Monday, December 26, 2011

Sometimes the things that President Obama accomplishes may seem small, but they also have significantly positive impacts on our country.

Courtesy of David Roberts:

Anyone who pays attention to green news will have spent the last two years hearing a torrent of stories about EPA rules and the political fights over them. It can get tedious. After a certain point even my eyes glaze over, and I'm paid to follow this stuff. 

But this one is a Big Deal. It's worth lifting our heads out of the news cycle and taking a moment to appreciate that history is being made. Finally controlling mercury and toxics will be an advance on par with getting lead out of gasoline. It will save save tens of thousands of lives every year and prevent birth defects, learning disabilities, and respiratory diseases. It will make America a more decent, just, and humane place to live.  

Paul Krugman weighs in:

As Roberts explains, we’ve known about these costs of mercury pollution for decades, yet it took until now to get something done. The reason is, of course, obvious: special interests, hiding behind claims of immense economic damage if anything was done, were able to block action. 

It’s worth noting that these claims of economic harm from pollution regulation have always been proved wrong when the regulation finally came. Ozone regulation was supposed to cripple the economy; so was acid rain regulation; neither did. 

Oh, and if we’re going to have to scrap some power plants and replace them, it’s hard to think of a better time to do it than now, when the workers and resources needed to do the replacing would largely have been unemployed otherwise. 

The point that strikes me most, however, is that this shows that it matters who holds the White House. You can complain about Obama’s lack of a strong progressive agenda, which I sometimes do, or wonder what good it is to hold the White House when the other side blocks every attempt to do good through legislation. But mercury regulation would not have happened if John McCain were president. 

As I have noted before, there is MUCH that this President is doing that we, the public, are simply never made aware of. 

In fact it seems to me that the main problem with the Obama presidency is not so much a lack of accomplishments, but a lack of the President blowing his horn to let us KNOW about his accomplishments. The sad fact is that because this man is so humble, we are not being made aware of just how great of a president he has become.

Dare I say that this President might be better served if he adopted just a little of George Bush's swagger?

Only this time it would a "swagger with substance."


  1. Folk get tired of hearing the perfect must not be the enemy of the good but it does bear endless repetition lest the Adversary prevail.

  2. We can only hope this swagger will infuse his 2012 campaign. I think it will. He's gearing up and will be flying when the other candidates/nominee will have collapsed. He's a steady, thoughful, persistent player. Never underestimate him.

  3. See

  4. Anonymous7:05 AM

    Thanks Nasty Liberal, for the eloquent quote. And Barbra Carlson for the link.

    I know his humbleness is mistaken for weakness, I'm guilty of it at times myself.

    But this is too big a deal to let fly under the radar. Compamies like Rohm and Haas have gotten away with polluting our air and water for years, only paying small fines and slaps on the wrist, only allowed to do it again and again.

    I haven't seen any definitive links, but I feel these pollutants contribute to a lot of illnesses and learning disabilities that used to be swept under the rug, thinks like Autism Spectrum and mesothelioma were unheard of years ago, and now we're more aware of the growing number of cases.
    I hope this ban helps find answers for the families and the victims

  5. It would be best if everyone could give up their addiction to swagger and re-learn how to honor substance. Obama has shown the way. Get an education and show that you're proud of it. Learn to speak your native language well, and show that you're proud of that too. Learn to truly respect other people, and show your respect. Swagger, theatrical costuming and giant waving flags and crosses aren't substitutes for true leadership.

  6. What omamma said!

    Real life is not a reality show - people need to look beyond the sound bites.

  7. Anonymous10:46 AM

    I couldn't be more thrilled with this decision. HOWEVER, the fact that the light bulbs (CFL's) being pushed on consumers now contain mercury and need to be removed from the market. Yes, they contain only a tiny bit of mercury, but it's in there.

  8. Anonymous1:06 PM

    I have been saying since last summer when the Obama administration scrapped it's higher EPA standards because of the economic impact it might have... I have been saying that if the government requires that emissions be checked, corrected and monitored it will CREATE greenish JOBS and will prevent catastrophies from happening. How could he fall for the corporate lies? I was really depressed by the whole thing. These new regulations are a good thing. And they will create jobs.

  9. I have said before: the only thing this President lacks is a better PR team.

    Thank you for posting this, G.


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