Friday, December 30, 2011

"Serial Fabricators" helping to spread hate and distrust of Iran.

Courtesy of Truthout:
Behind a mysterious December 22 Associated Press story about "finding of fact" by a District judge in Manhattan Friday that Iran assisted al Qaeda in the planning of the 9/11 attacks is a tapestry of recycled fabrications and distortions of fact from a bizarre cast of characters. 

The AP story offers no indication of the nature of the evidence in the case except that former members of the 9/11 Commission and three Iranian defectors provided testimony. What it didn't say was that at least two of the Iranian defectors have long been dismissed by US intelligence as "fabricators" and that the two "expert witnesses" who were supposed to determine the credibility of those defectors' claims are both avowed advocates of crackpot conspiracy theories about Muslims and Shariah law who believe the United States is at war with Islam. 

The only real effect of the case is to promote right-wing political myths about Iran. One of the peculiarities of such cases is that the witnesses are not subject to cross examination in court. The witnesses have every incentive, therefore to indulge in false testimony, knowing that there will be no one to challenge them. 

The lawyers and the "expert witnesses" behind the accusation of Iran in regard to 9/11 hoped to sell the press and public on recycled claims first made by Iranian "defectors" several years ago that they had personal knowledge of Iranian participation in the 9/11 plot. The lawyers produced videotaped affidavits by three such defectors who were identified, with a dramatic flourish, as Witnesses "X," "Y" and "Z." 

I would imagine that this is the same kind of "intelligence" that has convinced those bat-shit crazy Politichicks that Iran is going to attack America at any moment, and that Sharia Law is already being used in courtrooms all across our country.

However the facts about Iran, how they in fact deal with al-Qaeda, and how they tried to reach out to America after 9-11, are significantly different than what we have been lead to believe by the GOP warmongers.

US Ambassador Ryan Crocker revealed last year that, in late 2001, the Iranians had been willing to discuss possible surrender of the senior al Qaeda officials it was detaining to the United States and share any intelligence they had gained from their investigations as part of a wider understanding with Washington. But the neoconservative faction in the administration rejected that offer, demanding that Iran give them the al Qaeda detainees without getting anything in return. 

Iran's crackdown on al Qaeda continued in 2002-03 and netted a number of top officials. One of the senior al Qaeda detainees apparently detained by Iran during that period, Saif al-Adel, later told a Jordanian journalist that Iran's operations against al Qaeda had "confused us and aborted 75 percent of our plan." The arrests included "up to 80 percent" of Abu Musab al Zarqawi's group, he said, and those who had not been swept up were forced to leave for Iraq. 

In further negotiations with the Bush administration in May 2003, Iran again offered to turn over the senior al Qaeda detainees to the United States in return for the MEK captured by US forces in Iraq. The Bush administration again refused the offer. 

By 2005, a "senior US intelligence official" was publicly admitting that 20 to 25 top al Qaeda leaders were in detention in Iran and that they were "not able to do much of anything." 

In 2008, one US official told ABC news that administration officials had not been raising the al Qaeda issue publicly, because "they believe Iran has largely kept the al Qaeda operatives under control since 2003, limiting their ability to travel and communicate." 

But in the world of the right-wing Islam-hating extremists and others pushing for confrontation with Iran, reality is no obstacle to spinning tales of secret Iranian assistance to al Qaeda. 

Not quite the picture that the Neo-cons tried to paint of Ahmadinejad and the Iranian people, now is it?

And as you have seen recently even the current crop of  GOP presidential hopeful are going well out of their way to vilify Iran, and make it the new "terrorist bogeyman" in order to frighten Americans into voting one of them into the White House, so that THEY can protect us from another false threat to "our freedoms."

Look Iran is indeed a potential threat to Israel, and could really make life hell for them, but they are not a threat to America in any substantive way. Even if they were to get a nuclear weapons that would still not significantly increase their influence in the Middle East, nor make them anymore dangerous.

