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President Obama at Ann Arbor yesterday. |
Republican presidential candidates have devoted months, if not years, of their lives to chasing their party’s nomination, they’ve raised and spent (along with their super PAC allies) tens of millions of dollars, and they’ve participated in more than a dozen debates – each of which has attracted a massive television audience.
But a startling new poll underscores what has got to be a maddening possibility for Republicans: It could all be for naught – and there may be nothing they can do about it. The NBC News/Wall Street Journal survey points to a measurable uptick in optimism about the country’s economic direction, and in the public’s assessment of President Obama’s performance.
By a 37 to 17 percent margin, respondents said they expect the economy to improve in the next year; back in October, they thought it would get worse by a 32-21 margin. And the number of Americans who believe the country is heading in the right direction now stands at 30 percent – hardly a huge number, but a clear jump from the 17 percent who said so in the fall. Overall, Obama’s approval rating is at 48 percent, the highest it’s been in an NBC/WSJ poll since June, when he was still basking in the afterglow of Osama bin Laden’s demise.
The numbers are a reminder that a president’s reelection fate is ultimately more dependent on the state of the economy than on what strategy the opposition party employs and which candidate it nominates. If economic anxiety and pessimism are rampant, then winning a second term is a profoundly uphill slog, even if the opposition fields a supposedly weak nominee. But if the public widely believes that conditions are healthy or at least improving, then credit – deserved or undeserved – invariably goes to the White House occupant.
I have been saying this for some time now, but it is very gratifying to have others finally singing the same tune.
The President has taken some huge political gambles, and they are just now really beginning to pay off at a time when Americans are getting ready to vote to, either keep him in office, or choose a replacement from among some of the most ridiculous, and unqualified GOP candidates that we have ever seen.
But right now the jobs situation is turning around in a very noticeable way, the Affordable Care Act has become something that many Americans have already started to rely on, the Iraq war has ended, DADT has been repealed, and now that Richard Cordry has finally been appointed as director of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, thousands of Americans who left the warmth of their homes to protest Wall Street now feel they have somebody who is finally listening to them and addressing their concerns.
This is NOT reflective of the type of doom and gloom message that the Republicans are using to frighten Americans into voting for them. All we have to do is make sure the truth can be heard above the anti-Obama drumbeat issuing from the Republicans.
I'm doing my part.
Will you join me?
Chrysler just announced that they are adding three shifts, 1,600 workers, to the assembly plant near me. You know, Chrysler, the company Romney wanted to bury. The company that the Kenyan,Marxist,Socialist bailed out.
ReplyDeleteReality is a bitch, ain't it,G.O.P.?
My hope is that the Republican Party will ultimately be irrelevant.
ReplyDeleteIsrael wants Obama.
ReplyDeleteend of story
What rock do idiots like 5:51 live under. Israel wants Obama???? Maybe you should let Netanyahu in on that, or better yet, let that billionaire Zionist Sheldon Adelson know he just wasted $10 mill by funding the Moonbat Newt.
ReplyDeleteIsrael wants the batshit Republicans , any of em, all of em in office to start a war with Iran . There's no love loss between Bibi and Pres Obama. Oy vey these trolls get stupider by the day.
In my opinion: the only thing that can stop Obama is Italy....If Italy suffers some terrible economic collapse, that will hurt our economy and set us back and people will be angry again...
ReplyDeleteAlthough, if Obama does something to PREVENT the collapse of Italy, that would be a different story. In my mind, I can't understand why people are blaming the economy's sorry recovery on Obama...when Europe is way worse off than we are, which is...what's slowing our growth...in a good economy, Europe would be taking advantage of the currency difference and investing in America and getting our economy going. But they can't because of Greece, Spain, Portugal, etc. If Italy collapses, though, and Germany doesn't do anything to help it, everything can spiral down again.
So, basically, Italy and Germany could destroy America by giving us an idiot for president. Maybe this is their revenge for WWII?
PS: If Italy collapses, it'll be because the economic policies of Berlusconi -- the exact same policies put forth by Mitt Romney and the GOP -- failed. So, basically, Obama could be defeated by an economic collapse caused by economic policies that he opposes - and a bunch of idiots spouting those same policies will get elected here...
