Wednesday, December 28, 2011

President Obama and Secretary of State Clinton top list as most admired man and woman.

Courtesy of Gallup:

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and President Barack Obama continue to be named by Americans as the Most Admired Woman and Most Admired Man living today in any part of the world. Clinton has been the Most Admired Woman each of the last 10 years, and Obama has been the Most Admired Man four years in a row. Oprah Winfrey, Michelle Obama, Sarah Palin, and Condoleezza Rice round out the top five Most Admired women, while the top five Most Admired men also include George W. Bush, Bill Clinton, Billy Graham, and Warren Buffett.

I am not at all pleased to see that George W. Bush is number two on the list of most admired men, though I do take some solace in the disparity of number between the President and him. I can't imagine how Trump and Gingrich made the list.

I am also displeased to see Palin at number four on the most admired women's list, though to be fair it is most likely the result of the Palin-bots attempting to skew the results by voting over and over again. (Think Bristol's completely undeserved ranking on DWTS.)

Which, if true, only makes this news even better.

One change in the list of Most Admired women is seen in Palin's fall from second place each of the last three years to fourth place this year.

It does my heart good to realize that even if they do cheat, there are not enough  Palin-bots to effectively hijack a poll anymore.


  1. Anonymous4:23 AM

    From the National Enquirer.

    Todd’s proposed show about his snowmobile racing was shot down by both Discovery Communications and the A&E Network. And Bristol is strug­gling to reinvent her scrapped Bio channel reality show, this time under a Kardashian-style format featuring her boyfriend Gino Paoletti and her 17-year-old sister Willow.

    “To Sarah’s credit, she helped pitch Todd’s show,” noted the insider.

    “But he’s still furious. He thinks she didn’t work hard enough because it wasn’t centered around her.

    “And Bristol’s upset because Sarah wants to stay out of ne­gotiations for her show. Sarah isn’t thrilled with Willow being involved. But Bristol believes the show will be more marketable with Willow – that they can be the next Kardashian sisters.”

  2. Anonymous4:24 AM

    Keep writing Gryphen... many ignorant people still need to be educated about Sarah.

    Only list Sarah should be on is "Worst Dressed".

  3. Anonymous4:51 AM

    Oh I don't know Gryphen, Lou Sarah, Pistol, Diaper, Tripp's "John," and many more versions of Palin's may have been able to vote also too.

    But they don't need a title from the most admired list and whatnot cause they've got each other and God and that's all that matters is that they are so happy and content and happiest than they've ever been.

  4. Think of all the amazing people in the world doing incredible stuff to benefit the world, but doing it mostly under the radar. Then look at that list and see that it is people in very bright limelight, a mix of people who are in the limelight for a reason (our President and Secretary of State for example), people who have access to very large numbers of people (Oprah and the Pope), and people who are celebriwhores (Palin and Trump). Plus some who are combinations of the above (Newt = candidate for pres + celebriwhore). The celebriwhores will always place high on the list because they are all about promoting themselves.

  5. Anonymous5:27 AM

    In total agreement except for the fact Sarah Palin shouldn't even be on the list. She is a zero!

  6. With all the wonderful fascinating women in the country how could even 4% most admire a trashy, uneducated, evil, ill mannered skank?

  7. Anonymous5:36 AM

    I wondered who "Thomas Monson" was - he is the Pope of the Mormons - the man who will be giving orders to the President of the United States if Romney is elected.

  8. Anonymous5:36 AM

    Something is very wrong with you if you are going to admire a dip shit like Sarah Palin or Michelle Bachman! Sorry but it's the truth! I may not agree politically with everyone listed but at least I can respect the other women and understand why they would be admired by others. Palin and Bachman are just two brainless MILFS, there's nothing to admire!

  9. Sarah Palin Common Decency Blogger5:49 AM

    Gryphen, here you go again spinning information and poisoning your viewers. It's all in the way you look at it.
    Sarah is the number one conservative woman in the country. This is fact. And it says something, no?

    You spread hate again to your immature readers.
    You and they dont know truth or Sarah.

    Sarah is beloved. She inspires women and young people. She is a role model as a leader and a mother. She walks the walk and talks the talk.
    She speaks her mind and tells the truth. And you bad her and tried to destroy her but she's too good and too strong for that. She is surrounded by love and her strong family and God. And she isn't done yet. Sarah 2012 isn't over.

  10. Anonymous5:52 AM

    Polls can be skewered just like any statistic to suit specific purposes: Statistics 101 in college.

    NO WAY is Palin the 4th most admired woman. Read any article concerning her and responses to it. Other than the obligatory troll here and there, she is DESPISED. If she doesn't believe it, let her attempt a 3rd party run.

