Sunday, January 01, 2012


Well we made it through another year.

I promised you all last year that it would possibly be the worst year of Sarah Palin's life, and I think that without equivocation we can all agree that it was indeed.

Some of it was due to the GREAT books that came out and exposed her for who she really is, but of course much of it was due to her own incredible arrogance, ignorance, and the inevitable end of her years long political prick tease.

In the end Palin was forced to slink off of the national stage in defeat, and today can only be seen in her quiet exile at Fox News, where she is sometimes known to raise her bewigged countenance and howl at the moon about President Obama's foreign policies, or politics, or that damn National Enquirer.

Certainly NOT the future that she and her Flying Monkeys had once imagined for her now is it?

And, atheists or not, let's say a silent prayer of thanks for that, shall we?

So what does 2012 hold in store for us?

Beats the hell out of me. Though I do know that I personally have some loose ends to tie up.

I also imagine that I will put a great deal of my energy into working to get President Obama that second term that he so clearly deserves, and that our country so desperately needs. (If you would like to review some of Obama's highlights from last year you can click here to do so.)

I am also hoping to explore more in the realm of religion, and philosophy, as well as science.  I do enjoy those greatly, but have often found little time to write extensively about them.  I think I might make more time this year.

Let me also add how incredibly honored I am to have attracted such a diverse, intelligent, and rowdy bunch of visitors as all of you. You guys have made this last year a hell of a lot of fun, and I hope that the fun continues on for many more years yet to come.

Anyhow why don't we treat this as an open thread, and all of you, well at least those of you who are sober, can share your favorite highlights from last year, and your hopes for the year that lies before us.


  1. I love you and your blog! kisses

  2. Anonymous3:25 AM

    Let us hope that 2012 is even worse for her than 2011 was

  3. Anonymous3:44 AM

    Happy New Year!

    Since you mention religion, thought you might spare a moment and read this Wiki entry on science and Islam, because I know you refer to a "religion vs. science" battle out there, but in Islam, scientific fact is actually folded into the religion. For example, the modern scientific method was pioneered by an Islamic scientist.

    Not sure if Islam deserves to be grouped with other religions on this in your blog posts sometimes!

  4. Happy New Year, Gryphen. May it be very kind to you.

    And to start it off right:

  5. Anonymous3:45 AM

    Welcome to 2012, Grypen and always thanks for IM.

    I'm sending a contribution towards your 2012 endeavors..

    Thanks again...

  6. Sally in MI3:49 AM

    I so appreciate this blog, and your tireless work.
    Highlights from 2011? The end of the war on Iraq.
    The end of Bristol's TV career. The end of the Queen's political career (no matter what Newt thinks.) And any photo of our President with children.
    I'm with you: he does deserve a 2nd term, with a Congress who actually cares about more than waiting out four years "to take down Obama." So in with Liz Warren, and out with Boehner and McConnell. And so it goes///we are still hoping and still embracing change.
    Happy New Year, everyone!

  7. Anonymous3:52 AM

    The highlight of 2011 for me, Gryphen, was the safe arrival of our first grandchild, a boy, on December 23rd. The ultimate Christmas gift!

    My wish for 2012 to one and all:-

    Health, Peace and Sweet Content be yours...William Shakespeare

  8. Ailsa4:04 AM

    All the very best of everything in the coming year, Gryph to you and your wonderful daughter and to all those you love and those who love you and all those who love those you love and all those who love those who love you.

    .... and anyone else I've left out.

    A Guid New Year to ane and a'.

  9. Anonymous4:09 AM

    New Year but you still have your old obsession with Palin.

    Some things never change.

  10. Anonymous4:34 AM

    On a high note, I committed myself to the love of my life, and repaired family relationships that were estranged.

    I was going to say on a low note I gave notice to my employer, however, that actually is a positive move.

    I love your blog and thank you for it. Happy New Year to all.

  11. Irishgirl4:42 AM

    Happy New Year, Gryphen.

