Wednesday, December 21, 2011

President Obama demonstrates his disdain for Christmas by shopping for....Christmas presents?

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Well clearly it must be a trick.

Just like he is subversively demonstrating his anti-business bias by pretending to support the American economy through his purchases.

I'm sure Sarah Palin, or Rush Limbaugh, could see through the facade to its deeper, anti-American agenda.

And you know what? I'm sure they will have something to say about it to.

Because that is just how much they hate this man.

Update: Courtesy of The Obama Diary.

It looks like the President ran into a couple of younger shoppers today as well.

I guess they don't realize that he is destroying their country. Or perhaps they are just too smart to waste their time watching Fox News.


  1. Anonymous2:52 PM

    I'm quite sure that Palin will have some nasty comment to make because she just can't help herself. She is just mean spirited.

    I read earlier where President Obama bought the girls a gift and they told what he purchased at Best Buy. I thought that was really tacky.

  2. Anonymous3:00 PM

    trailer for Game Change is out

  3. Anonymous3:03 PM

    Was he shopping at Lowe's? LOL

  4. sharon3:04 PM

    What makes for the best revenge...success, watching these Republican animals turning on themselves is such a gift, esp that turd McCain. My wish is for our hero Prez Obama to win along with the house and senate and then they all go after the bankers and wall street.
    Watching Newt the man that invented thug politics whine is awesome!!!!!
    I am glued to this....

  5. Anonymous3:04 PM

    Our President is one very smart dude! How I love him!! Palin and Limbaugh, suck it!

  6. Go ahead President Obama! Shopping for games for the Wii! That's what I did for my girls today!

  7. Anonymous3:16 PM

    O/T: First trailer for HBO Game Change.

  8. Anonymous3:20 PM

    The President needs to declare National Don't Drink Battery Acid Day... quickest way I can think to cull the herd as it were because you just know if he says don't do it, Rush, Mooselini and Co. will be falling all over themselves to be the first to DO it

  9. Anonymous3:29 PM

  10. Anonymous3:29 PM

    They hate him, but their vitriol is getting stale, and their arguments have holes bigger than the Grand Canyon. It's beyond petty when they criticize the White House Christmas card...I'd say Sarah shows more anti-American behavior with her support of AIP and her fake love of Israel, not to mention her North Korean allies. And Rush is full of crap....always!

  11. Anonymous3:39 PM

    HBO’s Trailer For Game Change Finally Reveals Julianne Moore’s Sarah Palin

  12. Anonymous3:58 PM

    First view of Julianne Moore as Palin...

  13. Anonymous4:05 PM

    Yay, let's all argue about a stupid christian holiday that is based on an older pagan holiday that really celebrates TODAY, the northern hemisphere winter solstice and the return of the sun that happens to be accompanied by the recognition of the birth of a the christian savior and also too happens to occur right around chanukah. Let's all just be pissed about NOTHING. I really wish that everyone, including Obama, or any other president, would just let this holiday pass without recognizing it AT ALL. Don't purchase anything, don't acknowledge the day. Can't we all just have a year without christmas? It would be a blessed event indeed. Sheesh.

  14. Anonymous4:49 PM

    @ 4:05

    I agree completely. I'm so over Xmas.

    Merry Meh, Everyone...

  15. Anonymous5:11 PM

    I have very little doubt in my mind that Palin's hate towards Obama is primarily because she and McCain lost the election to him, and possibly because of a racist mindset. The loss to a someone she feels is inferior to her and which was widely broadcasted to the entire nation could be very humiliating to her. She also appears to be blinded by the anger and hate inside of her which warps her thought processes. The last interview she had on FOX about the Christmas cards the Obama's sent out was irrational and clearly exhibited the hate she feels inside.

  16. One of the comments over at HP was a guy complaining that the President had his dog in the store and John Q Public would be arrested for doing that. Not only are some of these right-wingers ignorant of the laws, they also don't get out much. The President was with Bo at PetSmart.

    Another was pissed that he was chalking up more secret service time by shopping in public. Guess they don't know that multiple agents are on duty 24 hrs per day whether the President is sleeping or shopping. Was probably the same for Hermy Cain when he was lucky enough to get a taste of the good life for a few days.

  17. I was trying to think of an appropriate Happy Solstice card that Palin would approve and couldn't find the right way to portray peace and freedom in a wintry scene so I got my neighbor to piss out 'Eff Palin" on the snowy hill next door, took a quick pic and went with that.

  18. Anonymous5:21 PM

    4:05 PM, 4:49 PM,

    Do whatever you want, grinches.

  19. Anonymous5:33 PM

    Here's a short clip of "Game Change" with Julianne Moore as SP:

  20. Anonymous6:00 PM

    Anonymous said...
    4:05 PM, 4:49 PM,

    Do whatever you want, grinches.