Remember Israel has nuclear weapons as well, and it is ridiculous to entertain the notion that Iran is considering an act that would result in their mutual destruction.

And let's not forget how this same type of fraudulent information impacted how we dealt with Iraq.

I certainly hope that by this time Americans have finally started to notice that one of the political parties in this country is determined to keep America in a perpetual state of war.

Here's a hint: It's NOT the Democrats!

(P.S. There is much more in the Truthout article and I encourage all of you to read it.)


  1. Anonymous11:39 AM

    Actually, I am more worried about the loss of freedom in my own country than anywhere else right now. I hate TSA and I really find it infuriating a corporation enjoys personhood status.

  2. Anonymous11:46 AM

    Watched the movie "Fair Game" yesterday on HBO; excellent piece on the Valerie Plame affair, and how the Bush administration manufactured evidence about WMD's in Iraq, in order to go to war.

    I highly recommmend it.

    And let us not forget those famous 16 words in Bush's State of the Union address:

    “The British Government has learned that Saddam Hussein recently sought significant quantities of uranium from Africa .”


    A newly declassified State Department memo provides the first hard evidence that the Bush administration manipulated and ignored intelligence in their thirst for war.

    Sixteen days before President Bush's January 28, 2003, State of the Union address in which he said that the US learned from British intelligence that Iraq had attempted to acquire uranium from Africa -- an explosive claim that helped pave the way to war -- the State Department told the CIA that the intelligence the uranium claims were based upon were forgeries, according to a newly declassified State Department memo.

    The revelation of the warning from the closely guarded State Department memo is the first piece of hard evidence and the strongest to date that the Bush administration manipulated and ignored documents information in their zeal to win public support for invading Iraq.

  3. Anonymous12:13 PM

    How about the recent hysteria about Ron Paul- an elderly southern Republican- possibly being racist just as he's getting plenty of anti-neocon votes?

    There's not quite the same media frenzy over the possibility that neocons like Joe Liebermann and Michele Bachmann might be racist themselves.

  4. Anonymous12:30 PM

    Gryphen, we need a smart person on this. Since Victoria Jackson and Politichicks actually referred to the FBI by name, can't they do something? At least if they were made aware of the situation, I would think they would send her a cease and desist type letter. You can't just go around claiming to have FBI connections, can you? I would think you especially could not do this on television. Would love an experts opinion on this.

  5. Virginia Voter12:31 PM

    11:46- beat me to it. I watched Fair Game last night too! Watching those real clips of Dubya, Condi, and Darth Cheney gave me the chills. All those lives lost, all that money spent for absolutely nothing.

    I'm telling you now, Mitt Romney has the SAME neocon advisers that Bush and McCain had. If a Republican gets elected we will wind up right back in 2003. President Obama is our only hope for staying out of another war in the Middle East.

  6. Sally in MI12:49 PM

    So the question is: do we return to the party of lies and manipulation aided and abetted by Ailes and Fox, or do we stick with the man who ended the illegal invasion of Iraq? I'd say anyone with a conscience and a brain will vote for Obama.

  7. Anonymous1:15 PM

    To go along with "Fair Game," read Susan Lindauer's "Extreme Prejudice."

  8. Anonymous1:19 PM

    I'll say it again. 9/11 was an inside job perpetrated by the neocons.

  9. Anonymous1:19 PM

    Excellent site. I'm glad you pointed it out.

  10. Anonymous1:35 PM

    I'd have no doubt that FOX and a Republican president, except Paul, would get us into war with Iran just to try to improve the economy. Defense spending puts a lot of money into the private sector and helps to create jobs. But, it doesn't do our deficit any good, which the Republicans since Reagan seem to have ignore. What a morbid means to improve our economy and waste young men, but conservatives seem to prefer defense spending over the lost lives of our young men. I've felt this way since Viet Nam, when it was the voters over 21 that controlled the voting box and not the young men they were sending since they could not vote. At least that has changed. Ron Paul seems to have more of a isolationist point of view, which may go too far, but at least he see's the none sense in war, except where we are directly threatened.