  12. MissSunshine4:45 AM

    I love movies, so let us know of any films you can recommend.

    As for 2012, I don't think there is a chance in hell that SP is going to invest her money wisely, and devote her life to raising her kids and taking care of her house and husband. We haven't seen the last of her nastiness yet.

    I expect 2012 to 2016 to be transformative in many areas - messy, exciting, challenging but ultimately rewarding as a good housecleaning and lots of scrubbing and sunlight is what this nation needs.

  13. I hope the economy continues to improve and stabalize world wide.

  14. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn5:11 AM

    Typing with one eye open--Happy New Year from the East Coast to Gryphen and the entire crew of Immoralists! You've been my therapy for 2 years now, even if I don't have always have a chance to comment. Thanks for all you've done to prove to a certain false idol that the world would be better off if she pursues a lucrative career in late nite infomericals, televangelism or franchised beauty salons for the trailer park crowd. Without IM and other bloggers, Sistah could still be "relevant" to more than just our little pals in the kiddie pool. May this upcoming year continue to send little reminders to her as well.

    I'll be working this year as well for our President, and fighting to keep our Web open and free. All the best for 2012!

  15. I am in equal measure fearful and hopeful for the new year, and for the world.

    To put my money on the side of hope, I am now one of the ~50,000 sustaining members of Avaaz. A small amount ($3 a week) from a lot of people CAN make a difference.

    Avaaz is a global web movement to bring people-powered politics to decision-making everywhere.
    (Member-funded, independent and accountable.)

    In the words, of RFK:

    It is from numberless diverse acts of courage and belief that human history is shaped. Each time a man stands up for an ideal, or acts to improve the lot of other, or strikes out against injustice, he send forth a tiny ripple of hope, and crossing each other from a million different centers of energy and daring those ripples build a current which can sweep down the mightiest walls of oppression and resistance.

  16. ywc achieve5:31 AM

    HAPPY NEW YEAR! All my fellow liberal comrades!
    We have a big job to do in the next 10 months.
    We have to make sure we get every Democrat we can, registered and voter ready.
    We have to make sure they get to the polls. OR vote by mail, or early if that is more convenient.
    We have to get out the facts about all the things President Obama has already achieved, thus far.
    Make this link go viral,
    Explain all of it to your friends, family, and anyone who will listen.

    And have a great, safe, and progressive New Year!

  17. Helen5:32 AM

    My first comment of 2012 will be to recommend 'must read' books that I read or re-read in 2011.

    on religion:

    Jesus Interrupted, by Bart Ehrman
    When God Was a Woman, Merlin Stone
    The Evolution of God, Robert Wright

    on politics:

    The Authoritarians, by Bob Altemeyer
    Conservatives Without Conscience, John W. Dean
    The Conscience of a Liberal, Paul Krugman
    Empire of Illusion, Chris Hedges
    The Shock Doctrine, Naomi Klein

    misc non-fiction:

    The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks, by Rebecca Skloot
    Enemies of the People, Kati Marton

    Happy Reading everyone and Happy New Year

  18. Whew! I passed out early (Eastern Time), so i'm up relatively early :)

    As stomach churning as the job is, thank you, Gryphen, for keeping your eye on $arah.

    (i think i'll go lay really still for a couple of hours)

  19. Anonymous5:51 AM

    what about Fred's book? What's the deal with Bristol new hidden child? What's the deal with Willow--is she their 3rd high school dropout? Are Track and Brita really married? What's the deal with his drug use? What's the deal with Todd prostitution ring? What about all the 'gates' that Sarah was under federal investigation for--dairy industry abuse, stealing funds and manipulating the law to build her house, illegally not paying her property house on her lake home, and all these terrorist militia ties with her and Todd?

    There are MANY lose ends to tie up. When are all these things going to exposed and prosecuted? Surely, JUST because she's not running for high office doesn't mean she's allowed to get away with unethical and/or criminal activity?

  20. Anonymous5:51 AM

    oh and what the heck happened to MeAgain?