The AG of Maryland, BO Biden, and other AGs around the country are going after the fraud the banks perpetrated on the American people.
ReplyDeleteYesterday, AG Biden told reporters now that the President has given the power to prosecute fraud with the new agency, the law has the funding and the "teeth" to go after them. The AGs don't want to & will not let the crooks get away with the fraud and will not stop their investigations!!!
At the same time, I happen to know for a fact,(myself & many others from 13 states are in class action suit) that the shit is hitting the fan on these greedy banks.
The stark contrast of the failin gov. from AK & the tea party freaks with their ignorance on parade, compared to our courageous and intelligent President is apparent to the entire world!
Looks like the 'temporary president' is here to stay Granny Grifter.
ReplyDeleteChoke on it.
And as for you 5:51, your story is pure fiction. And purely delusional.
There you have it in a nutshell why Republicans have done their best to block everything that the Democrats and our President have tried to do.They are willing to sacrifice all of us,to try and elect one of them.
ReplyDeleteWhen the headline on the HuffPo politics page is "Chainsaw To Whipsaw: Things Get Ridiculous, Credit The Candidates," and Her Heinous gets minimal press over her ghost-written Facebook manifesto, I'd say people are waking UP to the inane which the GOP has become.
ReplyDeleteCan hardly wait to see how Her Heinous mucks stuff up tonight. We KNOW you will, Sarah! I've got my big fly swatter in hand. Come out and play, pretty please?
The gop does not have a single candidate who comes anywhere near our President in terms of likeability, temperament and connecting with REAL people. The other side are all wealthy, self important, posturing flakes.
ReplyDeleteI despise people who make things up for the purpose of manipulating people to do what they want. Playing the fear card is a potent tool of manipulators who depemd on turning people against a target to control them to side with them. One level is intimidation and another is terrorizing people like with fabricated death panels.
ReplyDeleteInstilling fear controls people to not check out facts or seek truth. Manipulators claim unique knoweledge covertly convincing people they alone know and no one else does.
People play into their traps like prey.
I loathe such despicable dishonest people. They casually use to throw people away portraying self as a victim of the very victimization crimes they intentionally commit.
5:51 Why would Israel need President Obama? They have had Liebermann, McCain and Newt's sponsor (the Las Vegas billionaire) working overtime for them. President Obama puts the USA first.
ReplyDeleteI have long said that the GOP offered up McCain/Skank because they knew they could not win.
ReplyDeleteThis time around they are not offering up anyone of substance because they do not want to win. They need our president to do what they cannot. The people running are doing so merely for their own personal gain, not to win.
All the hard work the tea party and others did to crash the economy, kill off Obama's appointments and just plain make it hard to govern so Obama would be a one term president, wasted. What a waste.
ReplyDeleteLook, let's get serious. The repubs KNOW they have little chance of winning in 2012. But that doesn't mean there isn't SHITLOADS of money to be reaped by the act of pretending to run. Most of these losers "just happened" to release a book while they were running. What an amazing coincidence!
ReplyDeletePalin wasn't even running, but by keeping the question alive and "accidentally" showing up in primary states while "real" candidates were announcing, she attempted to promote a book and a "documentary" while also, apparently, trying to sell more "reality" tv shows.
It's all about the money and the fools they part it from.
Of course, then you have megalomaniacs like Gingrich who probably does really think he's got a chance to win.
"Israel wants Obama.
ReplyDeleteend of story"
Er... what? More like end of your last braincell, but thanks for weighing in the conspiracy/anti-semitic POV.
Regarding the Affordable Care Act, I rather like calling it Obamacare. It gives credit where credit is due and takes that name away from the RWNJs.
ReplyDeleteIn fact, come to think of it, I love calling it Obamacare and say it with love and pride in our President.
Try it...you'll like it!
And @ANON 6:17 You wrote:
ReplyDeletePS: If Italy collapses, it'll be because the economic policies of Berlusconi -- the exact same policies put forth by Mitt Romney and the GOP -- failed. So, basically, Obama could be defeated by an economic collapse caused by economic policies that he opposes - and a bunch of idiots spouting those same policies will get elected here...
