Monday, January 09, 2012

American Exceptionalism? Really?

New British two pound coin
American dollar bill
Am I being too sensitive? Or does anybody else find themselves embarrassed by this?

P.S. By the way I want one of those Darwin coins.


  1. Anonymous9:28 PM

    In God We Trust. All others need to pay cash.

  2. Anonymous9:34 PM

    Todd Palin: Why I Endorsed Gingrich

  3. Anonymous9:35 PM

    Cool! I want one two.

  4. Anonymous10:01 PM

    O/T - OMG. Just listened to Todd. He had nothing to say, seemed to be reading a script, repeated what he said....The only person he helped was Romney.

  5. Anonymous10:19 PM

    The Toad sez:

    "Newt is proven reformer!"

    Todd drank the Newt Koolaid.

    Toad is a political pundant also too.

    "I am glad she decided to sit this one out."

  6. Anonymous10:20 PM

    This endorsement is by a Fekin idjet.

  7. Anonymous10:47 PM

    You can find these coins on eBay. I recently bought one from an eBay seller in China, who sent it registered mail to my Wasilla P.O. Box. Type in: "Great Britain 2009 Darwin 2 Pounds Bimetal Coin,UNC" into the eBay search window. The seller that I bought from uses the name "wucoinbanknote" as an identifier, and it was a straightforward purchase. I first saw this coin on Jerry Coyne's blog "Why Evolution is True."

  8. Anonymous11:25 PM

    You're overly sensitive. But the coins really are pretty spiffy.

    Maybe Todd just admires a guy that cheats, and not only gets away with it, but gets to upgrade his wife, twice. It would be tempting (though still wrong) given what he has at home.

  9. Anonymous11:31 PM

    Boy does Toad have a high pitched voice.

  10. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn1:39 AM

    Anon @ 9:28pm: the words of the great Jean Shepherd. Even he realized this was a bit bizarre.

  11. A. J. Billings3:11 AM

    American "exceptionalism" is at best nothing more than national pride.

    The way the far right, the ultra right, and the christian supremacists use the term is an expression of how superior the USA is because of all nations, we are the most blessed by God.

    According to this belief, it seems that *only* America is a shining city on a hill, and we had a "manifest destiny" to kill all the native Americans, lord it over everyone else , start illegal wars, spread "democracy" around the world, be with world's policeman, and dominate others based on our superior and godly status.

    Excpetionalism is a pure 100% myth inherited from the manifest destiny crowd to justify whatever rape and pillage we want to inflict on anyone, and to bolster religious pride in how perfect we are as a nation.

    Utter tripe

  12. You asked if you are being too sensitive? Otherwise I would not comment. Coming from a devout agnostic, yes. Get over trying to impose your beliefs on others. When enough Americans want "In God We Trust" done away with it will be. Not everyone defines God in the manner you do. There are many definitions of God.

    The country has bigger problems than your childish rants about your belief in atheism. They are beginning to sound like debates in a freshmen dorm.

  13. Randall3:47 AM

    People who believe that having "In GOD We Trust" on our money is OK...

    don't understand our Constitution or religious freedom.

  14. Hoken4:02 AM

    While even our sitting president promised during his campaign to be "an instrument of God" and to "create a Kingdom right here on earth," the Brits have their own reasons to be tired of religion being foisted upon them by their politicians.

    Tony Blair, frmr PM, warned about "the growing threat of atheism facing the West" and "a growing secular attack from without."

    Right on, Tony. I worry about atheist car-bombers striking a blow for the one true non-faith, murdering health care workers, perverting our political processes w/ mindless beliefs and launching a senseless war b/c they believe they must get the mid-East ready for the 2nd coming of the one true Non-Believer.

    Not to be left sitting on the sidelines of The Blair Witch Hunt, current PM David Cameron, speaking on the 400th anniv of the King James Bible, declared England "a Christian country." He also described himself as a "vaguely practicing Christian," before going on to say, "we are a Christian country and we should not be afraid to say so." Neither should he be afraid to Not say so, given that in a recent study, a majority of his countrymen described themselves as having no religion.

    But then, that just proves Blair was right, doesn't it.

  15. The coin looks like Darwin is facing a chimp. Is is the coin a discussion ( controversial) statement? It has been out since 09.

  16. The Darwin coins are awesome! I want one also.

  17. Anonymous6:28 AM

    I don't agree with it but I'm not embarrassed by it. Too sensitive? Perhaps.

  18. Maple7:05 AM

    Google Hitchens vs Blair debate (Is Religion a Force for Good in the World?) The video is 106 minutes long but well worth watching. Christopher Hitchens demolishes Tony Blair......of course!

  19. Bill at 3:28:

    Stuff it, gramps. And your wimpy agnosticism, too.

    It's high time god-botherers got called on their pernicious, sappy, ubiquitous nonsense. I'm with Griffin - it's damned embarrassing for a nation that's supposed to be a world leader.

  20. "The country has bigger problems than your childish rants about your belief in atheism. They are beginning to sound like debates in a freshmen dorm." So wrote Bill at 3:28.

    Bill nailed it.

  21. Anonymous7:41 AM

    For Bill and Jude:

  22. Best conversation about religion I EVER had was during my freshman year of college.

    It went on for just under twelve hours non-stop (With bathroom and a pizza break) and it was between my roommate who was studying to be an Episcopal priest and myself.

    He had, I kid you not, total recall and remembered every word he had ever read. He was brilliant and the conversation was epic.

    Am I to believe that such a conversation is only permitted in a college dorm room?

  23. Anonymous9:04 AM

    "American Exceptionalism"...yeah, everything except the facts.

  24. Anonymous9:42 AM

    Not embarassing, per se, but definitely a glaring mixture of church and state by the federal government.

    And, why mix God and money, of all things, when money is one of the roots of all evil (religion being another)? Unless the "god" we're supposedly trusting in IS money...

  25. Anonymous9:49 AM

    What I don't get is why God and evolution have to be mutually exclusive. I don't see why evolution can't be part of an "intelligent design", which just took thousands of years to play out. That makes more sense to me.

  26. Shetland2:58 PM

    What I don't get is why God and evolution have to be mutually exclusive. I don't see why evolution can't be part of an "intelligent design", which just took thousands of years to play out. That makes more sense to me.

    9:49 AM


    Good point. Belief in God and understanding of the facts of evolution are not mutually exclusive.The Catholic Catechism says the same thing.

  27. Anonymous5:14 PM

    I am assuming the embarrassment is about the "In God we Trust."

    Notice it does not specify which or what God or even define what constitutes a God. Nor does it mandate trusting God.

    So no, I have not real problem with it. It is what some people want to do with it based on their person concepts that bothers me.

    If they didn't have this to misuse they would find something else.

  28. Anita Winecooler5:57 PM

    I'm not offended at all. I'm an atheist and having "in God We Trust" doesn't bother me as long as I can buy things with it. If someone has a hotline to the man upstairs, can you ring him up and ask him to do something with the shining cyclops UFO thingy?

    Thanks in Advance.


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