Sunday, January 29, 2012

Bill Maher eviscerates the Republican talking points against President Obama in last Friday's New Rules.

This panel, which included Rep. Dana Rohrabacher Martin Bashir, and Kennedy who wandered in from the 1990's, might just have been the most raucous and incoherent group of morons I have seen in some time. (With the exception of Bashir, the lone voice of sanity.)

Rohrabacher is a complete douche and he said the stupidest things about the President that you can imagine, and when corrected with FACTS he simply refused to accept them. In other words the very embodiment of the Teabaggers.

Anyhow the New Rules segment was awesome!  It starts off a little slow, but stick it out until the end and you will be very glad that you did.


  1. Bill Maher was memorable last night, for the WORST. GUEST. EVER! Kennedy was incredibly rude and reminded me of Sarah with the word salad.

    Here is just one of many blog comments about this:

    "I just watched Kennedy make a complete fool of herself on Bill Maher on HBO. She came across as a misinformed loudmouth, confused and angry about something, I don't know what. Some advice from an old timer: Stick with what you know; you're a radio d.j. Play your songs and tell your Kardashian stories. Don't try to hang with the smart people."

    Totally agree. And Bill was ecstatic to move on to New Rules just to be rid of her. Now we know how the FOX News "pundints" feel when they draw the short straw for the Sarah interview ...

    Remember, remember, the sixth of November. Landslide!!!

  2. Anonymous7:26 PM

    I loathe Kennedy. She loves hearing the sound of her own opinions to the point that she seldom lets other people speak. I would have like to hear Bashir say more.
    M from MD

  3. ThanksABunchJohn7:42 PM

    Awesome!! I actually had to look up Saul Alinsky AND George Soros during the Beck plague. I love it when wingers bring them up, and I ask them exactly who they were. (Van Jones works well also, although I already knew who he was) Try it some time - it's hysterical. Another one that NEVER fails: tort reform. They never know what it is! Then, just for shits and giggles, ask them who signed TARP (you might have to remind them that it is the evil "bank bailout"). I've gotten Obama 100% percent of the time, and MAN is it nice to correct them!!

  4. Anonymous8:19 PM

    i really found 'kennedy' to be beyond annoying, but its what i generally see with livertarian
    types. they think Loud is how
    to convince.

    maher's vid spot was most excellent.

  5. Anonymous8:32 PM

    hotair has a pre-Fl survey up - time to play!!!!

  6. Anonymous9:43 PM

    Right wing batshit crazy plan: Impeach Obama if he won't extend the Bush tax cuts. But this should be taken seriously since it's Grover Norquist talking.

    In an interview with the National Journal, he mused that a GOP mandate would obviously enact an extension of the Bush tax cuts, work to maintain a repatriation holiday for corporate profits, and even pass House Budget Chairman Paul Ryan’s (R-WI) plan that jeopardizes Medicare. But when asked what Republicans should do if faced with a Democratic majority that won’t keep the tax cuts, Norquist had a simple answer: “impeach” Obama.

    Simple people love simple ideas- Sarah will be on this topic of impeachment within the week.

  7. Anonymous9:59 PM

    I asked my father and brother who are total rwnjs who Saul Alinsky was after I had received the same whacko email from them decrying this guy and aligning him with Obama. Guess what. They couldn't tell me anything about the guy except that he was "bad" and a "communist". Lol. The rhetoric in this country has degenerated to empty talking points and the level of information on the right is so low it scares the shit out of me. Our country is truly in peril.

  8. Anonymous10:05 PM

    Dana Rohrabacher (R -Idiot) has some excuses for this terrible performance.

    "Kennedy's aggressive and rude interruptions threw me off . . .," Rohrabacher--who has been involved in national politics for four decades--wrote in a Twitter message today.

    Even though it seemed to me that his 'facts' were lies and Maher called him on it. Maybe the guy is just a qwack that gets his 'facts' from Faux Nooz? How about this example of 9-11 tinfoil dipshittery? Seems to me I've heard something like this on Faux before.

    In a late night Jan. 5 Twitter post, Congressman Rohrabacher claimed that President Bill Clinton's "sex in the White House" caused the 2001 terrorist attacks that murdered more than 2,975 innocent people.

    Of course, Clinton's sticky mess with intern Monica Lewinsky occurred six years before the suicide-bomber missions, which--last I checked--happened more than seven months into the presidency of George W. Bush.

    "We paid for [Clinton's] folly on 9-11," the Costa Mesa Republican wrote at about 10:30 p.m. last night to a rabid Republican activist calling for the impeachment of President Barack Obama.

    He needs to bring this up the next time Bill Maher is giving him trouble with his talking points.

  9. Anonymous10:24 PM

    I thought the woman on the panel would never shut up and found her quite rude!

    Love Bill Maher!!! He nails it every time. Makes me laugh!

