Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Fanning the flames of hate and religious intolerance through the ditziest mouthpiece on the planet, Victoria Jackson.

Courtesy of the Huffington Post:

Former "Saturday Night Live" actress Victoria Jackson, working on confidential information she as a web talk show host has special clearance to obtain, has claimed that the United States is being overtaken by radical Muslims bent on bringing the nation under Sharia law. 

"I just went to a briefing in Washington DC, across the street from the Capitol, at the Longworth building at 8:30 am two days ago and it changed my life," Jackson said last week on her web show, "Politichicks." "For six hours, I saw pictures and names and dates and facts and Islamic law books and Korans, Surahs for six hours and they proved to me... that the Muslim Brotherhood has infiltrated our highest positions in government and this is serious." 

Jackson also detailed the meeting in an earlier blog post this December. In that post, she details testimony given by John Guandolo, a former FBI agent who worked on the case against former Louisiana Rep. William Jefferson. Guandolo resigned from the FBI in 2008 after he was caught trying to score a $75,000 donation for an anti-terrorism group from a wealthy Jefferson case witness with whom he was having an affair. Guandolo now gives speeches on the existential threat of Islam, claiming that Muslim groups are using political correctness and political insurgency to stop FBI and police officers from stopping their spread of Sharia law. 

The actress-turned-pundit also reported testimony from Maj. Stephen Coughlin, who in 2008 was effectively fired from his post at the Joint Chiefs of Staff, because, many conservatives believe, he was a staunch anti-Islamic extremist advocate. Wired reports that his contract was not renewed after a staffer for Gordon England, then the deputy secretary of defense, raised questions about his work. Last January, Coughlin gave a maligned speech during an FBI presentation on Muslim extremism.

Jesus! The stupidity is enough to make your head explode.  How in the WORLD does anybody take these idiotic women seriously?

Anybody who actually believes that Jackson was provided with "confidential information," that was NOT entirely made up or discredited, is a moron. Just imagine a reputable law enforcement representative telling Victoria Jackson ANYTHING "confidential!"

However there is a small faction of radical right wing Americans who want to believe this is true, so they buy the whole thing hook, line, and sinker.

The idea that Secretary of State Clinton is establishing Sharia law in America, or that President Obama is a "secret Muslim terrorist sympathizer, or that Timothy McVeigh had Islamic connections is simply too ignorant to contemplate. And yet these women verbalize them as facts.

As much as I would simply like to ignore these sad, sorry excuses for Americans we cannot, because they are continuing to spread lies, and misinformation, that is affecting how certain people view the world. Which allows them to be frightened into supporting unfit candidates for public office who are the ones that REALLY put our country, and the future for our children, in danger.

Who wants to bet that Palin-bots are among the most dedicated viewers of this show?

P.S. If you want to learn how these idiot got this gig, and who the hell they are, you can do so by clicking here.


  1. Anonymous6:49 AM

    Gryph.. Christine O'Donnell has claimed she is also privy to classified information. Can the third stooge, Sarah Palin be far behind? Oh to see the FBI file on The Palins!! Oh Triggy!

  2. Anonymous6:52 AM

    O/T From NE, two hours ago:

    The Palin family is em­broiled in a war over reality shows, with hus­band Todd and daughter Bristol blasting “Mama Grizzly” Sarah for promoting her program while failing to fully support their bids, sources tell The ENQUIRER.

    “Sarah is getting flak from BOTH Todd and from Bristol,” said an insider.

  3. Anonymous6:53 AM

    Luckily, she's a joke and no one takes her seriously. I do wonder if she has some untreated mental issues and for that, I feel a little sorry for her.

  4. angela6:57 AM

    Victoria Jackson is certifiably insane, paranoid and will probably end up bald from the amazingly goofy assed ribbons and bows she ties in her hair to keep her brains from bubbling out.

  5. Pamela Geller7:09 AM

    I dont see anything wrong with Victoria's comments. She's a true patriot, willing to stand up for the KoolAid she's drinking!

  6. Anonymous7:13 AM

    “Are you unhappy with the current GOP field? Let me tell you something, you are not alone,” the ad says. “Join thousands of Iowans as we vote rogue let Iowa know we want real leadership and real reform in DC. So come on Iowa, vote Rogue on January 3!”

  7. sigh...I was at a party in NYC with smart people, I thought, when a woman insisted to me that the President is a secret Muslim who is hell bent on Israel's destruction.

    racism is a serious mental disease

  8. Anonymous7:19 AM

    What does the first sentence even mean? Not only is she nuts, but whoever wrote this piece is also a bit off the mark.

    The stupid just hurts.