  11. Anonymous1:49 PM

    You are really pretty misinformed about Iran (#1) and Islamic extremism (#2). notice I didn't put them together. But its remarkable how naive and really not well read you are on both of these subjects. Try doing a lot more reading and research and from sources in the middle, not from the far right OR far left. If you think Iran isn't a threat or Islamoc extremism is not a threat, you are very very wrong. I'm not saying to attack or but to be so peace and love is silly. Have you read the Quran? You still think it's a book of peace don't you? Read! You rely far too much on sources with their own agenda. Of course G, you will blow this off because you aren't as open minded as you think.
    Read. It can't hurt can it?

  12. Anonymous1:53 PM

    Anon 12:13. Ron Paul IS racist! There isn't hysteria around it. It happens to be true. Read his OWN words. Oh wait you think they were made up to slander him right?
    The newsletters have been out there for years.
    Read the article on this blog about it.

  13. Gasman1:57 PM

    Way O/T, but HuffPo is quoting Gingrich as tossing out a VP choice -

    wait for it -

    wait for it -


    As God is my witness I hope it is so.

  14. Anonymous2:02 PM

    Thinking 9/11 was an inside job is just insane. There is no proof of it. So you think there aren't extremists who hate our guts out there? I'm sorry but that is just naive.
    And no Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11. But an inside job? It frightens me that people really are so unaware of reality. Visit the middle east like I have and multiple countries and you will change your mind quickly.

    Are those on the left becoming as brainwashed as those on the right? People seem to prefer paranoia to reality.
    There is an Islamic extremist threat. They are a small percent but they are real and to pretend they aren't or to blame the neocons solely is foolish. They also hate our way of life, the freedoms women have here, our Hollywood culture. It's not that big of a secret. Try visiting some Islamic countries as an American woman and see how you are treated. Then see if you can say hate does not exist or it's Israels fault or the neocons fault solely.

  15. Anonymous2:24 PM

    I find that Fox News is frequently reporting on Iran and making it seem like presently there is so much to fear. They harp on hypothetical possibilities and try to spin it as a real threat.

    Am so thankful that President Obama and company are reaching out in more of a reconciliatory way. Nothing is achieved by provoking mass fear like Fox does.

  16. Anonymous2:36 PM

  17. Anonymous2:40 PM

    It was Iran who got the Northern Alliance to cooperate with the U.S. when we invaded Afghanistan, and in return for their help and efforts to reconcile relations w/the Bush Admin, he labeled them w/ his "Axis of Evil" crap.

    The video shows the fraudulent (as flagrantly fraudulent as the ACORN video done by O'Keefe/Breitbart) hit piece Mile Wallace perpetrated against Ahmadinejad - and for which he was given an Emmy (most likely for his creative editing skills). Wallace's hatchet job reprises the same distortion started by an Israeli newspaper. The fact the uncut interview was available made no difference.

    It was Col. Larry Wilkerson, Colin Powell's frmr CoS, who flatly described the Neocons as "the American Branch of Netanyahu's right-wing Likud party." Everything they have done and everything they are trying to do springs from their "Israel First" mentality, and the cost to America, and Americans, be damned. They get a lot of support from right-wing Christians committed to protecting Israel (so JEEEsus will come back and kill the Jews himself), and they, too, seem willing to trash America whenever they believe it would benefit Israel.

  18. Anonymous3:05 PM

    Anon @ 1:35 Ron Paul has a "non-interventionist" foreign policy position. It's not isolationist, but he gets that label from the far-right who believe that if you don't want to go out looking for wars to start, you're an isolationist. By their standard, if you don't occasionally drop in on one of your neighbors and shoot his place up (and his family, too, if you want), you're anti-social.

