplyDelete...As more and more voters express a serious displeasure with the Republican candidates, we’ve seen numerous calls for someone else to jump in. The Weekly Standard’s Bill Kristol wrote an elegant piece asking for those on the sidelines, who chose not to run, to jump in. I talked about it here.
The 2012 election is shaping up to be like no other in recent history. Nearly half the country says they think no one running for president [in either party] would make a good one. I don’t know if that has ever happened before. Almost half of those in Iowa say they are undecided.
If there was ever a time for a real reformer to hit the ground running, this is it.
Though no one knows how Sarah would react, I would think a good showing in Iowa, via write-in votes, would have to make her at least think about answering the call. She’s asked the people to make a choice, and a whole lot have. They now want her to make the choice to run.
As I’ve said before, a great personal sacrifice is being asked of Sarah Palin. More than should be asked of anyone. Is it fair? No, not really. But our nation is in peril, and looking at the options before us, what are the American people to do?
The current field of candidates are simply not up to the task.
If you live in Iowa, or know someone who does, and are not happy with the choices before you, consider writing in Sarah Palin on your ballot. It’s spelled S-A-R-A-H P-A-L-I-N.
61 34 48.90 n x 149 25 29.49 w
ReplyDeletestreet view on google earth
Anonymous said...
ReplyDelete9:33, I think when the previous poster said this, "Militia members, do they set fires?
Do animals and people die in fires set by militia members?"
he/she was talking about Dar Miller, her dogs, and the church fire.
11:37 AM
wonder if they do water in fuel tanks too, IE, Curtis Menard's fatal airplane crash
10:01, Are you trying to cause trouble?? I don't intend to kiss your trouble making troll ass! I've been here 2 years + and I'm pretty sure who the trouble making trolls are. You can stick it where the sun don't shine.
ReplyDelete"... As I’ve said before, a great personal sacrifice is being asked of Sarah Palin. More than should be asked of anyone...."
ReplyDeleteLOL that's a good one Bristol.... LOL.... Send that bitch your best....ha ha ha.... Why not try that bullshit one more time before the year is over....
ReplyDeleteNo one care what you look like. This is about Sally Heath who looks like an evil grandmother. Do you look like a evil grandmother?
9:35..aren't the Militia and the AIP two different organizations? Last I knew the AIP were for succeeding and not liking the gov. telling them what to do, they didn't run around with guns and combat uniforms.
ReplyDeleteMaybe Gryph will do an article on this...
Reminds me of an Al Qaeda postcard. That is except for the cross pin on Jihad Sally's jacket.
ReplyDeleteGingrich and Santorum are dueling to get the Sarah Palin bot vote. Either will get third in Iowa, but it won't do them a bit of good.
ReplyDeleteSarah Palin and self sacrifice, don't make me spit my hot spiced apple cider.
Happy New Year to all the deluded fools who think she is viable in the White House in any capacity.
@9:35 said:
ReplyDelete"..aren't the Militia and the AIP two different organizations? Last I knew the AIP were for succeeding and not liking the gov. telling them what to do, they didn't run around with guns and combat uniforms."
Here is a great post on a now-defunct blog that illustrates the connections between the AIP and Michigan Militia (and Joe Miller). Very interesting. And very scary.
Schaeffer Cox wears a thick gold wedding band, very undistinguished. Todd Palin never wears a ring, has no tattoos on his hands. Levi Johnston, however, had "Bristol" tattooed on his wedding finger - it's since been removed. The blurring would make sense....
ReplyDeleteI was talking about Dar Miller and her dogs, the church fire and the report that there was arson shed fire and the owner's dog was killed.
ReplyDeleteAnd 9:33 knows that.
Ah Jeeeez, Gryphen, Gingrich floating the idea of a Palin Vice President or Energy Secretary. For.The.Love.Of.God..... MAKE IT STOP!!! (release it Gryphen, stop the crazy)
Would that be Newcomb Park? I see it has a blue gazebo also too.
ReplyDelete9:52 AM
@ Anon 10:48 AM
that'd be correct, that's the spot
I was wondering if you could help me out? If this Newcomb Park, what is the building in the background? I'm looking at google maps and can't figure that part out.
Thanks in advance!
Boo Fucking Hoo Bristol,
ReplyDeleteAnonymous said...
Please give me a reality show.
If I don't get one that means I fucked up my face for nothing.