  10. Anonymous10:54 PM

    I didn't know who that woman was but she just had to throw in something stupid in whenever she could. I thought she was S.E. Cupp.
    Also, I have been meaning to tell you I love your "Remember, remember, the sixth of November." It reminds me of "Hooray, Hooray, for the eighth of May". I was wondering if this is a spin off from this very regional celebration? LOL


  11. Anonymous11:14 PM

    I forgot to mention that I really like Martin Bashir. When he joined MSNBC I didn't think I would like him, but was pleasantly surprised. I love his wry sense of he says 'indeed' to a guest that is full of BS. Very funny indeed!


  12. I didn't renew HBO after my $5 per month special expired. My heart aches every Fri night for being such a cheapskate refusing to spring for the reg rate of $22 for my Bill fix.

    It would be a nicer world if some of these fuzzy folks would turn off Faux for a minute and watch some pertinent and informative documentaries. (Netflix streaming advertisement lol) The tactics are tawdry enough but shifting the blame to liberals and the left is beyond galling.

  13. Anonymous2:05 AM

    I can't. I just can't do it. It took 4 hours, but I finally managed to watch 10 minutes of Sarah Palin being indulged by the "judge", only by taking hour-long breaks for each 2-3 minutes just to keep my head from exploding.

    Since they all seem to share their bullshit talking points with each other like The Clap - we'll just give Sarah Palin the shot of penicillin and consider it Teabagger-universal and apropos of this post.

    1. Apparently some of the United States believes that Sarah Palin is governor of Alaska. _She's not._ Perhaps some are operating under a misperception about Alaska. Wasilla doesn't have a Governor or any nobles. It's just a regular town in the United States.

    2. Palin: "'Pundents' and politicos, elites, and a far-away Washington, D.C., this 'Beltway', telling the electorate that 'Hey, by Florida it's gonna be all wrapped up and we'll have our nominee' and I'm sayin' 'No, don't let that happen...'"

    > Governor Sarah, YOU are a highly-paid elite PUNDIT (not "pundent")and politico. That's you; that's your job. Waaay far far away from the electorate, up there in Wasilla.
    You've never lived anywhere else in your entire life. You rarely traveled, even in the United States. Your contact with the US electorate is limited to celebrity travel in private jets and exclusive hotels, tended to by staff, drivers and a security detail. YOU are the MOST "elite" by far, isolated and insular. Ya oughta consider living in Washington, that Beltway, and get a little closer to the electorate.
    > Don't worry, be reassured that won't happen. Mostly because even IF the media WAS "telling the electorate" that "we've got our nominee", that doesn't determine the actual process and policy.

    2. "...quit experimenting through QE2 and now 3..."
    >Governor Sarah, you don't know what that is. But there's a buncha people who DO. Very smart and very experienced in stuff like banking, finance, investment, international trade. And a buncha plain old everyday Americans know what that is, too. Before you make yourself look more foolish, please brief yourself. Start here:
    James Bullard, President and CEO, Federal Reserve Bank.

    3. There's no such thing as "ObamaCare" OR "RomneyCare." Stop talking in urban vernacular slang shortcut cliches. Please. Really, Joe Public is smarter and more educated than you are giving credit for. It's insulting. Start talking about real stuff, using real vocabulary to express your opinions.

    4. "Debt-to-GDP ratio...that will bankrupt our country."
    > Governor, no, hon. You're misusing the term. It means the measure of a country's federal debt in relation to its gross domestic product. You'll have to figure out what you mean.

  14. Anonymous2:07 AM

    5. Newt Gingrich, NASA, the U.S. Space Program, etc. ALL of the Republican candidates have it wrong.
    > Governor Sarah, you are woefully ignorant and stunningly uninformed about space programs. Perhaps your knowledge is of the homeschooler theology-based science education variety. A perfect illustration of why fact-based science education is necessary.
    >Yes, the Apollo missions were expensive. Yes, president John F. Kennedy did indeed embrace getting Neil Armstrong to the moon. But it was not about his "romantic notion" or America being _First_ and getting the "win."
    Your information is about a decade off. Obviously you don't know that the Mercury program was under Eisenhower in the 50s. There was indeed a sense of urgency. Because the Soviet Union was FIRST (and still is, in a way).
    The Russian space program is a U.S. partner. Americans train at Star City, Russia. Soyuz was the back-up for the shuttle program (STS), as well as current American participation on the International Space Station (ISS).

    > With 20+ years in Washington, Newt Gingrich knows a great deal more than you do about the vision and projected space programs. Because he was sitting in Congress listening to this stuff. If you know anything at all about NASA, you can tell that Newt is shoplifting NASA planning concepts from George Bush's administration, as if they were original ideas. Stupid.
    We have a truly international collaboration going on with the ISS. It's already up there. _It's THERE._ The U.S. is in partnership with global space agencies. We can't opt out. And why would we?

    > Sarah, U.S. Space Camp has a really awesome Parent/Child camp that you and Piper could attend. I strongly recommend that you go. It could serve as a super cram session for all that science background that you didn't get in high school and college. And you'd have a great time. Until then, you should _just_not_go_here_ with the space stuff.