  11. What in God's name is ADMIRABLE about Sarah Palin???

    Seriously, there is NOTHING!

  12. Anonymous5:54 AM

    Hillary always makes it. And of course the President does.

    And that's CRAAAAZY that one small group can successfully hijack a national poll. AK polls are one thing. But a nationwide contest so to speak??? REALLY Gryphen? That's not possible or realistic.

  13. Anonymous6:04 AM

    I too, can't see how Palin, a Bush, Newt...are admired by anyone. But it is heart-warming to see such large margins for Hillary and the President. I do wish she were VP, but she has been amazing as Sec. of State.

  14. Irishgirl6:10 AM

    I watched "You Betcha" last night and the overwhelming feeling I came away with was that there are simply no redeeming features about Palin. I already knew that but it was still quite shocking. What was also shocking about it is the fact that the Palins still wield power in Alaska. They caused one man to lose his job because he spoke to Nick Broomfield and even Anne Kilkenny was worried when a strange car drove up to her house (it was Nick).

    Gryphen, you were great and I loved the photos that you had picked of Palin - very flattering indeed!

    She really is a horror.

    The following review got it right.

    "But the fresh filigree detail supplied here was compellingly awful. Let us give praise and thanks that the film is not more urgently needed now that Palin is no longer elbowing and scratching her way to the White House. But shame on Senator McCain for dragging this barely educated and ill-mannered hellcat onto the world stage. She's like Pip abruptly hauled up the social scale, only a hundred times less prepared for the journey."

  15. Sally in MI6:10 AM

    @5:49: "sarah is the number one conservative woman in the country." No, she is the number one conservative female in this poll. And I'd even question why she is considered conservative? Because she says she attends church? Prove it. Because she claims to have birthed Trig? Prove it. Because she hates government? Funny, since her government jobs made her rich, and she is dying to return to the government trough. Because she hates Obama? That doesn't make her conservative, just a follower of the Fox crowd. Because she speaks in Fox soundbites fed to her prompter? That just makes her barely literate, not conservative. Because she knows how to squeeze her fans for every last cent? OK, got me. That's a conservative for you.

  16. Sally in MI6:10 AM

    @5:49: "sarah is the number one conservative woman in the country." No, she is the number one conservative female in this poll. And I'd even question why she is considered conservative? Because she says she attends church? Prove it. Because she claims to have birthed Trig? Prove it. Because she hates government? Funny, since her government jobs made her rich, and she is dying to return to the government trough. Because she hates Obama? That doesn't make her conservative, just a follower of the Fox crowd. Because she speaks in Fox soundbites fed to her prompter? That just makes her barely literate, not conservative. Because she knows how to squeeze her fans for every last cent? OK, got me. That's a conservative for you.

  17. Anonymous6:14 AM

    "She is surrounded by love and her strong family and God. And she isn't done yet. Sarah 2012 isn't over."

    and her breath still smells like Glen Rice...

    and her daughters are skanks...

  18. Anonymous6:20 AM

    @5:49A.M. The UNITED STATES TROLL is at it again. HA HA, you are not the 1ST to post, TROLL. Spewing the same old "YOU DON'T KNOW SARAH" crap and
    lying about her Happiness and desire to keep chasing the Presidential nomination. Sarah is TOAST, and we all know it. Your GRIFTING days are over. No Reality show for those two

  19. Anonymous6:30 AM

    Bwahahahahahaha! Happy New Year, 'bots!

  20. Anonymous6:31 AM

    ya' just know that SP will take this as a sign to stay in the public view.

  21. Anonymous6:33 AM

    Sarah Palin made the list?

    Do these people know that Sarah plays a part of the Palins keeping Tripp away from his Grandma Johnston?

    Tripp has two years of X-mas presents to open and Bristol won't let the Johnstons see Tripp.

    If Sarah can't help Tripp see his grandma then what use is Sarah?

    She can't even do that one thing and she wants to play a part in politics.... Wants to be admired...

    For what?

  22. Randall6:34 AM

    I'm pretty sure that Sarah Who is just about one more election away from flashing her boobs at passing buses to get attention.

  23. Anonymous6:35 AM

    Sarah Palin in Ugly Family Battle...

    "Whatever you might think of John McCain you have to resent him for unleashing Sarah Palin and her family upon us – they manage to make the Kardashians look not so bad. Vote in our poll – which family is more disgusting the Pallins or the Kardashian/Jenners?"