    5:21 PM


    Why would you call us "grinches"? The holiday season has become nothing more than encouraging people to purchase goods, whether they have the money or not. It's a made up season; a "created" holiday, that is more centered around consumerism than it is in any of the reasons that people have found to celebrate any religious or solar event. It's just a "mass hysteria" event. All holidays are the same. Just another way for the corporations to make some bucks. Engage if you feel the need but if you don't then don't feel guilty or like a "grinch".

    Trust me, it feels really good to rise above this crap. But if being a "sheeple" toots your horn go for it. Once a sheeple, always a sheeple.

  21. Anonymous6:00 PM

    Of course anything President Obama does, the lemon sucking empy crania, herpe lipped "pundits" will hate.

    Rachael is ripping them a new one, expecially Palin, about the faux rage over the Holiday Card.

    Happy Winter Solstice, all! Especially Sarah and her puny tree!

  22. Anonymous6:10 PM

    I love that he has Bo with him! People are always so happy when they see him, it makes me happy to see. Look at their eyes, they light up, and the smiles are everywhere. I'm sure people were simply giddy that President Obama decided to go shopping the same day that they did. What a treat!

    And that he is shopping for that is a dog that is clearly a part of the family. A grand family.

  23. Anonymous6:12 PM

    Love that he took the dog in! What a cool customer.
    Hi Sarah - Rachel laughed and laughed at you tonight - so did her crew! Nice try on the CHRISTmas card dig - Sarah, you are pathetic.

  24. Tyroanee6:19 PM

    Ahh Christmas early!!!
    Game on... oops I mean GAME CHANGE Sarah.
    Popcorn anyone?

  25. Anonymous6:33 PM

    Holy shit, these people are OUT OF CONTROL!!!

  26. Anonymous6:52 PM

    Its pretty clear that the paint chip eaters peeked way too early in their diatribes against Obama. Yawn!

  27. Anonymous7:37 PM

    Palin wasn't a racist until Glen Rice got into her pants. Cordially invited of course. Afther that the curiousity and fascination of getting her 'big' thrill was satisfied and it turned to racist hate. Yet in her subconscious, she would do it all over again if she could keep it a secret.

  28. Anonymous7:51 PM

    O/T but Gryph have you seen this picture of:

    Petty officer Marissa Gaeta was chosen to share a first kiss with her girlfriend, also a petty officer in the Navy, on the docks after returning home. The Navy is publicly recognizing the repeal of “Don't Ask, Don't Tell.” Two responses: “Awww” and “Hot!!!”


  29. Anonymous7:53 PM

    6:00 PM
    Defensive much? It's okay to embrace your inner "grinchness" you know.

  30. Anonymous7:54 PM

    Anonymous said...
    Was he shopping at Lowe's? LOL

    3:03 PM


    No, but I betcha Sarah is. Shopping for rope to hang someone from the highest tree.

  31. sleuth18:10 PM

    Anonymous @ said...
    "4:05 PM, 4:49 PM,
    "Do whatever you want, grinches."

    I wasn't 4:05 PM or 4:49 PM, but I agree with them totally. Christmas has turned into an orgy of over-spending on crap.
    Kids just throw the presents away to tear into the next one and then have a tantrum because they didn't get what they wanted.
    Adults can't wait to return their gifts and are pissed if there isn't a receipt in the package.
    For me, I'm am just happy that my spouse will be home for Christmas, unless he gets called out to restore power due to winter storm power outages (which happened last year).
    I've got a holiday menu planned and hope he can be here to enjoy it with me. If not, the meal will keep.
    For most of my life, Christmas is just another day. Christmas is a feeling, not the lights, the trees, the presents. It's just an arbitrary day of the year.
    I prefer the true Christmas spirit at any time of the year.
    If that makes me a grinch, so be it.

  32. Ah, Sarah at 6 p.m. Yeah, whatever. That consumerism thing? Is what fueled overdevelopment in your [now] ugly little town.

  33. Anonymous9:02 PM

    I think 4:05 and 4:49PM were being sarcastic. Weren't they??

  34. Anonymous9:03 PM

    Pssssst hey Sarah. I just betcha when you're alone you fantasize about what it's like to be Michelle Obama. Sleeping with the most powerful (black) man in the world there and all......

  35. Anonymous9:25 PM

    Christmas is what you make of it. We're big re-gifters & pranksters at my house and it's fun opening them. We have re-gifted an ugly brown Fredericks of Hollywood negligee' for the last 10-12 years now. It's not about commercialism here - no way!

    My family enjoy the holidays simply because it's aother great excuse to have a wonderful time together and eat lots of great FOOD!! Can't wait to make the prime rib roast, gravy, mashed potatoes, corn pudding, green been bundles, home-made rolls, salad and then afterwards for sherry, Irish coffees and English Trifle.