  19. Nikogriego3:15 PM

    2:02 has not been studying the events of Sept. 11, 2001 because if he/she had, he/she would not have made the statement that "there is no proof of it." There is plenty of proof of it. Please review the information contained in the following websites:
    After reviewing the above, I challenge 2:02 to make the same ridiculous claim that "there is no proof of it."
    Neither Iran, nor Iraq, nor Afghanistan, nor Osama bin Laden had anything to do with the events of that day. These are the facts. The buildings were brought down with controlled demolitions. These are facts. WTC 7 was not hit by any aircraft, and came down at free-fall speed in its own footprint. That is a fact. 9/11 was an inside job, and people are going to have to find that out for themselves and not criticize those who have already reached this inescapable conclusion.

    Remember, if you believe the "Official Conspiracy Theory," then you are in league with the Bush/Cheney cabal, who never told the truth about anything during their reign. Why would they be telling the truth about the most important event of all? Why should anyone believe them about anything?
    And for those who think all "conspiracy theorists" are insane-the Official Conspiracy Theory is the most improbable of all, and is in itself a conspiracy theory, albeit one without the benefit of proven facts or scientific theory to back up its claims.

    Do your research before making specious claims and attacks on those who already have done the research. Wake up. Things are not what they seem.

  20. imnofred3:17 PM

    I also saw Fair Game and it confirmed what I already knew about the Bush administration. They manipulated information to get the results they wanted so they could feed them to the public via Fox News in order to support a war.

    The Republican war-mongering has already begun. I have no doubt that if we have a Republican President that we will attack Iran.

  21. Sally in MI3:27 PM

    OT, but I have been reading about Newt's crying over Mama today, and how 'human' it makes him. Why is it 'human' when Newt and Boehner shed crocodile tears to a complicit media, but 'weak' when Hillary cried...once...once! the midst of her contentious run in 2008? Next thing you know, Sarah will be on Fox bawling her contacts out on Hannity.."I just don't understand the hate, Sean, I mean for sure, I am the best mom I can be, I have that you know servant's heart to serve this exceptional land we love and know just as the Founders' imagined it praying, you know, to God who is where I get my strength in these tough times for all the Americans who, you know and I knew, have it tough under this socialist adminstration and I really true, will stop up that dike with my pinkie if I have to because the caring, Sean, the care and feeding of the masses is one of my strong interesting interests due to that servant thingie, and I so appreciate the support from Newt, who like Santorum has shown true conservative mind and will never take the security of this great nation on a hill for granted and will support war and our troops unlike the current socialist administration which withdrew the troops too soon too from Iraq there against the ideas of the commanders and you know, Sean, I would always listen to the men who are on the ground, and to God who tells me to kick through that there door and see the light the light on the shining hill and oh, Piper needs help with her homeowrk so gotta run. Send money to SarahPAC while there's still time!"

  22. Anonymous6:41 PM

    Anon 1:49 it looks like you have swallowed the neocon koolaid. Try reading some things from news sites not connected to Israel, the US and Britian. Also any one who has spent time on a kibutz as a summer vaction as a youth, or anyone who is holding Israeli citizenship and finally stop listening to AIPAC. While there is alot of insinuation floating around about bad the iranians start reading about how the palestinians are being treated on there own lands. It is quite enlightening and it reminds me of how the white americans of the 1800's treated the native americans and the taking of their land. Some one is pulling the wool over your eyes.

  23. Anonymous6:56 PM

    I think the neo-cons are trying to set up Iran as the next Iraq.
    Read Susan Lindaers book "Extreme Prejudice"
    Her blog is here:

    She does have a Libertarian bent after being locked up for 5 yrs under the Patriot act, but READ her book! She was a Anti-war DEM!
    No msm is covering this (shock I know) but I think (McCain) the war hawks are trying to set up Iran as we speak. Please read her book. The farce of 911 is exposed. Bush LET it Happen! Iraq never had WMD! They were bending over backwards (and forward) to accommodate USA,USA! Oh yes the clip above talks about how the CIA issued terrorists Visa's! Osama was a CIA asset!
    I had heard he was trained by CIA but didn't know this. WTF is going on?

