Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Well this is long overdue. MSNBC ousts Pat Buchanan over racist book.

Pat Buchanan after KKK Bukkake. Just kidding, he got hit with a cream pie. See what I did there?
Courtesy of Think Progress:

Conservative contributor Pat Buchanan’s tenure at MSNBC may have finally come to an end. AP reports that MSNBC president Phil Griffin has indicated the controversial former presidential candidate will not be allowed back on the network after the release of his latest book. “Suicide of a Superpower” has been roundly condemned for its racially-charged content, including chapters titled “The End of White America” and “The Death of Christian America.” Griffin said, “When Pat was on his book tour, because of the content of the book, I didn’t think it should be part of the national dialogue much less part of the dialogue on MSNBC.” As ThinkProgress has reported, Buchanan has a long history of bigotry and has made many offensive statements while in the network’s employ. 275,000 people signed a petition calling on MSNBC to fire him.

I have long wondered how MSNBC justified having him on as a pundit anyhow, since his racist rhetoric and rather batshit crazy views, are well documented.

Hell he is so far out there on the crazy fringe that Sarah Palin even supported his Presidential run in 2000.

What more proof could you possibly need to know that he is a racist lunatic?


  1. A. J. Billings3:21 AM

    O/T, but related in prejudice:

    Pope Benedict (Santorum's boss) bloviates on gay marriage as a threat to the foundations of society


    Here's what I want to know: does Rick Santorum get his marching orders from the Pope, or is he a much more radical Catholic?

    Does he secretly belong to Opus Dei? Or is he a closet follower of Marcel Levfebre, the ultra right guy who was to far right even for the Pope


    It would be worth having someone ask Santorum about who he really follows.

  2. Anonymous3:25 AM

    He is a racist lunatic, and I'm sure Roger will have a cozy place for him at Fox. Hell. when they let Queenie's contract expire, he can have her venom-spewing slot. Of course, the peebots will see this as yet another sign from Gawd that she is running, because Fox always fires the candidates to be. I do wish this election were done so the Democrats can finally set this country on the right track again.
    And Pat can rot in hell.

  3. Anonymous3:30 AM

    Finally! I always wondered what it would take for MSNBC to launch this loser.

    So long, Pat! You won't be missed.

  4. Anonymous4:44 AM

    Maybe he can co-host The 700 Club with his "twin" Pat Robertson. Spreading hate in the name of the Lord. "Yeah, that's the ticket!"

  5. Anonymous4:45 AM

    Is that Santorum on his head and face?

  6. Anonymous5:25 AM

    Yeah, but Sarah Palin isn't exactly on the crazy fringe politically. She's not Bachmann. She's not a homophobe or a racist. She's just nuts.

  7. jadez5:29 AM

    ITs amazing to me how people still dont understand that msnbc like ALL msm is right wing.

    thats why this guy has always found a voice on cnn nbc etcetc.
    he was a war monger and an insider having been a speech writer for nixon.

    so he has finally been put out to pasture after 50 years.
    big deal.

    and remember people YOU are responsible for this guy because you watch silly msnbc thinking maddow and their other hosts are liberals.

    heres some news for you NONE of them are true progressive voices and none of them offer real progressives a platform.

    blame yourselves for everything that happens.
    you all are very ignorant people.

  8. Hoken5:35 AM

    I agree, MSNBC committed an injustice by helping to legitimize many of Buchanan's outrageous opinions, especially his views on racial, immigration, and religious issues.

    In his defense, the attacks on him as being antisemitic seem to come from the ADL and the Israel lobby, and target him for raising legitimate questions about the wisdom of America's foreign policy with regard to Israel - which, of course, they don't like people to do. I find their antisemitic accusations as unconvincing as Buchanan's own claims about the "persecution" of Christians in America. Same tactic, and the same lack of resonance.

  9. Anonymous5:42 AM

    Buchanan is a stone damn hardcore racist.
    I abhor racists.