I can't go back to Wasilla and give $9 haircuts for tips.
Mom.... somebody help me.... I need a reality show....
11:59 PM
Thanksabunch..thank you..scary indeed!
ReplyDeleteNow that Newt is considering Palin for his VP choice it will also give her a chance to hang with her fellow ethics violators and PAC slush fund devotees. Newt has now publicly confirmed that, like Cain, this is just another little arty farty project designed solely to fatten his wallet.
ReplyDeleteThose guys must be members of Cox's militia. And the point of posting the picture, is, as gryph said, to let the Palins know... they don't control everybody or everything.
ReplyDeleteJoe Miller wears a wide gold wedding band on his left hand and his WestPoint class ring on his right hand. In google image photos he has very hairy hands. Perhaps he was manscaping.
ReplyDeleteWould Levi be hanging out with the Palins and Heaths at anytime in the period that correlates with when the Tea Party Gadsden flag (h/t ozmud) was proudly displayed at a picnic? I doubt it.
Schaeffer Cox wears a gold wedding band in google images.
I hate puzzles.
Sally looks like she's not "all there", if you know what I mean.
ReplyDeleteHer daughter and her daughter's daughters also have that look, come to think of it.
I noticed that Sally's cap has a GOP logo and 2008 beneath it. http://tinyurl.com/76jcmk2
ReplyDeleteThe grass is still green, but the trees are turning fall colors. Early September in AK?
In pictures I've found, Schaeffer Cox does not have a tattoo on his left hand. But doesn't rule out that is him on Sally's right.
Way in the background on our left, below the white windowed building and yellow trees, the man wearing a red baseball cap, black shirt, and brown pants, is that Todd?
PS Using Firefox, right click picture and open in new tab for a full size pic. In Windows7 start menu, find Magnifier for even closer look.
ReplyDeleteThe "time" may be now:
Joe Miller campaign rally: locked and loaded. Bear Paw Festival Sat July 10, 2010 Eagle River Alaska. (about halfway between Anchorage and Wasilla)
ReplyDeleteMarching in a parade with their weapons while Joe Miller is shaking hands with the crowd.
http:// www.youtube.com/watch?v=R6Q0tYjFTng
Some of the same people are at this.
Joe Miller campaign rally: locked and loaded. Bear Paw Festival Sat July 10, 2010 Eagle River Alaska. (about halfway between Anchorage and Wasilla)
ReplyDeleteMarching in a parade with their weapons while Joe Miller is shaking hands with the crowd.
http:// www.youtube.com/watch?v=R6Q0tYjFTng
Some of the same people are at this.
Why on earth would it be Levi?! LOL! It either has to be Joe Miller, Shaeffer Cox, some other known militants or Todd/Tank.
ReplyDeleteIs that Bristol's grandma?
ReplyDeleteI can see why Bristol got the Jay Leno chin extension.
All of you whining that everybody doesn't think Sally looks good. TOO BAD! Because Sally DOES NOT look good. She looks like a little old man. Sarah will look like that shortly. You betcha!
ReplyDeleteAnonymous said...
ReplyDeleteWould that be Newcomb Park? I see it has a blue gazebo also too.
9:52 AM
@ Anon 10:48 AM
that'd be correct, that's the spot
I was wondering if you could help me out? If this Newcomb Park, what is the building in the background? I'm looking at google maps and can't figure that part out.
Thanks in advance!
1:20 PM
I think the building would be the one with the 4 boat slips on the water ( from google maps )
There's another commercial building on Crusey St that used to be a title company that I thought might be it but from the angle of the pic I have to go with the building with the 4 boat slips in the background on the lake...
Les Zerbe? Was he there?
ReplyDeleteThe guy who retrieves frozen dinosaurs to help prove evolutionists wrong? lol
the event was the Sept. 12, 2009 tea party gathering in Wasilla, AK. The mayor, Verne Rupright, spoke. Tracey Porreca has the photo on an archive of her blog.
ReplyDeleteThe gun men are not Todd, Track, Levi, etc.
The guy on the left has a longish goatee beard (control and + with Google Chrome blows up the page, keep hitting it to make it even bigger).
ReplyDeleteHere is a great source for all of the terrorist connections the AIP have, including Bin Laden and Al Qaeda. Scroll down and read all of the entries. Amazing that this got so little attention. Damn you JournOlist!
I know that people have discovered the unaltered picture on another website, but sadly I cannot allow the link to be posted here.