  21. Happy New Year y'all!!

    Thanks again, G.

    Obama 2012!

  22. Virginia Voter6:16 AM

    Happy New Year! I put on my black party dress, and spent a fun night mixing up cherry and grape martinis for friends and neighbors, while we listened to music and talked about everything EXCEPT politics.

    Happy and Healthy 2012 for everyone!

    PS, I am canceling my Washington Post subscription tomorrow for printing that fraudulent skanks retarded op-ed

  23. OK. A serious moment here - because I really do enjoy IM, and I wish you all love and laughter...

    2011 may have been the hardest year of my life, so far. I feel that I slowly piece by piece have lost every material possession that (supposedly) defined me - or at least expressed my values and priorities. Even my 15 year career? = GONE.

    But, I am not my things. I am not my job. I am not my money. So, I move forward more clearly understanding my own values and passions.

    Now looking at one or two very different and more humanitarian paths...creating my purpose and "giving back" for 2012.

    I have very little "stuff" left, but I, usually, am standing taller. Go figure.

    Love, V :)

  24. Anonymous6:24 AM

    I'm going to go out on a limb and say that come March, TSWHTF.
    Occupy isn't dead and come Spring...look out because people will have had the whole winter to sit on the political BS. That and deal with Christmas debt created.
    I think if Palin is going to ever be exposed, it will be in 2012 since Anonymous is doing data dumps. I just found court cases released. They promise there is more and that stuff they are releasing now (on everyone, not just Palin) is the tip of the iceberg.
    It was a good year for IM, you published MANY hours of entertainment and information. Thanks for having coffee with me every morning (almost every morning), it was an interesting year.
    Oh, and GOLD Star for showing Jesus in one of many forms!

  25. Anonymous6:26 AM


    All smoke and mirrors.

  26. Anonymous6:33 AM

    Loser: Sarah Palin (1 of 19)

    Sarah Palin As the year began, there was no brighter star in the news media firmament than former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin, but as the year winds down, Palin's relevance has dipped below the MySpace line. So, what happened? How did she go from contender to dead-ender? Many media analysts point to her tin-eared response to the Tucson tragedy that left Rep. Gabby Giffords struggling for survival, and while that didn't help, she showed signs of recovery after that. What may have really worn out Palin's welcome, though, was her endless flirtation with a presidential run that was never going to happen. Now relegated to lesser Fox News properties and buzzless speculation about a position in another administration that will never happen, 2011 saw Palin's celebrity called before a media Death Panel.

  27. Anonymous6:34 AM

    Happy New Year, Gryph, and may you be blessed for all the GOOD you do in fighting evil.

    You're my superhero -- without the suit and cool gadgets!

    MUAH from the lower 48!

  28. carollt6:36 AM

    I started reading this blog when McCain announced that Sarah Palin would be the VP pick. I am not an atheiest and I have prayed everyday that Sarah Palin would just go away (and be happy Sarah). And it just might be that we can finally look at Sarah Palin in the rear view mirror; I certainly hope so. That was about the only good thing in 2011.

    But I will still be reading this blog because now I am hooked. I hope that the economy finally turns around in 2012. I hope Obama gets that second term. I hope the Democrats take back the House and increase their majority in the Senate. I hope Scott Walker gets recalled as Governor of Wisconsin.

    I still believe in hope and change and I see some good things on the horizon. Happy New Year to everyone. I hope we all can prosper in 2012.

  29. Happy 2012!

    Thanks Gryphen, for your steadfast blogging; I really enjoy reading here.

    My absolute all-time favorite book, for the bibliophiles here, is:

    The Plague, by Albert Camus. I cannot quite explain what exactly it is about the book that touches me so, but I read it about once every two years. Thanks Albert!

  30. Holly6:42 AM

    Happy New Year, Gryphen. May it be a happy, healthy and prosperous one for you & your lovely daughter!

    Today I'm grateful that the stars of Palin, Bachmann, Perry and other Christian fundamentalist candidates have dimmed. You, McGinniss & Novack (and Palin herself) deserve a significant share of credit for Palin's lack of luster.