The right-wing fanatics don't get irony. And they hate anyone who points it out to them: it only makes them seethe and us feel righteous. What a black-white world America is right now. Can't be good.
The doom and gloom preaching is working, at least for the more ignorant. A trip around the internet show some comments, ranging from cry babies that the country they know will not survive another Obama term; others think they need to do ANYTHING it takes to make sure Obama isn't re elected, or the world is coming to an end.
ReplyDeleteThey are frantic and desperate. The GOP and some of the 1% rhetoric is winning with these morons. I don't think they realize what violence and unrest they are stirring up.
Desperate people do desperate things. It scares the hell out of me.
"Israel wants Obama.
ReplyDeleteend of story"
Well, HALLELUJAH! This means no more GIANT Star of David necklace worn by Queenie! No wonder she switched to Wilma Flinstone.
Once this election is past us, I look forward to the books that will dissect it, especially the Republican side of things. Another Game Change if you will.
ReplyDeleteElection 2012 will be looked upon with revulsion and horror by future historians. It will serve as a lesson to all that an uneducated electorate is a terrible thing to behold.
On a more hopeful note, 2012 will be the year that Obama gets the landslide he so richly deserves.
I don't think any debates are relevant. Look at 2008. There were no concrete reasons people voted the way they did. It was ALL feeling. And that is why we're currently effed.
ReplyDeleteDemocrats had no substance then or now. GOP candidates will be ridiculed out of jealousy and blindness.
Sadness. We've got to stop politics of personal destruction. It will stop good people from running. There's a reason no good people arein natl politics.
Also too....if Queen Esther is holding out for 2016, I'm laughing my "dumbarse" off. Her stints now are almost like watching a segment of "Tales From The Crypt."
ReplyDeleteI'm in! The republicans can suck it!
ReplyDeleteLynne said...
ReplyDeleteRegarding the Affordable Care Act, I rather like calling it Obamacare. It gives credit where credit is due and takes that name away from the RWNJs.
In fact, come to think of it, I love calling it Obamacare and say it with love and pride in our President.
7:37 AM
I agree, Lynne. I also like "Obamacares" which I saw suggested somewhere.
Gryphen, I just read that Grover Norquist is calling for the president's impeachment if he wins. I really think the Obama campaign and anyone, in fact, who wants to avoid the ugly farce the Republicans put us through with Newt Gingrich need to be publicizing this as widely as possible.
ReplyDeleteNorquist is a very influential person in the Republican Party. In fact, Republican legislators seem to be fearful of him. If he is gunning for impeachment, they are sure to fall in line.
So, if the Republicans actually seize the Senate and the House, we should be very concerned that impeachment will be their driving goal.
I have (and continue to)hope that as many as possible Republicans throughout the nation will not be re elected to seats they currently hold. (Most assuredly those held in our United States Congress!) The majority of them have proven to be liars, unethical and a sorry group that have a horrid work ethic.
ReplyDeleteThe national Republican Primary they have been running has been nothing more than an utter joke! What a sorry bunch of candidates they have displayed throughout the process. The very worst being Newt Gingrich, Rick Perry of TX and Santorum!
Their party is a disgrace to the United States and is the laughing stock of our country and world!
Thank God, we have President Obama who has been doing one hell of a job in spite of Congress! He is, and has been a steady, thoughtful, respectful, smart leader! I can hardly wait to vote for him AGAIN and I'm most delighted that his popularity is back in spite of all the negative that has been put out there constantly about him since he was elected.
Don't forget to vote in November!!!
The Republicans wasted the past three years trying to make President Obama a one-term president.
ReplyDeleteIf they had tried to work with the president and for the people, they would have something more to run on besides, anybody but Obama.
Now it's looking like "Nobody but Obama," and I couldn't agree more.
Obama 2012!
Andy Borowitz: Gingrich's campaign in Florida seems to be dying, so I expect him to leave it soon.
ReplyDeleteSure would be neat if the money being put into Florida for the Republican primary was used instead for those w/o food and shelter. Would be so VERY much more worthwhile!