ReplyDeleteI am trying to be all cloak and dagger, but I made a promise and cannot break it.
I don't think the person who gave it to me realized it was already posted.
Finding the unaltered copy of the picture will not tell the back story that I was conveying by posting it, but I certainly cannot tell you not to look for it.
ReplyDeleteThanks. I was the one that found the un-blurred photo. I realized after I had posted 4 comments, that you probably intended not post the original photo. Sorry.
ReplyDeleteInteresting take on what I and @9:26 said! "Kiss my ass." How old are you? Seems that you have some misdirected anger issues. Namaste, pal. Keep the peace and you might try to keep your maturity above your ass. Most of us come here for an intellectual conversation not a pissing match. Nuff said.
That's interesting. I guess I was wrong on the date. Same shit different day.
ReplyDeleteno tatoo on the left hand, but there is a wedding band... Don't know who these guys are, but I am sure there are many in Alaska who do...
ReplyDeleteAnonymous said...
ReplyDeleteWake up America..I agree, sometimes the commentors on here act like they are on the C4P Urination blog going after each other for having different opinions. You have been here a long time and are not a Palin troll, maybe it's just people trying to cause trouble.
9:26 AM
This would NOT be as much of a problem if more regulars would log in with a name, any name, and use it consistently instead of being as anonymous as the trolls.
JMO, which I've stated over and over again.
Wrong about the beard, wrong about Levi. Tea Party gathering, 2009. Still disturbing.
ReplyDeleteWith Gingrich toying with a Palin VP or Energy Secretary appointment, it is very important to (finally) bring these ties to terrorists to the forefront. It's crucial. WHY did the MSM drop the ball? It was glossed over like there was no there there. Irresponsible and dangerous.
O/T in a way...mostly procedural.
ReplyDeleteGryph, is there any way to have the date included in the timestamp for comments that are posted?
It would make collating and composing articles much easier.
"This would NOT be as much of a problem if more regulars would log in with a name, any name, and use it consistently instead of being as anonymous as the trolls."
ReplyDeleteLook at the picture being discussed in this post.
That is why some people won't post on topics like this anywhere that doesn't allow anonymous to be used like IM does.
What part of right wing armed nutjob angry at some internet poster do you want? It doesn't matter where you are, there are some of them nearby. These asshats can be found and identified, but be damn sure I'm not making it easy for them to find me the same way.
The same thing that confuses you confuses them. Sorry.
I love commenting anonymously instead of logging with a user name.
ReplyDeleteIt's been great commenting here without the scrutiny of being observed as being a regular or not. If someone doesn't like another's opinion, just leave it be and discuss with those you agree with. There's a kind of freedom to speak one's mind here anonymously that other sites with different comment methods don't allow.
Sometimes we change our minds on issues and don't feel like explaining ourselves - a regular name is good sometimes, but puts pressure on the person who just wants to improvise or go a little rogue.
KaJo -
ReplyDeleteUsing names does not keep the posters here from going on the attack. I think these attacks encourage anonymous posting; at least I know that's the case with me. I had left a comment that was intended to be facetious, which many took seriously. The responses were vicious and hurtful.
If you're suggesting that posting anonymously is reason enough to be considered a troll, that just shows how cynical and mean-spirited people here can be.
ReplyDeleteMaybe we could honor the wishes of those who want to comment anonymously, and treat everyone with maturity, or ignore.
As for anonymity. I had my share of being stalked by the right to life crazies (Yes, MB was one of that group though I can't say she was directly involved and don't want to know). What I do know is they found my name from my license plate when I went to Planned Parenthood and picked up my gf who worked there. She didn't do abortions, she was in women's fertility, trying to help women get pregnant. That didn't stop them from coming after her and then me. Phone calls, drive by's, neighbors getting flyers under their windshields with photos of torn apart fetus' all over them telling them I was a baby killer. I had to move because of the harassment, and it ended the relationship as well. So to come here and speak my mind when I know these same crazy zealots are here supporting Sara and even MB. I don't want it. I have kids and I have a life and I firmly believe they have the resources to find people who leave names - sorry Gryphen, it's not you, it's them and I don't doubt for one minute they are capable of harming people - Dar Miller is dead, think that was an accident? Menard's dirty gas? No, I stay private because I've had the all night phone calls, the drive by's and I want to protect my kids and my life. No thanks on letting anyone know who I am.