    I have hope again that the separation between church & state will remain, but to ensure that we need to be vigilant.

  31. Anonymous6:47 AM

    I would like to share this wonderful post/quote I read on the 'Obama Diary'-- I love it ♥

    To quote ML:
    "I think this is going to be a year of praise and celebration. I think God is holding President Obama and his family -- His hand is upon them.

    "I think we are going to work hard and be strengthened and uplifted. I thank God that he has provided such a man as this to guide our country.

    "I thank God for Chipsticks, Donna Dem, and every other person who is working to keep our President in office. We will lift each other up and we will neither falter nor fail."

    "President Obama is doing the Lord’s work, taking care of ‘the least of these’, believing that there are opportunities for everyone, and treating all with respect, despite the disrespect that is shown him."

    "Darkness cannot drive out darkness, only light can do that. "Hatred cannot drive out hatred, only love can do that."

    "This will be a year of praise and celebration and victory.”

    By: ML at 'The Obama Diary'
    Fired Up And Ready To GO!!!

  32. Anonymous6:51 AM

    Shock Doctrine PISSED me right off! It was so weird to read that in 2011 and hear reflected to me things people in my small circle were talking about. Back then, everyone was so "RAH! RAH! RAH! BUSH! USA,WAR AND SOLDIERS!!!", that to think like we do now was a lonely tale." It's easier to know what's coming after reading that.
    Along the same lines, you might enjoy ,"Virus of the Mind: The New Science of the Meme, by Richard Brodie" and you also may enjoy a book called "The Woman with the Alabaster Jar: Mary Magdalen and the Holy Grail by Margaret Starbird.

    Enjoy your blessings. Mine arrived June second and was taken December 14th.

    Miss Sunshine, I believe the same. I look forward to the transformation, I do believe it will be filled with strife and heartache, but I believe the world will be a better place after the transformations happen.Personally, I am praying that it is a global change in conscientiousness, that we treat the Earth in a sustainable way as well as loving our fellow humans, the same way.

    Here's a thought all...try shooting Love at the politicians and those who get your hackles raised the highest.
    Happy 2012!

  33. Happy new year, Gryph!

    Although, I don't believe the last nail has been hammered. Didn't someone pair her up with Gingrich? Scary thought!

  34. Anonymous7:26 AM

    I kind of liked the self administered beating Palin gave to herself. Not only did outside influences impact her but her mouth did the rest. Congratulations Sara for your many idiotic statements.

    Personally, both of my youngsters are gainfully employed despite a crap economy. My own little business is starting an upward climb after almost three years of scraping for every nickel. A little shift in focus and a return of buyers with a focus on buying American has helped a lot. So, a small, and very carefully measured, thank you to ABC. How that right wing leaning organization came up with and followed through on their "buy American" series made a difference for my business several times. So it can work if we all put our head and hearts together.

    And thank you Gryphen for continuing the fight for truth about the Palin clan. She's like a killer asteroid, she missed us twice now but she's still out there in orbit. Let's hope this year ends with her finding a new orbit around Mars where she can crash harmlessly into the red dust.

  35. Our Lad7:27 AM

    Your work is important and it must be exhausting. Kudos to you and good health as well; your efforts to expose this dangerous and fraudulent huckster are appreciated by many.Do not falter, you will prevail and history will remember she who shall not be named in the same way that it has Joe McCarthy. Onward through the fog.

  36. Anonymous7:29 AM

    Happy New Year Sarah...

    Gryphen is still on the job to make sure you are held accountable for all your misdeeds and crimes.

    Sarah, your life must suck. You have grifted tons of money, but it will not bring happiness or success to your screwed up family.

    Keep trying to sell easy money reality shows.. maybe "Wild Alaska
    Lemonade Stands" starring Piper.