  24. Anonymous7:10 PM

    Anonymous said...

    To go along with "Fair Game," read Susan Lindauer's "Extreme Prejudice."
    1:15 PM
    Anonymous said...

    I'll say it again. 9/11 was an inside job perpetrated by the neocons.
    1:19 PM

  25. Anonymous7:13 PM

    Have you read the Quran? You still think it's a book of peace don't you?
    Ummm I'd suggest the same for you, have you read your bible lately? Full of warmongering!
    STFU! Troll!

  26. Anonymous7:18 PM

    Anonymous said...

    Thinking 9/11 was an inside job is just insane. There is no proof of it. So you think there aren't extremists who hate our guts out there? I'm sorry but that is just naive.
    And no Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11. But an inside job?
    Allowed to happen...quote Susan Lindauer.
    Read her book. B/c of Oil and just b/c...

    OBTW: on her latest blog post the guy says the CIA GAVE VISA's to terrorists...GAVE THEM and Osama bin laden was a CIA asset.

  27. Anonymous7:40 PM

    While we are on the topic of 9/11, it may help to recall that Lowell "Bud" Paxson (who, in Feb. 2008, helped "persuade" McCain to choose Palin as a running mate), was the owner of one of the jets that helped fly bin Laden's family out of Las Vegas after 9/11 when no other planes were allowed to fly.

    "Paxson" also happens to be one of Trig's middle names.

    Paxson's personal jet was also reportedly used as the site of romantic encounters between McCain and Paxson's employee, Vicki Iseman.

  28. Gryph... The point is actually pretty simple. The republicans are not interested, at all, about what we think, do or say. THEY, thru use of lobbyists, racial hate groups, churches, bigotted social gatherings, single-issue political front groups, etc., have infiltrated every aspect of our society and are rotting it away from the inside - on purpose. They are literally trying to either take over the country and re-shape it for themselves (think 1984) or destroy it COMPLETLY.

    They have NO interest in what may make our lives better, or more productive, or better informed, or better educated, or anything positive..... Only to COMPLETLY control the outcome for themselves.

    The sooner folks in general understand this, the earlier they can take steps to protect themselves against this scurge. It's like a parasite in nature but this is neo-nut constructed for their benefit.

  29. Nikogriego9:18 PM

    9/11 was not just "allowed to happen."

    Incompetence cannot explain, for example, why three steel-frame high-rise buildings came down at virtually free-fall speed; why virtually all of the buildings' concrete was pulverized into tiny dust particles; why clusters of steel columns, weighing thousands of tons, were ejected out horizontally some 500 feet from the towers; why hundreds of tiny bone fragments were found on the roofs of nearby buildings; why some of the buildings' steel melted, even though the fires could not have gotten within 1,000 degrees F of the requisite temperature; why steel from the buildings had been thinned because of oxidation and sulfidation (which the New York Times called "perhaps the deepest mystery uncovered in the investigation"; why explosions were going off in the buildings long after all the jet fuel had burned up; why pools of molten metal continued to burn under the "pile" for over six week after that day; why Giuliani's people knew in advance that the Twin Towers and WTC 7 were going to collapse.

    The Trade Center buildings did not destroy themselves as a result of aircraft hitting them. They were blown to little pieces by pre-planted high-grade extremely sophisticated military type explosives, which could only have happened as a result of people within our own government participating in the plot.

    There simply is no evidence to support the official conspiracy story. It is a myth which has led us to endless war, huge profits for the war industry and other corporate masters, invented and unjustified hatred of Islam, unreasonable fear of future terrorist attacks justifying destruction of our civil liberties and expansion of war powers, and many, many needless deaths of US soldiers and Iraqis.