ReplyDeleteI remember reading about the events that preceded the outdoor event in which Sally Heath was pictured.
ReplyDeleteThe archive mentioned has a writeup of what happened, "the 'Standing Strong For America" rally put on by the Conservative Patriots Group, the most active Tea Party group in the state of Alaska, and the Glen Beck event to be held in Anchorage later that evening."
Remember Zach Roberts' YouTube video of Sarah Palin speaking at the former event? We were all remarking on how she walked through the crowd leaving Piper to fend for herself, and how peculiar the possibly burn spots on her elbows looked. And that VOICE! Aaagghh!
5:53 am said:
ReplyDelete"You don't need a gun to be a domestic terrorist. You need a certain mentality."
Well, I'll split the difference and say you're half right. It ALWAYS ends with guns and bombs, but being a domestic terrorist definitely STARTS with a "certain mentality".
And that "certain mentality" is this:
"There is only one right way.
*I* know what that one right way is.
Anyone who has another opinion is at best a fool or a dupe and at worst is my mortal enemy who wants to destroy everything I hold dear because their hearts are full of hate and evil.
I will do ANYTHING it takes to protect what I hold dear, including mass murder if that's what is necessary."
People who are or become "domestic terrorists" must first dehumanize the "opposition" in an attempt to justify their extremist view to the general population and grow their ranks.
They do this through propaganda, like saying, for example, "so-and-so hates America" or "pals around with terrorists" or "wasn't born here" or "has different ideas" while propping up the people that are on their side (or who they'd like to believe are on their side) by dubbing them things like, let's say, "patriots" or "Real Americans" (to clearly differentiate them from those "other", fake Americans who want to destroy everything we hold dear because their hearts are full of hate and they don't worship the same God as us).
But the propaganda can only do so much. Sooner or later people with the "certain mentality" realize that action must be taken "before it is too late". That's when domestic terrorists begin plotting to, oh I dunno, blow up government buildings, or kill cops and judges and federal agents or maybe even innocent families if they can lay blame at the feet of "those with other ideas" in order to create unrest, instability and if they're really lucky, draw the populace into a war against itself.
So when you see someone mock or speak angrily of "multiculturalists" or "socialists" or those who say homosexuals have the same right to pursue happiness as heterosexuals, or those who choose to say "happy holidays" in order to be INCLUSIVE of all beliefs, think about who really has the extremist, nihilistic exclusionist viewpoint, and who is acting from a spirit of community.
Think about whose point of view comes from fear and hate, and whose is from inclusion and fellowship.
And then remember what our founding documents said about ALL men being created equal (not just the ones those with the "certain mentality" deem "real") and how ALL Americans have the right to think what they want, and say what they want and live their lives without oppression from the tiny minded who think only THEIR narrow view is right.
THEY who have the "certain mentality" are who the 1st Amendment was designed to protect the rest of US from.
It protects us from both Sharia Law AND Christian Dominionism equally. That is why it is BEAUTIFUL. Those who claim otherwise (I'm looking at YOU Michele Bachmann) are as evil and unAmerican as Al Qaeda.
Those who say Sharia Law is "creeping into our government" are ignorant of the beautiful, elegant thing our founders crafted for us.
Do it Sarah, throw your grungy granny panties into the ring of fire.
ReplyDeleteRUN Sarah RUN!
.........What I imagine Joe is referring to, though we have never directly discussed it, is not just the revelations about "babygate," but other darker secrets that could in fact place Palin in danger of incarceration for a very long time.
As many of you who have followed this story for these last three years are probably aware there are quite a few potential legal scandals which, by comparison, would make what Herman Cain is currently experiencing look like the proverbial cake walk. But there are yet other, even deeper secrets, that will ONLY come out if Palin decides to run for this office.
I followed the bread crumbs and I have to say that I am not only disgusted by Sally's choice of chums,but also by the additional pics of children being used as political props by other Alaska families-is this a normal thing there?
ReplyDelete"Anonymous said...
ReplyDeleteAnon 6:39, did you just insult a person's looks? For one thing, Sally is a pretty lady. For another, you may want to, you know, act like an adult .
6:51 AM"
Oh STFU. Why don't you tell your ignorant side to shut up on the insufferable bitch's looks. Hell they got her running on her manly looks.
@coomback 3:03 PM,
ReplyDeleteThanks for the info, so kind of you!