  37. Anonymous7:43 AM

    Gryphen and fellow IM'ers, my wish for all of us is a propserous, healthy and happy 2012.
    We all need to double down and make sure to get out the vote, in every way we can, our families, our country and the world needs this man of vision and compassion.

    I want to thank Gryphen for his insightful posts, I always come away learning something new or seeing things in a different light because of them and all the great comments.

    2011 put the old fanged swine in her rightful place, we need to make sure she stays there.

    Happy 2012, everyone!


    I had the distinct "pleasure" of spending New Year's Eve with my husband's boss and his wife. They're moderate Republicans but very smart and easy to get along with.

    They both voiced their disgust with the GOP ticket, and said they are thinking of voting for Obama in protest.

    I never thought of it, but surely there are a block of moderate/centrist Republicans who are turned off by conservative right wingers, serial flip floppers and liars.

  38. Randall8:31 AM

    Happy New year and keep fighting the good fight.

  39. Anonymous9:02 AM

    May you have a great New Year Gryphen. I love your blog. Also, may you find those theological answers you crave and for all of us, that we may find them as well. Can't wait for your future posts.

    To Anon. 4:09 - It's not an obsession with Palin. It's a healthy fear of persons/individuals who exploit, hurt, lie, and would do anything to be given power, with no Godly conscience. It is that which spawns worry, anxiety in people who feel they need to be the watchmen on the tower of the true motives of this angry shallow woman.

  40. Anonymous9:17 AM

    Anonymous said...

    New Year but you still have your old obsession with Palin.

    Some things never change.
    Many of us found this blog b/c of OUR concern for our country when the Grifter was foisted on us by McCain!
    Some of us weren't even involved in politics until Granny Grifter arrived on the scene. Gryphen's "obsession" with Dirty wig will continue until this grifter is brought to justice or just goes away 4 ever.
    So what is your excuse for being here...troll?
    You found this blog b/c of Granny too?

    Happy New Year Gryphen and one and all and Trolls,
    Bless yer hearts each and every one :)

  41. Anonymous9:47 AM

    Well I predict that in 2012 we can breath freely knowing that Palin, and most of the rest of the Repo Clown Circus will not bother us with well researched intelligent discussion of economics, foreign policy, health care etc.

    Sarah has had since summer 2008 to study up, and she hasn't started yet. (Think about that for a second as we go into 2012. Three years ago she was supposed to be being groomed for the POTUS and she's as ill informed now as she was then, and still thinks she is qualified to be in the WH.)

  42. Anonymous9:55 AM

    Thanks to Barbara Carlson for the quote from RFK. I passed it on to my daughters, now 27 and 31. I am very proud, watching that generation mature, here in Portland, Or.

    My sense is that a percentage of the IM family are old '60s 'radicals'. And that the TeaPartiers are 'squares from back in the day.

    What I resolve for this year is to keep on Speaking Truth to Power...especially the power of Fear. To walk out the door with Love in my heart, and act from that loving place. Fear and Love are as oil and water, cannot exist in same place.

    The Fear Mongers will be strong this coming year...and I will love to RFKs words for courage.

    Blessings on the Work in 2012.


  43. Anonymous10:06 AM

    Just googled from hint from above and found this--did anyone ever follow up on these and see what they are about?

  44. What a year it's been watching the Republican Party self-implode. Thanks for all your work in that direction Sarah!! More Popcorn, please. And here's to our awesome President and his second term!

    Thanks Gryphen for creating this community of misfit liberals in a world of crackpots afraid of their own shadows and all the boogeymen hiding among us. I will try to treat them with more pity and less scorn for 2012 (ok, easy to say with that little bit of New Year's Eve hangover buzz....)

    Happy 2012 fellow immoralists!

  45. Anonymous10:43 AM

    Here's a Texas college student whose twitter posted resolution is beyond disgusting. This dipshit is waking up to a bad day today. You know it's bad when you don't feel comfortable reposting his tweet. Has to do with the President, this little cocksucker apparently doesn't want him to finish his term. Help make T'Bone's bad day worse. Pass it on.