    Obama's (and NASA's) plan:
    The Space Launch System, or SLS, will be designed to carry the Orion Multi-Purpose Crew Vehicle, as well as important cargo, equipment and science experiments to Earth's orbit and destinations beyond. Additionally, the SLS will serve as a back up for commercial and international partner transportation services to the International Space Station.
    Charles Bolden, NASA Administration: "This launch system will create good-paying American jobs, ensure continued U.S. leadership in space, and inspire millions around the world.
    President Obama challenged us to be bold and dream big, and that's exactly what we are doing at NASA. While I was proud to fly on the space shuttle, tomorrow's explorers will now dream of one day walking on Mars."

  15. Paul - Minnesota2:49 AM

    Wonderful clip, Gryphen. Thank you. Bill Maher is excellent.

    I also feel wonderfully blessed. I had no idea who this Kennedy is as somehow I've never encountered her previously in my life. Yay!

    Except, darn me, I had to look her up (Lisa Kennedy Montgomery).

    Yuck. I watched about 10 seconds of her on some misnamed Reason TV video clip. If I hear of a (single named) Kennedy on any other videos, I'll gladly pass.

    I spent enough time in the 1980s being around (then, now long past ex-) friends who found their (almost the same religious fervor) born again calling, yet into libertarianism.

    I now quickly tune libertarians out rather than being Minnesota nice and giving them the opportunity to robot their drivel rants into my personal space. I've been walking away from libertarians for decades, no reason to stop now. I no interest in becoming part of the libertarian Borg.

  16. Anonymous3:25 AM

    The police will be shutting down Occupy DC tomorrow petition to park services here:,

  17. I can't stand when he has Kennedy on. I can't stand that woman. What the heck was Dana wearing...pooka shells? The best guy on the panel - Martain - barely got to say anything. Thank God for the New Rules!

  18. Anonymous5:37 AM

    Anon i9:59 PM. Alinsky was not a communist, or a socialist, or any of those 'ists'. He was a worker for the people. And he died when President Obama was ten years old. He has nothing to do with President Obama.

  19. Anonymous6:12 AM

    Truth to power - yes, the crazy email I get from my T party relatives confirm every point Maher made.

  20. Yeah, Kennedy was so rude, she would interrupt with, "I'm NOT interrupting!!!!" A disgrace to "satirists" everywhere. She even said, "Here's the real secret! -- all the leaders are douch bags!" Classy.

    Lisa Kennedy Montgomery is an Eastern Orthodox Christian. She is married to former professional snowboarder Dave Lee and has two daughters, Pele and Lotus.[citation needed]

    In a 2000 interview she is quoted as saying that she is a registered Republican but an ideological libertarian.[4]

    On January 18, 2011, she started appearing as Anthony Sullivan's assistant on PitchMen, looking for new inventions to promote in infomercials.

    Stick to your day job(s), honey. Leave the political satire to Bill Maher.

  21. Anonymous10:16 AM

    We watched Bill the other night and kept shaking our heads at how rude that woman was...she obviously had rehearsed her clever (in her own mind) comments ahead of time and was determined to say them, whether they were germane to the present discussion or when she brought her hatred of Unions up in the religious discussion.

    I felt bad that the third guy seldom was allowed to even talk.

    While I enjoy Bill most of the time, I think he deliberately has such guests just so he can look good. She reminded me of Ann Coulter whom Bill had on way too many times.

    WOW at the comments from that "dude" from S California. He looked silly with his grey hair and beads.

  22. @Alicat said: "Also, I have been meaning to tell you I love your "Remember, remember, the sixth of November." It reminds me of "Hooray, Hooray, for the eighth of May". I was wondering if this is a spin off from this very regional celebration? LOL"

    Thanks, Alicat! Nope, "Remember, remember, the sixth of November" is from the film, "V for Vendetta," only they say the "5th of November" for Guy Fawkes Day. Go 99%!!

    Peace, All. 2012 Landslide!!!

  23. Anonymous1:12 PM

    I was hoping Gryph had the time to watch that excellent bit by Maher, which I've referred to as the "Fictional Obama Theory."

    It REALLY makes sense out of all the Orly Tate type of crap the rightwing has been spewing, for 3 years running.

    Just MAKE UP a President who can be the boogeyman, and blame everything from economic to weather disasters on him...the people just eat up that malarkey.

  24. Anonymous1:48 PM

    I saw that whole program, and was glad that Bill Maher tried to get out there and make sense.

    Again, so indicative of the ignorant Rethuglicans who get out there with their lies and slick spin, hoping that people throughout America will actually buy into their BS!

  25. Anita Winecooler5:53 PM

    I absolutely adore Bill Maher. Political Satire and social commentary at it's best.
    The republicans, even though they're making all this "ist" drama up to appeal to the certifiable portion of their base and to make Obama the boogeyman crack me up.

    They didn't have any qualms with President GW Bush walking hand in hand and kissing the cheeks of Saudi princes. But , GAWD forbid Obama follows protocol- he's banded as "Evil"

    I don't necessarily have a problem with a President willing to converse with heads of state who aren't "friends" of the U.S. It shows intellecual curiosity and respect for the norms of other cultures. Being amicable doesn't equal agreeing with their political or religious beliefs.

    And, yes, Kennedy IS beyond annoying, and Bashir has THE best way of showing contempt without leting the subject immediately realize it. His calm demeanor baffles them every time.


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