    Wish you were here!

  36. Anonymous9:45 PM

    @Colleen 7:51 PM

    Thanks for the link to that picture. It's amazing the progress that has been made in regards to LGBT rights in the last couple of years.


  37. Anonymous9:56 PM

    Oh, Gryphen! Don't you know that it's (proper) Christmas cards and TREES, not Christmas shopping that says, "family, faith, and freedom"?

    President Obama can't just decide which Christmas traditions to celebrate and how to celebrate them. Sigh. He must only celebrate Christmas as Saint Sarah dictates. After the fact. Get it straight, k? (yes, this is snark)

  38. Anonymous10:06 PM

    6:00 said It's a made up season; a "created" holiday, that is more centered around consumerism than it is in any of the reasons that people have found to celebrate any religious or solar event. It's just a "mass hysteria" event.

    With all due respect, I completely disagree. For me, it's an opportunity to spend time with family, sharing traditions like cooking, baking pies, kids playing with cousins, listening to Christmas music, etc.

    I do enjoy giving gifts, because I enjoy the process of finding something the person will really like and/or can use. However, this year my funds are very limited. I wasn't disappointed that I couldn't spend the money I usually spend (typically less than $500 for all my gifts). Instead, I enjoyed creating handmade gifts for friends and family. Yes, I will enjoy watching them open the gifts, and will know they will especially appreciate my time and creativity. So what? What's wrong with giving a few gifts? It's not "consumerism" or "mass hysteria." Maybe for some, surely, but not for us.

    And we are truly looking forward to driving to my brother's house to spend the holiday with them, sharing food, fun, and family traditions. It brings us all joy. And isn't that what Christmas is supposed to be about?

  39. Anonymous10:09 PM

    I loved the video's and pictures of Obama and Bo. How fun for those that were in the right place at the right time. How adorable was that little brown poodle that took a likin' to Bo? And what a logistical nightmare for Secret Service when he went off course. It was cool to see the SS doing their job.


  40. Anonymous10:15 PM

    Every time one of those right wing jerkoffs speak out it makes me hate them more and like President Obama more.Keep it up assholes.

  41. Count me among those that REALLY love Christmas.

    Growing up that was a big holiday in my family, and it is still one of the few times we all get together and reminisce. Which of course then reminds us WHY we only see each other on the holidays.

    As for my daughter and I it only changes our interactions slightly. I'm still giving her expensive stuff, except now she expects me to put a bow on it.

  42. Anonymous2:09 AM

    I wish he would have come to my Pet Smart. My dog would have loved to meet Bo.

  43. Anonymous3:55 AM

    Hey Big Juicy,

    Do you and Toad the Pimp call a truce on can throwing over Christmas?

    Will you and the family be watching video of Bristol dry humping on the floor on DWTS? BTW, we all think that was a special and touching moment.

    Will Willow be breaking and entering this holiday season? Will she have her aunt in tow to pick up some holiday gifts?

    Will Big Chuck be drilling anything special on the 25th?

    You should talk to your buddy Burnett about making a Palin Family Christmas Special. You could wear a Victoria's Secret Christmas teddy with your Belmont boobs. Maybe that would get a rise from the Toad.

    Have a CRAZY holiday.

  44. Anonymous4:34 AM

    Anon 5:11 PM

    You nailed it.

  45. I want to pat that butt!



  46. I dig Christmas.

    I think it's what you make it. My Christmas now is different than ones had growing up.

    I prefer quality and calm versus the chaotic mess I used to know.

    I suppose it would be very easy to get stressed if you are with others who have high expectations for presents (spoiled?).

    Either slap down your credit card begrudgingly, or come clean early and let them know this is how you roll ~ inexpensive gifts, handmade card, whatever.

    I got rid of my last straggler cards from last year and still needed more. I had fun making more cards, I used really pretty wrapping paper ($1 store) to make the envelopes.

    Happy holidays, Merry Christmas, and a super Sunday...


  47. Anonymous5:26 AM

    My guess is that Granny LuLu is surprised to learn that presidents have to buy presents, because I'm sure she was counting on an endless supply of freebies.

  48. Kimosabe5:40 AM

    Ha, until reading this thread it hadn't dawned on me that the dog Bo is named after president BO. I learn something at IM every day!

  49. Anonymous6:37 AM

    Don't recall where I read this comment criticizing also, too Bo being on the president's holiday card but it went something like this:

    Palin cultist: As, usual nobody is at home.

    Reply: And nobody is at home at Osama Bin Laden's.

  50. Anonymous10:45 AM

    The first dog is actually Bo Diddley, named for the blues musician rather than his owner's initials.

  51. Anonymous5:13 PM

    So cute, I LOVE our President!

    He's a good man.

    Thanks Gryphen.


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