  9. Anonymous7:19 AM

    I had a secret briefing just last week from the Easter Bunny and he told me that: the Tooth Fairy is a closet homosexual trying to "turn" little children who lose their teeth; Cookie Monster is a Manchurian Muppet being run by Michelle Obama in order to get toddlers to actually make themselves fat; "Occupy Wall Street" is really an anagram for "Radical Islamacists are going stone your infidel daughters;" and Mr. Rodgers was a Soviet brainwash specalist who planted murderous ideas into the minds of viewers that are set to explode in 2012.

    All that happened in the first half hour but I had to leave early because I'm helping build a mosque at Ground Zero.

  10. Anonymous7:20 AM

    The woman has sniffed one too many lines of coke, me thinks.

  11. Anonymous7:20 AM

    O/T Palin Family vs. Kardashian Family (who's more disgusting!!) Poll. Palins are winning...

  12. Anonymous7:22 AM

    Did you hear BeyoncĂ© is about to "give birth"...Long way from her original February due date. 2nd shortest/weirdest pregnancy ever. Man she didn’t think this one through!! -E

  13. I don't think anybody really takes her seriously. We occasionally watch her for entertainment purposes only. This shit is way funnier than any SNL skit she was a part of. I think whack jobs like her are so good for the Democrats! I say, keep it coming, Victoria!

  14. The far-right Christians fear Muslims taking over our country and imposing Sharia law on us...with no evidence whatsoever. We non-far-right-Christians fear, with plenty of evidence, far-right Christians are trying to take over our country & impose their version of Christianity on us.

    Fortunately, they're so damned obvious and obnoxious they've managed to offend and turn off non-whites, people of all other religions or no religion at all, gays, women who care about their rights, immigrants and thinking people of all persuasions.

    Lovely irony, they, who hate minorities, are a minority. Their voice is loud, their power small.

  15. Randall7:29 AM

    Know what's scarier than to think that Victoria Jackson is privy to classified information?

    The fact that Michele Bachmann really IS - as a member of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence.

    Michele Bachmann in charge of intelligence...

    How's that for an oxymoron?

    As opposed to an actual moron - like Victoria Jackson.

  16. WakeUpAmerica7:34 AM

    Here is more info on the website. It doesn't seem to be doing too well.

  17. Anonymous7:39 AM

    FINALLY! A 'fingernails on a blackboard' voice worse than $carah Paylin's.

  18. Olivia7:43 AM

    I don't think Sarah went to JC Penney and saw Ivana Trump, who became her inspiration. I think it was Victoria Jackson she saw and was inspired by and is modeling herself after.
    Victoria spent a lot of TV time over the years standing on her head. It shows.

  19. Anonymous7:45 AM

    Pamela Geller ...

    Back in the sixties, we called it "electric" Kool-Aid, and paranoia was a well-known side effect.
    Anon @ 7:19

    Too funny. In addition to a hard hat, you may want to add a bullet proof vest on that job site.

  20. Smirnonn7:48 AM

    I'd bet that jackson has a LOT of cats :)

    She's dangerous. Not because there's mouth breathers that agree with her toxic drivel but because her brand of the stupid is so concentrated that it's flammable. Whatever you do, don't smoke around this ditz-tard

    Someone should tatoo this on her forehead:

  21. Smirnonn7:49 AM

    @Randall 7:29

    Well put, nice post!

  22. Randall7:51 AM

    I clicked on the link and read the blurb by Ann Marie Murrel where she says the editor gave her the opportunity because:
    "...Jim Cross, apparently saw something in me that I didn’t see in myself at the time..."

    What was it that he saw in her? - my guess is his dick.

  23. Anonymous7:52 AM

    If only Ms. Jackson could parlay that hateful energy into a visit with a personal trainer two or three times a week.

    Maybe a stylist too...

  24. Anonymous7:53 AM

    Only a person who has convinced themselves that the Constitution and First Amendment do NOT spell out a purposeful separation of church and state, could believe that there is the slightest danger of our system being "taken over" by Sharia Law.

    The very concept that "confidential, classified information" would be disseminated to VICTORIA JACKSON tells you what a pile of bullshit this is.

    At worst, someone is scamming Victoria and others for money, at best, Victoria is pulling a brilliant she-Borat on the teabaggers.

  25. Anonymous7:56 AM

    I really believe after listening to other conversations from her that were aired, that this women is truly mentally ill. Radicals are one thing, but she has crossed the line. She seems to have become obsessed and paranoid of Muslims, and I bet she even checks under her bed before she goes to bed. I just wish she had a true friend willing to persuade her to find the psychiatric help she truly needs.