  46. Anonymous11:15 AM

    Anonymous said...
    Happy New Year!

    Since you mention religion, thought you might spare a moment and read this Wiki entry on science and Islam, because I know you refer to a "religion vs. science" battle out there, but in Islam, scientific fact is actually folded into the religion. For example, the modern scientific method was pioneered by an Islamic scientist.

    Not sure if Islam deserves to be grouped with other religions on this in your blog posts sometimes!

    3:44 AM

    This is so true. Remember, during the Dark Age/Early Middle Age that followed the collapse of Rome and the "birth" of christianity and fear, it was considered heresy to question the works of god and attribute natural phenomena to anything other than the work of god. Thru the Middle Ages, the Arabs kept science alive and discovery flourished. During this period many of the stars were named, hence many stars' names beginning with "Al" which means "The" in Arabic. Aldeberan, Algol, Altair, and too many to count. Arab mathematicians made great inroads to understanding complex math theory. When the Age of Reason finally arrived and Christians were ready to embrace discovery and Science once again, people like Michelangelo and Newton had the Arabs to thank for preserving scientific documents and keeping the idea of Science not only alive, but flourishing.

    I became very interested in this topic while in college and being an amateur astronomer have continued to study and read whatever I can find regarding the Arabic cultures and their scientific history. Unfortunately some of the Arab countries have faced their own "Dark Age" during the last few centuries as dictators destroyed scientific texts and questioned the holy purity of the relationship between Islam and Science.

    Here's a wiki that details some of the Arabic contributions to science and how they "kept the flame" burning when Greeks and Europeans became afraid to practice science.

  47. Anonymous1:21 PM

    Happy New Year Gryph and daughter and all IMers! Here's a book on "religion" which I loved: Lamb: The Gospel According to Biff, Christ's Childhood Pal by Christopher Moore. I suspect Christians will find it sacrilegious, but it is a very thought-provoking look at the possible journey of Christ during the years that the Bible doesn't cover. Excellent book and highly recommended. (Caveat: I didn't like ANY of the other Christopher Moore books, though).


    "A draconian piece of legislature making U.S.
    citizens vulnerable to legal abuse."

    "The NDAA, however, awards the President with what amounts to absolute and near-dictatorial powers. It allows him to detain any person on U.S. soil, including U.S citizens, for an indefinite time and without any charge or trial, if the person is suspected of supporting or engaging in terrorist activity or organization either directly or indirectly in the past, present or future.

    Worse still, the law does not require the furnishing of reasonable proof to lock up any individual the government considers a terrorist. Therefore, any suspicion, allegation or even remote possibility of being involved with terrorism could land a man or a woman in lock-up.
    The power of detention without trial remains with the government. This amounts to the violation of American constitutional right over "free speech and protection against imprisonment without due process".
    "Among other terribly depressing consequences, the bill makes it virtually impossible to ever close Guantanamo Bay," wrote political expert Andrew Rosenthal, in his column for the New York Times blog."

    Mind you I don't want a republican @ the helm, but a true liberal or progressive would be desirable. Never in my wildest dreams (or nightmares) did I think a constitutional scholar would let something like this fly.

    I cut Obama a whole lot of slack, but this much $ for military spending AND the shredding of basic constitutional rights crosses the line for me.

    Happy New Year???

  49. Anonymous1:59 PM

    That photo is so appropo!!! Made me laugh out loud! What a sick woman!

  50. Helen3:21 PM

    sillywhabbit - re: the book recommendations. I have made note of both and will look into them. Thanks and HNY!

  51. Anonymous3:30 PM

    Speaking of books, what happened to the "Fred" book? And why have you clammed up about it? Is it still a go? or has something happened to it?


  52. Beldar J Conehead3:56 PM

    Ok, I see this is the proper thread for it.

    Thanks, Gryphen, for what you've done this past year. The next 10 months aint gonna be any easier. Please keep up the good work.