ReplyDeleteVote in November folks! President Obama will be elected AGAIN!
My laugh for the day: Someone on Facebook today described a Gingrich/Palin ticket as "an indigestible combination of cracker and nut".
ReplyDeletePretty lively session with Bill Maher and panel discussing the skanky, disrespectful Brewer and our honorable Mr. Obama...
Well, Lookie here!
Jan Brewer Investigated by Feds Over Criminally Insane Son's Social Security Benefits
Federal authorities spent more than a year investigating Governor Jan Brewer's role in collecting Social Security benefits intended for her mentally ill son, Ronald, who currently is in a state hospital after being found not guilty by reason of insanity in 1990 on kidnapping and sexual assault charges.
The federal government, according to the Arizona Republic, which broke the story, was trying to determine whether $75,000 in benefits were improperly paid to the governor on behalf of her son.
Yes, Brewer is the same governor who earlier this year cut healthcare benefits for an estimated 135,000 poor Arizonans.
The Republicans have all been about doom and gloom and vicious hatred of President Obama. While they try to say that HE has created the appalling divisiveness in America, people who are truly intelligent have to look at this, and come to the conclusion that it is the petty, ignorant Republican politicians in DC who are only all about their own self-agendas. They have been obstructionists and THEY are truly why our great country hasn't been able to move rapidly forward. They try to attack and think that by using their "politics of personal destruction" they will be able to manipulate the good, decent people of America to buy into their spin.
ReplyDeleteYes, I believe our great country IS truly moving forward, but very slowly. Unless the voters get informed from credible sources and REALISTICALLY open their minds to what has really been going on in our great America, the last few years, then the people who are truly NOT about moving America and ALL her people, will succeed. Romney is an example of the "1%" who is totally out of touch with the 99%. He spins and lies, and flip-flops in order to manipulate people into thinking he could actually really even begin to help solving America's problems. His off-shore tax havens have not created American jobs, and he really doesn't even begin to "have a clue." A vote for Romney is a vote against all the awesome . decent hardworking people of America!
I think the Republican primaries and debates are the best thing that could happen to Mr. Obama. The contrast between the SOTU speech and the "debates" was incredible. Its like "finally, something that makes sense!"
ReplyDelete9:43 am
ReplyDeleteWouldn't that be distributing the wealth? The hard earned dirty money from lobbyists who only want to push their own agendas? Who cares if people are starving because Wall Street people needed another car or home, and screwed them out of their homes?
Well I do. I agree with you. And Jesus. The Jesus that all those complaining hold in such high regard.
Jean @ 6:22 -
ReplyDeleteSome of the angriest criticism of this administration from the left has been for the lack of prosecution for the crimes committed by Wall Street speculators and manipulators.
The creation of this group will go a tremendous way towards satisfying the desire for justice that many of us are feeling. Why should those people who demonstrated a complete lack of conscience or integrity be permitted to get away with destroying our economy and the financial security of 99% of us while making themselves filthy rich in the process? It's long past time for them to pay for what they did in the name of greed.
The AG from NY who has been appointed as head of the group has a reputation for honesty and tenacity that will serve the group well. I wish them success in their pursuit of justice on behalf of those of us who are powerless to do so.
Yeah, Nefer, I like that too.
ReplyDeletePresident Obama has been greatly blessed by a feckless field of clods as the slate of GOP presidential contenders. The Republicans could still face a brokered convention, but what sod would they put forward instead of the present collection of self inflating wife hoppers, liars, frauds, incompetents, and imperious pompous buffoons?
ReplyDeleteI am amused that the GOP would credit cloudy days to president Obama, but not the across board positive economic indicators that he indeed is making progress shoveling out the mountains of elephant shit from the Bush/Augean stables. They are now faced with the dilemma of being seen as actively trying to sabotage the recovery or at least doing nothing constructive while they fear monger and lie.
Actually, I think that the economic recovery is President Obama's strongest asset come November. He can rightly say that about 23 million people or so are still employed because he was not ready to give up on our auto industry. Virtually the entire GOP was ready to kill our domestic auto industry, even if it meant plunging us into a second Great Depression, just to spite President Obama and the Dems. What a pack of loathsome fucks.