  26. Anonymous7:56 AM

    Sharia Law may not be a bad thing. Two Palin women and most likely a third could be eliminated for adultry. I wonder if there are any specifics for lying about a child birth because Sista Sarah could reach the bonus penalty over Trig.

  27. Gasman8:10 AM

    So now Victoria Jackson has security clearance? She is a slobbering, delusional messianic moron.

    The "briefing" she had was from the voices in her head.

    That some on the right view her as a voice of reason pretty much tells you all you need to know about modern conservatism.

    Inbreeding or untreated syphilis? I'm just not sure.

  28. The idea that the government would give security clearance to a woman so stupid that she has trouble saying "Longworth Building" is ridiculous.

  29. Dinty8:50 AM

    There are no Law Enforcement officials housed in the Longworth House Office Building, it's just Congressional Staff and some committee offices.

    My bet is that it was held in Congressman Steve King's office in the Longworth Building, he's enough of a whackadoodle to take Victoria Jackson seriously and believe this nonsense.

    The only committee I could think that would be in possession of information on The Muslim Brotherhood would be the Select Committee on Intelligence, but they're actually located in the Capitol Building, and IIRC the subcommittees are in the Cannon Building.

  30. Anonymous8:50 AM

    The Republicans used Jackson to campaign for McCain-Palin in 2008, which in the minds of "da base" is enough to elevate her status from 'stupid celebrity' to 'admirably credible stupid celebrity.' In the minds of the right-wing, radicalized Christians, there is no distinction between Muslim and radical Muslim, and these stupid bitches are in effect declaring open season on all Muslims in the minds of their followers. Let's face a simple fact - those whose minds can accept the idea of an ocean cruise in the belly of a fish are not in possession of a mind prone to the exercise of sound judgment.

  31. Anonymous9:03 AM

    OT, but, Sarah just had to get into the National Enquirer one more time before year end!

  32. Sally in MI9:16 AM

    Well, someone had to take Orly's spot on the insanity meter. Look for this nonsense to ramp up as we get closer to Obama's reelection. And I would LOVE to see Sarah enter the race and get smashed by Mitt and the rest in a debate she couldn't avoid. Priceless.

  33. We tracked it down yesterday, the "briefing" happened in Fla Rep (R) Allen West's office and was conducted by booted FBI agent and hysterical Islamophobe John Guandolo.

  34. hedgewytch9:46 AM

    When I first saw Jackson on SNL years and years ago - she was so over the top I thought that she had to be a parody. But the parody just continued on and off the SNL stage, and it got worse.

    I don't know how Whoppie stops herself from clocking that chick every time she opens her mouth.

    She is a complete moron. In the urban dictionary under the heading "dumb bleached blonde" is her picture.

  35. ThanksABunchJohn9:51 AM

    I could only watch this to the half-way point, and that was too much.

    This leaves me feeling that there are three scenarios possible here, and Ms. Jackson's having access to classified information is not one of them.

    The first thing that comes to mind is that she is mentally ill, perhaps even schizophrenic.

    The second is the possibility that this is an elaborate "performance art" experiment - think Juaqin Phoenix.

    The third is that this is purposefull propaganda, aimed at ginning up fear of our President. Those congress people in the states that passed "Anti-Sharia" laws know full well there is no threat of Sharia Law taking over our states/countries. This is just a tool to stir up fear, get the people scared enough they will go RUNNING to the polls.

    As I don't feel her savvy or smart enough to orchestrate either 2 or 3, I wonder if she was set up? Did Victoria Jackson actually attend a meeting, one set up to look/sound real, one set up to send the gullible blogger running to the internets with her revelations? From the looks/sound of her, it wouldn't have to be too convincing. Is she worth effort?

    The most disturbing thing about this is that there are people who believe her.

    Okay, that is all of the time that I will allow Victoria Jackson time in my head.

  36. Anonymous10:20 AM

    I keep expecting her to do a back flip when she is speaking.

  37. Chenagrrl10:24 AM

    Is that a tinfoil hat?

  38. Anonymous10:27 AM

    What you talking bout Willis?

    Sarah is admired by many!

    There's Glen Rice, Brad, Curt Menard and word is Levi may have admired Sarah a few times.

    The only complaint is that Glen Rice suggested Sarah get her tonsils removed.

    There was an interesting comment by Curt Menard, he said she was alright but it aint worth loosing your life over it.

  39. Anonymous10:28 AM

    What does it mean to VJ that something "changed her life"? Is she giving up sugar? Stupid bows in her crunchy tresses? Dressing badly?