  24. Anonymous6:35 AM

    the only people that admire SP are the numbnuts who know nothing about her. They look at old pictures of her from the 2008 campaign and think she is pretty. They can't see the forest for the trees. These are the same people that will step on dollar bills to pick up a penny.

    IOW the C4P crowd.

  25. Speaking of polls, there's one here:

    ...which family is more disgusting, the Palin Family (currently 40% - 2 votes) or the Kardashian/Jenner Family (20% - 1 vote)

  26. Anonymous6:39 AM

    Bristol and Willow as the next Kardashians? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

    First, you have to be modestly attractive, thin, or at least dress like you are. Walking around LA in crappy jeans and cut offs like a couple of yokels from AK (Oh, you are - never mind) is not going to cut it. And you need to find some pro sports dudes to mess with - maybe your mom can give you some tips - then let those go national so people will notice.

  27. Anonymous6:57 AM

    Condoleeza Rice is admired for what, exactly? As National Security Advisor she didn't know al Qaeda from Al Bundy until al Qaeda killed nearly 3,000 Americans - on her watch. Then there was her role in Bush's Mushroom Cloud propaganda. Yeah, O.K., clearly admirable.

    And George W Bush? Oh, wait. I forget sometimes how he kept Amurika safe for eight years. And was clever enough to answer his "3 a.m. phone call" with, "O.K., you've covered your ass," demonstrating his admirable sense of humor. And then there was that time when he was informed that America was under attack, and he couldn't bring himself to excuse himself and walk out of a photo op promoting NCLB - I guess ya'gotta' admire commitment like that.

    Palin and Bachmann? Apparently admired for their ability to diminish American politics to the level of Snooky and the Kardashians, and to spread hate, stir up shit and make shit up, like presenting a list of targets and encouraging people to reload, and to boycott the census so you won't end up in FEMA concentration camps (even drunk, Snooky couldn't have come up with that one).

    And Gingrich and Trump? Apparently in the new Christiany Amurika, scumbaggery is a measure of one's admirability. How admirable.

    This poll proves Bill Maher was right - America IS a stupid country.

  28. Anonymous7:05 AM

    "She is a role model as a leader and a mother"

    As a mother, Sarah let Willow go on stage in NY wearing cut off jean shorts that were so short her pubic hairs were hanging out...

    Role model my ass....

  29. Anonymous7:28 AM

    Maybe George W Bush is admired because he has kept his mouth blessedly shut during the last three years.

  30. Anonymous7:28 AM

    Dumb@ss bots. They honestly think this train wreck tribe is WH material? Speak volumes about THEM, now doesn't it?

  31. Anonymous7:28 AM

    But Bristol believes the show will be more marketable with Willow – that they can be the next Kardashian sisters.


  32. Anonymous7:52 AM

    I'm disgusted to see Palin on the list at all

  33. Anonymous8:38 AM

    How far self-proclaimed Queen Esther has sunk. From "I'm going to be President" to shopping reality shows.

    Translation: High-priced call girl wannabe settles for common street corner whore.

    That's more like it. You betcha!

  34. Anonymous8:57 AM

    I respect and admire President Obama and Hillary Clinton. They are a great team, and we are fortunate to have them at the helm.

    Don't forget what the alternative could have been.

  35. Anonymous9:16 AM

    Sarah Palin follows two successful and intelligent African-American women: Oprah and First Lady of the United States, Michelle Obama.

    The grifter must be furious...good!

    Obama 2012!

  36. Anonymous9:21 AM

    Anonymous said...

    From the National Enquirer.

    Todd’s proposed show about his snowmobile racing was shot down by both Discovery Communications and the A&E Network. And Bristol is strug­gling to reinvent her scrapped Bio channel reality show, this time under a Kardashian-style format featuring her boyfriend Gino Paoletti and her 17-year-old sister Willow.

    “To Sarah’s credit, she helped pitch Todd’s show,” noted the insider.

    “But he’s still furious. He thinks she didn’t work hard enough because it wasn’t centered around her.

    “And Bristol’s upset because Sarah wants to stay out of ne­gotiations for her show. Sarah isn’t thrilled with Willow being involved. But Bristol believes the show will be more marketable with Willow – that they can be the next Kardashian sisters.”


    Now we know why Bristol was walking the streets of Los Angeles with Willow looking like one pissed off tranny.

    Tranny Bristol is fuming cuz mommy won't endorse her show.

    So I wonder whose idea was it for Willow to drop out of home schooling in Alaska to walk the streets of LA in her daisy dukes showing her pubes for a reality show?

    Hey Sarah if you can talk Track into moving to LA to join his other uneducated unemployed ignoramus siblings, you can call their reality show....