The president's second great strength is foreign policy. Wow, a Democratic president who trumped the GOP on both the economy AND foreign policy. The GOP surely didn't see that one coming.
My idea for an Obama bumper sticker:
"The auto industry is alive and bin Laden isn't.
Thank you President Obama."
Yeah, Nefer, I like that too.
ReplyDeleteAnon @ 5:51,
ReplyDeleteI see you shoved your hand up your ass and extracted the little nugget "Israel wants Obama." Do you have ANY demonstrable, verifiable evidence to back up your profoundly ludicrous statement? Any pronouncement from the the prime minister, the Knesset, any data at all?
You are a brainless dolt whose blind rage at our black president renders you insensible.
No - I take that back.
You were already insensible before President Obama took office. His presence merely enrages you to fits of imbecilic apoplexy. Now you get to flippantly dis both our black president AND the Jews in one snotty remark.
Fuck you very much, you bigoted asshole.
This is only a guess, but 5:51 may have wanted to say something along the following lines:
ReplyDeleteYes, many in Israel want a war with Iran, but there is enormous dispute within Israel as to the pros and cons of this, and despite what you hear, those who oppose such a war are in the majority. Yes, Newt is tied with many Jewish neo-cons, but many Jews in Israel oppose the neocon agenda, and thus agree with Obama. But aside from the issue of who stands where with regard to Iran, consider the enormous insult to Jews resulting from the Mormon practice of post-humously baptizing Jews . . . . into the Mormon religion! This includes baptizing Holocaust victims and survivors, the former being people who died for their Jewish faith. News just leaked today that Romney personally had his wife's atheist father baptized post-humously . . . . into the Mormon faith. Such concepts of spiritual totalitarianism and disrespect for the dead are anathema to Jews everywhere.
Moreover, Romney has also taken numerous secret vows to the Mormon hierarchy that, if widely known, would destroy his political ambitions. In short, he has taken blood oaths to do all he can to perpetuate Mormonism – at any cost, even if it means lying about what he has done. Those oaths supercede every other oath that Romney has ever taken and ever will take, including any oath he would take to be sworn in as president, because they involve a death penalty if he ever violates them. Romney, unlike the run-of-the-mill Mormon, is a Temple Mormon, which is what required him to take such oaths. (NOW do you understand why he is so wooden – and so powerful?)
I can just about guarantee that NO ONE in Israel wants someone like this in the White House. There are few things more sacred to Jews than freedom of conscience. Add to that the fact that they would be dealing with someone who had taken a secret oath, punishable by death, to lie to and deceive others in order to perpetuate Mormonism, and you have what I would call a radioactive candidate (as far as Jews are concerned – and probably Christians, too). I am not a Jew nor an Israeli, but I greatly value freedom of conscience, and I don't want such a president, either.
Read what a former high-level Mormon has to say about the Mormon oath system, and the Mormon plan to take over America:
@ Anon 5:51:
ReplyDeleteSarah, you and your surrogates project a lot on to President Obama that better describes your own situation, both in the past and currently.
But this particular projection is particularly objectionable and stupid. Isn't anyone there (from the security forces) supervising your posts?
I mean, are you some kind of anti-Israel agent posing as Sarah (or a Sarah-paid troll)? Or are simply as stupid and as bat-shit crazy as we think you a -- swimming out way over your head?
Whatever, my best to your patrons, the Adelsons, and their patron, Netanyahu!
I'm in my mid fifties, and have never seen such a pack of fools on the GOP ticket, which helps contrast how much President Obama has accomplished, how he carries himself in foreign matters and his ability to see the big picture.
ReplyDeleteThe economy is showing signs of improvement, but even if it flatlines, I'm confident President Obama will approach the election and frame it to his benefit.
I'm with you, Obama 2012!
I am fascinated by the looks on the faces of the people who get to visit with our President up close. It seems joyful, yet reverent.
ReplyDeleteWhen you look at all the faces in a crowd with any of the GOP candidates.........well, it's disturbing.