    Her voice is screechier than Sarah Palin's voice. Is VJ queen of dumb now?

  40. Anonymous10:35 AM

    Actually, I would expect this kind of shit from any woman over 18 who actually refers to herself as a "chick."

  41. Anonymous10:36 AM

    Anonymous said...

    OT, but, Sarah just had to get into the National Enquirer one more time before year end!

    9:03 AM

    LOL, but it is still early. We have a few days left in 2011 for Sarah to do some stupid shit again.

    And like the saying goes "It aint over till Bristol sings".

    It might be a long year cuz Bristol can't be educated, act, dance, talk, be a parent, be abstinent, motivate, damn sure can't be monogamous so I doubt Bristol can even sing.

    Yeah there's time for the grifter to make the headlines again.

  42. Anonymous10:46 AM


    I just don't see that much difference between Sharia law and what the Fundies would like to do to this country.

    Religious extremism in all forms is evil. Our constitution clearly would prevent the endorsement of any religion.

    With this much stupid running loose in the country, we really need to improve our educational system. That people like Sarah Palin can pass as college educated illustrates the failure of our educational system.

  43. Anonymous10:47 AM

    And Michelle Bachman claims morning after pills will be sold on the bubblegum ailse for 8 year olds. And no one contradicts these idiots and their lies.

  44. Anonymous10:50 AM

    Victoria, honey, lose the bow. A tin foil hat will keep the aliens from abducting you again.

    sheesh, don't these RepublicanTPs know anything!

  45. Anonymous10:56 AM

    She was a lot funnier on SNL.

  46. lilly lily11:07 AM

    You got a new topic. The war of the Palins in the Lake Lucille snakepit.

    Rival reality shows. Bristol, Willow, Gino and TRipp. Todd and his snowmachine showing his manly side. OR Sarah and her second season on her Alaska series.

    Lovely family.

    And of course the palinbots telling voters in Iowa to go Rogue and vote for Sarah.

    Decisions, decisions. Who will mama Palin help.

    Why herself of course.

  47. AJ Billings11:22 AM

    Just in case Victoria Jackson's ultra ditzy voice and lies have given you a headache, here's the comedic remedy:

    I laughed out loud kids, no lie!

  48. lilly lily11:30 AM

    Reading about Iran and its threats to block the strait of Hormuz to halt oil exports.

    Just what we need.

    What does Sarah Palin say?

    Or Victoria Jackson?

    I'm sure they have big ideas.

  49. Looks like Victoria got tired of standing in the unemployment line ... with Dennis Miller.

    Peace, All! And OBAMA landslide in 2012, eh?

  50. @GreatGrey

    Thanks, figured I wasn't far off, considering Allen West and Steve King don't fall far from the same crazy tree.

  51. Anonymous12:05 PM

    Before there was heightened security, people like her used to roam the halls of the House and Senate office buildings, wearing their tin foil hats so THEY couldn't read their thoughts. They would carry reams of paper that had their "research" scribbled on it. Mostly, they were humored by staff members.

  52. Anonymous1:16 PM

    Randall said: "I clicked on the link and read the blurb by Ann Marie Murrel where she says the editor gave her the opportunity because:
    "...Jim Cross, apparently saw something in me that I didn’t see in myself at the time..."

    What was it that he saw in her? - my guess is his dick."

    See? That just makes me even more suspicious that this is actually satire in the Borat vein. The dick joke setup is just too obvious.

  53. Anonymous1:22 PM

    Lilly Lily said:
    "Reading about Iran and its threats to block the strait of Hormuz to halt oil exports.

    Just what we need.

    What does Sarah Palin say?

    Or Victoria Jackson?

    I'm sure they have big ideas."

    Call the Dutch and take advantage of their world renowned dike-building skills!

    (My favorite "Sarah Solution"! It's good for any occasion!)

  54. Anonymous1:51 PM

    Gee, Gryphen, you should have put a "hazardous to your mental health" caution next to the link to the Politichicks bio page. Good freaking grief - those women are certifiable ignorant, insane, and just plain scary.

    Do they realize that they are being used to grab sensationalist ratings? I mean, why would any media person use such inane personalities? Their biggest claim to creds comes from going to a Biblical school or making man-on-the-street videos. Yikes. The inmates are taking over the asylum.

    Though I believe in a free press and free speech, these gals are pushing the limits of credibility. Whoever backs that show should be investigated for inciting stupidity.