  10. Anonymous5:45 AM

    Anonymous said...

    Yeah, but Sarah Palin isn't exactly on the crazy fringe politically. She's not Bachmann. She's not a homophobe or a racist. She's just nuts.

    5:25 AM
    Palin is a racist, and homophobe. And she is mentally ill.

  11. Anonymous5:48 AM

    I'm glad that MSNBC has made this move against Pat Buchanan. I never liked watching/listening to him on the various shows he was a part. In fact, it got to the point where I'd change the channel. I was one that also contacted the network and suggested he not be a part of their panels. I felt him a racist. (I'm white.) There are others that should be banned too.

  12. Anonymous7:02 AM

    "Is that Santorum on his head and face?"

    Not brown enough and we all know how much Pat hates the brown.

  13. Pat is one of the old school racist! I think even Rachel Maddow never looked at him the same after his profoundly stupid and racist comments about slavery. Poor Rachel had to have another show just to explain how she didn't agree with "Uncle Pat".

    The old bastard will be just fine...he'll probably end up on FAKE News where he'll fit right in with Sean InSannity and Bill O'Really!

    I just can't wait until FAKE News finally gets rid of the mannish face, square jaw, bald headed lady from the snake pit of Wasilla and we can be done with her and her ill breed, hillbilly, KKK membership having, family!

    And as far as the trolls...Yes, Baldy is not racist...because she sure LOVED her some Glen "Baby Oil" Rice back in the day didn't she!

    And the way she is constantly drooling over the President is particularly UNSEEMLY! Please tell your Queen she embarrasses herself every time she mentions President Obama's name...I can see the drool right through my TV!

    She can forget it though...he likes that his woman has her OWN hair and it's not fallen out due to the stress of being constantly STUPID and UNINFORMED!

  14. #msnbc can never justify hiring him.

    He went way over when he called our President a boy.

    Good riddance. Rot in your hell.

  15. 5:25 AM


    Get real. she is on par with all repugbagger. Not a sane one among them.

  16. Anonymous said...

    Yeah, but Sarah Palin isn't exactly on the crazy fringe politically. She's not Bachmann. She's not a homophobe or a racist. She's just nuts.

    5:25 AM

    Oh, I'm so glad you wrote this, it gives me a chance to use my "Breaking the HillBilly Code" by Ima Troll!

    *thumbing through the book*

    Ahh...here's the chapter I want, it's titled "Are you a Racist? Can Hillbillies Right the Wrongs?"

    Uh oh troll...according to my book...hillbilly's are famous for being "homophobes" and are considered "racist" and that they are also "nuts"! It then goes on to say that said hillbillies aren't "exactly on the crazy fringe politically"...they are the fringe!!!

    Well troll, you might want to re-think your thoughts when it comes to Baldy Palin...the book doesn't lie! FACT!

  17. Anne In DC9:39 AM

    I've never been able to stomach Pat Buchanan myself. The very sound of his nagging, scolding voice echoing his anti-black, racist views was more than enough to turn my stomach. What took MSNBC so long to fire this waste of space?

  18. Anonymous 5:25AM said "She's not a homophobe or a racist. She's just nuts."

    No, she just married one ... with NO nuts. It's been documented that Sarah doesn't like 'Blah' people! OR Asians. And Bristol's "homosexual" remarks in West Hollywood show us that the word salad doesn't fall far from the sneeze guard ...

  19. Anonymous11:01 AM

    Anon 5:25 AM

    I beg to differ, she IS a racist hateful homophobe who also, too, pretends to be nuts, just in case she has to face a jury someday.

  20. Anonymous2:08 PM

    Now to get him off NPR.

  21. Anonymous5:25 PM

    Didn't he say Levi should be drowned in a creek? Sorry, I mean crik. If a Palin was to do it.

  22. Anita Winecooler6:27 PM

    About Time!
    I'm so glad to have signed the petition, shame it took thems so long.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.