    It is perhaps the single worst crime our government has ever perpetrated in all the decades it has sought (and achieved) global hegemony through waging war, with the possible exceptions of the atomic bombs unleashed on the civilian population of Japan.

    To now equate Iran with the events of 9/11 is a further intended direct consequence of the fraud that is that day, to allow the neocons and others to unleash the massive war machine once again on the oil rich fields of an Islamic state. It is sickening.

  30. Anonymous4:14 AM

    Read this and get pissed:

  31. Anonymous8:08 AM

    Nikogriego said...

    9/11 was not just "allowed to happen."
    Obviously you didn't go to her website and read or watch any of her youtubes?
    I'm just starting her book, ok? So I can't say what is inside but she says 911 was allowed to happen. Now in her youtubes she goes into the fact that the towers were wired up for demolition...but says she goes into that more in her book.

  32. Nikogriego8:51 AM

    What's your gripe, 8:08? I am not attacking you or Ms.Lindaers, I am simply stating facts, and my conclusions extrapolated from those facts, based on my years of research into this subject. I may read Ms. Lindaers' writings, but that is not the issue, and I don't need to at this point, unless she purports to have inside knowledge of the events. If she believes the buildings were "wired up for demolition," as you state, then she cannot believe that the events of the day were "allowed to happen," unless she has a different meaning for the word "allowed" than I do.

    In the discussion of the events of that day, there are three camps:

    (1) The believers of the Official Conspiracy Theory (also known as the "incompetence theory"), i.e. a CIA asset with kidney disease in a cave in the mountains of Afghanistan, whose family has ties to the Bush family, orchestrated an attack on the US which overcame the greatest air defense system on the planet, caused the laws of physics to be suspended, was allegedly perpetrated by Islamic extremists who partied hard, lived with strippers, snorted coke, and were issued visas by the CIA, and thereafter only one of the conspirators was prosecuted, and no government officials were ever disciplined for their supposed failures;

    (2) The "allowed to happen" camp, which posits that the Bush administration, despite warnings given of the possibility of attacks, allowed this all to happen to further its agenda, by a "stand down" order given by Cheney, by ignoring the FBI flight school information and interpreter's warnings, and by ignoring the August 6 presidential briefing, all the while hoping and praying that the man in the cave with the kidney disease, and his minions of loyal incompetent Cessna pilots, will be able and lucky enough to pull this off;

    (3) The inside job theory, which is the only theory whose conclusion in the end encompasses all the evidence and does not disregard fundamental rules of science and logic.

    I really don't care what Ms. Lindaers believes at this point. I hope everyone does his or her own research and comes to their own conclusions.

  33. Anonymous9:47 AM

    "I really don't care what Ms. Lindaers believes at this point. I hope everyone does his or her own research and comes to their own conclusions. "

    Of course you don't b/c your closed to anything other than your own closed belief system.
    Susan goes into detail of events leading up to such as the Iraqi's willing to buy 10K cars made in USA, USA a MONTH, and giving rights to oil which were going to go to China & Russia who opposed the Sanctions on Iraq.
    I haven't gotten to HER take on the DAY of 911 but in her youtubes she does believe they were wired up. Since she was locked up for 5 yrs under the Patriot act that BUSH put into place to shut up people like her. She is not a tinfoil hat wearer either.
    Yes people should come to their own conclusion and not take what you or I say as anything but hearsay and investigate for themselves.

  34. Anonymous10:35 AM

    I haven't finished the Lindauer book yet, but i think she is saying that elements of our government or allied governments had both passive and active roles in the events of 9/11. Some of it (the passive part) she knows through direct personal experience.

  35. Anonymous5:08 PM

    Anonymous said...

    I haven't finished the Lindauer book yet, but i think she is saying that elements of our government or allied governments had both passive and active roles in the events of 9/11. Some of it (the passive part) she knows through direct personal experience.

    Yes I agree. Its a big and very technical book and not one you can rush through.
    Yes the personal experience I was trying to get that through...
    Thanks for clarifying...


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