  55. Anonymous2:20 PM

    This may a more serious story than is evident on the surface. This is not a story about a ditzy self-proclaimed right wing "journalist" claims to be privy to classified information. This may be a story of congressmen who are privy to classified information, who may sit on the Select Intelligence Committee holding ex-parte, "informal" meetings featuring the likes of John Guandolfo and Maj. Stephen Coughlin, with such a ditzy "journalist" present to record and report their (possibly classified)conversations or pronouncements.

    The earlier poster was right - the Longworth building primarily houses offices of Congressmen. Saxby Chambliss in particular who is a ranking member of the Intelligence Committee. Who has long ties to Guandolfo and Coughlin.

    Very concerning.


  56. Anonymous2:43 PM

    She is a great (no really) example of why Dims need to listen to stupid R-tards.
    What they accuse the rest of us of dong is what they are doing or are planning to do.

  57. I didn't get farther into the VJ video than the first minute.

    VJ's eye-rolling while she was trying to expound on her "changed life" was just too distracting.

    I wasn't a regular viewer of SNL back when VJ was on the show. Did she roll her eyes when she delivered her lines then, too?

  58. Anonymous5:10 PM

    You frickin don't get this. This is not about Victoria Jackson, it's about the fact that she would be invited in the first place and made privy to this group she has described, and for what reason. It's not Jackson, it's the group!

    Bristol's thighs and Palin's bump-it will, in the end, have absolutely NO impact on your lives. These sorts of groups setting up someone like Jackson as a sort of unpaid Jedediah Bila, to loose her "epiphany" onto the unsuspecting and uneducated public, in viral form, will.


  59. Anonymous6:01 PM

    MicMac @ 5:10pm

    Have you been drinking again? Calm down, it's okay. Nobody is taking Victoria Jackson seriously and neither should you.

  60. Anonymous6:54 PM

    Anyone believe that this vapid weight watcher's "before" photo, sat for SIX HOURS without a meal?

    FACT Victoria Jackson is certifiably insane. She believes in crop circles, cow lip mutilations, and that Sarah Palin is smart.

  61. Anonymous7:19 PM

    Your choice. Either you pay attention to Jackson’s words, and play the game, pro or con, or you take the time to research what is happening here, and understand what pushes her, from behind.

    She's a dingbat journalist. Therefore why would some sort of credible group of Congressmen (possibly privy to the Intelligence Committee) invite her into this forum? If not to spread uneducated, independently unresearched opinions, which under any standard of measure would meet the qualification of propaganda, to benefit its own end?


  62. Anonymous7:45 PM

    Anon @6:01PM

    "Nobody is taking Victoria Jackson seriously..."

    MicMac is making some valid points. There are people who take fraudulent Sarah Plain seriously... is the idea that some people take VJ seriously so outlandish? She is stirring the pot of the ignorant and bigoted. Sarah likes to do that. Logic isn't your strong suit, is it? Have you been drinking or are you just naturally dense?

  63. Anonymous8:47 PM


    There are no "valid points" to be made by Victoria Jackson. She's not on the nightly news spewing this, so who knows what she's saying is having an impact. Let me know when VJ appears on 60 minutes. Then I'll take what MicMac says seriously.

  64. In 2008 I was at a Board of Directors meeting for a foundation I've worked with for 10 years. One of the younger volunteers who is in the Natl. Guard was gossiping during a coffee break and I happened to overhear her say she knew a "secret" why Obama would not be elected for sure. I was curious and asked her where she found this secret, and she "couldn't" tell me cause she was "sworn" to secrecy. She is a young person and I can't tell much more about her as she was a volunteer and I wasn't around her very much, but I thought of what she said the night our President was elected, and I thought, another idiot who listens to the right wing talking points and fear mongering, and believes it to the point of embarrassing herself.

    We never invited her back to volunteer for anything, not because of her politics, but because the "stupid" is not welcome.
    After all folks, it's a persons responsibility to get the facts before sharing with others.

  65. Anonymous5:52 AM

    Anon @8:47 PM

    "There are no "valid points" to be made by Victoria Jackson. ..."

    Was someone here claiming that she was? Why should anyone take you seriously? You invent stuff as you go along. MicMac was making valid points. You aren't. How old are you?

  66. Anonymous6:47 AM

    I am less concerned about Victoria Jackson than I am about an apparently organized group of extreme right wing religious and racist bigots - elected Congressmen - holding "secret" meetings in the same building as their offices regarding a Muslim conspiracy infiltrating the government, inviting dingbat journalists in to "spread the word." It's McCarthyism, pure and simple.

    Those of you of the mind to should read the letter this group circulated to Congress. It's frightening. I also suspect this was done on government time, in taxpayer supported offices. Yes, it does appear we all are paying for this.

    These people ARE the conspiracy, not the other way round and Jackson is a tool.



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