    "Wasilla Hill Billies GI Joe And His Hoes Adventure In The Big City"

    And when Piper gets old enough to get expelled from school like her siblings she can join up with the rest of them since the title is generic!


    Then they can create new spin offs like:

    "Wasilla Hill Billies GI Joe And His Hoes Adventure In Prostitution starring Tawd"


    "Wasilla Hill Billies GI Joe
    And His Hoes Adventure In The Big City 2 - Are You My Daddy?"

  37. Anonymous9:34 AM

    Pretty sad that Bristol Leno had all that cosmetic work done for nothing and looks like she won't be Alaska's Pretty Woman the Sequel.

    Bristol went down to LA to be a star and was unable to accomplish that with her dancing or acting skills.

    Then Tranny figured if Tripp is in it he will be cute enough to overlook Tranny's boring acting.

    Well that didn't work so Tranny talked Willow into skipping home school in Alaska and the three of them could sell bristol's new show "Two Trannys and 1/2 Man" but mommy Sarah won't approve of uneducated underage high school drop out Willow going to LA to embarrass Sarah like Bristol is doing.

    Heh heh, this aint over yet.... Wait until Willow becomes 18 then we'll see part two of the trannies walking the streets of LA shopping for a reality show.

  38. Anonymous9:36 AM

    "She walks the walk and talks the talk." Is that why she quit as Governor of Alaska in July of 2009? Or is this a lie?!?

    "And she isn't done yet. Sarah 2012 isn't over."

    Sarah 2012? She said she isn't running. I hope she runs as a 3rd party. Karl Rove and the powers that be inside the GOP will drop so many bombshells about her and her family that it will make her poor wigs cower in fright.

    Sarah Palin wants the gain, but no pain, and if you P-bots haven't figured that out yet, well that's just too bad.

    Obama 2012!

  39. Anonymous9:58 AM

    Bristol I'm not suggesting this but since you can't dance, motivate, act or anything else, you do have one talent that you are very good at and ya might as well get paid for it since you are doing it for free now.

    You don't even have to look for a manager, ya got one right in the family!

    Tawd managed Shailey Tripp as well as managed Sarah when she did Glen Rice, Curt Menard and Brad.

    The only problem with Tawd is that he want freebies every once in a while.

  40. Anonymous10:36 AM

    i just can't with the 'sarahpalincommondecency' common decency is billing victims of rape for their rape kit? or taking a plate of cookies to a whole community with starving/freezing children? or charging taxpayers to live in her own home? or cheating on your spouse? apparently i missed the memo which stated you have to lie, cheat, screwover and steal to be a decent human being. you need to vet your idol a little honey, or talk to a counselor or something because i believe your reality is a little hazy. if mccain's people thought she was a breakdown waiting to happen, don't you think they might have evidence of issues in which you are unaware?

  41. Anonymous11:31 AM

    Sarah Palin Common Decency Blogger- Are you by chance related to my favorite commenter, "ahem"?

  42. Mark In Everett WA11:43 AM

    Re SPCDB @ 5:49 AM: Did she just call us immature? Uh uh! OMG, that so immature of you! I'm telling! LOL

    Anyhow SPCDB (aka Sarah Palin Couldn't Debate Barack - to save her life) are there rainbows and unicorns in your backyard? Yes, SP is admired by a few, but they're delusional and thick, too.

    Run Sarah, run! Palin/Bachmann/Any of them/All of them 2012!

    Happy New Year Gryph and my fellow IM fans! My resolution is to not feed the trolls anymore. Trolls, thanks for coming here and entertaining us, and Happy New Year to you, also, too!

  43. Anonymous12:00 PM

    Just imagine if Obama was mayor before he became president and Sarah Palin found out Obama was billing victims of rape for their rape kit?

    What would Sarah do? She would organize women and churches against him.

  44. Anonymous8:10 PM

    What's amazing is that both President Obama AND Hillary Clinton were in a heated battle for the Office of the President. Both are well educated, family oriented, hard working democrats who genuinely care about our country and it's people.
    To set aside that level of competion and work for the common good are qualities I admire most in both of them. They deserve their place on the list.

    I see the Common Decency Troll is bored again, trilled that Sarah made the list, and is making up lies (number one conservative in the country, strong, happy, cHRISTIAN,family, charitable, shiney perfect skin and beautiful hair.

    ummm Common Decency Troll, have you seen Sarah lately? Scroll through Gryphen's blog, especially her bus tour and fox republican propaganda channel clips. She's flakey, wrinkled, bumpy, wearing polyester road kill inspired by Trump, and all that comes out of her mouth is hate and bile.

    She's a loser and so is her family.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.