    Even tho you've asked the IM community to clean up its collective act a bit, the comments have often been extremely insightful (and inciteful, also, too) and otherwise entertaining. Obvious trollery notwithstanding, of course.

    And I also want to apologize for referring to you as Mr. Fancy Pants Alaska Liberal Blogger but I only do it because I have a nagging suspicion that Gryphen isnt even your real name. (If a joke works well once, it gets even better when it's repeated over and over and over...)

    Happy New Year to all.

  53. happy new year to all!

    2011 was a tough one, got laid off,got another job making less, but all in all, turned out to be better than I had expected.

    Your blog is a refuge from the storm, a place to come to for laughter, entertainment and sometimes topics to muse over for days.

    May 2012 be one that we all find peace in our hearts and love in our actions. It's going to get really ugly out there the closer to the election but have hope, the repugs are their own worst enemies, kinda like the Tundra Turd.

  54. Not What You Want To Hear5:24 PM

    Please keep up with the OWS movement, too. Predictably, the mainstream media has gotten bored with it now that there's a lull in unarmed citizens getting pepper sprayed and beaten to within an inch of their lives.

    But OWS means so much more than just protesting in a visible spot. It means being visible and present in places where we long ago ceded power.

    Gryphen, this movement needs you to continue to be one of the witnesses to report and archive what what it means.

  55. Your blog is a port in the storm of insanity that is going on in the US. As a liberal in exile in Canada, I still maintain my citizenship and my vote. And there a lot of us up here. And we're organized and committed to getting every ex-pat who is eligible to vote for Obama.

    On the home front, 2012 is the tenth year that I have been blogging to save a small piece of public waterfront property from high rise development. Maybe this will be the year when the people are finally heard and we save our land.

  56. ThanksABunchJohn8:42 PM

    2011 for the rest of my life, will be the year I lost my father. After weeks away from my laptop, the first place I did finally come was here, just to read at first, then to comment. That says a lot to me about Gryphen and the people here.

    2011 was also the year Scott Walker dropped "the bomb" on my beloved Wisconsin. The Packers won the Super Bowl, but Walker obliterated all of that home state pride and divided us in ways most can't imagine. Friends, neighbors and families have been destroyed, and it's only getting worse.

    2011 was the year Gabby Giffords was shot, little Christina was killed, and Sarah Palin exposed her complete narcissism to most of the country with the unbelievably shocking Blood Libel moment.

    2011 was the year I cried for the first time over a television show going off the air since M*A*S*H. Keith and Countdown are back now, thank goodness.

    2011 was the year Osama Bin Laden and Libya helped prove that our President is a bad ass, and an impressive Commander In Chief.

    My greatest wishes for 2012:

    Wow, one was already granted... Tebow lost AGAIN, continuing the Palin Curse! Ha!

    Scott Walker, his lieutenant governaor, and the senators under fire, all find themselves in the unemployment line.

    There is never, ever another reality show with the name Palin in their title or on their list of credits.

    The tea party is finally dumped into the bay, where they belong.

    And of course:

    OBAMA 2012 !!!


  57. Calli Pygian8:48 PM

    SunnyVee- the blessings of the gods to you. You sound like you are on your best path. Didn't someone famous say, "Through adversity comes enlightenment"?

    As always, kudos to you Gryphen, for all of your arduous work. Know that it is gratefully consumed.

    To all who comment, regardless of your stances or beliefs, a peaceful and loving new year to you.

  58. Anonymous5:19 AM

    I must comment on the books to be read.
    A heartY yes. to:Conservatives Without Concience by John Dean. read this a long time ago, very good Book.
    The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks by Rebecca Sklool: another very good book.
    If anyone still hates blacks after reading this one, my advice would be give back aLL, vacinations and shots. Give back the pollo vacine you had as a child. This women has contributed more to the health of the people of this nation, all done without her consent. ALL done using her body cells as an experimment. This book. is required reading at the community College where I live.


  59. Back in town and catching up.
    I wish you the most wonderful and successful year. You are one of my few heros.
    love you....


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.